How to use scented candles correctly. Scented candles: choosing and using correctly Scented candles name

This post-instruction is for those who prefer really nice-smelling candles to the chemicals that are sold in our stores. Of course, there are manufacturers who add truly natural oils to their products, but these candles are very expensive. So if you have a desire to tinker a little and try your hand at making candles, have patience and, of course, free time, this post is just for you.


I will try to give you as brief and clear instructions for making scented candles as possible.

You will need:
- wax or paraffin (you can use old candles);
- essential oils of your choice;
- lace;
- scissors;
- small glass jars into which candles will be poured;
- heat-resistant dishes for melting wax;
— a special thermometer for measuring the temperature of molten wax (optional);
- thin wooden stick;
- tape measure or ruler;
- cutting board;
- nut for holding the cord.


1. Wash and dry the containers into which you are going to pour candles. These can be small glass jars, tall glasses of various shapes, ceramic or porcelain cups.

2. Cover your work surface with baking paper. Since the wax will be soft, it may stick to the table, and it will be quite difficult to remove it.

3. Break a block of wax or an old candle into small pieces - this will melt them faster.

4. Now you need to prepare the wick for the candle - make a “seed”. This will make the wick match the color of the candle, burn slower, and make it easier to install. So, first you need to melt the wax! Pour a small amount of small pieces of wax or paraffin into a bowl and place it in a water bath. When the wax melts, place the wick of the length you need there for 20-30 seconds. Then remove from the bowl using tweezers and place on baking paper. Straighten the wick, level it and roll it a little on the table, as if you were making a sausage out of plasticine. Leave to dry for 10 minutes.

5. Once the wick is dry, thread it through the nut, which will help keep the bottom end of the wick at the bottom of the candle. It can be found either in craft stores or borrowed from tea candles.


6. Heat the wax again, add the remaining pieces and melt. Then add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. You can make mono scents, or you can try mixtures. For example, a few drops of cedarwood oil, a couple of drops of eucalyptus and three drops of citrus essential oil. Stir the wax well with a wooden spatula.

7. Remove wax from heat. Pour about 1/4 of the wax into a heatproof bowl.

8. Pour some wax into the prepared candlesticks, making sure that the wick is always in the middle. Leave to harden for 20-25 minutes. This will help keep the wick in the middle when the candle is filled to the end.

9. Heat the remaining wax, pour it into a heat-resistant bowl and fill the candles to the end.

10. Carefully screw the remaining top of the wick onto the wooden stick so that the tension is not very strong. Otherwise, you may pull the nut from the bottom and have to redo everything all over again. Attach the wick to a stick and place it on the edges of the candlestick so that the wick remains in the center of the candle.


11. When the candle has cooled completely, trim the wick so that a small tail about 5 mm long remains above the surface.

Trim the wick tail each time you use the candle. This is especially true for candles with glass holders, which can burst from overheating if the wick is too long.

. It is not known at what time and in what region the culture of using scented candles originated. But what is known for sure is that almost every culture in which scented candles were or are present contributed to the creation of the highest quality and effective tool that could help a person in his life.

Thus, the burning of powdered herbs and roots, most common in African countries, brought its unique influence to scented candles. The grass, burning in the flame of a candle, creates not only a unique atmosphere, but also influences the energies of the subtle plane, thereby turning the simple lighting of an aromatic candle into a small magical ritual that can change a lot both in the person himself and in his environment.

Scented candles have a very wide range of uses. The easiest way to use a scented candle is to light it in your bedroom an hour before bed or throughout the night. During its burning, an aromatic candle will give off that power and form the necessary influence on a person. And the state of peace in which a person will be will only strengthen and strengthen this influence. It is no coincidence that scented candles are often placed in bedrooms, because even unlit, they emit a delicate aroma that is captured by human receptors and creates the necessary influence. But you should be careful about the scents of candles for the bedroom, because “active” scented candles can cause insomnia and increased excitability (however, this does not apply to candles that enhance sexual activity).

Scented candles are not just candles endowed with a certain aroma, they are part of human culture, the roots of which originated in Ancient Egypt. It was from those ancient times that pharaohs and priests began to use extracts from plants in order to influence the people around them and themselves. “If nature provides such an opportunity, then why not take advantage of it?” - this, or something like this, may sound like a person’s desire to make the most efficient and effective use of what the world around us gives us.

Strength and confidence, stability and comfort, cheerfulness and inner harmony - scented candles can have many aspects of influence. And in order to use all these aspects, you just need to light a candle.

A distinctive feature of aromatic candles used for magical and ritual purposes is that you do not need to believe in them, they do not need to be anointed, and they do not necessarily need to be used for their intended purpose.

A scented candle is something that works on its own to provide the impact it has. It is enough to read the annotation to the candle and compare its influence with the purpose and objectives of the magical ritual or rite. Place, light, gain influence - this is how you can characterize the principle of operation of an aromatic candle in magic. She is not “instead”, she is “not in spite of”, she is simply together, in the way that you determine for her.

When a woman strives to win the love or attention of a particular man, then her desire is dominated not only and not so much by selfishness dictated by a simple human “I want”, but by a deeper, natural desire to get the strongest and most successful, capable of protecting her and her family, creating a home and protect him from any adversity.

This desire is inherent in us by nature itself, and nature itself, in the form of the smell and aroma exuded by such a woman, attracts the attention of a man. But what if this is not enough? What to do if he is “blind and deaf” to natural urges? Almost never did such a man’s behavior become an obstacle to his attention and feelings.

The aromas that nature gave us have always helped in achieving this goal, and despite all the “denials” of the male sex, they always fell into the snares set by the woman.

Scented candles can not only bring novelty into our lives and enhance certain aspects of our lives, but also return to city residents what they are deprived of - the power and smells of natural phenomena. We are children of nature who sit in a concrete jungle that smells of gasoline, oil, asphalt and paint. Is this what our body really wants? He is part of nature, but not part of concrete and stone. Missing his natural habitat, he gets sick, grows old and becomes decrepit. And we are faced with a choice: allow him to be destroyed or give him what he needs.

Many scented candles, containing natural ingredients, can strengthen our connection with nature, give us what we lack and what we need. Maybe not completely, but a little is better than nothing at all. Better a breath of fresh air after the rain than a breath of smog...

One of the unique properties that attracts magicians and esotericists to scented candles is the presence of natural components included in their composition. Herbs and oils have an influence not only on the subtle plane of a person, on his psyche, but also have an impact on the world of energy, in which various kinds of entities can pose a danger or threat to a person.

Many people know or have heard about the influence of incense. But there are at least 100 aromas and herbs that have an equally effective effect on the essences of the subtle plane, protecting a person, purifying a room, expelling them from a person’s environment. It would seem a simple and at the same time proven method over the years - a scent that brings peace and prosperity to the home.

Among the scents used in scented candles, the pure aromas of trees and plants predominate. The creators believed that it is in its pure form that the aroma of a particular plant has the maximum effect. Indeed, the mixing of aromas gives rise to something new, but one should not abandon the classical influence, proven over centuries.

These candles are especially popular among those who are familiar with the concepts of herbal medicine. But in our case, when using scented candles, you don’t need to drink anything. Inhale the aroma of the plant you need and get the influence you need. Combining herbal medicine and aromatherapy gives even more amazing results. The ability to combine and use different components, making an impact in all the necessary directions.

Scented candles often include floral scents. On the one hand, such a candle is much more durable compared to an ordinary flower, but on the other hand, it is able to release its aroma “on demand”, precisely when it is urgently needed.

Floral scented candles are part of the magic of natural scents that can be used without any restrictions. They are like a bouquet of flowers, always by the way and always in place. In the bedroom, in the bathroom, in the kitchen - spreading their aroma, they bring warmth and comfort, create a unique atmosphere and do not require special care and attention.

People of the 21st century have separated themselves so much from nature that many of the opportunities that it can give to their children have begun to be forgotten. The trees that surround humans have natural medicinal properties that can provide relief or recovery from various diseases.

But the forest is far away, and nature is hidden behind a layer of concrete and asphalt. And in this case, things that have preserved and transferred the power of nature into the human world come to the rescue. Even if not entirely, we can use only part of the opportunities that nature gives us. But a little, a little is better than nothing at all, and hope is better than complete hopelessness.

Scented candles containing the aromas of living nature are small natural helpers that bring the power and influence of nature into our home.

The components that make up scented candles are in most cases found in everyday life. They, having certain properties and qualities, are used by people who do not always know about their influence, but always use it for their own benefit.

For example, the aroma of cinnamon, which almost always decorates the foam on a cup of cappuccino coffee. In addition to the charm that a brown strip of cinnamon powder gives, shading the whiteness of the milk, it also performs another task. Vivacity, sharpness of thinking, mental focus - all this, combined with the influence of coffee, creates a unique drink, popular all over the world.

Some of the most popular scents used to create scented candles are herbal scents. There are several reasons that prompted manufacturers and consumers of these products to pay maximum attention to this particular line of candles. Firstly, a person always associates the aroma of flowers with spring and summer - a period of maximum natural activity, when everything around is in bloom, full of strength and filled with purity and light. Secondly, a flower, no matter what it is, provides aesthetic pleasure, lifts your spirits and creates a festive atmosphere. And thirdly, all of the above, combined in a scented candle, is extremely important for people - a positive mood, joy, comfort and celebration!

In terms of their impact on the world around us, scented candles serve two purposes. Firstly, they create the necessary mood for those who inhale the aroma of the candle. Secondly, they create a unique atmosphere in the room, changing it for many hours. Thirdly, in addition to the aromatic effect, candles have a magical effect - the ability to harmonize many processes occurring both in a person himself and in his life. It is this property that puts scented candles on a par with magic candles, allowing them to be used as a basic or auxiliary component of a magical effect.

In the description of each candle you can familiarize yourself with both the aromatic effect and learn about the magical properties of the aromatic candle.

One of the amazing things about scented candles is that they can have an impact on the world around them without even being lit. The candle's subtle yet powerful aroma has an impact on everyone who inhales it, but doesn't demand attention or need to be lit.

This property of scented candles is due to the fact that the candles contain natural components that have a smell and, as a result, an effect.

You can simply place a few candles in your apartment or at work - they will create the necessary impact and help transform your world.

One of the priority areas for using scented candles is Household and Professional Love magic. Smell, aroma, subtle vibration of natural energies - this is what penetrates through any constipation and barriers, makes a person more pliable and receptive, sharpens feelings and sensations.

Experts recommend keeping at least one candle in the bedroom, whose effect is focused on the love and sexual spheres of a person. A candle won’t make things worse, that’s a fact, but it will make everything that happens between a man and a woman better, stronger and brighter.

In Professional rituals, scented candles of Love Magic are also indispensable. They form a subtle, but at the same time very strong background of the magical action, which is then strengthened by the magician.

In India, China, and Egypt, aromatic oils and aromatic ingredients were considered not only an integral part of culture, but also something that no one connected with magic could do without. The scents that were used then are still used now, without losing their relevance because over all these years human nature has remained unchanged. We react to aromas and odors, translating them into unconscious impulses, forming commands and creating behavior patterns.

Breathe and change your life - you could say so. Light a candle and change your life - it can be done differently. It doesn’t matter what emphasis is placed, it is important that the candle will always achieve the goal that was assigned to it.

Almost all scents and oils used in scented candles have healing or therapeutic properties. The aroma of a candle, subtly influencing a person’s sense of smell, reconfigures his nervous system and has a stabilizing effect on emotions and general mood. To paraphrase a phrase said by the ancients, we can say that “A healthy mind is a healthy body.”

In order to get a positive impact from an aromatic candle, it is not at all necessary to tune in and prepare for something - the candle burns, and you (or the one who needs help) go about your business. And so, step by step or breath by breath, a change will occur that will lead a person to calmness, comfort, healing.

There are a variety of aromas you can find in nature, but each of them requires certain knowledge and skills that allow you to use it to its full potential. Thus, some aromas can only be used in oils, and some only in their “pure”, natural form. Not all aromas are able to transform under the influence of fire, which enhances the effect, allowing you to get even greater effect from their use. More than one century passed before people learned to properly use the forces of nature. But this path is not complete - there will still be discoveries, there will still be breakthroughs. But in the pursuit of something new, one should not forget the “old” and proven means that always gave the desired result.

When interacting with fire, natural components behave differently. Something “burns without a trace”, absorbed by the power of the elements, something shrouded in the power of flame, forms a new force in the world that does not exist in its natural state. This is an act of creation that is accessible to a person and can change his life. It is only important to know exactly how this can be done.

You have two paths - the path of Research, which is not afraid of the “side” effects of its actions. And the path of Healing, in which you, using old proven data, change your life for the better. Everyone chooses their own path and everyone is free to go down it. Happiness in life cannot be acquired, but only found - this is what the ancients believed.

The past cannot be undone - what happened changed the world and created it as it is. But the present and the future have always been and will remain in the hands of man. If you strive to correct the past, you will not succeed. If you want to create a regrettable future, the universe will help you.

Scented candles, which can “free” you from the burden of the past and give you a chance for a happy future, are in demand not only in meditation and are used not only in contemplation techniques. They are ready to give you help and support in times of despair, depression, and disappointment. They, as part of nature, are capable of regenerating man. For the future…

In ancient times, it was customary to light magic candles before going to bed. And the reason for this was not to “drive away evil spirits” and provide a person with a restful sleep, but also so that in a dream a person could receive the help and support he needs.

While awake, our attention is more focused on the processes of the surrounding world and less on our internal state. Sleep helps to “get” to our subconscious, but often does not provide peace.

Scented candles can give you something that no psychoanalyst can give you - the ability to dive into your own subconscious, giving help and support, creating exactly the effect and influence that you need.

In predictive magic, candles play a very important role. They protect a person from the influence of forces that can interfere or upset plans. A candle or candles used “in their place” help eliminate the emotional background, increasing the reliability of the forecast or prediction.

And a candle that uses aromatic components can take prediction to a whole new level. Not only will it have a protective and cleansing effect, it will help you tune in, correct your emotional background, and create the necessary support. And if you need to correct the situation, the energy of the candle will already be at hand.

Why do you think witches work by candlelight? That's right, they simplify their lives in order to concentrate on the main thing!

For those who are familiar with the rituals of Love magic, it is well known that it is important not only the correct and high-quality conduct of the ritual itself, but also the preparatory work that precedes the ritual itself. If a person is ready for influence, then it will give the maximum effect inherent in the ritual.

It is for this reason that the room in which the ceremony is performed is cleaned by placing magic candles in its corners. They eliminate negativity, shaping the energy of the room for the desired influence. And if a magician adds the aromas of herbs and oils to these candles, then this creates ready-made portals in the energy of the surrounding world through which almost any influence can be realized.

Fragrances have found their use not only in magic. Many religions use various aromas and smoking in order to create the necessary atmosphere, sentence believers to the service, and create a protective background during worship.
Smoking is what they used to call the burning of various aromatic herbs for the glory of the Gods. This created great goodwill and shaped the favor of the Celestials. It was believed so, but it is still considered so.

If you intend to correctly and successfully carry out magical, ritual, ceremonial actions, then aromatic candles, as well as incense, should become an integral part of the ceremony for you.

Associative and figurative perception helps to get the most from the use of magical and aromatic candles. You just need to light this or that aroma, and your consciousness will kindly provide you with an image and a plot that your actions will strengthen.

People, inhaling certain odors, unconsciously tune in to a certain mood, thereby becoming more susceptible to various kinds of influences.

Those who practice Love magic know that often a person perceives his partner by the smell that he exudes. The smell, closely connecting a person’s subconscious with the forces of nature, guides, guides and motivates him.

In addition to the unique individual impact that each scent and each scented candle has, one cannot help but mention the combined effect. 2 or 3 candles with different scents, lit in a room, can give an effect comparable to a small magical ritual.

Each of the candles, exerting its individual influence, begins to interact with the other candle, enhancing and complementing the effect of its action.

. Thus, a Chamomile Candle, lit together with a Rose candle, can relieve tension in relationships, clear connections between people, and bring calm and tranquility to relationships.

By combining the influences of candles, you can create your own aromatic influence schemes.

Spiritual practices aimed at immersing a person into the depths of his subconscious in order to explore his inner world and his capabilities are extremely complex. They are complex because, despite a person’s selfishness and egocentrism, his interests are closely connected with the world around him and those who are in it.

Only a small portion of the information, thoughts, and experiences that a person “processes” relate specifically to him. The ancients knew about this and tried to shift a person’s point of attention, directing it into the depths of the subconscious.

To achieve a similar effect, along with guided or story-based meditation, it was recommended to use various aromas that increase a person’s sensitivity, creating the necessary mood.

The ability to ward off evil, evil spirits, and negative energy is inherent in every scented candle. Fire cleanses, eliminates everything superficial, illusory, alien, not allowing it to get closer to the place where it burns.

Since ancient times, the influence of Fire, as well as Fire itself, has been considered sacred. He could do a lot, but only with those who knew his character and his abilities.

Not a single person can describe everything that fire can do, what it is capable of. But at the same time, one person will be able to say what he has done or will do for you.

This person is you. Not a consumer, but an ally, not a performer, but a creator of his own happiness, walking hand in hand with the Power that lay at the basis of all creation.

Scented candles are a favorite decorative element of any housewife. For many, it is also a remedy for depression. After all, watching a flame fascinates, hypnotizes, calms and distracts from annoying problems. A burning candle fills the house with aroma, warmth and comfort.

No wonder, in any store there will certainly be a rack with candles of different shapes, colors, and scents. Even the price range is particularly diverse. It is unlikely that, looking at the fragrant decoration, it would occur to anyone what dangers lurk in this cute invention. But everything that concerns the home and the health of household members is not a trifle, even if it costs mere pennies.

Why was a scented candle created?

Just a few decades ago, when “exotic” began to catch the eye as an element of home decor, no one suspected a much wider range of its applications.

In ancient times, candles with admixtures of special herbs and their extracts were used not only for aromatization, but also for disinfecting the air in a patient’s room, for an anti-inflammatory, sedative, hypnotic effect, for relaxation and, conversely, for toning. In the bedrooms, women placed candles flavored with sexually stimulating mixtures. In temples, the pagans used fillers that, when smoldering, contributed to entering a trance: intoxicating herbs and their extracts.

Few people know about the healing properties of aromatic oils. They are actively used to create custom candles. There is even a practice called Aromatherapy. The effect of essential oils on the human body has been scientifically confirmed, so it is obvious that candles with their impurities are either beneficial or harmful.

Cheap candles

Scented candles can be purchased at your local supermarket. These are made from paraffin and artificial aromatic additives. Yes, they are cheap, but with frequent use they cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, allergies, headaches, and the accumulation of toxic substances in the body. The aroma is superficial, rough, intrusive, reminiscent of a bathroom freshener. In Europe, such products are prohibited from distribution in retail chains.

Dear candles

In parallel, there is another segment of aroma products - perfume houses. There, a piece of decor will cost an average of $50 or more. And the whole point is that a self-respecting manufacturer will not risk its reputation and will offer the consumer a product made from high-quality natural wax and put a whole composition of gradually revealing aroma into the candle.

Specially trained people take into account all factors influencing the processes occurring in wax under the influence of temperature, so the aroma will always be subtle, noble, and unobtrusive. An expensive scented candle from a well-known brand will last longer than a cheap analogue.

Despite the “scary” prices, it is worth at least once to indulge if the casual practice has turned into an integral ritual for relaxation and meditation. Skilled perfume masters carefully create their signature fragrance compositions, constantly improving the technology and recipe for the element of luxury. The handmade product meets all quality standards and will undoubtedly bring only benefit and pleasure.

Hand made

There is good news for almost desperate users. You can make a useful aphrodisiac with your own hands. Moreover, this matter is not at all difficult - even a child can cope:

  • You will need soy wax flakes, wicks, pencils for attaching them, aromatic oils to taste, and glue. Everything can be ordered in specialized online stores. Everyone can find decorative containers with a wide neck. You also need a metal bowl for melting the wax and parchment for baking, as wax stains leave stains that are difficult to remove.
  • For one jar you will need a volume of flakes twice the volume of the container used.
  • A wick with a metal base must be glued to the bottom of the jar, and its tip must be wound around a pencil and placed on the edges of the container. So, the wick will not move from the desired position until the mass hardens.
  • Now you need to melt the wax over low heat and carefully stir in the aromatic component of the future candle. For 0.5 liters of prepared wax, 20-30 drops of oil are required.
  • After the wax takes its place in the container, all that remains is to wait for it to harden. You will have to wait 3 or 4 hours. Then you can trim the ends of the wicks.

To get a complex aroma on your own, it is recommended to make a set of scented candles and light them at the same time. The result will be a kind of composition of your favorite essential oils.

How to burn a candle correctly?

The pleasure of using the accessory will last as long as possible if you follow simple rules. Especially if we are talking about an expensive purchase.

  1. Before lighting a candle for the first time, the wick must be trimmed and left about 0.5 centimeters. The flame will be smaller, and accordingly, the service life will increase. This prevents the formation of dark spots from a bright flame.
  2. For the first time, the candle is left to burn for 1-2 hours so that it warms up and subsequently burns evenly, at the same time, the aroma will also be released gradually. After which it is recommended to adjust the wick in the center. Typically, a candle the size of a regular glass can last up to 60 hours with proper care.
  3. Then half an hour will be enough for the whole room to smell fragrant.
  4. It is allowed to extinguish a candle only with a special cap or lid. As soon as the supply of oxygen is blocked, the flame will go out without smoke. Blowing out a candle is considered bad manners. All released aroma inevitably deteriorates. It’s like spoiling a barrel of honey with a fly in the ointment.
  5. It is good if the product is stored under a lid, otherwise the smells of scented candles may lose their intensity over time.
  6. The wick must be trimmed before each use.

A little about fragrances

The use of candles does not depend on the time of day. Why not treat yourself to a warming cinnamon-apple duet on a frosty day, wrapped in a blanket and watching the snow fall? To relieve stress after a hard day, the scent of lemon balm, patchouli, and lavender is perfect. For vivacity and activation of vital functions, grapefruit, rosemary or eucalyptus are just right.

It is worth considering that there are universal scents that everyone likes when you want to give a good scented candle. Vanilla is the most popular and versatile scent.

At wedding ceremonies it has become very fashionable to light aroma candles, according to the theme of the celebration. For example, if it is a winter fairy tale, then the base will be a pine aroma; if it has a national flavor, then the aroma of the corresponding spices will be used.

There are no restrictions on the use of candles in different rooms. But there is one very important nuance regarding canteens and those places where food is served. Floral and musky combinations of odors have a very bad effect on appetite. Therefore, only “delicious” aromas of lemon, spices, and fruits have the right to hover around the dining table.

Scented candles for the home are not just an integral part of an elegant interior. They have a special mission in creating comfort and warmth in the family nest. They say that in a house where candles are always lit, the atmosphere is special, incomparable.

Scented candles create a mood, relieve fatigue, envelop you in a bouquet of aromas - but they also pose a threat.

Experts say: breathing scented vapors all evening is no less harmful than being a passive smoker for several hours. In a room where aroma candles burn for a long time, the concentration of hazardous substances in the air is approximately the same as in cigarette smoke.

Of course, there is no need to give up candles. But it is worth considering safety precautions.


You've probably noticed that aroma lamps or aroma candles often emit a scent that is not exactly the same as indicated on the package. For example, the annotation says that the candle should have the scent of orange or apple with cinnamon, but when you light it, the room smells of something unfamiliar, although pleasant.

The solution is simple: even if the candle is scented with natural essential oils, the scent burns out in the process. The oil gets very hot, the chemical structure of the substance changes, and the aroma is distorted. At the same time, the vast majority of aroma candles sold in our stores contain artificial flavors, which in themselves are not healthy.


More recently, the issue of the dangers of aroma candles was raised by the Oregon Environmental Council (USA). The reason was an unpleasant story that happened to Portland resident Ashley Henry. The woman was seriously fascinated by scented candles, filled the whole apartment with them - and as a result developed bronchial asthma. She developed hypersensitivity to volatile chemicals. Now in Henry's house there are not only candles, but also perfume and air fresheners. Even the flavoring components included in shampoos and washing powders cause a woman to feel a strong burning sensation in her respiratory tract and can trigger an asthmatic attack.

According to doctors, Ashley got off lightly: the substances contained in the candles can lead not only to asthma, but also to eczema and other skin diseases.


Carefully read the list of ingredients on the candle label. It certainly contains the “aromatic fragrance” item. This fragrance, in turn, has a rather complex chemical composition, which manufacturers in most cases do not consider it necessary to describe in detail. It would be worth it.

In particular, it has been established that many candles contain diethyl phthalate, an artificially synthesized substance, an ester of orthophthalic acid. It acts as a fixative: with its help the smell becomes durable. It has been proven that diethyl phthalate in large quantities can cause problems with the reproductive system. Inhaling it is especially harmful for pregnant women: it can cause birth defects in the child.

The most popular candles are those made from paraffin: they are inexpensive and burn for a long time. But when paraffin is heated, it releases nasty volatile organic compounds like benzene and toluene into the air. They hit the respiratory tract: with constant and prolonged inhalation they can lead to asthma and even lung cancer.
Another important component in a candle is the wick. It should be made of natural fabric, not lead. When heated, lead releases compounds that negatively affect the nervous and cardiovascular systems. In America, the use of lead in candle wicks was banned back in 2000; We have it allowed for now. Fortunately, such candles are easy to recognize: if a thin metal rod is visible through the white cotton of the wick, it is better to refrain from purchasing it.


Scented candles made from beeswax and soy wax can be considered absolutely safe. Beeswax is a 100% natural substance. When burning, such candles emit a subtle aroma of honey and propolis. Soy wax is a relatively new and also completely natural product, obtained, as you might guess, from soybeans.

Compared to paraffin candles, bee and soy candles burn much cleaner, leaving virtually no soot. As a rule, they are scented with natural essential oils rather than synthetic ones. The only disadvantage of wax and soy candles is that they are the most expensive. But this is the case when you shouldn’t skimp on the holiday feeling.


And if you have already stocked up on paraffin candles for the holiday, should you throw them away? Of course not.

* Light aroma candles only in a pre-ventilated (at least 10 minutes) room.

* Do not burn many candles at once. There are no exact safety standards - it all depends on the size of the room and the candles themselves. So use common sense and double your caution if there are small children or people with allergies in the house.

* Do not make candles burn around the clock throughout the apartment.

* Do not try to mask unpleasant odors with their help.
If you burn a candle a couple of times a week for 20-30 minutes, even a paraffin candle will not cause much harm.

Scented candles are an indispensable aid when creating a romantic or relaxing environment, but to achieve exactly this effect, candles must be chosen wisely. Let's figure out together what you need to pay attention to when choosing candles.

The first point is the price. Cheap candles, which are most likely made in China, can not only smell strange, but will also release substances that are very harmful to health into the air. Therefore, it is better to pay more, but get a truly high-quality product that will not harm your health.

Now about the quality. The smooth surface of the candle indicates its good quality - the candle contains mineral wax, which is harmless to health and transmits even the lightest aromatic notes. White candles give off scent better because they do not have dyes to thicken the wax.

The glass for the candle should be glass or metal, because the plastic will melt when the candle burns. If you have chosen glass, it will be useful to turn the candle over and check the location of the wick attached to the bottom of the glass. The wick should be attached exactly in the center, then it will not bend and the candle will burn to the end.

The wick should be made of cotton, and the metal backing of the glass should be made of zinc. To check the metal, you need to rub it on white paper: if there are gray marks on the paper, then the substrate is made of lead, which is hazardous to health.

The best aromatic candles are made from mineral wax, which does not emit harmful substances when burned. Candles made from vegetable wax (palm oil, soy, carnauba, jojoba) burn well and do not leave smoke and soot on the glass, but they burn faster and retain the aroma less well. Beeswax is an environmentally friendly material that has a strong odor of its own, so candles made from such raw materials are difficult to scent and are not cheap. Cheap Chinese candles are made from low-quality raw materials, which emit benzene and even carcinogenic substances.

What candles are worth buying? The best option is to opt for world-famous manufacturers. The world's leading scented candle company. The candles produced by this brand smell strong, good, long lasting and exactly the scent indicated on the package. Some candles from KennethTurner are made exclusively from natural scented oils.

Since candles made from natural wax (without petroleum products) have recently become increasingly popular, the products of the English company are becoming increasingly popular. The company's candles use only natural aromatic oils and are completely free of dyes and chemicals.

And finally, a few rules for using scented candles:

After the candle has cooled, the wick must be periodically trimmed: if its length exceeds 5 mm, the flame will be too high and smoke may emit;

Scented candles do not combine well with food aromas, so they should not be lit even during a very romantic dinner;

A new candle, the aroma of which should delight guests, should not be lit immediately before their arrival, but several hours before or the day before. In this case, the surface will have time to completely melt and the aroma will be felt immediately;

If there is less than a centimeter of wax left in the candle, then the candle should be extinguished;

A burning candle should not be moved or carried, because hot wax can cause unpleasant burns.
