How to properly protect yourself from a vampire colleague. How to protect yourself from energy vampires and live peacefully next to them

Any person can turn out to be an energy vampire, even if he is not connected with magic and esotericism in any way, he, unlike a magician, is unlikely to be aware of this. Surely each of us has at least one acquaintance, communication with which is exhausting, deprives of a good mood and strength. This happens because this person is "recharged" with energy from others, and the more vulnerable the victim, the more the energy vampire can devastate her.

What is this vulnerability?
Firstly, the weaker a person is, the easier it is to take energy from him, because in this case, resistance is minimized compared to a strong person.
Secondly, the easier it is to spin the victim on emotions, the easier it is to feed on it. Most of the energy vampires act exactly according to this scheme: first they provoke a person, and then feed on his reaction.

This is explained very simply. The stronger the victim's emotions, the more energy she gives away, and, in fact, the vampire can only warm her up, exhausting her completely. I think a lot of people have come across people in public transport, queues, or any other place who seem to be on the rampage on purpose. And there are always those who react violently to it. This is an example of energy vampirism: a provocation to emotions for the sake of obtaining energy.

The most elementary way to protect yourself from an energy vampire is not to become a victim of it at all. In many cases, vampirism towards oneself can be avoided.

As stated earlier, vampires choose their most vulnerable victims. Don't let yourself be provoked! If you are absolutely calm, then there will simply be nothing to take from you. Get away from what's going on. Communicate with a vampire in a polite, calm manner, without a shadow of negative emotions. Be firm enough. Most likely, you will quickly lose interest.

1 Do not look into the eyes of the energy vampire, close your palms together.

2 Using the “central gaze” technique (laid out), by the efforts of the will, instruct yourself not to obey the vampire and put a mental screen in front of you - a glass wall through which you see a person, but he does not see you.

* This method works especially well when communicating with a human vampire who pumps out energy unconsciously.

* This method of protection is good to use in advance, before the appearance of an energy vampire. The protection will operate for about 3 hours. Helps to resist those people who consciously pump out energy (their strength is much higher than that of "unconscious" vampires)

A powerful technique of telepathic protection - creating an ethereal double

This protection technique is used by professional psychics, mediums, clairvoyants, and even magicians and healers. The technique is very powerful, but requires significant energy costs from the practitioner.

1. Being next to an energy vampire, the practitioner mentally collects all his energy in the area of ​​​​the solar plexus.

2. Then he also mentally transfers this energy to the brain and focuses it in the region of the third eye (this can cause a burning sensation or other unusual sensations in the area between the eyebrows).

"I am protected", "I am surrounded by powerful protection", "I am invisible to you"…

This impulse must be mentally directed directly into the head of the energy vampire for several minutes.

H the most convenient and simple method to implement

Imagine that you are surrounded by an impenetrable cocoon. It should be located at a short distance from you. The cocoon can be both transparent and mirrored: in the first case, it will only protect you from external influences, in the second, it will send the negative back.

For greater effect, especially at first, you can imagine how everything bad hits your defenses and cannot harm you. The cocoon should be exposed periodically for the sake of prevention, especially if you are in a crowded place.

Lost Energy Recovery Technique

This technique can be performed to restore the energy potential after the attack of the energy vampire, as well as to replenish the energy reserves spent on defense.
1. The practitioner sits comfortably in a chair.

2. Places hands on knees, palms up.

3. Closes eyes, completely relaxes.

4. Mentally turns to the Cosmos with a request to fill the body with vitality.

5. Represents that a ray of energy penetrates into the body through the top of the head (the color of the energy ray will be different for everyone).

Visualization lasts about 15 minutes, after which the practitioner takes a deep breath, exhale and opens his eyes.

* Exercise is best done before sunset. To maintain the proper energy level, experts recommend performing this technique at least once a week.

Protection against energy vampires - WISDOM

In our time, there is hardly a person who would not have heard about energy vampires - people who replenish their energy reserves by absorbing the energy of other people.

What can be done quickly and discreetly to protect yourself?

There are many ways to protect and restore yourself during an energy attack. One of the methods of protection is mudras.

1 The first option for creating a block of protection: you need to interlace your fingers and keep your hands at the level of the solar plexus. The palms should be turned towards the stomach, and the thumbs can touch each other, or they can lie freely. Breathe deeply and calmly. Protection will increase if you mentally imagine a protective cocoon of silver, gold, white or purple around you.

2 Mudra "INVESTMENT OF THE RING" - connect the thumb and forefinger of one of the hands into a ring, put this ring into the palm of the other hand. Pass the thumb and forefinger of the other hand into the already formed ring and do the same with the other hand. Repeat this sequence 3 times.

Many people experience a feeling of tightness around the head after the third time. This is a sign that you have achieved what you wanted - your biofield has condensed, and its energy circuit has closed.

The third option for closing your energy circuit is to connect the thumb and forefinger of one hand with the corresponding fingers of the other hand, the tips of the remaining three fingers either overlap or touch each other.

And closes the list of mudra called "Shield of Shambhala".

To perform the mudra, women clench their right hand into a fist and apply it to the palm of the straightened left hand with the back side, the thumb is pressed against the palm. Men do the same thing exactly the opposite - that is, the left hand is clenched into a fist, and the right hand is straightened.

If the energy is at zero? Every day, communication with such people sucks out the remnants of vitality, the body dries up and starts to hurt. How to regain a good state of mind and become invulnerable? How to protect yourself from vampires - find out in this article.

The boss is often accused of energy vampirism.

Here I am sitting at a planning meeting, at the end of the first hour my head starts buzzing, fatigue and yawning rolls in.

The boss, a 45-year-old man, tells me harshly in front of everyone about the need to turn in the work on time, the one that I owe. Derogatory words are used, references to my psychological immaturity, objectively there is a real humiliation. Shame rolls in waves, legs give way. Coming home, I fall on the sofa and lie for an hour without moving. Thoughts run chaotically, I don’t want to do anything, there is no joy.

And as his rude behavior continues for weeks and months, the thought comes to mind that it seems my boss is an energy vampire. No wonder I feel worse after talking with him, and I think how to defend myself. I have already bought the amulet, I hold it in my fist at the planning meeting.

And here is another colleague, a woman of 50 years old, divorced. She doesn't like everything in this country, the state. Once again, with a foul language, she says that she would have left the country long ago if she could. “How do you all live here, what are you happy about, you just don’t know life, you still get it from fate”. Words in my head: "Here it will croak!", and now I already feel bad about something, somehow my face turns red, tinnitus, internal resistance to do anything. She seemed to have infected me with her pessimism. Yes, she's definitely an energy vampire, I think.

I bring a photo of my boss and colleague to a mystical grandmother, she groans: “Terrible people, they drank all the energy out of you, how can you still walk?”. She removes the impact of these terrible people from me in 3 sessions. But only the relief is getting shorter, and a trip to the grandmother is required more and more often. And, if not for the training, I would still be walking. I spent 2 years on these trips, but I could have spent my whole life.

Who am I? Why is it so easy to get me out of a calm state, why did I see energy vampires everywhere at work and how to protect myself from them?

With the help of the knowledge gained at the Systemic Vector Psychology training, we will figure out who can become a victim of the so-called energy vampire, who we call vampires at work, whether it is possible to protect ourselves from energy vampires and how to improve our well-being.

In the vast majority of cases, in the vector composition of a person who sincerely believes in energy vampires, in bioenergetic influences with bad goals, in evil eyes, in the real impact of bad thoughts, there is a visual vector. It is he who is prone to the "impact of vampires" - the most sensitive, emotional, subtle person who wants to protect himself from the whole cruel world.

A little something - immediately into tears, everything takes to heart.

Often he is haunted by fears and anxieties. Spectators are wonderful, kind, trouble-free people. They are sensitive, empathetic, compassionate. A person who was lucky to be born with a visual vector, and there are only about 5% of them on the planet, must realize himself in some kind of profession that allows him to show sincere emotions.

This includes acting, performing on stage, singing, medicine, teaching, volunteering, working in charitable foundations. There, empathizing and showing our best emotions, we leave no room for fears. The main task of the visual vector is to create emotional connections. With people. Relatives and acquaintances, colleagues and friends. Sincere, warm relations. If they are not there or a gap has occurred, this can also be reflected in fears of a mystical nature.

A realized happy spectator is so filled with sensuality and positive emotions that no muck “clings” to him, even the most unattractive person does not cause fear in him.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire at work, often a boss

And what are they - boss and colleague? They are good too, why are they like that?

For such a painful manifestation for others, the presence of an anal vector in bad states is responsible. People with this vector, with good implementation in the family and at work, are intelligent, conservative, seasoned, scrupulous.

They have a great sexual desire, which also requires its implementation. If such a person has grievances, plus not everything is going smoothly in his personal life, then he does not just break down on others, but sadizes and mocks.

And if his boss demands results, and his subordinates do not obey, dodge work? Then a person with an anal vector begins to behave humiliatingly, rudely, criticizes, distributes “verbal slaps”.

When you see that such a person lives, you understand that he is tormented and forced to behave this way, then it is simply impossible to succumb to influence. The mechanism for the development of such behavior is discussed in more detail in the training.

Of course, after communicating with such a verbal sadist, it becomes bad. But only not because he is an energy vampire, but because he is an unhappy person with unfulfilled desires, who tries to improve his condition with his aggression.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire once and for all

We have not burned witches for a long time, we know that the earth is round, we fly into space, thanks to the Internet without wires, we communicate with people from the other hemisphere. And the Middle Ages lives in our heads to this day.

Still would! How you want to relieve yourself of responsibility for all your life troubles, wrong decisions, wrongly built relationships. All! Vampires and evil people are to blame for everything, I suffer from them. It's not my fault, I'm in the house.

I will walk on energetically advanced grandmothers and remove damage from a vampire, I will buy amulets to get rid of his influence. I will keep a fig in my pocket, read conspiracies, fight, fight, fight something outside. This can take my whole life, and I will never accept my responsibility for everything that happens in life.

The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan returns to us our responsibility for our own lives. Communication with "difficult" people is smoothed out, and there are forces to act, to do real things to improve one's own life, instead of fighting the mythical influence of energy vampires.

Step by step, we reveal the characteristics of different people, see why they act this way and not otherwise.

And this surprisingly helps not to react emotionally, not to fall into bad states after communication. We no longer need to think about how to protect ourselves from energy vampires at work. Work becomes much easier.

The results of people who have improved their relationships with others, you can find below.

“... Somehow it happened that I had the ability to be happy for other people, to share their happiness, to feel it as my own. Previously, if they shared information with me about life successes, promotion at work, if a person flew on the wings of love, etc., I experienced outbreaks of painful envy or resentment: why is it all for them? why don't I have it? And I didn't want to be happy. And why? She twisted her mouth in a smile and falsely said: “Congratulations!”.

But recently I noticed one thing: no more negative feelings, no envy, resentment, longing. I feel the joy, luck of another person as my own. I understand what the value of what happened to him is, why he is so happy to get exactly what he wants - and after understanding comes a feeling of shared happiness, joy for him, as for a close relative, as for a loved one ... " May 20, 2018

Now the vampire theme is so fashionable that I could not ignore it.

True, in this article we will not talk about blood-sucking handsome men who grow fangs at the sight of the white neck of some charmer, but about no less dangerous creatures that live among us and thanks to us.

How to protect yourself from energy vampires- the topic of today's conversation.

Knowledge, without which it is impossible to protect yourself from energy vampires

Fortunately, only a few have a powerful gift that allows them to feed on the energy of others without resorting to any actions.

Smaller bipods need to try hard to suck on your energy flow.

Most energy vampires resort to the simplest method: evoke a strong emotion in their victim.

It can be either a negative emotion (anger, irritation, anger, resentment) or a positive one (sympathy, happiness).

Easiest protect yourself from an energy vampire- Do not give access to your emotions.

There are several classifications of these monsters.

According to the methods of influence, they are divided into:

  • unconscious - those who do not understand their own strength and stick to our energy source, not understanding their own actions;
  • conscious ones are already real demons, because they know perfectly well why and why they bring you to white heat.

Given the strength of the impact, energy vampires can be divided into:

  • elemental - act with short and rare attacks: they attacked, “ate”, retreated;
  • permanent - they eat in small portions so as not to cause much harm to a person, but they do it constantly.

“Defend yourself from energy vampires?! It's all nonsense!"...

In itself, the topic I raised is rather delicate.

I know that there are many skeptics who are sure that these same energy vampires do not exist in nature, that these are all inventions of suspicious young ladies and elderly women who invent problems for themselves.

So thought my friend Tamara, well, a very sane (I would even say, too sane) lady who believes only in what she has personally seen.

Once we argued with her on the topic of subtle matters.

Tamara convinced me that there are no people with special abilities in nature, that energy vampires are created by the imagination of people who do not want to treat their illnesses, that texts like: “ How to protect yourself from energy vampires"- a breeder of gullible suckers, etc.

The argument ended with Tamara's phrase: "Until I see it myself, I won't believe it!"

As if in punishment for the girl's skepticism, fate soon introduced her to evil spirits, in which she refused to believe.

Tamara has changed jobs.

Joining a new team is not so easy, everyone is wary of you, they study, ask questions, but keep at a certain distance.

Here, everything was different.

Already on the first day, Tamara found a friend who literally did not come off her.

It would seem that this is terrible - just a good person got caught, wanting to help the new one.

And what is it that an employee pours out all her life grievances and sorrows on a colleague? Maybe she just doesn't have any friends!

However, after a week of such close communication, Tamara began to notice that she quickly got tired, irritated over trifles, and did not sleep well.

My friend complained of headaches that hadn't bothered her before, lack of appetite and other unpleasant symptoms.

I advised her to reduce communication with a new colleague friend to a minimum.

It was not so easy to do this; even a bull terrier would envy the grip of an energy vampire.

However, as soon as Tamara, albeit quarreling, stopped communicating with her annoying colleague, her symptoms seemed to evaporate.

The girl no longer laughed at this topic.

So how do you protect yourself from an energy vampire?

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to recognize energy vampires at a glance.

They look like ordinary people.

You will understand who is in front of you when serious harm to your health has already been done.

However, there are several signs that will allow you to identify the energy vampire in time and protect yourself from it.

Take a look at which of your friends:

  • constantly trying to piss you off with his remarks or actions;
  • needs constant contact with you, although there is no special reason for this;
  • as if rolling over you with a skating rink - after talking with him you feel tired;
  • often talks about some horrors, deaths of people, cataclysms, savoring the details;
  • cannot find a common language with cats and plants;
  • starts long conversations with which it is difficult to interrupt;
  • likes to bring down the unpleasant truth on people.

10 tricks to protect yourself from energy vampires

The simplest and most effective way is to stop any communication with the person you suspect of this bad deed.

If you can’t completely remove it from your life, then you can protect yourself from energy vampires by other methods:

  1. Don't get into long conversations with them.
  2. Do not fall for provocations, do not quarrel with them, do not get annoyed even by the most stupid phrases or actions, in general -.
  3. Take a closed posture: arms crossed on the chest, legs crossed, etc.
  4. Avoid direct eye contact.
  5. Get a talisman.

    It can be a cross, a natural stone that suits your zodiac sign, a small pyramid, etc.

  6. Learn how to confuse the vampire: laugh out loud, change the subject abruptly, get up and leave, start moving something on the table, etc.
  7. Fence off the monster with an imaginary wall through which it cannot penetrate in any way.
  8. At the end of such an unpleasant communication, be sure to wash your hands or at least wipe them with a damp cloth.
  9. Do not focus on what the energy vampire says, especially if they are unpleasant things.

    Better dream about something pleasant.

    ... let it itch for itself, when it realizes that it cannot reach you, it will leave itself.

    Reward yourself for such disgusting communication with a chocolate candy, a piece of marmalade, some fruit.

    Sweets will replenish the spent energy and cheer you up.

Very interesting and informative video about

what are the types of energy vampires and how to protect yourself from them!

We watch and remember.

I hope now you know for sure how to protect yourself from energy vampires?

So do not give these creatures the slightest chance to profit at your expense.

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In this article, we will talk about how to deal with energy vampirism. Energy vampires can be found anywhere, but everyone can avoid their negative influence.

We used to associate vampirism with folklore - stories that are so good to tell in the form of a fairy tale somewhere around a campfire! But did you know that vampires exist in reality? However, do not rush to sharpen the aspen stake or chew garlic hard - in this case, we are talking about energy vampirism.

Energy, lunar vampire: signs by date of birth

An energy vampire is quite recognizable and visually- such people like to demonstrate aggressive behavior, arouse pity, often insincere, assert themselves in any way. However, these aspects of behavior are often simply caused by nuances of character.

If you know date of birth of a person, then it will be easier to determine his involvement in the so-called lunar vampirism. For this:

  • Write your date of birth
  • Add up all the numbers individually

IMPORTANT: If the resulting figure turns out to be two-digit, add up its components as well - the result should be unambiguous. For example, after summing up the date of birth, you have the number 48. So, you need to add 4 and 8 - you get 12. But 12 is also not suitable, which means 1 + 2 = 3.

Now let's look at the result:

  • 1 or 2- in front of you is the real energetic vampire. He may be consciously, or he may not be aware of his abilities. However, in any case, this person draws the energy of the people around him, using it for his own needs.
  • 5 or 7- but the owners of these numbers belong to the category donors. Unfortunately, they are especially susceptible to the attacks of energy vampires.

  • 3, 6, 8 – people with any of these numbers are not vampires, but they are not donors either. Such neutrality is provided by a powerful aura through which nothing can break through.
  • 9 - People with powerful energy, but not vampires. This energy is positive, forming a powerful potential. If a person with the number 9 does not learn how to manage his gift, the potential will remain unrealized.
  • 4 - extraordinary personalities able to be in all states. So, with a sufficient supply of vitality, they will be protected from negativity. If a strong lack of strength becomes noticeable, they will be able to draw it from others.

IMPORTANT: With a great desire, such a person will be able to control his own energy in the same way as it is available to people with the number 9.

A person with the number 4 can be perfectly protected from energy vampirism, but sometimes he himself is a vampire

How to put protection from an energy vampire at work?

  • Ignoring. If a colleague is throwing tantrums, talking loudly, or showing aggression in other ways, try to keep your cool. When talking on the phone, hang up if possible.

  • The escape. Believe me, running away from a problem is not always a sign of cowardice or weakness. In this case, in order to avoid harm, it is best to leave if possible in another office. If you have the opportunity not to cross the threshold at all, beyond which the vampire lives - great!
  • Laughter prolongs life- perhaps, in the case of energy vampirism, this is especially true. Discourage a colleague with a smile, laughter. Or just talk about something nice.

IMPORTANT: If the energy vampire's monologue is not about work and he is not your boss, feel free to interrupt it. Ask what good things have happened to him lately. You will help the unconscious vampire to get out of this bad state in this way, and the conscious one will lose interest in the conversation.

  • Colleagues often eat together. Given that food is one of the energy channels, try not to sit at the same dining table with a vampire colleague. If this is not possible, carefully remain silent.

Protection from an energy vampire - boss

  • Create a barrier between you and your boss. As it can fit table chair. If no furniture is expected nearby, pick up folder holding it in front of you.
  • Try to use your imagination and Imagine that you are inside a glass dome. All the nasty words just bounce off him. The more clearly you present such protection, the better.
  • Not a bad way to save yourself from negativity - again humor. Imagine that you are not dealing with a formidable boss, but with a funny gnome or a boy. Try to find funny moments in this person's behavior.

IMPORTANT: Try not to laugh out loud, because in front of you is not just a colleague, but a person on whom a career depends. However, smiling even mentally, you protect yourself well.

  • Many bosses like to talk with subordinates, towering over them. If possible, try to fix this, being on the same level. Or, if the boss is sitting, talk to him while standing.

Many energy vampire bosses like to communicate with subordinates, towering over them.

Protection from an energy vampire in the family, relative

If an energy vampire lives in your home, don't shun him. It is necessary to cope with the problem in such a way that a loved one does not receive harm:

  • First of all, make contact with a relative. Maybe suspicious behavior is just a consequence of some problems.
  • Explain close person that he brings discomfort to others. Direct him on the right path by offering to draw energy from some hobbies, walks in nature.

IMPORTANT: It is possible that by helping a person find harmony, you will achieve greater results than by isolation.

  • If the energy vampire is child, wean him from tantrums by ignoring- in this case, you need to show indifference as much as possible. If the child understands that no one is going to run headlong on his stomping and screaming, he will calm down after a while.

A child can also be an energy vampire, throwing tantrums

Protection from the energy vampire - mother

Energy vampirism is most often manifested in mothers when their beloved child creates his own family. The easiest way to get rid of negative influences is to live apart.

Of course, it is not always possible to live separately, so we recommend that you pay attention to the following ways:

  • Demonstrate the so-called "calm love" Do not ignore, pretending that the mother does not exist, namely, without nervousness, take care.
  • Try not to argue. Smile sweetly, nod, briefly agree. But do not say anything superfluous, do not make nervous movements.

IMPORTANT: Always remember that the energy vampire needs a response.

  • Imagine that you are surrounded by a stream of light. The negative, getting into it, burns out without even reaching the goal.

The best way to avoid energy vampirism from the mother is not to react to disturbances.

Protection from an energy vampire - husband

First of all, check with the help of the test described above which type you are. If you are a resilient person, then probably vampirism will not bring harm. Who knows: perhaps your union is just strong due to the exchange of energies.

If you are weak then you will have to choose methods of protection:

  • Spend some time doing needlework embroidered circles wherever convenient. You can decorate them with tablecloths, linen, towels, napkins. The so-called "rings of fire" may well be small.
  • If your spouse needs an impressive amount of energy, suggest that he draw it from something that will bring pleasure. Go in for sports together, meet friends, get out to beautiful places. Availability would be ideal shared hobby.

IMPORTANT: This approach is much more effective than ignoring the husband.

  • Go whisper. In this case, the opponent will immediately stop tearing his vocal cords.

Husband can become an energy vampire

Protection from moon vampires

Lunar vampires drain energy from victims in a non-aggressive manner. They do not make scandals, but instead they constantly whine in the waistcoat, complain and literally shake compassion out of opponents. To avoid subsequent despondency and loss of joy in life, you can do this:

IMPORTANT: If possible, do not communicate with the lunar vampire. Otherwise, you will not help him, and you will make things worse for yourself.

How to protect against an energy vampire with salt

The Feng Shui doctrine assumes protection by salt as a mineral. Slavs also left it on the dining table in an uncovered salt shaker- it was believed that the negative energy emanating from the guests was instantly extinguished.

You can do the following ritual:

  • Stock up on a thick cast iron skillet and of course salt. You will need to purchase a pack of coarse salt
  • Hold frying pan on fire until she gets hot
  • pour out then on her half a pack
  • Wait for the moment when the salt will burn that is, it will start to make crackling sounds
  • Holding a frying pan in my right hand, go around the perimeter of the house. Quietly read Our Father

IMPORTANT: Don't rush. Stay in each corner for a while.

For the ritual of energy vampirism, only coarse salt is suitable

How to put protection from an energy vampire with a mirror

The principle of protecting oneself from the effects of energy vampirism is simple: as soon as communication with an unpleasant person begins, it is necessary imagine a mirror. And not a small one, but a whole wall of a reflective surface!

It should be positioned carefully between himself and a vampire. As soon as a person begins to send negativity in your direction, this wall successfully reflects it. Imagine such a method very clearly - and the defense is ready!

The mirror that you present to protect against an energy vampire should be large - something like this

How to put protection from an energy vampire with a conspiracy, prayer?

Try using the following CONSPIRACY:

“I will become, the servant of God (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from the hut with doors, from the courtyard with gates, to the high eastern side, to the ocean-blue sea. There is an island on the ocean-blue sea, on this island there is a stone, on this stone there is a cathedral, in this cathedral there is a throne. Behind this throne is the eagle father Vladimir, Ilya Muromets and the mother of the Most Holy Theotokos. I came to you to ask and beg from stabbing, from hunks, from whining, from a simple-haired girl, from a man-sorcerer, from a wild eye, from a windmill to protect me, a servant of God (name).

Concerning prayers, then you can say prayer to the Mother of God:

“Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit born of Thee, because You have given birth to the Savior of our Souls.

IMPORTANT: It is extremely important that all these words are not just mechanical voicing, but a message coming from the heart.

Energy Vampire Protection Stone

Agate- is considered the best means of protection from negativity. All attempts by energy vampires to evoke emotions in you will be doomed to failure. Negative messages directed in your direction will be successfully absorbed by the stone.

Jet- a stone that has long been used as a talisman against negative forces. It is even capable of taking away bad thoughts that the owner may have.

A jet bracelet is an excellent remedy for energy vampirism

Eye of the Tiger- with him, energy vampires can not be afraid. All the negativity that will be directed at the owner of the stone will bounce in an instant. There is an opinion that if a bad person is nearby, the tiger's eye becomes warmer or gains weight.

Tiger's eye - a stone that will tell the owner that there is an energy vampire nearby

Amulet - protection from an energy vampire

The aspen stake is not just part of the folklore about the blood-drinking vampire. A thing made from this tree will perfectly help in contact with an energy vampire. It is believed that aspen amulet will begin to darken the moment the vampire tries to make contact.

IMPORTANT: For this reason, it is worth carrying such a useful thing with you all the time.

Rhinestone- another great amulet. Place a small piece of it in some similar small transparent box. Put the box in turn, for example, in a pocket of clothes or a bag.

Fresh fruits- affordable and pleasant amulet. After using these gifts of nature, a person restores the energy field.

Fresh fruits are the best talisman against energy vampires

Amulet-protection from the energy vampire

Sun symbol- strong when a person wears it on the body. At the same time, it does not matter at all in the traditions of which people the solar disk is depicted. The energy of the amulet will drive away unpleasant people at a decent distance from you.

Clover- Another universally recognized symbol that protects from evil and brings good luck. Wood, silver, gold - absolutely any material is suitable for manufacturing. It is believed to be especially good at dealing with male energy vampires.

IMPORTANT: Pets, oddly enough, are also excellent amulets. They endow their owners with so much positive energy that sometimes no negative encroachments from the outside are terrible!

Spend more time with your pet - and he will become a defense against energy vampirism

Rune - protection from an energy vampire

Runes Perth and Hagalaz great help to dodge energy encroachment. And it is desirable that they be united in tandem- in this case, the effect will be increased many times:

  • Perth is a symbol of rebirth. This rune gives a person a good supply of energy.
  • Hagalaz- another bunch of energy. Unlike Perth, it is spontaneous. However, such a rune teaches its owner sanity and patience.

Rune Perth from energy vampirism

Rune Hagalaz from energy vampirism

Mudras - protection from an energy vampire

intertwined fingers- an excellent mudra that will successfully complement an imaginary cocoon or mirror. The palms should be turned towards the body, and then placed opposite the solar plexus.

"Shield of Shambhala"- Clench one palm into a fist and attach it to the open palm of the other hand. Such mudra also protects, and helps to restore tone. It is advisable to place the palms near the solar plexus.

IMPORTANT: In order for the energy to recover, hold the mudra for about 5-15 minutes.

Mudra Shield of Shambhala will help restore energy after contact with an energy vampire

No matter how hard you try to avoid such a phenomenon as energy vampirism, in life you will certainly meet at least one person who will emotionally drain you. But if you learn to defend yourself from this trouble, no negative is terrible!

Communication with energy vampires brings a huge amount of negativity. This is fraught not only with a deterioration in mood, but also with problems in all areas of life.

There are three reliable ways to protect yourself from negative energy, but they do not always help protect yourself from energy vampires. The fact is that such people do not have a negative impact on others - they simply take away positive emotions, devastating a person. After communicating with an energy vampire, the interlocutor feels exhausted: not only his mood worsens, but also his physical condition.

How to spot a vampire

You cannot become such a person, but you can only be born. Often everything happens automatically. Many energy vampires are unaware that they are.

Main sign: after communicating with a vampire, you will feel "broken". A sharp deterioration in mood is provided for those who are highly empathic, that is, the ability to give emotions and accept them. Such people attract vampires like a magnet.

More signs:

  • negative conversations and emotions;
  • the desire to make you dependent on them.

If your loved one or colleague can only talk about bad things, then know that this is a true energy vampire. Normal people are not able to talk for a long time about problems, quarrels and negative memories. Vampires, on the other hand, can constantly "wind" you, arguing about how bad your offender or relative was, with whom there was a skirmish. These people are able to provoke negative memories, after which there comes a period of apathy or anger.

The desire to make you dependent can manifest itself in different ways: for example, a person deliberately does not pick up the phone, does not give back the money borrowed earlier, constantly puts something off for later. It brings you out of balance, makes you constantly think about it. By the way, there are approximately the same number of energy vampires among men and women, and the strength of their influence is also on the same level.

Vampire protection at home

If such a person lives with you under the same roof, problems can arise constantly, because simply avoiding him will not work. In such a situation, the most reliable protection is needed, namely, ignoring.

First, don't focus on what the negative person is saying.. It will load you with unnecessary information, which is better to just ignore it. Think about something of your own when talking with a loved one-vampire. This is the best way to stay in a good mood.

Second, try to say as little as possible. Sometimes it doesn't work at home. In this case, a simple technique will help: talk to the vampire in a closed position, arms crossed over your chest. This is a subtle psychological ploy that will allow you to "turn off" any vampire, whether it be an experienced psychologist or one who is not even aware of his "gift". Answer such people as briefly and restrainedly as possible.

Protection from energy vampires at work

From unfamiliar and completely unfamiliar vampires, metals and talisman stones perfectly protect. From metal jewelry, silver rings and chains are best suited. The best protective stones are diamond, crystal, onyx, moonstone. It may not be possible to neutralize all the negative action, but at least in part you will have protection.

Try not to catch their eyes on you, change the topic of conversation, wash your face and wash your hands after an unpleasant dialogue. Do not conduct long conversations, avoid communication in every possible way. The best defense is to ignore it. Even if you boil inside, try to show it as little as possible. After a while, you will feel that the energy vampire can no longer harm you.

Remember that your stresses and experiences only feed the energy vampire, making him more active, so do not share your problems with such individuals. To get rid of the emptiness and apathy after communicating with a vampire, use effective meditation - it will help you recover. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.09.2018 04:37

Each person has a unique energy field that can protect against negative external influences. However, often in...
