How to take care of your hands at home yourself. Hand care at home - make a soda bath

It's no secret that one look at a woman's hands can reveal her true age. The skin of the hands is especially vulnerable because it contains very little water in its composition, and there is also insignificant amount sebaceous glands, and on the palms they are completely absent. Daily “chemicals” that make cleaning the house easier have a negative impact on our hands. Therefore, hand care takes important place V general care behind you, and not only from an aesthetic point of view.

As a rule, most of us pay little attention to hand care, except to apply cream if the skin suddenly becomes dry and rough. Meanwhile, lack of care can lead to wrinkles, small cracks and age spots on hands. In addition, cracks that appear can cause infection, since dirt and germs easily penetrate through them. Frequent and prolonged exposure detergents contributes to the disruption of local immunity, as well as the development of skin diseases, including allergic dermatitis and eczema.

Hand care at home.
Caring for your hands at home is not difficult, it is important to follow some recommendations.

Clean your hands from dirt only with water room temperature, since using cold water for this purpose leads to peeling of the skin, as well as to its hardness. Application hot water dries the skin, degreasing its surface, making it rough.

All household chores (washing, laundering, housekeeping, cooking) should be carried out only with protective gloves, since the detergents contain chemical substances have a detrimental effect on the skin of the hands.

After contact with water, your hands must be thoroughly wiped dry, which will prevent the appearance of hangnails on your fingers.

Every day you should apply cream to the skin of your hands.

Elbows also need special care, because the skin there is often dry and rough. Therefore, during the washing process, elbows should be wiped in a circular motion with a pumice stone or scrub, and then generously lubricated with a rich cream with the addition of lemon juice.

In addition, from the age of 25 you should have a SPA manicure and hand massage 2 times a month, after 35 years - 3 times a month.

Cleansing the skin of the hands.
The process of cleansing the skin of the hands is to remove external impurities. As a rule, washing your hands with soap is sufficient. You can also cleanse the skin of your hands using cleansing baths, for which your hands are immersed in water so that it covers your hands and forearm to the elbow joint.

Cleansing hand baths.
Take a liter of warm water and add to it a tablespoon of glycerin, a teaspoon of baking soda, a tablespoon liquid soap and half a teaspoon ammonia. You should keep your hands in this bath for about ten minutes. Then you need to dry your hands thoroughly and apply a fat-based cream.

Another option for a cleansing bath can be used as follows: dilute 100 grams in 1 liter of warm water. culinary or sea ​​salt.

Hand baths.
In addition to cleansing, hands can be pampered with nourishing and moisturizing baths that are beneficial for the skin of the hands. Depending on the condition of the skin of the hands, the duration of the bath can range from ten to thirty minutes.

Two tablespoons vegetable oil dilute with two liters of warm water. It is advisable to do this bath twice a week.

Add a teaspoon of ammonia and a tablespoon of glycerin to two liters of warm water. The procedure should be carried out daily for two weeks. After a month, the course can be repeated.

Pour a tablespoon of any dry herb (nettle, plantain, chamomile, sage) into a liter of boiling water, and after cooling, keep your hands in it.

Juice sauerkraut and whey are effective in combating hardened and rough skin hands After the bath, apply a nourishing oil-based cream to the skin of your hands.

Starch baths will help with cracks and calluses on your hands. To do this, a tablespoon of starch should be diluted in a liter of warm water. The procedure lasts about fifteen minutes, after which your hands should be rinsed with water and a nourishing cream for dry skin should be applied to them.

Exfoliating the skin of the hands.
The procedure for exfoliating the skin of the hands removes dead cells of the stratum corneum, preparing the skin for the action of active substances when further care. This procedure carried out using a scrub while taking a bath or after a hand bath. By the way, you can use ready-made scrubs for this purpose, or you can prepare them yourself at home. You will need a tablespoon of fine salt and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. With help cotton pad You should rub this scrub into the skin of your hands. Or a tablespoon of sugar and olive oil. The method of application is the same. After using the scrub, hands should be rinsed with warm water and moisturized with cream.

Hand massage.
Massage provided positive influence to receptors in the skin of the hands. In addition, it helps accelerate lymph and blood circulation, relieves muscles and ligaments from tension. Mainly used classic massage in the form of rubbing and stroking, as well as acupressure or acupuncture. When performing a massage, your hands should be lubricated with any massage oil or regular hand cream.

Moisturizing, nourishing and protecting hands.
The use of cream is necessary to moisturize, nourish and protect the skin of the hands. There is a different type of cream for each purpose. This kind of cream can be purchased at finished form in the store, or prepare it yourself at home, which is no less effective.

A tablespoon of any herb (chamomile, marigold, plantain, string), or a mixture of them, is poured with 200 ml of boiling water and infused for 8-9 hours. After this, the infusion is filtered. Next 50 g butter mixed with a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of the resulting herbal infusion. Everything is mixed well.

Another option: beat 100 g of sour cream and two yolks with a mixer, then, continuing to beat, gradually pour in the juice of half a lemon and two tablespoons of vodka (you can replace 1 tablespoon of alcohol or cognac).

You can also mix fifty grams of glycerin and cream with a few drops of lemon juice.

Gymnastics for arms.
Exercises help eliminate tension and fatigue in your hands that have accumulated throughout the day. Keeping your hands in one position throughout the day can cause them to become deformed. That's why gymnastic exercises should be opposite to the position in which the hands were during the day. If your fingers have been busy working at the keyboard all day, then they need rest; if your fingers have been tense and bent, they need straightening and relaxation exercises. Each exercise is done eight to ten times. It won't take much time.

To relieve tension, shake your hands, then rotate your hand clockwise and back.

Starting position – elbows on the table. You should bend and straighten your hands.

Starting position – hands on the table. Clench and unclench your fists slowly.

Starting position – elbows on the table. Clench your hands into a fist. Then carry out a sharp decompression.

Palms straightened. Bend your fingers one at a time, starting with the little finger. Extend your fingers in the reverse order.

Hand masks.
Thanks to the use of masks, the skin of the hands is nourished and moisturized more intensively. Masks not only nourish the skin of the hands and make it soft, but also have an effect on protective properties skin, strengthening them, as well as stimulating cellular restoration processes. Masks should be applied to previously cleansed skin. Hand masks most often contain moisturizers, lanolin, glycerin, vitamins, oils, waxes, honey, royal jelly, ginseng, aloe, chamomile, etc. In stores you can often find algae, whitening, anti-aging, modeling and other ready-made compositions used as hand masks.

Ordinary fatty hand creams can also be used as masks, which are applied in a fairly thick layer for 15-20 minutes. Remains of the cream are removed with a napkin or washed off with warm water (in this case, the cream must be applied to the skin of the hands). It is recommended to make hand masks at night; for this, hands are generously lubricated with cream, cellophane gloves are put on, and cotton mittens are put on. In the morning you can wash off the mask.

Paraffin hand mask.
Hands are lubricated with cream, after which they are covered with paraffin, brought to a liquid state (when heated). Hands are wrapped in cellophane and then cotton or terry mittens. This will slightly slow down the cooling process of the paraffin. This mask relieves joint pain and tension in muscles and ligaments. Under the influence of heat, pores expand, sweat and sebum secretion increases, and blood and lymph formation improves. As a result of this mask, the skin becomes smooth, tightened and toned. Paraffin mask is recommended for dry and dehydrated hand skin.

Oatmeal-honey mask.
Take three tablespoons oatmeal and add a tablespoon to them olive oil, the same amount of milk and a teaspoon of honey. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the skin of your hands. After an hour, the mask can be removed. To enhance the effect, you can wear cotton mittens.

Oil-yolk mask.
Beat the yolk of one egg with a teaspoon of honey and add a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Rub the resulting mixture into the skin of your hands and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then wash off the mask and lubricate your hands with nourishing cream.

Honey-yolk mask.
Mix the yolk of one egg, a teaspoon of oatmeal and a tablespoon of honey. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin of your hands and put on terry gloves. After twenty minutes, wash off the mask and apply nourishing cream to your hands.

Potato mask.
Grind boiled potatoes (2-3 pieces) with milk and apply to your hands, or dip your hands in this mixture and hold until the mixture has cooled. After this, wash off the mask and lubricate your hands with nourishing cream.

If your palms sweat.
In this case, after each hand washing, it is necessary to rub the skin with glycerin or a cream based on it. You can also reduce sweating of your hands by taking sage infusion, one teaspoon daily. It would not be superfluous to use a bath of a weak solution of ammonia (for 1 liter of water - 1 teaspoon of ammonia), potassium permanganate ( pale pink color) or chamomile. Salt bath It will also help with sweaty hands. To prepare it, add a teaspoon of sea salt to a liter of warm water. You should keep your hands in this bath for 5-10 minutes. The procedure must be done daily for two weeks.

But not only the skin of your hands requires constant attention, but also your nails. They should be cleaned and nourished in a timely manner, for which it is necessary to use special brushes and various oils in the form of baths (castor, almond, vegetable oil). Can be used to lighten nails lemon juice or solution citric acid, rubbing them into your nails. The beauty of your hand skin is complemented by a beautiful manicure.

The skin of the hands is the area of ​​the body that is most exposed harmful effects external factors. Hands suffer from contact with soil, dust, water, cleaning products, garbage, food, and medicines. They also affect internal factors: diseases, allergies, medical supplies. Every minute she needs protection and nutrition, which only you can give her.

There is no such thing as too much cream

The simplest thing your hand skin needs is constant hydration.

  • Therefore, place tubes of creams in those places in the apartment and at work where the skin is most susceptible to destruction: in the kitchen near the sink, in the bathroom on the washbasin, in the office on the table.
  • When placing creams around the apartment, use different types and texture: moisturizing, nourishing, protective, oily, light, lotion. This will give your hands the opportunity to receive complete care during the whole day.
  • Place a small tube in your purse in case you need to rinse your hands in a cafe, theater, cinema, or other public place, where a tube prepared in advance is not waiting for you.
  • Please note that it is better to apply cream to washed hands, but if there is nowhere to rinse them, it is better to lubricate dirty skin with cream than to leave it to dry.
  • Try to buy hand creams in tubes or jars with dispensers so that the cream has less contact with air and better retains its properties.
  • Lubricate your fingertips with cream more often, as they are the ones that suffer the most.

Oil in hand skin care

If problems with dry skin persist, use baby oil periodically instead of cream (for example, at night).

  1. Rub it thoroughly into the skin and leave your hands at rest.
  2. Don't touch anything, let the oil soak into your palms and fingertips.
  3. It will also have a beneficial effect on the cuticle.

It is also useful to use liquid oily vitamins A and E. They are sold in bottles or capsules. They are rubbed into dry or wounded areas of the skin of the hands for nourishment and healing.

Hand scrubs and masks

Don't forget about scrubbing and hand masks, even if you think they look great. It is imperative to remove dead skin cells, especially since they die on the hands much more often than on other parts of the body.

It is important to nourish the skin of your hands with masks. They can be bought in stores, but are easier to prepare at home.

When you feel slight peeling (to the touch), make a mask of boiled potatoes in the form of mashed potatoes, just pour not milk, but a glass of green tea into the crushed potatoes (2 pieces). Apply warm puree to the skin, and it is already in the process of rehabilitation.

If the skin is severely damaged, for example by frost, wind or chemical composition make a mask out of raw potatoes by cooking it on a fine grater. Add a teaspoon of honey to the potato dough, place the mask on your hands in a thick layer and try to wrap it with gauze so that the mask does not slip off. You need to keep it for about two hours so that the potatoes and honey have time to transfer their beneficial properties.

These masks are also good for women suffering from eczema, when the skin on their fingers cracks until it bleeds. Exactly natural ingredients help cells regenerate faster.

Paraffin therapy for hands

More complex hand care includes paraffin therapy. This salon procedure, but if you wish, you can do it at home, on your own, following special technology.

  • Buy paraffin at a professional cosmetics store.
  • Melt it at home over low heat until liquid, in a water bath, or it can be a special paraffin bath.
  • After washing your hands first, scrub them thoroughly with a scrub to remove the dead layer of skin.
  • Apply warm paraffin to your palms, covering each cell with a thick layer.
  • Wrap your hands in cellophane.
  • Cover with a towel (at this stage you will need outside help).
  • Let your hands enjoy the procedure for 20 minutes.
  • Remove the towel and plastic, remove the paraffin.
  • Apply cream to your hands.

Baths for hands and nails

Another popular and at the same time simple means care products include hand baths. They help get rid of many problems, and at the same time are easy to prepare.

Herbal baths will help relieve inflammation. Chamomile or sage will do. Take a tablespoon of dried herb per liter of boiling water, leave for about 15 minutes until the temperature becomes comfortable for your hands. Immerse your hands in the infusion, and after the procedure, treat them with cream or oil.

Do not add too much herb so that it does not dry out the skin.

To get rid of visible roughness on the skin of your hands, use starch baths. Per glass boiled water take a tablespoon of dry matter, mix and add another glass of warm water to the mixture. At a comfortable temperature, place your hands in the bath and enjoy peace for 15 minutes. Then rinse your hands under warm water and apply the cream.

To soften, a bath of dried plantain leaves, or fresh in summer, is suitable. Rub or knead them thoroughly, pour boiling water over them, let them stand for a while and lower your hands when the water becomes pleasant to the touch.

TO general rules It should be noted that there should not be hot water in hand baths, it helps dry the skin. There shouldn't be any weeds more than normal, it is drying and can cause allergic reaction. Each procedure should end with the application of a cream, nourishing or moisturizing.

Hand massage

A magical way to improve skin health is hand massage. This is an integral part of care that most women forget about.

But it is the massage that makes the blood circulate more intensively, as a result of which the supply of nutrients to the skin of the hands increases, tissue regeneration increases, and cells renew themselves faster. Massage also brings necessary for hands relaxation, relieves tone and gives rest.

Massage is completely easy to do at home, massaging with one hand and the other.

  1. Using the fist of one hand, in a circular motion, rub the palm of the other hand.
  2. Massage your wrist with light pressure thumb on him.
  3. Actively rub your fingers, each separately, in the direction from palm to nail, until warmth appears.
  4. Make three strong movements, as if you were pulling something off your fingers (massaging each finger separately).
  5. Using small circular movements, knead each joint on your fingers.
  6. Squeeze the massaged hand into a fist tightly with your other hand and hold for 2 minutes. Release your hand quickly and shake.
  7. Remove excess massage cream.

The second option for hand massage is simple and easy.

Love yourself and may your hands be healthy.

Learn more:

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A woman at any age wants to look attractive and well-groomed, so many of the fair sex pay attention not only to their face and figure, but also to the skin of their hands. Cosmetologists recommend starting to take care of your hands at the age of 25; at this moment, age-related changes, which can still be dealt with without radical measures.

How to care for your hands, this part of the body that, together with the décolleté area, immediately “gives away” a woman’s true age? First, you should know what type of skin the owner of these pens has.

If it’s dry, then you should take care of your hands in natural home conditions, following these recommendations.

Dry skin

It should be understood that dry skin on the hands initially requires constant year-round care. Therefore, those who have such hands need to remember a few essential rules:

During use household chemicals Gloves should always be used.

If, by doing homework, rubber gloves were not used or not used protective cream, it is advisable to perform wiping. You can rub the skin of your hands with lemon peel, red or black currants, and cranberries. Then rinse them with acidified water, for which you will need a glass of water with a teaspoon of vinegar added to it. Warm water in which the potatoes were boiled will also work.

It is good to dry your hands with a towel after washing with soap so that no drops of moisture remain.

By the way, it is better to use liquid soap, since it has many more nutritional components than bar soap. For this purpose, it is quite possible to adapt the product for washing dry hair, since it also contains nutrients. Each hand washing should be completed by rinsing with cool water, this will allow the skin to retain its elasticity longer, and will also make the veins on the hands less noticeable.

Important: this does not mean at all that after steaming the brushes they should be frozen! The temperature difference between the water used at the beginning and the end of the wash should differ by 15 degrees or less.

Skin turns red

If, despite proper care by hand, performed in natural home conditions does not eliminate redness of the skin, you can do mustard hot baths every day lasting a couple of minutes. To do this, add a couple of teaspoons of dry mustard to a liter of hot water. You should alternately hold the brushes in such a bath and in the one where you poured cold water. The procedure should be completed by rubbing into still damp skin. nourishing cream. Before going to bed, it is advisable to bandage your hands or wear light cotton gloves.

Important: you can whiten your skin using liquid powder, whose action is aimed at healing hands.

It is very useful to make baths, also hot and cold, from a starch solution, as well as with alum. The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour. After these actions, it is advisable to wipe the skin with more cranberry juice and massage with a rich cream.

If the weather is hot enough or, on the contrary, cold and windy, your hands need protection, so it is necessary to use a cream with such properties, in addition to winter time be sure to wear gloves. If your hands have suffered from exposure to cold wind, it is advisable to make a potato wrap. You need to take a couple of root vegetables boiled in their jackets and grind them with a large spoon in cucumber juice. Place the warm mixture on your hands in a thick layer for 15 minutes, then rinse with water and rub the nourishing cream on top.

Potatoes that have been boiled and mashed with hot milk are considered a wonderful remedy for the skin of the hands. Hot water should be avoided as it causes dryness and makes the skin rough.

  • If calluses appear on your palms, you need to make soap and soda warm baths, to which add a little ammonia. When rainwater is used, then no baking soda is required. To a liter of water you need to add a teaspoon of soap powder, the same amount of baking soda and twice as much ammonia. You need to immerse your hands in this bath for a third of an hour, then wipe them dry and lightly rub them with a pumice stone.
  • You should never use cheap soap, especially if it has strong smell. Use only mild or baby soap.

When caring for hands with dry skin at home, you must remember that it is not recommended to use antibacterial soap, because it greatly dries out the dermis. It is advisable to buy homemade soap. Today you can independently make a product that is characterized by naturalness. You can also make healing ointments at home to soften the skin on your hands.

Skin softening

To soften the skin, take lemon juice and mix in it egg white. You should rub your hands with this mixture at least three times a week. The ointment will soften rough and dry skin. As for storage, this is not recommended; it is better to use fresh ingredients, otherwise the hand care effect will not be achieved.

The following would be an excellent cream for dry skin. To make it you will need a tablespoon of string, chamomile, marigold, plantain. By the way, these ingredients can be taken as a mixture or one at a time. Pour a glass of boiling water over the herb and leave it covered for 8 hours to infuse. Then strain, take two tablespoons of butter, ground with a small spoon of honey and add a teaspoon of herbal decoction. Mix everything thoroughly. The cream is ready, you can safely apply it to your hands.

There is another option. You should take half a glass of sour cream, two yolks. Mix all these ingredients with a mixer, then gradually add the juice of half a lemon and two tablespoons of vodka.

An excellent result can be obtained by mixing equal amounts of cream and glycerin with a few drops of lemon juice. It is very useful to make a scrub for your hands. By the way, you can make it yourself, like ointments and creams. To do this, you need to take dry citrus fruit peels, as well as sea salt. For achievement better effect preferably added to the mixture coffee grounds. Grind everything thoroughly, then mix with moisturizer or soap base. Rub your hands thoroughly, not forgetting your elbows. After cleaning, you need to apply a mask made from the leaves of the coltsfoot plant to your hands. They should first be soaked in heated water, then crushed and mixed with a glass of milk. Soak gauze with the resulting mixture and apply it for a quarter of an hour. Having completed the procedure, all that remains is to lubricate your hands with moisturizer.

Important: when caring for your hands, do not forget about your elbows, which also need care.

Cucumber perfectly softens the skin. You should wipe your hands with freshly cut vegetables, then apply moisturizer. Another simple remedy is the use of vegetable oil. Experts give recommendations to use olive, flaxseed or sunflower oil, rubbing it in before bed. You need to put gauze soaked in one of the above-mentioned oils on your hands, then put on cotton gloves and you can go to bed. The result will appear by the morning.

Additional care

Now available to users for home use special techniques allowing you to effectively care for your hands. One of them is the use of a special kit for paraffin therapy of hands. This set for paraffin therapy allows you to provide home procedure at a high level.

The effect of the procedure occurs due to the unique qualities of paraffin: the possibilities inside the skin long time retain heat and then gradually release it. After the hand is immersed in paraffin, the skin instantly heats up, resulting in the pores opening well. This results in a “sauna effect” that cleanses the skin from harmful substances and toxins. In addition, the thermal effect allows the joints of the hands and muscles to warm up well and not hurt even after doing “hard work”. As the paraffin cools, severely dehydrated skin quickly begins to absorb water from it and useful elements. In addition, when paraffin cools, it contracts and this helps rejuvenate the skin.

You can get a rejuvenating effect from rubbing your hands edible ice or use a massage with a strong water jet of variable temperature. To slow down the aging process of the skin of the hands, it is recommended to use after paraffin therapy special compounds, containing collagen, elastin and vitamins A and E, which allow better restoration of the epidermis, making the skin smooth and elastic.

If there are problems caused by various factors, then the tips below will help you get rid of undesirable consequences. When your hands sweat, it is recommended to take baths. Mix the herbs of sage, yarrow, and oak bark, take a large spoon of this mixture and brew with half a liter of boiling water. To put on water bath, stand for half an hour. Cool and strain. Dip your hands into this healing decoction. You can also take essential oil from sage, juniper and fir, about three drops per three liters of liquid, pre-dissolve about ½ tsp in heavy cream. and lubricate the skin of your hands.

  • Whitening of the skin on the hands, sometimes very important task for a woman, because it brings many unpleasant moments. To get rid of this problem, you should take potatoes with white and mealy cores. Boil, then peel it and grind into a puree with the addition of half a glass goat milk, plus another teaspoon of olive oil. Apply the resulting homogeneous mixture to the skin of your hands for half an hour. Perform the activity every other day. The effect of the mask will be enhanced if you hold your hands in hot water for a couple of minutes before doing this.
  • A bath of yogurt, whey or sauerkraut juice has the same effect. It will be great if you add these products or at least plain milk to the water for washing your hands.
  • Age spots, which often appear on the skin of the hands with age, can be slightly lightened using the following composition. Take two teaspoons of infusion from kombucha and one part onion juice. Apply this mixture to your hands before going to bed. As a result regular use this recipe brown spots will lighten up.
  • To combat peeling and redness, you need to immerse your hands in a 0.25% solution of ammonia. It is very simple to make - just dilute one teaspoon of this substance in a glass of water or take vinegar. After drying your hands, it is advisable to soften them with a special lotion or cream.
  • If hangnails appear on your hands, you can remove them in this way. It is enough to hold your hand in a decoction of fresh cod several times and the problem will disappear by itself.
  • Well-groomed nails are considered one of the components of the beauty of hands and skin on them. Rubbing lemon juice around the nail into the skin has a good effect on nail plate. You can replace lemon juice with cranberry juice. This event will give your nails healthy shine, making them elastic.
  • So that it doesn't happen brittle nails, it is advisable to make a bath of heated vegetable oil, in which dissolve vitamin A, lemon juice and a few drops of iodine. Perform the procedure twice a week.
  • An important point when caring for your hands is to prevent the appearance of fungus on your nails. If this problem occurs, you need to brew strong coffee and immerse your hands in it several times, but do not shake the existing sediment. After the procedure, the skin becomes soft and smooth, the pain goes away.
  • For nail growth, you can do the following procedure. Take ten drops of boiled water, mix with half a teaspoon of ground red pepper and the same amount of cream. Heat the mixture in a water bath, and then spread it on the cuticles and nail area for 15 minutes, then rinse.
  • If cracks appear on the skin of your hands, it is recommended to use a mixture of a glass of butter and five grams of cinquefoil root powder. Combine these ingredients and place in a water bath for 10 minutes, stirring frequently using wooden stick. Then cool and lubricate any cracks that appear in the morning and evening.
  • If skin irritation on your hands often occurs, it is advisable to make a decoction of chamomile and immerse your hands in it. To obtain this composition, you need to brew a large spoonful of chamomile in a liter of boiling water, pour it into a bowl and put your hands in it. Next, blot them soft cloth and spread well with rich cream.


  • First you need to cleanse, that is, remove skin impurities. It is enough to wash your hands thoroughly, pampering them with a slightly heated bath containing soda and soap.
  • Remove peeling of the stratum corneum, thereby improving the penetration of active substances into the skin. To do this, use a scrub after a bath.
  • Performing a massage increases blood circulation and relieves tension in ligaments and muscles. Massage affects skin receptors. Rubbing and stroking are necessary acupressure. To perform this, massage oils are needed.
  • The use of masks helps to nourish and soften the skin, enhancing its protective properties, as well as stimulating its restoration.
  • Finally, moisturize and protect your hands with cream. It should include various additives and components that create a reliable protective film.

Repeat the cliché “the hands are ours” business card“I don’t want to at all. But it turns out that it is necessary: ​​few people are trained to take care of this very card. Moreover, they spoil it with everyone possible ways. A small survey of friends showed: only three out of 20 people wash dishes and clean the house with rubber gloves, and only half use moisturizer. Meanwhile, the skin of the hands has very little subcutaneous fatty tissue and sebaceous glands - this means that the mechanisms of restoration and hydration in it work very poorly. On the contrary, there are a lot of sweat glands - so it quickly loses moisture.

“The skin of the hands is most susceptible to temperature changes and the action of irritating substances,” dermatologist-cosmetologist Tatyana Gerasimova explains to me. “It’s almost as soft as the skin around the eyes.” But hands, unlike the face, cannot be rejuvenated with plastic surgery or hardware cosmetology."

Accordingly, it is easier to carefully care for it than to correct something later. And not only for women: weathered, flaky man's hands instantly take away one hundred attractiveness points from their owner.


Rules for home hand care

Considering all of the above, I insist that both boys and girls need to follow the following rules:

1. Don't wash your hands too much hot water and always dry them thoroughly. The abundance of moisture disrupts the water-lipid balance of the skin, and with temperature changes (for example, from home to street) wet hands instantly turn red and begin to peel off.

2. When it's cold, always wear gloves made of natural materials: soft skin It cracks in the cold, and in synthetics it sweats and dehydrates.

3. Wash dishes and clean up using good rubber gloves. Alcohols and acids contained in detergents destroy and dry out the epidermis. The result is rough skin and hangnails.

4. Make it a habit to regularly lubricate your hands with a good moisturizer. It is optimal to keep a bottle on your office desk, in your bag and at home near the sink.

5. Drink more water and take vitamins A, C, E (of course, after consulting with your doctor). They act as antioxidants, preventing the destruction of collagen fibers and the appearance of age spots - one of the main problems for hands.

And most importantly, do it two to three times a week home spa treatment for hands. It consists of the same steps as for the face: steaming, intensive cleansing, moisturizing. I offer three great scenarios to choose from.

1. Hand skin care: relieve fatigue

1. Bath: Add three drops of rosemary and menthol oil and a tablespoon of olive oil to warm water. Immerse your hands and steam for five to seven minutes.

2. Peeling: mix two tablespoons of sea salt, a drop of oil tea tree and two tablespoons of coconut (or vegetable) oil. Massage one hand in turn with the other, moving from the wrist to the fingertips. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.

3. Mask: mix one grated apple, two tablespoons of olive oil, a teaspoon of softened Vaseline and a drop of camphor or menthol oil. Lubricate your hands generously, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse. Finally, apply moisturizer.

2. Hand skin care: cleanse and tone

1. Bath: add the juice of one lemon, three drops, to warm water essential oil grapefruit, baking soda on the tip of a knife and a pinch of cinnamon. Immerse your hands and hold for five to seven minutes.

2. Peeling: mix half a cup of sugar, grated zest of one orange, a teaspoon of ginger, two tablespoons of olive oil. Massage your hands one at a time with a clean brush or sponge.

3. Mask: mix the pulp of one orange, a teaspoon of sesame oil, a pinch of red pepper. Apply to your hands, rinse off after five minutes and lubricate your skin with almond oil.

3. Hand skin care: moisturize and soothe

1. Bath: Heat two cups of milk a little and mix with the same volume of warm water. Add a pinch of cinnamon and two tablespoons of olive oil. Immerse your hands in the mixture and hold for 10 minutes.

2. Peeling: mix two tablespoons of sugar, a tablespoon sunflower oil, a pinch of soda, a tablespoon rose water. Massage your hands, then rinse.

3. Mask: mix one egg yolk, a tablespoon of jojoba oil, a tablespoon coconut oil, a teaspoon of honey. Lubricate your hands thoroughly, rinse after 10 minutes and apply grape seed oil.

These, of course, are not all options, but I guarantee: thoughtful home spa care for your hands perfectly relaxes and relieves fatigue, and throughout the body. Already after the scrub with ginger from recipe No. 2, you want to live. What recipes do you know?

One by one appearance hands you can understand the true age of a person. The skin on the hands is vulnerable, since it contains a very small amount of water in its composition, and on the surface of the skin there are few sebaceous glands, which are completely absent on the palms. Therefore, hand care is important not only from an aesthetic point of view.

Features of hand care

Constant cleaning around the house using various chemicals negatively affect the condition of the skin. Most women don't pay attention special attention hand and nail care. Only sometimes do the fair sex apply cream to their hands if they become dry and rough. And lack of proper care can provoke the formation of wrinkles, age spots and small cracks on the hands.

In addition, the resulting cracks can cause infection, since microbes and contaminants easily penetrate under the skin through them. Prolonged and frequent exposure of the skin to detergents contributes to the violation immune system, as well as the development of skin diseases, including eczema and allergic dermatitis. Talking about how take care of your hands at home, we can recommend following some rules and recommendations:

  • Hands should be cleaned of dirt with water at room temperature, since using cold water for this purpose can lead to peeling of the hands, as well as stiffness of the skin. And using hot water dries out skin covering, degreasing the surface, and because of this the skin becomes rough and rough.
  • All housework, for example, washing, washing, cooking, cleaning, must be carried out only using protective gloves, since the chemicals that are part of detergents negatively affect the condition of the skin of the hands.
  • It is recommended to use when washing hands toilet soap or special gel. These products contain substances that prevent the skin from drying out.
  • After contact with water, hands should be thoroughly dried. This will prevent the formation of hangnails on your fingers.
  • It is recommended to apply moisturizer to your hands daily.
  • It must be remembered that the elbows also need careful care, as the skin there often becomes rough and dry. For this reason, when washing your hands, your elbows should be rubbed with a scrub or pumice stone in a circular motion, after which the skin should be generously lubricated with a rich cream with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice.

Effective cleansing methods

The process of caring for your hand skin at home involves removing external contaminants. More often easy washing Hands with soap are not enough to complete cleansing. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically cleanse the skin of your hands using special cleansing baths. This procedure involves immersing your hands in water so that all the liquid covers not only your hands, but also your forearms to the elbow joint.

Recipes for cleansing baths

There are many effective recipes for baths, which are an excellent answer to the question of how to properly care for the skin of your hands. This does not require any specific ingredients or high costs. Cooking recipes:

  • Take one liter of warm water, dissolve in it one spoon of glycerin, the same amount of liquid soap, a teaspoon of baking soda, half a teaspoon of ammonia. You need to keep your hands in the resulting bath for 10 minutes, after which you wipe the skin well, and apply some kind of liquid on top. fat cream.
  • 100 grams sea or table salt dissolve in one liter of warm water.

In addition to cleansing baths, you can make compositions to moisturize and nourish the skin of your hands. The duration will depend on the condition of the skin. Typically, the duration of the procedure is from 10 to 30 minutes. Recipes for moisturizing baths:

Exfoliation of dead particles

Thanks to exfoliation procedure dead skin cells of the stratum corneum are removed from the skin of the hands, preparing the skin surface for the action of the active substance during future care. This procedure must be carried out using a scrub while taking a bath or after it. For this event you can use both ready scrub, and prepared independently at home.

To create such a hand care product, you need to take a tablespoon of fine salt and one spoon of any vegetable oil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, after which the resulting composition is thoroughly rubbed into the skin using a cotton pad.

There is another recipe for making a scrub: mix a spoonful of sugar with a tablespoon of olive oil. The method of application is the same.

After using the scrub, the brushes are rinsed with warm water and moisturized with cream.

Positive effects of massage

Massage can also provide positive impact on skin receptors. In addition, it promotes lymph and blood circulation, relieving ligaments and muscles from tension. For this purpose, classical massage in the form of stroking and rubbing, as well as acupuncture or acupressure, is mainly used. During the procedure, the skin should be lubricated with a simple moisturizer or special massage oil.

Thanks to exercises, you can eliminate the fatigue and tension that has accumulated in your limbs during the day. If the legs and arms are in the same position for a long time, this can lead to their fatigue and stagnation of blood in the vessels. When your hands are busy throughout the day, for example, working at the keyboard, they need peace.

If your fingers have been under severe tension for a long time and have been in a bent state, you need to do exercises to relax and straighten. Each exercise must be done about 10 times. Moreover, such gymnastics does not take much time. Basic exercises:

  • To relieve tension, you can shake your hands, then rotate your hands counterclockwise and back.
  • Take the starting position with your hands on the table. Extend and bend your hands.
  • Place your elbows on the table. Clench your hands into fists, then sharply unclench and squeeze.
  • Straighten your palms. Bend your fingers one at a time, starting with the little finger. You need to straighten your fingers in the reverse order.

Nutrition, hydration and protection

The use of creams is simply necessary to nourish, moisturize and protect the skin. At the same time, a different type of cream is selected for each purpose. They can be purchased at any cosmetic store, or you can prepare them yourself at home, and such a product will be no less effective than a store-bought one.

To prepare the cream at home, you need to take one tablespoon of marigold, chamomile, string or plantain. You can also take a mixture of herbs. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over the raw material and let it brew for 8-9 hours. After this time, strain the infusion. Mix 50 grams of butter with one teaspoon of the resulting infusion and the same amount natural honey. Mix everything well and apply the resulting composition to the skin.

To prepare another cream, you need to take two chicken yolks and 100 grams of fat sour cream. Beat the products with a mixer or blender. Continuing to beat, gradually add the juice of half a lemon, as well as two tablespoons of vodka, which can be replaced with 1 tablespoon of cognac or alcohol.

You can also mix 50 grams of glycerin, cream and a few drops of lemon juice.

Masks at home

You can easily make nourishing and moisturizing skin masks at home, thanks to which the skin becomes even softer than from using baths. Such masks will not only nourish the skin, but also have a positive effect on the protective properties of the surface of the epidermis, while simultaneously stimulating the process of cellular restoration.

Tip: masks should only be applied to previously cleansed skin.

Most often, such products are made based on glycerin, lanolin, moisturizers, oils, vitamins, honey, wax, beeswax royal jelly, ginseng, chamomile, aloe and much more. In cosmetic stores you can purchase whitening, algae, modeling, anti-aging and others ready-made mixtures for masks.

As a mask, you can also use a regular fatty cream, which should be applied in a thick layer and kept on the surface of the skin for at least 15 minutes. The remnants of the mask are removed with warm water or simply removed paper napkin. It is recommended to apply such compositions at night, lubricating the skin with cream and wearing cellophane gloves on top. In the morning, the mask is washed off with warm water. Mask recipes:

In conclusion, it is worth noting that it is necessary to clean not only the skin of your hands, but also your nails. To do this, you can use special brushes and various oils. To lighten your nails, you can use lemon juice by rubbing it in thoroughly. The beauty of your skin can be complemented by a beautiful manicure.
