Who suits dark eyebrows. Choosing the right eyebrow color for blondes

The facial expression of a woman depends not only on the shape of the eyebrows, but also on their color. Can be done with just one swipe cosmetic pencil turn from a cute girl into a passionate young lady or a mysterious lady. If you choose the right color, you can easily hide the flaws and emphasize the merits. Do not forget that everything should be beautiful in a woman! So little to do beautiful hairstyle or interesting makeup. It is much more important to pay attention to the details, with the help of which we will create an overall ideal picture.

I have never dyed my eyebrows before. Yes, I plucked them regularly, but recently I thought about changing the shade. I did not experiment and went to a beauty salon, where an experienced specialist helped me decide. And you know, I have no regrets! Just a few minutes, and the result is amazing. My face became more open, I would even say kind. I was afraid that after coloring, only eyebrows would stand out on my face. But this did not happen, everything was neat, harmonious and very natural. What I'm talking about, women, don't be afraid to change, especially since it's so easy!

Having experimented a little with my appearance, I was convinced that a lot depends on eyebrow coloring. But here you also need to be careful, otherwise you can only make things worse. So my friend, without understanding the details, painted her eyebrows to such an extent that her eyes and lips were “lost”. And that's not all, she is a kind girl, but her eyebrows made her sullen and angry. It's good that she used a pencil first, and not resistant paint. Do not repeat her mistakes, carefully examine your reflection in the mirror, study yourself. Analyze what suits you and what you should never do. And I'll try to help you a little.

How to choose the color of the eyebrows according to the shade of the eyes

In fact, there are many nuances that must be considered when coloring eyebrows. It is so important to find a balance between the shade of eyebrows, hair, eyes and skin. Yes, it may not work out the first time, so it's better to train on something that is not very resistant. So let's start with the eyes. Of course, it is impossible to consider all combinations, so we will proceed from the most common:

Blue eyes: gray, light brown shades of eyebrows, graphite.

Green eyes: brown brow tint, both light and dark, graphite.

Brown eyes: dark brown, chocolate shades eyebrows and the whole palette is black.

Gray eyes: wet asphalt, light brown shade of eyebrows.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated here. First, choose the color of the eyebrows according to the shade of the eyes, only then proceed to the next step. Namely, the hair.

How to choose the color of the eyebrows according to the shade of the hair

Eyes are of course important, but hair also plays a huge role. Blondes, brunettes, brown-haired women and even girls with pink or blue hair. How can you navigate when you need to take into account so many important points? Don't panic, read on:

Ash hair: grey colour eyebrows.

Natural blonde: yellow-brown, light gray color of the eyebrows.

Wheat blond: light brown shade of eyebrows, chestnut, honey.

Dark brunette: dark brown color eyebrows, chocolate.

brunette co fair skin: graphite.

Blue-black hair: a shade of wet asphalt.

Copper red hair color: bright red shade of eyebrows.

Dark red hair: chocolate.

Brown hair: terracotta brow shade.

Bright red hair: all shades of brown, terracotta, chocolate.

Red hair with a red tint: mahogany, terracotta, copper.

Red hair fading to brown: graphite, chocolate brows.

Here it is important to take into account several nuances, especially for blondes and brunettes. So, for example, the color of the eyebrows of blond girls should be two or even three shades darker than the hair. Otherwise, the face will look unnatural and unnatural. As for brunettes, it is still more difficult here. If you want youth and lightness, choose a shade of eyebrows that is one tone lighter than hair. If you want solidity and maturity - one tone darker. Well, one more thing, combine cold shades with cold, respectively, warm with warm. Yes, it’s a bit difficult, but it’s quite possible to figure it out, especially if you really want changes.

Fortunately, modern cosmetics are rich in their palette and variety of shades. We can not rush to the salon for coloring, but experiment a little at home. Pencils, felt-tip pens, markers, shadows - you can choose for every taste and in accordance with your wishes. Moreover, if we don’t like the result, we can always wash it off and start over. Try, create, fantasize and you will definitely succeed! Just don't give up after the first setback. To be honest, then good stylist it's very difficult to choose. And besides, he will do everything in accordance with his taste preferences. If you want to change, then just go ahead!

Correct eyebrow color is important. Eyebrows can do a lot: emphasize the brightness, expressiveness of the eyes, balance facial features, even change age. However, if their color is chosen incorrectly, and does not match the shade of the hair, it will turn out “everything is gone!” - only eyebrows will “stick out” on the face, showing everyone and everyone how magnificently ugly they are. The old rule that dictates that blondes “wear” eyebrows a tone darker than their hair color, and brunettes a tone lighter, sometimes refuses to work, so we have collected good advice that can help you make the right choice.

Correct eyebrows for blondes

Nature, rewarding natural blondes she didn’t care about the luxury of hair color, she didn’t take care of her eyebrows (she decided, apparently, that there were more than enough curls): in the vast majority of cases, blondes have sparse and colorless eyebrows. Art is indispensable here. In order not to be afraid of rain, like hellish hell, it is better to resort not to pencil sketches, but to permanent or coloring. But now it’s not about the method, but about the color: it should be a tone or two darker than the color of the hair roots. Not the hair itself, but its roots.

As for dyed blondes, they need to lighten their eyebrows, and here the pencil will not help at all - only coloring. The color of the eyebrows a tone lighter than your own will be correct: shades of brown are ideal (as are all shades of cinnamon itself).

The usual rule does not work at all in the case of platinum blondes: smoky gray and even black eyebrows are good for them.

What eyebrow color suits brown-haired women

In most cases, nature took care of everything: brown-haired women often get perfect color eyebrows, slightly darker hair color. But when coloring the hair, you need to take care of the eyebrows. Shades with a brown undertone are suitable for chestnut curls, and shades with gray are suitable for “cappuccino”. By the way, here it is not necessary to resort to radical measures: shadows and pencils easily cope with the task.

The option with eyebrows a tone lighter is also not discarded: it has the right to life, especially if the eyebrows are sparse and thin (a dark shade will only stick out a flaw).

Eyebrow color for hot brunettes

For hot brunettes good choice will it complete absence: everything that can be done with eyebrows will only spoil them - they will look unnatural when lightened. Here, nature cannot be deceived: it tightly tied the color of the eyebrows and the shade of the hair. It would be possible to play with the form, but even in this case there is practically no space: black eyebrows are almost never thin, sparse, transparent - such is the very structure of black hair. The right eyebrows for burning brunettes are their own eyebrows.

Correct eyebrow color for red hair

Here, nature has abandoned seriousness (perhaps the redhead himself inspired her to tricks), and gives out any eyebrows to red hair - once in a while, but desired shade is extremely rare (by the way, this applies not only to eyebrows). Nevertheless, compatibility is necessary, and it has to be achieved by all available means.

In general, to warm shades(carrot, ginger) light copper or terracotta eyebrow color is well suited; to cold ones (red-blue, brown undertone) - the whole gamut of natural brown-haired women. The best solution would be to visit a specialist, and not just a “dyer”, but one specializing in eyebrows, since “red” is only one word, and there are a great many shades, and it is extremely easy to screw up. When choosing a master, pay attention to his reputation and recommendations - contact trusted, and correct color eyebrow you will be guaranteed.

Simple rules for choosing eyebrow color

We have listed the main colors above, but there are much more shades of hair. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, it is necessary to observe simple rules. There are five of them:

  1. Combine warm tones with warm, cold tones with cold. This is an axiom. As for fashionable multicolor, far from natural, the rule works for her, but with a small error: choose the color for the eyes (like shadows); with hair, the color of the eyebrows should either completely match or contrast sharply.
  2. When choosing the color of the eyebrows, do as with cosmetics - test, and not in store lighting, but in daylight (ideally, both cloudy and sunny).
  3. There was a practical benefit from selfies: do not neglect - selfies better mirrors and girlfriends.
  4. For testing, use tinting agents (only works if stained in more dark tone): they will not spoil anything for a long time. Didn't match the shade? Wash off and keep looking. The advice is especially relevant for those who decide to resort to a permanent.
  5. Regularly maintain the shade of the eyebrows: with dyed eyebrows, you need to visit the salon once every two weeks, with a tattoo - once a year.

Now you know how to choose the color of the eyebrows. Success!

How to choose the right eyebrow color for the color type: useful tips for brunettes, blondes and brown-haired women. Find a match with your eye and hair color. We will teach you how to tint palette pencil (marker, felt-tip pen), shadows (powder), eyebrow paints Estel, Refectocil, Kapous.

To female image was almost perfect, you need to take into account any nuances in its creation. If you like to change it by coloring your hair, do not forget at the same time about the color of the eyebrows, which should be combined with your color type. It should look harmonious and natural. Unfortunately, very often the eyebrows are not visible at all on the face, which makes the appearance faded and inconspicuous, and sometimes vice versa - they stand out as a bright spot, which also spoils the impression. You need to learn how to match their shade to the color of your hair, eyes and skin, so that it all looks in a single note. If it is not possible to consult a stylist, try to master this art on your own.

Eyebrow color according to color type

If you are seriously wondering how to choose eyebrow color, you need to look at own appearance. In stylistics, there is such a thing as a color type, which combines a combination of shades of hair, eyes and skin, distributing all people into 4 categories: spring, summer, autumn, winter. Here, in accordance with them, you need to choose the color of your eyebrows. However, the difficulty is that very often there are transitional types that are difficult to determine. Therefore, first try to match the color of the eyes and hair.

Matching with the eyes

To begin with, study the question of how to choose the color of the eyebrows in accordance with the shade of the eyes, as they are in close proximity and complement each other.

  • Green

Stylists believe that it is quite difficult to choose the color of eyebrows for green eyes. There is no trial and error here. Silver is not recommended, i.e. any gray and metallic shades, as well as blackness. But you can safely experiment with the palette of the rich Brown, graphite. Adjust it to your hair and the result will be perfect.

  • Blue

It is much easier to choose the color of the eyebrows for blondes with blue eyes, because a clear, unshakable ban on dark, saturated, bright colors. Therefore, gray, light brown shades, graphite (an ideal color for blue-eyed beauties) are your palette.

  • hazel

In many ways, the color of the eyebrows for brown eyes will depend on the shade of the hair (see below). The main make-up points here are dark brown, chocolate shades and the whole gamut of black.

  • gray

Perhaps the most difficult thing is to match the color of the eyebrows with gray tint eyes, because many make a total mistake. For some reason, it seems to everyone that harmony is a complete correspondence, i.e., the coincidence of the palette. However grey eyes and the same gray eyebrows - an unfortunate combination that can ruin even the most beautiful and sweet face. So for gray-eyed beauties, shades such as wet asphalt or light brown are needed.

Find the right brow color for your eyes, and then start exploring the palette for your hair color. Everything is much simpler here, and the palette is richer, and stylists offer so many options that you will definitely be able to find something worthwhile for yourself. But at the same time, never forget about the color of your beautiful eyes.

Hair Color Matching

The defining moment in our question is precisely hair color and eyebrow color, their correspondence and complete harmony. If the eyes can be played with and corrected with eyelid and eyelash makeup, then there is no getting away from the idyll that should exist between hair and eyebrows.

The ideal eyebrow color for blondes should be 3 (in extreme cases, 2) darker than the shade of the hair. Then they will turn out natural and beautiful:

  • ash blondes need gray;
  • natural blondes - wheat brown, light gray;
  • warm, wheaten blondes - light brown, golden chestnut, honey.

At fashion shows, models often show for blond hair: girls should understand that this is shocking, which you should not focus on in real life.

It's a little easier to choose the color of the eyebrows for brunettes, who must be guided by a few inexorable rules. Firstly, if the face needs to be made younger, more tender and lighter, the eyebrows should be 1 tone lighter than the hair. If you are creating an image of a business lady or going to a party, in this case, take 1 tone darker. Secondly, cold shades go with cold ones, and exceptionally warm ones with warm ones:

  • neutral brown - swarthy brunettes;
  • chocolate, dark brown - summer color type;
  • graphite - winter color type;
  • eggplant - brunettes, shimmering blue;
  • anthracite (a shade of wet asphalt) - brunettes with blue-black hair.

Now you know what eyebrow color suits brunettes, and you can choose products with such shades that fit perfectly into your color type.

  • Brown-haired women

It is easiest to choose the appropriate eyebrow color for red hair, because here, according to stylists, there is a wide field for activity:

  • bright red color - copper-haired;
  • chocolate - dark red;
  • terracotta - chestnut.
  • brown, terracotta, chocolate - bright red;
  • mahogany, terracotta, copper - bright red;
  • graphite, chocolate - reddish-brown.

If you are in doubt about which eyebrow color suits your color type, it is better to first consult with a specialist. It can be a hairdresser, stylist or makeup artist. There are special computer programs, which help to select the desired range and color palette. Having decided on the color, do not make a mistake with the coloring agent.

Cosmetic educational program

Appearance color type - a combination of hair, eye and skin color, characteristic of one of the categories adopted in the style. All people are divided into autumn, winter, spring and summer. Within each group there are gradations and divisions.

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Eyebrow colors

It is not enough to define what color, you also need an appropriate tool. Before you splurge on paint, try a palette of pencil or eyeshadow that at least, in case of failure, you can always wash off.

Pencil / marker / marker

Since this is the most common tool for coloring this part of the face, you need to know the palette, colors and when is the best time to use them :


  1. Brown eyebrow pencil suits chocolate brunettes;
  2. gray-brown - fair-haired;
  3. dark brown - bright brunettes, brown-haired women;
  4. reddish - fair-haired.


  1. Use a white pencil as a base to soften the base color;
  2. fair-haired - to blondes;
  3. ashy - fair-haired;
  4. beige - warm green-eyed and blue-eyed blondes;
  5. pink is applied strictly under the eyebrow for shading: this will make the makeup more natural.


  1. Gray - ash blondes;
  2. dark gray - dark blond;
  3. light gray will be ideal for colorless eyebrows.


  1. Black - blue-black brunettes;
  2. black-brown - fair-skinned brunettes.

Different colors for coloring eyebrows with a pencil must be selected in accordance with the color type.

Shadows / powder

If you are used to using loose products, choose the appropriate colors (or).


  • Graphite (gray gray hair) - blue-eyed and green-eyed.


  • Grey-brown - for blue and green eyes;
  • light brown - for wheat blondes;
  • dark brown - warm brunettes;
  • neutral brown - bright red;
  • chocolate - brown-eyed;
  • terracotta (brick shade) - reddish-gold blondes and brown-haired women;
  • mahogany (mahogany) - bright red;
  • copper - red-red brown-haired women.


  • Eggplant color - brunettes with blue-black hair;
  • anthracite (a shade of wet asphalt) - for warm brunettes.


  • White shadows can be diluted with any other too bright and saturated color;
  • fair-haired - to blondes;
  • ashen - cold blondes;
  • beige - warm blondes;
  • pink, like a pencil of the same color, is applied under the eyebrow.

Try, experiment, look for your eyebrow color that will fit perfectly into your image. If you found it and you and everyone around you like it, it may be worth buying paint. It will relieve you of the daily burden of wasting time on morning makeup eyebrows.


Eyebrow color palette gives users a variety of rich, saturated colors. In many ways, the result will depend on which company and which pigment you choose.

If you do not want to spoil your hair with chemicals, there is natural remedies for coloring them. Choose the appropriate color for the eyebrows, which is distinguished by brightness and saturation. Eyebrow Tint is especially popular - henna dye in eyebrow capsules from Godefroy (USA):

  • natural black;
  • dark brown;
  • neutral brown;
  • light brown;
  • graphite.

However, remember one significant drawback of henna - it will not stay on the eyebrows for so long as regular paint.

  • Estel

Domestic Estel is very popular: the colors are all varied and very saturated, they give a persistent, shimmering effect. The product is presented in two versions.

1. Estel Enigma:

  • graphite;
  • Bordeaux;
  • brown;
  • blue-black;
  • violet;
  • light brown;
  • emerald;
  • brown copper;
  • black.

2. Estel ONLY Looks:

  • blue-black;
  • brown;
  • graphite;
  • black.

3. Refectocil

Quite a few good reviews collected Austrian eyebrow paint Refectocil: the colors are no less colorful and bright. The brand is the Austrian company Gschwentner Haarkosmetik. Shades:

  • black;
  • graphite;
  • blue-black;
  • Navy blue;
  • brown;
  • light brown;
  • chestnut;
  • red;
  • violet.

Austrian eyebrow paint Refectocil is good because it offers trendy colors which are in trend right now. Shades can be mixed with each other to create a whole new palette.

4. Capus

For someone ideal option coloring can be the Italian eyebrow dye Kapous: the colors are not numerous, but this brand has many other advantages. Palette:

  • graphite;
  • black;
  • blue-black;
  • brown.

The pigment is resistant to moisture and sunscreen, does not contain such harmful substances, like ammonium and phenyldiamine, is simple and easy to use, easy to apply and mix with other shades.

5. Igora

You can try the German paint Schwarzkopf Igora Bonachrome for eyebrows for coloring: the colors are represented by a poor palette (light black, blue-black and brown). However, this brand has its own distinctive features, which make it preferable to her. Among them:

  • short exposure time to the skin;
  • the presence of everything necessary in the kit;
  • ease of use;
  • durability and saturation of the resulting shade.

Overcoming language barriers

To guess with the color for the eyebrows, look for the following marks on the coloring agents: Brow - eyebrow, Blonde - light, Taupe - taupe, Soft Brown - warm brown, Medium Brown - brown, Caramel - caramel, Chocolate - chocolate, Dark Brown - dark brown, Ebony - ebony, Granite - granite, Natural Black - natural black.

Now you probably know which eyebrow color to choose according to the shades of your hair and eyes. If you previously thought that such details do not play a special role in your appearance, make sure the opposite is true. Just a few experiments with coloring agents - and you will surely find the only color that fits perfectly into your image. Before painting, it is better to try a pencil or shadows, which, if unsuccessful, can be easily washed off. Search - and your eyebrows will shine with new tones, making you bright and unique.

Eyebrow color: the choice of a palette of colors for blondes, brunettes and brown-haired women

3.9 /5 - 89 ratings

The common formula, in which the eyebrows of blondes should be a tone darker than the hair color, and brunettes a tone lighter, does not always work. These tips will help you not to get confused in the choice.

Platinum and gold blondes

If you are the same brunette who decided to become a golden blonde, eyebrows need to be made a tone lighter in the beige-brown range. In this case, it is coloring that will help, since eyebrow makeup products will not give the necessary degree of lightness, and will not look natural, showing through dark hairs. Do not overdo it: albino eyebrows look spectacular except on the catwalk and photography. But platinum blondes with smoky gray and even almost black eyebrows look very modern.

Brown-haired women and brunettes

Transfer from blonde hair to dark entails a change in the color of the eyebrows. Ordered a colorist chestnut curls? Choose shades with a brown undertone for your eyebrows. And if you left the salon with cappuccino-colored hair, be guided by a gray undertone. A pencil or shadows will easily and imperceptibly cope with the task (tint gel, most likely, will not be enough).

The luckiest ones are those whose eyebrows are already darker than their hair. They may not think about changes in tone, nature has already taken care of everything. However, the option with lighter eyebrows is also viable and can even be very useful. Firstly, if the eyebrows are thin enough and stubbornly do not want to expand, the dark range only focuses on this. Secondly, it will help visually rejuvenate: soften wrinkles and facial contours.

raven wing

The simplest choice is its absence. Here are the owners blue-black hair you don't have to choose. Regardless of skin color (at least porcelain, at least chocolate), they are recommended exclusively cold black color to match their hair. All because warm brown, and also unnecessarily light nuances will go into a redhead, which means they look unnatural.


If you decide to change the color of your eyebrows and doubt own forces, go to the brow bar. Here makeup artists specialize in this particular part of the face. Professionals will help you choose the shades of eyebrow makeup or color it with a permanent dye. For a permanent, go to a trusted master with solid experience and laudatory recommendations. The pastel color of the eyebrows should be matched to the color of the eyes, as if it were eye shadow. With hair (whether pink or turquoise), it must either completely match or contrast.

2. When choosing an eyebrow color, follow the same rule as when choosing cosmetics in a store. Test the product and shade not only in artificial light, but also in daylight. Ideally on a cloudy and sunny day.

3. Take selfies - they are better than mirrors and girlfriends will help you look at yourself from the outside.

4. If eyebrows need to be made darker than natural before signing up for coloring (and even more so permanent), try tint gels, shadows, pencils. The color does not fit - just wash off and try again.

5. To maintain the shade, you will have to look into the salon every two weeks, and renew the tattoo once a year. Can't make it on time? tint gel to help.

We will show you how to choose the color of eyebrows for brunettes, taking into account the shade of hair, skin and eyes. What exactly you need to choose decorative cosmetics for eyebrows (pencil, lipstick, shadows or better resistant paint) especially for black-haired beauties? And which is better: tattoo or microblading?

A rare man will not look after the burning, bright black-haired beauty. But to maintain the image fatal beauty In appearance, every detail is important. And especially - the shape and color of the eyebrows, which make the look even more mysterious and expressive. Getting them right is another problem. What color should be eyebrows for brunettes: how to choose suitable shade so that it does not look vulgar and defiant?

Choosing an eyebrow color for brunettes

To choose a beautiful, harmonious eyebrow color for brunettes, they need to start ... no less - look in the mirror. Knowing your color type (skin tone, hair and eyes), this is easy to do. You just need to take into account the advice and recommendations of stylists.

By skin color

  • 1. Fair skinned

If you are looking for eyebrows that suit fair-skinned brunettes, go for dark gray or dark brown shades.

Burning brunettes with dark skin can use a brighter and more saturated palette for eyebrows.

By hair color

  • 1. Dark-haired

For swarthy typical brunettes with ordinary dark hair neutral brown eyebrows are suitable.

  • 2. Rich chestnut

The most successful summer color type brunettes, as the eyebrows for this look can be tinted with a rich palette of chocolate and dark brown tones.

  • 3. Black with a shimmer

Pale-faced brunettes with a cold black hair color with a shimmer can be advised graphite eyebrows - they will fit perfectly into the winter color type.

  • 4. Blue

If your hair is shimmering blue, but soft enough and not bright, try tinting your eyebrows with eggplant: the result will be amazing!

  • 5. Blue-black

Burning brunettes with blue-black hair can use eyebrows very trendy shade- anthracite (wet asphalt).

Now you know what eyebrow color suits brunettes, and you can choose products with such shades that fit perfectly into your color type.

By eye color

  • 1. Green eyes

To make beautiful and expressive eyebrows for brunettes with green eyes, it is better to arrange them with any gray, metallic, brown shades, black and graphite.

  • 2. Blue eyes

Blue eyes in brunettes are a rarity, but nevertheless such phenomena sometimes occur. It is difficult for them to choose such an eyebrow color so that it looks harmonious, but it is still possible. The only option here would be dark graphite.

  • 3. Brown eyes

The brightest and most problem-free are the eyebrows for brunettes with brown eyes: the choice of palette is quite diverse, and therefore not difficult. It can be dark brown, chocolate tones and almost the entire range of rich black.

  • 4. Gray eyes

Gray eyes in brunettes are not so common, but they also have a problem in choosing a shade for eyebrows. The main thing is not to paint them in gray. Brown (not the darkest) or wet asphalt will look more or less.

Now you will know what color brunette eyebrows will make the image more refined and harmonious. Remember: ineptly selected shades can harm the appearance: make it vulgar or, conversely, nondescript. Do not make mistakes of this kind, given your color type. Having determined the palette and range of colors, it's time to start choosing cosmetics.

How to paint eyebrows for brunettes: cosmetics

What is recommended to dye eyebrows for brunettes? First, it depends on their personal preferences. If you are used to using a pencil, use it. In the range of any decorative cosmetics for eyebrows (shadows, lipsticks, pencils, permanent paints, waxes and gels) there is a whole palette of shades, so you can always choose the right range for yourself. If you want to strictly follow the advice of professionals, they recommend using rich and bright eyebrow cosmetics - resistant paint or lipstick.


Some brands offer a special eyebrow pencil for brunettes, with this in the name. cosmetic product. But it is best to focus on the shade that suits you.

  1. Eye Lift Ebene- black pencil for burning brunettes from Mavala (Switzerland). 830 rubles.
  2. Brow Drama Pomade- brown pencil stick (lipstick) from Maybelline New York(USA). 420 rubles.
  3. Eyebrow Pencil With Bruch- rich brown eyebrow pencil from Isadora (Sweden). 410 rubles.
  4. blueberry- gray-black contour pencil for eyebrows from Lumene (Finland). 410 rubles.
  5. Ideal Brow- an eyebrow pencil of a very beautiful “black coffee” shade from Eva Mosaic (Russia). 250 rubles.

However, it is not always possible to find suitable color brunettes eyebrow pencil at once. Firstly, the pencil sometimes gives a rather dull shade that differs from what is expected. Therefore, it takes a long time to select the desired range so that it is bright and saturated. Secondly, the main purpose of a cosmetic pencil is to outline the contour, and not to fill in the entire eyebrows. Keep this in mind. The third disadvantage of this product is the need for daily use.


To not waste every morning precious time for coloring eyebrows, you can buy permanent paint for them. It gives a long-lasting effect and most often differs in bright, saturated shades. The advantage of this procedure is not only that the resulting color can be enjoyed for 3-4 weeks, but also in the ability to sign up for. And this is always useful because you put yourself in the hands of a master. It will help you decide on the final shade, which you can use in the future.

  1. Bonacrom- black from Schwarzkopf (Germany). 700 rubles.
  2. RefectoCil - black paint for eyebrows. Austria. 630 rubles.
  3. Lash color- graphite eyebrow paint from Levissime (Spain). 312 rubles.
  4. Only looks paint for the eyebrows and eyelashes- black eyebrow paint from Estel (Russia). 190 rubles.
  5. Cream For & Eyelashes Graphite- graphite eyebrow cream from Ollin vision (Russia). 180 rubles.

If the salon procedure for coloring eyebrows is too expensive for you, do not despair. You can always buy a permanent eyebrow dye in the store and use it at home. There is nothing difficult in this. But in the next few weeks you can not think about this problem - what and what color.


It remains to find out which eyebrow shadows brunettes recommend choosing stylists. According to the palette of shades, the reference point will be the same - the color type of the appearance. As for brands, we can offer a small rating the best manufacturers and their products. Consider the fact that eyebrow shadows do not give bright colors, so brunettes need to choose more dark colors than they want.

  1. Eyebrow Pencil- brown eyebrow shadows from Sothys (France). 1,500 rubles.
  2. Annemarie Borlind- eyebrow shadows "brown pearl". Germany. 1 100 rubles.
  3. Brow Defining Powder- soft black eyebrow shadows from Ardell (USA). 490 rubles.
  4. Nyx- black and gray eyebrow shadows. USA. 490 rubles.
  5. Crystal Decor- shadows for eyebrows "black ash". Russia. 460 rubles.

In order for the color of eyebrow shadows for brunettes to come up the first time, you will have to try very hard. It is better to first study the reviews about the product you like, chat with those who have already used it. This will avoid unnecessary disappointment.

Eyebrow makeup of brunettes has a very importance in their appearance. Much more than for blondes, whose eyebrows serve a charming addition To created image. In brunettes, one of the main accents focuses on the eyes, the expressiveness of which is precisely emphasized by well-colored eyebrows in a suitable shade. If you still can’t decide what color to paint them in, or if you are tired of doing this makeup every morning, your path-path lies straight to the salon.

Brand Journey.Name cosmetic company"Lumene" is a Latin word that translates as "light". Also in Finland (where the company's cosmetics are made) there is a lake near the city of Kuhmoinen, which is also called Lummenne. The Lumene brand was registered in 1970.

Salon treatments for brunettes

Most beautiful eyebrows for brunettes do, of course, professionals in salon conditions. This applies to both their shape and their shade. They learned to see harmony in the image and select the right palette for the sultry color type of black-haired beauties. They know how to work with cosmetics. And they have (for the most extreme case) computer programs that allow you to find the right solution to the problem with a preliminary discussion. And most importantly, the results salon procedures will delight you every day for 1.5-2 years.


In any salon, among other services, there is for brunettes, which makes the beauties even brighter and more enchanting. A special coloring pigment, which lasts from six months to 2 years. On the one hand, this perfect solution when you don't have to worry about paint leaking (, shadows, pencil, etc.). On the other hand, during all this time you will not be able to change your image by repainting your eyebrows in a different color. As for the palette, it is unchanged for black-haired beauties:

  • brunettes with light tan: chocolate, dark brown shades;
  • brunettes winter color type: graphite;
  • brunettes with a blue tint: eggplant;
  • brunettes with swarthy skin: anthracite, black, dark gray.


Better quality and expensive procedure - eyebrows for brunettes in the cabin. If tattooing is a hardware procedure, during which a machine works with the face and skin (under the control of a master, of course), then here the injections with pigment will be made point by hand. All responsibility lies with the master, who keeps the coloring under control from the beginning to the very end. He will also choose which eyebrow color suits brunettes in accordance with their color type. This increases the chances that the image will turn out to be more harmonious.


Many of the fair sex make an unfortunate mistake in search of what should be the eyebrows of brunettes, considering that biotattoo- not their case. After all, the henna that is used as part of this procedure is never black. To date, in combination with additives, this cosmetic product can give shades that were not even used next to henna yesterday (for example, cherry or eggplant). So you can ask in the salon if they have such a service in the salon.

Without a doubt, the tone of the eyebrows of brunettes, selected by a professional, will look amazing. After all, the masters in the salons have a taste and experience that ordinary women in the street lack so much.

Lastly, a few useful tips, what color to dye eyebrows for brunettes so that it looks beautiful and harmonious with in a general way and appearance color type.

  1. Brunettes with light eyebrows are far from nonsense. Want to look fresher and younger? In this case, the shade of the eyebrows should be a shade lighter than your hair color.
  2. If you are going to a party or create an image of a strict business woman, the basic rule of stylists works here: eyebrows should be 1 tone darker than brunette hair.
  3. Remember that only cold tones of eyebrows go with cold shades of hair and eyes, and only warm tones go with warm ones.

Now you understand the issue what color should brunettes have eyebrows to make the appearance even more vivid and bewitching. Stick to the elementary tips and enjoy the new look created with just paint or shadows.

Eyebrow color for brunettes: the whole palette dark shades for black haired beauties

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