How to make yourself a smokey eye. How to do daytime smoky eyes: step by step tutorial

Smoky eye makeup means smoky eyes. This type of makeup has gained immense popularity in the last few years. Women prefer it because this makeup emphasizes all the subtleties and lines of the eyes. A special technique is smokey eye for brown eyes. In this case, it is necessary to choose a color palette and apply cosmetics correctly.

The main secret of this technique is to apply cosmetics step by step, and also carefully shade all the transitions and lines between shades.

Makeup Features

The smokey eye technique is considered a classic; it appeared back in the 20s and 30s. It was first used for brunettes to create a spectacular femme fatale image. This type of makeup was performed only in black tones, but now there is a variety of possible shades.

There are a large number of options, for example, evening or daytime smokey eyes for brown eyes. In the photo you can see interesting solutions.

This technique is based on shading shadows and pencil in layers. This creates a haze effect, which makes the eyes appear deeper and more mysterious.

This type of makeup has the following features:

  • The eyelashes on the upper eyelid have the darkest shadows.
  • You need to create a hazy effect around the eyes.
  • Closer to the eyebrows, the shadows become increasingly lighter. In this case, transitions should be reduced to nothing. They should be thoroughly retouched.
  • Eyelashes should be painted with mascara until thick.

Advice!The cool type of appearance goes well with silver, gray-blue, dark olive and gray-green. Those with a warm appearance can use pink and purple tones, as well as dark purple and warm shades of blue.

Rules for creating a smokey eye for brown eyes

Smokey eye makeup is suitable for almost every shade of brown eyes, from light brown to black.

To perform it correctly at home, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • The face should not shine with an oily sheen. You need to use loose powder and matting wipes.
  • Various pimples and redness should not distract attention from beautiful eyes. Skin tone should be perfectly even. Don't forget about camouflaging blue bags under your eyes.

  • Flashy lipstick is not suitable for such bright makeup. It is better to use gloss or lipstick in a natural shade.

Advice! For brown-eyed girls, mascara of any color is suitable: blue, brown, black or eggplant.

Selection of cosmetics

Before you start applying makeup, you need to make sure that you have all the necessary tools and cosmetics on hand. You need to prepare:

  • Special corrector for the area under the eyes.
  • Suitable foundation.
  • Soft pencil in dark shades.
  • Mascara with a voluminous effect.

  • Eyebrow pencil and shadow.
  • Various brushes.

Advice! The main brush should be fluffy, made of natural bristles and round in shape. With its help you can create a smooth transition between colors.

Creating makeup step by step

Smokey eye makeup for brown eyes can be applied in several ways. A step-by-step photo allows you to examine in detail all the nuances of the makeup.

Techniques differ in the application of eyeliner. In one case, the makeup begins with its application, and in the second it ends with it.

The application scheme consists of the following stages:

  • The skin tone is evened out, while the foundation is distributed over the eyelids.
  • Eyes are lined with a pencil. In this case, the arrow to the outer corner of the eye becomes wider. Then the lines are shaded well.
  • The darkest shade of shadow is applied to most of the upper eyelid. It covers the area from the eyelashes to the movable part and to the outer corner.
  • Then the shadows of the transition shade are distributed. The border between the two colors is shaded.

  • Light shadows are distributed. They cover the inner corner of the eye, as well as the area under the eyebrows. The borders are also shaded.
  • Eyelashes are painted in several layers, especially in the outer corners of the eyes.
  • Complete the look with gloss or lipstick in a neutral shade.
  • Dark colors are applied with flat brushes. Light shadows are applied along the contour of the previous shadows.

Advice!Before applying makeup, you need to prepare your face. To do this, the skin is cleansed with a special product. Then there is toning and moisturizing. For an even skin tone, foundation is used.

Palette selection

Many shades are suitable for ordinary brown eyes. And light brown eyes should not be overloaded with dark colors. Hazel eyes are suitable for violet, lilac shades, as well as champagne.

Advice! Additionally, you should pay attention to your eyelashes. An excellent solution would be to curl your eyelashes with a curling iron. This will visually increase the size of the eyes and give an open look.

Silver on the eyes

For evening make-up, you can use silver shadows. Cold tints are combined with warm brown eye color. You can choose both platinum and metallic shades.

At the same time, silver can highlight dark circles under the eyes more.

Advice! With such an unusual makeup, a creamy caramel-colored lipstick looks great. To make your lips look natural for a long time, you need to blot the first layer of lipstick with a napkin. Then another layer is applied. To create a clear contour, lips can be outlined with a pencil until the base color is distributed.

Bronze shimmer

Smokey eyes look great with bronze shadows. The yellow-orange color palette will especially suit girls with light brown and reddish eyes. You can also use copper, dark bronze and golden shades.

Advice! In order to emphasize the mystery and depth of the eyes, it is worth trying to use sparkles, metallic pigments, glitter and even artificial eyelashes.

Unusual green

Greenish shades perfectly highlight the natural brightness of brown eyes. This option is worth trying when creating an evening look. Dark eyes framed in green look especially enigmatic and mysterious.

Advice! It is important to apply blush correctly. In this case, light strokes are applied to the cheekbones, chin and, if necessary, to the outer contours of the forehead area.

Rich blue hue

Blue color suits chocolate eyes. In this case, different shades of this color can be used: from sky blue to turquoise.

Correctly selected shadows are favorably shaded with blue.

Advice! Only matte shadows are selected. If purple, blue or green shadows are used as the main ones, then light shades are selected for them: golden, beige and white.

Extravagant purple

Purple eyeshadow brings out the warmth of brown eyes better than other colors. Shades of purple of varying intensity can be used in both evening and daytime makeup.

Advice!Girls with dark skin can use more colored makeup. You can choose a combination of purple eyeliner and eyeliner of the same tone. Blue colors can be used as intermediate shadows. And light shades are selected from coral and pinkish shades.

Features of evening makeup

Smokey eyes for dark eyes and hair should include black arrows. Warm shades of shadows will be an excellent addition. It can be burgundy or brown shadows.

In evening makeup you can use bright elements: rhinestones or sparkles.
This option works as follows:

  • Light-colored shadows are applied to the entire surface of the eye, from eyelashes to eyebrows.
  • Using a special brush with beveled bristles, shadow lines are drawn along the growth of the eyelashes. The same line is drawn on the fold of the moving eyelid.
  • All lines made should be shaded well using a round brush.
  • The arrows are drawn with eyeliner or a special contour pencil.
  • Eyelashes are painted in several layers.

Advice! When distributing shadows, care and precision are required. Excess shadows should be brushed off using a fan-type brush. The area under the eyes should be lightly powdered to prevent contamination from crumbling shadows.

Features of daytime makeup

A woman needs to look great not only on holidays, but also on everyday life. A daytime smokey eye for brown eyes will help with this. It will emphasize the depth and bottomlessness of the eyes. This option is suitable not only for brunettes and brown-haired women, but also for blondes.

Step-by-step photo of smokey eyes in bronze shades

When applying daytime makeup, you need to take certain features into account. Instead of a black pencil, it is better to use a brown one. The thickness of the line is adjusted depending on the shape of the eyes. Small eyes can be corrected by a thin line of dark shades. If the eyes are of the Asian type, then the eyelashes and moving eyelid are lined. Thick lines look great on large eyes.

When creating daytime makeup, it is worth studying the recommendations of experienced makeup artists:

  • A line is drawn along the eyelash growth lines with a contour pencil. It is distributed over the upper and lower eyelids.
  • Using a brush, shadows of dark tones are applied. They should not be rubbed, but a little, as it were, driven into the eyeliner.
  • The top line of shadows is feathered.
  • Shadows of lighter tones are applied and then shaded. The lightest tones are distributed under the brow area.
  • Small eyes can be corrected by a thin line of dark shades

    Advice! If the skin is light, then light gray or steel shades are chosen as light colors and the base for the eyes. If your skin is dark, you can try a coral or pinkish smoky effect.

    Smokey Ice is a great solution to the problem of drooping eyelids. It allows you to visually lift the eyelid and create a more open look. To create such makeup, a line is also drawn along the eyelids, which should be well shaded. Light-colored shadows are applied to the middle of the eyelid and the inner corner of the eye. Shadows of medium intensity are distributed on the lower part of the drooping eyelid. Dark tones are distributed in the outer corner, on the lower part of the drooping eyelid and in its middle. Eyelashes should be especially thick.

    Black smokey ice is considered a universal option. It is suitable for any eye shape and color. With its help, a traditional image of a vamp woman is created. In this case, only three components are used: black eye shadow, mascara and a pencil of the same color.

    With this type of makeup, the complexion's tone should be especially even and clean.
    To prevent abrupt transitions, a special brush is used.
    Brown makeup can be classified as daytime, as it is based on coffee and flesh tones. It is recommended for brunettes and dark-skinned girls. If the skin is too white, the effect of tired eyes may appear.

    Smoky makeup will help brown-eyed girls create a seductive and sophisticated look.

    Smoky makeup will help brown-eyed girls create a seductive and sophisticated look. Correct application of makeup and the choice of high-quality decorative cosmetics will allow you to independently create an inimitable and unforgettable smokey eye for brown eyes.

Beautiful makeup, which makes the look more expressive and the eyes piercing, has been popular for a long time. Using a smokey eye is an ideal option to highlight natural beauty and hide imperfections, if any. Makeup artists have refuted the opinion that this type of makeup is only possible in black and ash tones, although the name is translated as “smoky eyes.” Smokey eyes can be made in different shades, even purple and green. Thanks to this, stylish makeup can be done in accordance with the color of the eyes and the chosen outfit.

Smokey Ice - what is it?

This is makeup in which the main emphasis is on the eyes, so you should use light lipstick or do without it altogether. The technique is based on shading shadows and creating smooth transitions between them, using pencils of different shades. As a rule, cosmetics of the same color are used, differing by several tones. In rare cases, contrasting shades are used. Due to this technique of applying and creating this makeup, the eyes become deeper, more delightful, and attract the attention of men.

This type of makeup has its advantages:

  • The ability to highlight the beauty of the eyes and make them more attractive.
  • Can be used as a daytime (light shades of shadows are used), evening, wedding.
  • An ideal technique that will help hide small imperfections in the eye area (for example, visually correct the problem of an overhanging eyelid).
  • Suitable for girls and women of any age.
  • After reading the step-by-step instructions for smokey eyes, the girl will be able to do exquisite makeup on her own at home.

Smokey eye makeup options

There are varieties of eyelid design in the “smoky” style. It all depends on various factors: eye color, chosen clothes, the girl’s wishes, whether it’s evening or daytime makeup. To choose the perfect option, you will have to experiment a little. Sometimes what looks beautiful on others and causes admiration will look ridiculous before your eyes. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose the right smokey eye option, choose eye shadow and other cosmetic elements.

Classic smoky makeup

Since the advent of the smoky eyes technique and for a long time, this makeup has been used in smoky tones. This is considered a classic. This option is also very popular in modern makeup, because it maximizes the charm of the eyes and emphasizes their depth. Having learned the skill of applying a classic smokey eye, there will be no problems with other options, and you can create a delightful makeup for a celebration or for every day, using different shades of eyeshadow.

With a light haze for every day

The classic “smoky” version looks great, but it is unlikely to be suitable for daytime makeup. For everyday eye decoration, it is better to use light shades of eyeshadow. The ideal option is light gray tones that suit all eye colors and go well with any outfit. To create such makeup, a contrasting, bright color is often used to highlight the inner corner of the eye. Don't forget about eyeliner, which is an essential element of a smokey eye look.

Using bright colors

For stylish girls who prefer a catchy make-up, smoky eyes using bright shadows are perfect. This makeup looks ideal in the spring-summer period, when a riot of colors in the image is important. For a bright make-up, purple, blue, green, pink shadows can be used. If you choose the shade wisely, you can make your eyes brighter, highlighting their beauty. When choosing rich shades, the main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, choosing the ideal option that suits you.

The nuances of doing makeup depending on eye color

In order for the design of eyes using the smokey eye technique to look beautiful and harmonious, it is necessary to take into account some points. First of all, when choosing shades of eye shadow, you should focus on the color of your eyes. Skin tone and hair color also play an important role. What works well for blondes with fair skin will look ridiculous on brown-eyed, dark brown-haired women.

Smokey eyes for green eyes

To create a smoky make-up, those with green eyes will choose chocolate shades, green, purple tones, and golden colors. To get a more interesting option, you can combine cosmetics. For example, using brown and green or golden shadows. Many girls are concerned about the question of how to make a smokey eye for green eyes. Let's consider a step-by-step scheme for creating such makeup:

  • We prepare the skin for makeup, apply the base for shadows.
  • Using a black or brown pencil, draw arrows above the eyelash line. This must be done along the upper and lower eyelids.
  • In this version, it is possible to do without the main shadows. You just need to blend the pencil well from the edge of the arrow to the middle of the eye.
  • On the middle part of the eyelid we apply an intermediate shade - a light brown color is perfect, and in the corner of the eye we paint with gold, beige or olive shadows. We carefully shade everything to get the smoothest transitions possible.
  • Apply mascara, painting each eyelash well. Beautiful “smoky” make-up for green eyes is ready!

Brown eyes

Performing smoky eyes for brown eyes requires following some rules. When choosing shades of shadows, you should additionally focus on skin and hair color:

  • Brown tones and olive color are suitable for dark-skinned girls with dark hair. It is possible to combine these shades, which will give the makeup a more attractive and original touch.
  • Those with brown eyes and fair skin are advised to use bright shades. For example, purple, blue, green, cornflower blue.
  • The classic option is to use silver or pearl shadows, which will look beautiful with any skin tone and hair color.

Blue eyes

Owners of charming blue eyes should not use too dark, saturated shades of shadows. The ideal tones in this case are silver, soft blue, lilac, blue, turquoise. For this type of makeup, it is recommended to use light shadows, delicate shades and not to make excessively thick arrows under the lower eyelid. For evening makeup, dark shades of these colors can be used.

Smoky eyes technique and step-by-step instructions

To create amazing makeup using the smokey eye technique, you don’t have to go to a makeup artist or beauty salon. This is especially inappropriate when decorating eyes for every day. Having become familiar with the technique of applying makeup, some secrets of execution, and having practiced a little and experimenting, all the girls will have no problem creating a stylish, sophisticated smokey eye for a holiday or for every day. Consider the option of creating a classic smokey eye.

To create a smoky smokey eye you will need:

  • A corrector that will hide skin imperfections.
  • Powder to eliminate oily shine and excessive moisture.
  • Foundation cream base.
  • The base for the shadows so that they lie evenly, do not roll, do not spread.
  • Black pencil.
  • Dark shadows (black or dark shade of gray).
  • Eye shadows in light and in-between shades.
  • Black mascara.
  • Eyeshadow brush, makeup sponge or sponge.

Let's look at how to make smokey eyes correctly step by step:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to even out the complexion of the skin, including around the eyes. For this, powder, foundation and concealer are used. The latter is especially necessary if you need to hide bruises around the eyes.
  2. Apply a shadow base to the upper eyelid.
  3. An important point in the smokey eye technique is the emphasis on the contours of the eyes. For this, use a soft dark pencil. As close as possible to the eyelash growth line, carefully draw the upper and lower eyelids. If you don’t have a pencil at hand, you can use a flat brush and dark shadows for this purpose.
  4. At the outer corner of the eye, the “arrows” need to be slightly raised up.
  5. The applied shadow or pencil is carefully shaded with a brush.
  6. Dark shadows are applied to the upper movable eyelid and the arch of the eye socket is emphasized.
  7. The intermediate shade is applied to the eyelid slightly above the main one.
  8. Apply eyeshadow in light shades to the upper part of the eyelid from the eyebrows to the crease of the eyelid.
  9. Carefully shade and smooth all transitions, creating the effect of a smooth transition.
  10. We paint over the eyelashes with mascara, applying a larger layer. Delightful classic smokey eye makeup is ready.

Video tutorial: how to make smokey eyes at home

Girls are accustomed to trusting the hands of professionals with beautiful makeup for the holiday. Makeup artists with professional cosmetics and experience will be able to create an exquisite smokey eye in a matter of minutes. But sometimes not everyone has the opportunity to contact a specialist, or the holiday was not planned and there is no time to search for a specialist. You can do amazing evening makeup yourself without leaving home. You don’t need any special cosmetics for this; what you already have in your cosmetic bag will do just fine. Watch the video tutorial, which describes in detail the step-by-step execution of smokey eyes:

Photo examples of smoky makeup 2016

The history of the smokey eye technique begins in the last century. For a long time it was used in a classic design using dark shadows. But over time, thanks to the experiments of makeup artists and the innovations they introduced, various shades began to be used for smoky eyes. This is a huge advantage, because in this case it is possible to emphasize not only the features of the eyes, but also focus attention on their color. In order to find out what options are popular in the 2016 fashion season, we suggest looking at a photo with an example of smoky makeup.

For several years now, stylish glamorous Smoky eyes makeup has been giving the images of Hollywood and show business stars, “socialites” and ordinary fashion-conscious residents of megacities a charmingly expressive look, sexuality and amazing attractiveness. The well-known technique of “smoky” makeup originated about a hundred years ago, during the NEP period, when lady vamps with a defiant, fatal, seductive look, “knocking out the support” of even the strongest representatives of the stronger sex, came into fashion. For a long time, sophisticated and sophisticated make-up was the number one accessory for parties, celebrations and other appearances.

Almost all Hollywood stars know how to do smokey eye makeup these days: Angelina Jolie, Penelope Cruz, Keira Knightley, Scarlett Johansson, Sarah Jessica Parker and Charlize Terron, Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian, Kate Hudson and Eva Longoria. Fans of the sophisticated “smoky” makeup technique are also the “celestial” singers: Beyonce and Lady Gaga.

Note! A light haze of Smoky eyes is a win-win option for blondes and brunettes, for brown-haired and red-haired beauties.

Thanks to the achievements of the modern beauty industry, which offers the widest range of decorative products with a mega-number of shades, it is easy to make smokey eye makeup not only an evening and holiday accessory, but also a daytime makeup. It's all about the right selection of tones. Various combinations of shades make it possible to get a tragic or languid look with drooping, fatal or sexy, mysterious, seductive or defiant. Any look with Smoky eyes makeup will definitely be colorful and expressive!

Many girls mistakenly believe that the color of the palette for smoky make-up should be matched to the main tone of the clothes so that all shades are in harmony. However, makeup artists advise that when buying shadows, focus primarily on the color of your eyes. Each shade of the iris has its own range of shadows, so you can accurately choose a color that will look harmonious with both your eye shade and your wardrobe.

How to choose the right eye shadow for your eye color?

  • Brown-eyed beauties should choose cool tones of decorative products: turquoise, indigo and other shades of blue (but be careful with some of them so as not to get the effect of bruises), lilac and pink. “Dark-skinned women” are perfect for olive (and brown-olive) colors, in harmony with chocolate and golden shades. For fair-skinned beauties you can apply: purple or lilac, bright blue or cornflower blue.
  • Blue-eyed and gray-eyed sorceresses will emphasize their irresistibility with gray and silver shades, with purple and golden shadows. Matte, pastel colors suit them best: pale pink, lavender, lilac, charcoal or taupe. Experts also recommend applying eyeshadow to blue or gray eyes with a pencil or steel-colored eyeliner.
  • Green-eyed seductresses will look colorful with shades of shadows that completely match the color of their rare eyes. Notes of brown tones are also good for them: from dark chocolate to coffee with milk, as well as copper and gold tones.

The amazing charm of Smokey Ice makeup

The smoky eyes makeup technique is based on careful shading of shadows, a smooth transition of their shades, creating a “haze” or “veil” effect. This gives the look a charming mystery and inexplicable appeal. The main emphasis in this makeup technique is on the eyes. Moreover, it can be not only in the widespread ash-black tones, but also in gray, purple, brown or green shades. You should choose blue tones with great care so that instead of perfect makeup you do not get the visual consequences of facial trauma.

Note! When thinking about how to apply Smokey Ice makeup, you need to take into account that evening and daytime makeup options differ in shades of shadows and eyeliner: evening makeup should be darker, brighter and more saturated, and daytime makeup should be softer and more natural.

Basic technique for doing Smokey Eyes makeup

  1. In order to get a sophisticated, sophisticated makeup, you must definitely even out the tone of moisturized skin using concealer or powder. The matte surface of the face is achieved not only by mandatory and regular high-quality care, but also by correcting skin defects with highlighter, foundation, concealer and powder. Use a fluffy brush to apply mineral powder over the face and eyelids to eliminate excess shine and improve makeup hold.
  2. Before applying smokey eye makeup, you need to apply eyeliner to your eyes. It is carried out with a cosmetic pencil or applied with dry shadows along the eye contour. Liquid eyeliner is not used in this makeup technique, as it is designed to create a bright, clear contour without shading. In smoky eyes makeup, all lines have soft boundaries, smoothly transitioning from one tone to another.
  3. Closer to the outer corners of the eyes, the contour line rises slightly towards the temples and becomes thicker than at the inner corners.
  4. Next, you need to carefully shade the entire contour. Along the lower eyelid the line is drawn thinner, but it should also be well shaded.
  5. Pencil and shadows are chosen in similar shades so that they harmonize and create the effect of a smooth, smoky transition.
  6. The shadows of the darkest shade are applied to the moving upper eyelid from the outer corner in a thick, rich layer. They also need to shade the contour line and emphasize the arc in the eye socket.
  7. Dark shadows on the lower eyelids should also be applied from the outer corner of the eye and gradually shaded towards the inner corner, reducing the intensity of the color.
  8. Use light grey, beige or pearl shadows to cover the area from the crease of the eyelid up to the eyebrows.
  9. Carefully blend all visible boundaries and transitions.
  10. Apply mascara thickly to eyelashes, especially to the outer corners of the eyes.

Some make-up artists find it convenient to first apply a colored or light spot of eyeshadow in an intermediate tone to the central part of the eyelid, and then use black or dark color to mark the contour of the eyelash line, the fold and the outer corner of the eye. The final chord of such a make-up is careful shading.

Some stylists are more accustomed to applying eyeliner with a cosmetic pencil after applying eye shadow.

Some girls make a matte “haze” on the moving upper eyelid as simply as possible: apply a thick pencil line of black, brown or other dark tone and shade it with the help of their fingertips. The result is a natural soft background without clear boundaries. Then the shadows are applied, also distributing them with your fingers.

Note! A bright accent of makeup should highlight only one part of the face so as not to look vulgar. Therefore, blush, lipstick and gloss must be chosen in pastel colors: peach, beige and others.

A clear line of well-groomed eyebrows, delicate lip color and a barely noticeable blush are ideal for a sophisticated smokey eye makeup. What else is needed for the irresistible, mysterious appearance of a real lady?!

Smoky eyes literally means “smoky eyes” in English, which is literally the correct definition of this makeup style. Makeup has remained popular for several years due to its versatility and creation of a captivating feminine look.

Smoky style makeup allows you to hide imperfections and make your look more expressive and mysterious. Celebrities most often use this style to appear in public, because it is considered one of the most attractive. Doing smokey eye makeup is quite simple if you have the necessary shades and makeup tools, as well as mastering a simple technique.

Evening smokey eye makeup is done in classic black and gray colors, but it does not suit many Slavic girls of light and cold color types and looks tacky like “raccoon eyes.” If you are the happy owner of blond hair, facial skin and eyes, then you should do smokey eye makeup in warmer and lighter pearlescent tones. Today, such makeup is performed not only in a variety of colors, but also as a daytime option.

Smokey eye makeup technique

The smoky makeup technique is based on a smooth gradient transition from one shade to another. There are no sharp, clear contrasting lines in this style. It is better to choose eye shadow for smoky eyes in the same color range, but in different tones. It is better to avoid using liners and eyeliners, and choose a soft pencil that will be easier to shade.

You will also need an eyeshadow base for greater stability, since the makeup will be done in several layers, and good mascara. It is important to highlight the eyebrows with a dark pencil of a natural color so that they do not get lost against the background of the eyes. You need to stock up on several brushes and applicators of various shapes. As auxiliary materials, you can use disposable sponges, napkins and cotton swabs to correct lines.

Classic smoky eyes: step by step instructions

Armed with all the necessary tools, we perform the classic evening version in black, which can be repeated according to the algorithm and photo of smokey eye makeup:

  1. First, you should apply foundation and carefully correct facial skin imperfections, since dark makeup requires a perfectly even skin tone without flaws. On the main eyelid, apply a light base for eye shadow or matte beige eyeshadow makeup in a natural shade (if not available, you can replace it with powder).
  2. Apply matte dark gray smoky eye shadow to the outer corner of the eyelid from the middle, extending beyond the border on the other side.
  3. Shade the gray color in an arc over the area above the eyelid and the inside, creating a smooth transition of the boundaries.
  4. Carefully adjust the lines with a cotton swab or napkin until a wing-shaped shape is obtained.
  5. Using a soft black pencil with a thick shaft, draw a wide line above the upper lash line along the entire eyelid.
  6. Using a thin brush or applicator, blend the pencil line upward.
  7. On the outer side of the eyelid we correct the darkening with gray color.
  8. We draw a fixed eyelid with a black soft pencil with a thick line from the outer edge to the middle.
  9. From the middle of the eye up to the inner corner, draw a thinner and clearer line with a soft black pencil.
  10. Gently blend with a cotton swab or pencil applicator from below.
  11. On the outer corner and going beyond, re-apply gray shadows.
  12. After completing the eye make-up and correcting the lines, we can apply mascara, after lightly powdering the eyelashes.

Other types of smoky eyes makeup

Today, this makeup style has become as popular as classic eyeliner and therefore can be used in various color variations and even as a daytime style. Classic style smokey eye makeup is performed only as an evening option and is not suitable for all girls. Its various types can be safely used by girls of any color type and use any other colors to complete it.

Smokey eyes for gray eyes

This universal eye color is ideal for most color and classic makeup options. You just need to take into account the color of your face and hair, as well as the brightness and saturation of your eye color. Apart from this, with the help of different colors, ashy eyes can also be given a special touch of a different color.

So, for example, using warm sand and blue colors for smokey eye makeup, you can give the iris a blue tone, and green and purple shades are used for a green tone. In order to expressively emphasize the transparency of the ashy iris, you can use chocolate and classic black or ash-gray colors. However, you should not choose very dark deep decorative cosmetics if your eyes, facial skin and hair are of a cool light shade in order to avoid the effect of sick or faded eyes.

Smokey makeup for gray eyes:

  1. After applying foundation, treat your eyelids with eyeshadow primer, matte beige eyeshadow or powder.
  2. Using a black soft pencil with a thick tip, apply a thick wing-shaped arrow to the entire surface of the eyelid, thickening it towards the outer border and extending beyond its limits with the upward end.
  3. From the outer corner of the arrow, draw a line along the fixed eyelid with a soft pencil, making it thinner towards the inner edge.
  4. Completely blend the large arrow on the eyelid with a brush, applicator or cotton swab.
  5. Apply light ash shadows with a shimmer effect on the inner eye area and shade the border with a pencil.
  6. On the outer area of ​​the eyes, apply dark ash shadows with a shimmer effect and also shade their border with the pencil one.
  7. Lightly powder your eyelashes and paint them with black mascara.

Smokey eyes for blue eyes

Blue-eyed representatives of the fair sex with very fair skin are better off avoiding too dark deep shades for smoky makeup. It is better to replace the classic black color with transparent warm brown and cold turquoise, blue and gray colors. If your facial skin is not very light, then you can safely experiment with reddish and chocolate shades.

Smokey makeup for blue or blue eyes:

  1. After applying your foundation and eyeliner base, using a soft chocolate-colored pencil, line your entire eyelid, both lower and upper.
  2. Apply matte shadows of warm chocolate color to the entire surface of the upper eyelid, blending them with a brush from the outer corner to the inner.
  3. Be sure to highlight the expressiveness of your eyebrows with a pencil or natural-colored eyeshadow.
  4. Directly along the growth line of the lower short eyelashes, draw a soft white or beige pencil to visually enlarge the eyes.
  5. After lightly powdering your eyelashes, color them with dark brown mascara.
  6. The lips do not stand out in this makeup; you can apply transparent gloss or natural-colored lipstick.

Smokey eyes for green eyes

Those with malachite-colored eyes can use all colors except green, which will blend in and get lost with this combination. For calmer options, ash and sky shades are suitable. For evening events, it is better to use lilac, purple and chocolate red or gold colors for a more expressive look.

Smokey makeup for green eyes:

  1. After applying your foundation and eyeshadow base, apply matte beige eyeshadow or powder to your eyelids. Using a thin brush or narrow applicator, apply matte dark chocolate shadows in an arc over the area of ​​the movable part of the upper eyelid, extending beyond the border outside.
  2. Using a soft green pencil, line the fixed eyelid, thickening and lifting the line towards the outer edge to connect it with the arched line of shadows.
  3. Highlight the area under the eyebrows with white color with a light shimmer effect.
  4. Using a thin brush and liquid pearlescent reddish shade, cover the entire eyelid area up to the chocolate eyeshadow line.
  5. Using a brush, apply golden shimmer shadow to the eyelid over the red color.
  6. Use a soft black or dark chocolate pencil to subtly line your eyes from below.
  7. On the entire upper eyelid, draw a neat, thin arrow of the classic type using a liner or eyeliner with a pointed end extending beyond the outer border and pointing upward.
  8. Lightly draw a light pearlescent soft pencil along the fixed eyelid and inner corner.
  9. Powder your eyelashes and finish off your look with black, green or dark brown.

Smokey eyes for brown eyes

For brown-eyed girls with fairly fair skin, transitional combinations of purple, pink and blue colors are suitable. Absolutely all dark-eyed girls are recommended to use desaturated black classic shades and chocolate transitional tones for smoky makeup. For those with dark eyes and skin, green smokey eye makeup with rich and fresh olive colors is perfect.

Smokey makeup for brown eyes:

  1. After applying your foundation and eyeliner, it is recommended to apply a light matte beige shadow or a little powder for longevity. Next, apply a matte bright light green color to the entire surface of the eyelid.
  2. For saturation, the application of bright color should be repeated and the lines should be adjusted with a cotton swab.
  3. Above the already applied light green shade, apply an arched wide line of a matte, bright, rich green color.
  4. Using a brush, you should carefully shade the boundaries of the combination of two colors, creating the effect of a smooth color transition.
  5. On the outer area of ​​the eyelid, apply black matte shadows with a brush or a convenient applicator.
  6. We carefully shade them for about a third of the century.
  7. Highlight the area under the eyebrow with white transparent shadows with a shimmer effect.
  8. Using black shadows we outline a crescent-shaped outline on the outer corner.
  9. Using a liner or eyeliner of a rich black color, draw a thin, neat line along the entire length.
  10. We draw the growth line of the lower short eyelashes with a white soft pencil or shadows with glitter.
  11. Again, use a liner or eyeliner to draw the tip of the classic arrow, directing it up and beyond the border of the outer part of the eye, outlining the zone of black shadows.
  12. We completely finely line the fixed eyelid with a light blue soft pencil with a pearlescent effect.
  13. After lightly powdering the eyelashes, cover them with black or rich green mascara.

Daytime smokey eye makeup step by step

For a detailed study of various techniques for darker and classic smokey makeup options, you can also watch video tutorials on smokey eye makeup. Today there are enough options for implementation so that every representative of the fair half of humanity finds the ideal option for herself. One of these universal styles is a light smokey makeup for a daytime look:

  1. To begin with, do not forget about applying a light foundation and correcting facial skin imperfections. Apply foundation, matte natural beige shadows or just powder to the skin of the eyes. Next, using a soft brown pencil, draw a neat line along the entire line of the eyelid, without going beyond the boundaries outside and inside.
  2. Using a thin applicator or brush, apply matte shadows in a warm caramel shade to the outer half, lightly blending them beyond the outer border.
  3. Apply dark gray shadows to the outside corner with light brush movements.
  4. On the fixed eyelid, we also apply gray color in the corner from the outside with light movements.
  5. Using a round brush or applicator, apply dark chocolate eyeshadow on the outer corner.
  6. Using a soft black or dark brown pencil, draw a neat line over the entire eyelid.
  7. Using a thinner line using a soft pencil, draw the fixed eyelid along the growth of short eyelashes.
  8. Apply white transparent shadows with shimmer in the inner corner, blending them over part of the eyelid.
  9. We draw eyebrows with a pencil of a natural color.
  10. After correcting your makeup and lightly powdering your eyelashes, you can apply dark chocolate or rich black mascara.

Important aspects for smokey eye makeup

You should take into account the shape of the eyes when performing this style of makeup, since eyes that are clearly outlined in dark colors can visually appear much smaller. For close-set eyes, you should also avoid full eyeliner, especially from below. To visually lengthen the shape and change round eyes to almond-shaped, you should complement the makeup with an almost imperceptible, but correcting arrow, with the end raised and extending beyond the outer borders.

It is better to avoid smoky makeup if you haven’t had enough sleep and your eyes look swollen and tired. Also, if you have small eyelid wrinkles, you should select decorative cosmetics without a shimmer effect and not too dark shades. This type of makeup will add age and look slightly out of place.

Smokey makeup requires mandatory eyebrow lining and a neat, well-groomed appearance. Use pencils for this or apply matte shadows with a brush. Another indispensable condition should be pale lips, since the entire emphasis is on a mysterious look, so you can only apply transparent, soft glosses and natural-colored lipstick.

Smokey eye makeup video

A simple video tutorial will help you easily master the smokey makeup technique in just a few minutes:

Smokey Ice, which means "smoky eyes"− very popular and versatile eye makeup for girls, complementing both daytime makeup and evening looks.

But when creating any makeup, not just smokey ice, many factors need to be taken into account– hair color, clothes, hair color, skin tone. Today we will talk about how to combine smokey eyes with gray eyes.

How to make lipstick matte on lips? find out right now.

Is it suitable?

Of course there is many variations of smokey for different eye colors - brown, green, blue, and, of course, gray.

Grey eyes - quite a rare occurrence but they look very nice.

And in order to make gray eyes brighter, and their color more profound, and there is a smokey eye makeup technique.

Grey colour - neutral, so there are many options for different shades of shadows that will suit it. Classic shades suit gray eyes: black, metallic gray, dark gray, light beige, sand.

If you have bright skin, bright colors are suitable - turquoise, aqua, purple, chocolate and coffee shades.

Using different shades you can make your eyes brighter, tone down the color or even slightly change eye shade. When using purple or chocolate, the shade of gray eyes will turn greenish-gray.

A classic black or gray smokey eye look is ideal for gray eyes, according to leading makeup artists. This option is suitable for both everyday use and for a date, celebration or evening out.

The main thing is not to overdo it with color intensity for daytime makeup. You can replace black mascara with gray or brown, this will be a great option for daytime make-up.

What will be required to complete?

So to create an irresistible image femme fatale with the smokey eye technique, we will need:

  • foundation that matches your skin type, which will help even out your tone and hide imperfections;
  • a black soft pencil that can be used to draw a bold, bright line. Clarity and a thin outline are not needed in a smokey eye;
  • brush or applicator for shading black pencil;
  • shadows of two or three shades, depending on how many shades you want to use;
  • The shadows should apply and blend well to create an easy and smooth transition. If desired, you can purchase a special base for them so that the shadows do not roll down and crumble before your eyes.

  • brush for smooth shading of color;
  • voluminous lengthening mascara. In the evening version, you can replace mascara with false eyelashes;
  • neutral beige lipstick or lip gloss;
  • blush of a peach or pinkish hue.

This is an approximate set of cosmetics that allows you not only to draw a smokey eye, but also to complete the look as a whole. Buy several options of shadows, or better yet, a palette so that experiment with different shades Smokey Ice.

Classic version– matte shadows, but for light shades and daytime makeup you can use pearlescent and glossy shadows.

After you purchase the necessary cosmetics, you can begin to practice the smokey eye technique.

Evening Smokey eye option for gray eyes – photo:

Those with gray eyes are very lucky - to this color Suitable for many shades and makeup options. Try different techniques and palettes, mix colors and textures, don't be afraid to practice and experiment!

We are sure that you will find your own version of smokey eye makeup that will look chic and conquer men’s hearts. Be beautiful!

You can learn how to do smokey eye makeup for brown eyes from our guide.

Master class on creating smokey eye makeup for gray eyes in this video:
