Love messages to a beloved man in prose. Letter to a beloved man

A beautiful love letter to your beloved man, boyfriend

Hello my lovely! It's been years since the day we accidentally grabbed the same ice cream at the counter, do you remember? And you didn't let go for a few seconds. And I was surprised at the impudence and decided to fight to the death for the last ice cream in this stall. Of course, then you made excuses, kept talking about my bottomless blue eyes, from which there was a noise in my head and my consciousness turned off. And I laughed merrily and did not trust a single word, because I knew what kind of guys can sing praises, just to powder the girl's head.

Until dawn, we wandered with you along the shore of the pond, along the linden alley. It seemed that this ice cream, already eaten for a long time, became our common star, one for two, like the one that slowly, slowly fell from the sky, so that we managed to make a wish together. And you never told me what you thought of that night. Do you remember, darling? We all walked and walked, holding hands and looking at each other as if we would never see each other again. But we met the next day. And than.

Do you remember the first time you wanted to kiss me? Do you remember how embarrassed and tangled your tongue at this request? And I was seething inside: the stupidest person! Why ask when you can see with your eyes! But you did not see, you were glowing with paint, although it was dark, and the distant lamp highlighted our shadows on the asphalt path. And how we kissed! Selflessly, to pain, to small cracks on the lips! Sweet and salty, remember?

You asked me to marry you on the bus when we were driving from the skating rink. It was so funny: disheveled hair that had fallen out from under the cap and stuck to the forehead, cheeks dyed crimson by frost and a bewildered look. Were you afraid that I would refuse? And I agreed! Immediately, without hesitation, without consulting with my mother and grandmother! It was then that they shouted that I was a careless, stupid girl who was dropping out of her studies and career because of the first person she met. They also cried, dressing me up on my wedding day, they both roared in a voice, no in three voices. I also cried with them, not knowing why. Maybe from happiness, or maybe for the company.

You went to the army, did not excuse yourself, although you graduated from high school. And he could hide behind our son. You didn't. I'm offended. Silly, how I did not understand male honor, pride. In general, patriotism - the word then for me was completely distant and alien. And only later I became proud of you, my love, I realized how important it was for you to serve your Motherland, protect the country, parents, me and your own son. How you rejoiced at his clumsy words! How he tormented him when he returned! I was jealous, yes, very jealous of both of you for each other. Alone, you belonged to me without a trace, and together you seemed to be able to do without me. Silly! How can you do without me!

And now I'm sitting on the edge of the bed, where you haven't had time to wake up yet. I look at you, my love, and I feel like the happiest woman in the world. I have a house, I have a son, I have you. So big, strong, smart and kind, you have been in my life for ten years. And you haven't forgotten about our date. Here it is, ice cream on the nightstand. You brought it at night and didn't wake me up. Melted. Well, let. We'll eat it together when you wake up.

Other beautiful love letters to your beloved man, boyfriend:

Your first letter

  • General tone of the first letter
  • First impressions last forever

    Your first letter is your first personal contact with a man, and it depends on it whether or not your relationship will be in the future. You will never get a second chance to make a first impression. There is an expression in English: "First impressions last" - the first impressions remain for a long time.

    The principle of constructing the first letter

    Whether you're responding to an ad or a potential candidate's email, the principle of building your first email is the same.

    The first letter to a man should be long enough to interest him, but not get bored - 1.5-2 pages. It should be informative, but at the same time entertaining and interesting. A little bit of humor is always welcome.

    And, of course, it must be in English (or in the native language of the man). A man is unlikely to run to look for an interpreter; rather, he would prefer to answer another letter. Prepare the initial "sample" of the first letter, and in the future you will only have to vary the details slightly, sending it to different men.

    Begin the letter with "Hi", or "Dear", putting the man's name after the address. "Hi" has an informal connotation, "Dear" is more strict, usually translated as "respected". Mention where you got the man's address from if you are the initiator of the contact. Say that you are looking for just such a partner as him, and quote a few phrases from his own description.

    If you are the initiator of the contact, mention where you got the man's address from. Say that you are looking for just such a partner as he is, and quote a few phrases from his own description.

    If you are replying to a man's letter, first of all thank him for his attention and warm letter, and say that you really liked it (I suppose if you did not like the letter, you will just write a short note with a refusal). It is important to show the man that you carefully read his ad or profile, and not just send the same letter to everyone. Quote or paraphrase a couple of phrases that you liked the most and say that you think that you might be right for each other (I think we may be right for each other) and that you would like to start corresponding with him to find out is that so (I would be happy to start corresponding with you and get to know each other better).

    Briefly tell us who you live with, whether you have brothers and sisters, what education you received, where and with whom you work. This whole "autobiography" should not take up more than half a page - but it is very important, Western people attach great importance to family ties.

    Next, tell us what kind of person you are, what you like and dislike, what you value in people, what you dream about, what place your family occupies in your life. If you have children, tell a little about them, especially if the man also has children. (For more on what to say about yourself, see What to say about yourself.)

    When talking about your positive qualities, sometimes it seems uncomfortable to "overpraise" yourself - give your description as if from the words of others ("My friends say that I am." - "My friends say that I am."). Tell us in detail about your hobbies - not just "I love music", but what kind of music do you prefer, what bands are your favorite. If you have animals in the house, tell us about them, about funny cases with them and in general about funny cases with you, if they are "in the subject."

    Ask a few questions about what you would like to know about the man, about his country. It is desirable that questions about the country be more specific, let the man understand that you already know a lot about his homeland, but would like to know more.

    A man should feel that he is interesting to you. Ask if he is going to come to Russia, and if he is going to, then when he plans to travel. Say that you will be happy to be his guide when he arrives.

    How to make your writing stand out from others

    Try to make your letter original, the way you yourself would like to receive. Constantly correct and supplement the original sample.

    At one time, within a few months, I wrote a wonderful first letter, to which I received about 9 responses for 10 letters sent (with an average coefficient of 2-3 responses). My knowledge of English at that time left much to be desired, to put it mildly, and I constantly had difficulty expressing my thoughts. How to find a way out of this situation?

    I used letters I received from men. When I found an idea, phrase, or expression I liked, I included it in my sample letter. Gradually, I came up with a great message - interesting, fun and, most importantly, 100% "English".

    Your letter should not give the impression that you are unhappy. It should come from a woman who is completely satisfied with herself, life and others, but who is not enough for the complete happiness of a loved one.

    Topics that should not be developed in the first letter: problems in everyday life, shortcomings of Russian men, unsuccessful marriages, politics, your salary, problems with money or health, drugs and alcohol in Russia, etc. You don't want a man to think that a foreign marriage is just a means to escape from the harsh Russian reality for you, do you?

    General tone of the first letter

    Try to carry on as if you were already friends. Do not be afraid of men - they are afraid of you. Ask the man to answer your letter, write that you are really looking forward to his answer.

    Be sure to include your photo. The photo does not have to be professional - a high-quality amateur one will do. If the photo is not from a studio, write a short comment about where and when it was taken.



    Since the time of Pushkin's Tatyana, the norms of etiquette have seriously changed. Writing to a man first today is not at all shameful, it is a sign of an active and purposeful woman. If you have registered in a dating service that involves correspondence, and you want to interest a man in your first letter, you should use the following rules.

    Top 10 Rules for Initial Chatting with a Man

    Avoid template expressions. Phrases from the series "Hi, how are you?" or "Do you want to meet?" beaten. The first impression that a man gets after reading them is that this woman is banal, she most likely has a small vocabulary. Better try to use more original expressions to start dating. Example: “Are you also looking for a pretty, outgoing and fun girl? Here I am!"

    The first letter to a man for acquaintance is an example of an unobtrusive sign of attention. Ask him about things that are important to him. This is not yet the moment when the candidate needs to be interrogated with prejudice. One or two questions are enough, and they should be pleasant, such that he himself wants to answer them. Based on the information from his profile or on his photographs.

    Example: “The photo in the background is such a beautiful landscape, reminiscent of Switzerland. You were there?"

    Encourage him to talk about himself. Give the interlocutor the opportunity to speak out, become a grateful listener. Let him know that you are interested in getting to know him.

    Stand out. In the first letter, it is important to hook the addressee. Tell us about your unusual hobbies or hobbies. But you shouldn't imagine that you are an ardent fan of snowboarding and climbing, if in fact you are terribly afraid of heights and prefer to relax by the fireplace with your favorite novel.

    Maintain intrigue. Don't tell everything about yourself at once. Don't clutter up the letter. It is better to give out “secret information” bit by bit. Men love it when a woman has a mystery. This increases your chances that he will want to know more about you and continue to get to know you.

    Don't write about problems. Don't scare your new friend. At the initial stage, communication should be easy and bring only pleasure. If the relationship moves into a more serious phase, you will have time to discuss all the pressing issues. Remember, this is the first letter to a man for dating. An example of phrases that can scare a potential groom:

    "All previous men have disappointed me."

    "I'm all alone, and I'm so sad..."

    "Hope you're not one of those people who don't answer emails."

    "My two children really need a father."

    Don't go overboard with compliments. Everything should be in moderation. Here is an anti-example of such excessive praise for you: “When I saw you, I immediately thought that you were the one I needed. You look like the man in my dreams. You are just perfect."

    Remove jargon. Keep a literary style and restrained tone, otherwise the addressee may think that you are not a serious person. If you communicate with a foreigner, he may not understand you at all.

    Avoid controversial topics. For example, questions of political preferences at the beginning of communication should definitely not be touched upon.

    Be yourself. This is the first letter to a man for acquaintance. He doesn't need a role model. He wants to know the real you. So, while observing all of the above, try to be sincere at the same time!

    If you want to get to know a man without racking your brains over the first letter, we suggest you do it via Skype. We will select for you really interesting candidates for husbands who will meet your needs, and we ourselves will establish initial contact with them on your behalf. Do you want to know how things are going? Ask your questions to our consultant. Contacts for communication here.

    Writing a love letter to a man

    Writing love letters to your loved ones is a long tradition, although somewhat modified. Now they write mainly emails, sms, messages through social networks, skype. Traditional paper letters still have their charm. You can touch them, inhale the scent of perfume-scented paper, press them to your heart, even kiss them (romantic people).

    The reason why love letters are written is clear. But there are nuances: the content of love letters to a man depends on the nature of love. They are passionate, timid, sad, hopeless, pleading, joyful or filled with bitterness. There are messages addressed to a real partner (husband, boyfriend), a potential partner, your ex, someone else's man, or even a beautiful stranger.

    sad letters

    Perhaps, let's start with the sad ones, then we will consider more life-affirming variants of letters. Sad love letters to a man are the result of unrequited, sometimes hopeless, doomed love, sometimes asking for love, where there is hope for reciprocity.

    Letter of hope for reciprocity

    Associatively, Tatyana Larina is remembered, who wrote a similar message to Eugene Onegin. Such a letter can be sentimental, a little begging, touching, or vice versa, bold and passionate. The main thing is that the letter should be sincere, revealing emotional experiences. Like this:

    When I saw you, the ground left from under my feet, my breath caught, my heart beat faster. I then realized that I was waiting for you all my life. Please hear me, understand. You are my Destiny. I want to see you, enjoy your touches, hear the music of your voice, gently hug you, die from our kisses. I love you forever...

    Hopeless or unconditional love letter

    There is love unconditional, humble, accessible to selected "holy" women's hearts. The feeling is directed at someone else's partner or a man who does not reciprocate. The motto of such love is: “I don’t need anything from you. I'm happy that you exist." In such a message, sadness is bright, although love is unrequited. As an option:

    I breathe you. I wake up - I think about you, I wish you a good day. I work - I remember your voice. I fall asleep - I imagine your face. I mentally wish you a good night. Your eyes are bottomless, your smile is the sweetest, the timbre of your voice is the most pleasant. You are my favorite, unique, desired. I perceive everything that happens through the prism of you: public transport, my work, any weather, music, films, books ... My heart is yours. My thoughts are for you. All of me is for you. Be happy, love! Too bad it's not with me...

    joyful letters

    Such letters are written by lucky women: a beloved partner is nearby, everything is harmonious, joyful, good. The message can be addressed to the past (memories of acquaintance), to the present, even to the future (simulation of a happy life together).

    A kind of recognition-memory revives feelings. Remember in the letter the day you met, your first date, your first emotions, funny situations. What did you like right away? What made you laugh? What's hooked? For example:

    You weren't alone when we met. I didn't like your companion right away. The thought flashed: "It's a pity that I'm busy!". Turns out it was a friend. How glad I was! You were wearing a plain T-shirt and faded jeans. You shook your shaggy hair, tried to please me, joked, looked into my eyes. I smiled, a little embarrassed. She played the role of the snow queen, and she herself was drowning in sparkling blue eyes. The imaginary queen's heart melted. I was afraid you wouldn't ask for my number. You still asked...

    We write a letter of encouragement. You can list the qualities of a loved one that you like, recall small joint joys, secrets. Your partner will be pleased! For example, like this:

    You are special. I like your sincerity, the ability to listen to all my nonsense, to understand perfectly. I love your sparkling sense of humor. I love your courage. I'm proud of your mind. I melt from your tenderness. I like your romance, passion, ability to surprise, delight with surprises. Ready to love you forever! You are my ideal…

    About future

    We write a message to the future. We list the components of a joint happy life. What will life be like? How many children? Which house? We fantasize, modeling an ideal future with a loved one! Let's say:

    10 years will pass. We will only love each other more. We will build a beautiful house surrounded by a garden. The house will be full of friends. We'll have naughty kids. The son is your copy. Daughter is like me. We will love them, scold them for pranks (occasionally), walk in the park, travel together. Sometimes we will send children to their parents, arranging romantic evenings for ourselves. After such dates, I will be younger, bloom again. You will admire me, I will adore you. In 10 and 20 years we will be happy...

    Want to write a letter to your loved one? It's great if the beloved man is nearby. Then the letter will be joyful. If so far unlucky, you can write a sad letter. In any case, the process of writing a love letter is a pleasant experience or a kind of heart therapy.

    We compose a letter to a man so as to get a 100% answer

    In our computer age, letters are no longer masterpieces of the epistolary genre. Gone are the days when they were written with goose quills by candlelight all night long in beautiful handwriting. When, before sending, a letter was smothered with your favorite perfume, decorated with kisses and official seals, and the received letters, tied with a silk ribbon, were carefully stored in expensive boxes for decades.

    Today, handwritten letters are extremely rare, many prefer faceless electronic messages. Therefore, it is especially important to give them sincerity, to make them individual and unique, in order to attract the attention of the addressee even with a few lines.

    On the site, we have already published an article about what can and cannot be written in letters to a man.

    But how to write the first letter to a man so that he is interested in it?

    First of all, every woman in search can be advised not to wait for a letter, but to write first. Of course, for the most part, few women decide on this. But in vain. After all, this is a guarantee that you will not receive a letter from someone unknown whose profile does not interest you at all, and you will have a chance to wait for a response letter from a person who really interested you. Therefore, the more emails you send, the higher the chances of getting multiple responses.

    Of course, not all recipients will answer you. And there are several reasons for that. For example, if your photo and profile seemed too positive to a man, then he may not answer simply because he thinks that you are too good for him, or he thinks that you just want to use him as a chance to move to another country. Or foreign grooms, simply taught by bitter experience, believe that a girl who is too beautiful (“a la model”) will simply love his money.

    A nondescript photograph of a woman will also not cause a desire to respond to a letter, because many modern European men consider Slavic women the most beautiful, and may not rush to answer you in search of a more attractive photo.

    You may not even wait for an answer if a foreign man considers that your profile contains excessive requirements for candidates for the position of the second half. Promising foreign suitors are also afraid that Russian women in their letters often adhere to an assertive tone, and sometimes openly, already in the first letter, hint that they want marriage and children.

    By the way, the upbringing of many Europeans tells them that it is better to ignore the letter than to write a polite refusal about the fact that you are not suitable for them.

    In any case, there is no reason to be sad. No answer - it's okay - it just means that the silent addressee is not your man.

    So what do we write in the first letter?

    Read here examples of letters to a foreigner in different languages.

    First, the first letter should not be too long, but should also consist of two sentences too. It is enough to write 10-20 lines, in which there will be no unnecessary burdensome information, but at the same time, the letter should interest him.

    Be sure to address the foreigner by name, as a faceless letter implies that this is just a template addressed to several people. And addressing by name indicates that the letter is intended for a specific addressee, and also indicates your interest in him. Remember: your letter must be original, because it is likely that the man you are interested in receives ten letters of the same type a day, and yours should be out of this pattern. Agree, a letter that simply says “hello, how are you?” won't spark any interest.

    In the first letter, you do not need to write only about yourself, but on the contrary, indicate why you chose his profile, or find some common ground and talk about them. For example, if it is indicated in his profile that a man likes to travel, you can write that you also love it and indicate the places where you managed to visit.

    If you can’t think of anything at all, then just write honestly that you have recently registered on the site, are still inexperienced in meeting foreigners, and for some reason you liked his profile. Will it suddenly work?

    At the end of the letter, be sure to indicate your name, and it is also desirable to attach a photo. Moreover, the photo should not be the one that has already been placed in your profile, but a new one, and preferably recent. These two circumstances will oblige the man to answer your letter, because he will not have to waste time looking for you on the site, and he will immediately be able to evaluate everything.

    By the way, if you still muster up the courage to write a letter first, then take care of your profile. In addition to the fact that it should be original and unique, it can be "customized" a little. That is, after evaluating the questionnaire of the chosen one and noting a number of unique points, you can indicate something in your questionnaire that will correspond to his parameters for finding a bride.

    It is also worth asking one or two questions in a letter - this also encourages you to answer your message so as not to seem impolite. But do not build a letter out of questions alone - men do not want to feel like they are being interrogated, and most of them do not have the literary talent to write a multi-page answer.

    Probably, it is not worth reminding that your letter must be literate, because an illiterate message will be regarded by European men as impolite, or even as an insult.

    Remember, your main task is to get a response to your letter.

    There are a few things that can almost certainly scare off a potential groom. Some of them are noted above. You can add to the list by saying that you should not write in an enthusiastic tone about how you dream of living in England (Germany, America, etc.) - this may suggest that you perceive a foreigner as a bridge to a new life, and no more. It is also not necessary to express unflattering reviews about local men, it is more reasonable to simply modestly indicate that you could not find your soul mate in your homeland and therefore turned your attention to abroad.

    You should also not talk too frankly about yourself, if no one asked about your past, keep silent. Of course, if you are asked, you should not lie, answer sincerely.

    Sincerity must be in everything. In every letter. Of particular note is that you should not lie about your age and whether you have children. Understand, for most European men this is not a disadvantage.

    Having children indicates that you can have them, and age in most European countries is a shaky concept. After all, as you know, from the point of view of the majority of the inhabitants of mother Europe, their childbearing age comes after 27 years, and not at 18, as we do. And any, even your most insignificant lie, can be regarded as a sign that you will deceive in the future.

    Interest in oneself needs to be warmed up with each letter, constantly keeping a foreign man in suspense, in the good sense of the word, this is the only way to ensure that virtual communication develops into a real meeting.

    Elina, especially for

    I'm not a Shakespeare in love and I can't write sonnets.
    But one day I started writing letters to you,
    when you ate, drank, breathed, just lived and forgot about me.
    And these were the best moments in my life - to live with you!
    If you ask: "Do I regret anything"?
    I will answer: “No! You were in my life!
    And during this time, one thing became clear -
    LOVE, which so often tore me off the ground, returned to it.
    Having learned to love, I feel like a person in whom the soul has awakened!
    Thank God for everything! Take care of yourself!"

    Nothing happens in our life just like that. The fate of each person, on the one hand, is predetermined, on the other hand, something can be changed in it. The main thing is to have time to do what is in our power. Every day of our lives is gone. Time, as I have already noticed, is the most precious thing that we lose after relatives and friends. It leaves us forever and irrevocably, smiling arrogantly. I don't know how much more I've got. But I'll try to have time to write you something. …

    Letters to Beloved!

    Love is not sent by God by chance! Probably, we needed to learn something with her help, cleanse ourselves, become better! Most likely, with the people chosen by the heart, we could become happier! Only they don't always choose us! Their feelings are not real. But, nevertheless, we definitely need to believe that every person has a soul mate, hope to find their happiness and place in this world, love and be loved!

    In those rare moments when I took a pen and began to write. … Letters. From longing for you, I wanted to scream, but such an opportunity was not most often. There was only one thing left - to secretly pour out all your pain on a white sheet of paper. I didn't blame you for anything! My every day was a gift from God. Loving you has made me a better person! She gave me the strength to carry on.

    It all started strangely, and continued the same way. … I did a lot of extra stuff. If only I could go back in time and fix something. But the usual happens to us every day, and what can be remembered is infrequent, because it’s not every day that people lose their heads from love! You were and still are my inspiration and the meaning of my whole small and eventful life.

    I melt in you without a trace
    And draw new strength! -
    It's both painful and sweet
    Suddenly be happy!

    And let you believe in a miracle
    Life is easy!
    I will never forget you!
    You are deep in my heart!

    Even when we didn't know each other, I always knew that you were somewhere. We are simply lost in this vast world. You were already too dear to me then, because I felt you with my soul, and your image constantly stood before my eyes. Time passed, and you were not there. In life formed a long and tedious pause waiting. It was tiring! But sometimes I just didn’t want to spend too much on someone else. The strange world lived with its own, often empty and momentary interests, for which we, those people who tried to find in it something real, beautiful, eternal, were seen as strange. On the one hand, time flew insanely fast, on the other hand, it dragged on very slowly. There was always a painful choice on the scales. And for everything in the world had to pay. I chose waiting and loneliness instead of betrayal. These are not empty and pompous words. But for a long time I have not proved anything to anyone, because all our evidence is just self-deception, and they mean absolutely nothing for those who simply do not need us and are indifferent. And love covers everything if it has bestowal and patience. It happens that our worldly ideas about love, beauty, other things are limited and not always true, like crooked glass. They are banal, empty, have no soil in themselves and dissipate like smoke in comparison with spiritual values, virtues, beauty, love. But the lack of time and fuss make them almost inaccessible for many. But dear, dear, close, real - is born in the heart, in the soul, and tickles from one thought, which is disturbing and joyful at the same time that there is love! I listen to my heart, I know and rejoice that you are on this planet, whispering to you in a gentle voice through the open window towards the warm gentle wind: “Beloved, just be!”

    Maybe it's better for some people not to show love for them so that they don't be manipulated and taken advantage of. But who sincerely and judiciously loves will not allow this. At some point in life, a person will still be pleased that he was so especially appreciated, deeply and devotedly loved, selflessly tried for him. Every person is not perfect: he makes mistakes, falls, rises. The main thing is to have time to rise, and so that this does not constantly repeat. If you value a person, you forgive him a lot, and if not, you look with hatred for any petty offense, without noticing the “log in your own eye”. Therefore, you are the best for me, that I just do not see the bad in you. We will not change the whole world, but we can change our hearts, and we must start with ourselves. Of the most destructive feelings, I know hatred and pride, and of the creative ones, love and kindness. That's why I try to love you always! Kissing you tenderly! Sophie

    - Hello my Sunshine!!!
    Today I miss you more than I love or love, missing you, I don’t understand. One thing I know for sure is that in my thoughts you are with me all day. I love you as much as I don't want to!

    Hello Darling!
    Today, nothing has changed: again the evening and again I think about you, and I like it, because my life has become more meaningful with the advent of you! And at a distance we gained more than we lost - we began to trust each other and show our feelings, that is, we learned to love each other, hiding nothing and not being afraid.

    - My dear! It's happiness to love you! A unique feeling to put on rose-colored glasses and listen to birds sing, grasshoppers chirp, the wind rustles; feel the aroma of lily of the valley, rose, jasmine; to see through them a rainbow after the rain, the sunset of the sun going beyond the horizon, the smiles of the people around you, your face. And let me repeat myself, but I observe all this because you are in the world, my love! I want to breathe you! And sometimes it seems that my heart is beating for you, and I manage to deal with many problems in life just because there is you! There were still weak hopes and kind, tired dreams in my soul for our happy meeting soon. But the more time passes, the less it is believed. Thank you for being and being you! When you smiled, I wanted to rejoice with you, when I was discouraged, I had a desire to dry all your tears and drive the clouds away from your doorstep. Sometimes it was even scary to imagine what madness I was ready for for you. … But I know for sure that I would not have heard the singing of birds, the sound of the wind, I would not have seen the rainbow, the sunrise and sunset, I would not have felt the aroma of flowers and harmony within myself if I had not loved you! You appeared in my life, as if from nowhere, but not by chance, at the same time, providentially, like a gift. It's beyond my power not to love you. To the shudder of the soul this feeling! If you could now see my heart in a section, it would look like sparks from a fire flying in different directions. God bless you, my dearest person on Earth!

    - My good, hello! Today is a gloomy autumn day. But, if you remember, I love autumn. I am calmed and mesmerized by her cold, serene and measured spirit. Autumn colors are full of my imagination and suggest different thoughts. For example, many people think that true love died with the death of Romeo and Juliet. And I'll say, "No!" And, at the same time, I boldly add that I love you even more! Saying these words, my heart shrinks from fear for this bright feeling, and I want to hide it in the most secret corner! I want to explain this tenderness, but I'm afraid that in our world too few words have been invented for this. Or maybe no explanation is needed, because I feel reciprocity with an inner spark of intuition. Although you are far away, I always feel you near! The omnipotent, omnipotent feeling, sweeping away any obstacles and distances in its path, has always been called love on this earth! And it seems to me that I was not mistaken with its definition! Nobody canceled eternity, let it exist for our feelings! But everything on Earth has an equal chance of life. When people are together, they are twice as strong! And with God, who created us, we can cope with any difficulties! God bless us! I mentally kiss you. Sofia

    - My dear, hello! Anxiety dispelled the dream. It became stuffy, tears blinded my eyes, I went out to the balcony by touch, I wanted to roar sobbing. But I didn't know why I was crying. Probably from fatigue and hopelessness. At that moment, boundless love for you overwhelmed my heart. It is a pity that we do not choose her, but she chooses us. I stood silently and prayed to God for you! Bless, Lord, our world to be in peace, and those who love to be together! Save from all evil, and may love be unshakable neither by time, nor by distance, nor by circumstances .... The wind played with my hair, gradually drying the streaks of tears in my eyes, and my soul was filled with peace, I looked into the sky, where the moon had already appeared from behind the clouds, and the pink haze of the sunset dissipated. The street slowly plunged into the darkness of night. The trees stood in serene silence and silence, not moving. When it seemed that the whole city fell asleep, I began to write you a letter. Then, after all, I didn’t know that I would write them for many years, loving you more and more !!! Sophie

    - Hello, my dear sun! I miss you so much lately that I constantly look for passers-by in the crowd, although I understand very well, succumbing to feelings of disappointment, that you absolutely cannot be there, because you are in another country. But there are so many things that remind me of you! Tears fill the eyes, and only the wind knows about it, as it dries them on the go. And I remember the phrase from the movie “Hurry to Love”: “Our love is like the wind, you don’t see it, but you feel it”! Even far from you, I live with the thought of her, it gives me strength to hope for a miracle! Dad is with me all day today. But even next to a loved one, I feel sad and lack your warmth. It is said that there is an invisible spiritual connection between kindred spirits. And I made sure of it. Sometimes it feels like I smile when you laugh and cry with you! Unfortunately, time does not heal yet! Tenderness and sweet pain overwhelm my soul! Out of hopelessness, I place my hope only in God and pray: “Lord, unite, calm and rejoice our hearts!” The first stars have already appeared in the high sky. If you remember, I love the sky, that's why I look at it so often. Now it is black, not blue, with cumulus clouds like a few hours ago. Grasshoppers still chirp in the grass, the sounds of cars and the barking of dogs can be heard somewhere in the distance. It got cold. In the evening it looked like it was going to rain. Only he betrayed expectations. This summer rains are rare guests. Fresh air mixed with the intoxicating smell of mattiola, which opened closer to the night. How in such moments not to think about you, and not to dream of a kiss? Take care of yourself! I need you, of course, any, but better healthy! Enough with us and my illness. I am sure that every person deserves happiness, and especially loving people! After all, love is a part of God! And she is blessed in all her manifestations! I reluctantly finish writing. I feel that my soul has become easier, as if talking to you. I hug you tightly and tenderly! Your Sophie

    - Hello, beloved man! Days pass without you, but sometimes it seems that you are somewhere nearby. It makes me feel better when I look at the sky, as if the gentle features of your face are written on it. Today, just like yesterday, it is blue, without clouds, the blue in a matter of hours is replaced by a dark color, painting the tops of the trees black, and at its very top small stars light up, as if deliberately scattered by God's hand in their strictly defined order. Unfortunately, I didn't see much shooting stars this summer. But even these rare stars I managed to make a few wishes, and now I believe that our meeting will certainly be ahead. I know we need each other! And I really want our eyes to light up with happiness again. A strange miracle has been happening in recent days - a butterfly accompanies me everywhere, when I wrote you a letter the day before yesterday - it sat on a leaf with me, the next day it flew into the room, and today it accompanied me when I walked along the street. Butterfly - like a consolation to me from you. The wait gets harder every day. But I still love your lips, eyes, hands, I love just like that, for what you are, and more than I would like. Sorry if that's not right! May you be all right! Always yours, Sophie

    - Hello beloved!
    It has been a long time since my last letter, considering that I wrote them to you every day. I want to reassure you that everything is fine with me, and my attitude towards you has not changed in any way, I miss you and, with sadness, I hope to see you soon. With sadness, because I'm afraid it won't be very soon. I've been a little unwell lately. But today, finally, I managed to overcome my fatigue, take a pen and scribble a few lines on a blank sheet of paper. I just want you to know that I love you for a long time like no one else ever! Kisses and hugs! Your Sophie

    - Hello, my dearest little man on Earth! Someone is languishing from the heat in the city, and I am because of our separation. Recently, I can hardly hold back tears, there is a terrible excitement in my chest, and there are almost no words to express how much I miss you! Forgive me, with my impatience, I am afraid that I will wear out my soul for you and for myself. Give me news about yourself as soon as possible, at the first opportunity. I love you always, and every day even more! I hug gently! Your Sophie

    - My dear, hello! At times it seems that there is nothing left in me, except for a huge faith and a glimmering hope for our soon meeting, and sometimes that these feelings have practically disappeared, turning into a continuous agonizing pause of expectation. Yesterday I heard a good phrase that you can't gain anything without pain. Probably, love and happiness also need to suffer in order to find out the price for everything and not destroy what you have received with such labor. It happens that I myself say smart things, I understand them with my mind, but not with my heart, I yearn and want to see you! I miss you next to me, your gentle eyes, kind words, gentle hands, calming self-control .... Your love! Let now my tenderness touch your heart and warm it, no matter where in the world you are! But the heart, after all, can not be deceived! I feel that love for you gives me the strength to live each new day and strive for something else. Thank God for what you are! I breathe in the air now, as if I breathe you, as if you are near, although it absolutely does not smell of you. I don’t know how to finish the letter, I want to say so much, but there is no point, because the essence is one, and you know about it. - I love you! I dissolve in this feeling without a trace. I hug you tightly, mentally kissing again and again! Your Sophie

    - Hello Darling! Winter has come for us, the magical New Year is approaching, with its new plans and hopes, which I really don’t want to come without you! Today, as for every holiday, I spontaneously chose a postcard for you with words that are a bit similar to those that I would like to say. I chose the usual postcard: with the image of a raccoon hanging on a branch, signed on the reverse side - come back soon, I won’t last long! And this is true! Happy New Year! May all your dreams come true! And the snowflakes of fluffy snow will kiss you for me! I'm finishing writing, I'm sorry, kitten, I'm going to have dinner, although I don't feel like it. Always yours, my sunshine, Sophie

    - Hello, my ray! Today I thought that our life is just a series of events and, of course, a journey. For many, it is long, almost around the world, with storms and calms, splashes and serene smoothness, while for others it is short, like a light breath of a breeze or a flapping of a butterfly's wings. Drops, uniting, form waves, waves - seas and oceans, and my feeling in patience and expectation grows stronger and grows day by day! Although, from this expectation and pain, I sometimes fall apart like an hourglass or splashes of water, but we know that Aphrodite was formed from the sea foam. So, maybe my expectation will bring its good fruit. I can't write anymore, tears fill my eyes. I will be waiting for you on the shore of a cozy bay of this fast river of life to love you in any of your manifestations, on a different horizon and section of the sea wave, more precisely - everything and always! God bless you! With love, your Sophie

    - My dear, hello! I got upset again. I took a pen, because my heart is whispering furiously inside so that I write you a few lines. Time flies insanely fast. Sometimes huge problems are solved in his stream, and sometimes they accumulate in a heap, and you want to destroy everything around. They say time and wine heal. I agree, although I am sure that there are exceptions to any rule. I suggest you have a drink when you meet at brotherhood, no matter how ridiculous it may sound, in order to wash down the unpleasant pain of separation. What can I say, I just missed you a lot. How are you there? Today I decided to test myself - mercilessly delving into my soul and heart, I came to the inconsolable conclusion that I still love you! And the days and nights ruthlessly run into eternity. And I don't know how to stop them. In general, autumn is like autumn, the evening is like one of many evenings. … But there were others when we stood in an embrace at the window at sunset, watching the birds frolic in the sky, and you gently brushed my hair from my shoulder, running your hand over my cheek. Just being with you was already a holiday! Therefore, hugging you again is a thought bordering on a cherished dream. The soul, unfortunately, ruthlessly whines. You better not hear it. Silence helps to understand oneself, and deeds distract from sad thoughts. Life did not break my spirit, on the contrary, it made me more resilient. I believe that everything will be fine! You are the meaning of my life, the sun that illuminates it! My best, I'm proud of you, and I don't want to give it to anyone! I love every cell of your body! You won’t believe it, while I confessed my love, my tea, for the umpteenth time, has cooled down. I am glad that in our time, smart people have come up with microwaves. I reluctantly say goodbye to you again. Until the next letter, dear! Your Sophie

    - Hello, my beloved man! I have you - and this is the main thing! Yes, love in this world is a heavy load, which, at first, you don’t want to receive, and then you don’t know how to save it. Why these fears, anxieties and worries? Is it not from lack of faith? Sorry! It’s just that everything is so out of time, unexpectedly, but perhaps it just seems, and now is the time for these experiences. After all, everything has its time. I sometimes try to understand something, although I still don’t understand anything completely. And sometimes, the more I try to understand, the more I get confused. … And the night descends on the city with its heavenly veil. I see from the window how it is getting dark around, and the first night lights appear. Every minute there are more and more of them, and they are simply mesmerizing. Yesterday I peered into the sun at sunset, which flared up over the bridge in a red glow, boldly reflected by glare on calm water, scattering its rays everywhere. At that moment, I wanted to write to you. Take care of yourself! After all, what will I have in this world without you? Bright sun and glare on the water? But you intuitively know that I love you more! Mentally always with you, as it is attached to you by the soul. I recalled Plato on this occasion: “Loving halves of one soul, separated at birth, will always try to find each other in this world! Love is stronger than attraction! Well, that's all I could say for now. Sorry for love! Hug you! Your Sophie

    - My dear, hello! Unfortunately or fortunately, we do not choose who we love. It is a gift from God or a random choice of our heart. But there is nothing random in the world. God is love! As if He sends a piece of Himself to those who are worthy to carry it, this is a great feeling in our world in order to somehow save it or make it better. "Without love, everything is nothing!" Love makes us better! But the uncertainty is depressing, there is almost no faith and hope left, only remembering you, I know that there is still love, and I don’t regret anything! You are a real miracle, I say sincerely! Over the past time, we have dedicated to each other an avalanche of feelings, clothed in words, daily thoughts, deep heartfelt experiences, thanks to this you are constantly with me, and I am with you; to say without exaggeration, I feel you with every cell of my body and love with every particle of my soul, as if you are near, at arm's length. Sometimes, I want to live with your tenderness and hugs. I remember that day, like now, when I almost disappeared into you, forgetting about everything in the world! But sometimes it seems like an eternity has passed since then. … I don’t know, of course, how many more letters I will write. All I know is that I grew up loving you. And now it is no longer a little naive, suffering from love, girl, but a wise adult woman, grateful that you were and are in her life! Thank God for everything! Kiss! Your Sophie

    Hello Darling! Today is November 22, 2011. How are you?! I'm not very good without you! But in some ways I become more tolerant, probably smarter. Maybe in our time and not up to love?! And perhaps this bright feeling is the only thing that will help us survive in a cold world. There is a very good phrase from the movie "One Day": "Whatever happens tomorrow, we have today"! So I would like to live right here and now. And today the reality is this - two loving halves were lost on this huge planet, they were scattered in different parts of the world, but, oddly enough, there was something in common between them that connects the souls of both and draws to each other! And let us not drink tea together in the coming evening, let us not stand, embracing, in silence by the window, looking at the night lights of the city, let us not fall asleep, warming each other, let us not meet the dawn. But I know for sure when the city, tired of the bustle, plunges into the evening darkness, and in my room, except for the ticking of the clock, I will not hear the steps or the conversation of the neighbors, I will say your name out loud. And, falling asleep, again I will say that I love! God bless you, my dear! Always yours Sophie

    - Hello, my beloved sun! So much time has passed that sometimes I feel like separation just tears my soul apart. Unbearably longing for you! I understand that now the distance is burdensome, and then it will be necessary to protect love from temptations in this vast world. But, if we are made for each other, then we will be able to save everything that is real that binds us! Maybe you should trust fate! “Let love lead us to a brighter day to love you every day,” says one good song. Sometimes, I think that so many minutes of happiness have been lost, only then I realize that love does not always come to everyone, but ours, tested by time, endured in separation and hardened by difficulties, was born into the world and strengthened like hardened steel, which is now almost nothing is scary. You are my little miracle! And great happiness that you are in my life! Thanks for all! Sending a thousand kisses in the hope that they all touch you! With all my heart and soul, your Sophie

    Hello kitty! This winter evening I miss you again and I hasten to scribble a few ridiculous lines. I never realized before why I loved autumn so much and imagined our meeting at this particular time of the year. And when I restored some chronological dates in my memory, I realized that it was in the fall that we met once. Since that day, a lot of water has flowed, as they say, but the distance has not cooled the feelings, but only strengthened, leaving a deep desire to never again know the hardships of loneliness and the fatigue of experiences. Sorry for everything you've been through over the years! Looking for the culprit in this situation is simply stupid! I'm not angry with you and forgive, continuing to live with you! I love you like never before! I send my unspent warmth, mentally hugging! And yet, no matter how many letters I have already written, sometimes there is a feeling that I just have to write my best letter to you. With love, Sophie

    Hello my good! There is almost no strength to be without you. And ahead of a fun holiday and you need to look good. Love is a violent hurricane rushing about in the soul and driving you crazy. I dream of waking up on the first of January in your arms healed. But it is only dreams! Although they are also material, if they can be useful! May these extraordinary holidays fill your life with magic, fulfilling your cherished desires! I sincerely love you, my dearest little man on earth! Your Sophie

    Hello my precious bunny! I am writing to you again so that this thin thread between us does not break, and I see that I miss you very much, although I have not written for only a few weeks. All this time I was thinking how to live far from you, deeply in love?! And there was only one answer - just live, live on! Today burst into tears right in the hallway, coming from the street. I didn't even have the strength to undress. So she stood for some time in boots and a fur coat, leaning on the lintel of the closet, as if buried in your shoulder, swallowing the tears that ran down her cheeks, and her heart ached with violent pain, from which Corvalol did not help. There is no resentment, tenderness covered the sediment of sadness, but the days without you, lately, a little, really, have lost their meaning. I involuntarily remembered your face: now thoughtful, with a slight tinge of sadness, now glowing with a smile; and I really wanted to hug you, to feel that state of lightness in your hands, when the whole world fades into the background! The phrase of Edward Cummings involuntarily came to mind: "Trust your heart when the seas light up, and live by love, even if the stars have turned away"! Come what may, dear, if the heart protests, does not want to forget you and cannot but love! I send my tenderness with a thousand air kisses so that they warm you on this cold January evening, and your soul becomes more cheerful! Many hugs! Your Sophie

    As the day dissolves into the night, as the light absorbs the darkness in the morning, so I mentally dissolve in you! What would our world mean to me without you, your smile, eyes, hands, movements, desires and feelings? It would be empty and more pointless! Only by the grace of God does it still exist, because particles of someone's love are scattered in different corners! … The gentle rays of the sun break the ice on the river, the first flowers appear, nature awakens from sleep to life. Heat comes not only from the sun, but also from heart to heart, if it has it! So much time has passed, and I, after all, have not learned to live without you! Sorry! I need you about as much as every living thing on the planet needs oxygen! Take care of yourself! I hug you, kissing lips and eyes! Your Sophie

    My dear, now I'm watching the last episode of the film "Beetles" and crying, hugging a green towel, like your shoulder. Too bad we're so far apart! I heard the words of Zhukov's wife before her death and remembered you. I would say the exact same thing to you. She said: “I am your Guardian Angel. As long as you're alive, you'll be alive. If you knew how much I loved you, more than anything in the world, more sun, more stars in the sky, more than my life!” It’s impossible not to love you, neither fatigue nor emerging problems distract for a long time, fortunately, everything passes and will be resolved as it arrives, but the gentle sweet pain in the soul remains. Despite certain difficulties, I repeat, love makes me better! Far from ideal, of course, but much better! Thanks for being you! I hug you, my dear little man! God bless you! Your Sophie

    Hello dear! Sometimes I want to give you a little of my time in order to have time to do some other things, but I can’t tear myself away for several hours, sometimes I sit over a letter until dawn, and then I struggle with sleep all day, often, and a headache. It’s just impossible not to think about you, you are my center of attraction, my inspiration! There are millions of people in the world, and my heart has been with you for many years, which seem like an eternity! I would like to know what's new with you today? Do you freeze from winter blizzards? Or is it just not threatening you in that climate? Anyway, hold on! I hope that not in letters, but someday in reality I will tell you that I love you. It remains to live until this bright moment! I believe in you and you! Kiss gently, my extraordinary little man! Just be! And smile now! You have a very beautiful smile! This is the end of writing, because tomorrow is my birthday! Make, please, only one gift, dream of me at night - I have long dreamed of hugging you tightly! Sophie

    P.S. So that, sometimes, I don’t write to you in letters, the meaning lies much deeper, it is between the lines, you will understand this over time!

    I remember you, and the pain is so deep.
    And I send you greetings with love from afar!
    I wish you peace at home
    Peace to your soul!
    My tired angel
    I love you like this!
    Lie right in the heart
    My simple lines
    I kiss you tenderly!
    And, nevertheless, I put an end to it.

    Today the sun shines differently
    And the first flowers appeared. …
    It's definitely worth celebrating this day.
    After all, you are constant in my life!

    The days fly by like a flock of birds.
    I don't notice anything around.
    When I think about you, I can only breathe easily,
    Even if you are far, far away.
    You are like a ray of sunshine in my destiny,
    Where every breath, believe me, belongs to you!

    Hello, my dear and most desirable person in the world! It’s almost one in the morning now, I haven’t written to you for a terrible long time, either from resentment, or from despair, or confusion and commotion of thoughts and feelings, I don’t know, but while everything has calmed down, I again want to pour out my soul overflowing with love. Trust me, I'm just a little tired. Love at a distance is unbearable. You can, of course, test your feelings. There has to be a limit everywhere. There is so much I want to tell you and remain understood. But feelings overwhelm and their essence is one - I infinitely sincerely love you! With this love and last hope, God keeps me on Earth. You give meaning to everything! Your breath somewhere in the distance gives me the strength to live. ... The morning almost merged with the evening, the rest is like work, everything, with rare exceptions, as if on schedule, it feels like my life without you is meaningless, it turned into a change of scenery, a series of days and nights, monotonous affairs, a long pause of waiting! You are like a logical conclusion to all this confusion! Although I am often convinced that love has no logic! And the less you wait for something, the more chances for success. God would give more composure, patience, strength and wisdom! But I rejoice for you and worry with you, I feel, even at a distance, with every cell of my body and tremble! Nothing matters to me but your happiness! Therefore, be happy! I promise not to harm. ... Tears welled up again, but I thought that I had already cried them out a long time ago. Only it’s impossible to forget, the heart constantly whispers that you are in the distance. I hug you tightly! I wish God's help in everything! May God bless you on all ways and roads! Your Sophie

    Hello beloved! I miss you again, in my thoughts and in my dreams, because I visit you every day! And you're far away and it's not clear what's great for you?! But, no matter how much I would not like to be next to you and take care of you, these are still too expensive desires. Therefore, nothing but letters remains, and one has to stupidly ask a question to which I am even afraid to answer: “Whom do I love more than anything in the world?”! They say that if you love a person stronger than God, He can take him away, because God is jealous. So you need to clarify - you are the first in my heart after Him! Much has already changed, part of the past has lost its meaning, but feelings for you have not cooled down. You have become a half of me, the connection with which I really feel. With all my heart I wish you well and prosperity! It is the heart that wise people on Earth, writers, tell to listen to, to remember the same Alchemist, poets, musicians - “listen to your heart, put your palm on your chest, this heart does not lie, forget about everything in the world”, the Bible, the most holy and wisest of books - "Where your heart is, there your treasure will be." And my heart is with you! Your Sophie

    Hello dear man! Evening has come, instead of walking in the parks and watching TV, I am writing letters to you, as if talking to you, in the calm atmosphere of a sleeping city. I don’t want to say that I’m doing something important, but I’m trying to do something special for you, so that you like it, surprise it, please it, remember it. I don’t want to load my problems, my path was not easy without you, but, nevertheless, your love helped me. Thanks for her! Good luck with everything! Your Sophie

    Hello my precious little man! I am writing to you again and I think that the letters are naive, but I re-read and see that they are tender and beautiful, and just like that, without feelings, you cannot write them, with all your desire. I can’t tell you anything new, I miss you just the same. Sometimes I feel very lonely, but I try to hold on. Sometimes unobtrusively, as if, by the way, I will think about you several times a day, I will mentally hold you near and just as unobtrusively let go, occasionally calling you by name. And you have one name - Beloved! No matter what, I try to understand you and justify. You are my anxious and even breathing, sadness and joy, smiles and tears. As I write, tears well up again. Sorry, I've mentioned them many times before. But the letters are new, and the tears every time too! Grasping at tiny straws of hope, I believe that everything will work out somehow! God bless you! Your Sophie

    Good morning, love! Our day usually starts with kind words! I want to continue this tradition. If I didn't tell you all day that I love you, you think the day was wasted. I remember how often you pretended and pretended not to hear something. Sorry, I got offended at times! Although I liked to repeat a few words that you yourself have known for a long time, from which your eyes light up, and the wrinkles on your forehead smooth out. Kidding! I adored you in different ways, in any mood, hoping that it would always be like this. But, as it turned out, nothing lasts forever under the moon! By the way, you didn’t have wrinkles, it’s too early for them! I also liked to see you in confusion, and then, understanding my plans and thoughts, smiling quite! In general, you already, of course, guessed, for five whole minutes I have been trying to explain to you how much I love! I confess that I have not always behaved correctly. But there is one weighty circumstance in my defense - when you love, there is no time to think, because feelings overshadow the mind! I fondly remember each of our telephone conversations, especially in the middle of the night or in the morning, each experienced meeting, when it happened to be nearby and glow with happiness! These were the most extraordinary moments of my life - since you appeared in it! Take care of yourself! You mean too much to me! Your Sophie

    Hello beloved! I don’t really want to remember the period when you were not around, filled with anything but shared shared happiness, but to forget it means to forget all the experience gained along with the suffering and difficulties that, in part, tempered and taught something . You probably want to know how I lived all this time without you? Only with the thought of you! This thought overshadowed the anger, despondency and fatigue due to the current situation. It was hard, but I fought, spiritually hoping that everything was the will of God! I lived as if you were always somewhere nearby, in the next room, opposite the house under construction, with your friends, on a business trip, so I imagined that today I need to be alone. As time went. ... I became wiser, more tolerant, even a little better, I learned not to be afraid of anything, to appreciate you more and cherish all the good things that connected us! Only one thing did not work out - to forget you or love you at least a little less than a couple of years ago! In the evenings, alone with rapture, I repeated your name! It has become for me the most desirable and beautiful in the world! In parting, I will only say that love transforms everything in its path! And I grew up loving you, as if enchanted! Over time, I realized that no one suffers from these feelings more than they gain! It would be a great happiness if there were suddenly more of them in the world! Now you know, dear, how to live without me - just like I lived all this time without you, as if you were there! I believed you! My life would be meaningless and empty only in one case - if it were not for you! In a hundred languages, I mentally repeat that I will love you forever, understand and forgive! These are not simple words! You wanted to never die, here's confirmation for you! My sincere desire was, of course, to die with you on the same day and hour, hearing your breath stop and giving the last kiss. But life is very unpredictable, and if it happens differently, you should always know and remember that I am with you - in your heart! Live like I'm just in the next room! And be sure to try to be happy! I always wanted us to be happy - together or apart! I dedicate all my warmest words to you!!! I hug you tightly!!! And I pray for you to God in my own words:

    God bless you:
    From unnecessary worries
    From bad people
    From redundant things!
    From deadly passion
    From every misfortune!
    May God send you
    Something I could handle!
    Happiness, peace and love
    May they be with you!
    I wish you: kindness, warmth,
    Let there be light where you are!

    P.S. And in the city, at that time, a sultry spring reigned, like a real summer. Poplar fluff flew, people in their cars, irritated and puzzled by problems, were rushing into indefinite distances, I know for sure that she would look at all this and smile, because her letters flew to her Beloved! ...


    Late one evening a phone call broke the silence of my rooms. I did not know then that after him my life would change too. At the other end of the wire, a middle-aged man spoke in a pleasant tired voice. Without much extra explanation, he asked me to be a nurse for his sick daughter for a couple of months. And without much further ado, I agreed.
    It all started a long time ago, when I lovingly looked after my friend in the hospital, someone noticed me, asked me to sit after the operation with his relative, and then my phone began to migrate from one person to another. Unfortunately, the hospitals were always overcrowded and the calls never ended. My selfless sincere work eventually turned into a side job, as people always wanted to thank me for sleepless nights or some other good deeds. It became easier for me to pay for an apartment and loans, but I never set the price, people themselves gave as much as they wanted.
    On the evening of another day, after my main job, I went to the hospital, at its gate I was met, indeed, by a pleasant middle-aged man with a tired voice. He briefly explained the situation to me. His daughter has been terminally ill since 2008. And, if before there were hopes, now they are gone, the doctors calmly repeated that she would live no more than a couple of months. The wife of this man died almost immediately after giving birth, so he raised the girl himself, without marrying a second time. By the way, the charming fair-haired creature with blue eyes was called Sophia. She just turned twenty years old. She was born in Russia but grew up in America, where she moved with her father a few years after her birth. And, oddly enough, now she was also dying in Russia. When the girl was diagnosed with cancer, her father transferred her to home schooling and often began to take her to various sanatoriums and clinics in many countries in search of a suitable treatment, which he never found, despite many promises and assurances. They traveled a lot and returned back to America, where their home was. One day new neighbors moved in with them. And Sophie developed a very warm relationship with a boy, almost the same age, from this family. After some time, he found out about the illness of his girlfriend and accepted it as it is, deep down still hoping for her possible recovery. Sophie tried not to disappoint him and hid many symptoms from him. After all her travels, she brought him souvenirs. Sometimes they called up, despite the long distances and expensive negotiations. Gradually the trips became longer and the separation more unbearable. Sophie didn't have a laptop. Feeling the first true love in her heart, Sophie began to write letters to a dear person, hoping to leave them for him after her. In the last year, Sophie did not write much, as she felt very ill and could hardly hold a pen in her hands. When she found out that I wrote poetry, she showed me the letters, asking me to type them on the computer and correct them. I promised her I would. They touched me to the core. Like her father too. Who, at first not knowing about their existence for many years, accidentally saw a scribbled pile of paper on a coffee table in the ward, when the girl was once again taken to intensive care. Sophie sent the guy just a few letters, after learning about her hopeless condition, she decided not to invade his life anymore, no matter how hard it was for her. She didn't even know if he was replying to her as they often changed countries and hospitals. But she always waited for news from him, dreaming of seeing or hearing Kevin once again in her life. At some point, the father decided to visit his wife's grave, and they lingered in Russia, where Sophie received this news.
    Life is a strange coincidence. For some reason, it was me, among the large number of people in the huge city, who had to come to her ward and see the letters. She trusted me. I loved her like a sister. Father knew about Sophie's request to type letters and did not object. When she became ill again, we were next to the drooping view by her bed, surrounded by a doctor and a nurse. After the attack stopped, everyone calmed down, Sophie fell asleep, the doctor and nurse left, and Arthur asked me to talk to him in the hospital cafeteria over a cup of coffee, promising valuable information to continue the story of his daughter. He was excited, looked first to the side, then into my eyes, but, as always, he was firm and resolute.
    “When I saw my daughter's letters,” he began, “I was stunned. I remembered here my youth, my wife, love. Sophie's illness occupied my almost daily thoughts, and I could never imagine that she had grown, especially in love, and so much. It turned out that thanks to this feeling she lived so long, being terminally ill. All these years she could not trust me, her only loved one. I separated them on the same day when I took Sophie to Israel for treatment. They hoped to meet, and I promised them one, hoping to return as soon as my daughter was a little better. But it turned out that I was lying. Sophie didn't get better. And I took her to Switzerland. Their connection was cut off. We couldn't believe it because Kevin was so affectionate and sincere with Sophie. But the silence on the other end of the wire and her letters going nowhere spoke of the opposite. She continued to wait for a letter from him, although the correspondence stopped several years ago, that I tried to cure her away from him. Bored, Sophie simply wrote to him, putting the letters in the nightstand to speak out and ease her heartache. But she always believed in him, for her there were no bad qualities in Kevin, except for positive ones. When I saw her letters, I realized how cruel and stupid I was. While she was in intensive care, I immediately decided to fly to America. Unfortunately, our neighbors moved to another state due to a job transfer from Kevin's father, which I could not have imagined at the time, and which immediately explained the silence on the other end of the line. The search for Kevin took a little longer. Several letters were respectfully preserved and given to me by the new owner of the house where our former neighbors used to live, Mrs. Hendrix. I realized that the guy did not receive and did not read them, especially did not know anything new about Sophie. Perhaps Kevin thought that she simply decided to disappear from his life, happily settling somewhere in another corner of the earth. And she waited for him and died. ... Thanks to my old connections, I found him. He recognized me and was surprised by the appearance, like a bolt from the blue. Literally, pulling him out of the company of school friends, I pushed him into an empty classroom and put a sheet and paper in front of him, asking him to write an answer to at least those two letters from Sophie that Mrs. Hendrix handed me and which I threw in front of him. Realizing at that moment that he was not to blame, he was still rude and could not help himself, because rage was seething in me. Of course, in Russia one could ask some student of the English faculty to write a letter, but Sophie would feel false and see an unfamiliar handwriting. Kevin was depressed after reading the letters. He silently wrote an answer, put the piece of paper in an envelope and handed it to me. Then, it seems, he began to cry over the letters, covering his eyes with his hands. But I vaguely saw it, as I was already rushing towards the exit. At the nearest post office I dropped the letter into a box, which arrived safely after my arrival in Russia a week later. This is what Sophie now squeezes with her weak hand on the hospital bed. I don't know what's in it, and I'll never try to find out without her permission. Sophie only said, smiling, that everything was fine, she knew about it. He probably wrote to her that he also loves her, and I am infinitely grateful to him for the smile of his daughter.
    “You are a good father,” I said then. Not many parents admit their mistakes and try to really do something for the happiness of their children, continuing to be strangers, being blood relatives.
    - Many parents want to change something - I'm sure of it, but not many succeed. After all, what can you do to make your children happy? Just to really know what to do!
    He thanked me, saying that he felt better. Having finished our coffee, we decided to go up to Sophie's, but puzzled by the slight noise and commotion in the street at the gate, we decided to go there. It was six o'clock in the morning. Dawn was barely visible across the sky. A warm May morning promised a good day ahead. The smell of flowering trees wafted from everywhere. Sophie, in a nightgown, slippers and a gray coat, was in front of the hospital in Kevin's arms. Pink roses were scattered around them. They were quietly talking to each other about something, when suddenly she fell into his arms. Tears rolled down his cheeks, he unconsciously pressed her lifeless body to him. I have never seen Sophie's face happier than in those moments, it seemed to glow from the first rays of the sun. She seemed to everyone then from the outside just sleeping on the chest of a loved one. Arthur then asked Kevin how he found them. To which he replied that he had signed the envelope with the return address the last time.
    More than a year has passed since this tragedy, and I still can’t forget the picture before my eyes: a guy in tears, as if trying to atone for his justified long absence with them, a gentle angel with blond hair played with a warm wind, and a happy face in his hands , crying father, hugging them both in the middle of scattered pink roses, sobbing staff around and unrealistically beautiful above it all in the sky a scarlet dawn.

    P.S. Take care of love and loved ones while you have each other!!!

    Letters to your Beloved! (You can write a beautiful letter to your beloved man in separation, in prose. Love, beautiful letters for men. Has your beloved gone far? Do you miss him so much that you can’t find a place for yourself? You so want to talk about feelings, and about what is happening now with your soul? Write a letter to your only one! He will certainly be very happy with him, believe me! Reading your letter, he will have a great desire to rush to you as soon as possible and never part with you.)

    A letter to a beloved man. Beautiful love letters.

    L love letter to a man who is far away:

    I feel so cold without you... The room is so empty... And I hate the bed and the room because you're not around right now. I cannot say that I hate the whole world, because there is a lot of good and bright things in it. But you are more precious than everyone and everything. Expensive. You know about it…. Everyone around knows about it: walls, floors, ceilings, furniture, doors. They pity me, they see how often I cry. And the pillow - girlfriend, every evening, bathes under the waterfall of my tears .... I can't stop crying. We haven't seen you for a very long time. Eternity! Wish this eternity would end.

    I remember the taste of your tender lips .... They caressed my body so fabulously. I will never forget every second spent with you. She is beautiful, like all our nights. I thank you for being with me. Yes, you are near, despite the distance. I see your eyes when I close mine.... They are so beautiful, so adorable….

    You are always there…. You are in my heart, in my soul, in my dreams, in my thoughts, in my mind, in my life. I feel bad without you, sad, bored, dreary. Come back soon. I miss you so much...

    Forgive me for the fact that, sometimes, offended you .... Forgive me to dissolve the guilt that haunts me. I want to burn with a spark in your unforgettable embrace, I want to feel every line of your face, I want to enjoy the melodiousness of your voice ....

    I don't know how I used to live without you. Most likely, I confused life with existence. My life began only when you graced it with your presence. I am happy with you. And I don't need another man. I can't even think about others! My thoughts are programmed only for you and what is connected with you. For others, there was no time, no desires, no thoughts, no place in my huge heart.

    I love you…. The aroma of my love is in everything: in the sky, in the clouds, in the sun's rays, on the ground, in the air .... And in every letter, in every word that you see in this letter. I am writing it to make you believe: I miss you very much. I miss every molecule of my body…. Too bad you don't feel it right now.

    I listen to the noise of the trains, hoping that you are on one of them. I peer into the sky, dreaming of seeing the plane on which you will arrive .... Or maybe you will fly to me on the wings of an elf? Then I will not close the window so that you can, at any time, fly into it. I'm waiting for you all the time, at any time of the day .... Come, come, come... Come back!

    I'm waiting for your calls, like a miracle. I pierce the phone with anticipation. And if it's not you who's calling, I'm very, very upset. I need your calls, my sunshine. Why do I call you exactly the sun? Simply, no one but you will warm me with its warmth: I only need you.

    Your name warms me. I call you in my dream. Can you hear my call? Answer me, otherwise I'll just go crazy ...

    I want to hear your footsteps in the hallway. I want to know that you feel good with me, that we will always be together .... However, you yourself know perfectly well what you need to tell me so that the soul, from happiness, turns into a beautiful bird, and flies in me, because you are with me again ....

    Tell me what are you dreaming about? I will definitely try to fulfill all your dreams. I want to do this to prove to you the power of my love. She is limitless. Do you believe me without proof? Then I beg you, come soon.

    All poems are written by you .... The scent of your cologne is in the air.... I "released", a little bit, your perfume to represent that you are now close, close. I listen to the wind. He is behind glass. And I will not open the window so as not to frighten him away. Perhaps, in gratitude, he will tell me about you.

    I want to get to know you again, to learn you by heart. You are the best thing that happened to me. You are my talisman, my meaning, my healing. I am ready to do everything for you. What do you want? Lovers - everything is possible. I will, if need be, easily lay down my own life for you. I will light all the sunrises and sunsets with caress, I will drink all the misfortunes so that you do not encounter them ....

    I love you…. And it is these words that I am ready to repeat to you constantly. Want? I will write them all over my body ....

    I go crazy about you. And, sometimes, I can’t believe that I deserve such happiness as you. And you didn't even know that you can be someone's happiness? You can everything…. You are my ideal. You have no flaws.

    Do you want me to spread, with a luxurious carpet, the whole sky under your feet? Do you want me to make the land yours? I know you don't need it. I believe you need. I never doubted you for a moment. After all, relationships are the sweetness of trust. I have always believed in you and will always believe in you.

    Forgive me for jealousy: I'm afraid that you will be taken away from me. Forgive me for being rude: I am an imp with the appearance of an angel. Forgive me for the truth: it is bitter, but it breathes with a clear conscience. Sorry for the misunderstanding: it happens to everyone ....

    I see you even on the palm of my hand, because, on it, I often put your photo in order to absorb your image with my eyes, glances and soul. I want to bring your photo to life…. I'm sorry, I can't say otherwise. I miss you….

    You are my dearest person. I feel how painfully creep the days in separation from you. Who came up with all these distances? Have those who composed them never experienced feelings of true love?

    Come back. I'm waiting for you. I'm looking forward to it like never before. Let's start a new life: no quarrels, insults, scandals. Let all these negatives no longer dare to overshadow a sincere feeling.

    Let's forget about all the bad things. Let's cross it out, trample it, burn it, incinerate it, cut it .... Let's keep only each other and our future. And it, if we try, will be the most beautiful and happy. And we will definitely try, I know!

    Discuss for yourself 1

    Hello beloved!

    You know. I have never written a letter to a loved one. It really is an unusual way. But I'll try. Just please read to the end.

    I do not even know where to start. It's been over two months since we met. And I remember that day. It is impossible to forget him, because he laid the foundation for our relationship with you. Even if they did not last long, about two months, but they were amazing for me. After all, I was the happiest girl in the world, and even despite the fact that we quarreled, cursed, resented each other because of all sorts of petty trifles. These were my best two months of happiness!

    I remember how I fell in love with you. This was our second meeting. And for this short meeting, I realized that it would not be the last. I caught my breath, my heart stopped and my chest felt somehow unnaturally warm. I couldn't even imagine what it felt like. When I was driving home, there were a lot of different thoughts in my head and I could not concentrate at all. I couldn't believe that all this was happening to me. But, only at home, I began to realize that I was in love with you. In love with your smile, your beautiful eyes, your voice, you the way you are. It was both scary and good at the same time. But in those moments when I saw you, I was filled with happiness, joy, warmth, giving hope for something more.

    I have to admit, I have never loved anyone as much as you. Of course, at first I tried to close my eyes to it. But then I realized that you can close your eyes to what you see, but not to what you feel!

    I keep asking myself why this is so, why I can’t be with my loved one, why I need such a punishment, such pain, I didn’t deserve it. I am also a man, I am a girl, a girl who fell in love for the first time with all her heart, who once confessed her love, received a knife in the back. Why didn't you ever think of me when you hurt me. After all, each time the pain became stronger and stronger, and the traces of it are deeper and deeper in the soul.

    What are your words about love? And I believed in them. Everything happened so realistically. And I completely trusted you, every word you said. Did it turn out to be a game? I am not a toy. I am a girl who has a heart and a soul. And you know, when a man truly loves a woman, he will never let her leave his life! Even if she wants to. He will try to fix something, change, and not only in her, but also in himself! Because, having lost a loved one, you lose an irreplaceable part of your soul, you stop living, you simply begin to exist, without feelings, without emotions. Only with hellish pain.

    I don't make sense of my life without you. You are my meaning, my goal, my addiction. The fire that you kindled in me still burns in my heart. I will never be able to forget you. I won't even try. May it be better for everyone else that I become heartless. Because they will never have a place in my heart. You became the first and only one whom I allowed to enter my heart, but you did not believe me, I saw it in your eyes, in your smile, in your every gesture. I felt it. I do not want to be unnecessary, annoying, imposed. But I understand that it is.

    You will never understand how much you broke me and with what difficulty, now, I am trying to glue myself piece by piece every day, through all the insults, all the pain and tears. I will no longer write, call, I will not look for meetings, I will not nervously run up to the phone when the music starts, why? All this is pointless and stupid.

    I hope that the day will come when we will meet somewhere by chance. Let's look into each other's eyes, and there is still the same brilliance, all the same feelings, nothing has changed. Only there will be light sadness in my soul, and we will part as usual, but this time I will try to hold back my tears, I will not cry, but just smile. I will smile for you, so that you don’t have sadness in your soul, so that you don’t get upset. No matter how painful it is for me, I never cease to thank fate for giving me you. I wish you only happiness. I want everything to be fine with you, from this I will be calmer. I want you to finally meet your one true love and be happy with her. I want you to never experience the pain that I experienced. Remember you forever in my heart. I feel you. I love you.

    Mar. Wednesday, 24th, 2012 at 1:41 PM

    The other day I had a frank conversation with a childhood friend. He called from the capital late in the evening to “complain about life”: his next relationship with a woman ended with her turning off all phones and refusing to communicate with him. A merry fellow, a joker, a pleasant-looking 45-year-old successful business man breathed in confusion into the phone, sniffing offendedly: “I’m serious about her! .. But we’re not children! ... Well, yes, I wanted sex with her, but how can it be without him? I spent the whole evening walking around with him and mentally, as it were, continued the dialogue ... And then I decided to write this letter to him. I think it will help many men of "transitional age" to understand their (so obvious for women) mistakes. It would seem that everything is simple ... But in my practice I again and again encounter the same mistake of some men of "mature age". .. And I understand that it can be forgivable for youngsters, it is perceived shockingly from a mature man!
    I hope this open letter will help them understand their mistake in relationships with women. There is profanity in the text, but ... you can’t throw words out of the song ;))) I apologize for my "bad French"!

    Hello! For some reason, our conversation with you yesterday does not go out of my head.

    I am mentally scrolling through some dialogues with you, and therefore I decided to arrange everything in a letter.

    I think you misbehave with women. And if you do not realize this, then you will step on the same rake again and again.

    As far as I know you, you are a very sentimental and kind person. You are caring in your own way, you want to make everyone around you celebrate! :) But you cover up your sincerity (at least in relations with women) with bravado and cavalry pressure, hussar jokes in the style of Rzhevsky and sentences “Madame, let me kick you!” For what? Why? I don’t know ... Perhaps there were episodes in your life when some young lady (or even your mother) didn’t understand or appreciate you ... And this is where such mock cynicism comes from ... I immediately caught him in communication with you when we met in Moscow then for the first time in 25 years since high school graduation...

    But I am a psychologist. And so I can understand the motives of such male behavior. But many women sometimes cannot figure out their feelings ... how can they understand men's "inversions"? Hence the conclusion:

    With cavalry attacks, you have a chance to attract into your life an exclusively marketplace aunt who will perceive you adequately and ingenuously, she will joke like a soldier herself, and - having healed you with water - will drag you into a bunk to fuck ... Do you want this? I doubt it ... Finding one like this is easy, I think. You are drawn to others.

    An adequate single woman (especially in our age category) perceives a man primarily by how comfortable she will be with him. Not a day, not two - but a long time ... maybe the rest of our lives ... And the older we get, the more we want harmony and comfort. Agree.

    Both men and women of our age category, looking at themselves in the mirror in the morning, sadly state the fact of aging of our body. And although our soul, perhaps at 45 years old, is still the same “berry”, the body noticeably betrays itself. Therefore, when a mature man invites a mature woman on the first (second or even third) date to go to bed ... not having time to get to know each other properly ... this, to put it mildly, drives into some kind of embarrassment (to put it mildly, I repeat). Because sex is no longer so desirable as harmony and comfort. And this is by no means a contradiction! You can somersault in bed like a youngster - for days ... but at the same time you really want to wake up with the same man later in the morning ... and even live together ... more than once or twice ... At our age, you already think not so much about the quality of sex, but about what is the quality of life? And who will we have to grow old next to ...

    The difference between women and men is that a man can only fall in love with the woman who initially causes his sexual appetite! And a woman can sexually lust for a man only AFTER she has fallen in love with certain human qualities of him... Do you catch the difference?

    Men: SEX --> LOVE

    Women: LOVE --> SEX

    And never otherwise! Otherwise, there are no feelings at all. But there are either complexes, or a naked calculation, or a drunken head ... And do you know why such an alignment is important for both sides? Because both men and women are afraid of defeat! A man is afraid that he will not be at his best in bed later, and therefore it is important for him to immediately check this, to make sure of some kind of guarantee of his success (like if it doesn’t work out, then he won’t build a relationship) ... And a woman is afraid that a man turns out to be unreliable and leaves her after sex, so it is so important for her to check many human qualities in her chosen one so that she can count on a long-term harmonious relationship ...

    Both men and women often lie to themselves and to each other... Whoever is smarter wins this game. If an alliance with a man is important for a woman, she will agree to sex and then with all sorts of tricks she will keep the man near her all the time. If the union is more important for a man, he patiently “spuds” this flower bed, hoping sooner or later to pick the most beautiful flower on it. But both fall into traps :)

    Why am I?

    If you really want to build a long-term relationship with a decent woman, then you still need to restrain your cavalry manners. Trust me! Do not rush things. Sometimes it’s really easier to hire a call lady than to mess things up with a decent woman! If you are already so much concerned with the contents of your scrotum, and not what a woman will think of you.

    At 45, a normal woman cannot be surprised by any member, believe me! And for some reason, some men think that their penis is almost the only thing they can offer their beloved. Alas ... as there are a lot of long-legged pussy-tits around, so there are a lot of fuckers around (sorry). Both of them, unfortunately, have one common drawback: they suffer from the absence of the brains you value so much...

    Answer yourself: what else, besides your penis and an important deputy crust, can you offer a worthy woman (smart, self-sufficient, pretty, sexy and able to take care of her man)? And if you answer with more than one or two words, then there is a chance to arrange your personal life. This I guarantee you! Just the next time you meet a woman with whom you want to communicate for more than one evening, try to let her know that you are for her exactly the “stone reliable wall” that women so often look for. And I'm sure you will get EVERYTHING: sex to the point of being “unsatisfactory” as in youth, and a spectacular girlfriend at social events, and delicious dinners at home, and care, and tenderness, and understanding, and even a wise adviser in some matters!

    Hugs and sincerely wish you happiness!
