How to make a ring smaller at home. What to do if the ring is large: several exits

A gold ring has long been considered an excellent gift that brings pure joy. Most often, a gold ring is used at a wedding, when loving hearts become husband and wife in an official ceremony.

It happens that the ring turns out to be large and it simply dangles on the finger. How to reduce the size of a gold ring is described below.

In order not to carry out actions to reduce the ring, it is better to prematurely find out the diameter of the finger of the person to whom it will be presented. This way you can save a lot of money.

Contacting a jewelry workshop

A specialist from a jewelry workshop often encounters a similar problem. He will accept the ring and first begin to examine it. If the client wishes the ring to shrink a little (by about half a size), the master will hasten to process it with his tools. As a rule, professionals compress it a little and roll it on a machine. In the case when the ring needs to be significantly reduced, the master cuts out the required piece, gives it to the owner, and then solders the ends with a torch and polishes them successively.

Ring reduction at home

The inquisitive mind of a person will always come up with an alternative to any action. Same with the ring. If there are suitable conditions at home, then you can heat the ring very much and try to press it evenly on all sides in any way (you can use pliers, tweezers and other tools). The possibility of deformation should be taken into account.

The second method is that a person just needs to put the ring in the freezer, wrapping it in plastic in a timely manner. After a few days, the ring can be taken out. There will not be a significant reduction, but the size will still decrease.

Bottom line

Here's how to reduce the size of a gold ring. Simple tips can easily help with this, so don’t be afraid of buying jewelry with the wrong shape.

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I am again glad to welcome all my regular readers! I am very pleased that you are with me! Guests are welcome too! I hope you and I will become friends too! Today I will tell you whether it is possible to make a wedding ring smaller, how to do it and whether there are any pitfalls in this matter.

So make yourself comfortable, I'm starting.

Old wives' tales or a real threat...

Let me start my story with the reason for choosing such a topic. The other day I met a couple I knew (I was present at their wedding), got to talking, I asked how family life was, and suddenly I noticed that the girl had a plaster on her ring finger, right under the wedding ring. “How did you manage to hurt your finger in such an unusual place?” - I asked. The guys laughed and shared their troubles. During the wedding planner and after it (the fruits of the exercises " Lady fitness") the bride lost so much weight that the symbol of their love began to fall off and the only correct way out of the situation for them was to wear it on a plaster (and not in one layer).

How beautiful this is is not worth saying - in general, it’s good that I caught them on the first “plaster” day. I asked why it couldn't be reduced in diameter? But what I heard in response shocked me. They don't downsize a ring because of a sign! Just imagine!!! I, of course, remembered that there is such a belief that you cannot cut the ring..., well, you understand... but there are ways to reduce it, as they say, without “surgical intervention”. I forgot to tell my “heavily inventive” friends about this and decided to definitely write an article about it.

You probably already know how I feel about signs; I’ve written about them more than once. This is from the series: My husband is returning from a business trip... And returning is a bad omen. And if you really believe in them, then only the good ones, about profit and birds, or good news and spiders, but the things that prophesy separation, losses, and so on are like grandma’s horror stories. Remember that your happiness depends only on you.

There is always a choice.

If the ring has become too big, you can make it smaller without cutting it. Moreover, you don’t even always have to go to a jewelry maker for this. Sometimes you can do this at home yourself. But more on that a little later. Now let me tell you, or better yet, show you how you can change the size of your wedding rings and more.

If you don’t know yet, there are two ways:

  • surgical, i.e. cut and remove or insert a piece.

  • a more flexible method in which the product is subjected to heat to make the metal more pliable and reduce it using a mold and a press. The only thing is that this method cannot reduce rings by two sizes. At best, you will be able to “steal” one.

I draw your attention, my dear friends, to the fact that gold or silver items are the easiest to reprocess. But the platinum version will make the master sweat.

I’m generally silent about products with enamel. This is not only difficult to do, it is impossible. The enamel will burst! It is also very difficult to reduce rings with different features:

  1. With engraving. In fact, the process of changing the size of the ring itself is no different from others, but the inscription may suffer. Therefore, before you do it, make sure that the rings fit perfectly, so that it doesn’t hurt later (Sergey + Albina = LOVE, and after the procedure, for example, Sergey + Alina = LOVE)
  2. Made from mixed gold. And again, no problems with the process itself, but in the end a seam (joint) may be visible, i.e. Different types of gold can react differently to soldering; it is extremely difficult for a master to select the right “electrode”.
  3. With stones. The difficulty lies in the fact that after all the manipulations, the pebble may not sit tightly in its groove and will quickly want to, as they say, jump from its place. And it doesn’t matter at all if your ring is made with diamonds, with topaz or with amethyst, it will fall out the same way, the only difference is the price.
  4. With a diamond edge. It is possible to change its size, but be prepared for the fact that it will not have the original shine, and if you choose the option of reducing without cutting out the element, then the edge may become wrinkled by the rollers.
  5. Grooved ring. Again, this task is doable. However, it is very labor-intensive, not every master will undertake it, and it is not a fact that you will be satisfied with the result.

I emphasize once again that all this can be done, but not every skilled person will undertake such a task. But what real professionals really don’t take on is costume jewelry.

Remember that even the most expensive jewelry from the world's most famous brands, such as Swarovski or Pandora, even from the Bvlgari jewelry house, is not made of precious metals, i.e. not made of gold, cannot be altered.

This applies to rings made of jewelry steel, rubber, ceramics, titanium, rhodium and cupronickel. Also, not every workshop will undertake to make a gold-plated ring, because the gold-plated layer will most likely burn during processing, but not everyone will be able to make such a coating. The same rule also applies to products with irradiated coating, i.e. It can be reduced, but not everywhere. And the price for such an alteration will most likely be more expensive than the ring itself.

Blacksmith at home

I repeat to you every time that we ourselves are the architects of our own happiness and that almost everything is in our hands. So now I will offer some useful tips, this kind of life hacks, with the help of which you can solve minor troubles on your own at home:

My dear readers, try to solve all these subtleties with the correct choice of all the parameters of your precious “little things” before the wedding. But remember that if suddenly it is too big for you, you can reduce it. Believe only in the good! Enjoy life! Be on the wave of goodness and light. Share the article on social networks. Subscribe to my blog and, of course, leave comments on how you got out of your situation with ring sizes. And I say goodbye to you. Bye-bye and see you again!

How often do men make mistakes with the ring size for their girlfriend! At the same time, they are sincerely confident that they have chosen the right size, and are very offended when the girl does not wear a gift, although in fact, you just need to carry out such a simple procedure as reducing the ring.

Reducing a ring in a workshop

Many people wonder whether it is possible to make a ring with an uneven bezel, inlay or plating smaller. In fact, it is possible, but the reduction technology will then be different than reducing a smooth ring.

If you do not know where to reduce a ring and do not know how to reduce a ring at home, then you need to contact a jewelry workshop. There are a lot of them now, especially since many large jewelry stores have their own workshops and are ready to reduce the ring free of charge for their clients.

So, first you need to decide on the correct size of your finger on which you want to wear a reduced ring. To measure your finger, just try several different rings at a jewelry store. They need to be measured only when the hands are in normal condition, that is, not on swollen fingers.

Once you have decided on the desired size, it’s time to choose a workshop. It is advisable to take the advice of friends, especially if you need to give away a very expensive ring for reduction. You should ask the jeweler how much the reduction will cost, what technology they will use to do this, and when you can pick up the item. If the master is playing for time, delaying the deadline, then it is quite likely that he is thinking through a plan to quietly replace the stone on the ring with a piece of glass, or something like that.

If the desired size is not very different from the existing one, then in the workshop you can reduce the size of the ring using the usual compression method. Then the weight of the product does not change. If you need to greatly reduce the size, then the jeweler has to cut off a little of the rim of the ring, which changes the weight. The honesty of the jeweler also determines his desire to give you the remainder of the metal, which will turn out to be surplus after reduction.

Ring reduction at home

If the ring is just a little too big, you can make the ring smaller at home. It all depends on what material the product is made of. For example, high-quality jewelry can be gently pressed with your fingers along the rim on all sides. Then the size will decrease slightly. The disadvantage of this method is the appearance of unevenness on the rim, but what a girl is not ready to sacrifice just to wear a beautiful trinket! Silver is also a fairly flexible metal, so you can try pressing it too. As for gold, there are two ways to proceed. On the one hand, you can warm up the gold ring very much, then put it on your finger and also try to press it from all sides - then it will be easier to deform. If you are afraid of the appearance of strong unevenness, then simply wrap the ring in plastic and put it in the freezer for several days. The ring will not shrink by many sizes, but you are guaranteed half the size difference.

Few people know that you can reduce the size of a ring at home, without resorting to the services of jewelers. Moreover, reducing the ring in this way is very simple, practically free and reversible (!), this post is another of my useful advice, or rather a life hack :)

On one of my trips to India, I bought a ring with a large stone, which was very large for me. I didn’t have time to make the ring smaller, so the Indian jeweler simply took my ring and wound several turns of harsh thread around the back of the bezel-bow; it was terribly inconvenient, but I couldn’t lose the ring.

As all women who are faced with the need to reduce a ring know, this is done by jewelers, and they reduce rings by cutting off part of the rim. Before this, the jeweler must remove the insert stone, otherwise it may be damaged or simply burst from the heating of the setting. But Indian jewelers usually set stones entirely, clamping it completely into a strip of metal - a welt, and not into the claws, so in order to remove the stone, the setting must be heated. Dead end...
But it’s still simple genius!
I went a different route, and using the Indian idea, I invented a beautiful way to reduce the size of the ring. Having removed the remainder of the Indian gray thread at home, I reduced the ring by creating a braid of black nylon fishing line (very thick twisted thread), methodically tying knots on the rim. I have thin fingers, so I shrunk a couple of my rings using this homemade method, you can see the result in the photo at the beginning of the post.

The reduction of the ring will depend only on the thickness of the original thread and the density of the rim winding. Using a thin thread and tying knots loosely, you will get an openwork winding that will reduce the ring by a little; using a thick thread and tightly - by several sizes.

Moreover, you can slightly change the size on the go, for example, if your hands swell in the heat, to do this you just need to move the nodes outside the ring, and it will become a little larger, and if you have lost weight, then you need to move the nodes inside the ring and its size will decrease.

Not only did the size of the ring decrease, it also acquired an unusual, simply unique look, my lady friends asked me many times where I got the ring with such an unusual design, that is, they liked this style and it seems original.

Every real lady probably has some synthetic threads at home; in extreme cases, you can buy nylon fishing line or threads for macrame of the desired color, so that the braid matches the thickness and color of the stone, if the ring is blackened, then a universal black thread will do, I I use it exactly. It is important that the thread is synthetic, since natural thread will be abrasive and will also absorb not only dirt, but also sweat and sebum.

I’m happy to share the idea of ​​this life hack, I hope you like it, find it useful and highlight your individuality!

PS On this site you will find other useful tips :)

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Throughout life, most people experience situations when, under the influence of some factors, body weight fluctuates - it can decrease or increase. This is especially inconvenient for women.

Moreover, problems arise not only of an aesthetic nature - the figure changes, but also the favorite ring becomes huge, dangles on the finger and there is a risk of losing it. And here the question arises: how to reduce a wedding ring at home, without resorting to the help of jewelers?

How to reduce the size of your wedding ring

There has long been a belief that if you lose your wedding ring, it will definitely lead to the breakup of your family.

Of course, it’s up to everyone to believe in omens or not, but it’s better not to lose a kind of amulet and symbol of a happy family life. And yet this happens, often due to the fact that the ring has become large and sits quite loosely on the finger. To avoid an annoying nuisance, it is better to make the ring size smaller.

Most willingly, jewelry experts undertake to reduce jewelry in the form of a gold rim, without engravings, with a minimum of inserts and stones, or without them at all.

If the ring is openwork, with a pattern on the surface and a scattering of stones, it is quite likely that the master will refuse to correct the size of the ring downwards.

Also, not all jewelry workshops work with jewelry made of titanium and platinum. This is explained by technical difficulties that arise during the work and the lack of necessary equipment.

Sometimes they resort to such a method of reducing the size as remaking the ring completely. That is, they give it to be melted down, and then order a new one to be made of the required size.

Of course, you can do without a visit to the jewelry workshop, you just need to put a smaller ring on top of the jewelry that has become too large.

The need to change the size of the ring up or down occurs for a number of reasons. The most common of them are:

  • presented as a gift - they didn’t guess the size;
  • the body weight has changed, and the thickness of the fingers has changed accordingly;
  • received as an inheritance, but the jewelry does not fit;
  • I really liked it in the store, bought it with the hope that the diameter of the ring could be corrected.

And to solve such a problem as reducing the size of a ring, most ladies turn to jewelry workshops. This can be done at the nearest service center, near your home.

Or you can monitor reviews on the Internet about which workshop is better - where they don’t cheat, whether there is permission to engage in jewelry activities, whether they give a guarantee for the work performed, and compare prices for the service.

Such simple tricks will protect you from communicating with scammers and outright hacks, and will allow you to avoid damage to your favorite jewelry. Most often, craftsmen change the diameter of the jewelry by no more than 2 sizes. It is no longer recommended, otherwise there is a risk of significant damage or deformation of the ring.

The reduction procedure is done using two main technologies:

  1. Compression of ring diameter. This method is based on the simultaneous impact of high temperatures and pressure on the metal. As a result, the ring is the desired size.
  2. Cutting out part of the ring. A small piece of metal is removed from the rim, the edges are soldered and ground.

Upon completion of the work, using a crossbar, the decoration is given its final look, abrasions and scratches are removed.

In addition to a professional solution to the problem, it is possible to change the diameter of the wedding ring yourself, at home.

It is better if a man does the work of reducing the size of the ring, but even the weaker sex is quite capable of carrying out this process. You just need to use pliers to remove part of the rim of the ring. Then compress and process the edges of the cut with a file or sandpaper with fine abrasive.

The only disadvantage of this budget option is that the jewelry will have to be constantly worn with the cut down, on the back of the hand. But the main thing is that the ring now fits and the likelihood of losing it is reduced to zero.

Another option to reduce the diameter of the ring at home is to use special silicone pads. “Ring sizers” are hypoallergenic, they do not need to be removed when in contact with water, and most importantly, they are painted in the color of metal, that is, they are practically invisible in use.

If you need to increase the size of the jewelry in the future, you can simply remove the overlay.

How to increase your ring size - simple ways

If you can reduce the size of your favorite jewelry, then increasing the diameter of the ring is not a particular problem. The only thing: if there are inserts or stones on the surface of the ring’s rim, they will have to be temporarily removed. There are several main ways to increase your ring size:

  1. Rolling out. The product is rolled out on a special tool to the desired size. But if the shank at the bottom of the ring is initially thin, this method is strictly contraindicated - the rim may simply burst.
  2. Boring. A thin layer of metal is removed from the inside of the ring, making it possible to increase the diameter of the ring by 1 size exactly.
  3. Insert. This method is based on adding a small amount of metal of the same sample and color. The soldering area is processed with a laser or fire.
  4. Stretching. Allows you to expand the decoration by one or more sizes. For work, a tool called “Pinocchio” is used. This is a special cone onto which a preheated ring is placed and, by increasing the diameter of the tool, the decoration is given the desired size. This method is best suited for stretching engagement rings and smooth rings without stones.

From this video you will learn how to reduce your ring size at home:

In principle, reducing or increasing the small size of a gold ring is not so difficult; you can even do it on your own, without resorting to the help of specialists. Still, it is better to purchase the appropriate size of jewelry, so as not to cause yourself unnecessary trouble later adjusting it to the desired parameters.
