How to tell my parents that I'm pregnant. What's happening to mom

The worst thing you could imagine has happened. You're pregnant. And you're only 15! And you are still studying, and your friends are running to parties, dancing in clubs, and generally having a great time. And you...

And you, in horror, think: “I’m 15 years old, and I’m pregnant!”, You sit down at the computer and start frantically typing: “How to tell my mom that I’m pregnant.” After all, really, how do you tell your mom?

Let's calm down and talk. No, it's too late to blame you. Of course, you knew about the existence of means to prevent pregnancy. But for some reason I thought that all this had nothing to do with you. As you can see, it does, and in the most direct way.

And now about the main thing. This will be a dialogue

Your response: “What if I’m pregnant?”

Author's response: "The fact that in your body arose new life, makes you older than your peers. Outwardly nothing has changed yet, but feel that you are not alone. That there is another life in you, and it has the right to last. A child is what the majority of women come into this world for. And if it doesn't appear according to plan, it's not a disaster. Decide for yourself, as an adult, that you have no right to kill an innocent creature. And, having made this decision, go to your mother."

“Yes, but how can I tell my mom that I’m pregnant? She’ll just die!”

“Pluck up the courage and say it. Of course, at first you will have a hard time, but who else will understand you like your mother? She, having calmed down a little, will most likely also offer you to become a mother and promise help. However, if you have someone else in your family - someone close to you in spirit, then enlist his support. If you come to your mother together, it will be easier to talk.”

“Mine insists on abortion.”

"This is the most common reaction of guys who get involved with a fifteen-year-old girl. Due to your age, you don’t fit into his ideas about future wife and mothers, so the reaction is always the same. Don't feel sorry for a guy like that. He immediately showed what he was capable of. Why do you need someone who will throw in difficult moment. After all, you won’t be able to trust him anymore. He who betrays once will betray again."

“But I still need to study!”

“Try to negotiate with teachers about early graduation from school, if possible. And if not, then it’s okay. You can, after giving birth, finish evening school or college. And, if you wish, continue your education at a university. Many young mothers do just that. and they did. If you don’t have enough money, you can always find a part-time job, even if it’s unofficial.”

“How will I arrange my life then?”

"You see, you are already asking adult, serious questions. And the first one: “How to tell my mom that I’m pregnant?” is a thing of the past. Don’t be afraid, the situation you find yourself in has its own positive aspects. By the time your peers are pushing strollers in the yard, you will already have enough big baby, and you will be able to devote more time to yourself. Besides, you already have invaluable experience in relationships with men!

IN current time A single mother with a child does not scare anyone. And the presence of a child often even serves as a confirmation for a man of your future ability to manage a household - after all, you already know a lot!”

The main thing is in answering the question: “How to tell my mom that I’m pregnant?” - it's your decision to be and happy woman in the future. Everything is now in your hands! Good luck to you and believe in yourself!

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 8 minutes


The candy-bouquet period suddenly ended positive test for pregnancy. And coming of age is still - oh, how far away! And mom is a fair, but stern person. And there’s no need to talk about dad: if he finds out, he won’t pat him on the head.

What should I do? Tell the truth and what will happen? Lie? Or... No, it’s scary to even think about abortion.

What to do?

Before a serious conversation with parents, where and who can a teenager turn to regarding pregnancy?

First of all, don't panic! The first task is make sure that pregnancy is really taking place .

How to find out?

Options for the development of events after a conversation with parents - we work through all situations

It is clear that when parents hear “Mom, I’m pregnant” from a teenager, they will not enthusiastically jump, congratulate and clap their hands. For any parents, even the most loving ones, this is a shock. Therefore, options for the development of events may be different and not always predictable.

  1. Dad is frowning, silent and pacing around the kitchen. Mom locked herself in her room and cried. What to do? Reassure your parents, announce your decision, explain that you understand the seriousness of the situation, but you are not going to change your decision. And add that you will be grateful if they support you. After all, this is their future grandson.
  2. Mom scares the neighbors with screams and promises to strangle you. Dad rolls up his sleeves and silently pulls off his belt. Best option- leave and wait out the “storm” somewhere. Before leaving, be sure to notify them of your decision to give them time to get used to it. It’s good if you have the opportunity to go to your baby’s dad, grandma, or, at worst, to friends.
  3. Mom and dad threaten to find “this bastard” (the child’s father) and “tear off” his legs, arms and other body parts. In this case ideal option when the daddy of your miracle inside realizes his responsibility and is ready to be with you to the end. And it’s even better if his parents supported you morally and promised their help. Together you will cope with this situation. Parents, of course, need to be reassured and explained that everything was according to mutual consent, and you both knew what you were doing. If dad persistently demands “the name and address of the scoundrel,” do not give it under any circumstances until the parents calm down. In a state of passion, upset moms and dads often do a lot of stupid things - give them time to come to their senses.
  4. Parents categorically insist on abortion. Remember: neither mom nor dad have the right to decide for you! Even if it seems to you that they are right, and you are tormented by a feeling of shame, do not listen to anyone. Abortion is not easy serious step, which you can later regret a thousand times, these are also health problems that await you in the future. Often, women who made such a choice in their youth or youth simply could not get pregnant afterwards. Of course, it will be hard at first, but then you will be young and happy mom adorable little one. And experience, funds and everything else will come naturally, this is something to be acquired. The decision is ONLY YOURS!

When should a teenage girl tell her parents about pregnancy - choose the right moment

Exactly how and when to tell your parents depends on the situation. Some parents can be told about pregnancy immediately and boldly, while others are better informed at a safe distance, having already changed their last name and, just in case, locked up all the locks.

Therefore, here you will also have to make a decision yourself.

How to tell mom and dad that you're pregnant - all the “soft” options

Don’t know how to gently inform your parents that they will soon have a grandchild? Here are the most popular options, already successfully “tested” by young mothers.

Of course, her first reaction may be ambiguous. But your mother will definitely “get over the shock”, understand and support you.

Have you been to your family life similar situations? And how did you get out of them? Share your stories in the comments below!

Original ways to tell your husband about your desired pregnancy

So, the pregnancy has come, but you want to make the day when you tell your husband about it a real holiday. In this case, everything is in your hands.

Gala dinner

You can book a table for two at your favorite restaurant or cook your man's favorite dishes at home. And during the feast, you need to inform your loved one in an original way about the “interesting” situation. This can happen in the following ways:

  • order a cake with a message like “You future dad»;
  • ask the performers to sing a song for your husband, from which you can find out about the onset of your pregnancy (you can have them congratulate your spouse themselves).
Ask the performers to sing a song for your husband, from which you can find out about the onset of your pregnancy

Of course, you can tell your spouse about your pregnancy the old fashioned way, simply by admitting your situation. The choice is yours, because this is only your holiday.

Test as a gift

The pregnancy test can simply be left on coffee table or where your spouse usually eats breakfast. Place the dough on a tray and cover it with a lid, towel or in a box. By the way, you can hide and see how your spouse sees such a “gift” without you.

Photo gallery: how to get a test as a gift

The test can be attached to a note or postcard Interesting idea: decorate the box thematically and put a surprise and a note with a funny inscription in it. You can prepare several notes and give them to your husband one at a time. Test and booties in gift box- great solution
Almost everyone famous manufacturer tests there are “gift” options that look good on their own. For the test you can make nice box from decorative cardboard If handicrafts are not your thing, you can purchase the test in an elegant case

The test can be packaged in a beautiful box, which your spouse will take a long time to untie and open, and in the end he will see his gift.


Many people choose a quest as a way to communicate good news. You and your spouse will travel to a forgotten country and find countless treasures, or solve a crime together, or rob a bank, after which your husband will find a rapid test in the treasured box with money.
During the quest, you and your spouse will solve a crime together, after which he will discover an express test

Of course, you can conduct the quest yourself. You can do this as follows:

Themed sweets

In the evening in a cafe or at home dinner, you can put a cake on the table. It may depict:

  • two strip test;
  • the words “You will soon become a dad”;
  • mastic strollers, babies, rompers or booties.

You can talk about pregnancy using a cake with a picture of a rapid test

Thanks to such a sweet treat, your spouse will guess everything without words. You can replace the cake with interesting shaped cakes, gingerbread cookies, or whatever your spouse likes. It is possible that you yourself are a good baker: then “cooking up” a beautiful treat will not be difficult for you.


The option of sending SMS is rarely chosen, but it still exists. When your husband is in the same room with you, write to him, for example, the following: “Hi, dad, I’m now in my mom’s tummy, but in 9 months you will be holding me in your arms.” With a calm look, watch your man’s reaction, which will not take long to expect.

When your husband is in the same room with you, write him a message about your interesting position and watch the reaction

An original notification can also be made via SMS. When your spouse is sleeping, take his phone and rename your name to “Stork”. Then write a message: “I flew out, I’ll be back in 9 months!” When your husband reads this message, be nearby: this way you can track his reaction and immediately receive congratulations.


  • booties;
  • suits;
  • caps, etc.

Moreover, all of them will come in handy very soon. Monitor your spouse’s reaction, or even better, film this moment on camera.
You can announce your pregnancy by hanging baby items around the house.

Going to the store

Go shopping with your spouse and take him to the maternity section. Try not to let him immediately understand which department he is in. Start trying on maternity clothes, ask your husband which one suits you best. Wait until your husband understands what's going on. Take your husband to the maternity clothing department and maybe he’ll figure it out on his own

Good news for a family holiday

If the birthday of one of your relatives or another holiday is planned, then you should wait for this event. During the feast, when everyone is toasting, you can say: “I may not be allowed to drink alcohol now, but I want to congratulate you all on the birth of a new relative, which will happen in 9 months.”

Reaction to photo

Gather close relatives and arrange happy holiday. Wait until it’s in full swing, take the camera and say: “Attention, I’m pregnant!” At this moment, capture the surprised faces of the guests and your spouse.
Instead of “Attention, I’m filming,” you can say “Attention, I’m pregnant!”

All of the above options are good, but still, in my opinion, you need to choose the one that will please your spouse the most and will not be boring for him. Think about it in advance and start taking action. As for me, I simply told my husband about my pregnancy over dinner. He replied that this event needed to be celebrated, and we immediately went to a restaurant, and then walked for a long time around evening city. It turns out that it was not I who prepared to create the holiday, but my husband who organized it for me.

If you are not a fan of publicity, a walk around the city can be a great addition to your news

Video: 10 Ways to Tell Family and Friends You're Pregnant

How to Tell Your Spouse About an Unexpected or Unwanted Pregnancy

If you and your spouse were not expecting pregnancy, then it is best to tell about it not through a message or phone call, but directly. For this it is important to prepare your husband:

If a man loves you, then he will behave with dignity and will not ask for an abortion.
Not all husbands enthusiastically accept the news of pregnancy, but worthy men after a while they realize that everything is fine

If he is still against the birth of a baby, then you can tell him that you are ready to give birth to a child without his help, since you are completely ready for this. At this moment, he may feel ashamed of his cowardice, and he probably won’t want to lose you. Of course, not every woman is ready for such words, but, of course, it is necessary to defend the right to have a baby.

Some women cannot dare to tell their husbands that they are pregnant. In this case, you can simply show your spouse a rapid test with two strips.

All people are different, and you know your chosen one like no one else. Therefore, it should be clear to you which arguments are most suitable for him. Imagine in advance what exactly the nuances of your life together he may be dissatisfied, prepare strong arguments for this case. And most importantly, don’t be afraid, because you will still have to report your pregnancy.
It is better to inform your husband about the increase in the family in time, so that he has time to comprehend it and mentally prepare to become a father.

What not to do

If your spouse is not ready for your pregnancy, then you should not talk about it without preparation. Moreover, do this over the phone or send information in the form of an SMS message. Your presence will win him over and you will make a decision together.

Video: expert on how to prepare your husband for the news of a new addition to the family

How to tell your parents about pregnancy

When communicating important news about a new addition to the family to parents important have circumstances. If mom and dad have been waiting for your pregnancy for a long time, then you can tell them about this event in in a comic form. For example, invite them for tea, bake cupcakes, and put notes in each of them with the text: “ Dear Grandma(or dear grandfather)! Wait, I’ll be there in 9 months.” You can simply talk about your pregnancy at a common table.

If you don’t know in advance how your parents will behave, then it’s better to family circle start a conversation about children. This way you will see the reaction of the older generation. If they give arguments that it is too early for you to have a child, then you can answer that you are already ready for this and, after presenting weighty arguments, tell about your situation.
If you do not know in advance how the parents will behave, then it is better to start a conversation about children in a narrow family circle

How to tell your parents that a minor or unmarried young woman is pregnant

Try to prepare your parents as much as possible for such important news if you are single or underage:

  1. Set the table, invite dad and mom.
  2. Start the conversation with the fact that your friend without a husband (or a minor) gave birth to a baby. Look at the parents' reaction.
  3. Develop the topic by giving arguments in favor of having a baby. If your parents reacted well to this, then tell them that you are expecting a child.
  4. If not, then calmly continue making the case for having children in general.
  5. And after that, inform about pregnancy, because you will still have to do this.

Remember that parents are not always ready for such information. They may need some time to process the situation and respond positively to you. Give them the opportunity to collect their thoughts and do not make premature decisions.

The best thing you can do is bring it to conversation close relative, who is in the authority of his parents, or his chosen one. But this should only be done if you expect negative reaction parents.

Video: how to tell your mother about pregnancy

Before you tell your loved ones about your pregnancy, think about how they might react to this event. Prepare for the fact that your mother will have to be reassured, and the man may not always behave as you expected. If you are confident in his reaction, then let your message become a real holiday that you can prepare in advance for yourself and your loved one.

The candy-bouquet period suddenly ended with a positive pregnancy test. And coming of age is still - oh, how far away! And mom is a fair, but stern person. And there’s no need to talk about dad: if he finds out, he won’t pat him on the head.

What should I do? Tell the truth and what will happen? Lie? Or... No, it’s scary to even think about abortion.

The candy-bouquet period suddenly ended with a positive pregnancy test. The first, especially teenage pregnancy, is very important. If you are a minor, then before checking or, you will have to tell your parents about your pregnancy.

Mom is a kind person, but stern. And you don’t even have to tell dad, he’ll find out - he won’t pat him on the head. How to tell your parents that you are pregnant? Tell the truth and come what may, or lie? Or... No, it’s scary to even think about. What to do in this situation, how a minor can tell her mother about pregnancy, read the article.

Teen Pregnancy: Confused? You are not alone

If you're underage and just found out you're pregnant, you're not alone.

You may feel confused, scared or shocked, thinking “this is not real, this is a dream.” You promise yourself to be much more careful in the future. But you know one thing for sure - you will have to tell your parents about your pregnancy.

No matter how close your relationship with your parents is, you still don’t fully know what their reaction to the news will be. It’s one thing if your parents know that you are sexually active and are calm about it. It’s a completely different matter when you are forbidden to date guys, and sex before marriage is a spit on their values ​​and principles.

Most parents fall into the intermediate category. For example, they may have fairly liberal views on relationships in general, but nevertheless, the news that their teenage child is having sex will shock them. Even those who know and accept the fact that a child has sexual activity do not stop worrying about his future.

The character of the parents also plays a role. There are parents with whom it is easier to talk, and they accept some “hot” news more calmly. And there are those who are more emotional, more hot-tempered, more ready to start screaming, crying, swearing, etc.

Most parents will want to be as supportive as possible of their teenage daughter who is pregnant (or their son whose girlfriend is pregnant), despite their anger or frustration. But there are those who allow anger to take over. If you suspect that your parents may lose their temper, read to the section “How to protect yourself.”

There are parents who at first do not show what they feel at all. They need time to “digest” the news. Others, on the contrary, quickly understand what’s what, and their reaction speaks for itself. Some will listen and empathize, others will take action.

Think about how your parents would react to such a situation, try to imagine their response, but remember - you never know for sure. This can be submitted to different forms: sit down and talk calmly or talk about it in a funny way to make the parents’ impression easier. The choice depends on the situation and the nature of the parents. e

Conversation: How to tell your mom you're pregnant

First, pick the right words. You can say, “I have some difficult news. I found out I was pregnant." Give parents time to understand what has been said.

Be prepared for your parents' reaction when you tell them you're pregnant.

What will happen? Will they get angry, upset, or start lecturing, being rude, or asking a million questions?

It is better to think in advance how to behave and cope with emotions. For example, if your parents start yelling, be prepared to hold back in order to continue the conversation rather than yelling back.

Of course, not everyone starts screaming. Even if the first reaction to the news about teenage pregnancy was extremely negative, as a result, any parent will certainly help and support the child.

It’s a good idea to say that you understand their feelings and point of view. For example, saying "I know you're angry, this is not what you wanted for me" can lead to greater understanding. The main thing is to be honest and sincere, because prepared phrases to calm you down may seem fake and make you even angrier.

Give them time to speak without interfering.

Listen to what they tell you. Even if it's emotional.

Then tell your parents how you feel.

This is important. If you know you've disappointed them and you feel ashamed, tell them. Let them know that you are disappointed in yourself.

It's hard to put into words everything you're thinking, so don't worry if it comes out awkwardly or if you sob after every word. If you can't speak up, maybe you should write.

If necessary, ask for support from an adult before you announce the news of your pregnancy to your parents.

A visit to the doctor is mandatory not only to resolve health issues, but also to obtain information on the current situation. Your doctor or nurse can help prepare you to break the news to your parents and, if necessary, support you by being present at a family meeting. Perhaps another trusted adult can provide you with moral support.

How to talk to your parents about your decision

Once you've broken the news to your parents, you'll have to take a few important decisions. Your parents and your boyfriend's parents can offer help and solutions to problems that arise, so don't be afraid to open up.

Pregnancy and motherhood in adolescence questions education, work and financial stability in the future - and often both yours and your boyfriend's. Some teenagers choose to give birth, some young parents keep the child, others give it up for adoption. Some cases end in miscarriage, others in abortion.

Of course, the choice is difficult, especially if none of its components were included in your plans. There are families who turn to the help of psychologists to weigh the pros and cons with the help of a specialist.

"Mom, I'm pregnant" is more than just news

The issue of pregnancy does not end with one conversation with parents. Over the coming months, you will experience a whole range of feelings: from shock, fear, anger, guilt, mistrust and disappointment to unexpected joy and happiness.

Sometimes you will feel like you are ready for what will happen. And sometimes - completely helpless and scared. You'll have to sort yourself out, and that will take time. So don't be afraid to talk to your parents and ask for help and support.

How to protect yourself if you're afraid you'll overreact to pregnancy news

There are parents for whom the news that their child is pregnant can be a tragedy. Cultural, religious or simply personal principles cause them to perceive such statements differently.

You, like no one else, know your parents and what may threaten you. If you are afraid of aggression, ask someone to be with you at this moment. If you are concerned about your safety, seek advice and help from a clinic, various help centers or a hotline.

Many women who have recently learned about their “interesting” situation find it difficult to convey this news even to their closest people. How to tell your parents about pregnancy, because their reaction to such a statement may not always be unequivocally enthusiastic. In most cases, pregnancy is a joyful moment in the life of expectant mothers and fathers, and for other relatives it also becomes pleasant surprise. And how future grandparents look forward to their grandchildren! But not everyone and not always everything goes well. Therefore, the reaction of the older generation to such a statement from a daughter or son can be the most unpredictable. There are different ways to announce that you are expecting a new addition to your family in the near future; the main thing is to know the character traits of your parents and anticipate their reaction, and you also need to take into account the life circumstances that preceded conception.

Traditional methods

It’s easiest when the pregnancy is long-awaited and planned, and you are sure that the news about it will incredibly please all your family and friends. In this case, you shouldn’t be embarrassed or worried, but you need to say it directly, without any hints.

You choose the place and time yourself. You can do this at home in a narrow family circle. Or you can call all your family and friends for a dinner party, and then, during the conversation, solemnly announce to everyone that a toddler will soon appear in your family. And, of course, offer to celebrate such a significant event together.

Traditional methods are always effective. If you don't like to be ordinary in your actions, it's time to show your imagination! It is the effectively presented news that will certainly make an incredible impression on future grandparents.

Treat your parents to meaningful sweets

Original ways

Themed dinner party

Prepare a delicious lunch for your family and friends. Invite your guests in advance so that everyone can attend. You can hint at the imminent birth of a baby using baked goods baby envelope, or it is possible through the dishes themselves and the methods of serving them - various vegetable and fruit purees, children's cutlery, children's bright and colorful table setting. Pay attention to how the guests reacted and whether they understood the hint.

Small souvenirs - boxes with baby accessories, keychains with rattles, etc. - will not leave anyone indifferent. And when one of the guests offers you a drink, politely refuse, arguing that alcohol is contraindicated for expectant mothers.

Give your dinner party favors that suggest pregnancy.


If you have already been to an ultrasound diagnostic and you have pictures on hand, you can frame them beautifully and place them in a frame, and write next to them: “We will have a new addition soon.” Give this collage when you unexpectedly visit your parents for a cup of tea, or festive lunch when it comes to its logical conclusion.

You can announce your news on another family event, the main thing is that everyone is assembled. Invite your family to do it family photo. And when you take pictures, instead of saying, as is customary, “Cheese!”, say “I’m pregnant!” (you can choose another phrase). The most interesting thing is that in the photo you will be able to capture the emotions of your loved ones, and this is priceless.

Make interesting collages about pregnancy

T-shirts with slogans

You can order customized T-shirts online. Order them for yourself and your spouse. You can, for example, make a drawing of a toddler on them with the caption “Soon I will be a mother” or “This is what a future dad looks like.” Come to a meeting with your family in these T-shirts - such a hint is unlikely to go unnoticed.

Visit your parents wearing a T-shirt with a design that hints at your pregnancy

At a family holiday

If the stars align so that your mom or dad will have a birthday soon, you can hint at pregnancy with congratulations. For example, give beautiful postcard, in which it will be written “Congratulations to the future grandfather”, “In nine months, wait for your gift”, etc.

Give mom (dad) a matching birthday card

Letter by mail

Make a copy of the ultrasound image and put it in beautiful envelope. It is advisable to first wrap the photo in a piece soft fabric, reminiscent of a baby's diaper. Or you can write a message from your unborn child.

Send a telegram on behalf of your future grandson (granddaughter)

Video: parents' reaction to the news of their daughter's pregnancy

Unfortunately, pregnancy is not always and not for everyone good news. It also happens that she does not fit into the plans of the expectant mother or the family as a whole. What to do in this case?

There are no specific methods or templates here. But psychologists give a number of recommendations that are worth taking into account. With their help, you can present your news calmly and without causing a storm of emotions on the part of your opponent.

Pregnancy is not a life drama of universal proportions, but the most important event in the life of every woman. Even if conception did not happen as planned, do not rush to act out of your hand and abandon the child, because life goes by quickly, and the dearest and closest person will always be with you.

Notifying your parents about this event is not so scary; it is important that they feel your sincerity. Don't be afraid to trust them. Their advice and support is incredibly important to you now.

  • First of all, you need to be sure that you really want to have a baby, only then will the parents believe it;
  • Select the right time for conversation. Such news is not reported hastily;
  • There is no need to hide anything from your mom and dad - be frank;
  • It is necessary to prepare for the conversation in advance, think through all possible details and circumstances;
  • There is no need to be afraid of anything, tune in to positive emotions;
  • Parents are the closest people, so you can and should consult with them;
  • Under such circumstances, you must make decisions like an adult; your parents should see in them the position of an independent person who is aware of his actions;
  • Under no circumstances should you show negative emotions- burst into tears, scream, throw hysterics, and even more so reproach your loved ones for something. This will only make the situation worse. The conversation should be calm, the speech should be confident;
  • You can call a reputable lawyer to help you. Let your chosen one play his role, either his mom or dad, or another relative of yours (grandmother, aunt, sister), who can smooth out sharp corners and in right moment steer the conversation in the right direction.


It is very difficult to tell your parents about your pregnancy to the expectant mother, who herself is not yet an adult. We are talking about teenage girls. But here, not everything is as scary as it seems at first glance.

Naturally, the most important role will be played by the relationship between you and your parents. You should not be of the opinion that your “ancestors” will immediately begin to scold you and will not understand your position. You can’t hide your pregnancy, and especially not from them.

Remember the immutable truth: your parents love you very much. This is what you should start from initially.

If you get along better with dad than with mom, let him know, and vice versa. Mom and dad are the closest and dearest people to you, so they will always be with you, under any circumstances, and will certainly help you in the fight against life’s difficulties.

Serious conversation with parents

Calm, just calm! There is no need to give in to emotions, be as restrained as possible, because with all your appearance you must show that you are an independent adult who is responsible for your actions and is ready to accept any reaction from your loved ones. After you announce the pregnancy, give them some time to recover from the shock. All parents want to become grandparents. Yours just need to get used to the idea that they will have grandchildren so soon.

Ask your sister or brother for help

If your relationship with your brother or sister is very warm and trusting, you should tell them this news. You can ask them moral support when talking with parents.


If you don't have the courage to have a serious conversation with your parents, try to subtly hint to them that you are having some difficulties. Spend a lot of time in your room, all your behavior should indicate what you are worried about. When will they notice this? strange behavior, then it will be the right time to tell them that you will soon have a baby.


When it is difficult to decide to talk, you can notify your relatives about pregnancy in in writing. The main idea that should be reflected in the note is your feelings and further plan of action. When the parents read the note, some time will pass before a dialogue takes place between you, but it will be calmer.

Invite your boyfriend to talk

If your boyfriend fully supports your position to continue the pregnancy and is ready to help in the future, a completely rational step would be to invite him to a conversation with your parents. With him you will feel much more confident, because you will feel his support. It is in your interaction that the success of overcoming all the difficulties associated with pregnancy in adolescence lies.

Video: how to inform your parents about pregnancy if the expectant mother is a teenager

Regardless of whether you are married or single, regardless of your age - mature or teenage, all parents are always filled with joy when their children tell them that there will soon be a new addition to their family. But not all parents have this reaction immediately - some take time. So give them this time. Don’t worry, in your position it is strictly contraindicated for you to do this. Everything will work out for you and everything will work out, no matter how you inform your family about your new status. The main thing is to love little man, living there, inside, and your loved ones will love him just as they love you….
