I like to remember what happened. I agree to live where your heart feels good and consider it your home

Sometimes I like to remember what happened, which can no longer be returned, and some kind of pleasant sadness appears, you seem happy because it all happened, but you also seem sad because it won’t happen again, you don’t communicate with many people anymore , and everything has changed, but you will always be grateful to those people for your happy moments...

When two people with the same dreams meet, everything works out for them.

Pregnant...getting married...thanks to the neighbors, otherwise I wouldn’t even know.

The best and most correct way out of the situation: forget all the bad things, keep the good moments in your memory, just say thank you for everything we have experienced. And move on.

Because everything that happens to us is for the better.

Rare endangered species!

Sometimes you think: “When will the day come when when asked “how are you” I will answer “great” and not lie?”

Life is short!.. Break the rules... Say goodbye quickly... Laugh uncontrollably... Kiss slowly... Dance like no one is watching... Sing like no one is listening... Love like no one hurt you pain... After all, life is given to a person once... And one must live it in such a way that those at the top will become stupid and say: well, repeat it!...

How often do you make mistakes in life?

we lose those we value,
Trying to please others,
sometimes we run from our neighbors,
We lift up those who are not worth us,
and we betray the most faithful,
To the one who abandoned us,
we are going for help again,
We despise those who are honest with us,
We ourselves forgive everything to the enemy,
We are waiting for an apology from a friend,
We don’t suffer from someone else’s pain,
we give ours to someone else,
we only notice our heart,
We’ll break the other one ourselves!
We leave those who love,
to someone who is not waiting for us at all,
In the empty we find beauty
and drink the sweet honey of deception,
This is how we lose our happiness,
and we follow the ghost,
It's so hard for us all to understand
We realize everything so late!!!

my problem is that I understand everything.

If a person cares about your appearance, this is not your person.

For me you were perfect.
and probably the best.
smiled when sad.
and laughed without listening to me.
for me you were wonderful.
my unearthly deity.
just my heavenly miracle.
Well, why do I need you? for what?
I could always come to you.
you give me tea and “everything is fine”
and thank you for the years,
I'm sorry I left then.
you all remember my tracks.
I didn’t sleep, I didn’t live without you.
I'm just like you
Well, I didn’t deserve it one bit.

Sometimes I like to remember what happened, which can no longer be returned, and some kind of pleasant sadness appears, you seem happy because it all happened, but you also seem sad because it won’t happen again, you don’t communicate with many people anymore , and everything has changed, but you will always be grateful to those people for your happy moments

My character is changing a lot. I am no longer attracted to people without whom I could not imagine my life. I'm annoyed by many of my "ex" friends. I am not interested in communicating with those whom I considered interesting people. My circle of friends has narrowed, and this makes me happy, because I began to better understand people and understand who is family and who was sent for experience.

He says he hates me
I answer him the same
but we both know
what does this mean even more than I love

People never grow up. They just learn how to behave in public.

Life will not teach you if you don’t want to grow wiser.

Smile, listen, agree. And then do everything you wanted to do anyway.

Beauty lies precisely in naturalness, unpretentiousness, which so captivates the imagination.

Everyone sees what you appear to be, few feel who you really are.

It is impossible to stay in the heart; one stays there only for a permanent place of residence.

The most important thing is most often nearby, under your nose - you just need to look around carefully.
Elchin Safarli. If you could know

If so, then it must be so,
Tired of screaming into silence
I didn’t hear, I didn’t understand, and that’s okay.
What more can I say?
You see, everything is fair,
And everything is as it should be
And it’s more important not to leave gracefully,
And once you leave, you cannot continue to love.
Don't leave yourself somewhere in the past,
Somewhere out there, in my dreams of you,
Everything is possible, everything in life is possible.
Do you need to dig into yourself?
Those who don't want to hear won't hear.
What to say? If you love, love
If you love, don't deny
If you love, don't leave.

I wander alone in November, I don’t dare crush the leaves.
I'm lying to myself that I don't love...
I lie to myself that I forget...

Love has no symptoms, and it does not warn of its appearance.
Elchin Safarli. If you could know

Physical presence is only half the battle. The affection of the heart is much more important.
Elchin Safarli. If you could know

My last love did not have time to transform into anything. She remained in me. Once and for all. For life.
Elchin Safarli. If you could know

The main thing is that waiting is only a segment of our life, and not our whole life.
Elchin Safarli. If you could know

You cannot leave me, because no one ever leaves my heart. Physically this is possible, but not at the heart level. Those who are allowed into it always remain there. Only a rearrangement of places is possible, for example from the first places to the distant ones, but this does not change the essence: it is impossible to stay in the heart, they remain in it only for a permanent place of residence.
Elchin Safarli. If you could know

Happiness is known through comparison. Sometimes it is useful to remember yesterday in order to appreciate the present more.
Elchin Safarli. If you could know

Learning to speak means growing up; learning to remain silent means becoming smarter.

The big mistake each of us makes is that we draw the wrong conclusions without waiting for an answer.

The best teacher in life is experience. True, he charges a lot, but he explains it clearly.

Treat every mistake as a lesson that helped you become better.

Everyone has such a person in their life, after whom you change. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it was boundless happiness or crazy pain. You just understand that you will no longer be the same as before.

Vadik, I want everything back as it was, we broke up because of my stupidity, I still love you and want us to be together!
- I want it too:)
- Is it true? Honestly:)
- Oh, no,... it seemed :)

Let's remember what you can do without a computer at all. Well, we all had such a time, it seems like a relatively mature generation has gathered.
- Solder. But there is a risk that it will turn out to be a computer again.

She picks up the phone
writes SMS.
22:30 She “Hello”
22:35 He: “Hello, how are you?”
22:37 She “Are you wearing it?”
22:50 He “yes...”
She does the first one very
deep stripe on his
wrist, but misses
22:55 She “Do you love her?”
22:57 He “yes...”
She makes a second deep
a stripe on my hand... Not that either...
But it’s longer... longer and
23:00 She “And you know that I
love you?"
23:20 He “Yes, I know... and what about
She “you know... I'm through now
I'm going to die in a couple of minutes, and I want... what
would you
knew that I was crazy about you
loved.. And you are with her... you are with her..
so be it
happy... goodbye.."
She makes a third stripe
the deepest, she
puts all of himself into it
hatred... all the pain.. all
her body lies in red
water, she turned white. She
died...she's no more
return.. She will never again
doesn't know what love is...
What's it like
is it -Being loved? She doesn't
finds out...
23:37 He “STOP!!! DO NOT DARE
LOVE YOU!!! With her
I'm just meeting
piss you off!!! Don't you dare do this
23:40 He “I love you...
I love…"
A day later she was found dead
but, with a smile on her face... She
smiled at the world...
she was buried, she was in her
prom dress, it was
wedding... beautiful... He
stood next to her and cried...
She will never now
will not know how he dreamed about her.
If you love, tell me right away... Otherwise it may be very late
Note If you love, speak right away.... Otherwise it may be very late

Why am I going to remember you and worry about you??? Now I’ll close the browser and in 5 minutes I won’t even remember about you! The Internet is cruel! Nobody remembers David Blaine anymore, but you say I will remember you.

Happy is the one who is behind the transceiver in the evenings
Every day after work I reach out to my friends.
If you are not alone on the air, then there is no problem.
It has always been this way.

Happy is the one who spends his weekends on the contest,
and not a 3D shooter, farm or quest.
The neon light at the antenna is shining, bright as a star.
It has always been this way.

Happy is the one who hunts for DX every day.
Happy is the one who is not too lazy to install an antenna on the roof,
to contact the antipode quickly and easily.
It has always been this way.

Happy is he who takes him on vacation to the islands
tent, station, antenna, thermos and firewood.
Let the meteor, having provided communication, hide without a trace.
It has always been this way.

Happy is the one who has walls and ceiling in his diplomas.
Happy is the one who has only recently joined the radio circle.
Let the years rustle in front of the key and the microphone.
It'll be this way forever.

About the vanilla status beloved by many "I love rain, blah blah blah"
Now we have continuous downpours. It would seem that this is happiness, you can cry for a year ahead. But for some reason, at the very first drops, the girls run home squeaking, instead of romantically wandering through the puddles, sobbing. What inconsistency!

Darling, at first I was upset that you left. I even wanted to write to you that I love you and cannot spend time alone. I even decided to invite you to visit me again for a couple of days.
And then I discovered that you forgot your screw full of anima...Thank you, my love. You always knew how to please.
