What kind of woman is considered attractive? Charming woman. Secrets of seduction Charming girl what

24.10.2017 07:42:29

She who knows how to think in Images. Who works daily on their Charisma. The one who learns to delight men, and uses ALL the methods from the arsenal of charming ladies.

And today you will see with specific examples how you can get used to the image of the “Delightful Queen” and begin to receive honors and gifts from men :).

There were a lot of letters regarding the last issue. Today we will analyze only the most constructive ones.

Alena, in a discussion for female cadets in the VKontakte group, described her experience of charming men. And she made interesting conclusions:

"Girls, Oksanochka, autumn, sunny greetings to everyone :)

I just had an epiphany! This morning, reading issue No. 196 in the mailing archive, my mistakes flashed through my mind! I sat and wrote down things that were important to me.

I quote:
"...Unconscious Images. A woman at the third level has a three-dimensional image of a man, which consists of several sub-Images. For example, when she approaches the door, the image of a caring man appears in her subconscious on autopilot. And a man immediately appears next to her, who will open the door for her.

When she relaxes with a man, the image of a cheerful and interesting man appears in her subconscious on autopilot. And the man who is next to her begins to tell her something, makes her laugh, etc.

When she talks to a man, the image of a male teacher who is now going to teach her something appears in her subconscious on autopilot. And she begins to behave like an excellent student who asks a lot of questions, and even asks again where she knows, since there is always an opportunity to clarify something and discover new facets of this topic.

Do you know how such a woman behaves when communicating with a man? She looks just like a student next to a wise professor. She also asks questions with respect and deep interest. From such behavior of a woman, a man is very excited for deep and serious communication with her..."

I had a breakthrough in thinking that this is the right place! Where it is important to create sub-images! I felt it! While reading, I saw my mistakes.

I saw why in the past it didn’t work out the way I needed... And here it is happiness - there were no automatically created sub-images and images.

I remembered my summer practice at sea :). When I included a wise teacher in a conversation with a man, this image stuck in me. Otherwise, earlier, as described in the article: “I’m all so important and well-read, and you’re a fool” :)

Yes that's right. When a woman has such an illiterate approach to charm, a man does not want to talk to her. Doesn't want to be interested in her and make a second date...

"...Yesterday I asked a man a question (so that he could clarify something for me) so that there would be clarification in the relationship. I came up with the question on the fly. And immediately everything fell into place. It became clear what he wants.

And I asked someone else the same question. And he decided everything himself :) Very nice.

Recently I thought about how I need a man to want to take me home. That's exactly what happened :)

I realized that your Image can be created with sub-images. This is what I learned and am learning in the DAO course.

For example, to make me perceived as beautiful and younger than my age. And yesterday, sitting with my daughter and talking with her friend, she told me that I am a gorgeous woman and I don’t look my age. And I felt that I looked younger and felt like a wise, feminine woman. That's exactly what happened!

URRRA :) That's the trick, finally :)

Oksanochka, there are no words to express special gratitude :)

Oh, I remembered, I also wanted to add. My washing machine broke down, I sent it in for repairs the day I read the articles. They should have brought her. And I printed out a photo of the Queen, and glued my face there, hung it in a prominent place :) Do you know what happened?

The men who brought my car began to behave strangely, they tried to please me, they wiped the floor themselves, where a little water leaked out of the car... In general, I was slightly shocked and delighted by their behavior :). I was pleased to see this.

I wish you all a great mood, success and good luck in everything!”


Alena, congratulations! After reading my article, you independently mastered the method of Konstantin Stanislavsky, and got used to the image of a “real Queen” - a delightful and Charming woman who also looks younger than her age.

Stanislavsky's genius lies in the fact that he taught artists not to show, but to competently get used to the character. That is why the work of this great director, who shaped the system of performing arts, is still extremely famous throughout the world.

Do you know why in the theater 13-year-old Juliets are often played by 40-year-old actresses? Because they know how to get used to the character better. Because they have developed abilities, skills and abilities for this. Because they know how to think in three-dimensional images and LIVE them efficiently.

That is why they make the best men fall in love with them in batches! Only true Charm Queens deserve the best suitors and all the best in this world. And any woman can become such a Queen. Of course, if he works in this area. But, unfortunately, there are problems with this...

Alena, you were able to understand from your own experience what kind of art this is and how it can be used to your advantage :). But, unfortunately, not all readers understand that It is IMPORTANT not only to read, but also to study. Many people still write me letters with complaints about men, and expect from me a miracle recipe, a magic pill, how to get him back, make him fall in love with you, how to become the only one for him...

But there is NO such pill! There is only your daily work on the development and transformation of your personality. But, I repeat, only a few do it. And it is these very few who achieve stunning results in life.

Yes, by the way, you can go look in the discussions in our VKontakte group: the most active participants who constantly write about their work and conclusions - and get the best results.

Success awaits those who constantly study and work on themselves!

And the rest... They will continue to write me letters of complaint.

Why am I talking about this so confidently?

Because I’ve been working with women for thirteen years now, and I’ve known everything about you for a long time;). The best men are charmed only by the most active ones, who work hard on themselves according to the course "DAO: The Way of a Woman".

Even those who complete 50% of the course assignments with a C grade get married well. Even they are lucky enough to marry a lawyer, surgeon or entrepreneur.

And only those who hope for a miracle and do nothing continue to hope. And periodically they suffer from their hopes...

This is my many years of experience working with you. And it is constantly confirmed:

"Warm greetings, wise Oksanochka:)
I am writing a six-month report on the work I have done, and what results and heights I have achieved over these two years, when I first received additional materials for the course.

As a matter of practice, I shared in VK all these 2 years, and I gradually moved towards myself, towards constant improvement of myself and my life (I had a strong desire to change), and to be that ideal for myself. The one I’ve dreamed about all my life, the one men dream about!

And most importantly, I strived to gain creative thinking in order to solve my problems effectively and creatively approach any issue. My life has not changed in the past, because my worldview, thinking and my character have not changed...

In 2001, I was diagnosed with an incurable disease. But I did not agree with this and fought to the end, and this “to the end” gave impetus to your course. By working through it, identify the root, find the cause, and most importantly, be aware. A mistress in control of her thoughts, emotions, actions... It is important to understand that everything depends only on me. I learned to listen to my Soul, and set a task: to cleanse myself of all the negativity in the Soul and merge with it.

I learned to see the positive in everything, build my own business and find the positive in my bosses :)

For example, the situation at sea. My director wanted to replace me, I immediately found a way out. I had many numbers dialed from other cities, and the Owner of the Guest House did not mind if I worked for him and found clients (I also had this opportunity). In a word, I learned to see the positive and see opportunities.

And then, I remembered my old image, where I cursed and was afraid of my bosses! I replaced it! And in the evening we talked so nicely. And I easily and playfully did what I needed. Here I also saw the weight of energy information channels. Moreover, I felt it, how they acted..."

I prefer the scientific approach. And here you can find an explanation why the cadet managed to improve her relationship with her boss. The reason was the nonverbal signals she was sending him. You can study the work of psychology professor Albert Meyerabian or anthropology professor Ray Birdwhistell.

She was afraid and disliked her boss, and periodically, without even realizing it, she sent him murderous signs: "Don't hurt me, I'll bite you!" So he wanted to get rid of her. Having replaced the image of a “bad boss” with a “good” one, the woman began to send him other signals, which is why he relaxed next to her and began to communicate nicely :)

Although, energy information channels also explain this well :)

“...Over the years of working on myself, I saw many reasons why I did not have good relationships and harmony with myself, with men, with my family and people around me.

A lot of work, reprogramming gave the first impetus and a breakthrough in thinking. Then there was a second shock when I realized that:

1. Dislike for oneself, low self-esteem, strong feelings of guilt, neurosis.

2. Hatred of men, the need for love, and old patterns of behavior... This is all the fate of the mother, her power and pressure. They kept me from moving, being confident and successful.

3. Having reviewed my script, I also saw my games (to be honest, even now there are a lot of images and I see destructive scenarios that make it clear that there is something to work on)

I try to see discomfort, feel it, or question my image. I change it or communicate with my subconscious, and change the image along with it.

This year I flew alone for the first time, to the sea, for three whole months. I saw how fear arose out of nowhere. I started to look into it and discovered that I was afraid to become impoverished here alone... It seemed like a punishment for leaving alone from my family.

So I understood the connection, and began to work with him on the course, asking the Universe to learn to replace negative Images with positive ones. This is the second round after reprogramming.

In the evening after a hard day, I was simply happy, and said to myself: “God, I’m so happy!” And indeed these words are very impressive for me, I felt their meaning. I’m delighted that I learned to solve my problems alone, and no one around me could give me their opinion.

Yes, I became an enviable bride. But then I realized that I had a problem, an imbalance of the subconscious and consciousness. Re-reading the newsletters, reading the assignments every day, I found the reasons why I am still not married. There are several of them:

1. My parents' experience is deplorable.

2. I tried to become attached to the man I liked, and tightly. Why, where does this come from?

3. I don’t need a husband now and only now, but I suffered from not being with him. It turns out that you had to suffer for someone, which means it’s profitable :) And this is where I work now :)

4. And the most important reason. Two years have passed, and I’m still not with a man, and the strong desire to get married is also ruining everything in the bud...

You know, Oksanochka, it’s not just going to the store and choosing a new and beautiful dress. You write correctly, here you need a three-dimensional Image of yourself and your man.

I became lucky.

Yesterday I chose a mirror for myself. And today I thought, who would go with me in the car to the store to pick it up! And so, sitting with my mother and talking, I said this, and she answered me: “Now my grandfather and I will go to that store” :) Oh luck, and I saw that my wishes began to come true easily and simply :) That’s so It’s very shocking that I really am the MISTRESS of my destiny!..”

I think it's worth explaining the situation in more detail.

When a person is in the “loser” scenario, he has the conviction in his Subconscious: “I can’t do anything, but everything comes with hard work.”

Such a person is limited and complex. He can’t just say to the people around him: “I have this and that problem - I’m looking for a simple and profitable solution for myself.” He's restraining himself! And he solves all his problems himself. Long, tedious, difficult, and often unsuccessful.

When a person comes out of the “loser” scenario, he communicates easily and naturally. He speaks freely about what he needs. And it does not limit the possibilities of this world.

When our cadets leave the script, they often write to me:
“Oksana, my hairdresser introduced me to a cool business client!”

“I went to the spa salon, while I was sitting and waiting for my turn, I got into a conversation with a woman. It turned out that her husband needed a manager. So I found my dream job!”

“I complained to one friend that there was not enough money to open a new project. And today some friend of this friend called and offered a joint profitable cooperation!”

“I went to a high school reunion, flirted with everyone :) And my classmates invited me to a barbecue. So I found the best man in the city as my fiancé!”

Why not? Why can't it be that simple?

Because your destructive scenario does not give you the opportunity to even BELIEVE THAT THIS HAPPENS!

It is important to understand that luck and success in life are not mystical emanations that descend on special people. It's simply the ability to ALLOW yourself to solve problems easily, playfully and creatively.

This is exactly what the cadet tried to explain in the report above. But only those who try to do the same with their lives can understand this idea.

ALLOW yourself more! And you will definitely get more. Read newsletters and articles on our blog, write out assignments - work on them!

And if you are already doing something and have results, take our course. We love active people who WORK on themselves and write great reports :)

I began to ask bold questions and set intentions: How to attract only the best men so that they start giving expensive gifts in the form of cars, yachts, jewelry?

The answers are very simple: create an intention, your image of a happy, feminine Woman. Develop your abilities and talents. Be interesting to yourself, love and respect yourself first. Appreciate that part of your personality that makes men go crazy, are enchanted and ask you to marry right away!.."

Alena, these “arrogant” questions of yours are actually your opportunity to ALLOW yourself more. Don’t hesitate, work on yourself - and you will succeed!

"...Relationships with family, this is also so intriguing. My daughter began to earn money with two small children, and I learned not to put her first. She changes with me, and I see that she listens, and I bring her hundreds arguments about money, and give examples. This makes me and my future generation very happy :)

Our relationship became so warm and friendly; again, I only dreamed of such a relationship. I set a goal for myself to be an authority for my daughter, granddaughters and mother.

Of course, a clear plan, images, constant awareness - and a lot of things to constantly improve yourself and your life.

One day at sea, I felt right in my soul that the best thing in my life was men. And simply unimaginable things happened!

For example, they tried to talk to me and gave me small gifts. My clients invited me to dinner. They were gallant, I could see their serious and grateful attitude towards me. I saw admiration and charm in their eyes, their interest in me. I realized that they were pleased, and they enjoyed the fact that they were even next to me. The most beautiful thing is to feel and realize everything!

And when they told me: “Alena - you are the pinnacle of femininity!” It was doubly pleasant. And my enthusiasm literally lit a fire in their hearts!

Your course and work on yourself gives a lot, Oksanchoka. The main thing is to move - you constantly teach this, DON'T STOP!

Deep gratitude to your work, and the fact that you are not just a woman, but you are so wise and teach us such efficiency, where a woman walked her feminine path and solved her problems exactly as a WOMAN!

Low bow, deepest gratitude and respect!"

With respect and love, Alena.

Alexandra Makarova, a graduate of the Far Eastern State Academy of Economics and Management with a degree in economics and enterprise management, became the new commercial director of MegaFon - North-West. Previously, she held a similar position at Mobikom-Khabarovsk CJSC.

We are publishing excerpts from an interview that Ms. Makarova gave to the Far Eastern Capital publication in 2007.

- Sasha, you have made quite a successful career in a very short time. Where did you start?

I started as an administrator in the customer service department at the Primtelephone company in Vladivostok. This was in 2000. (However, according to the official biography, Ms. Makarova began her career “in 1997 at Vladivostok Business Center LLC as an assistant manager, then becoming a deputy marketing manager” - note “Telecomblog.”). At that time, we were still working in the NMT-450i standard and there were no more than 100,000 cellular users throughout Primorye. With the launch of the GSM standard, the market began to grow rapidly, and operator companies also grew. I moved to the Primtelephone marketing service, and from there I was invited to the Primorye branch of MegaFon to head the marketing department. Then my responsibilities began to include marketing the entire macro-region “Far East and Eastern Siberia”. In 2005, I was offered to head the commercial service of Far Eastern MegaFon, which includes marketing, sales, and service.

-Are you an ambitious person? Does your career come first? Or did you manage to reach the “golden mean”?

At different stages of life, a career occupies a different place. Naturally, when you graduate from university and start working, your main desire is to realize yourself in a career sense. And when this has already happened and there is a family, you have to set and change priorities. It so happened that my family and career were formed in parallel. Life, like a pendulum, swings us from one extreme point to another, and it is very difficult to stay even close to the golden mean, but when we succeed, it is happiness.

- What is more important for you in work - salary or self-realization?

Probably, it’s still about implementation, but salary is rather a criterion for assessing you as a specialist and professional. Of course, a decent salary is an indicator of your success, but I do not work for money; rather, it determines the degree of my personal freedom. This is important for a woman in business.

Do you use feminine things within your position? Do you have to push for pity and be cunning like a woman?

I used to think that the most important thing was professionalism and there was no place in business for all sorts of feminine things. I once participated in a corporate training on team building and personal growth, and the trainer-consultant told me: “Alexandra, you are a very charming girl, capable of charming and achieving anything from your interlocutor just by moving your eyes. Why don’t you take advantage of this?” It turns out that society perceives this normally... Since then, I have slightly revised my views on the place of women's resources in business. I won’t say that I abuse it, but sometimes I use it. True, you always need to know when to stop. If you go too far even a little, the reaction of your interlocutor, partner or colleague can be unpredictable. And the higher the level, the more careful you need to be with this.

And yet the first impression of you is a small, fragile blonde. Men came up with a lot of jokes about their sweet naivety. In your business communications practice, there have been cases when partners did not take you seriously. Like, what can you get from her... In general, there is an opinion that male colleagues infringe on women in many ways. They don’t forgive her what they would forgive a man. By default they are more lenient...

I’ve been faced with this kind of reaction throughout my life and I’m already calm about it. As a child, I seriously played badminton, and often the boys who came out to the court to play with me did not hide their disdainful attitude towards me, saying that I was a little girl, a little girl. Of course, after the game they lost, the attitude changed, but in adult life the same thing often happens. In order for a woman to achieve the same height as a man in business, she needs to invest two or three times more into it. It is a fact. It happens that they simply don’t hear me, but when a man says it, they perceive it as the truth. Apparently, this is how nature works, and a male leader always inspires more trust than a woman, especially a blonde. But note: the more women there are in business, the more significant their positions, the more the situation changes.

Working in different companies, you had the opportunity to observe and experience different models of communication between top managers and subordinates. And when you yourself are in this position, you probably see the situation differently? Was there an experience in your practice that you decided never to use?

I didn’t have a ready-made ideal leader. I try to implement a collective model. On the one hand, I am closer to a democratic leader, but I understand that this is not always effective and subordinates do not always perceive it correctly. Some elements of rigidity and pressure, which I once experienced myself, are needed. Maybe not in those doses, but I use it.

You are a young woman. Having become a top manager, have you changed your attitude towards clothes, fashion, social life? Can you afford to wear something bold and frivolous to work? What about a corporate party?

On the one hand, I have always stuck to the classics in clothes, so my business wardrobe has changed little. On the other hand, more opportunities have appeared and there is a desire to embody bolder ideas in clothing, accessories and other things. I value comfort and quality in clothes. I believe that you need to look stylish at work. Clothes should suit you: hide flaws and highlight your strengths.

I also like dresses with an open back. I think I look good in them. But I won’t wear a provocative miniskirt to a party. Not my style! And there is another thing that reminds me that I am a woman - a corset. Not often, but when I put it on, I feel how my posture changes, and the reaction of others too.

And yet, a woman in business or not in business must remain a woman. It must inspire and enchant, and by what means - this depends on her mind, ideas, ingenuity and intuition.

It is not surprising that men pay attention primarily to beautiful ladies. But contrary to popular belief, beauty is not just an attractive appearance. The stronger sex appreciates in ladies not only their beautiful appearance, but also many other qualities - character traits, demeanor, laughter and smile, temperament. What kind of woman is attractive and how to become charming?

An old Arabic proverb says that a woman keeps a man close to her with her character, but attracts him with her beauty. And there is a lot of truth in this proverb. Guys are looking for girls who are attractive, charming and seductive.

Attractive appearance

What do we see when we first look at another person? Of course, an undoubted advantage is a beautiful, well-groomed appearance. This does not mean that a lady should look like a model from the cover of a magazine.

In fact, her beauty should be close to natural, and the advantages of her face and figure should be beautifully emphasized.

These external features influence men's opinions and their first impression of a lady. Many of them can be fixed. The right choice of shoes, proper makeup, hairstyle, diet and physical activity can improve your appearance. And high-heeled shoes act as an aphrodisiac.

Beauty is important, but charm is equally important

All ladies are divided into those who are able to spread their charm and charm to others, and those who cannot do this. To do this, you don’t have to be very beautiful and attractive in appearance. Nice, charming girls should be cheerful, devoted and selfless; they should show a keen interest in others, and not be narcissistic people.

Charm is the charm of a woman that attracts men like a magnet. This allows the girl to flirt, seduce and seduce. We can say that charm is a complex of qualities of a woman, consisting of character, mind and body. You must cherish the body, but do not forget to take care of the mind.

How to become charming and charismatic?

Charm is born when we are confident in ourselves and know what we want. It can defeat the people around us.

Often a charming smile captivates a man, but it is her friendly character and cheerful disposition that holds him back. Charm is the most powerful weapon in the battle of life. Therefore, it is worth forming it in yourself so that it is natural and at the same time obvious.

What is femininity

Most of the stronger sex prefer ladies who exude femininity. To become a charming woman, you need to learn this. Lightness, softness, tenderness, kindness, warmth are qualities that are highly valued. They evoke a caring instinct in guys. Communication with such a woman allows them to relax and escape from work and everyday problems; this is the best side of their life.

The guy wants to feel loved, he dreams of a woman like a mother who looked after him and loved him unconditionally, without demanding anything in return. Often men, when starting a family, think that everything will be the same as in their parents' house.

Trust in relationships

  • Men want their girls to be honest, loving and caring.
  • They want to trust them and have their trust. Such qualities are important in every person. Relationships are a refuge for people, a place of rest.
  • They want to feel safe, and this is due to mutual trust. Every person loves to feel needed. Most of them want the girl to see them as a hero who can handle anything she can't handle alone.

Intelligence and wisdom

Contrary to popular belief, men value intelligence in women. Beautiful dolls are great for entertainment, but are poorly associated with a serious life partner. After all, life sometimes gives rise to various problems. Sometimes a person needs support or advice, help and care, and not stupid jokes, selfishness and misunderstanding.

Openness and directness

Sense of humor

An important element in assessing attractiveness is also a sense of humor. To become a charming girl, you don't need to know or tell jokes. For a man, recognition of his sense of humor is more important. Sometimes they tell hard jokes, which can make many ladies feel hurt.

However, most men who do this do not intend to offend anyone. They say what they think and think it's funny, they want to entertain others, not to offend anyone. Men appreciate girls who understand their jokes and laugh with them rather than get offended.

If she listens carefully, laughs at jokes and shows that she finds him an attractive and interesting guy, he will “grow wings.”

As a rule, he continues to date this charming girl who made such a wonderful impression.

Girls and women who are not distinguished by outstanding external data, but have charm and attractiveness, very often catch the interested glances of guys. Consequently, the stereotypical opinion that men value only a bright and beautiful image in representatives of the opposite sex is not entirely true.

For the stronger sex, charm and other qualities are much more important than beauty. When communicating with a girl, a man always pays attention to her behavior, temperament, mood, smile and ability to “present” herself. How to understand what charm is, and how to master such a quality in order to become more successful?

Beautiful or charming appearance

Charm is considered a personality quality that serves as a kind of “magnet” for people around you. And most of those who do not have this trait are interested in how to become a charming person who is able to attract attention.

It is worth noting that charm (or charm, attractiveness, charm) is a quality that can be “developed.” That is, those who do not consider themselves charming need only work on themselves and, as a result, become more attractive in the eyes of others. To do this, you just need to find out what factors help develop charisma and how to combine them correctly.

And in order to understand how to develop charm, you need to figure out what we tend to pay attention to first when looking at another person. Undoubtedly, we initially evaluate the appearance (hair, facial features, eyes, smile) of the opponent. But this does not mean that people should dress and look like models from glossy magazines. In fact, assessing another person occurs somewhat differently.

The concept of “beauty” contains several aspects of personality. First of all, it is naturalness, natural attractiveness and prettiness. In addition, the ability to emphasize the advantages of one’s figure and appearance is another important factor on which the degree of charm and charisma of a person (in particular, a woman) depends.

What does science say?

How does psychology explain what attractiveness and charm are? From a scientific point of view, this is a unique personality quality that can be compared to the gift of attracting and winning over others. At the moment, the magnetism of true charm, which has not yet been fully studied, is one of the most mysterious mysteries that each of us strives to solve.

A charming person, who, by the way, may not be the most beautiful and outstanding, has enormous strength and tremendous positive energy, which he pours out on the people around him. And those who find themselves under the flow of this energy will not be able to resist.

What, you ask, is the power of charm? We can safely say that the secret to the success of people with charisma is their ability to effectively use methods of communication with others, win their hearts, gain trust and establish relationships with the outside world.

Anyone who radiates positivity and charm is a pleasure to be around. In the company of such a person, many can feel comfortable, at ease, easy and confident. And in this case, this is entirely the “merit” of a charismatic person, because he will skillfully use all the necessary tools to establish contacts. To win over his opponent, he will show patience, listen carefully and smile warmly and sincerely.

There are many details in her charming appearance that will “bribe” anyone. This will allow a person not only to demonstrate personal superiority, but also to get exactly what he wants. Agree, there are many people around you who are successful by simply being charming.

Let's talk about feminine charm

There are several “criteria” by which men form their impression of the fair half of humanity and can judge how charming a particular girl is:

1. Figure. Whatever one may say, female forms have always been and will be the basis of the external characteristics of women. For most men, a beautiful figure is of no small importance.

And the most attractive and eye-catching, according to men, are ladies with a slender and toned body, thin waist and neat shapes. At the same time, a girl who is too thin or too plump will not look very natural, and therefore she will only be able to attract attention with closer communication with her partner, when the opportunity arises to demonstrate her inner beauty and charm.

2. Growth. Another criterion that is very significant for many people. And this applies not only to cases when a man dates a woman. By nature, a representative of the stronger sex does not like to lift his head to look at someone. Therefore, he is more likely to give preference to a person of the same height as himself, or someone shorter. In particular, this applies to women - a man will be more willing to develop a relationship with a short and fragile girl whom he considers charming.

3. Lips and smile. According to many representatives of the male half of humanity, medium-sized lips and a natural smile, which indicates a good mood and a positive attitude of the opponent, are the most attractive and charming. A smile generally plays an important role in life. Especially if she shines with charm and sincerity, because if a person smiles, it means that he is happy, glad, cheerful and ready to share this with others.

4. Voice. Studying the lips of the interlocutor, men do not miss a moment to evaluate her voice in order to understand how charming the woman is. It very often happens that the beautiful image that is formed in the mind on the basis of visual data collapses at the same moment when the person “in the picture” begins to speak.

This often happens because an unnatural-sounding voice spoils all the delight in beauty and pushes away. It may be a rough, weak or too deep voice. As you can see in practice, men are more impressed by ladies with a soft-sounding, high-pitched and warm voice.

5. Hair is the most important detail on which a woman’s charm directly depends. It's no secret that men like ladies with well-groomed and always long curls. Falling silky long strands add femininity and sexuality to the girl’s image.

Any representative of the fair sex who wants to know how to become charming can use the information provided. To be attractive and charming, you just need to work a little on yourself.

First of all, you need to learn to believe in yourself. Someone who is confident is not just attractive - they become more friendly, relaxed, approachable and very goal-oriented. And people who were not endowed with charisma and charm at birth, but learned to form and develop these qualities, became more successful in life. Author: Elena Suvorova
