What color is topaz? "Gems4u" - online store of semi-precious stones

Topaz is a semi-precious stone, known for its high hardness. The mineral is part of the second group of natural stones used in jewelry and is an aluminum silicate containing fluorine.

The name of the stone most likely comes from the Sanskrit word “tapas,” meaning “fire, heat.” Or from the Aramaic word “tapuz” - orange.

The ancient Roman polymath writer Pliny the Elder argued that the name “topaz” came from the ancient Greek words “topaz” or “topazion”, from the name of an island located in the Red Sea. There they discovered a transparent golden-yellow stone, which they called topaz. In Russian, a type of stone was called “tumpaz” until the 19th century. In the Urals, miners called the stone “heavyweight” because of its high density and high specific gravity, since it is much heavier than many other precious minerals.

The stone is so beautiful that it is sometimes confused with a diamond. For its physical characteristics and aesthetic properties, topaz received the name “Siberian diamond”. The mineral can be either transparent or opaque, with a characteristic glassy luster, with a prismatic crystal shape.

In addition, despite its high hardness, the stone is quite fragile and breaks easily. This is explained by perfect cleavage in all three dimensions.

In nature, different types of natural topaz are often found; the stones can be very large and weigh up to several centners. There are quite a lot of mineral deposits. The most famous are in Australia, Afghanistan, Brazil, Germany, Myanmar, Pakistan, USA, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Madagascar and Sri Lanka. In Russia, topazes are mined in the Urals and Transbaikalia.

Artificial stones are grown from aqueous solutions of complex composition at a temperature of about 500 degrees Celsius. However, such specimens are not of particular commercial value.

Look at the photo to see what types of topazes are found in nature:

Vertical depressions in the form of grooves running along the prismatic faces of the mineral are its unique and valuable feature.

Chemical characteristics of topaz

Technical characteristics of topaz

Chemical composition



possible impurities Fe2+, Fe3+, V, Ti, Cr



Color in daylight

golden yellow, yellow, pale blue, pink, violet red, yellowish brown

Color under artificial light

pleochroism is weakly manifested

glass, on cleavage planes - mother-of-pearl

Hardness index

Stroke color

Transparency level


Magnitude of refraction

Density indicator

3.49-3.57 g/cm2





The characteristics of the chemical composition of topaz are as follows:

  • Aluminum oxide – 48-60%.
  • Fluorine – 13-20%.
  • Silicon dioxide – 28-40%.
  • Water – up to 2.5%.

Inclusions of iron, chromium, and titanium are noted.

Physical characteristics of the stone: when heated, topaz becomes cloudy, but does not melt; decomposes with phosphorus salt and forms silica crystals; susceptible to sulfuric acid, does not dissolve in other acids, and upon prolonged heating forms a small amount of hydrogen fluoride. After combining with calcium carbonate, it dissolves in nitric acid.

What colors do topazes come in: types of stones and their photos

This transparent gem in nature has a large number of shades. It can be blue, soft yellow, pale pink, and can combine several colors at the same time. Minerals that combine several colors at the same time are called polychrome. This unique feature is due not only to physical characteristics, but also to the characteristics of the crystal lattice. The extraordinary polychrome effect and various varieties of topaz colors are obtained as a result of the refraction of light in a certain way. The gem is afraid of direct rays of the sun and can fade when exposed to bright light, so stones mined close to the surface of the earth are often colorless. The mineral is also sensitive to high ambient temperatures and can change color during hot periods. Rare red, pink and purple crystals are most susceptible to uneven fading in a short time, while green and blue shades are more persistent and can last for years. A unique feature of natural gems is that they can restore their color when in complete darkness.

The stone also lends itself to targeted processing, which results in more saturated bright colors.

Look at the photo depicting blue topaz:

Processed stones have deep blue colors, and additional cutting allows you to admire the extraordinary radiance of gems in jewelry.

Due to their relatively low price and variety of natural shades, gems are popular among jewelers. Before being used in jewelry, the samples are refined: they are subjected to irradiation and heat treatment, as a result of which they become brighter. However, the market value of processed gems is falling. A curious natural feature of the crystal is its ability to change color. Moreover, this does not happen due to the presence of any impurities in the structure of the stone, but as a result of the formation of defects in the crystal lattice.

The commercial value varies depending on the natural color of the topaz. Thus, bright pink and rare purple specimens are considered the most valuable. Yellow, sky blue and golden brown minerals are highly valued. Large collectible specimens are sold at auction without additional processing.

There are official commercial names for varieties of topaz, which are identified by color:

Champagne– yellow, amber and brown topaz.

Silver- a type of transparent mineral.

Rutilated topaz– contains inclusions of rutile.

London blue topaz- dark blue mineral.

Sherry– sherry or cream of tartar.

Imperial– a special valuable topaz, which has the natural color of the stone in pink, red and rich burgundy shades.

"Tea"- this is what Russian jewelers call the pale yellow variety of the gem.

Swiss blue– has a rich blue tint.

sky blue– transparent sky blue crystal.

"Saxon peridots"– exclusive natural crystals that can be found in the collections of connoisseurs and experts. They have a yellow-green and bright green color.

Look at the photo at how diverse the colors of topaz are: pale yellow, brown, wine, soft blue, green, soft pink and purple, with shades of varying saturation:

How much does topaz cost: the price of a stone per carat

To determine how much topaz costs, you need to consider the stone according to the following criteria:

  • Purity.
  • Color.
  • Quality of cut.

It is important to take into account not each quality separately, but all criteria together. Jewelry samples are presented in a variety of shades. The most common ones in stores are blue, women love to wear them, but they are not of particular value to professionals. Both faceted and polished samples are used in jewelry. Moreover, the gem lends itself perfectly to various cutting methods.

The most important role in determining the estimated value is played by the origin of the crystal and what colors of the topaz. The most expensive are natural minerals of red shades, since they are less common in nature than others. It is the high cost and uniqueness of this color that provokes the production of numerous fakes.

It is important to be able to distinguish fake gems.

There are such proven techniques:

  1. Natural stone becomes electrified when rubbed against woolen fabric.
  2. Counterfeits quickly heat up in the palms.
  3. A real mineral may leave scratches on glass or crystal.
  4. Natural crystals often have defects, while fakes have an ideal structure.
  5. Too saturated a color is a sure sign of a fake.
  6. Natural stones have delicate, often pale shades.

Blue topaz is the most inexpensive variety. Gems of this shade come in three types.

  1. The most inexpensive is SkyBlue, or “sky blue,” from $1 to $2 per carat.
  2. More saturated Swisstopaz, or “Swiss topaz”, the price of the stone is from $4 to $10 per carat.
  3. And finally, the most expensive and most intense of the blue topaz is “LondonBlue”, or “London Blue”, from $8 to $20 per carat.

Next after the blue ones in the price category are golden-yellow topazes. It is interesting to know how much a carat of untreated topaz of rare natural colors costs. Top quality stones can cost up to $700-$800 per carat.

Topaz, called "Imperial", is more expensive than golden yellow. The main distinguishing feature of "Imperial" is its pinkish-red hue, which is never found in golden-yellow topaz. The highest quality Imperial is valued at $700 to $1,600 per carat.

Take a look at the photo to see how beautiful the precious “Imperial Topaz” is:

The red-orange, teardrop-cut stone sparkles with red inner fire. Such balanced contrasts in the play of colors are evidence of the highest professionalism of the cutter.

The most expensive of topaz is pink. Even just seeing a natural natural pink gem is a great success. It is mined in Brazil and is called “Imperial Topaz”. The price for top quality stones starts at $900 per carat (if the stone weighs no more than 3 carats) and goes up to $3,000 per carat for stones weighing from 10 to 20 carats. The extraordinary beauty of such a stone is best demonstrated under artificial lighting.

Topaz gemstone in jewelry (with photo)

This popular decorative stone is widely used in jewelry making, despite the difficulties in processing and cutting it.

Topaz is primarily a feminine gemstone. It is not installed in men's jewelry. Jewelry with topaz is a rare case when stones can be matched to the color of your eyes. For those with blue eyes, blue minerals of any shade from Skyblue to London are ideal. For gray or light green eyes, you can choose colorless and lightly colored yellow topazes, and for brown eyes, amber-red “Imperial” is suitable. And if earrings with gems are chosen to match the eye light, then the tone of the mineral in the ring should match the color of the outfit. Fashion gurus advise playing with the contrast of colors by choosing bright jewelry.

The size of the stone in the decoration is a matter of taste, but you should not overdo it.

In rings and pendants, a unique gem is combined with yellow metals and responds well to proximity to other crystals.

Caring for products with gems is not difficult; it is important to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Try not to contaminate the stone with cosmetics or other products.
  2. Protect from exposure to household chemicals.
  3. Remove jewelry while cooking.
  4. Do not wear to the gym, as sweat has a bad effect on the gem.
  5. When storing, wrap in soft cloth.

You can periodically clean your jewelry in this way: immerse the item for 15 minutes in a solution consisting of 75 ml of warm water and 25 ml of dishwashing liquid. Then wipe dry with a soft cloth.

Magical, healing and astrological properties of topaz

This mineral is known for its strong magical properties. It is believed that topaz can protect against the evil eye, damage, and protect against witchcraft and other negative influences. The mineral is called for help when you need to concentrate and make an informed life decision. It is believed that it makes it possible to instill one’s thoughts into others. The general meaning of topaz: these are stones that bring true love, trust, success.

  • Blue crystals are symbols of leadership, psychic abilities, and calm.
  • Golden gems symbolize happiness, freeing one from unnecessary passions, sharpening the sense of taste, and helping to overcome fear, despair, doubt and anger.
  • Yellow topazes have magical properties and provide insight into the essence of the mystery of life. Psychics and psychotherapists use this stone to expose secrets and influence the psyche of people.
  • Pink minerals represent hope, true love and unconditional happiness.

To achieve enlightenment and reunification with the Higher Mind, modern yogis use the properties of topaz in their spiritual practices: the golden stone has a special meaning and is a sign of enlightenment and the highest happiness.

In the Middle Ages, this mineral was considered a symbol of peace, goodness and common sense. The belief in the magical properties of topaz among sailors was very strong: the blue stone was always on the ship, it was supposed to tame the raging elements and preserve it during a storm. And the medieval crusaders considered it a good sign to bring a blue crystal to their lady love from a military campaign. In addition, this mineral was endowed with the property of changing its color under the influence of a toxic substance in the drink, which is why it was often used to inlay the cups of kings.

Topaz also has medicinal properties\, it is responsible for the state of the immune system and gives the body the strength to cope with depression, in addition, it is a good auxiliary remedy for getting rid of such diseases:

  1. Female infertility.
  2. Angin.
  3. Nervous disorders.
  4. Bone diseases.
  5. Endocrine diseases.
  6. Pathologies of the liver and gall bladder.
  7. Disturbances in the hematopoietic system.

Many traditional healers use the gem to treat sleep disorders and relieve nightmares. It is recommended to wear products with this crystal to protect against acute respiratory diseases and strengthen the immune system.

The Jewelry Industry Council of America and the British National Association of Jewelers recognize topaz as a birthstone for those born in November.

For those who wear jewelry with topaz stone, it is important to take into account their zodiac sign and character traits. Each natural mineral can bring both benefit and harm to its owner. The naturally occurring mineral is suitable for almost anyone, but has different effects on everyone.

There is only one zodiac sign for which there are no contradictions regarding the correspondence of topaz and its astrological properties. Scorpio people are indeed those for whom the topaz stone is more suitable than others, because they are more often exposed to extremes and need to restore psycho-emotional balance. These people also require additional support to make the right decisions. This unique mineral will give them the energy they need to manage ambiguous emotions and add sanity and balance, especially to young Scorpios.

Astrologers claim that the beneficial effects of topaz on a person depend on the color of the stone. Considering the medicinal properties of topaz, it is important to understand who is suitable for a stone of a certain color. Thus, yellow gems are most suitable for Scorpios, Virgos and Leos, blue gems for Sagittarius, and colorless and golden minerals for Gemini. Astrologers recommend blue and green crystals for Cancers, rare red and bright purple crystals for Aries, purple and honey shades for Virgos and Capricorns.

Topaz is a gem that is favorable for almost all zodiac signs; it is a universal talisman stone, and jewelry with it is always spectacular and attractive. And although the mineral does not carry global contradictions, you need to know who topaz is not very suitable for according to their zodiac sign. This stone is not recommended for married Pisces, Libra and Taurus, because, according to astrologers, it can destroy the cozy home that they value so much.

Another important property of the mineral is that it helps a person to be more attentive to life, notice various signs of fate and use them for his own benefit. When choosing jewelry with topaz, you need to take into account the properties of the stone. And zodiac signs such as Leo, Aquarius and Aries will be able to create a family and attract love if they wear jewelry with blue crystals. For Virgos, a ring with a brown stone will give them the opportunity to make decisions that do not depend on their emotional state, for Pisces a blue crystal will give them health for many years, and for Sagittarius it will help them not to waste time on trifles when achieving their only goal.

Jewelry with topaz is a good gift for a wedding anniversary. Some astrologers believe that a piece of jewelry with a gem given to one of the spouses on the 4th, 19th or 23rd wedding anniversary will create special harmony in a married couple. Such a talisman will certainly bring prosperity and good luck. The crystal gives its owners objectivity, honesty, good luck and the favor of others. In addition, he will give beauty to women, and wisdom to men.

Topaz is a semi-precious stone that is highly valued in the jewelry industry, despite the affordable cost of aluminum silicate crystals. Minerals can be of different colors, so any collector wants to become the owner of a rare specimen. Some topazes are sold exclusively at auctions, because there are few such stones in the world.
Mostly topaz in nature is characterized by a colorless, transparent structure. The reason for the appearance of such a diverse palette of shades is the entry of iron, vanadium, titanium, chromium and other impurities into the atomic lattice of the mineral.

Topaz color options

In nature, the most common variety of topaz mined in the depths of the earth is White, a white mineral. Such a stone with a colorless surface is used in industrial production, where the coating of the crystal is heated and the shade required by the jeweler is obtained.

Gold earrings with diamonds, topaz and emeralds, SL; gold ring with diamonds, topazes and emeralds, SL(prices via links)

In the 21st century, it is customary to distinguish the following colors of topazes on the international market:

  • Green is the rare and most expensive type of aluminum silicate with a rich color and transparent structure; green shades are formed on the surface of the forming mineral due to the influence of the radiation field.
  • “Tea” - semi-precious stones that have a pale yellow color, are opaque and difficult to process.
  • Orange-red – crystals with unique bright burgundy shades, visually reminiscent of rubies; however, yellow, golden and orange colors invariably “play” on the surface of the stones, emphasizing the uniqueness and “individuality” of topazes.
  • “Azotik” is an amazingly beautiful mineral, on the surface of which blue, green, violet, burgundy and golden shades harmoniously “coexist”; does not occur in nature, therefore it is produced using the annealing method.
  • “Imperial” is an amazing color of the mineral, which harmoniously combines pink-red, orange-yellow, burgundy and golden shades; Such natural topazes do not lose their structural properties over time and do not fade.
  • Yellow is a popular variety of topaz that most jewelry store visitors are “familiar” with.
  • “Wine” - stones on the surface of which golden, brown, light yellow and purple shades shimmer; Under the influence of sunlight, stones fade and lose their aesthetic appearance, acquiring a faded palette of colors.
  • Silver is a type of colorless mineral with a transparent structure.
  • “Champagne” – soft golden tones “playing” on the mineral coating create an airy and delicate image of a crystalline rock.
  • Brown – topazes from this category rarely retain their natural color and end up on the shelves of jewelry stores in their original form; The influence of sunlight under natural conditions dissipates the brown tint, discoloring the stone.
  • Pink - natural crystals with such a pure tone are mined only in Sri Lanka, the USA and Mexico.
  • “Mystic” - semi-precious stones with shades of purple, blue and green colors are classified as rainbow topaz; Such crystals do not occur in nature, so they are created artificially using the annealing technique.
  • Rutile - minerals with a colorless surface, but with organic inclusions of limonite, creating an amazing “pattern” inside the topaz; visually similar to rutile quartz.
  • “Saxon Peridot” are collectible stones with a matte greenish-yellow finish, rarely found in nature.
  • Violet is the rarest type of crystal that is mined “naturally”; Semi-precious stones with a rich purple color are highly prized in the international market.

Rauchtopaz is considered a variety of aluminum silicates in the jewelry world. However, gemologists claim that such a mineral is a form of smoky quartz, which belongs to the group of crystalline silicas.

Gold earrings with diamonds, sapphires and blue topaz, SL; gold ring with diamonds and blue topaz, SL(prices via links)

The most popular color of topaz

The most popular color of aluminum silicate in the world of jewelry is blue topaz, which gemologists classify into three types depending on the saturation of the shades:

  1. Sky Blue is a semi-precious stone of light blue color, comparable to the shades of a cloudless sky; occurs naturally or is obtained by heat treatment of a mineral.
  2. Swiss Blue is an aluminum silicate with a rich, bright blue hue that appears after annealing colorless topaz.
  3. London Blue is a mineral with a dark blue surface, on which green or gray shades shimmer; The color is created by heat treatment of stone from the White or Silver categories.

Based on the uniformity and saturation of tone, the price is determined. Gemologists take into account the transparency and origin of the mineral - in the jewelry world, natural crystals are valued more than synthetic stones.

Natural topazes can be polychrome or monochromatic - the number of colors is determined by the degree of burnout of the mineral surface

The color palette of topaz allows you to choose jewelry with a semi-precious stone in accordance with your own preferences. Aluminum silicates are patronized by the zodiac signs depending on the shade of the mineral, so before purchasing jewelry, be sure to check what color topaz is.

Pink topaz is the rarest and most expensive in its family. It is the only one equated to top-tier gems. Fabulously beautiful, he is also magically powerful. Its purchase is considered a great success.

History and origin

The pink topaz stone has been known in the east for centuries; Europeans became acquainted with it only during the Renaissance.

In its original form it is not particularly presentable, but they did not know how to process it. Jewelers were not interested in him. The boom began when craftsmen cut stones and revealed the splendor of their natural beauty. In Russia, gems were mined in the Urals and were fashionable among the nobility of both capitals. However, the Ural mine has dried up.

The procedure for changing the color of the mineral was known, but it was not possible to get pink ones. Chance helped.

The families of Ural artisans were not considered poor: many wives had jewelry with inexpensive smoky, light or milky topaz. An earring with such a stone was accidentally dropped into Easter dough by the wife of master Volokolamov. The product was found when the Easter cakes were cut. The yellowish pebble took on the color of a rose. The master turned out to be savvy and took the risk of baking cheap grayish crystals in the oven. Tempered by the heat, they changed their shade to a noble pink.

The master became rich, the Volokolamov couple entered the history of jewelry, and Russian fashionistas received an inexhaustible source of stones.

The most famous topazes of this color are present in the “Gisella headdress” (neck decoration).

The Spanish Order of the Golden Fleece, which is an exhibit of the Russian Diamond Fund, is decorated with five Brazilian stones 3.31 x 2.41 cm in light lilac color.

Physicochemical characteristics

Pink topaz is an aluminum fluorosilicate.

Shades and color are determined by impurities (chrome, titanium, iron), location of extraction and depth of occurrence. The closer to the surface, the lighter the crystals.

Often the crystal grows in two directions, creating a two-color mineral. It could be, for example, red and yellow from different sides. This is the property of museums and private collections.

CleavagePerfect by (001)
Density3.49-3.57 g/cm³

Place of extraction

Pink stones are rare in nature; there are only a few deposits of them on the planet.

Only in Russia, at the Kochkarsky mine (Southern Urals), purple, crimson and pink stones were mined, but it was mined. Pink specimens are found near the Kamenka and Sanarka rivers, but the main deposits of the mineral are in Transbaikalia.

Brazil (a mine near the city of Ouro Preto) produces crystals called pink topaz.

Pakistan has four mines. In Volyn (Ukraine) they find red or semi-precious stones with a pinkish tint.

Varieties and colors

The pink gem comes in several colors. You can evaluate the varieties of topaz from the photo:

  • Imperial (imperial). It comes in rich pink, salmon, lotus, cranberry, raspberry, orange-red, and purple. Brazilian is considered classic, but the market offers stones labeled “imperial” from Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and other countries.

  • Peach. Jewelers value the pure transparent color of the mineral.

  • Pinkish orange, champagne pink color. Cheaper than the first three, but just as effective.

  • Red. A rare species. It has a high value due to the impossibility of counterfeiting: it becomes cloudy during processing.
  • Misty Rose. A hazy pink powdery gem created by Swarovski jewelers.

Red and pink stones under the Imperial brand are especially valued.

Medicinal properties

The healing properties of rose-colored topaz are mentioned in ancient medical treatises.

Gems can protect against many ailments; they help:

  • calm nerves, get out of depression, improve sleep;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • not to get sick during epidemics;
  • prevent hormonal imbalance;
  • improve the reproductive system;
  • improve vision;
  • heal after poisoning;
  • improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and spleen.

However, the stone increases appetite, which should be taken into account by people who are prone to obesity or are on a diet.

Pink varieties of the gem are used in Ayurveda.

Magic properties

Residents of India are confident that the magical properties of rose-colored topaz can restore hope and relieve worries and stress.

  • The main meaning of pink topaz is to nourish fading passion and make partners mutually attractive.
  • A ring worn before pregnancy will help you become a mother.
  • The ancient Greeks believed that wearing topaz made men lucky, strong, and wise.
  • The magic of pink stones makes the right people favorable. But it helps only those who are ready to reach the top in an honest way.
  • The stone gives peace, confidence, and reconciles those who have quarreled.
  • Recommended for people with mental work.

The owner of pink topaz is always young and attractive, she is not in danger of loneliness or betrayal of her lover. A man who has a talisman is sure that his beloved will not betray him.

The properties of pink topaz impart sociability and generosity even to those who are deprived of these qualities from birth.

The magical properties of the stone are enhanced by gold. The ideal talisman is a ring or a ring on the right index finger.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

Reddish-pink stones can be used by almost all zodiac signs.

According to the horoscope, the gem is especially suitable for Pisces, Aquarius and Leo.

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+++

(“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is strictly contraindicated)

Compatibility with other stones

It is better not to combine topaz, a mineral of the air element, with water stones: together they create unpleasant vibrations.

According to the research of Pavel Globa, due to informational and planetary incompatibility, topaz conflicts with diamond and rock crystal.

Where is it used?

The only area of ​​use of the stone is jewelry.


Almost all pink stones were originally milky, yellowish, gray. The color was obtained by going through a refining procedure, that is, heat treatment. If the technology is followed, the color will be UV resistant and the stone will be durable.

Refined pink specimens are more expensive than natural blue or blue ones.

The color of the topaz will tell you whether the stone has been refined: if violet or blue is noticed, it means the gem has been treated.

In trade they are called heated.


Jewelry with pink topaz is presented in two types: with natural stones or refined (heated). Almost the entire assortment of jewelry stores is heated stones.

Natural crystals are encased in platinum or 750-carat gold and combined with diamonds, rubies, and emeralds.

Greta are framed in silver or 585-carat gold and complemented with colorless Swarovski crystals, rock crystal, cubic zirconia, semi-precious garnet, rhodolite, and chrysolite.


Pink topaz gemstone, like blue or golden yellow, is considered the most valuable among topaz.

The price of a natural pink gemstone starts at $300 per carat.

The most expensive are imperials. For rich pink or with a predominance of scarlet shades, they pay $500–3,500 per carat.

Cost of silver jewelry:

  • ring - $30–60;
  • earrings - $50–70;
  • bracelet - $200–400.

Gold jewelry is three times more expensive.

How to spot a fake

The fact that the gem has been refined is usually mentioned on the jewelry tag. This is considered imitation conditionally. It’s worse when glass is offered instead of mineral.

You can establish the naturalness of the stone at home:

  • topaz is very hard, only it can scratch quartz;
  • you need to rub the gem on a woolen cloth: if hair sticks to it, it is topaz;
  • heat in the palms: a slight tingling sensation should be felt;
  • the surface of the stone has cracks and other minor flaws; everything is smooth with a fake;
  • a sign of a fake - garishly poisonous colors;
  • Stones, unlike glass, take a long time to heat up.

You can expose the gem to the sun for a couple of days. If it turns gray, it means it was natural. It will not be possible to restore the color, so the experiment is considered theoretical.

Any product made of pink topaz without treatment is provided with a certificate, but to eliminate doubts, the jewelry is taken to the laboratory for analysis.

How to wear and care

Topaz is delicate and requires careful care.

How to wear

The delicate shade makes the gem a feminine attribute. Stones of discreet or cool colors are suitable for men: a tie clip and cufflinks will complement a business suit.

Gold ring with pink topaz

The frame of the jewelry is selected according to the type of appearance:

  • white leather - silver, platinum, white gold;
  • peach-colored leather - rose, red or yellow gold.

Light tones of stone in silver will suit young people, while mature ladies will be decorated with inserts of a more saturated color in gold.

The products are appropriate for a business, romantic, evening wardrobe.

If you are lucky enough to become the owner of jewelry with pink natural topaz, it must be protected from ultraviolet radiation.

The stone looks most advantageous in the evening or in artificial light.

How to care

Clean products in warm water with soap or neutral detergent. If necessary, leave it in the solution for 20 minutes, then clean it (without pressing) with a brush.

The physical properties and characteristics of pink topaz determine the rules for using jewelry with it:

  • jewelry is worn when the hair is done and makeup is applied: cosmetics make the stone dull;
  • Topaz is best worn in the evening; in the sun it fades to the point of discoloration;
  • At home, jewelry is removed, especially before household chores: household chemicals can damage the stone.

Store separately, wrapped in soft cloth.

Favorable time to buy

If the pebble is planned to be used as decoration and a magical tool, the jewelry is purchased on the first or second lunar day. They start using it in the 15th or 16th.

It is not a shame to present its golden variety even to the Sultan. Ayurveda considers it a healer, and yoga uses it for meditation. The topaz gemstone is needed for those who have lost the taste for life and want to get it back.

Even primitive people knew about the stone - objects with the mineral were found at their sites. Later, the nobility and royalty adorned themselves with it.

The origin of the name has two options:

  1. From the Sanskrit “tapaz” (“fire”) - one of the shades of stone.
  2. According to its location on the island of Topazios in the Red Sea, where it was first discovered.

Sailors took the blue crystal with them as an amulet against storms, and the crusaders presented hearts to ladies.

Description and properties

Officially, topaz is classified as a semi-precious stone, but its beauty, demand and cost have pushed it into the precious segment.

The shade depends on the depth of occurrence. The smaller it is, the more transparent the stone. Topaz is a monochrome stone, some specimens have bright multi-colors, for example, wine yellow and blue. Crystals are multifaceted, which creates a fabulous play of shades.

The peculiarity of topaz is its color variability. But it does not depend on impurities, like other crystals, but on flaws in the crystal lattice. The coloring is clean, without haze or haze. Due to friction and temperature changes, it becomes electrified, which causes slight tingling sensations on the skin.

The mineral has a high density, which is why it received the nickname “heavyweight” in Rus'. In the sun it becomes discolored. Heat treatment makes the color of topaz rich.

Therapeutic effect

The mineral is considered healing and helps on the physical and mental plane.

European practices

For the Middle Ages it was the number one remedy for poisoning. Blue topaz was placed in a glass or royal bowls were decorated with it. It was believed that the poison in such a vessel would cause the drink to change color.

They were used to treat diseases from poor eyesight to the plague. Today, healers have discovered that topaz:

  • improves sleep quality, therefore useful for insomnia or frequent sudden awakenings;
  • heals blood vessels, reduces blood pressure, eliminates migraines;
  • improves digestion;
  • resists depression;
  • optimizes metabolism, which means slowing down aging;
  • increases stress resistance;
  • treats female infertility;
  • useful for diseases of the gallbladder, spleen, liver;
  • stops bleeding;
  • relieves exacerbations of bronchial asthma;
  • worn around the neck, protects against colds;
  • helps with bone ailments.

Topaz and the value of the stone as a healer will be appreciated even by healthy people seeking to strengthen their immune system.

What Ayurveda says

Traditional Indian medicine knows everything about topaz and lists it as one of the 12 main minerals with strong healing properties. She agrees with the Europeans, but clarifies that the area of ​​healing depends on what color the topaz is:

  • yellow – throat, asthma, stomach, respiratory tract;
  • yellow, blue - excitement, poor sleep, nightmares;
  • blue – epilepsy;
  • white – psychological attitude;
  • red – joints, spine, women’s problems: infertility, cycle disorders, difficult pregnancy;
  • transparent, yellow – disruptions at the hormonal level, topaz of this color sharpens the taste;
  • yellow, green – contemplation gives rest to tired eyes;

Topaz is known for its beauty; the name of this stone is familiar to almost every person. What secrets does the mineral hide and why is it considered valuable?

Topaz and its history

The origin of the name of this mineral still remains unclear. According to one version, the stone is named after the Greek island near which it was discovered by shipwrecked sailors. Another theory is that the name comes from a Sanskrit word meaning fire and heat, from this information it can be understood that topazes in the area where they were discovered had a golden-orange color.

Topaz has been valued by people since ancient times. Archaeologists have discovered ritual objects made from topaz, as well as various jewelry. It is known that this stone was highly valued during the Renaissance and was very popular in Rus', where people knew it under the name “heavy weight”, which the mineral received due to its high density.

In addition, some topazes can be found in museums. These are huge crystals that were found in the bowels of the earth. The smallest - 10 kg, is kept in the St. Petersburg Museum, and the largest - 117 kg - was discovered in Ukraine. Stones of unusual size have also been found in Brazil; museums in the country hold samples weighing 31.8 and 50.4 kg.

Types and colors of topaz

Mineral deposits

How to detect a fake?

Topaz is popular and has a high value, so it is not surprising that scammers counterfeit this stone in an effort to make more money. In order not to fall for tricks, you need to be able to distinguish natural stone from fakes.

  1. A very simple way to help recognize an imitation is to rub a stone on a woolen cloth. If it becomes electrified and paper begins to stick to it, it means that you have real topaz in front of you.
  2. A natural mineral has high hardness and can scratch quartz or crystal, but a fake one does not have such properties.
  3. Natural stones remain cold for a long time, so if the mineral immediately warms up in your hands, then most likely it is a fake.
  4. It is worth noting that light-colored topazes are counterfeited much less often - they are not that rare.
  5. If you have a solution of methylene iodide, you can lower the topaz into it - the real one will end up at the bottom of the vessel, and the artificial one will remain floating on the surface.
  6. Natural samples, as a rule, have minor defects and cracks, while artificial imitation has perfect smoothness.
  7. You should also be wary of the too bright and saturated color of the topaz. There are no poisonous stones in nature; real minerals have calm, gentle tones, so excessive brightness is a sign of a fake.

Topaz stone and its magical properties

Medicinal properties

Topaz is mentioned in ancient medical treatises; it was popular among healers of that time.

  • Topaz was believed to help cope with poisoning.
  • The stone can heal nervous system disorders, help cope with psychological problems, relieve insomnia, fears, worries and depression.
  • The effect of the stone has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, gall bladder and spleen.
  • Topaz helps strengthen the immune system during periods of exacerbation of colds.
  • Wearing topaz restores lost appetite, so the stone is recommended for those who want to gain weight, but for those losing weight, on the contrary, it is better to use topaz with caution.
  • Blue topazes help avoid the possibility of Graves' disease.
  • Yellow stones can help cope with respiratory diseases, asthma and bronchitis. Also, the yellow mineral has a good effect on women's health, helping to restore erratic cycles, get rid of problems with the uterus and conceive a child. A transparent stone can help for the same purposes.
  • In India, topaz is one of the 12 main stones with the strongest medicinal properties and is used in Ayurvedic practices.

Talismans and amulets

Sapphire - properties of the stone
