How to choose a wedding day? Astrologer's advice. How to calculate a favorable wedding date by date of birth

Supporters of numerology are convinced that the fate of a married couple depends on the wedding day. When preparing for marriage, it will not be superfluous to calculate a favorable wedding date. With the provided online services, you can check the influence of numbers on the lives of parents.

In the article:

Calculation of the date of the month of the wedding

To determine the most favorable date (any month) for marriage, it is necessary to add the numbers of the fate of the bride and groom. For example:

  1. Bride born: 06/18/1994 = 1+8+6+1+9+9+4 = 38 = 3+8 = 11 = 1+1 = 2.
  2. Groom born: 10.01.1991 = 1+1+1+9+9+1 = 22 = 2+2 = 4.
  3. Now you need to add up the resulting numbers: 2+4 = 6 . If the number turned out to be two-digit, you need to add each digit, as in the case of dates of birth .
  4. For this couple, good wedding days will be all numbers that add up to 6 - such dates: 6, 15 or 24.

Your date of birth:

Date of birth of the second half:

If you have already decided on the month, then you can find out one more additional day. To do this, you need to subtract the sum of the individual numbers of the bride and groom from the number of days in the month you are interested in. For example, in July there are 31 days, subtract the figure calculated above 6 and get 25 .

Calculation of the wedding year

Let's say a girl was born on 06/18/1994. Let's add all these numbers, bringing to the first order:

1+8+0+6+1+9+9+4 = 37 = 3+7 = 10 = 1+0 = 1

Now make a small table for yourself to find out which numbers will “respond” over the next few years. To do this, add up all the digits of the year.

For example: 2018=2+1+8=11=2 (this is the year number). 2020=4

Then check your data against this table:

Based on the table, for units, the most suitable years for marriage are: 2017 (2+1+7=10= 1 ); 2020 (2+2=4 ); 2021 (2+2+1=5 ) ; 2023 (2+2+3=7 ).

If you have already decided on the groom, make a similar calculation for him.

Numerology of the day of marriage

So, you are confident in your partner and choice, you know the right year and day. It's time to find out the month of marriage. Not only numerology will help you with this, but also. Using them, you will be able to determine the best month that will be suitable for marriage. Believe me, this will greatly simplify your calculations.

To find out the fate of marriage by numerology, write down on a piece of paper the possible dates of marriage, months and years. Next, check them one by one using the online service below.

Wedding date:

Wedding Numerology

Wedding number 1. A long, but difficult marriage will be concluded on the day of the unit. You will have to get used to each other for a long time, to survive the cooling of feelings.

However, if people learn to coexist together, help each other and support a partner in everything, then the marriage will be successful. If the partners cannot learn this, then they will face a divorce or a life full of lies and betrayals.

Wedding number 2. A marriage concluded on the day of the deuce promises to be long, full of romance, reverent love and sincere relationships. However, relationships will have to be constantly worked on, since even any little thing that shakes the idyll will be perceived as a tragedy.

In order for harmony to reign in your couple all the time, praise your partner more often and show him that he is really very dear to you.

Wedding number 3. Wedding number 3 guarantees an unstable life, each of the partners will try to achieve personal success, express themselves, while paying very little attention to their soul mate. Also, this number speaks of problems in everyday life.

People who marry under the rule of a troika will disdain housework, believing that someone else will do it. At the same time, this state of affairs will cause conflicts and disagreements.

Wedding number 4. Another not the most favorable number for marriage. Partners will perceive each other as an obstacle to personal happiness and improvement. As a rule, in which couples there are not only children, but also attachment to each other.

Such relationships can be strong only if the spouses depend on each other (due to work, for example, they have a common business).

Wedding number 5. Wedding number 5 make your life bright and interesting. Despite the fact that partners often live “each in their own world”, they get along well with each other, love to share new emotions and sensations.

numerology wedding date by date of birth Often partners look in the same direction, moving towards common goals. If people are connected not only by marriage, but also by a common hobby, work, then the marriage will be as successful as possible.

Wedding number 6. Six is ​​the most favorable date for the conclusion of the wedding. In such a union, there will always be plenty of both financial benefits and love. Such couples really live happily ever after until the end of their days. But this is not suitable for those who marry without special love, based on self-interest and profit.

A one-sided game is not the best scenario for the development of such relations. If each partner is open, with gratitude and understanding will treat his soulmate, then this will be the most harmonious relationship.

Wedding number 7. The number 7 for a wedding is only suitable if the partners are very calm and really extremely faithful to their chosen one. Such an alliance is suitable for those who are ready to concentrate on each other, may refuse a wide range of communication.

If one of the partners is a person who is used to being in the center of attention of a large company, then this number is probably not suitable. For those who have peace in family relationships, this number prophesies a reliable and strong union.

Wedding number 8. A wedding registered on the day of the number 8 is necessarily built only on a financial basis. This number is recommended for those who want to enter into a marriage of convenience and not deny themselves anything for the rest of their lives. This number may also be suitable for those who are somehow connected with the financial sector (for example, a bank employee). In this case, family life will also be long.

Disappointment will befall those who strive for a warm, tender romantic relationship. Such a marriage will be happy only for those who primarily think about financial well-being.

Wedding number 9. The number 9 is ideal for those couples in which neither partner has personal ambitions. If each person is ready to serve the interests of the family, give himself completely to his partner, make him happy without expecting anything in return, then the marriage will be perfect.

If one of the partners makes a career, builds his future, and the second has not realized himself, then the less successful partner will serve the one who has managed to realize himself. Therefore, if such a family model does not suit you, opt for a different wedding date.

However, remember that the power of love is more important than numbers. Check if your parents' marriage was able to overcome the prepared scenario?

A wedding is a very important event for every girl. I want everything to go perfectly and, of course, the further married life was successful. If you like numerology, learn more about.

Planning a wedding means laying the foundation for future family life, so it is important to choose the right day for the celebration. Astrologers are sure that the date of the ceremony affects the longevity and well-being of the life together of the bride and groom. But how to choose a wedding date? Follow the general guidelines that will help you determine when is the best time to get married.

Folk omens associated with choosing a wedding date

It used to be that the observance of folk signs when choosing a wedding date would provide the newlyweds with a happy life together. Here are some of them:

  • A wedding played in January threatens the widowhood of a husband or wife.
  • Having married in February, a girl can live life in a foreign land.
  • April marriage is like changeable weather - the sun is warm, then the cold rain is falling.
  • The May marriage threatens the couple to toil all their lives together.
  • The family life of a couple who is getting married in June will be happy.
  • July is a bad month for marriage, it promises an unhappy fate.
  • Those who marry in September will have a measured, calm life.
  • The unfavorable month for weddings is October.
  • A November wedding will bring wealth and prosperity to the family.
  • A marriage concluded in December prophesies a great, strong love for the young.

What date to choose for the wedding? According to the Eastern calendar, 2017 is the time of the Woody Green Goat, which is very cautious and reserved in everything. Therefore, all decisions made should be approached with great care, especially when choosing a wedding date. Astrology says that 2017 is distinguished by constancy and any drastic actions, rash actions are doomed to fail. Therefore, in order to make the right choice of the day of marriage, it is worth listening to both folk signs and astrologers at the same time.


To choose a lucky day for a wedding, numerology is often used. Its principle is to reduce all date numbers to a single value by adding them together. For example, you want to know the number properties of a wedding date that is supposed to take place on 10/11/2016. We consider: 1+1+1+0+2+0+1+5=11, but we need a single-digit number, so we add again: 1+1=2.

  • "1". A wedding on the first day enhances the possibilities of a future family. This is an auspicious date for marriage, as the day is ideal for new beginnings.
  • "2". Two symbolizes extremes. Numerologists advise not to take active actions or serious actions, which means that the number is not suitable for marriage.
  • "3". Instability is a characteristic of the triple. The symbol of the number is a triangle representing the future, present and past. The troika combines fun and talent; for the family, it promises adaptability to various conditions, unsinkability.
  • "4". A symbol of stability and reliability. However, the day is more suitable not for starting a new one, but for completing work that has already been started and familiar work. You should not plan fun or entertainment for the four.
  • "5". There is no stability in the five, but this is compensated by happiness, many adventures and surprises. For two sincerely loving hearts, the number will bring good luck, a long and happy life.
  • "6". A symbol of reliability and harmony with nature. The day of the six is ​​a date full of comfort, ease, mutual understanding. The number can be the culmination for serious undertakings, for example, the start of family life.
  • "7". The study of the new, knowledge is the symbol of the seven. The day promotes intellectual pursuits, favorable for creativity. The seven can bring happiness to a couple if the feelings of the young are deep and fresh.
  • "8". Eight means perfect reliability, infinity of love. It is believed that marriage on such a date will bring happiness, prosperity and material prosperity to the family.
  • "9". Symbol of success. It is necessary to start new things, since the number patronizes triumph, contributes to the achievement of goals. A wedding on the day of the nine is the choice of ambitious newlyweds who seek to develop their relationship, raising it to a new level.

By date of birth

Some astrologers believe that the wedding should take place on the same day of the week on which the birthday of one of the newlyweds fell. Each day of the week has certain characteristics:

  1. Monday is favorable for marriage.
  2. On Tuesday it is better not to marry, the family will often quarrel.
  3. It is undesirable to marry on Wednesday, feelings may soon pass.
  4. Planning a wedding for Thursday is for those who strive for self-realization and leadership in the family.
  5. Friday is a day favorable for marriage, the couple promises prosperity and harmonious relationships.
  6. A wedding held on Saturday will bring happiness to those young people who prefer family to career.
  7. Sunday is the perfect wedding day. Spouses who got married on Sunday will become a reliable support for each other.

According to the lunar calendar

Astrology associates the wedding date with the lunar phases. It is believed that marriage on a new moon will bring happiness, and marriage with a growing moon symbolizes wealth. If the young have chosen the day of the full moon, then the future family will live in abundance. Those couples who get married during the waning moon will be protected from adversity. On the days of a lunar or solar eclipse, marriage is not recommended.

How to choose a wedding date according to the lunar calendar?

  • Favorable lunar days for marriage will be: 6, 10, 11, 15, 21, 26 and 27 days.
  • Unfavorable - 3-5, 8, 9, 12-14, 19, 20 days.

According to the signs of the zodiac

The horoscope determines the favorable and unfavorable wedding days for each zodiac sign individually.

  1. Aries. To go to the registry office, you should choose the time from mid-February to early March, mid-April, the period July 10-August 20, the second half of October and the first decade of December.
  2. Calf. The ideal time for the ceremony will be February, March, the period 3-8 and 20-28 January. It is allowed to marry at the beginning of September.
  3. Twins. 2017 is not the best year for starting a family among twins. There are more chances to create a strong union if you choose such dates and periods: June 20-July 3, March 11, 18, December 20-26.
  4. Cancer. It is better for this sign to choose the second half of January, April, July, the end of August, as well as the period September 2-27 or December.
  5. A lion. The most favorable dates for marriage registration will be: January 21, September 15, 16, December 8-10.
  6. Virgo. The best dates for creating a new family will be: February 15-16, May 21, all of July, September 8, from December 10 to 15.
  7. Scales. A favorable time for marriage is: January 16, 18, early April, August, second half of May, late November, early December.
  8. Scorpion. For the wedding celebration, choose the following dates: January 8, February 20-26, April 4, August 5, September 9-11.
  9. Sagittarius. The best dates for a wedding in 2017 are: January 15-17, February 11-13, March, May 8, end of June, September 6, second half of October, November 31.
  10. Capricorn. Planning a wedding is on February 10, 18, 21, March 4, May 11-16, July 4, the end of September or December.
  11. Aquarius. The summer months and the beginning of September are ideal for wedding ceremonies.
  12. Fish. The happiest marriages will be those that were registered in winter. It is allowed to hold a celebration on March 15, April 22.

Criteria for choosing a favorable month and day of the week

In order to choose the right wedding day, young people should determine an auspicious date. It can be the birthday of one of the future spouses or the number when you met. However, to choose the perfect wedding date, there are three aspects to consider:

  1. Permission of the church to get married on this day.
  2. Favorable positions of the planets.
  3. Positive folk omens pointing to love, wealth and happiness.

Lucky numbers for a wedding in 2017

Choosing the perfect wedding day from the point of view of the church, folk signs and astrologers is not easy. However, for the most superstitious and prudent newlyweds, a calendar has been created that contains the optimal days for starting a family. The most favorable dates for the wedding ceremony in 2017 are:

  • January 10, 17, 23.
  • 13, 14 February.
  • March 7th.
  • 1, 8, 9 May.
  • 13, 19, 20 June.
  • 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18 July.
  • 23, 30 October.
  • October 5th.

Whether it is worth choosing a wedding date based on the proposed recommendations is up to you. There is always the opportunity to change your mind and move the holiday to a more suitable time. The main thing that should concern the newlyweds is confidence in their feelings and the decision to create a family. Then any chosen date will become a happy and auspicious day.

It has become fashionable to arrange modern weddings on “beautiful” dates. It is not surprising that people need more and more vivid shows and impressions, in the hustle and bustle of life there are not many reasons for them.

Of course, without a drop of doubt, such a date looks good in marriage documents, but it only looks. Numerologists believe that such dates are not beneficial either for marriage or for the family in the future.

Choose wedding date This is a very important step and should be taken seriously. This step should take into account many nuances, first of all, the convenience of arrival and gathering of parents, guests, preparation and booking of premises, banquet halls, places for walking and photo shoots, etc.

Numerology for date picker

It happens that newlyweds adjust the wedding date to some event in their past life. For example, the day when the first date or the first kiss took place, or the day when they first saw each other. But this is also not the best way to determine the date.

Determining the wedding day can be done with the help of the science of numerology, although not everyone takes it seriously. But such a choice can provide the future family with a long and strong life together.

There are several ways to determine the wedding date in numerology.

is a favorable number for marriage. The unit symbolizes success, advancement, change for the better. This means that marriage awaits success and happiness.

Two- not the best number for creating a family. This number promises a lot of quarrels, a bunch of contradictions and conflicts. You should not set a wedding date for the second number, there is a possibility for such a family to collapse before it even starts.

Three- This is an intermediate option between one and two. He is neither bad nor good. This day is not conducive to great happiness and success. This number is suitable for organizing holidays with relatives and friends of the bride and groom. If you want a strong marriage, without quarrels and conflicts, you should not choose this day for your wedding.

Four- such a number should be completely thrown out of the list. It portends only boredom, but this is definitely not necessary in marriage.

Five- this is the number about which you can say; “He who does not take risks does not drink champagne!” such a union will be a true pleasure and bring happiness, but on the condition that the love of the young is really sincere, and their relationship is strong and based on complete trust. An accidental, forced or mercenary marriage will not bring anything good.

- this is an ideal option for a long-awaited and thoughtful wedding. When the relationship before the wedding was long, and the desire to tie the knot is mutual, then such a marriage will bring happiness, love and good luck to the young.

Seven - a good number for marriage, which hides unpredictability and mystery for newlyweds. The unions that are concluded on this day promise young people a long study of each other. They will always be waiting for new wonderful discoveries in each other.

Eight- This is a material number, which means a strong and financially beneficial marriage for both. The family will always have strong financial and material well-being, and the result is the least number of scandals and quarrels. This number is more suitable for a marriage of convenience, since the eight is not on the way with passion and devoted love.

Nine- the most favorable number that promises young people love, happiness in family life, success, children and everything that accompanies this. The best option is to plan the wedding on the ninth day, in which case you will have a comfortable expected marriage.

Beliefs associated with the date

If numerology does not suit you, you can listen to other tips. To schedule a wedding, you first need to choose a time of year. This may be the favorite time of the year for both, or for one person to whom they are ready to give in. Every season has its advantages, but each has its own limitations.

First- these are restrictions of a religious nature, it is worth listening, even if you are not at all religious people. The Orthodox Church does not approve of weddings on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday throughout the year, as well as before major church holidays, during fasts, during Christmas time and continuous weeks.

These are superstitious restrictions. Although you may not believe in it, it is still not superfluous to be careful. It is believed that the number thirteen is not suitable for a wedding, of the months - they warn against weddings in May, although this is refuted by many happy and prosperous marriages, and by years - a leap year and the two following after it are considered unsuccessful.

Now let's look at the characteristics of each month:

  1. It is believed that a wedding in January will bring early widowhood.
  2. The marriage concluded in February will exist under the inscription consent, peace and love.
  3. If a girl marries in March, then she will live in a strange place, far from home.
  4. An April wedding promises variable happiness.
  5. It is believed that getting married in May portends a quick betrayal in the house.
  6. Those who marry in June will live their whole lives as in.
  7. July promises to keep good memories throughout life and the sweet and sour taste of family life.
  8. In August, the husband will become both a friend and a loved one.
  9. September promises a quiet, measured and calm life.
  10. Those who get married in October will have a hard and difficult life full of problems.
  11. November portends a very rich and happy life.
  12. In a family that was formed in December, love will grow stronger year by year.

I would like to mention that you should not take signs very seriously. What is bad for one is good for another.

There are many examples of happy and long marriages concluded at the most unfavorable times and a huge number of dissolutions of marriages that took place on the most fertile days.

Astrology and date selection

In astrology, it is believed that a marriage is successful, it must be entered into in the fourth, fifth, seventh, tenth and eleventh months from the date of birth.

Astrologers also give advice to play a wedding at a time when the planet Venus is strong, because she is still the Goddess of love.

To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the lunar calendar. It is not recommended to spend on the new moon, full moon, first and last quarter of the moon.

These days, the Moon, which means the feminine, and the Sun, which is the masculine in astrology, come into conflict.

In general, in astrology it is believed that the best day for a wedding is the twenty-first lunar day of each month.

Russian traditions

Russian traditions called for a wedding after the harvest and a careful approach to the choice of the day of the week. The wedding, played from Monday to Wednesday, promised well-being and health.

But modern society and life dictate other conditions. And weddings now play mostly on weekends. This is connected both with working hours and with inviting guests, because not everyone will be released from work on weekdays. According to signs, you can’t play a wedding on your own birthday.

When you have decided on the date, you should take care to book it in, as well as be in time with booking a restaurant, inviting guests, choosing, etc. If it becomes necessary to reschedule the wedding, you never know what can happen in life, we start the process with an application to, where certain problems with the queue may arise. When the date in the registry office is moved further, you can negotiate with everyone else.

When choosing a date, you also need to take into account some nuances, in addition to folk signs and superstitions. For example, this date should be convenient not only for you, but also for your guests, especially if they are from afar. Make your decision also looking at the season, i.e. in spring there can be mud and rain, and in winter there can be severe blizzards with unpredictable consequences.

When you plan to spend your honeymoon in warm countries after the wedding, you should agree on the vacation time at work, as well as visit a travel agency and get acquainted with the weather in the country you have chosen for your trip. Hot countries are famous for having a windy season, as well as a rainy season, so everything should be taken into account.

If you still decide to hold your wedding on a “beautiful” date, for example, 08.08 or 09.09, you need to reserve such a date in the registry office in advance, as they are very popular. And in a situation where you really like the date, and the guests on this day cannot come to you for the celebration, you can register your marriage on this day, and hold the celebration on any other.

Happy celebration and prosperous family life!

In this article:

Choosing a wedding date is not an easy task, which sometimes leads to a dead end for newlyweds. How to choose the most intimate date of a married couple? After all, so much depends on her. Can choose a beautiful number that will look good? There are many of them in 2015. It is not a fact that this beautiful number will be happy for a married couple. Who knows what is encrypted in it? Maybe it's empty - unlucky.

If you apply wedding numerology in this matter, then consider that your family union will be successful, happy.

A few simple ways will help you choose the right wedding day. Put them into practice so that you live with your soulmate in peace, love and wealth.

Newlyweds' birthdays

To choose a good day for the wedding, you need to add up all the numbers of the birthday of the bride and groom. Day month Year.

For example, March 3, 1983 is the bride's birthday.

05/18/1981 - the birthday of the groom.

Bride number: 0 +3+0+3+1+9+8+3= 27=2+7+9

Groom's number: 1+8+0+5+1+9+8+1= 28=2+8=33=3+3=6

We get the total number by adding these two: 9 + 6 \u003d 15. It is the number 15 that is ideal for the wedding date. Also, if you want, you can choose another suitable day in 2015 for a family union. We take a month, how many days it has, and subtract the total number. For example, in 2015 there are 31 days in our month - 31 -15 = 16. The number 16 is suitable if there are 31 days in the month. If in 2015 we take 30 days, then 30 - 15 = 15. The meaning of calculations by date of birth is quite simple.

You also have to choose the month of the holiday. The most successful months will be the 3rd, 4th, 6th, as well as the 9th and 10th months, which follow the general month of birth. The bride was born in March - 3, the groom in May - 5 = 3 + 5 = 8/2 = 4 (All odd numbers should be rounded down to the nearest integer.)

The date of birth of the newlyweds will generate the date as well as the month of the wedding

The average month is 4 (April). Let's add 3, 4, 6, 9 and 10 to it. We will get 7, 8, 10, 13, 14 in 2015. So if you have a wedding in 2015, then these months will do: July, August, October, January, February.

Choosing the right wedding date: the meaning of numbers

The second way is done a little differently. Choose the optimal day of the celebration, and then add it up: year, month and the date of marriage itself. We get the number that needs to be added up to one digit. Then we look at the value of the number and decide if this value suits us. We need to make the right choice so that the union of the newlyweds is happy.

Meaning of the numbers:

  • One is the ideal number for a family union. This is success, aspiration, change for the better. All your possibilities will be doubled. The couple has great prospects that will bring happiness to their home. Feel free to choose a unit for such a significant event.
  • Two is not quite the optimal number for newlyweds. If you choose this period, then in your married life you will find many quarrels. The couple is waiting for conflicts and misunderstandings in the family. It is undesirable to make a choice on the number two, because the couple may soon part.
  • Three is the average value between one and two. The day for marriage is not bad, but there will be no great happiness. Good for holidays with family, fun and other celebrations. It is better to refrain from setting a wedding date for this day if you want a happy and successful marriage.
  • Four - immediately exclude this figure from the list of potential options. If you decide to hold your celebration on this day, then it is better to postpone the wedding. Make a choice in favor of another, because boredom awaits you in the family. Nothing wrong, but in the life of the young there should be fun and happiness, and not deadly longing. Who will like this?
  • A five is a risk. Marriage will be happy if your love and relationship is real, without falsehood. When you trust each other, sincerely love your soul mate, then the marriage will be successful. Otherwise, you will be defeated if the union is planned by calculation.
  • Six is ​​a great choice if the marriage was long-awaited and carefully considered. This is not for those who just met and immediately decided to get married. Here you need a period of long-term relationships, then love, happiness and good luck await in the family of the newlyweds.
  • Seven is a good option for marriage. A mystery covers the couple's future. Young people will know each other all their lives, and therefore the union will be long. Loved ones will discover something new, unsolved in their half, which will make them get to know and love each other better.
  • Eight is a material number. Such families never experience material needs. When there is enough money in the family, there are fewer quarrels and scandals. A couple is waiting for a full bowl of material benefits. It is a pity that there will be no passionate love. Good for arranged marriages.
  • Nine is the most ideal number for creating a family of all. Happiness, love, luck, understanding, career and children are the main features of this figure. Plan your wedding exactly on this date so that your marriage is happy. Do you want this?

Now it will not be difficult for you to make the right choice for you. Having correctly calculated the wedding date, you can get exactly what you expect from a family union.

Every couple has special dates that mean a lot to her: the day they met, first date, proposal or some other important event. Imagine how romantic it would be to get married on such a symbolic day! If you are excited about this idea, take a look at the calendar and see if the date is right for your celebration.

If it falls on the wrong day of the week or other holiday, if the wedding venue is booked on the chosen date or the contractor is busy, consider arranging the official registration and the solemn part on different days.


The weather affects not only the timing of the wedding day and the choice of venue for the celebration, but also the atmosphere of the holiday in general. The mood of a wedding in a cold winter or a hot summer will be significantly different. Think about which season will be the most comfortable and suitable for you.

An open-air wedding with cocktails and dancing under the stars is better to plan in the summer, and a cozy holiday in rich colors with homemade cakes and fragrant mulled wine in the autumn. If you want to use certain flowers in a bouquet and decor, keep in mind that they also have their own seasonality - it is almost impossible to get lilacs in autumn.


The planned budget often affects wedding dates. The summer months and the beginning of autumn are considered the most popular among newlyweds, and therefore the cost of wedding services may be higher than in other seasons. A wedding in winter or early spring will cost you much less without losing the quality of services.

The day of the week also affects the price - on weekdays, renting a restaurant can be cheaper than on Friday or Saturday.


A holiday wedding (such as the May or New Year holidays) is a great idea for those who plan to invite many guests from afar to make it easier for them to escape from the bustle of work. This is a way out for those who are planning a wedding in another city or country.

But on the other hand, many people want to devote a long weekend to the family or arrange a mini-vacation, and your wedding may upset their plans - keep this in mind when choosing a date. And if you still decide to arrange a wedding on a holiday, notify the guests about it as early as possible.

Wishes of loved ones

There are people without whom you cannot imagine your wedding, so you are ready to adapt to their plans. You can discuss the date of the celebration among your closest relatives, but you should not ask the opinion of all the guests - there will always be someone who is not satisfied with the chosen date. Come first of all from your own wishes and priorities.

Unwanted days for a wedding

Every couple has dates that are unacceptable for a wedding. Religious reasons, seasonal work, birthdays of loved ones or a friend's wedding - there can be many reasons, so make sure in advance that the date of the celebration does not fall on one of these days. Of course, it is impossible to plan certain events, and no one has canceled force majeure, but try to foresee possible inconveniences so that you do not regret your choice later.
