“Methods and techniques for maintaining discipline in a kindergarten group. Synopsis of an open lesson on household work Topic: “Let's put things in order in the group Let's put things in order in the group

Hripsime Hovhannisyan

Municipal preschool educational institution

Kindergarten of combined type "Fairy tale"

Abstract on the organization of labor activity in the preparatory group

"All Let's clean up the group together»


caregiver: Oganisyan R. R.


educators: Oganisyan R. R., Yatskevich A. I.

Musical director: Penzina S. A

G. Kotelniki 201

Target: teach children to support group order to consolidate the ability to distribute teamwork and carry it out jointly.


1. To form the ability to plan the sequence of your work.

2. Independently carry out the necessary labor activities: prepare place and equipment for work; improve the ability to wash toys, building material, wipe dust on furniture, direct order in the book corner.

3. Cultivate accuracy, industriousness, responsibility for the task assigned, mutual assistance, a sense of satisfaction from the implementation labor intent.

Equipment: basins, rags, aprons, tables.

Creating a game situation: V the group did not remove the toys, some items are out of place.

The teacher and children enter group.

caregiver: Children, why do we have such a mess? In the morning we have order was what happened while we were away? Maybe one of you joked so unsuccessfully? It's not you?

Carlson runs in: Here I am! Hello to all my friends!

caregiver: Guys, who came to us?

Children: Carlson!

caregiver: Carlson, so you are here put things in order?

Carlson: Yes! Really, I'm good? All removed in one minute?

caregiver: Children, what do you think order in our group? Beautiful? Cosy? Are the toys clean and in place? (children's answers)

Carlson: You don't understand anything! Disorder is the best order! Beauty! Let's go and play better!

Children: No, Carlson, it's time for business, it's an hour for fun! Before you have to leave put things in order, put everything in its place.

Carlson: You are so small and you yourself know how to wash and clean everything! (children's answers)

Carlson: Oh, and you're bored maybe, to do this uninteresting business ...

Children: Not boring at all, but even interesting! Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do! Work, is always useful. If you like to ride, love to carry sleds.

caregiver: Why don't you love work?

Carlson: It's so tiring, boring, difficult ... And I love fun!

caregiver: Maybe you're just being lazy?

Carlson: Not really. I just never tried to direct order and cleanliness.

caregiver: Guys, let's teach Carlson to direct order and follow the rule "Each thing has its place"! Before you start cleaning group, you need to collect toys from the floor. When everything is scattered, you can accidentally step on a toy and break it or get injured. (children put toys away).

caregiver: Guys, what do we need in order to wash the toys and dust off the shelves?

Children list: aprons, rags, basins of water.

caregiver: Before work, you need to remember the rules labor who will help us to quickly and efficiently cope with the work.

Children: You can not be distracted from work;

Any work must be completed to the end with high quality and accuracy;

Handle water with care;

Bring the job you started to the end

Help your comrade if he can not cope with the work of advice or deed;

Whoever finishes the work the fastest, you need to help those who have not yet finished their work; accept help gratefully.

After work, you must clean your workplace.

caregiver: Children, now we will be divided into links, we will choose the eldest and distribute who is what work hard.

Children put on aprons, roll up their sleeves, take the necessary equipment on their own, and get to work.

Carlson approaches working children, asks what they do, how they do it, tries work yourself.

At the end labor activity children clean their workplace and approach the teacher.

caregiver: Children, what good fellows you all are! Look how clean, beautiful and comfortable it has become in our group. Let's remember what we did for this? What were we doing?

Children list the types labor which they performed.

caregiver: Why do you think we did the job quickly?

Children: Everyone worked together, in concert, helped each other in their work.

caregiver: You are correct. Purity and order in our group because you worked without quarreling, quickly, efficiently, helping each other. No wonder people say "Patience and labor - all grind, "Friendly - not heavy!"

Carlson: How wonderful, hardworking children! Thank you for teaching me and helping me guide group order. I will always be too work, it's so interesting. I will always support

purity and order in your play area. And now you can play with me and have fun?

caregiver: Carlson, don't think our children have as much fun as are toiling. Now they will play a cheerful melody for you on wooden spoons.

Carlson: Well, I'll listen with great pleasure. Now I also know the saying about labor: “Time for business, hour for fun!”

Children play on spoons with musical accompaniment.

Carlson: Thank you guys for teaching me work. And now it's time for me to go home. See you soon!


open class on household work

Topic: "Let's clean up the group"

Prepared by the teacher : Mukhina N.V.

Subject: "Let's clean up the group"

Chapter : household work.

Group : №16

Conduct form : subgroup

Goals : 1. Learn to perform elementary labor assignments (clean up toys).

2. Develop visual-motor coordination and orientation in space.

3. Cultivate the skills of diligence.

Equipment : toys: balls, cubes, cars. Tape recorder, disc with calm music, box, basket, carpets, bowls with bulk material.

preliminary work :

Games with toys;

Supervision of the work of adults;

Training in the skills of shifting objects from container to container;

Performing labor assignments for cleaning toys;

Lesson progress:

1 Introduction.

Org. Moment.

Welcome circle

Topic message

2. The main part.

Hand exercise: "Do as I do"

Exercise "Surprise"

Exercise "Find the right item"

Dynamic pause.

Fulfillment of labor assignments:

Task number 1

"Dice Stacking"

Task number 2

"Collecting Balls"

Task number 3

"Car cleaning"

3. Final part.

V. "-Guys, guests have come to us, say hello to them."

Greeting ritual: children sit on the carpet, hold hands (music sounds).

V .: “Look who will be studying with us today: Misha, Alyosha, Zhenya. Smile at each other. We are very happy to be together.”

Greeting each child:

Q: Who's here? Who is with us?

Who is there? Who's come?

This is Alyosha, Alyosha, Alyosha!

Hi Hi".

V .: “Guys, today we will work with you. You will be my helpers."

V. invites the children to get up from the carpet and sit down at the tables.

(The teacher draws the attention of the children).

V .: “Guys, look how beautiful and cozy it is in our group, toys are neatly on the shelves: a shelf with musical toys, soft toys, rubber toys, a basket of balls, boxes of cubes, etc. It is not easy to maintain order it needs to be learned.”

V .: “But before we work, we need to prepare our hands for work. Look at me

(the teacher offers the children an exercise for the development of motor skills of the hands).

“Repeat the exercise after me.

1. Extend your hands forward

2. Clenched your hands into fists.

3. We make rotational movements with cams.

Well done!

Next exercise:

1. Straighten your arms forward.

1. Tightly clenched fists.

2. Straighten your fingers.

3. Separate them as wide as possible.

Well done!"

There are bowls with bulk material and objects on the tables.

V .: “Guys, I will show you now, and then you will complete this task.

1. I lower my hand into a bowl.

2. I am looking for an object with my hands.

3. I take out the object from the bowl.

4. I put the object on a tray, etc.

I got all the items, and now you will work with your hands.

V. puts the bowls on the table for the children. And invites the children to get items one at a time from the bowl.

V .: “Alyosha, put your hand in the bowl, get the item. Well done!" (and so with each child, children lay out items on a tray).

V .: “They got a lot of toys (V. shows the object in turn and names it).

This is a ball (cube, rubber toy).

V. invites the children to consider these items.

V. shows an object and calls it - this puts a cube on the table, takes another object - this is a ball, this is a rubber toy.

V. invites the children, upon request, to take the item that is asked. V .: "Alyosha, give me the ball." (and so with every child).

V. invites the children to pay attention to a sound that has suddenly arisen (“beep” is the sound of a machine).

V .: “Guys, look, a car has come to us. She brought us a lot of toys: balls, cubes, rubber toys.” (a lot of toys spill out of the car body onto the carpet, more toys are hidden on the carpet under the diaper).

V .: “We have a lot of toys in the group, let's play a little. (Vost offers children to play with toys). Alyosha take the ball and play. Zhenya, let's build a house. Misha throw me a ball.

Well done! We played a little."

V .: “Guys, look at the order on the shelves in our group: the toys are neat, and the toys are scattered on the carpet. Let's put the toys in their places: the balls are in the basket, the cubes are in the boxes, the rubber toys are on the shelf.

V .: “We will put the cubes in a box, I will show, then you will put the cubes in a box.

1. I take the cube in my hands.

2. Put the cube in the box.

3. I take the next cube, I place the cube carefully, next to the first.

4. I close the box with a lid.

(v. invites each child to complete the task)

We removed the cubes. Well done!"

V .: “Now let's put the balls in the basket, I will show, then you will help me.

1. I take the ball in my hands.

2. I put it in the basket.

3. Close the basket with a lid.

(v. invites each child to take the ball and put it in the basket). Well done!"

V .: “We still have rubber toys left uncleaned.

1. I take the car in hand.

2. Carefully put the car on the shelf.

(v. invites each child to put the cars on the shelf). Well done!

V .: “Guys, today you learned to clean up toys. Alyosha, well done, put the cubes in the box. Zhenya, well done, collected all the balls in the basket. Misha did a good job, neatly placed rubber toys on the shelves.

Well done!

Children greet.

Children sit on the carpet and hold hands.

Children get up and sit at tables.

Children are watching.

The kids will do it.

Children are watching.

The children are doing the task.

Children point with a finger or pick up an object.

Children are watching.

Children do the task with toys.

Children are watching.

Children are watching.

Children perform.

Children are watching.

Children perform.

Children are watching.

Children perform

The children are listening.

MBOU "Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Rehabilitation and Correction



"Let's clean up the group"

GCD on cognitive development for children of the senior group with mental retardation

Annotation. The summary of the GCD assumes the cognitive and research activities of children in the form of game learning situations that ensure the cognitive development of children. Preschool children (with mental retardation) get acquainted with the necessary labor activities in the group. Game tasks: “Collect the beads”, “Where did the Teddy bear go”, “Each toy has its place”, “Sinking - not sinking” contribute to increased attention, speech and cognitive activity. The abstract is intended for children 5-6 years old with mental retardation.

Program content:

1. Teach children to do what they need to do.

2. Strengthen the ability to distribute teamwork, joint performance.

3. To form knowledge and understanding of the components of labor (goal, motive of labor, subject of labor), to establish the relationship between them.

4. To develop attention, thinking, speech of children, orientation in space, the ability to explore the subject.

5. To cultivate accuracy, diligence, responsibility for the task assigned, mutual assistance.

6. Develop initiative, independence, self-control.

Equipment: tables, basins, rags, soap in soap dishes, clothesline, clothespins, aprons, doll clothes.

Main part.

Game situation: "Let's put things in order in the group"

Educator. Children, why is there such a mess in our group? Maybe one of you joked like that?

Humpty Dumpty.(runs in) Here I am! Hello to all my friends!

Educator. Who are you? We don't know you!

Humpty Dumpty. Everyone knows me around

They call it Humpty Dumpty.

I was in your garden guys

At first I played an acrobat,

Then he built a big house

Of course, the dolls lived in it.

Toys came to visit

Who by car, who on foot ...

I'm so tired of these games

Toys quickly removed,

He barely made it home.

I slept a little, and in the morning

I am here again! Hooray! Hooray!

I welcome you, friends!

Educator. Humpty Dumpty, so it was you who put things in order here?

Humpty Dumpty. Yes! Really, I'm good? Did you get it all out in one minute?

Educator. Children, what do you think is the order in our group? Beautiful? Cosy? Are the toys clean and in place?

Humpty Dumpty. Yes, you do not understand anything! Mess is the best order! Beauty! Let's go to the music hall, sing songs, have fun. Let's play there now.

Children. No, Humpty Dumpty, it's time for business, it's time for fun! You made a mess here, before you leave, you need to restore order, put everything in its place. We love our group, we always have cleanliness and order.

Educational game: "Collect Beads" Annex 1

Educator. Guys, Humpty Dumpty, scattered the beads, maybe we can help him collect the beads. (Dyenes blocks "Collect the beads" according to the schemes)

Humpty Dumpty. You are so small and you know how to wash and clean everything yourself? Put in order?

Children demonstrate the beads and show the hero their place on the shelf for educational games.

Humpty Dumpty. Oh, and it’s boring for you, probably, to do this uninteresting business ...

Children. Not boring at all, but even interesting. Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do! (the teacher helps to remember the proverb)

Humpty Dumpty. Why put things in order? Isn't it better to scatter everything and not clean it up? I wanted to play something - all the toys on the floor are lying around at hand. Picked it up and quit again. Great!

Proverbs about labor

Educator. We have such a rule in the garden: “Each thing has its place!”, And in such a mess you will not immediately find the right toy! And we also know and will tell you proverbs and sayings about work:

Working hard is always helpful.

The hut is red with corners, and the man with skill.

If you like to ride, love to carry sleds.

You can't even take a fish out of the pond without effort.

Work feeds, and laziness spoils.

If you want to eat kalachi, don't sit on the stove.

Educator. Well done boys! Why don't Humpty Dumpty like to work?

Humpty Dumpty. It's so tiring, boring, difficult... And I love fun!

Educator. Maybe you're just lazy!

Humpty Dumpty. Not really. I just never tried to put things in order and cleanliness.

The game of low mobility "Where did the little bear go"

Educator. Where did our bear go? Maybe under a chair, under a table.. (under the crib, on the bookshelf, in the doll's corner, in the construction corner)

Children walk around the group looking for a toy at the prompt of the teacher

(found on the children's sofa)

Children. Intervene toy usually lies on this shelf (show to the hero)

Educator. Children advise how to learn how to put things in order in the group.

Children. You have to clean up after yourself as soon as you finish the game. Before playing another game, you need to put everything back in its place.

Educator. Guys, you can find a way out of this situation. After all, Humpty Dumpty invites us to play and have fun, and you probably want to play and have fun with him? So what should we do?

Children. We must first put things in order, and then play and have fun.

Game situation "Each toy has its own place":

Place the matryoshka on the top shelf;

A typewriter for a nested doll on the top shelf;

A pyramid between a monkey and a typewriter on the top shelf;

-Christmas tree on the bottom shelf;

Ball in front of the Christmas tree;

Notebook on the top shelf behind the typewriter

Humpty Dumpty. Is there one extra item on the top shelf?

Children. Notebook.

Educator. Why?

Children. All other toys.

Educator. I propose to help Humpty Dumpty put things in order in the group and teach him to work. Children, go through the group and see what needs to be done so that everything is in order in the group.

Children. Wash toys.

Experience "Sinking - not sinking."

Two basins: "We wash toys" (we find out in a practical way: wooden and iron toys).

Educator. Why, guys, does a wooden nesting doll float, and an iron machine lies at the bottom?

Children. Because all wooden objects do not sink, but iron ones sink because they are heavy.

Children find wooden and metal objects. (call them)

Physical education:“We wipe the dust” (imitation of movements with napkins).

One two three four five

We will wipe the dust.

To begin, we will wipe the shelves,

Let's not forget the flowers

Wipe down tables and chairs

That's how clean. Well done!

Educator. Humpty Dumpty, where did you put the scarves for dolls?

Humpty Dumpty. I put them in .

Children. No, they should be in the corner of the disguise.

Educator. I suggest you work hard and embroider a pattern on scarves. (colored pencils, markers)

Productive activity "Draw a pattern"

(individual work with children). Annex 2

Children are invited to choose a "kerchief" (different options are offered in complexity)

Scarf options:

according to the sample;

Continue the pattern

Draw a drawing

Create your own pattern.

Educator. Now, Humpty Dumpty, you can have some fun.

Ditties about labor Annex 3

Children perform ditties about labor with musical accompaniment. Then, Humpty-Baltai invites the children to visit him, as they are very cheerful, friendly and, most importantly, hardworking and kind. He promises to show them his favorite toys.

Program content:
Learn how to do the work yourself:
wash doll clothes
improve the ability to wash toys, building material,
dust furniture,
care for flowers;
improve the ability to wash doll clothes;
to consolidate the ability to distribute team work, its joint implementation;
continue to teach children to divide into subgroups, prepare the workplace and put it in order after work is completed.
To form knowledge and understanding of the components of labor (purpose, motive of labor, subject of labor); establish a relationship between them; develop initiative, independence, self-control, self-organization. To cultivate accuracy, diligence, responsibility for the task assigned, mutual assistance, a sense of satisfaction from the implementation of the labor plan;
Learn to evaluate your work in common work, to see the results of your work. To cultivate moral volitional qualities, the ability to come to the aid of friends.
Preliminary work:
Familiarity with the rules of collaboration.
Reading proverbs and sayings about work.
Conversation "A small deed is better than a big idleness."
Conversation "Our house - we will put things in order in it."
Labor "Operation "Comfort".
Help for adults in everyday life.
Equipment: basins, rags, soap in a soap dish, sponges, clothesline, clothespins, aprons, doll clothes, spray guns, indoor plant kits, handicraft boxes, buttons, needles, threads, a broom, a scoop. The course of the lesson.
Creating a game situation: toys in the group are not removed after the game, the equipment is not in place.
The teacher and children are included in the group.
Educator. Kids, why are we in such a mess here. In the morning there was order, and now someone has arranged something incomprehensible. Maybe someone was joking?
Stranger runs.
Dunno. Here I am! Greetings to you friends!
Educator. Who are you? We don't know you!
Everyone around knows me.
They call it a stranger.
I was at your house guys
At first I played an acrobat,
then built a big house,
of course the dolls lived in it,
toys came to visit
some by car, some on foot.
I'm so tired of these games
toys quickly removed,
still ran to the house
slept a little in the morning
I am here again! Hooray! Hooray!
I welcome you, friends!
The teacher and children greet Dunno.
Educator. Dunno, did you bring order here?
Dunno. Yes! True, I'm great! Removed everything in one minute!
Educator. Children, what do you think, is the order in our group? Beautiful? Cosy? Are the toys clean and in place?
Dunno. Yes, you don't understand anything. Disorder is the best order, beauty! Let's go to the music hall, sing songs, have fun. We'll play there.
Educator. No, unknown. Business time - fun hour. You made a mess. But now we need to return everything back, put it in its place, wash the dusty toys. We love our group, we always have cleanliness and order. We always put toys in their place, we protect them. We take care of them, wipe the dust, and take care of the flowers.
All things need to be protected, you should know.
Dust from furniture should be wiped like this.
Of course, we need to wash the dishes,
And the button, if it came off, is sewn on.
Take care and toys, of course, I know
And I don't damage or break them.
And when I finish the game with them
I will remove them immediately.
We live together happily
We are careful and careful.
We have such, good guysAlways in our group comfort and order.
Dunno. You are so small and you know how to wash and clean everything yourself. Put in order!! Oh, and you must be bored doing this business.
Educator. Not boring at all. Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do.
Dunno. Why put things in order? Isn't it better to scatter everything and not clean it up? I wanted to play something - all the toys are on the floor, lying around at hand. Picked it up, played it and quit again. Great!
Educator. And the children and I also know you, Dunno, we will tell you proverbs and sayings about work.
Business time - fun hour.
Work feeds, and laziness spoils.
Working hard is always helpful.
The work of the master is afraid.
The hut is red in the corners, and the man is in deeds.
Play, play, but know the matter.
Don't rush with your tongue, hurry up with your deeds.
If you like to ride - love to carry sleds.
You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
What a master, such a thing.
Patience and hard work will grind everything.
Without work, strength weakens.
A skillful hand does not hurt.
If you want to eat kalachi, don't sit on the stove.
Business before pleasure.
A good start is half the battle.
Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do.
Educator. Dunno, do you like to work?
Dunno. It's so tedious, boring, difficult. And I love fun. I never tried to clean up.
Educator. But our children love to work, (children read poetry)
Though I'm small in stature, and my pigtail is thin,
But I help in the house,
I wash all the dishes.
I love sweeping the floor
And water all the flowers.
I'm learning everything myself
I am not afraid of work.
We are friendly guys
More like cleaning
toys neatly
Let's put it on the shelf.
Matryoshkas, dolls, bears,
Little bunnies -
The kids will take you away
Girls and boys.
Educator. Let's guys see what we can do here.
Children's answers:
put the chairs in place;
wipe toys;
put the dolls in place;
wash doll dresses;
wipe the dust;
sweep the floor;
take out the trash.
Educator. What do we need to work?
Children's answers:
basins with water;
broom and shovel.
Labor rules:
You can't be distracted from work.
Any work must be done carefully and brought to the end.
Help your comrades.
Clean up your workspace.
Thanks for the help.
The distribution of labor.
Warm-up "Big wash"
Children work, and Dunno walks between them. After finishing work, the children clean their workplace.
The teacher sums up the lesson:
What were we doing?
What they were doing?
Educator. How clean and beautiful it became in the group!
Why do you think we did everything quickly?
Children's answers, conclusion: everyone worked together.
Decoration of napkins as a gift to guests.
Song good deeds.

Tatiana Kurochkina
Household work. "Let's clean up the group." Senior group

Household work.

« Bring order to the group

Senior group.

Kurochkina Tatyana Vladimirovna

Household work. « Bring order to the group

Senior group.

Form of organization:

Collective work.


1) To form the ability to see the need for work and set its goals on their own initiative, to act under the influence of social motives, to realize the significance and necessity of work.

2) Develop the habit of pre-thinking the organization of work and the sequence of its execution. To form the ability to independently state the action plan in the already mastered processes, with the help of the teacher's questions - in the newly introduced tasks.

3) Improve skills, develop a habit rationally work. To form skills and methods of action in newly introduced tasks.

4) Form the Habit of Persevering goals: correctly assess the result of their own and common work; to find, with the help of the teacher, the causes of shortcomings in labor activity.

5) To form the ability and desire to help a friend, to be fair in the distribution of work; benevolence and fairness in evaluating other people's results.

Equipment: basins, rags, soap in a soap dish, aprons, tables.

The course of work.

Creating a game situation: V group toys are not removed after the game, some equipment is out of place.

The teacher and children enter group.

caregiver: Children why do we have in group is not in order? In the morning we had order and now the toys are scattered. Who made such a bad joke? It's not you? (Children answer.)

Pinocchio runs in: Here I am! Hello to all my friends!

caregiver: Who you are? We don't know you!

Pinocchio: Everyone around me knows Pinocchio called.

I was in your garden guys.

First, I played an acrobat.

Then built up big,

Of course the dolls lived in it.

Toys came to visit

Some by car, some on foot.

So tired of these games

Toys quickly removed

Barely made it home

I slept a little, and in the morning

I am here again! Hooray! Hooray!

I welcome you, friends!

The teacher and children greet Pinocchio.

caregiver: Pinocchio, so you're here put things in order?

Pinocchio: Yes, I'm really good?

caregiver: Children do you think order in our group? Beautiful? Cosy? Are the toys clean and in place? (Children answer.)

Pinocchio: You don't understand anything. Disorder is the best order! Let's go to the music hall, sing songs, have fun.

Children: no Pinocchio are you here made a mess before you have to leave put things in order, put everything in place, wash dusty toys. We own group love and we always order. We always put the toys in their place, we take care of them. We take care of them: wash, wipe the dust.

Pinocchio: What for put things in order: Isn't it better to scatter everything and not clean it up?

Children: We have this in our garden rule: "Each thing has its place!" and in such mess You won't find the right toy right away. And we also know and will tell you proverbs and sayings about labor.

If you like to ride - love to carry sleds.

Without labor you can't even take a fish out of the pond.

The teacher praises the children and turns to Pinocchio:

Why don't you love work?

Pinocchio: It's tedious and boring and I've never tried pointing order.

caregiver: Children advise Pinocchio how to learn to direct order

Children: Toys must be cleaned up after themselves. You need to remember from where, what you take, so that later you can put it back in place. When everything is scattered, you can accidentally step on toys and break them or get injured.

caregiver: Children, can you find a way out of this situation now? After all, Pinocchio invites us to play and have fun, and you, for sure Do you want to play with him and have fun? So what should we do?

Children: We must first to clean up and then play.

The teacher offers the children to help Pinocchio clean up the group and at the same time teach him work advises children to go through group and see what needs to be done in order to the group was fine.

Children determine the subject labor: put the chairs in place, put the equipment back in place, wipe the toys that Pinocchio scattered on the floor and put them on the shelves, put the dolls in place.

The teacher asks what equipment is needed for labor.

Children: Cloths, basins of water, soap, aprons.

caregiver: Children think and say who is what will work hard(children's answers).

caregiver: Before work, you need to remember the rules labor who will help us to quickly and efficiently cope with the work.

Children: You can not be distracted from work; any work must be done efficiently and accurately; handle water carefully help your friend; after work, you need to clean your workplace; accept help gratefully.

Children are taken to work, and Pinocchio does not know where to start.

caregiver: Children, can we help Pinocchio? Where does he get started?

Children: need to wipe dusty toys.

caregiver A: Now we're going to do that. Children tell me where we start.

Children: You must first put on aprons so as not to splash water on your clothes.

caregiver: That's right, children, well done! Can we start washing toys now?

Children: Yes, now you need to put a bowl of water and rags on the table with which to wash toys.

caregiver: Children, do the toys need to be lowered into the basin at once or one by one? (Children answer.)

caregiver: Well, we have finished washing toys, what now needs to be done?

Children: now you need to clean the workplace, and put the toys in their places.

caregiver: Children, what good fellows you all are! See how clean group. Let's remember what we did for this?

Children list the types labor which they performed.

caregiver: Why do you think we did the work quickly?

Children: Everyone worked together, agreed, helped each other in work, distributed work.

caregiver: You are right, cleanliness is in group because you worked, not arguing, quickly, efficiently, helping each other.

Pinocchio: How wonderful, hardworking guys! Thank you for teaching me and helping me clean up the group. And now - then you can play and have fun?

Related publications:

Household work "Little helpers" (middle group) Household and household work "Little Helpers" middle group Form of organization: Sub-group assignment Task: 1. Ability to set.

The work of an educator is a creative profession. And where there is creativity, there is nothing superfluous. So I did not raise my hand to throw it away.

In the Federal State Educational Standard, labor education is one of the tasks of the educational area "Social and communicative development", which is recommended.

Synopsis of household work of preschool children in the senior group Topic: "Let's help the Masha doll wash the house" Purpose: To form the habit of maintaining cleanliness and order. Tasks: Educational: -To form.
