Corrective games and activities for children with communication difficulties. The game "Good and evil cat"

Anastasia Shchennikova
Corrective exercises for preschoolers 5–7 years old for the development of thinking

1. Exercises for the development of mental operations:

"Comparison of Items"

1) Dragonfly and ladybug

2) House and hut

3) Table and chairs

4) Pen and eraser

5) Water and milk

6) Ax and hammer

7) Guitar and button accordion

8) Day and night

9) Clothes and shoes

Have you seen a dragonfly? And the ladybug?

Are dragonfly and ladybug similar or not? How are they similar?

And how do they differ from each other?

When comparing objects, learn to find features of similarity and features of difference according to the main features.

2. Exercises to develop the speed of thinking:

"Guess what I want to say"(the first syllable of the word is pronounced).

There are 10 syllables in total:

3. Exercises for the development of thought processes of generalization, abstraction, selection of essential features.

a) "The fourth extra".

1. Cow, dog, pig, wolf.

2. T-shirt, shorts, hat, jacket.

3. Raspberry, gooseberry, boletus, currant.

4. Wet, wet, damp, dry.

5. Hour, minute, summer, second.

6. Spoon, plate, saucepan, flower.

8. Onion, carrot, banana, potato.

9. Birch, mountain ash, pine, raspberry.

10. Book, refrigerator, TV, vacuum cleaner.

b) "Find the extra picture."

c) "Exercises for the development of the flexibility of the mind."

Invite the child to name as many words as possible on lexical topics:

Name the words for mushrooms (fly agaric, boletus, camelina, russula)

Name words related to sports

Name words for wild animals.

Name the words for hats.

Name the words for vegetables, etc.

G) "Sequence of Events"

Invite the child to assemble the cut mosaic and arrange it in the sequence of events. (For example: “We cook soup”, “Sew a dress”, etc.)

e) "Restructuring the word"

From the letters of this word, make as many new words as possible. In a new word, each letter can be used as many times as it occurs in the original word.

and) "Deduction"

They offer mental tasks of this type: "Masha is younger than Sveta. Masha is older than Natasha. Who is older?"

h) "Generalizations"

1) Name objects in one word:

Tulip, chamomile, rose - this.

Spring, summer, autumn is.

Football, volleyball, hockey is.

2) Specify generalizing concepts:

Vegetables are.

Transport is.

And) "Mathematics".

a) Insert the missing numbers: 1. 3 4. 6. 8 ... 10

b) Arrange the geometric shapes in order of decreasing size.

c) Color as many objects as I clap my hands.

4. Fluency exercises

"Name words with a given letter."

For example:

1) Name the words that begin with the letter "a".

2) Name the words ending with the letter "m".

3) Name the words in which there is a letter "k" in the middle.

5. Games that develop thinking, ingenuity

A) Game "Say the other way around".

I will speak the word, you also speak, but only in reverse.

Hot Cold

Kind angry

Light, dark, etc.

V) The game "It happens - it doesn't happen."

The child must catch the ball in the event that the named situation occurs, and if not, then the ball does not need to be caught.

It snows in summer.

Mom sews a dress.

The cow lives in the forest.

The car flies in the sky.

Strawberry red, etc.

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Corrective games and exercises aimed at overcoming difficulties in the emotional, personal and cognitive spheres in children of senior preschool age

The problem of difficult education and learning difficulties is very relevant at the present time. A large number of scientific publications of various specialists is devoted specifically to the problem of difficult children or, as they are commonly called, children at risk. Children at risk are children who do not have a pronounced clinical and pathological characteristics. However, they have features that prevent them from adequately adapting to the social conditions of life. Recently, there has been a growing trend in the number of primary school students with school maladaptation. In this regard, the question arises of earlier diagnosis, which makes it possible to identify children at risk and organize remedial and developmental classes.

In order to identify older preschoolers with certain difficulties in mental development, you can use the following questionnaire, which is filled out by the teacher of the group (in some cases, together with a psychologist).

Surname and name of the child ______________________________________________


Basis for allocation to the risk group:

- behavioral difficulties

– learning difficulties __________________________________________

1. Features of the emotional-volitional sphere, attention

Does the child show:

1) nervousness, anxiety:

c) very rarely.

2) restlessness, restlessness, impulsivity:

c) never.

3) distraction, distractibility, restlessness:

c) never.

4) fatigue, exhaustion:

c) never.

5) irritability, aggressiveness:

c) never.

6) lethargy, passivity:

c) never.

7) stiffness, timidity, tearfulness:

c) never.

2. Features of cognitive activity

1) Cognitive activity:

a) high;

b) average;

c) low;

d) absent.

2) As understands explanations:

Oh good;

b) mediocre;

3) Level of speech development:

a) high;

b) average;

c) low.

4) Level of memory development:

a) high;

b) average;

c) low.

5) The level of mastery of mental actions:

a) high;

b) average;

c) low.

3. Are there any violations in the motor sphere:

In addition to the questionnaire, the psychologist needs to rely on the results of the diagnostics. To do this, it is advisable to divide children into two subgroups: children who have problems with attention, aggressiveness, and communication difficulties; preschoolers with low self-esteem, anxiety.

Classes with children should be carried out no more than once a week, for 30 minutes. At the same time, you need to communicate with children delicately, with humor. For example, aggressive children often scream loudly. You can ask them: “Guys, do we have deaf children here? Am I that old? Then why are you talking so loudly, I can hear well!” In addition, it is advisable to introduce some external means into a situation that requires self-control skills: “Let's pick up the remote control and make it a little quieter.” Conversely, anxious children who speak softly can be asked to "turn up the volume on the remote." When dealing with some imaginary object, the kids do not perceive the psychologist's remarks as reproaches and really change their behavior.

Although many tasks in the classroom are aimed at developing one or another cognitive process (thinking, memory, attention, etc.), the success of the correction is determined not so much by the content of the task itself, but by the goal that the psychologist sets for himself when offering it to children. Let's take a simple example. The game "dominoes" is familiar to many children - it requires attention and compliance with certain rules. However, in a joint game, the ability to keep a queue and cope with negative emotions comes to the fore. All children want to win, many cry when they realize that losing is inevitable. You can avoid such competitive situations in kindergarten, but at school, children will still meet with them, so it is better to overcome unpleasant emotions in remedial classes. The task of a psychologist is to teach preschoolers to experience such situations, to show children that losing, like winning, is a normal phenomenon in any game. The psychologist, along with the children, can clap the hands of the losing child to smooth out the unpleasant aftertaste. Over time, children begin to support each other themselves - “nothing happens”, “bad luck”, etc.

Below are examples of activities with older preschool children. In lessons 1-8, preschoolers are divided into two subgroups: children of the first subgroup are characterized by a fast reaction, children of the second subgroup are slower. Starting from the 9th lesson, the groups unite. Preschoolers with quick reactions learn to wait for slow children, which contributes to the development of their arbitrariness. Slow children, in turn, looking at "nimble" peers, try to change the pace of their activities; they become more confident in their actions. In addition, the association of subgroups contributes to the development of communication skills.

Lesson 1

Game "Introduction"

Target: correction of the emotional sphere, the establishment of friendly relations.

Children pass the ball to each other and say: “My name is ...” (as they are affectionately called in the family). This stage of the lesson is especially important if the subgroup includes a child who has not previously attended kindergarten. In this case, he talks about himself, about what he loves, what interests him; establishes contact with peers.

Game "What has changed?"

Target: development of attention, memory.

There are 5-6 toys on the table. The psychologist asks the children to memorize them and close their eyes. At this time, he removes one toy. Children open their eyes and guess what has changed.

1st subgroup

Exercise "Kicking"

Target: emotional release, release of muscle tension.

Children lie on their backs on the carpet, legs spread freely. Then they begin to kick slowly, touching the floor with their entire feet. During the exercise, children alternate legs and raise them high, gradually increasing the speed and strength of kicking. At the same time, for each kick, the child says “No!”, Increasing the intensity of the kick.

2nd subgroup

The game "Zhmurki"

Target: development of courage, self-confidence, ability to navigate in space.

Game "Collect the whole"

Target: development and correction of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of visual-figurative thinking.

The psychologist invites children to collect split pictures from 3-8 parts.

Lesson 2

Game "Edible - inedible"

Target: development of attention, acquaintance with the essential properties of objects.

Children form a circle.

The leader takes turns throwing the ball to the children and naming objects and food. If something edible is called, the child catches the ball, if it is inedible, he hides his hands.

Domino "Associations"

Target: development in children of attention, thinking, associative representations.

An adult offers children to decompose dominoes according to associative representations. For example, a cow is dairy products, a dog is a bone, etc.

1st subgroup

Stop game

Target: development of attention, speed of reaction, overcoming motor automatism.

Children go to the music. Suddenly, the music stops, but the children must continue to move at the same pace until the leader says “Stop!”.

2nd subgroup

Freeze game

Target: development of attention, auditory perception, overcoming motor automatism.

Children jump to the music. Suddenly the music stops. Children freeze in the position they were in when the music stopped. Those who did not have time to “freeze” leave the game, the rest continue to play until only one child remains, who is declared the winner.

Exercise "Pick a pattern"

Target: development of visual perception, attention, imagination.

An adult distributes cards to children depicting various patterns consisting of geometric shapes. The children look at the figures. Then the adult begins to show geometric shapes, and preschoolers find the corresponding images on the cards.

Lesson 3 1st subgroup

The game "Good and evil cat"

Target: reduction of mental stress, correction of the behavior of aggressive children, reduction of aggression.

The psychologist asks the children to portray evil cats first, and then to the calm music of kind cats (relaxation).

2nd subgroup

The game "Who called?"

Target: development of auditory perception, improvement of attention, removal of mental stress.

Children stand in a circle. The driver with his eyes closed is in the center of the circle. On a signal from an adult, one of the children calls the name of the child standing in the middle of the circle. He guesses who called him.

Domino game

Target: development of attention, the ability to follow the rules of the game, fostering a sense of collectivism.

Children at the table play dominoes (with the image of various objects). The leader monitors compliance with the rules of the game.

The game "Flies, does not fly"

Target: development of attention, ideas about the environment.

Children form a circle. The host calls various objects and animals. If an object that flies is called, the children raise their hands, if an object that does not fly is called, they squat.

Exercise "Assemble the whole"

Target: correction and development of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of visual-figurative thinking, attention.

Children collect pictures from parts (puzzles).

Lesson 4 1st subgroup

Game "Two sheep"

Target: reduction of mental stress, aggression and weakening of negative emotions.

Players are divided into pairs. “Early, early, two sheep met on the bridge,” says the host. With legs wide apart and leaning forward, the children rest on each other's palms. They must confront each other without moving. Who moves - lost. In this case, you can make the sounds "Be-e-e."

Then relaxation takes place.

2nd subgroup

Game "Club"

Target: development of the ability to communicate, not embarrassed to express their attitude to the environment; the formation of cohesion between children.

Children sit in a circle, the leader has a ball in his hands. He wraps the thread around his finger and betrays the ball to the child sitting next to him. At the same time, the facilitator asks the child about something, for example: “What is your name? Do you want to be friends with me? Who do you love and why? etc.

The child takes the ball, also wraps the thread around his finger, answers the question and asks the next player a question, etc.

Exercise "Pyramid"

Target: development of perception of size, improvement of attention.

An adult invites children to arrange objects (matryoshkas, bowls, pyramid rings) in ascending and descending order.

Game "Don't Move"

Target: improvement of attention, regulation of behavior, overcoming motor automatism.

Children jump to the sound of a tambourine. Suddenly, the sounds cut off and the children freeze in place. Whoever moves is out of the game.

Exercise "Collect a circle"

Target: correction and development of the cognitive sphere; development of visual-figurative thinking.

Children according to the scheme assemble a circle from parts.

Lesson 5 1st subgroup

The game "Good and evil cat"

Target: correction of the behavior of aggressive children; reduction of mental stress, weakening of negative emotions.

An adult invites children to first portray evil cats, then to calm music - good cats (relaxation).

2nd subgroup

The game "In the mirror store"

Target: correction of the emotional sphere; development of self-confidence, looseness.

An adult invites children to visit a mirror shop. One child is chosen to play the role of a monkey, the rest of the children portray mirrors. A child pretending to be a monkey enters a store and sees his image in the mirrors. He thinks they are other monkeys and starts making faces at them. Reflections are the same. The "monkey" threatens them with his fist, and they threaten her from the mirrors; she stomps her foot, and the monkeys stomp too. Whatever the "monkey" does, the reflections in the mirrors exactly repeat its movements.

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Target: correction and development of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of thinking, the ability to generalize objects on a certain basis.

The facilitator shows the children tables consisting of four pictures and suggests identifying an extra item. Children find an object and tell why they are superfluous.

Game "Say the other way around"

Target: development of thinking, attention, speed of reaction.

Children form a circle. The leader throws the ball to one of the children and calls an adjective or adverb. The child returns the ball, naming a word with the opposite meaning.

Game "What has changed?"

Purpose: development of attention, memory.

The host puts 5-7 toys in front of the children and asks them to close their eyes. At this time, he removes one toy. Opening their eyes, the children must guess which toy has disappeared.

Lesson 6 1st subgroup

Game "Kicking"

Target: correction of the emotional sphere; emotional release, release of muscle tension.

Children lie on the carpet on their backs, legs spread freely. Then they begin to kick slowly, touching the floor with their entire feet. During the exercise, children alternate legs and raise them high, gradually increasing the speed and strength of kicking. At the same time, for each blow, the child says “No!”, Increasing the intensity of the blow.

Then the children listen to calm music (relaxation).

2nd subgroup

The game "Zhmurki"

Target: correction of the emotional sphere; development of courage, self-confidence, ability to navigate in space.

The driver is blindfolded. One of the children twists it in place to make orientation difficult. Then the children scatter around the room, and the driver tries to catch them. If he succeeds, he tries by touch to determine who he has caught.

Game "ABC of mood"

Target: familiarity with the different emotional state of the people around, the development of the ability to understand this state.

The leader gives a set of cards (6 pieces) to the children sitting at the table, each of which depicts different emotional states of the character. The host asks the children to find cards on which the character is happy, offended, angry, etc. Preschoolers show the corresponding cards. The adult then asks the children to share experiences in their lives when they experienced the same feelings.

Game "Dwarfs and Giants"

Target: development of attention, speed of reaction.

At the command of the host "Dwarfs!" children squat, at the command "Giants!" - get up. An adult gives commands at random and at a different pace.

Exercise "Nonsense"

Target: development of attention, the ability to understand pictures with a ridiculous plot.

An adult shows the children pictures and offers to find on them something that does not happen in life.

Lesson 7 1st subgroup

The game "Yes or not?"

Target: correction of the emotional sphere; development of attention, speed of reaction, ability to obey certain rules.

The players stand in a circle and hold hands. The leader is in the center of the circle. He asks the children to listen to his statement and decide whether they agree with it or not. If you agree, then you need to raise your hands up and shout “Yes!”, If you do not agree, you should lower your hands and shout “No!”.

Are there fireflies in the field?

Are there fishermen in the sea?

Does a calf have wings?

Does a piglet have a beak?

Does the burrow have doors?

Does a rooster have a tail?

Does the violin have a key?

Does the verse have a rhyme?

Does it have any errors?

2nd subgroup

Game "Crow"

Target: correction of the emotional sphere; improvement of attention, development of activity, cohesion of the players, creation of healthy emotional arousal.

The leader in the center of the circle imitates the flight of a crow. Then he stops and starts plucking his wings: “The crow is sitting on the roof. She plucks her wings. Sirlalala, sirlalala!" Suddenly, the host says: “Who will sit down first?” Then: "And who will get up first?"

Whoever is late to execute the command is out of the game.

Game "Guess what's hidden?"

Target: training of attention, memory, development of ideas about surrounding objects.

The bag contains various items. The adult invites the child to find an object in the bag by touch, describe it and guess what it is.

Game "Remember your place"

Target: memory improvement; creating an uplifting mood.

Children stand in a circle or in different corners of the room. The leader asks them to remember their places. Then he turns on cheerful music and the children scatter. With the end of the music, they should return to their places.

Exercise "Find the Differences"

Target: development and correction of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; improving attention.

An adult shows the children two almost identical drawings and asks them to determine how one drawing differs from the other.

Lesson 8 1st subgroup

The game “Roar, lion, growl; knock, train, knock"

Target: correction of the emotional sphere of the psyche; removal of barriers in communication, muscle tension.

The host tells the children: “We are all lions, a big lion family. Let's have a competition to see who can growl the loudest. As soon as I say 'Roar, lion, roar!', start roaring loudly."

Then the facilitator invites the children to portray a steam locomotive. Children stand in a line, putting their hands on each other's shoulders. The “locomotive” travels in different directions, either quickly or slowly, then turning, then bending, making loud sounds and whistling. The driver at the stations changes. At the end of the game, a "crash" occurs and everyone falls to the floor.

Then the children listen to calm music (relaxation).

2nd subgroup

The game "The wind blows on ..."

Target: correction of the emotional sphere; development of a sense of cohesion, removal of barriers in communication.

"The wind blows on ..." - the host starts the game and clarifies: "The wind blows on the one who has blond hair." All the blonde children gather at one end of the room. The host continues: “The wind blows on the one who has a sister (who loves animals, who cries a lot, who has no friends, etc.). Children who identify themselves as belonging to one group or another get together.

Exercise "What it looks like"

Target: correction of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of thinking, ideas about surrounding objects.

The facilitator shows the children geometric shapes (circle, oval, rectangle, triangle) and suggests naming objects that have a similar shape.

The game "Flies, does not fly"


Children form a circle. The host calls various objects and animals. If an object that flies is called, the children raise their hands; if an object that does not fly is called, preschoolers squat.

Exercise "Assemble the square"

Target: development of thinking, attention, perception of a holistic image of objects.

Children according to the scheme assemble a square from parts.

Lesson 9

Exercise "Compliments"

Target: correction and development of the emotional sphere of the psyche; relieving mental stress, overcoming barriers in communication, developing the ability to see one's positive sides.

Children join hands and form a circle. Looking into the eyes, the children take turns saying a few kind words to each other, praising them for something. The recipient of the compliment nods his head: “Thank you, I am very pleased!” He then gives a compliment to his neighbor. The exercise is carried out in a circle.

Game "What is missing?"

Target: correction and development of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; attention development.

The facilitator offers the children cards with the missing details. Children find the missing part and name it.

The game "Fire - ice"

Target: development of attention, speed of reactions.

At the command of the leader “Fire!”, The children standing in the circle begin to move. At the command "Ice!", they freeze in the position in which the team found them.

Noisy pictures exercise

Target: correction of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of attention, visual perception.

An adult puts a picture in front of the children, on which randomly intertwined lines are drawn, and offers to find the image hidden behind these lines.

Lesson 10

Game "What does the mood look like"

Target: correction of the emotional sphere of the psyche; development of the ability to understand the emotional state of another person and the ability to adequately express one's mood.

Children form a circle. The facilitator asks them to take turns telling what season, natural phenomenon, weather, their current mood is like. The host begins: “My mood is like a white fluffy cloud in the blue sky. And your?"

Domino "Associations"

Target: development of thinking, attention, ability to obey a certain rule.

An adult offers children to decompose dominoes according to associative representations. For example: cow - dairy products, dog - bone, etc.

Game "Forbidden Movement"

Target: development of attention, memory, speed of reactions; relieving mental stress.

An adult explains the rules of the game to the children: “I will perform different movements, and you will repeat them after me. One movement cannot be repeated. The leader shows this movement. Then he starts to perform different movements and suddenly shows a forbidden movement. Whoever repeats it becomes the leader.

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Target: correction and development of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of thinking, attention, the ability to generalize objects on a certain basis.

The facilitator shows the children tables consisting of four pictures and suggests identifying an extra item. Children find objects and tell why they are superfluous.

Target: correction of the emotional and personal sphere of the psyche; development of attention, auditory perception.

Children sit in a circle and cover their eyes with bandages. The leader transplants several people and touches the child with his hand. The one touched by the host says: “I'm here!” Children have to guess who said these words.

Exercise "Make a figure out of counting sticks"

Target: correction of cognitive and creative abilities; development of attention, fine motor skills of the hand, the ability to work, focusing on the sample.

Children, following the model, lay out different figures from counting sticks.


Children stand in a circle. The leader alternately throws the ball to the children, saying: “Water” (“Air”, “Earth”). The child returns the ball by naming an animal that walks on the ground (floats in water or flies). At the word "Fire", the child should turn around and clap their hands.

Exercise "Magic Figures"

Target: development of creative abilities, imagination, fine motor skills of the hand.

An adult invites children to become "wizards" and turn the figures into various objects or draw a picture by completing the figures. An adult notes the best drawings.

Lesson 12

Exercise "How do you feel?"

Target: correction of the emotional sphere of the psyche; development of the ability to understand their emotional state and the state of others.

An adult shows the children cards with the image of various shades of mood. Children should choose the one that best conveys their mood (the mood of mom, dad, etc.).

Exercise "Logical endings"

Target: development and correction of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of thinking.

The facilitator invites the children to complete the sentences: “Lemons are sour, but sugar ..., A bird flies, but a snake ..., You see with your eyes, but you hear ..., Apples and pears ..., A knife and a piece of glass ...”, etc.

Ear-nose game

Target: development of attention, dexterity, speed of reactions, creation of healthy emotional arousal, cheerful mood; relieving mental stress.

An adult invites children to perform appropriate actions on command. At the command "Ear!" the guys should touch the ear, at the command "Nose!" - to the nose. The leader performs actions together with the children, but after a while he “mistakes”. Children, not paying attention to "mistakes", should show that part of the face that the leader calls.

Exercise "Fold the Pattern"

Target: development of spatial thinking, the ability to create different patterns according to the model, the ability to work according to the scheme.

The host lays out a pattern from the cubes and invites the children to make exactly the same pattern from their cubes (Nikitin's cubes).

Lesson 13

Game "Wish"

Target: correction of the emotional and personal sphere of the psyche and relationships of children; fostering kindness, respect for peers, the desire to see the good in people and not be shy about talking about it.

Children sit in a circle and throw a ball to each other, saying good wishes.

Game "What has changed?"

Target: development of attention, memory.

The host puts 3 ^ 7 toys in front of the children and lets them look at them for a few seconds. Then he asks the children to turn away. At this time, he swaps several toys. Turning and looking at the toys, the children should say what has changed.

Game "Four Elements"

Target: development of attention, the ability to obey certain rules, the cohesion of the players, dexterity, speed of reaction; relieving mental stress.

The players sit in a circle. At the command of the host “Earth”, the children lower their hands down, at the command “Water” they stretch their arms forward, at the command “Air” they raise their hands up, at the command “Fire” they rotate their hands in the wrist and elbow joints. Whoever makes a mistake is considered a loser.

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Target: correction of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of thinking, attention, the ability to generalize objects on a certain basis.

The facilitator shows the children tables consisting of four pictures, and offers to determine the extra item. Children find objects and tell why they are superfluous.

Lesson 14

Exercise "What and when I feel"

Target: correction of undesirable character traits, behavior of children; development of the ability to express one's feelings, to correctly assess the attitude of other people towards oneself.

The facilitator asks the children how people might feel.

(Anger, disappointment, surprise, joy, fear, etc.) Then he invites each child to choose one card from a set of pictures with a schematic representation of the emotional state and tell when he experiences such feelings (“I am happy when ...”, “I it can be scary when ... ", etc.).

Exercise "Describe from memory"

Target: development of memory, attention.

The facilitator briefly shows the children a doll (any toy), then removes it and offers to answer the questions: “What kind of hair does the doll have? What dress? What eyes? Does the doll have bows (shoes, socks)? Is she standing or sitting? etc.

Game "Earth, air, water, fire"

Target: development of ideas about the environment, attention, speed of reactions.

Children form a circle. The leader alternately throws the ball to the children, saying: “Water” (“Air”, “Earth”), The child returns the ball, naming the animal that walks on the ground (swims in water or flies). At the word "Fire", the child should turn around and clap their hands.

Domino game

Target: correction of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of attention, thinking.

Children at the table play dominoes (with the image of various objects). The facilitator makes sure the rules are followed.

Lesson 15

Exercise "Kind word"

Target: correction of the relationship of children; the development of friendly relations between children, the ability to better understand themselves and other people, the removal of barriers in communication.

Children sit in a circle. Everyone takes turns saying something nice to their neighbor. At the same time, the speaker must look into the eyes of the person he is talking about.

Exercise "Guess the riddle"

Target: development and correction of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of thinking, attention, ingenuity.

The host makes riddles about animals and plants for the children, and the children guess them.

The game "Flies, does not fly"

Target: development of attention, ideas about the world around; creating a cheerful mood, healthy emotional arousal.

Children form a circle. The host calls various objects and animals. If an object that flies is called, the children raise their hands, if an object that does not fly is called, they squat. How unfortunate parents form anxiety in preschool children Emotions play an important role in children's lives: they help to perceive reality and respond to it. Manifested in behavior, they inform the adult about what the child likes, angry or upsets.

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Description of work: this program will be useful primarily for educational psychologists and kindergarten teachers when working with children from senior preschool age (6-7 years). Classes are preceded by psychological diagnostics and standardized observation. The purpose of the correctional program: psychological correction of the components of hyperactivity: voluntary attention, communication skills, development of the child's personal qualities.
Tasks of psychocorrectional work:

6. Removal of anxiety;
7. Development of communication skills.


The need to study children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) at preschool age is due to the fact that this syndrome is one of the most common reasons for seeking psychological help in childhood.
The most complete definition of hyperactivity is given by Monina G.N. in his book on working with children with attention deficit: “A complex of deviations in the development of the child: inattention, distractibility, impulsivity in social behavior and intellectual activity, increased activity with a normal level of intellectual development. The first signs of hyperactivity can be observed before the age of 7 years. The causes of hyperactivity may be organic lesions of the central nervous system (neuroinfections, intoxications, traumatic brain injuries), genetic factors leading to dysfunction of the neurotransmitter systems of the brain and dysregulation of active attention and inhibitory control.
According to various authors, hyperactive behavior is quite common: from 2 to 20% of children are characterized by excessive mobility, disinhibition. Among children with conduct disorder, physicians distinguish a special group of children suffering from minor functional disorders of the central nervous system. These children are not much different from healthy ones, except for increased activity. However, gradually the deviations of individual mental functions increase, which leads to a pathology, which is most often called "mild brain dysfunction". There are other designations: "hyperkinetic syndrome", "motor disinhibition" and so on. The disease characterized by these indicators is called "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" (ADHD). And the most important thing is not that a hyperactive child creates problems for the surrounding children and adults, but in the possible consequences of this disease for the child himself. Two features of ADHD should be emphasized. Firstly, it is most pronounced in children aged 6 to 12 years and, secondly, in boys it occurs 7-9 times more often than in girls.
In addition to mild brain dysfunction and minimal brain dysfunction, some researchers (I.P. Bryazgunov, E.V. Kasatikova) also name the causes of hyperactive behavior as temperamental features, as well as defects in family upbringing. Interest in this problem does not decrease, because if 8-10 years ago there were one or two such children in the class, now there are up to five people or more /
Prolonged manifestations of inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity, the leading signs of ADHD, often lead to the formation of deviant forms of behavior (Kondrashenko V.T., 1988; Egorova M.S., 1995; Grigorenko E.L., 1996; Zakharov A.I., 1986, 1998;) . Cognitive and behavioral impairment continues to persist in up to 70% of adolescents and more than 50% of adults diagnosed with ADHD as children.) In adolescence, hyperactive children develop early cravings for alcohol and drugs, which contributes to the development of delinquent behavior (Bryazgunov I.P., Kasatikova E.V., 2001). For them, to a greater extent than for their peers, a tendency to delinquency is characteristic (Mendelevich V.D., 1998) .
Attention is also drawn to the fact that attention is paid to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder only when a child enters school, when school maladjustment and poor progress are evident (Zavadenko N.N., Uspenskaya T.Yu., 1994; Kasatikova E.B. , Bryazgunov I.P., 2001) .
The study of children with this syndrome and the development of deficient functions is of great importance for psychological and pedagogical practice precisely at preschool age. Early diagnosis and correction should be focused on preschool age (5 years), when the compensatory capabilities of the brain are great, and it is still possible to prevent the formation of persistent pathological manifestations (Osipenko T.N., 1996; Litsev A.E.,).
Modern directions of developing and corrective work (Semenovich A.V., 2002; 1998; Semago N.Ya., 2000; Sirotyuk A.L., 2002) are based on the principle of replacing development. There are no programs that consider the multimorbidity of the developmental problems of a child with ADHD in combination with problems in the family, peer group and adults accompanying the development of the child, based on a multimodal approach.
An analysis of the literature on this issue showed that in most studies, observations were made on children of school age, i.e. during the period when the signs are most pronounced, and the conditions for development at an early and preschool age remain, for the most part, outside the field of view of the psychological service. Right now, the problem of early detection of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, prevention of risk factors, its medical, psychological and pedagogical correction, covering the multimorbidity of problems in children, is becoming increasingly important, which makes it possible to make a favorable treatment prognosis and organize a corrective impact.

1. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in childhood

Attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder is a dysfunction of the central nervous system (mainly the reticular formation of the brain), manifested by difficulties in concentrating and maintaining attention, learning and memory disorders, as well as difficulties in processing exogenous and endogenous information and stimuli.
Syndrome (from the Greek syndrome - accumulation, confluence). The syndrome is defined as a combined, complex disorder of mental functions that occurs when certain areas of the brain are affected and naturally due to the removal of one or another component from the normal functioning. It is important to note that the disorder naturally combines disorders of various mental functions that are internally interconnected. Also, the syndrome is a regular, typical combination of symptoms, the occurrence of which is based on a violation of the factor due to a deficiency in the work of certain brain areas in case of local brain damage or brain dysfunction caused by other causes that do not have a local focal nature.
Hyperactivity - "Hyper ..." (from the Greek. Hyper - above, above) - an integral part of complex words, indicating an excess of the norm. The word "active" came into Russian from the Latin "activus" and means "effective, active." External manifestations of hyperactivity include inattention, distractibility, impulsivity, increased motor activity. Often hyperactivity is accompanied by problems in relationships with others, learning difficulties, low self-esteem. At the same time, the level of intellectual development in children does not depend on the degree of hyperactivity and may exceed the age norm. The first manifestations of hyperactivity are observed before the age of 7 years and are more common in boys than in girls. Hyperactivity occurring in childhood is a set of symptoms associated with excessive mental and motor activity. It is difficult to draw clear boundaries for this syndrome (i.e., the totality of symptoms), but it is usually diagnosed in children who are characterized by increased impulsivity and inattention; such children are quickly distracted, they are equally easy to please and upset. Often they are characterized by aggressive behavior and negativism. Due to such personality traits, it is difficult for hyperactive children to concentrate on performing any tasks, for example, in school activities. Parents and teachers often face considerable difficulties in dealing with such children.
The main difference between hyperactivity and just an active temperament is that this is not a trait of the child's character, but a consequence of impaired mental development of children. The risk group includes children born as a result of caesarean section, severe pathological childbirth, artificial babies born with low birth weight, premature babies.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also called hyperkinetic disorder, occurs in children between the ages of 3 and 15, but most often manifests itself in preschool and primary school age. This disorder is a form of minimal brain dysfunction in children. It is characterized by pathologically low levels of attention, memory, weakness of thought processes in general, with a normal level of intelligence. Arbitrary regulation is poorly developed, performance in the classroom is low, fatigue is increased. Deviations in behavior are also noted: motor disinhibition, increased impulsivity and excitability, anxiety, negative reactions, aggressiveness. At the beginning of systematic training, difficulties arise in mastering writing, reading and counting. Against the background of educational difficulties and, often, a lag in the development of social skills, school maladaptation and various neurotic disorders occur.

2. Psychological characteristics of children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

The lag in the biological maturation of the CNS in children with ADHD and, as a result, the higher brain functions (mainly the regulatory component), does not allow the child to adapt to new conditions of existence and normally endure intellectual stress.
O.V. Khaletskaya (1999) analyzed the state of higher brain functions in healthy and sick children with ADHD at the age of 5-7 years and concluded that there were no pronounced differences between them. At the age of 6-7 years, the differences are especially pronounced in such functions as auditory-motor coordination and speech; therefore, it is advisable to conduct dynamic neuropsychological monitoring of children with ADHD from the age of 5 using individual rehabilitation techniques. This will make it possible to overcome the delay in the maturation of higher brain functions in this group of children and prevent the formation and development of a maladaptive school syndrome.
There is a discrepancy between the actual level of development and the performance that can be expected based on the IQ. Quite often, hyperactive children are quick-witted and quickly "grasp" information, have extraordinary abilities. Among children with ADHD there are really talented children, but cases of mental retardation in this category of children are not uncommon. The most significant is that the intelligence of children is preserved, but the features that characterize ADHD - restlessness, restlessness, a lot of unnecessary movements, lack of focus, impulsive actions and increased excitability, are often combined with difficulties in acquiring learning skills (reading, counting, writing). This leads to pronounced school maladjustment.
Severe disorders in the field of cognitive processes are associated with disorders of auditory gnosis. Changes in auditory gnosis are manifested in the inability to correctly assess sound complexes consisting of a series of successive sounds, the inability to reproduce them and the shortcomings of visual perception, difficulties in the formation of concepts, infantilism and vagueness of thinking, which are constantly influenced by momentary impulses. Motor discordance is associated with poor eye-hand coordination and negatively affects the ability to write easily and correctly.
Research L.A. Yasyukova (2000) show the specificity of the intellectual activity of a child with ADHD, which consists of cyclicity: arbitrary productive work does not exceed 5-15 minutes, after which the children lose control of mental activity further, within 3-7 minutes the brain accumulates energy and strength for the next work cycle.
It should be noted that fatigue has a dual biological effect: on the one hand, it is a protective protective reaction against extreme exhaustion of the body, on the other hand, fatigue stimulates recovery processes, pushes the boundaries of functionality. The longer the child works, the shorter
productive periods become longer and the rest time is longer - until complete exhaustion occurs. Then sleep is necessary to restore mental performance. During the period of "rest" of the brain, the child ceases to understand, comprehend and process incoming information. It is not fixed anywhere and does not linger, so the child does not remember what he was doing at that time, does not notice that there were any breaks in his work.
Mental fatigue is more characteristic of girls, and in boys it manifests itself by the age of 7. Girls also have a reduced level of verbal-logical thinking.
Memory in children with ADHD may be normal, but due to the exceptional instability of attention, there are "gaps in well-learned" material.
Disorders of short-term memory can be found in a decrease in the amount of memorization, increased inhibition by extraneous stimuli, and slow memorization. At the same time, an increase in motivation or organization of the material gives a compensatory effect, which indicates the preservation of the cortical function in relation to memory.
At this age, speech disorders begin to attract attention. It should be noted that the maximum severity of ADHD coincides with the critical periods of psychoverbal development in children.
If the regulatory function of speech is impaired, the adult's speech does little to correct the child's activity. This leads to difficulties in the sequential execution of certain intellectual operations. The child does not notice his mistakes, forgets the final task, easily switches to side or non-existent stimuli, cannot stop side associations.
Especially frequent in children with ADHD are such speech disorders as delayed speech development, lack of motor function of the articulatory apparatus, excessively slow speech, or, conversely, explosiveness, voice and speech breathing disorders. All these violations determine the inferiority of the sound-producing side of speech, its phonation, the limited vocabulary and syntax, and the lack of semantics.
A tendency to a pronounced decrease in attention is observed in unusual situations, especially when it is necessary to act independently. Children do not show perseverance either during classes or in games, they cannot watch their favorite TV show to the end. At the same time, there is no switching of attention, therefore, types of activities that quickly replace each other are carried out in a reduced, poor quality and fragmentary way, however, when pointing out mistakes, children try to correct them.
Attention impairment in girls reaches its maximum severity by the age of 6 and becomes the leading disorder in this age period.
The main manifestations of hyperexcitability are observed in various forms of motor disinhibition, which is aimless, not motivated by anything, situationless and usually not controlled by either adults or peers.
Such increased motor activity, turning into motor disinhibition, is one of the many symptoms that accompany developmental disorders in a child. Purposeful motor behavior is less active than in healthy children of the same age.
In the field of motor abilities, coordinating disorders are found. In addition, there are general difficulties in perception, which affects the mental abilities of children, and, consequently, the quality of education. The most commonly affected are fine motor skills, sensorimotor coordination, and manual dexterity. Difficulties associated with maintaining balance (when standing, skating, rollerblading, bicycling), impaired visual-spatial coordination (inability to play sports, especially with the ball) are the causes of motor awkwardness and an increased risk of injury.
Impulsivity manifests itself in sloppy performance of a task (despite the effort, do everything right), intemperance in words, deeds and actions (for example, shouting from a place during class, inability to wait for your turn in games or other activities), inability to lose, excessive perseverance in defending their interests (despite the requirements of an adult). With age, the manifestations of impulsivity change: the older the child, the more pronounced impulsivity and more noticeable to others.
One of the characteristic features of children with ADHD is violations of social adaptation. These children typically have a lower level of social maturity than is usually the case for their age. Affective tension, a significant amplitude of emotional experience, difficulties that arise in communicating with peers and adults lead to the fact that a child easily forms and fixes negative self-esteem, hostility to others, neurosis-like and psychopathological disorders occur. These secondary disorders aggravate the clinical picture of the condition, increase maladjustment and lead to the formation of a negative "I-concept".
Children with the syndrome have impaired relationships with peers and adults. In mental development, these children lag behind their peers, but they strive to lead, behave aggressively and demandingly. Impulsive hyperactive children quickly react to a ban or a sharp remark, respond with harshness, disobedience. Attempts to contain them lead to actions on the principle of a "released spring". Not only others suffer from this, but also the child himself, who wants to fulfill a promise, but does not keep it. Interest in the game in such children quickly disappears. Children with ADHD love to play destructive games, during the game they cannot concentrate, they conflict with their comrades, despite the fact that they love the team. The ambivalence of forms of behavior is most often manifested in aggressiveness, cruelty, tearfulness, hysteria, and even sensual dullness. In view of this, children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have few friends, although these children are extroverts: they look for friends, but quickly lose them.
The social immaturity of such children is manifested in the preference for building play relationships with younger children. Relationships with adults are difficult. It is difficult for children to listen to the explanation to the end, they are constantly distracted, especially in the absence of interest. These children ignore both adult rewards and punishment. Praise does not stimulate good behavior, in view of this encouragement must be very reasonable, otherwise the child will behave worse. However, it must be remembered that a hyperactive child needs praise and approval from an adult to strengthen self-confidence.
Harmonization of the development of the personality of children with ADHD depends on the micro_and macrocircle. If mutual understanding, patience and a warm attitude towards the child are preserved in the family, then after the treatment of ADHD, all the negative aspects of behavior disappear. Otherwise, even after the cure, the pathology of the character will remain, and perhaps even intensify.
The behavior of such children is characterized by a lack of self-control. The desire for independent action (“I want it that way”) turns out to be a stronger motive than any rules. Knowing the rules is not a significant motive for one's own actions. The rule remains known but subjectively meaningless.
It is important to emphasize that the rejection of hyperactive children by society leads to the development of a sense of rejection in them, alienates them from the team, increases imbalance, irascibility and intolerance of failure. Psychological examination of children with the syndrome in most of them reveals increased anxiety, anxiety, internal tension, a sense of fear. Children with ADHD are more prone to depression than others, easily upset by failure.
The emotional development of the child lags behind the normal indicators of this age group. Mood changes rapidly from elated to depressed. Sometimes there are unreasonable bouts of anger, rage, anger, not only in relation to others, but also to oneself. Ignorance that a child has functional deviations in the work of brain structures, and the inability to create an appropriate mode of learning and life in general for him at preschool age, give rise to many problems in elementary school.

3. Correction of ADHD

The goal of therapy is to reduce behavioral disturbances and learning difficulties. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to change the environment of the child in the family, school and create favorable conditions for correcting the symptoms of the disorder and overcoming the lag in the development of higher mental functions.
Treatment of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder should include a complex of methods, or, as experts say, be “multimodal”. This means that a pediatrician, a psychologist, teachers and parents should participate in it. Only the collective work of the above-mentioned specialists will achieve a good result.
"Multimodal" treatment includes the following steps:
enlightening conversations with the child, parents, teachers;
training parents and teachers in behavioral programs;
expanding the child's social circle through visiting various circles and sections;
special education in case of learning difficulties;
drug therapy;
At the beginning of treatment, the doctor and psychologist must carry out educational work. Parents and the child must be explained the meaning of the upcoming treatment.
Adults often do not understand what is happening to the child, but his behavior annoys them. Not knowing about the hereditary nature of ADHD, they explain the behavior of their son (daughter) with “wrong” upbringing and blame each other. Specialists should help parents understand the behavior of the child, explain what can really be hoped for and how to behave with the child.
Behavioral Psychotherapy
Among the psychological and pedagogical methods of correction of attention deficit disorder, the main role is given to behavioral psychotherapy. The key point of the behavioral correction program is to change the environment of the child at home in order to create favorable conditions for overcoming the lag in the development of mental functions.
Home correction program includes:
* changing the behavior of an adult and his attitude towards the child (demonstrate calm behavior, avoid the words “no” and “not allowed”, build relationships with the child on trust and mutual understanding);
* change in the psychological microclimate in the family (adults should quarrel less, devote more time to the child, spend leisure time with the whole family);
* organization of the daily routine and places for classes;
* a special behavioral program that provides for the prevalence of support and reward methods.
The program of the environment (kindergarten) correction includes:
* changing the environment (the place of the child in the group is next to the teacher, changing the mode of the lesson with the inclusion of minutes of active rest,);
* creation of positive motivation, situations of success;
* correction of negative forms of behavior, in particular unmotivated aggression;
* regulation of expectations (also applies to parents), since positive changes in the behavior of the child do not appear as quickly as others would like.
Behavioral programs require considerable skill, adults have to use all their imagination and experience with children in order to keep the constantly distracted child motivated during classes.
Success in treatment will be guaranteed if uniform principles are maintained in relation to the child at home and in the garden: the “reward” system, help and support from adults, participation in joint activities. Continuity of medical therapy is the main guarantee of success.
Corrective programs should be focused on the age of 5-7 years, when the compensatory capabilities of the brain are great and the pathological stereotype has not yet formed.
On the basis of literature data, we have developed specific recommendations for parents and teachers on working with hyperactive children.
It must be remembered that negative parenting methods are ineffective in these children. The peculiarities of their nervous system are such that the threshold of sensitivity to negative stimuli is very low, so they are not susceptible to reprimands and punishment, and do not easily respond to the slightest praise.
The home reward and promotion program includes the following points:
1. Every day, the child is given a specific goal that he must achieve.
2. The efforts of the child in achieving this goal are encouraged in every possible way.
3. At the end of the day, the child's behavior is evaluated according to the results achieved.
4. When a significant improvement in behavior is achieved, the child receives a long-promised reward.
Examples of goals set for a child can be: good homework, good behavior, cleaning your room, cooking dinner, shopping, and others.
In a conversation with a child, and especially when you give him tasks, avoid directives, turn the situation in such a way that the child feels: he will do a useful thing for the whole family, he is completely trusted, hoped for. When communicating with your son or daughter, avoid constant pulling like "sit still" or "don't talk when I'm talking to you" and other things that are unpleasant for him.
A few examples of incentives and rewards: allow the child to watch TV in the evening for half an hour longer than the allotted time, treat him with a special dessert, give him the opportunity to participate in games with adults (lotto, chess).
If the child behaves approximately during the week, at the end of the week he should receive an additional reward. It can be some kind of trip with your parents out of town, an excursion to the zoo, to the theater and others.
For unsatisfactory behavior, a light punishment is recommended, which should be immediate and unavoidable. It can be just verbal disapproval, temporary isolation from other children, deprivation of "privileges".
Parents are encouraged to write a list of what they expect from their child in terms of behavior. This list is explained to the child in an accessible manner. After that, everything written is strictly observed, and the child is encouraged for success in its implementation. Physical punishment must be refrained from.
Physical activity
Treatment of children with ADHD must necessarily include physical rehabilitation. These are special exercises aimed at restoring behavioral reactions, developing coordinated movements with voluntary relaxation of the skeletal and respiratory muscles.
Most of the experiments performed have shown that the mechanism for improving well-being is associated with increased production during prolonged muscle activity of special substances - endorphins, which have a beneficial effect on the mental state of a person.
These data allow us to develop recommendations for physical education for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
* Motor activity can be prescribed in the same volume as healthy children.
* Keep in mind that not all types of physical activity may be beneficial for hyperactive children. For them, games where the emotional component is strongly expressed (competitions, demonstration performances) are not shown. Recommended physical exercises that are aerobic in nature, in the form of a long, uniform training of light and medium intensity: long walks, jogging, swimming, skiing, cycling and others.
Particular preference should be given to a long, even run, which has a beneficial effect on the mental state, relieves tension, and improves well-being.
Before a child begins to exercise, he must undergo a medical examination in order to exclude diseases, primarily of the cardiovascular system.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a disease not only of a child, but also of adults, especially the mother, who is most often in contact with him.
Doctors have long noticed that the mother of such a child is overly irritable, impulsive, her mood is often lowered. To prove that this is not just a coincidence, but a pattern, special studies were conducted, the results of which were published in 1995 in the journal Family Medicine. It turned out that the frequency of the so-called major and minor depression occurs among ordinary mothers in 4-6% and 6-14% of cases, respectively, and among mothers who had hyperactive children, in 18 and 20% of cases, respectively. Based on these data, scientists concluded that mothers of hyperactive children must undergo a psychological examination.
Often, mothers with children with the syndrome have an asthenoneurotic condition that requires psychotherapeutic treatment.
There are many psychotherapeutic techniques that can benefit both the mother and the child. Let's dwell on some of them.


Experts have proved that the reaction to the mental reproduction of an image is always stronger and more stable than to the verbal designation of this image. Consciously or not, we are constantly creating images in our imagination.
Visualization is understood as relaxation, mental fusion with an imaginary object, picture or process. It is shown that the visualization of a certain symbol, picture, process has a beneficial effect, creates conditions for restoring mental and physical balance.
Visualization is used to relax and enter a hypnotic state. It is also used to stimulate the body's defense system, increase blood circulation in a certain area of ​​the body, to slow down the pulse, etc. .


Meditation is one of the three main elements of yoga. This is a conscious fixation of attention at a moment in time. During meditation, a state of passive concentration occurs, which is sometimes called the alpha state, since at this time the brain generates predominantly alpha waves, just like before falling asleep.
Meditation reduces the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, promotes anxiety reduction and relaxation. At the same time, the heart rate and breathing slow down, the need for oxygen decreases, the picture of brain tension changes, the reaction to a stressful situation is balanced.
Autogenic training
AT includes a series of exercises with which a person consciously controls the functions of the body. You can master this technique under the guidance of a doctor.
Muscle relaxation achieved with AT affects the functions of the central and peripheral nervous systems, stimulates the reserve capabilities of the cerebral cortex, and increases the level of voluntary regulation of various body systems.
The self-regulation of emotional-vegetative functions achieved with the help of AT, optimization of the state of rest and activity, increasing the possibilities for the implementation of the psychophysiological reserves of the body make it possible to use this method in clinical practice to enhance behavioral therapy, in particular for children with ADHD.
Hyperactive children are often tense, internally closed, so relaxation exercises must be included in the correction program. This helps them to relax, reduces psychological discomfort in unfamiliar situations, and helps them to cope with various tasks more successfully.
The relaxation training model is an AT model redesigned specifically for children and used for adults. It can be used both in preschool and school educational institutions, and at home.
Teaching children to relax their muscles can help relieve general tension.
Relaxation training can be carried out during individual and group psychological work, in gyms or in a regular classroom. Once children learn to relax, they can do it on their own (without a teacher), which will increase their overall self-control. Successful mastery of relaxation techniques (like any success) can also increase their self-esteem.
Of all the psychotherapeutic techniques, autogenic training is the most accessible in mastering and can be used independently. It has no contraindications in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
We have described many techniques that can be used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. As a rule, these children have a variety of disorders, so in each case it is necessary to use a whole range of psychotherapeutic and pedagogical techniques, and in the case of a pronounced form of the disease, medications.
It must be emphasized that the improvement in the behavior of the child will not appear immediately, however, with constant training and following the recommendations, the efforts of parents and teachers will be rewarded.

4. Program of remedial classes for children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

The purpose of the correctional program: psychological correction of the components of hyperactivity: voluntary attention, communication skills, development of the child's personal qualities.
Tasks of psychocorrectional work:
1. Development of the child's attention (the formation of its properties: concentration, switchability, distribution);
2. Training of psychomotor functions;
3. Reduced emotional stress;
4. Training to recognize emotions by external signals;
5. Correction of behavior with the help of role-playing games;
6. Removal of anxiety;
7. Development of communication skills.
Means of correction:
games for the development of psychomotor functions and the correction of behavior in a team.
Exercises and games aimed at developing the child's stability, concentration, switching and distribution of attention.
Exercises and games aimed at overcoming motor automatism.
A complex of psycho-gymnastics classes.
The program is designed for children of middle and senior preschool age.
Program construction principles:
1. Availability of the proposed material, compliance with the age characteristics of children;
2. Systematic and consistent in corrective work;
3. Personally-oriented approach to children.
The program provides for the possibility of implementing an individual approach to the child, working with various subgroups of children, taking into account their age characteristics.
Classes are held once every 2 days.

Thematic planning of correctional and developmental work with children:

Lesson #1

Lesson objectives:
Correction of the key components of ADHD

Familiarization with the rules of behavior in the group;
Development of interest in joint activities.

Formation of self-control skills.

Purpose: group building exercise.
An adult takes the child by the hand, and begins to collect all the children in one chain, forming a circle.
The adult says:
Movement Words
Now we will ride on the carousel. Repeat the words after me and move together in a circle so that the carousel does not break. Words: “Fire-ate-ate-ate, the carousels spun. And then run, run, run, run. Hush, hush, don't rush, stop the carousel. One-two. One-two (pause). So the game is over. The carousel moves slowly to the right. The pace of speech and movements gradually accelerates. On the words “run”, the carousel changes the direction of movement. The pace of movement gradually slows down and everyone stops at the words “one or two”.

"Catch - don't catch"
The rules of this game are similar to the well-known way to play "Edible - inedible". Only the condition when the child catches the ball, and when not, can change in each horse of the game. For example, now you agree with him that if the driver throws the ball, saying a word related to plants, then the player catches him. If the word is not a plant, then it hits the ball. For example, one round of the game could be called "Furniture is not furniture." Similarly, you can play such options as "Fish - not fish", "Transport - not transport", "Flies - does not fly" and many others. The number of game conditions you can choose depends only on your imagination. If it suddenly runs out, invite the child to choose the condition of the game himself, that is, the category of words that he will catch. Kids sometimes come up with completely fresh and creative ideas!
Note. As you probably noticed, this game develops not only attention, but also the ability to generalize, as well as the speed of processing the information heard. Therefore, for the purpose of the intellectual development of the child, try to make the categories of these generalized concepts varied and affect different areas, and not limited to everyday and frequently used words.
In this game, in order to be successful, the child will have to take into account the pace and nature of the movements of the other person. In general, his usual impulsiveness will not help the cause.
It's good if you connect a few more children to this game. Firstly, it is with peers that the child most of all needs to learn how to get along well, and secondly, it is, of course, possible to perform these game tasks with an adult, but not very convenient. So, let your child, along with his couple, stand at the line under the conditional name "start". Put a pencil on this line. The task of the players is to take this pencil from both sides so that each of them touches its tip with only the index finger. Using these two fingers for two, they should be able to pick up a pencil, carry it to the end of the room and return back. If during this time they did not drop what they were carrying and did not help themselves with the other hand, then you can congratulate the couple on the successful completion of the task. This means that they are able to be friends, since they have shown such good cooperation skills with each other.
As the next task, you can take a piece of paper, which the players must carry by holding it with their shoulders. Then offer them a soft toy to carry using only their ears and cheeks.
And finally, offer a more difficult task - the ball that they must convey using only their heads (literally and figuratively). This is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, because the ball, due to its shape, will tend to slide off. If you are playing with more than two children, then after this round, offer them the same task, which they will now do all together (that is, three or five of them). It really unites the children and creates a friendly, joyful atmosphere. When trying to complete a task, they usually figure out pretty quickly that they can do it better if they hug their shoulders and walk together in small steps, discussing when to turn or stop.
Note. If your child did not immediately manage to cooperate with other children, then (when his peers begin to complete the task) pay attention to how the pair of players coordinate their actions: they talk among themselves, the fast one adjusts to the slower one, hold hands to better feel the movements of the other , and so on.

Lesson #2

Lesson objectives:
group cohesion;

Grouping members into a group;

Development of voluntary attention;

Development of social communication skills.
"Whose voice?"
Children sit in a semicircle. The leader is with his back to the players. One of the children calls out by name to the host, who, without turning around, should name the one whose voice he heard. First, the children call the leader in their usual voice, and then you can change the intonation.

"The dragon bites its tail."

"Sharp Eye"
In order to become a winner in this game, the child needs to be very attentive and be able not to be distracted by foreign objects.
Choose a small toy or object for the child to find. Give him the opportunity to remember what it is, especially if it is a new thing in the house. Ask the child to leave the room. When he fulfills this request, put the selected object in an accessible place, but so that it is not immediately evident. In this game, you can not hide items in the drawers of the table, behind the closet and the like. The toy should stand so that the player can find it without touching the objects in the room, but simply examining them carefully.
Note. If your son or daughter managed to find a toy, then they are worthy of praise. You can even tell them that if they were born into an Indian tribe, they might have been called by a proud name like Keep Eye.

Lesson #3

Lesson objectives:

Correction of the key components of ADHD.
Grouping members into a group;
Development of interest in joint activities;
Development of voluntary attention;
Formation of self-control skills;
Development of social communication skills.
"It's the other way around"
This game will surely appeal to little stubborn people who like to do everything the other way around. Try to "legalize" their passion to argue. An adult in this game will be the leader. He must demonstrate a variety of movements, and the child must also perform movements, only completely opposite to what he is shown. So, if an adult raised his hands, the child should lower them, if he jumped, he should sit down, if he extended his leg forward, he should take it back, etc.
Note. As you probably noticed, the player will need not only the desire to contradict, but also the ability to think quickly, choosing the opposite movement. Draw the child's attention to the fact that the opposite is not just different, but somewhat similar, but different in direction. This game can be supplemented with the host’s periodic statements, to which the player will select antonyms. For example, the host will say “warm”, the player must immediately answer “cold” (you can use words of different parts of speech that have opposite meanings: run - stand, dry - wet, good - evil, fast - slow, a lot - little, etc.).
"Revived Elements"
The players sit in a circle. The host agrees with them that if he says the word "earth", everyone should put their hands down, if the word "Water" - stretch their hands forward, if the word "air" - raise their hands up, the word "fire" - rotate their hands. Whoever makes a mistake is considered a loser.
"Pump and Ball"

Lesson number 4

Lesson objectives:
Formation of arbitrary behavior;
Correction of the key components of ADHD.
Grouping members into a group;
Development of interest in joint activities;
Development of voluntary attention;
Formation of self-control skills;
Development of social communication skills.
"Magic word"
Children usually love this game very much, because in it the adult is in the position of a child who is taught to be polite.
Ask your child what "magic" words he knows and why they are called that. If he has already mastered enough etiquette norms, he will be able to answer that without these words, requests may look like a rude order, so people will not want to fulfill them. "Magic" words show respect for a person and dispose him to the speaker. Now in the role of such a speaker, trying to achieve the fulfillment of his wishes, you will act. And the child will be an attentive interlocutor, sensitive to whether you said the word "please." If you say it in a phrase (for example, say: "Please raise your hands up!"), Then the child fulfills your request. If you just say your request (for example, "Clap your hands three times!"), then the child who teaches you to be polite should never perform this action.
Note. This game develops not only attention, but also the ability of children to arbitrariness (performing actions not impulsively, simply because now you want it, but in connection with certain rules and goals). This important characteristic is considered by many psychologists to be one of the leading ones in determining whether a child is ready for school.
"Princess Nesmeyana"
Everyone is familiar with the complaints of children that someone else interferes with their concentration and makes them laugh. In this game, they will have to overcome this unfortunate circumstance.
Remember such a cartoon character as Princess Nesmeyana. It was almost impossible to cheer her up, she did not pay attention to anyone and shed tears day and night. Now the child will be such a princess. Crying, of course, is not worth it, but he is strictly forbidden to laugh (otherwise, what kind of Nesmeyana is this?). In the same cartoon, as you know, there was a worried father who promised the princess as his wife and half the kingdom in addition to the one who would cheer her up. Such potential suitors, eager for the royal treasury, may be other children or, at first, adults in the family. They surround the princess (who can be played by either a boy or a girl) and try their best to make her smile. The one who turns out to be so successful in this matter that he causes a wide smile from Nesmeyana (teeth will be visible) is considered to have won this contest of suitors. In the next round, this person changes places with the princess.
Note. It is better to set some restrictions among the "suitors" (they are not allowed to touch the princess) and for Nesmeyana (she must not turn away or close her eyes or ears).
Communication games
"I am silent - I whisper - I shout"

Lesson number 5

Lesson number 6

Lesson objectives:
Formation of arbitrary behavior;
Correction of the key components of ADHD.
Grouping members into a group;
Development of interest in joint activities;
Development of voluntary attention;
Formation of self-control skills;
Development of social communication skills.
"The Soldier and the Rag Doll"
The easiest and most reliable way to teach children to relax is to teach them to alternate between strong muscle tension and subsequent relaxation. Therefore, this and subsequent game will help you to do it in a playful way.
So, invite the child to imagine that he is a soldier. Remember with him how to stand on the parade ground - stretched out to attention and frozen. Have the player pretend to be such a soldier as soon as you say the word "soldier". After the child stands in such a tense position, say another command - "rag doll". When performing it, the boy or girl should relax as much as possible, lean forward slightly so that their arms dangle as if they were made of cloth and cotton. Help them imagine that their whole body is soft, supple. The player must then become a soldier again, and so on.
Note. You should finish such games at the stage of relaxation, when you feel that the child has had enough rest.
"Pump and Ball"
If a child has ever seen how a deflated ball is pumped up with a pump, then it will be easy for him to enter into the image and depict the changes taking place at that moment with the ball. So, stand opposite each other. The player representing the ball must stand with his head down, arms hanging sluggishly, legs bent at the knees (that is, look like an uninflated shell of the ball). The adult, meanwhile, is going to correct this situation and begins to make such movements as if he were holding a pump in his hands. As the intensity of pump movements increases, the "ball" becomes more and more inflated. When the child has already puffed out his cheeks, and his arms are stretched out to the sides with tension, pretend that you are critically looking at your work. Touch his muscles and complain that you overdid it and now you have to blow off the ball. After that, depict pulling out the pump hose. When you do this, the "ball" will deflate so much that it even falls to the floor.
Note. To show a child an example of how to play an inflating ball, it is better to first invite him to be in the role of a pump. You will tense up and relax, which will help you relax, and at the same time understand how this method works.
"Speak on cue"
Now you will simply communicate with the child, asking him any questions. But he should not answer you immediately, but only when he sees a prearranged signal, for example, arms folded on his chest or scratching his head. If you asked your question, but did not make the agreed movement, the child should be silent, as if they were not addressing him, even if the answer is spinning on his tongue.
Note. During this conversation game, additional goals can be achieved depending on the nature of the questions being asked. So, asking a child with interest about his desires, inclinations, interests, attachments, you increase the self-esteem of your son (daughter), help him pay attention to his "I". By asking questions about the content of the topic covered at school (you can rely on a textbook), you will consolidate certain knowledge in parallel with the development of volitional regulation.

Lesson number 7

Lesson objectives:
Formation of arbitrary behavior;
Correction of the key components of ADHD.
Grouping members into a group;
Development of interest in joint activities;
Development of voluntary attention;
Formation of self-control skills;
Development of social communication skills.
"Humpty Dumpty"
The character of this game will surely appeal to a hyperactive child, as their behavior is in many ways similar. In order for the children to better get into the role, remember if they read S. Marshak's poem about Humpty Dumpty. Or maybe he saw a cartoon about him? If so, have the children talk about who Humpty Dumpty is, why they call him that, and how he behaves. Now you can start the game. You will read an excerpt from Marshak's poem, and the child will begin to portray the hero. To do this, he will turn his torso to the right and left, dangling freely with soft, relaxed hands. To whom this is not enough, he can also turn his head.
So, an adult in this game should read a poem:
Humpty Dumpty
Sat on the wall.
Humpty Dumpty
Fell off in a dream.
When you say the last line, the child should sharply tilt the body forward and down, stop swinging his arms and relax. You can let the child fall on the floor to illustrate this part of the poem, however, then you should take care of its cleanliness and carpeting.
Note. The alternation of fast, energetic movements with relaxation and rest is very useful for a hyperactive child, since in this game he gets a certain pleasure from a relaxed fall to the floor, and therefore from rest. To achieve maximum relaxation, repeat the game several times in a row. So that she does not get bored, you can read the poem at a different pace, and the child will slow down or speed up his movements accordingly.
Games that develop volitional regulation
"The dragon bites its tail."
The players stand one behind the other, holding on to the waist in front of the one standing. The first child is the head of the dragon, the last is the tail. The "Head" is trying to catch his "Tail", the rest of the children tenaciously hold on to each other.

Lesson number 8

Lesson objectives:
Formation of arbitrary behavior;
Correction of the key components of ADHD.
Grouping members into a group;
Development of interest in joint activities;
Development of voluntary attention;
Formation of self-control skills;
Development of social communication skills.
"I am silent - I whisper - I shout"
As you probably noticed, hyperactive children find it difficult to regulate their speech - they often speak in raised tones. This game develops the ability to consciously regulate the volume of their statements, stimulating the child to speak either quietly, then loudly, or completely silent. He will have to choose one of these actions, focusing on the sign that you show him. Arrange these signs in advance. For example, when you put your finger to your lips, the child should speak in a whisper and move very slowly. If you put your hands under your head, as during sleep, the child should shut up and freeze in place. And when you raise your hands up, you can talk loudly, shout and run.
Note. It is better to finish this game at the “silent” or “whisper” stage in order to reduce the excitement of the game when moving on to other activities.
"Toys Alive"
Ask your child what he thinks is happening at night in the toy store. Listen to his versions and offer to imagine that at night, when there are no buyers, the toys come to life. They start to move, but very quietly, without saying a word, so as not to wake the watchman. Now draw yourself some kind of toy, such as a teddy bear. Let the child try to guess who it is. But he should not shout out the answer, but write down (or draw) on a piece of paper so as not to give out toys with noise. Then let the child show any toy himself, and you will try to guess its name. Please note that the entire game must be played in absolute silence. When you feel a decline in interest in a child, then announce that it is dawn. Then the toys should fall into place again, thus the game will be over.
Note. In this game, the child acquires the skills of non-verbal (without using speech) communication, and also develops self-control, because when he guessed what kind of toy you are depicting, he so wants to immediately say about it (or even better shout), but the rules of the game do not allow do this. When he himself portrays a toy, efforts must also be made not to make sounds and not prompt an adult.
In this game, the child needs to be attentive and be able to overcome motor automatism, controlling his actions.
Put on some dance music. While it sounds, the child can jump, spin, dance. But as soon as you turn off the sound, the player should freeze in place in the position in which the silence found him.
Note. This game is especially fun to play at a children's party. Take advantage of this to train your child and at the same time create an atmosphere of relaxedness, as children are often shy about dancing in a serious way, and you suggest that they do it in the game, as if in jest. You can also introduce a competitive motive: those who did not have time to freeze after the end of the music are eliminated from the game or are subjected to some kind of comic punishment (for example, toast a birthday man or help set the table).

List of used literature

1. Badalyan L.O., Zavadenko N.N., Uspenskaya T.Yu. Attention Deficit Syndromes in Children // Review of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology. V.M. Bekhterev. St. Petersburg: 1993. - No. 3. - 95 p.
2. Bryazgunov I.P., Kasatikova E.V. Restless child, or all about hyperactive children. - M.: Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy, - 2001. - 96 p.
3. Bryazgunov I.P., Kuchma V.R. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children (issues of epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and prognosis). - M. - 1994. - 49 p.
4. Burlachuk L.F., Morozov S.M. Dictionary-reference book on psychodiagnostics. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Piter", - 2000. - 528 p..
5. Age features of the mental development of children / Ed. I.V. Dubrovina, M.I. Lisina. - M., 1982. - 101 p.
6. Vygotsky L.S. Development of higher mental functions. - M.: APN RSFSR, - 1960. - 500 p.
7. Drobinskaya A.O. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder // Defectology. - No. 1. - 1999. - 86 p.
8. Zhurba L.T., Mastyukova E.M. Minimal brain dysfunction in children. Scientific review. M.: VNINMI, - 1980. - 50 p.
9. Zavadenko N.N. Hyperactivity and attention deficit in childhood. M .: "Academy", - 2005. - 256 p.
10. Zavadenko N.N. How to understand a child: children with hyperactivity and attention deficit // Medical Pedagogy and Psychology. Supplement to the journal "Defectology". Issue 5. M.: School-Press, - 2000. - 112 p.

A correction is a correction. This section contains exercises mainly focused on preschool, primary school age and adolescents. These exercises can be used by both practical psychologists, trainers and teachers.

Correction of behavior, personality traits that interfere with adaptation, correction of fears, anxiety, aggression, jealousy, envy, greed - this is a list of the main types of exercises from this section.

This section contains exercises aimed at psychological correction:

    children adolescents adults

Exercise "Cave of fears"


Material: Not required.

Holding: Children are divided into pairs. One lays down on the floor. The other draws a sun, a number, a rain, a letter with a finger on his back. The first one must guess what is drawn. After finishing drawing, with a gentle gesture of the hand, “erase” everything drawn.

Exercise "Goldfish"

Target: Removal of aggressiveness, development of communication skills.

Holding: Everyone stands in a circle, tightly pressed against each other with shoulders, hips, legs, holding hands. This is a network. Leading - a goldfish stands in a circle. His task is to get out of the circle, and the task of the others is not to release the fish. If the driver cannot get out of the net for a long time, an adult can ask the children to help the fish.

Exercise "It's me, get to know me"

Target: Development of empathy, removal of aggressiveness.

Holding: One child turns his back to the rest of the seated. Children take turns approaching him, stroking his back and calling him an affectionate name. The driver tries to guess who stroked him and called him.

Game "Silence"


Game conditions


Exercise "Give a pebble"

Leading. Guys, please take one stone from the box and give it to whomever you want, but always with the words: “I give you this stone, because you are the most ...”

For those children who did not get anything, the host gives pebbles, but be sure to note the best qualities of each child to whom he gives a gift.

Exercise "Seek Joy"


Age: junior school.

Material: Notebooks, pens.


Game "Storks - Frogs"

Target: attention training, motor activity control.

Game conditions. All players walk in a circle or move around the room in a free direction.

When the facilitator claps his hands once, the children should stop and take the stork pose (stand on one leg, arms to the sides). When the hosts clap twice, the players take the “frog” position (crouch, heels together, socks and knees to the sides, hands between the soles of the feet on the floor). For three claps, the players resume walking.

Note. You can come up with other poses, you can use a much larger number of poses - so the game becomes more complicated. Let the children come up with new poses.

Sleep Wizard game


You can make a magic wand with your child. By the light of a night lamp, with this stick, the child touches all the objects in the room and says: "Here the chest of drawers fell asleep ...". After all the objects have “fallen asleep”, the “wizard” himself lies down in bed and touches himself with a magic wand and says: “I will sleep too.” The light is turned off. Game over.

Exercise "Odyudyuk"

Leading. Now I will tell you a story... Once upon a time there was a fabulous forest. In hot weather, he sheltered all his inhabitants from the scorching rays of the sun. In the rain, he gave the wanderers shelter and protection. The forest was caring and attentive, and its inhabitants paid him the same. Every morning Pif the puppy swept the forest paths, cleaned up broken branches and kept the pond clean. He had a friend - a bear cub Timka, who examined all the trees in the forest and noted which of them had grown, which had bloomed, and which needed medical attention. And in the forest there lived an uncle bear - Mikhailo Ivanovich, and he was the wisest, kindest and most attentive animal in the forest. If there was a problem, he always came to the rescue.

And then one day the puppy Pif walks along the path and hears: "U-gu-gu." He backed away, and suddenly “It” flew right in front of him with a roar and began to frighten Pif. The fur on the puppy stood on end in fear. He barked, but the horror story did not disappear, but continued to fly around and push. Pif ran to look for his friend teddy bear Tim. And Tim at this time examined the Christmas trees that he grew for the upcoming New Year. And suddenly someone ran into him from behind and pushed with all his might. The bear cub fell and saw something furry. This "something" was flying around and howling in a terrible voice. The teddy bear was frightened and ran in search of a friend.

They met at Uncle Bear's house and began to think what they should do next. Here Mikhailo Ivanovich comes out of the house and asks:

– What happened?

Friends began vying to tell, and finally decided:

- We will catch the one who scared us, punish us and drive us out of the forest.

So they did. They caught it and wanted to warm it up well, but Uncle Misha offered not to punish the horror story, but to make friends with her - maybe something will work out.

Animals surrounded her and tore off the veil under which "It" was hiding. And the horror story of Odyudyuk appeared before everyone in all its glory and let's swear.

- What do you want from me? Apparently, I scared you a little!

“Wait a minute, don’t swear, it’s better to tell us why you came to our forest.”

She sees Odyuduk: she has nowhere to go, she had to talk about herself. The story is very sad.

- My mom and dad are hereditary Odyudyuki. We always scare everyone. Mom - dad and me, dad - me and mom. No one has ever said a kind word to me in my entire life. So I decided to harm everyone in this good forest. I don’t want everyone to live together, cleanliness and order everywhere... And now do with me what you want. If you want - scare me, if you want - beat me up, or if you want - come up with something terrible so that my blood freezes in my veins.

The animals began to hold advice. They thought and thought how best to punish her, and then suddenly someone offered to take pity on her. After all, no one had ever spoken kind words to her. (What do you think, what words did the animals say to Odyudyuka?) And then the animals taught Odyudyuka to smile, and she stopped being angry and scary.

Can you teach Oduduka to smile?


Let's join hands now and smile at each other.

Exercise "Thunderstorm"

Leading. Guys, who is afraid of thunderstorms? Slava, do you want to reduce your fear? Lie down on the floor. We will guard your dream. Now close your eyes.

The grass rustled and a light rain fell.

The rain began to intensify.

Thunder boomed. The hail fell. It poured pouring rain.

There was a light rain.

A light breeze blew.

Finally, the first rays of the sun came out. Wake up baby How do you feel? Has your fear of thunder decreased?

The game "I do not want semolina"




    How can you anger your parents so that they even more want to decide everything for you? How can you talk to your parents in such a way that they are ready to give in to you? In what matters should children have the right to make their own decisions?

The game "Speak!"

An adult invites children to play a game of questions and answers, but warns that they can only answer questions after the word “Speak!”. After the question to throw the ball, be sure to pause and only then say “Speak!”. Questions can be anything, for example:

    "What seasons do you know?" ... "Speak!" "What day of the week is it today?" ... "Speak!" "What color is Masha's dress?" ... "Speak!" What color are the tables in the room? ... "Speak!"

The inclusion of a ball in the game complicates it, but also makes it more interesting.

Exercise "Affectionate name"

The host invites each child to affectionately name the neighbor sitting on the right, who must certainly thank the speaker by saying “Thank you”.

Game "Aw!"

Age: preschool.

The game "Daughters-mothers on the contrary"

Target: a game for problems with falling asleep.

Daughter and mother or father and son play. The daughter should take the place of the mother, and the mother should take the place of the daughter. Gradually, the new daughter becomes naughty. And the real daughter must figure out how to calm the naughty. She can persuade her or punish her. You can help your child make a decision.

Exercise "Rainbow Portraits"

Target: Developing interaction skills, removing aggressiveness, getting to know your body.

Age: preschool, primary school.

materials: Audio recordings "Forest", "Lake". Colour pencils. Sheets of paper A3.

Holding: Children remember what parts of the body they know and name them. “Let's talk in detail about the part of the body that is at the top. This is the head." Children name what is on the head: hair, ears, nose, eyes, chin, forehead, cheeks, lips, teeth, touch them and speak. What are they for (eyes, gently touch them, touch the eyelashes, wink at one neighbor with the right eye, and the other with the left, etc.). Next, "rainbow portraits" are drawn. Children, one at a time, lie on the floor and on a large sheet the leader draws the outline of the head with a felt-tip pen. Having received the contour of his head, the child, to the music, circles it with those pencils that correspond to his mood.

Exercise "Hour of silence" and "Hour is possible"

Target: to give children the opportunity to lose their accumulated energy, and for adults to learn how to control their behavior.

Agree with the children that when they are tired or busy with an important task, there will be an hour of silence in the group. Children should be quiet, calmly play, draw. But as a reward for this, sometimes they will have an hour “you can”, when they are allowed to jump, shout, run, etc. “Hours” can be alternated within one day, or you can arrange them on different days, the main thing is that they become habitual in your group. It is better to stipulate in advance which specific actions are allowed and which are prohibited.

Exercise "Chopping wood"

Target: To help children switch to active activities, feel their accumulated aggressive energy and "spend" it during the game.

Holding: Say the following: How many of you have ever chopped wood or seen how adults do it? Show how to hold an axe. What position should the arms and legs be in? Stand up so that there is some free space around. Let's chop wood. Place a piece of log on a stump, raise the ax above your head and bring it down with force. You can even scream: "Ha!" To conduct this game, you can break into pairs and, falling into a certain rhythm, hit one chock in turn.

Exercise "Chair of love"

A chair is placed in the center.

Leading. This chair is not easy, it is a chair of love. Who is the first to want to sit on it and receive affection, warmth and love from others? Sit down, Lena, close your eyes and don't open until I say. And you guys, quietly come up and gently, gently stroke Lena on the legs, back. Now run on tiptoe. Lena, open your eyes and tell us if you liked the "chair of love"?

Exercise "Ask for a toy"

Target: To teach children effective ways of communication.

Material: Any objects, toys.

Holding: The group is divided into pairs, one of the participants in the pair (participant 1) picks up an object, for example, a toy, notebook, pencil, etc. The other participant (participant 2) must ask for this item.

Instruction to participant 1: “You are holding a toy (notebook, pencil) in your hands, which you really need, but your friend needs it too. He will ask you for it. Try to keep the toy with you and give it away only if you really want to do it.

Instruction to participant 2: "Choosing the right words, try to ask for a toy so that they give it to you." Then participants 1 and 2 switch roles.

Exercise "Little Ghost"

Target: To teach children to throw out accumulated anger in an acceptable form.

Holding: Guys! Now we will play the role of little good ghosts. We wanted to have a little mischief and scare each other a little. According to my clap, you will make the following movement with your hands: (the teacher raises his arms bent at the elbows, fingers spread out) and pronounce the sound “U” in a terrible voice. If I clap softly, you will say “U” softly, if I clap loudly, you will scare loudly. But remember that we are kind ghosts and only want to joke a little. Then the teacher claps his hands: Well done! We joked enough. Let's be kids again!

Exercise "Magic Pillow"

Leading. I brought a magic pillow. Everyone in turn can sit on it and tell us about some of their desires. The one sitting on the pillow will always begin the story with the words: "I want ..." Everyone else will listen carefully.

Exercise "Box of Experiences"

Leading. I brought a small box today. I propose to send it around in a circle to collect our unpleasant experiences and worries. You can say it in a whisper, but be sure to put it in this box. Then I will seal it up and take it away, and with it, let your unpleasant experiences disappear.

Exercise If "Yes" - clap, if "No" - stomp

The adult calls the sentences, and the children should evaluate them and show their attitude by clapping their hands if they agree, or stomping their feet if the statement is incorrect.

    "Roma visited his grandmother and was so happy that he was offended by her." "Sasha took the toy from Petya and beat him, Petya quarreled with him." “Lena really likes Seryozha, so she beat him.” “Maxim gave Dasha sweets, and she was very happy.” “Seryozha saw that Maxim gave Dasha sweets, was offended that he himself did not do this and therefore quarreled with Maxim.”

Situations can be selected from the immediate life of children. Surely there will be a lot of them.

This game contributes to the development of children's communication skills, as well as the development of auditory attention.


"What if..." conversation

Target: a game for problems with falling asleep.

How would they spend the night when everyone else is sleeping? How would they feel if the whole house was at their disposal? What would your kids do if they get bored with so much free time?

How would they explain to other people why they shouldn't have slept? What would your kids do if they were invited to a party at bedtime, or if they had to go to overnight camp? How would they explain why they didn't dream?


Anxiety Relief Exercise

Goal: relieve anxiety, anxiety, prepare for the expected stressful situation.

Required time: 5-10 min.

Procedure: Relax and imagine that you are sitting on a wonderful green lawn on a clear sunny day... The sky is illuminated by a rainbow, and a particle of this radiance belongs to you... It is brighter than a thousand suns... Its rays gently and gently warm your head, penetrate into the body, spill over it, all of it is filled with a cleansing healing light, in which your sorrows and anxieties, all negative thoughts and feelings, fears and assumptions dissolve. All unhealthy particles leave your body, turning into dark smoke, which is quickly dispersed by a gentle wind. You are free from worries, you are cleansed, you are light and joyful!

Game "Silence"

Target: development of auditory attention and perseverance.

Game conditions. The children are instructed: “Let's listen to the silence. Count the sounds you hear here. How many? What are these sounds? (starting with the one who heard the least).

Note. The game can be made more difficult by giving the task to children to count the sounds outside the room, in another class, on the street.

Exercise "Candle of Trust"


Exercise "Tuh-tibi-spirit"

Target: Removal of negative moods and restoration of strength.

Age: preschool, primary school.

Material: Not required.

I will tell you a secret word. This is a magic spell against bad mood, against resentment and disappointment. For it to really work, you need to do the following. Now you will start walking around the room without talking to anyone. As soon as you want to talk, stop in front of one of the participants, look into his eyes and say the magic word three times, angrily, angrily: "Tuh-tibi-dukh." Then keep walking around the room. From time to time, stop in front of someone and again angrily pronounce this magic word. For the magic word to work, it is necessary to speak it not into the void, but looking into the eyes of the person standing in front of you. This game contains a comical paradox. Although children should pronounce the word “Tuh-tibi-dukh” angrily, after a while they cannot help but laugh.

Exercise "Do you want - do not want"

In a circle, starting with the leader, the children ask each other the following question: “Andrey, do you want me to hug you?” After receiving the answer, take the appropriate action.

Game "Kangaroo"

Target: To work out the skill of interaction with a partner, to promote group cohesion.

Content: Participants are divided into pairs. One of them is a kangaroo - stands, the other - a kangaroo - first stands with his back to him (tightly), and then crouches. Both participants join hands. The task of each pair is in this position, without separating their hands, to go to the opposite wall, to the leader, go around the room in a circle, jump together, etc. At the next stage of the game, participants can change roles, and then partners.

Discussion: Participants of the game in a circle share their impressions, feelings that they have while performing various roles. They then discuss the ways in which play can be used in daily practice and how play can be used with anxious children.

Exercise "Counter humor"

From this day on, try to respond to ridicule and jokes in the same way, but just don’t do it evil, try to be more good-natured. And in order to always have a few worthy jokes at hand, start collecting funny stories, stories, anecdotes.

Game on the bridge

Age: preschool, teenage, adults.

Before the start of the game, an imaginary situation is created. An adult divides all the children into two groups, separates them in different directions and invites them to imagine that they are on opposite sides of a mountain gorge, but they must definitely go to the other side. A thin bridge is thrown across the gorge (a strip 30-40 cm wide is drawn on the floor, symbolizing the bridge). Only two people can walk on the bridge from different sides (otherwise the bridge will turn over). The task is to simultaneously go towards each other and go to the opposite side without stepping over the line (otherwise you will fall into the abyss). Participants are divided into pairs and carefully walk along the bridge towards each other. The rest follow their movement and get sick. The one who steps over the line is out of the game (falls into the abyss).

The successful completion of this task is possible only if the partners, having met, hold tightly to each other.

Exercise "Contemplator"

Exercise "Eye to eye"

Target: Develop a sense of empathy in children, set up in a calm way.

Age: preschool, primary school, teenage.

Material: Not required.

Holding: Guys, join hands with your desk mate. Look into each other's eyes only and, feeling your hands, try to silently convey different states: “I'm sad”, “I'm having fun, let's play”, “I'm angry”, “I don't want to talk to anyone”, etc. After the game Discuss with the children which conditions were passed down, which were easy to guess and which were difficult.

Exercise "Seek Joy"

Target: Formation of optimal emotional tone, openness to external impressions, development of curiosity, leveling of anxiety.

Material: Notebooks, pens.

Holding: The psychologist asks the children to name in turn all the things, events, phenomena that bring them joy. Suggests to start a book-notebook with the following chapters:

    qualities that you like in people; things that can be done well; things that I love; favorite books, films, cartoons; favorite places; pleasant dreams; our dreams.

The game "I do not want semolina"

Goals: It is very important that children learn to defend their interests in front of adults. These interests include the right to choose food, clothes, hair. However, it is important that children communicate their desires tactfully, especially if they have not very confident parents. This game gives you the opportunity to learn how to express your desires politely and at the same time decisively.


Divide into pairs. I suggest you play a little role-playing game. One of you will be mom or dad, and the other will be a child. Mom or dad should insist that the child eat something like that. And the child can not stand this dish. Please act out two options for a conversation. In one case, let the child really piss off the parents, and in the second, show that the child speaks with the parents so well that they are ready to give in to him.

Exercise "Group drawing in a circle"

Target: The development of empathy, a friendly attitude towards each other.

Material: Paper, pencils.

Holding: On a piece of paper, you need to draw a simple picture or just color spots, and then pass the baton to the next participant to continue the drawing. As a result, each drawing returns to its first author. After completing this task, the initial plan is discussed. Participants talk about their feelings. Collective drawings can be attached to the wall: a kind of exhibition is created, which for some time will remind the group of collective work in a “foreign space”.

This technique can cause aggressive feelings, resentment. Therefore, the psychologist should warn the participants about the careful attitude to each other's work.

Game "Aw!"

One child stands with his back to everyone else, he is lost in the forest. One of the children shouts to him: “Ay!” - and the "lost" must guess who called him.

This game is good to use in the process of introducing children to each other. It is easier for a child who has his back to everyone else to overcome the barrier in communication, to overcome anxiety when meeting.

Exercise "Japanese Dialogue"

Leading. There is no word for "no" in Japanese. If a Japanese does not want to comply with someone's request, he will talk about anything, but will not give a direct refusal. Want to know what it's like? Break into pairs. One in a pair is Japanese, the other is European. The European asks the Japanese about something very important. The task of the Japanese is to refuse without saying it directly. In conclusion, the European should thank the interlocutor.

Issues for discussion:

    "Europeans", with what feeling did you thank your partner? "Japanese", what did you hear in these words of gratitude?

Exercise "I am strong - I am weak"

Leading. I suggest you check how words and thoughts affect the state of a person. To this end, we will perform the following exercises.

Sasha, please put your hand forward. I will lower your hand down, pressing on it from above. You must hold your hand, while saying loudly and decisively: “I am strong!” Now we are doing the same, but you must say: “I am weak”, pronouncing it with the appropriate intonation, that is, quietly, dejectedly ...

You see how words of encouragement help us to overcome difficulties and win.


eyes and relax.

3) After enough time to complete the task (5-7 minutes), the trainer invites the group members to discuss the results of individual visualization.

"What if..." conversation

Target: a game for problems with falling asleep.

What if your kids never needed to sleep (because they were given a pill as a science experiment)? Ask them:

How would they spend the night when everyone else is asleep? How would they feel if the whole house was at their disposal? What would your kids do if they were bored with so much free time?

How would they relax? Since the children would not be able to forget all the events of the past day and refresh their heads with sleep, how would they disperse and prepare to face the new day?

How would they explain to other people why they shouldn't have slept? What would your kids do if they were invited to a party at bedtime, or if they had to go to overnight camp? How would they explain why they didn't dream?

After the children have thought about what it is like to never sleep, ask them the question: Would they agree to take part in such an experiment if they were offered it?


Anxiety Coping Exercises

Exercise 1 "Breathing"

Breath is life. Detaining it, you deprive the body of the need, in comparison with which everything else fades into the background and, at least for a moment, loses its relevance. This moment is your win. Use it to get out from under the direct effects of stress. To do this, relax with an exhalation and with the next breath, lean back a little, raise your chin and tilt your head slightly. Sit up straight and exhale all the air from your lungs. Relax with an exhale. Firmly grasp the edges of the seat with both hands and, while inhaling, pull it up, as if trying to lift a chair. Tighten your arms, stomach and other muscles of the body, as if continuing to lift the chair you are sitting on. Maintaining tension throughout the body, hold your breath. Exhale slowly through your nose, relaxing your body and releasing the seat. Relax completely after exhaling. No tension should remain anywhere in the body. Do three to five of these cycles. Determine the time of inhalation, exhalation and breath holding in accordance with your state of health and your breathing rhythm. If you have high blood pressure, then practice only a relaxing way of breathing, without a phase of tension on inspiration. Then, with each exhalation, release the remaining tension in you, as if "blowing" its reading from the scale of your personal counter-meter.

Exercise 2 "Burning Candle"

The relaxing property of exhalation is used even more fully when breathing with a burning candle. Put a lit candle on the table and sit in front of it so that the flame is at a distance of 15-20 cm from your lips. Round your lips and exhale slowly into the candle flame. Do not put out the fire, but deflect it with a careful, slow and strong blow of air. Try to blow in such a way that the angle of the flame is the same from the beginning of the exhalation to its completion. Do this exercise for five minutes. In this way, you will learn a smooth, long relaxing exhalation, which will "carry" out of you and burn in the flame of a candle all the accumulated mental "garbage", release from everything that prevents you from being free and calm.

Exercise 3 "Meta position"

Imagine that you see yourself and everything that happens, as if from the outside, as if you are watching a movie about yourself. Set a comfortable distance for you. Feel like an observer, distant and at the same time interested in everything that happens. Calmly and dispassionately consider what is happening as an external phenomenon. The distance you set does the service: you begin to see how and what you are doing without becoming what you see. You can observe your emotions, like anger, but you don't act on that anger. The main thing - do not let yourself "get involved" in the situation again. Do whatever is necessary to maintain distance: imagine a glass barrier in front of you, move further away, rise above the situation and look down on it. You can relax and take things more seriously from this new perspective. Most of us find the best solutions, leaving all emotions aside. Now you are looking at external circumstances as a spectator, a silent witness who stepped back for a moment to assess the situation. The whirlpool no longer whirls you around like a cork in a fast-moving, turbulent stream. Assess the situation and decide on further actions: how you should behave in the best way; what resource is needed for this; where can you get it right now.

Exercise 4 "Resource state"

The most reliable source of a resource is yourself, because everything you need has already been in you for a long time. It is only important to be able to use it in time. The technology of updating resource states provides such an opportunity. Let's say you see that you need a sense of confidence for optimal behavior. Think of a situation in which you always feel confident: driving your bike, on the tennis court, or somewhere else. It doesn't matter what memory it is. The main thing is that at the moment it is positive and strong for you. Experience it fully once again, as if it were all happening now. Feel confident and powerful. With this feeling, enter a stressful situation and act on your confidence. Act on the basis that in the foreground you no longer have a drama, but an existing chance to cope with it. Use it. Victory brings a sense of pride in oneself, a sense of strength and the ability to meet a serious challenge. Your self-confidence grows and you find that you have enough stamina to endure any test that comes your way. With the help of the method of actualizing resource states, you can call to your aid any feeling you need: calmness, competence, concentration, endurance, and so on. All you have to do is take it from where you had it and move it to where you need it now. If you do not have the experience of experiencing the desired feeling, use the technique - as if you are mastering this feeling. The only thing you can do without having, for example, courage, is to pretend to be brave, and coordinate your behavior with it. You can also borrow the required resource from your hero, imitating his demeanor.

Exercise 5 "Mood"

Sit down at the table and take colored pencils or felt-tip pens. In front of you is a blank sheet of paper. Draw any plot - lines, color spots, shapes. At the same time, it is important to immerse yourself in your experiences, choose a color and draw lines the way you want, in full accordance with your mood. Imagine that you transfer your worry and anxiety to a piece of paper, trying to splash it out completely, to the end. Draw until the entire space of the sheet is filled, and you feel calm. Your time is not limited now: draw as much as you need. Then turn the paper over and write a few words that reflect your mood. Do not think for a long time, it is necessary that your words arise freely, without special control on your part. After you have drawn your mood and put it into words, with pleasure, emotionally tear up the sheet and throw it into the trash. All! Now you have got rid of your tense state! Your tension has passed into the drawing and has already disappeared, like this drawing that is unpleasant for you.

Exercise "Counter humor"

You are delivered many unpleasant minutes of ridicule at you, jokes of colleagues and other people. How do you react to them? Are you embarrassed, upset, withdraw into yourself?

From this day on, try to respond to ridicule and jokes in the same way, but just don’t do it evil, try to be more good-natured. And in order to always have a few worthy jokes at hand, start collecting funny stories, stories, anecdotes.

So, you need to learn how to manage your emotional state, think in a constructive way, so as not to “get stuck” on negative experiences and not hinder your creative growth and the search for new alternative ways to overcome professional problems. The ability to think positively and control your behavior is your individual resource that can support you in any difficult and emotionally stressful situations. This is the resource that will prevent you from becoming a victim of burnout.

Exercise "Contemplator"

Learn to relate to everything that happens to you, like a gray-haired oriental sage, contemplatively, that is, before reacting to the words or actions of loved ones, colleagues, just people around you, ask yourself: “What would a wise man do in my place Human? What would he say and do?

Make a decision and act only after a few minutes of such calm contemplative reflection.

Exercise "Candle of Trust"

Target: The development of empathy, respect for each other, trust in the world is formed.

All participants stand in a circle shoulder to shoulder, arms bent at the elbows, put forward. The palms are raised up. One of the participants becomes in the center of the circle. Hands are lowered along the body, eyes are closed. He relaxes into the hands of those standing. The group picks it up and slowly, carefully passes it around. Each participant must visit the center. The exercise is followed by a discussion.

Exercise "I am strong - I am weak"

Leading. I suggest you check how words and thoughts affect the state of a person. To this end, we will perform the following exercises.

For example: Sasha, please stretch your hand forward. I will lower your hand down, pressing on it from above. You must hold your hand, while saying loudly and decisively: “I am strong!” Now we are doing the same, but you must say: “I am weak”, pronouncing it with the appropriate intonation, that is, quietly, dejectedly ...

You see how words of encouragement help us to overcome difficulties and win.

Figurative-reflexive exercise "Give yourself a name"

Goal: achievement by each participant of resource emotional states.

1) The trainer invites the participants to take a comfortable position, close eyes and relax.

2) The trainer tells the participants: “Remember a specific event when you felt confident (successful, fortunate, achieved a goal, etc.). Remember where and when this event happened. Recall your feelings at that moment. Relive this event."

3) After enough time to complete the task (5-7 minutes), the trainer invites the group members to discuss the results of individual visualization.

4) Each participant tells the group about a specific event he saw and experienced in his imagination with the obligatory reflection of the source of his positive feeling (confidence, success, good luck, etc.).

5) At the end of the story, the trainer, with the help of the group, comes up with a new name for each participant. which would reflect the very essence of obtaining a resource emotional state: “I am the one who (th) ... (does this and that)” or “I am confident (a) in myself when I ... (do so-and-so).

Group discussion (if necessary).

Exercise "Awareness of boundaries."

The exercise demonstrates the effect of focusing attention and awareness on certain areas - the physical boundaries of the body, which occupy an important place in the internal psychological map of a person and are associated with a stable “self-image” (in the language of physiology, called the “body schema”) that affects self-esteem and relationships with others. According to the figurative expression of A. Lowen, & a person is "moored" to reality at both ends of the body: below through contact with the ground, and above - through the crown of the head. A similar approach is used in Taoist psychotechniques, where special attention is paid to the three “ends of the body”:

1. crown - to enhance the sensation of ascending flows of "energy" (the border "man - sky");

2. palms - reproduction of the feeling of emphasis in the fingers and palms (the border "person - person");

3. feet - increased sensation of downward flows of "energy" (the border "man - earth").

Obviously, in the process of age-related formation of the physical “self-image”, the feeling of “boundaries” (or the distinction between “I - not-I”) is one of the initial stages associated with early childhood. Therefore, an important point for productive work with "boundaries", along with concentration of attention, is the transition to a state of childish-contemplative perception. When performing the exercise, a person should strive to feel literally the way a child feels, who for the first time begins to become aware of his own body and the world around him.

Another important point of this exercise is that the feeling of delimitation evoked in it, of separating oneself from the surrounding world, despite the seeming opposite, is close to the meditative feeling of an all-pervading unity with the world.

Initially, the exercise is performed in the supine position, after preliminary relaxation (as far as training is concerned, in an arbitrary position). Attention and with it the breath is directed to the area of ​​the body corresponding to one of the listed "borders". Attention is held in a given area for several minutes. Observe how with each exhalation the breath is “transmitted” to the selected areas of the body, gradually creating in them a feeling of warmth, “energy”. After 3-5 minutes, switch your attention and breathing to the next "boundary" area. After all three “boundaries” have been passed separately, unite them, distributing attention simultaneously to five points corresponding to the figure of a five-pointed star (a modification of the exercise is focusing attention on six points, or two triangles, corresponding to a six-pointed star). It is important to imagine that the body is stretched, as if you are becoming taller. At the same time, there is a feeling of a “stretched string” along the spine. Then imagine that your body is enclosed on all sides in an impenetrable spherical shell. Mentally try to push this “cocoon”, resting on it at 5 points: with your hands, feet, and the top of your head.

The distribution of "body-directed" attention simultaneously to a large number of objects that are close to the maximum capacity of the channel of conscious perception according to G. Miller - 7 ± 2 units (Miller G. A., 1956) or exceeding it, causes the so-called sensory overload and contributes to the formation of a special state consciousness. In a similar way, it affects the state of consciousness and the alignment of sensations in remote areas of the left and right halves of the body, contributing to the achievement of a balance in the activity of the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

Note. Exercise, in addition to health purposes, has important practical applications in everyday life. It helps a person to quickly recover in situations of sudden stress, when “the earth is floating underfoot” and emotional balance and self-control are lost. It is especially necessary for people who are overly worried before public speaking (artists on stage, speakers in front of the podium or athletes before going to the start). This exercise can be vital for people suffering from panic attacks, for whom it helps to get rid of the sensations of "impending blackout." To do this, you just need to take a few deep breaths in and out and switch your attention to each of the described boundaries in turn, starting from the “ground”.

It should be noted that the physical, bodily boundaries of a person (“external body”, according to) are presented in his inner world (“internal body” according to Bakhtin, or “virtual body” according to) in such a way that they are closely connected with his communication with others. The boundaries of bodily contacts appear as the boundaries of emotional contacts, sympathy and emotional detachment, the boundaries of isolation and sociability, influence on others and exposure to other people's influence, autonomy and dependence, as well as various stereotypes and internal restrictions through which a person can step over in the process of working on himself. As the experience of body-oriented psychology shows, work with body boundaries leads to the improvement of the aspects of the personality associated with them, and is an important tool for personal growth.

Exercise "Meeting with the Wrecker"

Think of something you would like to do successfully. This can be admission to an educational institution, starting a family, starting your own business, or simply hosting guests.

Now try to come up with something that will harm your enterprise, hinder its implementation. Imagine this picture.

Draw the Wrecker or the force that pushes for sabotage, opposes the fulfillment of the plan.

Now, be yourself in the role of the Wrecker and deliberately interfere with the implementation of your project. Tell us how you benefited from it.

From the point of view of "I" imagine meeting with the Wrecker and negotiate with him.

Wrecker may also be called: Stubborn Child, Why Try - Everything is Useless If You Can't Be the Best - Quit It, Quibbler, Destroyer, Loser. Sometimes the Wrecker is also the Victim, a subpersonality that likes to feel helpless, to get attention by the skillful ability to appear inept, awkward, etc.

What would you name your Wrecker?

Remember that the subpersonality is a convenient model for dealing with the driving forces of the personality, but it is only a model that does not claim to be the original. When they talk about subpersonality, they mean a certain set of attitudes, behavioral stereotypes, beliefs, drives, etc., which takes on a holistic, distinguishable form only in our minds.

Exercise "Dance of Identifications"

“Identify yourself sequentially with the four elements: Air, Fire, Earth and Water. Feel the specificity and energy of each of the elements, surrender to it entirely. Performing this exercise, you can also identify with the forest, sky, river, grass, any, including fabulous, animals, the four cardinal points, etc. In the dance, you can identify with anything, even with a doorknob - this it greatly contributes to psychological liberation, blurring the boundaries of the "Ego", weakening attachment to oneself. It is very good to identify with the character of a piece of music, such as a song. Play with "pop" - this is great for developing acting skills and reducing self-importance.

Exercise "In the footsteps of subpersonality"

Stand up and try to portray any of your subpersonalities.

In what life situations does this subpersonality appear? How often? What circumstances provoke the appearance of this subpersonality? Does this subpersonality help you to act in this situation? How does she help you? Does she hinder you in any way? What is happening to your body? What happens to your emotions? What is happening to your thoughts?

Write down the answers to these questions to get to know your subpersonality better. Recording itself as a repeated appeal to the experience gained is an important part of the work and often allows you to notice any factors, nuances that did not appear so clearly when working with the technique of internal dialogue.

Exercise "Dialogue with subpersonalities"

For a better acquaintance with subpersonalities, the following questions are used:

"What is your purpose?" The question allows the subpersonality to talk about the purpose of its existence. This allows us to determine how the goal of the subpersonality corresponds to the consciously chosen direction of our life. Does the goal of the subpersonality contribute to the realization of our potential, or does it contradict our goals, interests and ideals?

"Why are you here?" - allows you to learn about the actual activities of the subpersonality. The answer to this question makes available valuable information about the actions of the subpersonality. Do these actions help the conscious personality, or do they prevent the personality from fully expressing itself?

"What do you want from me?" - helps to discover the hopes and desires of the subpersonality. As observers, we are aware of the demands of the subpersonality and their manifestation in everyday life (which often happens against the will of the personality).

"What do you want from me?" - reveals the hidden real needs of the subpersonality. The answer points to secret desires, deeply hidden in the subpersonality, and to the possibility of satisfying these desires.

"What do you offer me?" - shows the hidden qualities of subpersonality. Although they are there, you need to get to them. At the same time, they point to the possibility of subpersonality transformation and the potential impact of such transformation on the personality.

"What are you protecting me from?" - allows you to understand the motivation of the subpersonality. Its primary motivation is to protect the personality, but the ways and means of protection chosen by the subpersonality often leave much to be desired. Quite often, the reaction of a subpersonality is the opposite of its primary intention. The recognition of the primary protective function of the subpersonality is extraordinarily useful. The manifestation of sincere understanding and compassion is especially important when we are dealing with difficult subpersonalities. Recognition of the original protective function is extremely useful, especially when trying to interact with a difficult and uncomfortable subpersonality, which requires understanding and genuine compassion. The result of this is the acceptance of those qualities that, at first glance, it is impossible to accept. This is followed by an increased understanding of the very difficult negative parts of our personality. Understanding and being able to face the subpersonality is the most direct and loving way to soften and transform rigid structures.

Exercise "Circle"

List all your desires. Write down everything that comes to your mind. Make sure you include both what you already have and what you would like to have in the future (this is, of course, not about things or gifts). Because you can't look at other people's lists, here are the most common desires:

    finish your studies; not to get sick, and so that none of the close people get sick; have enough money; be in love; to be loved; achieve success in work (business); get a good education.

Now focus on how you felt when you read the list. Do you have a subpersonality that tells you that she would also like to have all this? Or a subpersonality that condemns people who have desires that you do not have or that are insignificant for you? Now make a list of your own desires.

When you hit 20 items on your list (or when you feel like you've written down all your wishes), go through the list and pick the 5-6 most important ones. Maybe you want to change something in it. For example, the desires to "ski", "swim", "play tennis" and "hike" can be combined into one general "do sports in the fresh air". Now highlight your most important desires and do not include those that your "What Will People Think" sub-personality wants to prioritize?

On a large sheet of paper, draw a circle about 20 cm in diameter. Inside it is a smaller circle. It turned out a ring, the central part of which is your "I". And in the ring itself, place those 5-6 subpersonalities that are the spokesmen for your desires.

Draw (preferably with colored pencils or paints) symbols that reflect your desires. Lack of artistic ability in this case does not matter. Just draw and color any symbols that come to mind.

When you're done drawing, give each subpersonality its own individual name. Some of them may sound like nicknames: Adventurer, Prudent, Defenseless Baby, Big Guy, Lover Hero, Healer, Connoisseur. Others will be more romantic, such as Primal Horse and Hound Lover, Country Girl, Forest Fairy, Miss Perfect, etc. It's important to come up with your own names that make sense to you.

Now color your "I".

This exercise first of all allows us to identify positively directed subpersonalities that correspond to our conscious desires. Negative subpersonalities (Skeptic, Critic), subpersonalities corresponding to repressed desires, remain in the shadows during this exercise.

This exercise can be repeated many times, and the names of some subpersonalities, including the most important ones, may change as you become more clear about what they want, how they act, and why they change.

Exercise "Synthesis"

Each of us would like to be a harmonious personality. But first you need to identify and realize the polar qualities of your personality (character), and only then try to reconcile them and swagger, struggle with authorities and deification of an idol, sensual fantasy and dry rationalism.

It is known that a person cannot be harmonious if he identifies himself with only one of the polar qualities. Choose the polarity of your psyche that you want to work with.

Divide a blank sheet of paper in half with a vertical line and draw one of the selected polarities on one half of the sheet. On the second half, make a free pattern of opposite polarity. The quality of the drawing doesn't matter. So, two poles against each other. Think about their content, the possibility of their interaction.

Now below (or on another sheet) depict the interaction of these two poles. These can be: conflict clash, trial contact, disgust, etc.

Continue drawing and let the interplay of these polar qualities emerge into some form. Synthesis can be spontaneous: two parts are combined into one whole. If a new whole has arisen, do not abandon it, but try to understand what it is, and what was your state in which this synthetic image appeared.

Then, on the back of the drawing, write down everything you experienced and suggest how the new synthesis could come about in your life.

Exercise "Workbook"

Such a notebook is intended for regular recording of the processes of development of inner life. External events can be recorded insofar as they are related to the dynamics of the inner world. Record keeping has several purposes:

    teaches you to clearly and clearly express your thoughts, your inner experiences; teaches from many points of view to choose one, the main one; promotes self-disclosure, that is, teaches to reveal oneself for oneself; is a stimulant of creativity.

In this notebook, you can express thoughts that have “boiled” and that you do not dare to express even in a psychotherapeutic group, and this helps to relieve emotional stress.

In addition to the text in the notebook, you can enter drawings, diagrams, symbols that only you understand. Such drawings reflect the work of the subconscious and can be used to better understand yourself.

Exercise "I am not a role"

Sit comfortably, relax, then mentally say to yourself:

“I am involved in various activities and play many roles. I have to play these roles and I want to play them the best I can, whether it be husband or wife, father or mother, teacher or student, entrepreneur or politician. These are nothing more than roles - roles that I voluntarily play. Therefore, these roles are not me. I can watch my game from the outside, I can be not only an actor, but also the director of this performance. Focus on the thought: “I play the role I need, but I am not the role.”

Exercise "What am I?"

The purpose of this exercise is to help you achieve a high level of self-awareness and discover your true self. It is based on the assumption that each of us is like an onion, that is, it consists of various layers that hide the most important thing: our essence. These layers can be positive or negative. They reflect various aspects of our personality and our relationship with the outside world. Some of these layers are like a facade or a mask that hides what we don't like about ourselves. Behind others, there are some positive qualities that we are unable to fully comprehend. In any case, somewhere behind these layers, in the depths of each of us, there is a center of creativity and vibration - our true "I", the innermost essence of our being. The exercise, which consists in answering the question “What am I?”, easily and unobtrusively leads us to the comprehension of this essence, understanding and awareness of ourselves as a person, identity to ourselves.

Choose a place where you can be alone with yourself and where no one will disturb you. Take a piece of paper, write a number and a title: "What is 'I'?" Then try to give a written answer to this question. Be as open and honest as possible. Periodically stop and ask yourself this question again.

Relax, close your eyes, clear your head of extraneous thoughts. Again ask yourself the question “What am I?” and observe the image that appears before your mind's eye. Don't try to think or draw any conclusions, just watch. Then open your eyes and describe in detail everything you saw. Describe the feelings you experienced in connection with the image and its meaning.

Stand so that there is enough free space around you. Close your eyes and ask yourself again: "What am I?" You will feel the vibrations of your body. Trust his wisdom, the movement should unfold until you have a sense of its completeness. Perhaps you should accompany what is happening with some kind of sound or singing. At the end, write down your experience on paper.
