How to fall in love with a person with the power of thought. How to mentally attract a person to yourself? How to attract a meeting with a specific person

Do you, dear readers of SIZOZH, know the desire to please someone, to make friends with someone, to attract someone into your life?

These are simple human desires that visit, probably, each of us.

So let's find out how to do it right - to attract the people we need into our lives.

How to attract the right / loved one?

The article consists of two parts:

  1. First, we will decide who exactly we need in order to attract such a person into our lives.
  2. And then we will work on keeping this person around (without any violence?), we will figure out how to attract and interest him.

The first step is done with . The second point is implemented using the rule " If you want to receive, give first". Okay, now about everything in order.

To attract the right person into your life, you first need to formulate an image in your head. Think about everything you would like to see in this person. Qualities of character, appearance, life principles. In short, think whatever you want. However, keep in mind the fact that your invented image is just a mock-up, a real person may differ in some way.

Is the image ready? Excellent! Now let's proceed directly to the attraction of this person. To do this, use the power of thought by regularly doing visualization.

Let's say you want to meet your love. Then imagine in colors how this person appears in your life, and how your life changes with him.? Visualize in great detail how you get to know each other, spend time together, love each other.

A sign that you are doing everything right will be a feeling of joy and happiness during and after visualization.

Remember, friends: So think about the good, about what you want to receive! Do you want love? Wonderful! Live it, let it become your second reality. Throw out of your head all useless thoughts that are not useful for your present and future. Constantly replay in your head a movie in which your loved one makes you happy!? You will definitely get it, the main thing is patience and faith in the result.

Attention! Visualization should not be a burden to you. That is, regularity, of course, is necessary, but if at the moment there is no mood, then you don’t need to force yourself.

It is also worth noting that it will not work to visualize attracting a specific person who exists in reality into your life. It is important! Using visualization to make a real person your soulmate is not recommended. If you visualize a real person, then this person will most likely feel an inexplicable disgust towards you, or simply indifference. After all, you didn’t ask him, but you are trying to subdue him against your will, and you can’t do that. It is felt on an intuitive level, believe me. But it does not matter - read below about how you can interest a real person.

If you want to receive, give first!

In order to interest the person you need, you should apply the rule "". It always works!

Each person thinks first of all about himself beloved. People do not care about other people's shortcomings and weaknesses. There is no point in trying to interest someone by flaunting your own coolness or some kind of achievement. Our interlocutors are attracted primarily by something completely different.

And this is different - interest in their person. Sincere interest. How to attract the interest of a girl or a guy? How to draw attention to yourself? Very simple. Talk not about what is interesting to you, but about what is interesting to someone you want to like. Talk not about yourself, but about the interlocutor, his inner world, his hobbies. Show genuine interest and don't ask for anything in return.

Surprising but true! Even if you say almost nothing about yourself, after such a conversation you will be considered an exceptionally interesting and endearing person. And even more surprising is that your interlocutor will gradually begin to show the same sincere interest in you.

And not to interrupt and insert your opinion. Give up demands for reciprocal interest or mutual love, and instead let the interlocutor feel his significance. Be interested in them sincerely, and gradually this interest will become mutual! That is, in the end you get what you refused.

Why does it work? We are only focused on ourselves. When someone makes us feel our own importance, then we automatically begin to treat such a person well.? We notice such people with sincere interest, distinguish them from others. We pay more attention to them, and we can see what we have not seen before. Analyze your life and you will understand the truth of these statements.

Attention! Only sincere interest can cause reciprocity. If a person is not really interesting to you, and you are trying to deceive him by pretending to be interested, then most likely nothing will come of you with this person.

If you have a sincere interest in someone, then there is a very high probability that this interest will return to you many times over. Everything is simple! In order to get something, we first give it. And it works, friends! If this is really your person, then he will not go anywhere from you. You give him, he gives you - what else is needed for happiness?


The power of thought and the rejection of the desire to receive work wonders. Through the power of thought, we attract the right people to us. And by giving up the desire to receive reciprocity and simply giving sincere interest, we get what we refused.

Love and be loved! And please subscribe to SIZOZH page VKontakte. See you!

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People ask if it is possible to do this or that with the power of thought, I will tell you, even without knowing the subject of the question, that, most likely, yes, something can be done.

But it is important, probably, not so much to know whether it is possible to do something with the power of thought, but to understand exactly how to do it. I asked this question for a very long time and created this blog for exactly such purposes: to collect in one place information on how various “miracles” can be performed using the power of thought.

Attention! The power of thought is an incredibly powerful and effective tool for realizing your desires. You can use various techniques, but the main thing is to clearly know what you really want.

So, now I will make a small list of what can be done with the power of thought. And then I'll try to find material where you can read detailed instructions on how to do this.

List of things that can be done with the power of thought in this world

The power of thought can attract money

With the power of thought you can lose weight

You can bring back a loved one with the power of thought

You can even make someone fall in love with the power of thought

The power of thought can heal

Can get a job

Can attract travel

You can basically attract a specific person

You can also change your appearance with the power of your mind.

These are the miracles our thought power is capable of. Of course, all skills will come to you with experience, and self-learning can take several years. But it's worth starting today. Do you agree that the game is worth the candle?

Then now I will tell you in more detail what and most importantly how you can do it with the power of thought.

The power of thought can attract money

Of course, and unequivocally, that the power of thought can attract money. I have done this more than once and I am going to tell you in detail about my successes in my book about money. But this book has not yet been completed, so if you are really interested in this topic, subscribe to my blog, leave your e-mail address and I will definitely announce the release of the book in the mailing list.

In the meantime, on this blog, I advise you to read the incredible story of the famous actor Jim Carrey. Jim was poor, but he was able to fix it with the power of thought and proved to all future generations that you can attract money with the power of thought.

Is it possible to lose weight with the power of thought?

Definitely yes! Georgy Sytin even wrote a separate book on how to lose weight with the help of the power of thought, it is called "Thoughts that create a slender figure." I even added this book to my top 100 "" because I think it is worthy.

Is it possible to return a loved one with the power of thought?

Yes, you certainly may!

And people have long been returning their husbands, wives, girls and boyfriends with the help of the power of thought. I described in detail about my experience how to return a loved one with the power of thought in an article.

See the video for more on this.

Is it possible to make someone fall in love with the power of thought?

The answer is also positive. If you seriously want to make a person fall in love with the power of thought, I advise you to read the book by Amarga Killer "Seduction with the power of thought."

Don't let the title of the book bother you, it will help you fall in love with a person not only on a physical level 😉

What else is possible with the power of thought?

You can heal with the power of thought!

Nowadays, more and more doctors say that all diseases come from the head. Joe Dispenza, neurophysiologist, doctor, has been studying this topic for quite some time. A few years ago, he published the book "You are a placebo", in which he talks about moments of healing and gives clear instructions on how to heal with the power of thought.

Also in my blog there is an interesting section about Healing.

The power of thought can attract work and travel

Briefly read about this in articles and.

Is it possible to attract a specific person with the power of thought?

I think you can - experiment with the Silva method. There is a whole section on my blog devoted to this method.

Well, you can start with my article.

So, friends, I told you briefly what can be done with the power of thought.

Oh no, I forgot one more thing!

But that's not all!

You can find out how I fulfilled my desires, from the smallest to the largest, on my,

P.S. Imagine, with the power of thought you can EVEN win the lottery! And Klaus Joel will tell you about this in this article.

If in the last century meditations and mantras were the lot of exclusively adherents of the "new age" movement, today many people meditate.

To do this, it is not necessary to visit any special places or go to some teachers, because you can meditate right at home. Is there a meditation for attracting a loved one? Yes, and we will talk about how to properly conduct such a session in this article.

Despite the senseless wars that are still being waged on Earth, since the beginning of 2000 there has been a great surge of interest in spirituality. In 2012, many expected the end of the world, according to the predictions of the Mayan calendar, but this did not happen. On the contrary, the proximity of such an event as a possible apocalypse made even more people become interested in enlightenment and self-discovery. There is a version that, in fact, the calendar was talking about the end of the Dark Ages and the transition to the Golden Time for humanity.

Meditation is a way to achieve mindfulness. People who are considered enlightened in society say that prayer, as we are used to presenting it in the form of endless monologues to God with complaints and requests, is wrong. A person should pray without thinking about anything and certainly without asking - and then he will hear the answer in the form of the fulfillment of his desire. This is what meditation is. There is meditation to attract happy events, to find harmony or love.

Internet scammers and life

As usual, as soon as a large number of people begin to be interested in something, scammers immediately appear who want to make money on it. Meditations are no exception. Do you think that just like that, just by wishing this, you will not be able to get closer to God? Well, at your service are a lot of paid seminars, trainings, online lessons, the creators of which promise to teach you everything. Well, of course, someone who will earn a tidy sum from you knows exactly what the right meditations are like for attracting a loved one or good health. Therefore, do not rush to pay for ephemeral promises! Remember that such knowledge is owned by people who are really conscious.

Such individuals are well aware that happiness is not in money, and therefore they write free books and give free lessons. If you decide to pay for the knowledge you gain, then that is your decision, but do not try to make mandatory cash contributions or payments.

Factors of Right Meditation

If you want to learn meditation, then take note of the following rules:

  1. You need to meditate in a place where you can relax the fastest. Perhaps the perfect spot for you would be your room with the curtains drawn to create a pleasant twilight.
  2. Meditation is best done alone. It is for this reason that group classes are not entirely suitable for sessions.
  3. If you are doing meditations on attracting a loved one or on health, then visualizations will help you. Try to draw such an image in your head before the start of the session - you are happy, loved, here you put your head on someone's shoulder, laughing .. These are the images you will use during the session.
  4. For some people, sound images, special aromas, help to focus. If you are not distracted by such factors, then turn on a pleasant quiet lounge-style tune or smoke incense.

What will meditation give?

Meditation will allow you to relax, to rest as if you had a good night's sleep. If you are anxious about something, your thoughts are distracted by some problem, meditation will give you the opportunity to look at the problem from a completely different angle.

Does meditation work to attract a man or to attract health? Of course, you will not see the effect immediately after a session or after two. But if you work on fulfilling your desire and believe in luck, you will reach your goal.

Let's move on to technology

After reading the next paragraph, you will be amazed at how easy it is to meditate! Someone asks for money for lessons, someone comes up with complex techniques .. Why? Meditation is simple and natural.

So, take a comfortable position. It doesn't have to be the popular lotus position. Sit where you feel comfortable. Lying down is not recommended for the reason that you can fall asleep. Close your eyes. Concentrate on your breath. Just focus on how you inhale the air, how it fills your lungs, lingers in your body, and then you release it. Of course, out of habit, thoughts will come into your head, but you don’t get distracted, don’t try to hold them back or “not think”.

Continue focusing on your breath as thoughts come and go. That's all. This is how your first meditation will go.

Meditations to Attract a Loved One

If you meditate not for the first time, then thoughts come less and less, and the mind remains clear. Just when you have a little experience in concentration, try this way of fulfilling your desires as meditation to attract a loved one.

First of all, it should be noted that it will not be possible to meditate on something bad. That is, if you think about making your enemy unlucky, then you will simply lose concentration. Meanwhile, bright, good desires that do not affect someone else's will can easily coexist with our "pure" mind without thoughts.

So, you are still focused on your breathing and at the same time you are drawing in your imagination an image of yourself, happy and loved with someone. Let these pictures be in golden light colors.

Meditate several times a week, for ten to twenty minutes, and you will definitely meet your love.

Is it possible to "attract" a particular person through meditation?

One of the basic principles of meditation is the freedom of your and others' will. Will you be happy if someone "pulls" you and your feelings? Vedas, you want to fall in love yourself by choosing your chosen one. Therefore, it is not necessary to represent a specific person during a “relax meditation” session. Attracting love will be much more effective if you imagine your happiness, feel your love, harmony, happiness during the session.

There are many unsolved mysteries and unexplored phenomena in the Universe, one of which is power of thought. It has been scientifically proven that every human thought can be material. Moreover, thoughts are capable of spreading oscillatory waves that have a certain impact on the entire surrounding world.

On distance

People with paranormal abilities can move objects in space with the power of thought. But not only psychics, but also quite ordinary people can control their thoughts.

Human thoughts have absolutely no boundaries, so in his imagination a person can see the most unrealistic events.

One of the important manifestations of thought is its attractive power. In other words, if a person constantly thinks about something, then sooner or later it will happen to him.

For example, people can use the power of thought to attract money, luck, illness, and, of course, other people. Moreover, you can attract the right person not only from your inner circle, but also from someone who lives in another city, country, continent, that is, you can do it at a distance.

Pull towards you can be any person, regardless of gender, age and location. The object of attraction can be both a familiar person and a stranger. In order to attract a person who is at a distance, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • Formulate a specific goal - in the imagination you need to really imagine how this person (the object of attraction) will appear before you in real life.
  • All thoughts aimed at attraction should be positive - this will open the flow of positive energy, which will certainly lead to a good result.
  • You need to regularly (several times a day) look at photograph of the attracted person, since it is simply impossible to contemplate someone who is at a distance.
  • Before you start controlling your thought, you need to clear your mind of everything extraneous, that is, it is impossible to attract a person and something else at the same time.
  • It is necessary to regularly say words of gratitude for what is happening in life.
  • Need regularly use affirmations- short statements that are somehow connected with the attracted person. This is a very important point, since words have played a big role at all times. People exchange information with the help of words, designate their thoughts and dreams with certain words. That is why it is extremely important to clearly pronounce every word that (albeit in absentia) is pronounced in the address of the desired person.

To control the force of attraction of one's own thoughts is subject to each person. Daily thoughts about a person who is at a distance will be transmitted to him with the help of oscillatory waves. As a result, he will also want to meet a person who attracts him.


In practice, it is quite possible to attract any person to you. This can be a former lover (lover), a stranger you like, or an old friend with whom communication was stopped.

The rite of attraction of man the power of thought must be carried out regularly. You need to be in a comfortable position. It is best that at this time a person is not distracted by any extraneous actions. Closing your eyes, you need to imagine a person, his face, clothes, facial expressions, behavior.

It is necessary to stay in this state until the moment when there is a feeling that thoughts have begun to move to the object of desire. After that, you need to relax and say good words to this person. It can be just a phrase or beautiful poetry.

There is another practice of controlling the power of thought, which called frayling. Its essence is to completely abandon thoughts about the desired person. Then the oscillatory waves will work in the opposite direction. That is, if thoughts about the desired person are suppressed in the subconscious, then this information will also reach him and have a kind of influence. As a result, a person will begin to "attract" to someone who ignores thoughts about him.

Real life examples

Marina and Alexey met for more than two years, made joint plans, prepared for the wedding. Everything changed in one evening when

Quite by chance, Marina stumbled upon an article in some magazine that The thought is material, and with its help you can attract any person to yourself. Since then, all Marina's thoughts and deeds have been aimed only at regaining the young man. The girl thought about him, wrote letters and put them in her room, wrote poems about him.

At the end of December, just before the new year, a bell rang in the girl's apartment. When she opened the door, her beloved was standing on the threshold. On the same evening, the young people reconciled, and since then they have not parted. Maxim, being a materialist, apologized for his act in the past, confessed his love to Marina, and the girl knew that she took an active part in reconciliation with her beloved - she “pulled” him to her.
