Magic ritual for the return of your ex-husband. Prayer for my husband to return to his family

A conspiracy with which a man can be returned to his family.

The plot is read twelve days in a row at the wedding hour, that is, at two o’clock in the afternoon. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:
Crown of the king and queen,
Heavenly wedding on earth.
Two hearts of the soul of the servant of God (name)
And the servant of God (name) wedding scarf,
Wedding candle, wedding altar,
Wedding bell, wedding time,
The wedding hour and my strong command.
Since that hour, since my order
Go two hearts, souls of God's servant (name)
And the servants of God (name) meet each other
For everlasting eternity.
I crown you with a strong word and a sculpted deed
And all the white magic. Amen.

A conspiracy to help return your husband's love

On Friday, take a new broom and place it in the basin with the rods facing up. To prevent the broom from falling, place the basin in a corner and lean it against the wall. Then, for three days, water the broom with water collected before sunrise, so that it flows from it into the basin. After the specified period, wash your face with this water and say:
Lord, I call on You for help.
And you, Friday, Saturday, Sunday,
I encourage you too.
Let the love flow to me
With the same drops
Like the water from this broom. Amen.

If a husband has lost interest in his wife

You can return peace and tranquility to your family in the following way.
Break seven branches from a tree whose name is feminine and from a tree whose name is masculine, saying:
On the sea and ocean, on the island of Buyan,
There is a tree on the tree
Seventy-seven birds sat - gray maidens,
They plucked the branches
And they threw the mother on the damp ground.
These branches are getting crazy
And take me to the black pine tree,
To Satan himself -
To Satan Satanovich
Yes to Satana Satanovna.
I extinguish three black candles,
I'll ask the devilish couple:
"Give me mercy,
Light up the heart of God's servant (name)
With unquenchable love for me,
An unquenchable thirst, an invincible longing.”
And let my word become stronger than steel and become eternal.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

How to stop a husband's hatred of his wife

To remove hatred from a husband, you need to speak holy water, soak your husband’s shirt in it and, after drying it in the wind, let your spouse wear it. Do this three times and your husband's hatred will disappear. They spell water like this:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The Saints! Saints of help! Holy relics!
Christ's seal, Jesus' hand,
Remove all evil from God's servant (name),
Go, evil one, into the mud, into the quagmire, into the dried-up lowlands,
In mosses, in swamps, dry trees, in distant forests.
I, (name) of God’s servant, will approach God’s servant (name),
I will remove all evil from him with the word of God.
From now on, forever and ever.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

If a woman fell in love with another

You can read a love spell for March snow, which will help revive faded feelings. To do this, on any Friday in March, take a handful of snow and bring it home. Then you must have time to read a special spell over the snow before it melts. His words are:
Great Heel of the Holy Salvation Passion
Our Lord Jesus Christ,
Help me, God's servant (name),
Free the heart of God's servant (name)
From the servant of God (name of opponent).
Like the March snow melts, melts away,
Leaves through your fingers, so it would leave
From the heart of my lover
Servant of God (name of opponent). Amen.

A conspiracy to bring your husband back to your family

This is a conspiracy to return your husband to a watch, ring, bracelet - that is, to any locked object.
“I close you (name), I conjure: in your heart I close love for me, I connect your path with mine. May you, (name), be with me, a friendly, strong family. No one can interrupt my words, not a witch, not a sorcerer, not a priest, not a priest, not God, not the devil. Amen!"
Such a conspiracy to return your husband can also be read on a pin, badge, and the like - on everything that is closed or closed.


Return the father to the children

Exhale outside against the wind and read three times:
“Fly, fly, my darling, across the ocean-sea, there is a copper bathhouse, in that bathhouse there are three boards, three evil melancholy. Don’t rush around, don’t rush, don’t rush from door to door, but fly into a makeshift gap, to the servant of God (name). So that the servant of God (name) would yearn and grieve for me, the servant of God (name), would act like a fool and roar. Key, lock, my teeth. Amen."


Bring back the love

“I will be blessed, I will go, crossing myself, out of the hut by the doors, out of the gates by the gates, into a wide yard, into an open field. In an open field I will pray and worship. There are twelve winds, twelve whirlwinds, strong, violent, as you dry, destroy in the spring across the field, in the middle of a warm summer the field is compressed, the grass is mown, also dry, crush my betrothed-mummer's black eyebrows, black eyes, his blood is hot and his heart is zealous. So there could not be a servant of God (Name) without (Name). Not a day to spend, not a night to sleep, not an hour to while away. So I, the servant of God, would be on his mind during the day, and in his dreams and in his mind at night. Amen."

Conspiracy to return husband to doll

Create a man doll from wax and his hair. Select the genitals and write the husband's name on the doll's chest with a needle. Make a doll of yourself, also adding your hair and highlighting your breasts. Then place the dolls next to each other in front, begin to wind them with red woolen thread and read the plot:
“The one and indivisible, (name) and (name), like heaven and earth, like two twins, are welded together with love, sealed with passion. No one can tear us apart, no one can interrupt my words. As I said, so be it!”
Wrap the dolls in red cloth and tie them again with red thread. This conspiracy to bring your husband back will help if you are able to place the dolls in the place where he most often visits. You can bury it where he often walks so that he can step over the lining.


Return your husband to the seam in his clothes

This is a special conspiracy to return your husband to a seam in his clothes. When sewing up your husband’s clothes (good if it’s underwear), say for each stitch:
“I sew and sew, I sew you (name) to me (name). I unite your life with my love, I kindle jealousy, passion, love in you (name). Burn your heart (name) with the fire of love for me (name), so much so that you will have no peace without me, neither at night, nor during the day, nor at all hours of the day. Thread is a key, needle is a lock. My words cannot be interrupted. Amen!"
This plot to bring your husband back can be read on a soft toy and given to him.

A conspiracy to get your husband back

Reads on food or drink (not hot!).
“The power of love is mighty, a tear of jealousy is burning, enter the heart of (husband’s name), let him love me, not stop loving me, be jealous and yearning, and not see the white light without me. Every day, every hour, (name)’s love for me becomes hotter, and the melancholy becomes more severe. My words are strong, to the point of sculpting. Let it be done according to my word! Make it smaller!”
Say this spell whenever possible for every food and drink. It would be great if you manage to mix it with red wine and give it to your husband to drink.

Love spell to return husband from mistress

If your husband went to live with his mistress, this love spell can help you. You can only do it for your husband and only once. If this is not the first time he leaves you, and you have already done such a love spell, try to find another way to return your husband to the family. To perform a love spell, take a wedding ring, dip it in a glass of water from the church (draw water from the church only after the Friday evening service) and speak into the water:
“The water from the wedding ring comes in from above and comes out from below. I ask one thing now - return to me the servant of God (husband’s name). Amen, amen, amen."
Drink water, put the ring on your finger and don’t take it off. Your husband will return home in 7 days after the love spell is performed.


Conspiracy to return husband

Collect sperm after sexual intercourse on a red cloth. Then you slander her:
“Your seed (name) is here, here is your life and happiness. You are drawn to me like a fish to water, a bird to the sky, an animal to bread. Your passion for me (your name) is becoming brighter and stronger. Submit to her and come to me.”
After this, tightly tie a bundle of cloth with sperm and hide it somewhere near the front door. When your husband comes home (no matter why), take the time to take the package and whisper to it:
“Your seed called you, from now on you will be here, living with me in love and passion.”
And move the bundle under the mattress where you slept. If you can do all this unnoticed, it will make sense.


A spell to call your husband home

On a full moon, read the following plot through an open window:
“God bless my threshold.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Lord, You created Adam,
You created Eve from his rib.
Bless me, Lord, for my marriage with the servant of God (name),
How you blessed Adam and Eve.
You said: “Let them cleave one to another,”
And reunited two souls for centuries.
Reunite, Lord, me and my husband.
For now, for centuries, for all time.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

A conspiracy to return a husband to the family

If your husband still leaves you, but his things remain in the house, you need to do this: take his thing, cross yourself, put it under the mattress where he used to sleep with you, and after 12 o’clock at night read the hex at the bedside:
“I took the thing from the body, removed it from my eyes for 7 days, put it under the mat, and asked the sorceress to help. Matitsa, turn over, slave (say the name), return home. Amen".
Do not touch the item for seven days and read the hex for seven days.

Love spell if the husband decides to divorce

Recite a love spell on the garden bed in the spring, when planting seeds.
“The earth is your nurse,
How can people not live without you?
So my husband (name)
Couldn't live, breathe without me,
Neither day nor night can pass.
In my mind so as not to forget,
I didn’t drink during the feast,
I didn’t eat bread and salt,
Everything would keep me in mind:
In a zealous heart,
In a wild head
In red blood.
How will this seed grow in the ground?
So is the slave (name)
It won't leave me anywhere.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen."
If the husband went to his sweetheart

Get on your knees in front of the stove and shout into the open door of the stove so that your words fly away along with the smoke and call out your spouse who has been on a spree. The words you need to say are:
"Smoke Dymovich, Veter Vetrovich,
Find and send it to me (name).
Find him, bring him
I can’t live without him, I’ll die without him.
I can neither live nor be without him,
Not a day, not an hour,
Not a minute to pass.
So he would drag on, get bored,
For me, for God’s servant (name),
His married wife.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

A conspiracy on a shirt to ward off a husband from his rival.
Take your husband's dirty shirt. Wait for a moonlit night and wash it by hand in three waters. And then put it on the fire to boil. When the water boils, it needs to happen at midnight, so say:

The water is boiling, boiling, the blood is boiling, boiling,
Seething. That blood that boils not for me, there,
along with the dirt, along with the sweat.
To you, my rival (name), there is a stench,
and to my legitimate wife (name) all the love,
yes care. Now, forever and forever. Amen.

The water from under the washed shirt should be poured over the intersection. And say this:

Three destinies converged in one.
My place is here, my husband's place is here,
and you, evil rival, go away,
Find your destiny elsewhere.
As I say, so it will be.
As I punish, so it will come true. Amen.

A conspiracy to check whether your husband is bewitched by another woman or not.

If you think that your husband has been bewitched, but you don’t know for sure, then to find out, you need to do the following. You need to take a church candle, remove the wick from it and melt it exactly at midnight (after placing it in a spoon) over another candle. And you need to say the following:
The candle melts and the wax spills.
Wax, don’t be silent, tell me the whole truth.
Have you bewitched, have you enchanted your dear heart?
was it stolen?

The melted wax must be poured into a saucer with milk. If the wax falls into pieces in the milk, it means that your husband has been bewitched and bewitched.
A spell for those who doubt their husband
Doubts are a terrible thing; they can deprive you of sleep and peace. So that there are no doubts, you need to eliminate the reason that torments you. It is so? To do this, you need to take holy water from the church and pour it into a saucer. Place the saucer overnight under the moonlight. And say:

Young Luna, Luna, be my sister,
give the power of love spell to the spell water.
Let the servant of God (name) without his wife,
servant of God (name), neither sleeps nor breathes,
doesn’t hear someone else’s maiden, doesn’t look at others,
does not make friends with others. Let it be so.
From now on and forever. Amen.

Sprinkle your husband's pillow with this water. And say:
You can't sleep without me,
You can't rest without me.
Without me you will be tossing around on the feather bed,
Without me you will ride on the feather bed.
The power of God is with me. Amen.

After this, your husband’s passion for you should flare up with renewed vigor. And doubts will leave you.

A conspiracy for those whose husband is a womanizer by nature
On the fortieth day after Ivan Kupala, you need to go into the forest and pick leaves from aspen trees. At home, brew these leaves in boiling water and say:

There is a forest on the hill. There is an aspen in the forest.
I’ll go up to the aspen tree and make three bows
wood. How your sheets are always true
to you, so that my husband (name) will always be
faithful to me. May my plot come true
so that the door of the house closes on a huge
constipation. Just as the heart of an aspen boils in water, so
and let my heart not hurt. Amen.

Then the same spell must be said for clean and running water. After this, pour the aspen broth out the window. And you need to drink clean water (charmed). On this day you cannot talk to anyone.

Fidelity conspiracies
It so often happens that the husband lived, did not grieve, and then the wife notices that her husband began to look at other women and pay attention to them. And what's that? And the direct path to quarrels and discord. But sometimes a man does this not at the behest of his heart, but out of natural stupidity. To prevent this, you need to do the following. Remove a few hairs from the gelding's mane. Wait until nightfall, light a church candle, and by the light of the candle, put this hair along with an elastic band into your husband’s panties and say:

A black gelding, a bay gelding
not worth living for a single mare,
neither black nor bay, so that
and the servant of God (husband’s name) did not have a vein
neither light, nor dark, nor smart,
neither oncoming nor cross.
So that he only marks me, so that he only marks me
noticed. From now on and forever. From now on
forever and ever. Amen.

Then you need to put out the candle, wrap it in your husband’s underwear, and let it lie there until the morning. In the morning, with the first rays of the sun, remove the candle and make sure no one sees it.
Powerful lapel
The ceremony takes place over nine days. The plot is read three times in a row at sunset (you can stand on the balcony, you can on the street, the main thing is to see the setting sun).
The words of the conspiracy are as follows:
Not breaking up a bitch with a dog,
And the life of a servant of God (name of rival)
I’m breaking up with God’s servant (husband’s name).

After this, spit heartily three times and exhale forcefully.

Ritual for separating a husband from his mistress
This ritual is performed on the waning moon, preferably on the night from Monday to Tuesday. Prepare in advance everything you need for this ritual: crushed glass shards, soil from the church yard, some cat and dog hair, two teaspoons of salt and a spoon of vinegar. Make sure that no one disturbs you during the ceremony. Cover the table with a dark cloth, place two candles in front of you, first rub them with vinegar, and light them. Take a bowl and spoon (ideally a mortar and pestle), pour soil, broken glass and wool into the bowl. Write a special spell on a piece of paper and read it three times in a row, then burn the paper in a candle flame, and mix the ashes with the contents of the bowl. Pour salt there and add a little vinegar. Crush the resulting mixture, thinking about your goal - to separate your husband from his mistress. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

I direct my will towards
So that, like a black dog with a black cat,
My husband (name) with a homewrecker (name)
They swore, fought and then parted,
So that they will be angry with each other all their lives,
So that their feelings are broken into pieces.

Cover the bowl with a dark cloth and place it on the windowsill with the window slightly open. Place the candles near the bowl and let them burn out. The next day, pour this mixture onto your opponent’s doorstep (this is the best way to end the ritual). If you do not know where this woman lives, then divide the mixture into small portions and sew it into your husband's clothes. The result will not take long to arrive.

Here are the common whispers in bed, read when you are having sex with your loved one, read to yourself.

You are a Leo, I am your Lioness, you are my Dove,
I'm your Howitzer, love me like yourself,
And more than anything else. Amen.

I modified it a little for myself:
you are my lion, I am your lioness, you are my dove, I am your dove. my spirit, your soul, love me more than yourself. Amen
Whisper in the back
Little devil brothers, stand behind slave (name),
Follow him, wander behind him, whisper in his back,
Put my name (your name) in his heart, trace after trace,
Step by step, don't lag behind and don't leave, about me
Remind me to know and remember my name and never forget it.
Whispers on the threshold

They say following a man leaving your house.
Go where you went, you will still come back. From me you come as a gelding, in my house you will be a stallion. As I say, so it will be. Smoke, stove, ash, my business. Let it be so.

Words that are said in love's bed
Body to body is a love affair. My blood, your love. Love me more than yourself. The twig bends in the forest, I know where it will stick. Let it be so.
The words are spoken to oneself.

Over a sleeping person or, when a scandal is brewing, looking at the person, whisper or mentally read the plot three times:

“Just as a dead man lies and does not move, does not respond to noise, does not respond to a cry, does not lift an eyebrow, does not move an arm or a leg, so let this happen to (name): when he decides to abuse his neighbor, his hand hangs like a dry blade of grass, anger is in his heart like milk will turn sour in the heat. My word is strong and molding to (name). Amen."

The same spell can be recited over water and given to a person to drink and/or wash, or added to food.

The pain of a spouse leaving the family is sometimes so strong that many women, without hesitation, strive to return him with the help of various magical means. But you should use conspiracies to return your husband with extreme caution. After all, by tying to yourself a person who has fallen out of love, you can become very unhappy.

Conspiracies and prayers

In this regard, before using any magical influences, you should understand your own feelings and try to talk with your partner. Most often, people who have separated but continue to have feelings for each other can always find compromise solutions. But if you understand that you cannot live without your husband or that he is under the influence of others, you can use magical means to bring him back . Before carrying out the ritual, it is very important to prepare yourself for the fact that you not only want to return your spouse to the family, but also want to restore the old relationship and revive the old bright feelings. The main goal of any conspiracy to return your husband should be the restoration of harmonious relationships. To do this, you will need to prepare yourself for the fact that you need to forgive and forget all old grievances. The ritual should be carried out exclusively during the waxing moon.

The most powerful conspiracy to return your husband is the one that contains an appeal to the Virgin Mary. The ceremony takes place on Monday after sunset. You need to take a church candle in your hand and stand in front of a vessel filled with clean, preferably spring water. Next, pronounce the following spell:

“I, the servant of God (proper name), was baptized in the church by my own mother and my godmother, and under the mother of our Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos. I ask you, Virgin Mary, help me, who am baptized, and forgive all my sins in life. Hear me and fulfill my request and return my husband, the servant of God (name of husband), given to me by God, to the family. So be it. Amen".

After that, place the water next to the image of the Virgin Mary and do not remove it until the spouse returns. The plot can also be read directly on the image of the Virgin Mary, but water must be present.

Ritual to return a spouse

The following plot will help you make your loved one repent of his deed and return him to the family. It sounds like this:

“I pronounce the servant of God (her own name) not simple words, but magical ones. I use them to charm my husband, given to me by God, back into the family. To help, I take myself a black knife and a rising month. Just as the night is dark, so the thoughts of the servant of God (spouse’s name) are heavy. Just as the month grows and gains strength, so the sad thoughts of the servant of God (spouse’s name) constantly grow and grow.

Just as a sharp knife torments holy water, so thoughts torment the servant of God (spouse’s name), causing him to rush and toil. Tormenting thoughts do not give peace to the servant of God (spouse’s name) and force him to return to me, servant of God (own name). And let him return of his own free will, having come to his senses and repenting. Let it be so. Amen".

The success of a conspiracy to return your husband always depends on your sincere feelings and confidence in your own rightness.

Problems in matters of the heart can happen to any couple. Just yesterday the family was happy, but today there are scandals, reluctance to run a common household and take care of children. Often relationships go wrong due to the spouse’s drunkenness or infidelity, and it doesn’t matter whether he left voluntarily or was taken away magically. If this person is really needed, and the woman wants to save the family, she can read a plot to return her husband. If the ceremony is carried out correctly, the spouses will have a happy family life.

Rituals similar to love spells are usually performed during the waxing moon and before the full moon. During the waning month, only those activities are carried out that are designed to save a person from illness or unnecessary events. The return of the husband is a kind of receipt, which means that the ritual must be performed within the specified period.

Also, if you are determined to return your husband who left or went on a spree, forget about grievances and misunderstandings. Convince yourself that you will not scold him for this. Finding out the relationship will not lead to anything good, and witchcraft will not work properly.

If your loved one does not want to communicate, he has left you, and you want to bring your husband home, get up early every day in the morning and turn your face east towards the sun. Read the plot for exactly 7 days and observe the result. The man will soon make himself known.

“High rocks, distant lands, convey to the servant of God (husband’s name) grief, burning tears and dry longing for me, his wife, servant of God (his name). Point an arrow at him through a tight bowstring. Let it rush into the heart of my dear one, cause pain and longing for love in it. And his whole nature will burn with hot fire around the clock. Your blood will boil, your liver may not work well, and your lungs will barely breathe. And only his brain will think about how to return home. Hurry to me, my husband. The Most Holy Theotokos will guide you on the path to your home and help restore harmony in the family. As I said, so it will be. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Second option: at 12 o’clock at night, when the full moon comes, to return your husband, perform a ceremony with a photograph and holy water. Cover the round table with a white tablecloth, place a photograph in the center, place a bowl of water in front, and light church candles on the sides. At exactly midnight, start reading the plot. Say the words while the candles are burning. Then go to bed.

“Holy water, take away the sins of the servants of God (your name and husband). My heart suffers at the thought of him, melancholy tears at my soul, and all because of the damned rival who destroyed our happiness. Now my husband doesn’t want to communicate with me. I command him not to see the white light and the clear sun, but to dream only about me. Black clouds and impenetrable darkness will envelop him and lightning will sparkle. Let the wicked woman who took away a stranger's man for her vicious thoughts be punished. And he will release God’s servant (name) forever. Holy water, quench my sorrow, and loosen my husband’s tongue. Let him go to dialogue and return home. I believe in the power of my words and call on the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit for help.”

At dawn, throw the used water under an old dry tree with the words:

“This dead tree does not grow, and my resentment towards my husband does not creep around the world. Sit here for a century and three years. Let the sky be your key, the damp earth your lock.”

A conspiracy to make the husband appreciate, respect and carry in his arms

If your relationship with your spouse is deteriorating, and sometimes for no reason, quarrels are becoming more frequent, and you don’t know what to do, read the plot to make your husband appreciate, respect, obey in everything, and carry you in your arms. For the ritual you will need a church candle and a needle, with which you will scratch the full name of your spouse into the wax.

Light a candle before going to bed at night and quickly say:

“The sun and the moon serenely coexist, mother earth with clean water, and (husband’s name) lives peacefully with me and loves me. Just as a believing people meekly bows its knees before God, so the husband will be submissive and obedient in everything. Let him value me more than all kinds of gold and emeralds and carry me in his arms. Loves me until the end of time. Amen".

Read the prayer 3 times, wait until the candle burns out and hide the stubs so that no one finds them. Now go to bed and think only about good things. The magic will work within a month.

A strong conspiracy to make a husband love only his wife

By performing a ritual and reading a conspiracy at home so that the husband loves only his wife, it is possible to achieve complete obedience, increased attention to oneself and endless love. When there is a mess in the family, and you urgently need to return normal relations or win your spouse away from another woman, choose a night closer to the full moon and act.

Prepare the attributes for demonic dryness:

  • Photo of my beloved husband.
  • 13 church candles.
  • Red threads and fabric of natural quality.
  • Worn dog collar.

Cover the table with a scarlet tablecloth, arrange candles to form a triangle, place a photograph in the center of the figure and press it down with a collar. Cast a spell for reconciliation with your husband, love and complete obedience.

“Little devil brothers, respond to my voice. Fly to the servant of God (your name) and help him return his beloved servant (husband’s name). Make him miss me so much that he can’t breathe or sleep. Tell him not to drink or eat, but to run to me and love with all my passion. I hand over the dog’s collar and strangle my little one with love. And until my husband becomes mine again, this collar will strangle him like an executioner. From now on and forever let it be this way.”

When the flame dies out, wrap the collar around the photo and reinforce the plot with the following phrase:

“Until the unreliable slave (husband’s name) becomes absolutely mine, the collar of a faithful dog will not leave his soul.”

Place the photo and collar in the red cloth that was on the table and hide it. Throw the payoff in the form of a handful of coins at the intersection.

A plot for an engagement ring will help to strengthen the love of a husband for his wife. Beg for the decoration and place it in a bowl of spring water. Place the dishes under the marital bed on the husband's side in the evening and try to make love that night.

After sexual intercourse, barely moving your lips, say:

“Just as a wedding ring has no beginning or end, so my dear one will never have another crown. The servant of God (her name) is his first, and she is also his last. Let it be so! Amen".

In the morning, give the ring to your husband, and use the water to wipe your own body.

To prevent my husband from cheating

It is recommended to read the ancient plot to prevent your husband from cheating on you on the waning moon. A spiritually weak person will succumb to influence instantly. The stronger one will be affected by love magic a little later, but the person will still carry the love spell burden.

There are many conspiracies for the fidelity of a spouse. Some turn away male attention from other women, other spells call on a person’s mind to reconsider new relationships and return to the family if betrayal has already taken place. In any case, after performing certain rituals, the faithful will not go for a walk.

The shoes of your spouse who has gone on a spree will help save your marriage. Take your shoes or boots, clap the soles together three times and say:

“Wherever my husband (full name) went, he would grieve for our hearth. Let him walk from me, and run to me, his wife (his name).

A ritual with a photo, a candle and red paper will help hide your husband from the attention of lustful ladies. It will come in handy when the beloved is not averse to meeting and spending time with persons of easy virtue. Light a candle, place a photograph next to it, and, looking at them, say:

“Beyond the sea there is a stone island. There is a hot stove on it. 7 heroes burn in the flame, their 7 swords melt. I call (my name) fire from that furnace and command that my husband, the servant of God (such and such), be surrounded with a wall. Burn with flame any individual of the female sex who covets my darling. Be it an old mistress, or a young one, or a widow trying to take away someone else’s property. All who want the love of my husband, die in the heat. And just don’t burn me with fire, don’t stab me with red-hot swords, and let me go to my dear husband.”

When the candle burns out, wrap the candle in red paper along with the photograph and hide it in a secret place in the house.

Subsequently, so that your husband never cheats, drinks, smokes or has gambling hobbies, you can periodically recite the following spell with a burning candle:

“I send smoke beyond the terrible black forest and viscous swamp. Let him penetrate through dark roads to unknown thresholds. Thresholds lead to an impenetrable door where the most terrible creatures live. There is a door there, behind which hides the unbaptized Mamaev beast. A person who looks in his direction will remember the heavenly kingdom. I command Mamaev’s beast to disgust my husband with (verbally describe what you want to rid your husband of). Let the dark force work from this hour on this order, taming men’s habits. Mamaev’s beast, bring some sense to my husband!”

The above plot is part of black magic, because Mamaev’s beast is an evil spirit. Pay off at the crossroads and look at the result. Your husband will be perfect in everything.

A conspiracy so that the husband does not stand on others

Despite unhealthy family relationships, many women strive to save their marriage for the sake of their children. Some individuals simply become unbearable, but there are also those who go for a walk and do not think about the fact that infidelity can lead to divorce, condemnation by society and the inability to contact children. The way out of this situation will be egylet - a magically programmed non-stander for women. Some of these rituals make a man unable to have sex, and the resulting impotence cannot be treated with any medications. The problem can only be solved by removing such damage.

There is also a type of egillet, which turns the lustful male away from ladies of easy virtue and sets him up for a full-fledged intimate relationship with his legal wife. In addition, when trying to meet with his mistress, a man will have minor troubles - the car has broken down, an unexpected emergency at work, an intestinal disorder and anything else that can interfere with the meeting.

Are there any consequences for egillet? Of course, because, like any magical program, this damage leads to unpredictable results. In men, incurable impotence has been brewing for years, reproductive diseases are developing, and there may be infertility. From time to time, the sexual organ may malfunction while a man makes love to his wife. But this all happens if the black egilette is working.

We will teach you how to prevent your husband from having his penis in front of other women, and save your family the white way. Take a handful of salt and throw it into a shallow bowl with a little water. While the grains are saturated with moisture, say:

“Drink some water, some salty water. Give of yourself without reserve. Let my beloved (husband’s name) desire me passionately in the same way and take me at any time of the day or night.”

Scatter the wet grains over the photo, trying to spread the layer evenly. The sex tie will work very quickly.

Do the ritual with paper and needles for your husband’s non-standing on other women. Seal the photograph in a white envelope and alternately prick the paper with several needles. Speak quickly and confidently:

“I forever remove the slave (husband’s name) from all female gender. Do not have mercy on anyone and do not live with anyone except me, the only servant of God and your wife (your name). Let all the women avoid you like a pile of dung. I command you not to listen to them, not to get close to them, not to eat or drink from their hands, and not to go to bed. As I said, everything will be.”

Light a red candle and drip wax onto the envelope. Keep the craft under your bed as long as you want a stable relationship with your husband. But if your spouse is disgusted, tear up the envelope and start a new life. Don't be afraid of the consequences.

If desired, white egilet can be performed in nature. In the forest you will turn to good forces. They are usually concentrated in uprooted trees. Find such a tree, lean on it with both hands and say 3 times:

“Walezhina is a squiggle, your rhizome is twisted. The Forest Spirit sits in the roots. His name is Usest. I will bow to him and wipe myself with damp grass. I will ask Usest to gather 33 powerful forces and send them against the servant of God (husband’s name). Let him have a burn between his legs so that he can sleep only with his wife and not look at girls and women. Usest Lesovaya, make sure that my husband is a stallion with me, and a worthless gelding with the others. Amen".

Remember that magic solves many problems. But do not abuse it if there is absolutely nothing uniting the family and your husband has completely distanced himself from you. Look for the cause of the discord within yourself; perhaps you are behaving incorrectly. If you can’t create a strong relationship, don’t do egylet, because sex without love will not bring you real pleasure.

If the husband has left for another, you can return him to the family in one day with the help of magic, but spell words and rituals act on a person against his will, so happiness is unlikely to return to the house with the spouse. To prevent the return of her husband from bringing additional pain to the woman, she must first revive love in his heart and remove resentment and hatred from hers.

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There are many love spells that have an adverse effect on the psyche, so you should not use them when returning your spouse. If there was once love in the family, then it can be easily restored. To do this, you need to sincerely ask the saints for help. If prayers and conspiracies do not lead to the desired result, you can perform a special ritual or family love spell, the main purpose of which will be to revive love in the husband’s heart.

    Effective Prayers

    Family and love are very highly valued by saints. Peter and Fevronia, Matrona of Moscow and many other saints patronize the well-being and happiness of married couples. Very often, women turn to the Mother of God, who never leaves abandoned wives in their misfortune.

    If the husband left for another woman, abandoned his wife and children and does not maintain any relationship, it is very difficult to survive such a betrayal. Often a woman begins to blame herself for being a bad wife, which is why her husband left her, but few people think about the other side of the situation. The husband's departure can be provoked by a love spell cast on him or by the action of a powerful conspiracy. In this case, the wife’s prayers and special rituals will certainly overcome the power of the outside woman, and the husband will definitely return to his wife. When a loved one leaves because love for his wife has passed, you first need to revive it, and only after that pray for your spouse to return home.

    Help of the Virgin Mary

    The most effective is considered to be an appeal to the Mother of God. The help of the Mother of God is sent from above to all who ask; the intercessor will find time for every woman and send down her mercy. In order to return your husband with prayers, you must first read the words about kindling the fervor of love in his heart, and only then ask the Mother of God for his return.

    Spell words for the revival of love:

    You need to read the conspiracy prayer within three days. It is better to pronounce the words from memory, so that during the appeal nothing distracts the woman, and all sincere pleas for help from the heart are directed to the Mother of God. You should start reading the prayer for your spouse to return home on the fourth day. First, they pronounce a conspiracy to revive love, and then a prayer for the return of her husband:

    This appeal can be repeated day and night, until the husband returns home. Usually the return occurs within a month, but if the spouse left for his mistress, who stupefied him with a love spell, so that the husband returns forever, it is also necessary to read the lapel spell:

    Matrona of Moscow

    Even during her lifetime, abandoned wives constantly turned to Matrona of Moscow, and the saint always helped them return their spouse to the family. With her wonderful prayers, she turned to the Lord and asked for the unfortunate women that he would send them his favor. After the death of Matrona, the line to see her did not thin out; women still turn to her for help, which she generously provides to each sufferer.

    In order for the husband to leave his mistress forever and live with his wife, the following prayer is read for the return of his beloved:

    Appeal to Peter and Fevronia

    Saints Peter and Fevronia have long been known as patrons of love and family. Their help is best expressed in solving:

    • disagreements;
    • quarrel;
    • separation from loved ones.

    Prayer for the return of her husband to Saints Peter and Fevronia:

    Special rituals

    A loving woman does not always have the strength and patience to wait for her husband’s return for a long time. Of course, requests for help will reach the Almighty, but the result of the impact on the spree spouse may not appear immediately.

    If a man left just like that, not because he met another woman, but because of quarrels and disagreements in the family, getting him back, oddly enough, is much more difficult. Effective prayers in this case only attract the spouse to the house with his wife and children, but there is no peace and happiness in this family.

    Ritual with icon and candles

    The rebirth of love alone is not enough for happiness to return to a house filled with negative energy. First, you need to eradicate the emotional grievances, anger and disappointments that prompted your husband to leave the family. The ritual with the icon of the three saints Basil, John and Gregory is very suitable for this purpose:

    You need to place an icon and three candles on the table, light each one, and then read the following prayer:

    After reading the prayer, you need to blow out the candles and take them to church, and there put two for the health of yourself and your spouse, and the third for peace and love in the family. After the ceremony, there is no need to look for a meeting with your husband; he will appear on his own within three days. If reconciliation does not take place at the first meeting, you should repeat the ceremony and wait for the spouse to come again or make himself known. The ritual can be carried out repeatedly, with each meeting the spouse will be more and more inclined towards reconciliation. Under no circumstances should events be rushed; resentment and anger must completely leave the husband’s heart - only after this does a happy reunion with him occur.

    Ritual for the quick return of your husband

    Sometimes you need to get your husband back very quickly, but the wife doesn’t know where he is or how to find him. The situation is not typical, but if there is a problem in the family, something with children or relatives, then the woman rarely thinks about the consequences of such a return, so she can resort to black magic, desperate to find and return her loved one home. There is no need to do this under any circumstances; any appeal to dark forces will invariably have a negative effect if the ritual is carried out by an unprepared person.

    To return your husband as soon as possible, you can use a miraculous prayer, after reading which you should perform a small ritual that helps to return the person in one day. The ritual is convenient to perform at home. To work you will need:

    • ring, engagement ring or gift from husband;
    • Holy water;
    • knife with a long blade;
    • a saucepan in which food has ever been cooked for the husband.

    You need to put the ring on the bottom of the pan and fill it with holy water a few centimeters. This is required so that you don’t have to turn down the heat under the pan when the water boils; the stronger the seething from boiling water, the more uncomfortable the husband will feel during the ritual. The pan must have low sides. If you don’t have a suitable one, it’s better to take a deep frying pan. The longest knife should be chosen so as not to burn your hand with steam from boiling water during operation.

    After placing the container on the fire, you need to lower the tip of the knife into the center of the ring and wait for the water to boil. As soon as the water boils, you should read the plot and twist the ring clockwise with a knife. The following words of the conspiratorial prayer must be pronounced loudly and clearly, imagining that boiling and seething is happening in the husband’s soul:

    The spell words must be repeated until all the water has boiled away. After not a single drop remains at the bottom of the container, you need to wait for the ring to cool, and then put it on the ring finger of your right hand, do not remove it until your husband arrives. After this ritual, the spouse is announced on the same day.

    If the situation is urgent, you can repeat the ritual every three hours.

    You should not resort to using this ritual unless absolutely necessary, since this method does not have an impact on the true feelings of your spouse. A charmed prayer simply excites a man, causing in him a strong desire to see his wife. When the husband returns home, so that he does not leave again, you need to give him a drink of enchanted holy water, which pacifies negative feelings and encourages reconciliation.

    Water spell

    It is better to take more holy water so that you can pour it into the kettle and cook food with it. It is advisable to leave the filled glass close to the door. Before your husband arrives, you should speak to the water with the following words:

    If the spouse refuses to drink water or tea, then he must be served food prepared with this water. When the husband completely refuses everything offered, you need to lightly sprinkle the threshold and floor with water, and when your husband leaves, you need to quietly splash water on his back.

    You should never despair; if you pray diligently, your spouse will definitely return. Reading prayers will cleanse the husband’s soul from resentment and anger, and special rituals have a very effective effect if used correctly and in a timely manner.

The most complete description in all details is a very powerful conspiracy to return a loved one with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

A conspiracy to return a loved one is one of the most popular rituals in love magic. If you have been abandoned, stop shedding tears and feeling sorry for yourself, start taking action, ask higher powers to return the one who is dearer than life - help will definitely come!

Having tried all sorts of psychological techniques and feminine tricks to no avail, the most determined ladies resort to the last, non-trivial method: they read conspiracies and prayers for the return of their loved ones.

But not only abandoned wives need magical support. Often young girls turn to healers with a request to find a strong spell to bring back their beloved guy who left for a friend without explanation or disappeared from sight altogether.

Among the visitors to witchcraft portals or salons of practicing witches, there are also mature, successful business women who want to figure out whether a love spell was used on their chosen one and how to return their beloved man in this case?

And sometimes even arrogant mistresses, who do not want to deviate from the goal of taking possession of someone else’s man, come to the sorcerers and demand the return of the womanizer who has gotten off the hook and returned to the family. Although in such cases, strong and respectful magicians who respect themselves and their gift, send the libertines out, despite the large rewards offered by the ladies. One example is drying on an apple.

Determined by any means to return her only and dearest man in the world, a woman tries to choose the most effective method. For the fair sex, magic opens up a whole range of various rituals that promise the return of a loved one:

  • prisushki - cause longing for the girl;
  • love spells - affect the sexual sphere, forcibly tie the victim to the performer;
  • lapels and cold spells - used for a man to leave his wife or mistress, as well as if it is necessary to remove previously cast spells;
  • prayers - not in a direct, churchly meaning, but in the fact that their essence is an appeal to the saints and God;
  • and conspiracies themselves - established, long-lasting texts in which an appeal to otherworldly forces (dark and light) with a request for help is heard.

Spells and prayers as a means of returning a loved one are most acceptable if there was no magical effect from a rival on a man, if the relationship has not been fully clarified, if no more than six months have passed since the breakup.

Such magic acts on the object of the ritual gently and without the frightening consequences that may arise as a result of the use of other methods of witchcraft, for example, love spells.

Simple spells to bring back a loved one

So, the return method has been determined, all that remains is to choose the most suitable ritual for your situation.

This magic spell to return a loved one is read for seven days in a row at dawn.

“Heavenly Father, I pray for your blessing. The Most Holy Theotokos and all the revered saints. Defenders of the suffering, I trust in you! I offer a prayer to you, I groan for help. In a difficult and bitter moment, I pray for the return of my beloved, the servant of God (name). I conjure with all my heart, hear my request, servant of God (your name). Lord, Mother of God and all the saints, make sure that the beloved (his name) returns to me, with heart and soul, so that he is mine. Amen!"

Sometimes you only realize how dear a person is when you lose him. This often happens in family life, when a couple, having spent many years side by side, loses passion and the feeling of love, and routine and everyday “everyday life” become a challenge for the least patient partner – usually a man.

A tired “married man” is easily recognized by hunters of other people’s husbands, and while the unsuspecting wife continues to provide a calm and measured life for her husband, he is already firmly stuck in a new, bright relationship that brings an unforgettable feeling of flight. A little time passes, and he is ready to do anything for the sake of a new passion, and the “old” wife becomes unnecessary and abandoned.

You can restore the broken connection and wipe the nose of your mistress through this powerful ritual on the bed. You will be talking about your marriage bed, where you and your husband spent unforgettable moments of an intimate nature.

It is important that you do not indulge in lovemaking with other men on your marital bed, since in this case a conspiracy can lead to irreversible negative consequences.

In the evening, as the sun sets, stand facing the bed and say:

“Our bed is big, you are one, but my husband and I are two, and you and I are three. Also three, like the Lord, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Trinity is always inseparable, and just as they are connected together, so let the three of us be indivisible and one. You, our wedding bed, are smooth and soft. In my life with my beloved husband, you bring peace, harmony and peace, and remove quarrels and betrayals. Just as I have no one except my heaven-given, dear husband (name), so let him have no one but his lawful wife (name). My word will be strong and indestructible. So be it!"

If you still live with your husband in the same home, but you know about his adventures to the left and are afraid of a breakup, you can use the ritual to return his love:

At the midnight hour of the day, when the moon is growing, place a glass of plain water in front of you and light a couple of the simplest church candles. Peering into the surface of the water, draw mental images in which you and your spouse are next to you. Imagine your cloudless, happy life together. Are you ready? Read the spell words:

“The water in the glass is clear and clear!

Help, water, I can’t say goodbye to my loved one.

Let the servant of God (husband’s name) forget all others,

And he will return to me alone

Let him make his way to me through swamps and forests,

Meadows and fields, mountains and seas.

Let him miss me and worry about me.

Let him not imagine his fate without his wife.

How will he drink the charmed water?

immediately he only worries about me, grieves.

Let your soul unite with me,

And he will never spoil you again.

I conjure, I beg, I seal the words with a lock.

Law and power are my words!

So be it! Amen!"

If, after using one of the proposed conspiracies, your lover has not returned and is increasingly moving away from you, try turning to a practicing psychic or sorcerer, since a man may be under spells that prevent the effects of spells, which are very difficult to recognize on your own.

Popular conspiracies to bring back a loved one

A conspiracy to return a loved one is very popular among girls and women who have been abandoned by their boyfriends or husbands. In desperation, they are looking for any available methods to reason with their beloved and bring him back. Magic helps solve this problem.

Women have repeatedly used a strong conspiracy to return a loved one

Plot to bring back a guy with a bitten tongue

Women have repeatedly used a powerful plot to return a loved one, which should be read while biting your tongue in advance.

Bite your tongue, this means making a small sacrifice to magic for the fact that it will contribute to the return of the guy, to restore the broken relationship. In addition, this action makes the words sound different. In this way they will be better heard by higher powers.

To return a loved one, to get him away from his mistress, a magical ritual should be performed. You should prepare in advance:

  • photo of a guy;
  • two red cups;
  • two red candles;
  • clean towel;
  • a large piece of clean natural fabric.

On the first day of the waxing moon, you should read a magical plot to bring back your loved one. Cups need to be placed on the table. Opposite the girl there should be a photo of her boyfriend. Red candles are placed between the cups. Cloth should be laid from the yard to the bedroom, and a clean towel should be placed in the bathroom. It is worth understanding that all things required for the ceremony must be completely new.

You need to pour aromatic tea into the cups. To the girl you need to use your imagination for the magic to work. She should feel the presence of her loved one nearby. At this time, you should not take your eyes off the photo. Now all that remains is to bite your tongue three times. It's good if there's some bleeding. For the third time, you can begin to read the prepared plot to return your loved one:

“The powers are high, the feelings are deep, I ask and beg you, I call upon you for help. You will remind your dear friend (name) that his friend (name) is missing him. He waits, languishes in love and sadness and wants his feelings to rush to his Falcon, sweet, clear without melancholy, darkness and vain. So that his soul would perk up and turn his face to me. So that he remembers the clear nights and my beautiful eyes. May my lips be sweet and his brains refreshed. Let him understand that the road has been paved. Return is urgent. The tea is poured, the bath is prepared. The beloved lady is waiting and languishing. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Higher powers. All the best to you, be happy to be heard.”

It is necessary to read the prayer until the candles go out. Their remains are folded into a towel and placed with the bed linen. Let the cups remain on the table. After the ritual, you can safely go to rest. The guy's return will happen very quickly. In a maximum of three days, the girl will be waiting for the man on the threshold of her house. And he will definitely come to renew the relationship.

Conspiracy to return your beloved guy

To return a loved one, a girl must read special prayers that will certainly be useful to her. Magic will help those who sincerely want to return to their previous relationship with their chosen one, who for various reasons decided to leave her.

The ritual to return the guy involves performing a small magical ritual. It will require nine church candles, a photo of a loved one. Three candles should be placed on the table and lit. You should put a photo in front of you. You also need to write in advance on a blank sheet of paper all the disturbing thoughts that spoil your relationship with your lover. After this, read the following prayer:

I, God’s servant (name), will get up in the morning, wash myself with cold water, dry myself with a white shroud, and worship Jesus Christ. I’ll go through the doors into the gates, out of the gates into the street, under the bright sun, the red sun, about a month young, into a clean field, a wide field. In that field a tree stands, supporting the sky with its branches. Those branches stretch from east to west. May there stand under it a church with a bright throne. There is a board at the throne, and on that board lies melancholy. Throw a thrower at God's servant (name), melancholy, into his violent head, into his zealous heart, into his strong bones, into his hot blood. I will be a servant of God (name) brighter than the sun, more beautiful than the month, dearer to my father and mother, kinder to the whole family of the tribe, dearer to the free light. If he stands by the water, he will want to drown himself from melancholy; if he stands by the fire, he will burn himself. The servant of God (name) will feel sorry for me, not regret it. He will remember me until his death. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

During the ritual, the girl must be in a calm state. Otherwise, magical powers will not work as desired.

This conspiracy to return a loved one will help him make the right decision and push him to think about renewing his relationship with his soulmate.

To return a loved one, a girl must read special prayers

White magic spell to get a guy back

White magic has many interesting spells that help bring back a loved one. Here's one of them. This plot will make a man drop everything and rush to the girl. It will allow you to awaken real feelings that he never managed to reveal in himself.

Every white magician who recommends this particular spell warns that it has a very strong effect. And even if a girl once stops loving the bewitched guy, she will never be able to get rid of him. Therefore, it is worth doing such a ritual only if you have complete confidence in your own feelings.

The winds of the earth, the whirlwinds are strong, you rage, blow, disperse.

Reach out to the servant of God (guy's name).

Rock him, bend him, dry him, tell him about me (name),

So that you don’t get enough sleep in your sleep, don’t overeat in food,

Didn't get drunk in drinking, didn't get drunk in walking.

So that the servant of God (name) no longer walks in the revelry,

he was sad for me, yearned, grieved.

My words are precise, strong, my thoughts are sharp and tenacious.

The desire for pain is stronger, the knife is sharper.

Let it be so. Amen".

The conspiracy is very effective. The girl will notice its effect within a few days.

A conspiracy to return a loved one in the photo

Conspiracies to return the guy you like using his photo are common among girls who managed to get a good photo of their loved one. They are especially popular among wives who want to restore their family, make it stronger and happier. They are used to discourage a lover from his mistress. And white magic is a good helper in this matter.

A mistress will not have a chance to destroy someone else's family if a loving wife performs such a ritual. With it she will protect her man from unreasonable actions and improve her relationship with her husband. For a magical ritual, you will need a photo of the person to be spoken to.

Conspiracies to return a guy you like based on a photo are very popular

Before you start reading the plot, you need to place a photo of the guy in the raw dough. It is lightly wrapped and placed in the oven for an hour. After baking, a hole is cut with a knife exactly in the area where the photo is located. While the photo is heated, you need to read the plot:

I will eat the whole pie with feeling, so that you can feel, can and always want me, no matter where you and I are. Every day you are with me. Spring is in the soul, I am in the eyes. Give me happy days and love me forever. Amen".

The plot to return your husband is read seven times. The photo itself should be completely burned. After fifteen days, the woman will notice how her husband’s attitude towards her has changed. Peace and tranquility will return to the family.

Conspiracies to return a husband to the family from his mistress

The biggest problem for wives is mistresses. It is because of them that they are left without husbands and are forced to support their own family. Therefore, women increasingly began to look for an effective conspiracy to return their husbands.

To take your loved one away from your mistress forever and improve your relationship with him, you should read the following plot:

As this water boils and boils, as it dries up and dries, so the heart of my husband, God’s servant (name) will boil and boil, will dry up and dry up for me, will howl, whine, roar, be sick, for his own family, yes by the lawful wife of the servant of God (name). So that he could not take a single step without his family, so that he could not be without us, could not live, so that we would see him in reality, so that we would appear in his dreams at night. He will run, he will hurry home, he will hurry to return to me. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The ideal time to read the plot is after sunset. Before pronouncing it, you should put a pan of clean water on the fire. And after this you can say a prayer to renew your relationship with your spouse.

Another good conspiracy that will help win your husband away from his mistress and force him to return to the family:

Like me, God’s servant (name) was baptized in church by my own mother, my godmother, and my Lord’s mother, the Most Holy Theotokos. Help me, Virgin Mary, for the sake of baptism, give me forgiveness for my sins. Hear my voice, my request, help me, my husband, God’s servant (name) and the gateway home. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This spell for a loved one is read out on the waxing moon. It is recommended to perform the ritual exclusively on Monday at sunset. On other days it will be of absolutely no use. Before the ceremony, you should take a church candle and holy water. When a prayer sounds, a lit candle should be placed in front of a bowl filled with water.

The conspiracy will definitely work on your loved one if the girl really wants to return his good attitude towards herself. If she is overwhelmed by such negative feelings as envy, jealousy and hatred, then she will definitely not be able to save the family. Even magic will not force a husband to leave his mistress if he feels negativity coming from his wife. And the relationship between the couple will continue to deteriorate. It is for this reason that the mood of the woman performing the ritual is of great importance.

A plot to return a loved one from a mistress is read out on the waxing moon

In order for conspiracies to gain full force, they must be read out during a specific period. After all, some of them are effective only during the full moon, while others are effective during the waxing moon. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with all the nuances in advance so as not to waste your time.

Prayers, without which the rituals will be of no use, are read in a whisper. Every word should be pronounced clearly. There is no need to cut off the plot. It must be spoken in full.

Before turning to higher powers for help, a woman should think carefully about whether she needs it. You shouldn’t immediately try to look for all sorts of conspiracies that will force him to return on the first day after your beloved husband leaves. It's better to wait a while. In the first days after the departure of her husband, the wife is in an emotional state. She can't make the right decisions. After a week, she will be able to come to her senses. Then you can begin to think about performing magical rituals to return your beloved.

You need to understand that most conspiracies aimed at bringing back a lover have a long-lasting effect. Many of them are eternal. Only the chosen one with whom the woman wants to spend her whole life should be spoken to. After all, she will never be able to get rid of him again. Magical powers will not allow the charmed person to get rid of thoughts about a specific woman.

Under no circumstances should you perform a love ritual just to test its effectiveness. Games with other people's destinies will not bring anything good. Each conspiracy must be pronounced with a pure heart and sincere faith. A negligent attitude towards magical rituals can doom a woman to long-term unhappiness in her personal life. It is unlikely that anyone would want to doom themselves to loneliness. Therefore, it is worth turning to higher powers only in extreme cases, when their intervention is really necessary.

Conspiracies to bring your loved one back into a relationship

Even in the most sincere and beautiful love relationships there is never a guarantee that they will last forever. Lovers separate, it happens. It also happens that one of the couple later regrets that he let his loved one go. In this situation, it is very suitable to use a spell to return a loved one.

Conspiracy to return a loved one

How does the conspiracy work?

A conspiracy to return a loved one will change the information field in which you are with your former lover. If your couple’s biofield is now charged with some information that contributed to your leaving each other, then a magical love ritual will change everything. Just don’t hope that the return plot will work in such a way that you will feel like at the beginning of the affair. This is impossible, that moment has passed irrevocably. But this is not a tragedy, because there is a great opportunity at the moment to create a completely new atmosphere for your relationship.

A strong conspiracy to return a loved one will renew the girl and the guy, as a result they will have the opportunity to look at each other in a completely new way. This means that the girl will also need to work on getting rid of negativity towards her loved one or idealizations towards him.

When can a spell be used?

  1. A conspiracy to return a loved one can be used if you separated from your loved one and regretted it quickly enough. I must say, honestly, that the sooner after breaking up you use this love spell, the sooner after the hex you will get back together.
  2. A valid conspiracy to return your betrothed can be carried out if your loved one, very unexpectedly for you, left for another woman. The return then will consist of the fact that with the help of magic you will form in him a completely new image of yourself. By the way, it is more effective to carry out such a conspiracy on a church holiday, for example, on Annunciation. Then it works as strongly as the rituals of the famous Natalia Stepanova. On church holidays, white magic intensifies.
  3. At home, a strong conspiracy to return a loved one can be read if you yourself left your boyfriend and now want to return him, but out of pride he no longer wants to come back.
  4. There are situations when a beloved man has been somewhere at a distance for a long time. And suddenly, out of the blue, he ends his relationship with you. The girl, of course, will be stunned in this situation. But the effect of the slander will help correct the situation and at least bring your loved one to an honest conversation, where the couple will sort things out.

It is clear that in similar situations a conspiracy is carried out to return the beloved girl.

Spell for the wedding hour

You were together for a long time, loving him was a great pleasure, as well as receiving love from him. But it happens that a man sometimes leaves his wife for a random woman. But this does not mean that your beloved has left you forever. It is possible to influence this situation with the help of a ritual. This ritual is called the “wedding hour.” It must be performed at 12 noon; it is believed that those marriages that were concluded at this hour are very strong. The ritual must be performed at this hour. It doesn’t matter at all that you and your spouse were scheduled at a different time. So, if you want to take your loved one away from another, then take a red thread at twelve o’clock, stand by the window and say the following spell for his return:

“The servant of God (his name) is the one I need, the one who is my husband. He and I promised each other's destinies in the light of day. I resurrect that promise with magic. Whoever has forgotten, let him remember it again. The thread of passion does not break, it will not remain outside the marriage. Higher powers help me make sure that you are nearby. At the next dawn you will come to me, you will be next to me again. Come home, love your family. The soul of my man will not be near another, he will only be next to me. All that is holy was coming home tonight.”

While you are saying this text, you are winding a red thread around your finger. You can do this by looking at a photo of a man, but it is not necessary. Then this thread needs to be placed under your family bed. In this way, love can be returned. The ritual is effective even at home. For a faster effect, you don’t need to sit and shed tears for your spouse. Better get yourself in order before he returns. To restore relationships, it is very good when a woman takes care of herself. Go to a beauty salon, get a new hairstyle. All this is not just needed to be distracted.

The fact is that all these women's events increase women's energy. The wife and her husband have a very strong energetic connection. This means that he will definitely feel your feminine power. So, such women’s events are very capable of strengthening this love magic spell. The consequences of this will be that the husband will return home even faster.

Plot for a new lover

A conspiracy on how to return a loved one must be sought based on the present situation. It happens that a guy leaves a girl almost at the very beginning of a relationship. A month has passed that was full of passion and love. And suddenly the guy decided to break up with the girl and said that it was better for them to remain friends. And the girl has already become very involved in the relationship; this is especially typical for women. If this happens, then the girl, instead of shedding tears over the fact that she was abandoned, should better carry out a conspiracy in the morning to return her loved one. Such a ritual will help both of you leave the relationship with more dignity or continue it in a different context. To carry out this conspiracy to return your loved one, you need to go to the first intersection, which is located near the house, and say such a strong conspiracy to return him:

“He touched my heart, he didn’t regret his feelings for me, he bit his tongue and listened to you, whoever loved you understands. And then he broke his heart and left him. The love remains, but the heart is gone. I want to bring you back, call you for a conversation. Help me restore my heart out of love for the past. Don't kill the woman in me. Come from any side, I will accept, come and speak, return.”

Then you need to silently, without looking back, go to your home. And at home you still need to stand in the middle of your apartment and say the following words of the conspiracy in order to return your loved one:

It is important to say this very energetically so that the energetic echo reaches the man. With the help of such a conspiracy, you will be able to return the man at least for the main conversation, in which you can clarify everything. Most likely, he will come to you in a few days. This conversation may end in a very different way, but your relationship will never be the same again. In a conversation, a woman can also sincerely tell about her offense against a man, but she should not throw a tantrum. It is also important during this period to read prayers to the Mother of God for the restoration of your feminine heart.

Conspiracy with candles

To return your loved one, you can use a ritual with three church candles. This plot works like standard love spells. Therefore, it is imperative to carry out such a ritual during the waxing moon. In the evening, be alone with yourself. Light all the candles, but turn off all electrical appliances. Candles should be arranged in the shape of a triangle. Look at the triangle with candles and imagine the loved one you want to return. It is important here to let yourself experience the full range of feelings that you have for this person. These can be both negative and positive experiences, let them all come to life freely in your soul. Only after this, look at each of the candles and say the following spell to bring back your loved one:

“Just as a candle cannot live without a flame, it does not live its life. So I, the servant of God (my name), do not live my life fully without the servant of God (the name of the man). You are my fire, you are my life, be with me, believe me as I believe you. I want to bring you back, I always dream about you. The flame of my life does not burn without you. I ask the highest powers so that your candle burns only together with mine. When you get up in the morning, you will see my image in front of you, and you will want to see me in reality. See the woman of your life in me, come to me, love me, to return you means to return life to yourself. I’m with you, you’re with me, we’re together forever.”

After this, let the candles burn out to the end. At the same time, prepare yourself mentally for the arrival of your loved one. You should go to bed imagining that he is about to come to visit you. This feeling should be as realistic as possible. Don’t be surprised if your loved one comes to you in a dream this night, this means that very soon he will appear in your life in reality.

A conspiracy to return from a mistress

If you and a man are not married, but live together, then it is also quite painful if he suddenly finds another woman for himself, essentially a mistress. In this case, the girl does not have the power that a legal spouse has, but to restore the relationship and return her man, you can still perform the following ritual.

To return her sweetheart, the girl will need a new pack of salt, a cast iron frying pan and a linen bag. You will also need one church candle. It is advisable to perform this ritual on a full moon; the closer to twelve at night, the better. It needs to be done in the kitchen. Stay alone in the kitchen; you need to make sure that there are no pets in this room during the magical ritual. Light a candle. You can read a prayer. Prayer will help raise the vibrations of the body to more subtle levels so that the ceremony is even more successful. Then place a cast iron frying pan on the heat. Pour seven tablespoons of salt into it. Stir the salt with a wooden spoon and say a spell to bring back your loved one:

“My heart is as hot as this frying pan. Your heart is red-hot with love for another. But I didn’t leave your heart either, this can’t happen. I need you back. Forgive me, darling, I’m pouring salt on your heart. It’s not salt, it’s memories of me. As this salt warms up in the frying pan, so will your heart warm up towards me again. When you get up in the morning, you won’t be able to think about anyone but me. You will come back to me, this cannot be avoided. And I burn the other one from your heart with the same salt. Your passion is gone, your love is gone. There are no more of you, only separately now. Only you need me, only I am important to you. You won’t stop thinking about me until tomorrow night, you’ll come back to me, you’ll forget her.”

Actually, this ritual works to ensure that the period of passion between a young man and a girl ends as quickly as possible. It would have ended anyway, and at the end of it all, he would still remember you, but this way it will happen much faster. But this is not the end of the ritual. Now this fried charmed salt needs to be collected in a linen bag. Take this bag of salt out into the yard and bury it under a feminine tree. That is, it could be birch, aspen, willow. When you bury it, say the following part of the plot:

“Get him back, take him from her. You are a tree friend, help me with your feminine power to win back what is mine from someone else’s. As has been said, it will be so, but it cannot be any other way.”

After that, go home and go straight to bed. The girl’s soul will feel better after this magical ritual. As you guessed, it acts as a turn-off for another woman.

Conspiracy in the photo

To bring back your loved one, who is now at a great distance from you, it is very good to use this really working ritual in photography. A photo stores a lot of energy from a person, and it is with this energy that you will work in conspiracy. It doesn’t matter whether you do the ritual early in the morning or late in the evening, the main thing is that it is a day of the waxing moon. On such days, you need to approach the window with the photo, so that daylight or moonlight falls on it. First, look at the photograph in detail; a woman needs to completely absorb with her imagination all the facial features of her chosen one. Then close your eyes, it is important that at this moment the image of your chosen one emerges as clearly as possible in your consciousness. If this still fails, then spend a little more time working with the photograph to achieve a clear image. And when this happens, you can read the magic text:

“You are far away, but your love is near. Your love is in me, I remember it, I know it, I will never be able to live without it. Your heart is clouded, you don’t remember me, you forgot. I send you the sun, which will take away the fog and remind you of me. Let this sun illuminate your soul, let me myself become this sun for you. Be my sky, come back to your sun. Just as the sky cannot exist without the sun, so the servant of God (his name) cannot live happily without the servant of God (her name). Come for happiness, come for me. I am your love, hear it, see it, accept it and come back to me with an open heart. I accept, I return, I love."

It is advisable to say this strong magical text without offending the man. The purer and more open your heart is at this moment, the better the conspiracy itself will work. If this is so, then you will get the result literally in a few days. Your loved one will show up. If he didn’t get in touch before, then after this conspiracy there is a high probability that he will. It is interesting that such a magical ritual can sometimes even change some objective circumstances. Sometimes it happens that a man had to stay on a trip for a very long time, but thanks to a conspiracy, external circumstances changed, and he arrived earlier. This is how the power of female love works. It is only important to put it into action correctly. This conspiracy to bring back a loved one is effective if you cleanse your heart of resentment.

Ring plot

Women usually want certainty in relationships, so they often force things. They are very happy to meet their betrothed, and want him to propose marriage to them as soon as possible. Men are often afraid of responsibility, so sometimes they are even ready to leave a relationship where they are pressured about serious decisions. If your separation from your loved one happened for the same reason, then you can do the following ritual. Take a ring that closely resembles an engagement ring. Light a candle on the evening of the waxing moon, sit in front of it and read this powerful plot:

“A stream of water, a stream of love fell upon you. It was I who created that water. My love has crushed you. Forgive me, dear, forgive me, beloved. Dear, I love you, that’s why I want everything at once. I see your return in a dream and in reality. I need you, not the ring. Come in the name of our love. Come, hug and kiss. Yours. I'm waiting, come back. Amen".

After this, the ring must be thrown out the window. Yes, that's exactly what needs to be done. This will indicate that the woman is ready to give up her expectations about the wedding, and accepts her loved one for who he is. By the way, this is one of the conditions for unconditional love. As paradoxical as it may sound, a girl can get almost anything she wants from a man if she doesn’t demand anything. Men are very attracted to independent women. They just want to give everything, even what they don’t ask for. This is a powerful spell, but it will only be effective if the woman is truly able to give up her wedding expectations. If this is so, then even simple rituals, including this one, will work instantly.

Strong conspiracies to return your husband. Very effective
