Karmic son. Karmic connection between mother and son

how to check how strong a karmic connection you have with a particular person? The stronger emotions a person causes in you (it doesn’t matter whether negative or positive, it is the strength of emotions that is important), the stronger the karmic connection. And the most powerful emotions As a rule, our closest people, family, call! If something negative happens to them, we perceive it a million times stronger and more painful than if the same situation would be, for example, with a good neighbor or colleague. Those. it is through the closest people that a person receives the most difficult karmic lessons.

Those. of course yes it is karmic relationship! Surely in past lives you all have already met, someone happened to each other, and now it was with unfinished karma that you were attracted to each other, because - the strongest karmic connection, and karmic debts. Apparently the one who is beaten in this life, in past life he himself beat his offender, or did something to him commensurate with beatings. And in the next life, again, there is a very great chance to continue the path all together, if the node karmic debts do not untie. Well, or at least somehow weaken ... Because until the karmic debts are paid off, you will again and again be attracted to each other to work off karma.

There is such a simple remedy - it helps if you sincerely do it. You have to wish the person happiness. It’s just like this mentally imagine a person with whom complicated relationship, and repeat to yourself: I wish you happiness, and so how much it will turn out: a minute, 5, 10, 30, - how much time and effort is enough. You can do it out loud, you can do it to yourself, but at the same time it is very important to let go of resentment and evil in your soul, and really sincerely wish for happiness. At first, if the resentment or irritation is strong, at least mechanically repeat these words, after a while it should turn out and sincerely desire.

How does it work... A person on a subtle level sets a good relationship When they settle down on a subtle level, then everything will settle down on the physical. Of course, if there are fights at all, especially with your mother, it’s better not to see her for a while, because the relationship will not improve from the 1st time, and the desire to wish happiness will disappear after another swearing. But it is important at this time, until you see each other, to wish happiness anyway, and then everything should calm down by itself.

Well, in general, the blessing of parents has direct influence for the life of a zhevelek. For example, if a woman has a father bad relationship, then this can negatively affect her personal life in marriage, at least, damage her luck. If you are with your mother, then it also does not bring anything good, at least housing problems can arise, heart problems, and just a feeling of happiness can significantly decrease.
Establishing good relationships with parents is one of the means to change your destiny for the better...

Those. - necessary! necessary! have a good relationship with parents ....... Again, who wants to have bad ones ....

We continue the theme of Karma.
In this post I give excerpts from the research works of Larisa Dmitrieva. The topic concerns family and tribal karma - I am fulfilling a personal request ...

Each time we incarnate again, we receive new parents, magnetically attracted to them, depending on the karma accumulated in the past. We will also have those relatives with whom we made ties in past lives. And in this life we ​​will untie all family and tribal knots (ties) only together.

Suppose several people in past lives consciously
caused each other or other people a lot of material and
moral damage. Can these people in the new life make up
one family?

Quite. Moreover, all of them will experience material
difficulties, often very severe and prolonged. Depending on the damage inflicted in the past, members of such a family will sometimes never be able to escape from deep poverty for the rest of their lives.

But after all, people have caused each other (or jointly other people) not only material damage, but also moral. Moral damage inflicted in the past, depending on its severity, will be expressed in constant quarrels, irritations, insults and even, perhaps, fierce hatred, which in other cases can lead to a dramatic denouement of tension.

If the material damage was less than the mental one, financial situation such a family can improve over time. However, the moral climate may even worsen.
But if there was no moral damage or it was small,
shim, then the family, despite financial difficulties, can
to be friendly, and therefore it is much easier to endure material
difficulties and will not complicate karma.

But in any case, suffering for any reason, people are obliged not to get angry and not to quarrel, but to grow wiser. True while it's far away
not everyone succeeds. When we suffer, we always tend to blame anyone but ourselves. And this shows our deep ignorance...

A. Pushkin:
“She seemed like a stranger in her own family.”

development of the previous one.

The paths of karma are such that they can sometimes lead to a family
a soul that had nothing to do with her current relatives.

For example, suppose that at some heavy family karma has brought a soul that is not connected in any way with other members by bad actions. Of course, at the same time, we ask: why is such a soul attracted to this family and suffers along with all its members?

Of course, this is not accidental. Obviously, in the past man
committed some unworthy act (but which one, we
do not know) and must suffer to the full in order to repay
your personal karma.

What will help the person we are talking about to feel suffering?

If he got into a family that would be friendly, prosperous, beautiful, then they simply would not be allowed to suffer in it - the conditions are not the same.

So, only unfavorable will help to feel suffering.
Wednesday. The guilty soul has been immersed in it since childhood.
If her deed was very strong in terms of negative consequences, such a soul will remain with a family that is alien to her until the end of her days - until, as they say, she fully atones for her sin.

Well, if the sin was small, then life situation it will certainly turn out in such a way that the former kindred souls will be attracted, wherever they live, and happily reunite - under any form, under the most unexpected pretext.

But there are times when not a stranger, but a soul native to a given family, is suddenly removed from its own poor or rude family (or a family that combines poverty and rudeness), over which heavy karma hangs like a dark cloud. Retrieved from infancy or from early childhood and finds himself in a completely different, very favorable environment.

Suppose a child from a difficult family was taken up by some distant kind relatives or, perhaps, wealthy spouses, moreover, educated people. Or maybe the mother herself threw her little child to some people, and they turned out to be sincere and gladly accepted the foundling. Or maybe the court deprived the mother and father of the rights of motherhood and fatherhood for an unworthy lifestyle, and the child was given to an orphanage, from where he was quickly taken away and adopted by noble people who gave the child, not related by blood, all their love and true maternal and paternal care.

Of course, leaving your difficult family is also not without reason.
What can be said about this? Most likely, such a soul
in a past life, unlike her relatives, she had already grown wiser so as not to make the same mistakes. In addition, she managed to make efforts to sufficiently cleanse herself of the elements of the lower nature and spiritually rise. She seemed to have overtaken karma. And in order to atone for its share in the family-wide sins, it was enough for this soul in the current life only to “identify itself” in the former family and soon leave it.

We usually notice when we are offended. When we offend
(and even more strongly), then the majority prefers this not
to see and, of course, not comprehend the situation.

Suppose a young man (or girl) lives in a rude family and from childhood experiences from his parents (or one of them) cruel treatment. It is difficult to say what was the cause that gave rise to such an unfavorable consequence. But it is quite possible that in a past life this young man or girl, being parents, treated her child in the same way. Now they see themselves as the result of their own hardness of heart.

As a result of rough treatment by parents (or
one of them) the soul of a young man and a girl, of course, suffers.
She suffers just as the soul suffered in a past life ... their
own child. But compassion and tenderness were then alien to their hearts.

And now great justice - Karma - grant
gave them the opportunity to feel the consequences of their own soullessness. Experiencing, for example, beatings and insults, a person who did not know compassion in the past is now looking for this feeling in people. He now understands how precious this feeling is. The suffering soul must not only grow wiser. It is designed to awaken a new, previously unknown quality in oneself and finally put aside the elements of compassion in the cup of accumulations. If a person who is in rough conditions does not draw the right conclusion, but hardens and continues to grow rough, then in the next life he will fall into even more unfavorable conditions.

In suffering and suffering there is deep meaning. But him
one must be able to see, one must find. It is necessary to comprehend the
walking. But when thinking, it is useful to keep in the center not yourself and not your own grievances, not your anger, but to look at yourself as if from the outside, to subject yourself, your behavior to strict criticism.

Another example.

Suppose a certain woman passionately desires to have a child.
But despite all the measures taken, she still cannot
become a mother. What is the reason for such karmic punishment,
not giving the opportunity to create normal family and feel such an attractive joy of motherhood?

There can be many reasons.

Perhaps a woman deprived of motherhood, to which she unsuccessfully strives in this life, in a past life led
too frivolous way of life, and with each pregnancy she had abortions, not wanting to burden her life with motherhood, responsibility, worries.

But it is quite possible that one of the reasons could be too
com indifferent, cold or even cruel treatment of this woman with her own child.

Or maybe a woman suffering from the inability to become
mother, was among those who, in a past life, having given birth to a child,
threw him like a puppy, as they say, under the fence?
Unfortunately, there have always been cases like this. But dis-
condescension and hardness of heart became exceedingly frequent at the end
of the twentieth century in all post-Soviet republics, when the shaft rolled
the so-called sexual revolution. Both society and the family turned a blind eye to the fact that the girls, barely stepping over adolescence, already started sex life. This could not lead to anything good, either physically (in terms of health) or morally. As a result, a huge number of young mothers appeared who conceived a child, often not even knowing from whom, but after giving birth, they immediately abandoned it in the maternity hospital.

Fathers and children, husbands and wives are eternal problems.

My home is my castle!
And if in the fortress ... "Trojan horse"?

At the end of the Dark Age in many families there were real
battles. The same dramatic situations and quarrels were repeated day after day. And it seemed to people that there was no end to these family battles, there was no way out of the most difficult situations.

Family members seemed to be able to separate and disperse to different apartments, and even cities. But they could not do it in any way, a thousand reasons prevented them from finding peace.

Of course, there are as many reasons for such a family hell as there are such families in the world. But such suffering first of all cures the terrible selfishness, the monstrous selfhood, which affects all participants in such family battles, in which no one hears the groans of the other; no one wants to help each other; no one considers himself guilty, but only others, and everyone is ready to tear off not only the upper, but also the lower shirt from his neighbor, sometimes even along with the skin.

The reasons for such family wars are innumerable, but there is a general pattern that contains ... benefits for every person who is part of such a difficult family.
Each member of the family is both... a student and...
teacher for other members. Family members, often unconsciously, provoke both bad and good nature in each other. They, like some kind of mental reagents, contribute to various behavioral reactions, as a result of which each person entering the family is obliged to reveal what is hidden in him (often even for himself). As a result of such tensions, family members reveal certain qualities of character. They should consolidate the good, and not stifle, and the revealed bad should not be fed with insults and the invention of new tortures, but destroyed. Conditions that cause family conflicts will not disappear and will not change if parents and children (and other relatives) do not perceive conflict situations from a completely different point of view - as an opportunity for self-improvement.

Such conflicts, while a person is improving, are necessary to identify and get rid of, as already mentioned, first of all, egoistic feelings. But not only. Various negative qualities, to be converted into opposites, in each person as much as you like. If we want to learn selflessness, we will have to destroy legions of shortcomings. Family conflicts wonderfully reveal many of them that have found shelter in our minds.

Family battles will continue until then (and may be moved to next life) until the lesson the soul must learn in these "local" battles is well learned.

When the lesson (as it seems to us) will be well learned, and we
it will seem that we have become different, an exam will follow (as in
school). Unpleasant situation... will repeat. And maybe even
with more power. But if the experience is fixed, the exam will be passed with the highest score. And then one day, as if by a wave magic wand, the conditions that caused the battles of parents and children, husbands and wives, and other relatives will disappear, and heavy fighting will cease.

But if the exam is passed with a C or even a C
plus (according to a 5-point rating system), alas, everything ... will happen again.
External conditions will change only when we change internally - this is the law.

We will not consider here the formula of Christ “Enemies
man's household." But when we come to her, we will understand that
only in the light of Karma and Reincarnation can we understand its deep
the deepest hidden meaning. If we don't understand the reason
enmity not only in the opposite direction, but above all
in ourselves, we will never be able to untie the knotted knots, and peace will not come to our families. Just as Shakespeare's boots cannot be higher than Shakespeare, so ignorance, and even more so ignorance, cannot be more honored than knowledge. This is an undeniable truth given by all the Teachers of mankind...

For information: Larisa Dmitrieva is a philosopher, writer, poet, journalist, researcher of the creative heritage of the Roerich family and Helena Blavatsky. You can get acquainted with her works, excerpts from books are also taken from here.

As you know, behind each of us are our ancestors. It is they who form such a system as ROD. We are firmly connected with our family and receive support from it. But, sometimes there are failures and there are serious illness, problems and ruin.

Why is this happening?

Each of us was born to a father and mother, for our creation the energy of two was needed, otherwise we simply would not exist. Behind them are their parents, each of them is followed by their ancestors, and so on. All these people, whether living or dead, are single system to which we belong or our ROD. We are connected with our Family through our parents, we can draw great power from there, if our ties are not broken, if we do not violate the laws of the system to which we belong.

Except blood relatives the tribal system includes other people and souls that have been in our lives and have had some kind of strong influence on us.

For example:
♦ the tribal system includes all those who were born in it (myself, my brothers and sisters, this also includes abortions, miscarriages, children who died early, abandoned children, and adopted children);
♦ all direct relatives up to the seventh generation back (grandparents, great-grandparents) and forward (children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren) with their connections, their partners, their significant people in life;
♦ all partners with whom there was strong emotional or intimate contact ( ex-husbands and wives, first love, all sexual partners);
♦ all those people who helped the Family survive, saved the life of one of the members of the Family, carried out some kind of good deed (at the front they took out from under the enemy’s fire, gave their ration of bread in times of famine, saved a life during a fire, etc.). d.);
♦ all those people who caused any damage to the tribal system, threatened the life or well-being of any of the members of the system (rapists, enemies, murderers, thieves, etc.);
♦ all those who had special fate- serious illnesses, madness, disability, strange or terrible fate, murderers, killed.

As you can see, there are many people with whom we are directly or indirectly connected, and who have an important influence on us - both positive and negative. Many of them simply help us, protect us and give us the strength to live and act in this world. But there are those with whom ties have been broken and require restoration, recognition, acceptance into the tribal system and respect for their difficult fate.

If in our tribal system all connections are established, the laws are observed, our life will be quite smooth and happy. Problems, serious illness, misfortunes come into our lives when we violate the laws of the system, even if we know nothing about them.

What laws apply in the tribal system?

The law of belonging to the system

Everyone who once entered the genus, into the system, remains in it forever. We cannot voluntarily throw them away, delete them from our lives, forget them or delete them. This includes abortions, miscarriages, early deaths, murderers and other dysfunctional elements of the family (which you want to quickly forget about), ex-husbands and wives, intimate partners etc. Once they were in our lives, and they have a place in it forever. It is important to remember this, and pay tribute to them, whatever they may be.

Law of substitution

If we cross out a member of our system from our heart and remove from the system, then the younger member of the family (child) will replace him.

How can you see it?
For example, a man had a brother who took drugs and died of an overdose. They preferred to forget about him, the photographs were destroyed, they were never told about him to children, and the boy who grew up in the family of this man never knew anything about his uncle. Everything changed when the boy became a teenager - he got involved with bad company, began to skip school, drink with friends, and at the age of sixteen he tried drugs. Looking at his son, the father recalled his brother with bitterness, and watched with horror the fate of his son, waiting for a tragic denouement.

And if there was a place in the heart of the father for his unlucky brother, if the child knew about the fate of his uncle, saw and understood how tragically his life ended, he would have chosen a different path. The solution to this situation is to give a place to a member of this family in the heart of each of the living now, accept his choice and pay tribute to his difficult fate.

Law of Hierarchy

Those who entered the tribal system earlier have an advantage over those who entered it later. This means that parents have priority over children, and older brothers and sisters over younger ones.

This means that former wives and husbands have an advantage over those who came to the family later.

However, at the same time new family takes precedence over the previous one. This means that it is important to respect your parents, it is important to pay tribute former family(respect ex-wife or husband and take care of children from first marriages), it is important to take care of your children, but at the same time, our highest priority relationship should be with our partner - with a husband or wife.

The law of love or the order of love

The energy of love flows from ancestors to descendants and never vice versa. This means that we need to direct all our love energy to our children, and not to our parents, as women often do. When a woman becomes a mother for her parents, her children are left without maternal energy, and this creates big problems in relationship.

The law of balance between giving and taking

Harmony in relationships exists only when there is a balance between "give" and "take" energy.

You probably know the distortions: - when a person only gives, being a lifesaver for everyone, a trouble-free executor of any desires and requests. At some point, such a person will feel exhausted, his energy will run out, and he will begin to demand from others - gratitude, some actions addressed to him, and not receiving this from others, he will experience bitter disappointment, not realizing that he himself behavior created a similar attitude towards himself. It is very difficult for him to take, accept gifts, he immediately feels like a debtor and strives to serve again in order to work out what was given to him.

If a person only gives and does not take anything, he makes the other his debtor. And if he has already accumulated too many debts to you, it is much easier for him to leave than to repay debts. Husbands often do this to women who constantly strive to please them - their debt has become so great to their wife that they would not have had enough life to pay it, especially since she does not allow him to do this. - there is another extreme when a person only takes. He clearly knows what he needs and builds relationships with everyone in such a way that it is beneficial for him, in order to receive as much benefit as possible.
These relationships are also doomed to failure - sooner or later the other person will get tired of being used for their own purposes, and then resentment, demands, scandals and a break in relations will begin.

How to strike a balance?

There are two wonderful rules that help in a relationship to grow all the good that is in them and reduce all the bad.

Rule One
If we receive something good from another, it is important for us to give him a little more than we received from him. For example, your husband bought you new earrings, and you prepared them for him. favorite dish and beautifully set the table.

It is important to give just A LIT more, so that the exchange is still of equal value, otherwise if for each good word husband, you will clean the apartment, cook food for him, wash clothes and be an exemplary wife, he simply won’t go beyond words, because you yourself valued yourself very cheaply. Having received from you a little more than he gave himself, he will strive to continue to please you.

What do we do when another person hurts us?
Make him hurt more?
Then the pain will grow like a snowball.

For this there is rule two
If we receive something bad from another, we need to give him a little less bad, and then in the relationship it will decrease.

For example, if a man stepped on your foot painfully in transport, you don’t need to shout to the whole bus “Well, you are a clumsy elephant, as only the earth wears you”, this will only give rise to a desire in him to throw you out of the bus.

It is enough to say "oh, you hurt me very much." This balance must be observed everywhere - not only in the family, but also at work, in relationships with friends and any other people.

If a subordinate allows the boss to take advantage of him Bad mood, it will not lead to anything good. It is important to tell the boss that he is behaving unacceptably, but do it respectfully and not in front of everyone. If a person does a lot of work, and at the same time receives a small salary, you should not expect that he will be appreciated. On the contrary, such people are not respected, and they are the first to be laid off.

If you constantly serve your friends as a vest for their problems, but you yourself cannot call them when grief happens to you, then you only give, and do not know how to take in friendship.

The Law of Unexperienced Emotions

Any unlived emotion (anger, fear, joy, sorrow) will seek a way out until a situation arises where this emotion can manifest itself. We are living people, and we tend to experience different emotions not always pleasant for us. And it is important for us to learn how to experience and manifest them, and not hide them in ourselves, otherwise they will turn into illnesses or problems, and we will carry this burden, not realizing that we ourselves created it, once we did not experience grief for a dead mother or without expressing our own anger in response to the betrayal of a loved one.

There can be many such cases, and the constellations show very well what kind of emotion is hidden behind a particular problem.

More recently, while participating in the constellation as a substitute, I felt great relief after I sobbed over the deceased father of the client - I still had unexperienced grief for my father and mother, who died not so long ago, and only at the constellation, being in the role of another person , I was able to free myself from it, relieve myself of a huge burden of emotions, which had already begun to affect my health.

Each of us, our destiny is affected not only by the consequences of our sinful deeds, but also by the sins of our ancestors ( ancestral karma) that lead us to suffering. A lot is said about ancestral karma or the influence of the genus in various sources of information. The Bible says in this regard that "you will suffer for your sins, as well as your children up to the fourth generation." And as another proof that children suffer for the sins of their parents, let's take another example from the Bible: approaching the temple, Jesus Christ and his disciples saw a blind man begging for alms, and the disciples of Jesus asked: “Why is this man suffering, for his sins or for the sins of the parents?

AT old days people had knowledge about the karma of the clan and its influence, and everyone tried not to drop the honor and dignity of their clan. In the family were all believers, in without fail all the traditions of their people were observed, there was discipline, respect, the younger ones respected the elders, all decisions were made by the elders of the clan, mutual assistance flourished, and each member of the clan was consciously afraid, like fire, to disgrace and burden his family with his deeds. If someone in the family got married or got married before starting a family, the parents asked each other about the family and considered the family line of several generations of the bride and groom. If it turned out that someone in the family had a lot of unpleasant events: murder or suicide, recurring serious illnesses, frequent accidents, many people in the family do not have a successful life, there is no procreation, frequent scandals with fights - these are all signs the presence of the influence of tribal karma, then one of the parties, without offending the other, could refuse such an alliance. During marriage, two clans merge into one, and if in one clan there was a strong Negative influence tribal karma, then it also falls on the shoulders of another kind.

Why do our children, grandchildren and future generations suffer for our sins? And the bottom line is that we are all united in our family, clan, country, on the planet. All humanity is interconnected. And at the level of the soul, we are all united by a single energy-information structure or the totality of our individual subtle fields form a common field of all mankind. That's why wisdom says: "If I don't get free, you won't get free, and if you don't get free, I won't get free." We all influence each other, making our contribution to the common field of humanity with our deeds, good or “hellish”. And a lot depends on us, there will be a "paradise" on earth, we will all be happy. On the subtle plane, each family has close relationship, and all members of the family are connected by their fields into one common field - the family field. If parents offend each other, then this affects the children, at the beginning in the form of weakness, exhaustion of the child, and then illnesses come. Because in a quarrel, parents splash out of themselves negative emotions: irritation, anger, aggression. And this is a loss of life important energy from the common field of the family, and resentment hinders and to some extent closes the filling of energy from space into the common field of the family. So it happens that a child or an adult is exhausted, and a lack of energy leads to diseases. The child is still a weak, less protected being, and the whole blow during a quarrel falls on him. And what is the worst, in case of a quarrel, adults burden the karma of the family with their actions. And not only our children will suffer, but also grandchildren and great-grandchildren. And all kindred families, on the subtle plane, at the level of the soul, are interconnected by a common field - the clan, in which all the information of our deeds of all families of the clan is stored. This field also stores information about the actions of all living souls, members of the genus, which has an impact on the present and on the fate of the future generation. Let's take, for example: if someone sins, then he brings heaviness into the common field of his kind, thereby worsening the fate of all members of the family, and if a person has performed a good deed, then light comes into the common field, and the fate of all in the family improves .

The genus is like a living organism, if a separate organ falls ill, then the whole organism suffers and gradually collapses, because all organs are interconnected.

If in the family the parents often quarreled and sinned, due to their blindness, they accumulated a large karmic burden, and this burden is heavy for them and beyond their strength, and after death they will experience very strong torment. In this case, the Law of Mutual Assistance and the Law of Self-Sacrifice are activated, acting at the level of the soul, according to the Will of God. The children and grandchildren of the clan, subconsciously take on the sins of their parents and distribute among themselves who and what they can bear. And if the parents deliberately and soberly did this in order to humiliate, annoy each other, then the law of Mutual Assistance and Self-Sacrifice is inactive, silent, because the hearts of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren are not affected. This is another facet of tribal karma, why our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren suffer.

How to get rid of the influence of negative tribal karma

If one of us has a problem due to the influence of tribal karma, then in most cases this means that God gives us the right and the opportunity to cleanse ourselves and our family from suffering, such is our fate. And in order to be freed from suffering, a person first of all needs to turn to God, come to terms with his problem and not blame anyone for what happened. Then come to an understanding of your sin and confess it to God and sincerely repent, because our deeds did not remain without participation in burdening the ancestral karma. And then take any penitential prayer for the forgiveness of the sins of the family and carry this prayer to the Merciful God several times a day until the problem goes away. Ask during prayer Holy Mother of God so that she would pray to God for us sinners. If grandfathers, grandmothers, mothers, fathers or one of the family members are believers, then ask them to do the same. And if someone is no longer alive, then turn to them with this request, mentally, even if they were not believers, because there they already believe, because invisible things have become visible to them. Each of us will join some religion, and we can still use the knowledge that is present in each religion to deliver the race from sin. But we should not rely on outside help, but should make every effort and spend a lot of time praying to God for mercy on our family. And you need to believe and wait, without losing hope, and the door is always opened to those who sincerely knock.

I wish you good luck on your life path!!!

Svetlana Zaretskaya

Skype: svetlana.ukr.net

Viber: +7 966-114-25-06

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The hardships and good luck presented to a person by fate can be the result of not only his behavior, but also karmic heredity.

Ancestral karma, formed by the deeds of many generations of ancestors, can significantly affect the life path through pleasant and not very “surprises”. But illnesses, failures and other hardships as retribution for other people's actions can be avoided if family karma will be determined and implemented.

Kind Karma

Ancestral karma is a set of incidents and actions experienced and done by the ancestors, which, according to the universal cause-and-effect principle, affect the lives of successive generations. Most often, the question of how to find out the karma of the clan is addressed in cases where it is negative, because of which fate constantly puts the descendants before trials. These can be illnesses, career and family failures, financial failures, difficulties in finding oneself.

The similarity of people to their ancestors is difficult to question. Esotericists and scientists agree on this. But the nature of the predestination of the temperament and character of the individual is not known to anyone thoroughly. Physiological and a number of psycho-emotional parameters are characterized genetic code and the rest, which can be called the soul, is karma.

Thoughts, aspirations, decisions, actions and experiences of the ancestors are stored in the subconscious and are literally imprinted on the astral body, through which they are subsequently inherited. This is how the karma of the family tree is formed.

The influence of tribal karma is present in the traditions even of those peoples whose culture does not determine the definition of karma or its analogues. Children are often held responsible for the actions of their parents or older relatives to social environment or the world in general. Therefore, for example, in Russia, the laws of the family and the spiritual foundations of the family had a sacred status, and their violation was stopped in the bud. It was believed that ancestral heredity creates and changes karma family life and even the destinies of families are foreshadowed.

Family karma: the influence of fate on life together and health

First of all, the negative karma of the family is reflected in poor health. People with a good karmic "dowry" have a healthy, strong, reliable physical body. A favorable background also provides mental stability. The presence of hereditary or the same for a particular generation of diseases is often the result of receiving from ancestors bad karma. It is also possible that a person for this reason will be born disabled or mentally retarded.

In addition, such heredity also affects the material component of life. Having accepted it from the ancestors along with an impressive fortune, one may not have time to enjoy the charm of the latter, as it will quickly evaporate. True, ancestors with bad karma do not always make wealth. More often it happens like this: a pious and respectable person tries his best to achieve prosperity, but constantly fails. The point here is that heavy family karma repels success and society.

Bad heredity draws vitality, creates troubles, conflicts, difficulties that arise literally from scratch. People with this "baggage" often quickly lose the energy stored during the holidays.

Karmic debts from parents: examples

Parental karmic debt are their unfulfilled obligations to Higher powers, God, the social environment and, above all, in front of you. Universal justice is based on this, therefore children often become executors of karmic punishment. Here is how the karma of the family or parents affects the life of one or more descendants:

  1. Failure to fulfill obligations and promises to God, Higher powers, other people or yourself. This is the heaviest debt, and the person who redeems it makes up for the created imbalance with his energy.
  2. Failure to fulfill the earthly Destiny and unwillingness to go one's own Path is walking across fate, against the Universe. Refusal of the Higher duty always gives rise to karmic debt, which is inherited.
  3. Unwillingness to listen to your Soul hinders spiritual and personal growth. This is one of the main debts to yourself. It is reflected both in the fate of the debtor and in the life of his descendants.
  4. Theft and fraud of other people's property creates a debt that is withdrawn at least tantamount to a crime. For misappropriation of other people's money you lose your own, but in larger size, you pay for someone else's life or health with your own, the selection of someone else's energy makes a person an energy donor.
  5. Irresponsibility in relation to work, affairs, environment, family, children. A man whose father did not want to provide for his family has problems providing for his own. Dodging official duties expressed in the career failures of children.

However, how the karma of the family influences the fate of a person also depends on the personal karma of a person. Simply put, if the positive potential of personal karma is greater than the negative potential of generic karma, then the negative will be neutralized. But hereditary karmic debts, as a rule, accumulate, and a way out from under their influence is available only for people with the highest level spiritual and personal development confidently following their Purpose.

Usually karmic debt passes to the next generation according to gender: the boy - from the father, the girl - from the mother. But the only children are the heirs of the debts of both parents. And in families with a large number of children, situations may arise when one of the children does not experience a debt burden at all.

The concept of generic karma is closely intersected with the individual karma of a reincarnated person. The choice of time, place and family for reincarnation correlate with the tasks and goals for reincarnation. Heavy karma, for example, can lead to the degeneration of a person into a beggar, an invalid, a mentally retarded person.

The principle of equal repayment of debts can work like this: someone who shed a lot of other people's blood will live with anemia or become a blood donor. Or the one who was blind to the world and others will be reborn blind in order to study the world intuitively and through other senses.

Ancestral karma is also weighed down by the negative karma of the family in which a person is brought up. If a man and a woman do not base their relationship on the principles of love, mercy, compassion, acceptance and understanding, this can complicate the fate of their children.

Family karma: how to find out if there is a debt

Indicators of bad family karma are determined quite easily. It is expressed, as a rule, in pathological bad luck, the difficulties of socialization, the demolition of frequent "steps" from fate. Here are typical examples of this:

  • aggression, constant conflict and misunderstanding in relationships with this or that person for no apparent reason;
  • long black streak affecting the area personal relationships, work, social contacts;
  • bad mood and lack of desire or strength to perform some business that previously brought satisfaction;
  • the absence of a tangible result in anything when applying huge efforts over a long time distance;
  • serious intractable diseases or small, but frequent problems with health, hereditary diseases.

Thus, a hardworking and responsible worker may be deprived of a salary increase or not move forward. career ladder when the karmic debt of the family lies on it.

The reason for working off a debt or karmic cleansing of the clan can be systematic unsuccessful attempts by relatives of the older generation to have children, suicide in the family, abortions not made according to medical prescription, as well as love spells, damage and similar consequences of black magic rituals.

Ignoring bad karma leads to consequences of varying severity, leading, ultimately, to the extermination of the family. Therefore, difficult diseases most often begin to affect men, who, as a result, are not able to leave offspring. Women with bad tribal karma can be overtaken by infertility or the birth of handicapped children.

Working off debt: how and why to work with the karma of the family

The clan should be understood not only as a biological structure, but also as a set of many strong spiritual and energy threads connecting living and dead relatives. Even the one who releases or loses these connections cannot get out from under their influence. Roughly speaking, the Universe does not choose only those who are ready to compensate for it on their own to restore justice.

The methods of working off the karma of the clan include prayers, repeated wax castings, spiritual and personal improvement, “annealing the skeleton of the ancestors” and more specific rituals. Main principle is focused on reviving one's own memory of one's ancestors, delving into their destinies and relating them to one's own karmic knots. They can be lack of money, loneliness, problems with childbearing, failure to start a family, sickness, etc.

Here universal way working off tribal karma, suitable even for those who do not know the fate of several generations of their relatives.

  1. Pour water into a deep round dish.
  2. Place 12 large wax candles around the dish (church candles will do).
  3. Set fire to them one by one, saying over each “I light the first (or second, third, etc.) candle, I resurrect the memory of the first tribe of the family.”
  4. After lighting all the candles, you need to imagine all the relatives in your thoughts. First you need to turn to the images of those with whom you are familiar, and then try to imagine more distant generations.
  5. Now you need to take candles one at a time and imagine how tribal secrets break out of them and open up, creating karmic blocks.
  6. Next, you need to take the first candle upside down so that the melted wax flows into the water. At this time, you need to focus on spiritual reunion with your ancestors, ask them for help and forgiveness. During the fall of wax into the water, you need to say seven times: “The debts and sins of my kind are burned in the fire, they purify my karma and soul. The figures of Fate fall into the water, they free me from the ancestral karma.
  7. The described procedure must be carried out with each candle. So in the information space, ties of 12 generations of the family will be restored.
  8. The figures and images that have arisen in the wax should be collected and lowered into a pond outside the house. It can be a river, a lake, a pond or even a fountain. It is better to bury the cinders, and use new candles for the second ritual.

The ritual must be performed for 9 months during the waning of the moon. The best day for working out is the 29th lunar.

At the current stage, family karma is only half worked out. For a complete purification, you need to practically improve yourself and your family in the physical world. For this, any actions based on the expression of mercy, compassion, kindness and help to the society that surrounds the individual are suitable.

The lonely should be helped in the search for love, the confused should be given advice. Those who suffer from karmic problems with childbearing need to concentrate on caring for other people's children, support those who plan to become parents.

With blocks in financial and career matters, you need to help others resolve them and humbly accept the expenses associated with the manifestation of kindness and mercy. Actions of this nature atone for the injustice created by the ancestors, so practical events in the material world work in accordance with the existing debts.

Under no circumstances should you despair. The very interest in questions, what is ancestral karma, how to find out its nature and repay debts, indicates that the Universe is open to transformations. Working off debts is a righteous cause, and fate always favors it.

Of course, you should not look for the guilty among the ancestors. First, justice will still have to be restored. And secondly, such complaints worsen personal karma, aggravating the state of affairs.

Good tribal karma is a guarantee of the health and well-being of children and grandchildren.

Her healing and repayment of debts is an important spiritual task that cannot be ignored. But you should not be afraid of such responsibility - a noble, sincere and open man deal with it easily.
