Male energy. Entering a new level of implementation

A woman (yin) is essentially a mirror. Just like a mirror, it has the property of reflecting. When interacting with a man, a woman tends to feel his sexual desire, know his fantasies, and even understand his secret (repressed) feelings. Suppressed - this means that he himself sometimes does not understand and does not know about them. However, women often think that they themselves experience all these feelings, have all these desires, and they are completely unable to distinguish between their own and not their own. The more yin energy a woman has, the more she reproduces the ability to reflect. One of the properties of yin is the purification of yang, and if in Russian, then a woman can help a man purify himself and become better, achieve his male destiny and complete self-realization. Many treatises have been written about this secret of the work of female energy, but it remains unclear at what point an ordinary earthly woman begins to possess these mystical abilities?

The answer is very simple: the more feminine energies in a woman, given to her from birth or found through understanding and feminine practices, the more she can cope with the two functions described above, regardless of whether she understands it or not. An important role for the ability to help in cleansing your man is played by female purity.

FEMALE PURITY is the purity of the heart, a truly open anahata and pure energy channels. The energy channels that are attached to the central spinal column are sushumna, ida and pingala. In our world, little is known about the ability of female hypersensitivity and few people in childhood were explained that what is lived and felt is not always their own sensation and experience, that a woman can find these sensations and experiences just out of the blue. And, moreover, they were not taught to unstick with it and clean themselves from it.

One of the good ways is called Feminine breathing - it is inhalation through the uterus, passing (lifting) through the internal channels to anahata - and exhaling any experience that has already been transformed into love, into the universe. Practicing such breathing, the female system is very quickly cleared of everything that has accumulated in passing or on purpose.

It is through such breathing that a woman cleans a man.

And the second important condition for the purity of a woman is the purity of understanding of what is happening. It is not enough just to have knowledge, it is important to be able to apply it in time.

Example: A beloved man comes home, and a woman feels dissatisfied with him for ... (and then she herself comes up with what for). A woman will think that she is unhappy with her husband or man, and will become afraid to say anything to him, closing the emotion in herself.

Such behavior is very dangerous for a woman, because, as a result, so much garbage accumulates in her that she will explode in scandal, and, having done this repeatedly, will lead her couple to a break. But then, realizing that silence is also not the best option, a woman, having discovered such discontent, tries to immediately express it to her beloved man, thereby leading him to feelings of guilt or simply running into a scandal. Many men, when you simply express their emotions to them, experience a very strong sense of guilt, a feeling of their worthlessness or helplessness, and they cannot stand such experiences. And, worse, they rarely understand this, so in order to stop the female outburst of emotions and stop feeling, they scream, which again leads to a break in communication and the inability for a woman to share her experiences. It turns out a rather vicious circle: you should not be silent - this leads to diseases, and sometimes quite severe, it is impossible to speak, because there is no one to listen to, and this causes deep painful experiences in the partner. What to do?

Knowing the nature of a woman, it is important to learn to understand what feels different. When a woman feels dissatisfied with a man or something else, most likely, this is the man himself who is already dissatisfied with himself, his day has not worked out - this is what he hides from you. His emotion is not yours. A woman, having felt this emotion inside, can breathe it through her female channel, and give a man acceptance and love in this difficult experience.
A man himself will not notice how this emotion disappears inside, and he will recover more easily, he will have the strength to find a solution or cope with the situation. When the unpleasant experience leaves him, disappears, you, the woman, will also stop feeling dissatisfied with your man.

This is precisely the female way of giving support to her beloved, and not looking for a solution for him or giving him advice, showing that he is not capable of anything on his own. This is how a man usually perceives the help that a woman directly tries to give him. Even if the advice of a woman is good, a man can rarely use it, due to the mechanism of his impotence and the idea that he himself is not capable of anything. And instead of gratitude, a woman will again receive a man who rejects all her efforts. When a woman in a difficult situation gives acceptance and love, this adds strength to a man, and he finds a way out of the situation. His masculine status and feeling of being able to solve any issue increase, which leads to an increase in male solar energy and an increase in self-confidence. At the same time, a woman receives a responsible and strong man nearby.

Therefore, the knowledge that a woman is a mirror, first of all, helps to correctly decipher and understand her feelings and experiences. FEMALE PURITY is the purity of knowledge about yourself and yourself without interaction. Knowing the course of your thoughts, your impulses, your feelings. Therefore, it is important for a woman to be alone with herself in nature, walking alone. All this allows you to disconnect with all “not your own” feelings, emotions and experiences. For a woman, this is a way to get clean. Then, knowing yourself, you can begin to distinguish what is reflected, and learn to understand it correctly.

There is one more important point: CLEARANCE AND MIRRORING are the abilities and functions of the female energy. A man cannot do this for a woman. Yang energy has no such ability. A man can direct a woman to cleansing, since a man for a woman is her support. It is easy for a woman to fulfill the will of her beloved, especially if it is directed to her good. And so the man helps her understand herself, but she can only do this herself. It is not easy for a woman to switch from taking care of everyone to taking care of herself, taking time for herself, but this is the most important part of the recovery in a feminine way (cleansing, returning to feeling like yourself). Part of the female destiny is LOVE, PEACE and ACCEPTANCE, CALM IN ANY SITUATION.

So, the PURITY OF A WOMAN is the ability to understand herself, the ability not to stick together with all the feelings and emotions that she experiences, but to cleanse them, knowing her feminine nature; it is also the purity of love and the work of female energy channels. This is what leads to the launch of transformation processes in a male-female couple. A woman may not know this, and if she has enough female energy, then everything will work in an automatic intuitive mode.

When a man tries to clean up a woman instead of her or for her, he only takes on negative emotions that he is not able to work through, because they are no longer his personal, and thus he destroys his masculine nature. The masculine and feminine energies are opposed to each other in nature, and this causes many male-female contradictions. Without knowing about the other, there is no way to understand it. The opposite of functions and tasks determines the different work of the psyche and worldview.

Male and female energies - features and functions.

Yang (conditionally male):

- Action
- Choice
- Solution
– Purposefulness
– Activity
– Management
– Planning
– composure
– Provide protection, a sense of security
– Reliability
- Correspondence to the given word
- Focus on the goal

Yin (conditionally feminine):

– Inaction
- The ability to selflessly desire
– Intention
- Creation
– appeasement
- Adoption
– Focus on the process
- Faith
– Unconditionality
- Confidence
- Kindness
- Care
- Purity

These are the original functions of the male (solar) and female (lunar) energies. Accordingly, the male and female energies have completely different ways of recruiting and restoring.

Of course, we are all very different. But, having been born in this or that body (male or female), part of the destiny is to be just yourself.

To build a happy relationship, you first need to understand how the male energy differs from the female. And then work on their unification. There is a joke: people who have lived together for many years become so similar to each other that you can diagnose one of them and treat both of them, since they also have the same health problems.

Indeed, when people fall in love, a common energy field is formed between them, the so-called energy of a couple, within which two are united into a single whole. The deeper the interaction between a man and a woman goes and the stronger the love between them develops, the more powerful the strength of the couple and the results that it achieves in life.

How is the energy of a couple formed?

On the subtle plane, the unity of two lovers in a pair looks like this: both are inside a luminous ball and are interconnected by numerous rays of light. The stronger the feelings, the brighter the field glows. A surge of love, delight or tenderness towards a partner is manifested by a flash, radiance. Negative feelings paint the ball in dark colors. For example, resentment, getting inside, extinguishes the radiance of pure energies and envelops the ball in blackness. The energy of hatred, rage strikes the ball like lightning, from its impact the ball splits, and the couple spreads in different directions. Doubts in a partner look like a worm eating love from the inside. Any negative feelings, getting inside the couple, destroy its unified field. And any positive experiences fill the energy of the couple with light, strengthening the bond between the partners.

The unification of lovers can be considered according to seven main chakras, each of which corresponds to a certain aspect of a couple's life: the first - with materiality and money, the second - with sexuality and creativity, the third - with the state of "here and now", the fourth - with spiritual love, the fifth - with communication and understanding, the sixth - with the idea of ​​an ideal partner, the seventh - with unification at the level of the spirit. If the interaction goes through all the chakras, then the couple is closed and its energy has a power that fills both. In fact, most often we observe that two, although they live together, do not unite in a couple. For example, a girl is financially supported by her parents, daily communication (connection through the throat chakra) occurs to a greater extent with a friend or colleague, in her soul she dreams of some kind of ideal man, and directs all her heartfelt love to a child. At best, she is connected with a man by sex, and relations with him are held on only one second chakra. And if there is no sex, then they live as neighbors, and the energy of the couple does not exist as such.

Masculine and feminine energies paired

A single field arises by itself during a period of mutual love and is maintained further on the condition of partnership. Couple strength develops when both invest and support themselves and their partner. The fundamental thing here is that everyone contributes according to their nature: a man - like a man, a woman - like a woman. If, for example, a woman begins to develop masculine energies in herself and manifests herself as a man, then she, living alone, may not feel anything wrong with this. However, if she acts like this while in a couple, then her man has no choice but to behave like a woman. So is the man. Being alone, he can be soft and sensitive, but in a pair he will need to show masculine energies, for example, determination, the ability to respond quickly, and take responsibility. Otherwise, all these qualities will be forced to show his other half.

In general, in a couple, a man is responsible for materiality, a woman is responsible for the world of feelings and the atmosphere of relationships. Accordingly, the material chakra in a man is giving, in a woman it is taking, and the heart chakra in a woman is giving, in a man it is taking. This is the law of nature and must be understood.

Feminine energy. world of feelings

A woman's heart is an endless space of love, in which there is a place for everyone she wants to let in there. It is easy for a woman with a developed heart chakra to love. To do this, she does not have to make efforts, to persuade herself, and even more so to force. When a woman says that she would be glad to love, but there is no one, this means that her heart chakra is not open. A woman who loves and is happy in her love is rare these days. For most, the heart chakra is blocked, so it is difficult for them to love. Someone does not meet a suitable object of love in any way, someone, having barely entered into a love relationship, is disappointed and instead of the joy of love, feels sadness and resentment, as a result of which love becomes real suffering. In reality, it is not the people you meet that prevent you from feeling love, but the blocks on the woman herself.

Modern girls easily admit to their body, but they are terribly afraid to let someone into their hearts. They are afraid to love because they are afraid to make a mistake, to be deceived, to miscalculate, to be left with nothing, to look like a complete fool, to waste time in vain, and much more. Therefore, warm, cordial relations do not develop. Fear closes everything and prevents even falling in love, let alone a great feeling. Often, in order to start loving a man, girls wait for him to make the first step: propose marriage, divorce his previous wife, buy an apartment and do something else that confirms his intentions. Then, they say, it will be possible to love without fear of anything. Many people are still waiting. A man does not move because he does not feel love from a woman, and a woman does not love because she is afraid. There is a vicious circle.

Whether love comes from a woman, a man can understand not only with his heart, but also with his mind - analyzing the events of his life. If you look around, you will notice that men invariably choose women who light them up, inspire them, next to whom they want to act, strive for something, achieve something. And you, of course, are well aware of how energetic, unrestrained and enterprising a man can be at the very beginning of a romantic relationship, when love between people has just begun. The desire to act is the main sign that female love is directed at a man. For a man to be in love means to be in action.

By and large, a man needs a woman’s love precisely in order to have the strength to act and move forward. This happens automatically, of course. The energy of love causes a surge of strength in a man and a natural desire to act. Love for a man is the life force with which he creates materiality.

A man who is loved is very active: he has the desire and strength to move, opportunities come to him, he has a clear rise in business. Conversely, a man who cannot be moved, torn away from the TV or pulled out of the house is a man without strength, who does not receive the necessary "dose" of love.

Male energy. Materiality

Every man is given the opportunity to create by nature, but not everyone can use it. The main blocks on the material chakra in a man are associated with the energy of fear. The task of a man is to understand his fears, get rid of them and act no matter what. A man himself needs to realize himself in materiality, to be able to earn money. It's no secret that a man feels good only when he is fulfilled, in demand, able to earn and provide for himself and his family.

For a woman, the main thing is the ability to accept what a partner creates for her. A woman herself can earn money at the same time, but it is better to give the primacy in providing for the family to a man. Although it seems to girls that they have two hands for a man to earn and provide for them, in fact, their internal attitudes are most often set to the opposite. Here are the most common models that interfere with this:

  • I myself will earn, I do not want to depend on anyone;
  • I want to be better than a man, I cannot allow him to seem better than me (smarter, more capable, more successful, etc.);
  • being dependent on a man is ashamed, you have to work hard and earn money yourself;
  • I want to control a man so that he depends on me.

All these models lead to the fact that a man in such a pair either cannot earn money, or earns money, but does not send money to the couple.

In a couple, the interaction of partners in the first chakra is that materiality becomes common. If the couple is closed in the first chakra, then this unity is expressed in two main aspects: the man invests the largest part of the money he earns in his couple (and does not help relatives or acquaintances), and the woman, in turn, receives the largest part of the money through her man (and does not take money from parents or other men and is not forced to earn money herself). If this is not so, it means that the flow of energies at the level of the first chakra in a couple is blocked and each of the partners solves the issue of materiality independently, outside the couple.

Partnership means an equal exchange of energies. We are not talking about gender equality, because a man and a woman have different energies by nature, they cannot be compared and cannot be equalized. Everyone is the main in his field, and it makes no sense to fight for superiority. Instead of fighting, you need to come to an interaction that enriches both. In this case, both win. People themselves choose what their couple will become - a battlefield or a space for development, love and success.

: , where they are located, what activities they interact with. In continuation of the series of articles about Human Energy - the highlight - for the sake of which I wrote three previous articles: the energy differences between men and women, what makes up masculinity and femininity,.

Energy differences between men and women

So, we know about the 7 main chakras, we know that each of them works with its own energy and that the chakras can work both for giving energy and for receiving it. According to Vedic tradition, the same chakras work differently for men and women. From the point of view of biology, this follows from the differences in the structure of the male and female bodies and the different natural destinations of men and women. Scientifically, this fact is called "sexual dimorphism", from which it becomes clear that the equality of the sexes promoted today contradicts both nature and science. So, the universal trick is that the male chakras that give energy are the ones that receive from women. And vice versa, giving away female chakras in a man are tuned to receive. In Nature, everything is thought out, each key will find its keyhole. In this way, male and female energies interact, complementing each other. When a man and a woman have all the chakras functioning naturally, they not only find harmony in relationships, but also help each other develop spiritually and, ultimately, achieve enlightenment. It turns out that a man and a woman in a pair - as communicating vessels. I will consider this mechanism in more detail, but first - about male and female energies.

Male and female energies

Which chakras are male and which are female? According to the Vedic teachings, the chakras ideally work as described below, and a man and a woman, in accordance with this, share their family roles and functionality. To many modern city dwellers, such a division of roles may seem unacceptable. For some, such “archaism” is not suitable for ideological reasons, someone has a way of life that has become established over the years and has no desire to change something, and someone may and would very much like to live like this, but there are not enough financial opportunities for this. How to be in these cases? I will say this: the scheme described below reflects the essence of male and female nature and gives a married couple more chances for a harmonious life with each other than any other, regardless of where and when we live on Earth. However, I described the ideal scheme, and if it is not possible to immediately build relationships and a lifestyle according to it 100%, then you can and should at least strive for this ideal. It’s not shameful not to be able to do something, it’s shameful not to want to be able to…

The first chakra is masculine

1st chakra: Survival, safety - giving in a man and receiving in a woman. A man provides a woman with survival and security, and not vice versa! Which, by the way, exactly coincides with the conclusions that I made, relying only on evolutionary materialistic analysis and without resorting to high matters in the article "", and what we study on mine.

In short, nature works in such a way as to preserve and increase the population. From this point of view, the loss of a woman or her health is much more critical for nature than the loss of a man. Judge for yourself: a healthy woman is biologically capable of producing offspring once every few years (the shortest period is a year), while a healthy man can give a seed several times a day and, theoretically, fertilize many women. I do not call for polygamy, I simply reveal the possibilities of nature from a mathematical position. Further, the number of germ cells in a woman is orders of magnitude less than that of a man, so women's health requires a more reverent attitude. It turns out that nature is more interested in preserving the woman and has appointed a man to the role of protector. In other words, for nature, the woman has the greatest value. It is from here that the gentleman's tradition of caring for a woman comes from (giving way to a lady, offering her his raincoat when the weather worsens, taking heavy bags from her, etc.). That is why the energy of the first chakra - security - is directed from a man to a woman.

And then we have the following basic, essential features of a real man: readiness for danger, the skill of controlling the situation and territory, the readiness to show aggression. As a result, a real man owns martial arts and various types of weapons, or at least basic skills and means of self-defense. And, of course, he is able to apply all of the above not only to protect himself, but, first of all, to protect his woman, children, and family. Therefore, in the same list of signs of a man is added caring for a woman, children, families and their protection from a dangerous environment in all its manifestations. In other words, man is his woman's bodyguard. By the way, a good profession is a bodyguard. Truly masculine.

Next, this creation of living space. Buying / renting housing or other ways of providing it, as well as ensuring the repair of both the housing itself and everything that is important for everyday life and tends to fail - all this lies on the shoulders of a man, and he solves these problems with pleasure and knowledge . That is man is also the patron of women and family.

Further, the skill of obtaining food and the necessary resources for survival - light, water, heat, medicines, etc.. Getting food - whether it's hunting, fishing, or going to the market or supermarket to buy food with your own money. I immediately recall the phrase that I hear from a large number of women, unfortunately, with enviable regularity: “Is it really possible to send my man for groceries ?! He will not buy everything, and even expired and spoiled, and besides, he will be weighed down and swindled everywhere ... ”I will answer the girls:“ everything happens for the first time in life. If a man does not try and start, he will never learn to do what he must. Men, I hope, have already understood everything ... Namely:

Feminine and masculine energy

Even the ancient Chinese, Indians and even the Slavs believed that the main female task was to accumulate energy. It's easy to say. But what does this mean in practice? What kind of energy to accumulate? Through what sources? How to save it if every day you are devastated to the bottom?

To begin with, it is enough to turn to the knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation. Due to the busyness and abundance of information, you could be in the dark. It's time to fix this.

Ancient writings divide energy into two types - solar and lunar. And only one of them should be accumulated by a woman - the energy of the moon. And the power of the Sun is for men.

The sun warms and sometimes incinerates. These are qualities such as riskiness, activity, determination and aggression.

The moon, on the contrary, cools. She is characterized by softness and calmness, without unnecessary fuss and disputes.

The energy of the Sun reveals in a person the need to prove oneself in a career, nourishes ambitions, makes one move towards the goal and break barriers on the way. This is the energy of leaders, self-confident and temperamental.

The energy of the moon works in the opposite way. Tenderness, flexibility, sensitivity and the ability to adapt - this is what prevails in a person. Such a lady is like a peach with a velvet skin and a sweet filling. It is impossible to refuse it.

In this case, it cannot be broken into two parts. A rare woman manages to be an active careerist and a caring wife and mother. Solar energy is so active that it can easily outshine the moon.

The most annoying thing is that the girl will not even notice this. She will raise her voice to her beloved, scold him for his behavior, as she would do at work. And he will be surprised: “So what? Because he's wrong!"

A man with such a sharp lady of the heart has two ways. First, he can adapt, endure and calm her down. You get a kind of "man": the female essence in the body of a man. It sounds funny, but he really will have to cultivate the lunar energy in himself, which his girlfriend lacks so much.

Or he will aggressively suppress her, exposing the poor thing to even more stress. In both cases, the couple will not last long.

Either hot sparks will fly between them, and a fire will break out, or a man will one day be torn apart from the inside, and she will be covered with fragments. None of the pictures seem attractive to me.

You probably noticed that the roles of lovers are distributed in different ways. There can be four types of couples.

Option one. He has the energy of the Sun, she has the energy of the Moon.

The most harmonious combination. As a rule, such a man is reliable, responsible and proactive. She listens to his opinion, malleable. Both cherish and enjoy each other, because they do not contradict nature. I wish this for everyone!

Option two. Both have solar energy.

The most dangerous combination. In such couples, high-profile scandals and passionate reconciliations alternate. A man is unhappy because he has to fight for power not only at work, but also within the family. A woman gets tired of misunderstanding, lack of support and attention. Both waste their vitality and eventually part.

Option three. He has the energy of the Moon, she has the energy of the Sun.

He, by virtue of his kindness or laziness, cedes leadership to her. She becomes a breadwinner, a dictator, he - up to a quiet householder. Ready to sit with the children and take them to educational activities. She disappears from morning to evening at work. In the end, the woman gets tired of pulling an unbearable burden, and the man feels inferior. Inevitably, one of them meets another person who reveals the true nature in him.

Option four. Both have the energy of the moon.

A rather rare and almost implausible combination. There is no development and no passion. They are together exactly until someone with the blinding energy of the Sun appears on the horizon.

If it were not for circumstances, a woman would always choose moonlight, and a man would choose sunshine. That's what nature wants. And the power of nature is one of those that are little subject to man.

In particular, the voluntary choice would be made by men. It is extremely difficult for them to get the cold energy of the moon. It is difficult for them to calm down, restrain themselves if the lady behaves loudly and cheekily.

It is not difficult for girls to accumulate both energies thanks to the uterus. A woman is the giver of life, the giver of life. The uterus is the center of her energy and strength. Through the womb, we absorb both enterprise and peace. We either rush ahead of the locomotive, or we can fail for a day in the spa center.

We are energy donors for men. Most of them can "cool" only through a woman.

Store shelves are full of books on how to achieve your goal, how to manipulate people and become a master of persuasion. Women are buying up literature detailing men's tactics of behavior. They build a business, raise children alone, not giving themselves a moment's rest. And there is no happiness. Conscience says: “You do not have time. You have achieved nothing."

The thing is that men's ways to find peace and satisfaction on women do not work.

A woman can only seem like an iron lady and convincingly lie about her joyful, albeit painted in seconds, life. But she will secretly tell her friends that she is exhausted.

If a woman behaves like a man, then she loses lunar energy and lets in solar energy. Due to its emotionality, not only activity, but nervousness and anxiety begin to dominate in it. The girl can become hostile, touchy and painful.

And now her man, after spending the whole day on the "battlefield", returns home. He came to recuperate, rejoice and just relax. He wants coolness and tranquility, like an oasis in the middle of the desert.

But his woman wasted lunar energy instead of saving it. She does not cool, but burns her man: she does not smile, expresses dissatisfaction, reproaches, argues and complains. She presses and makes every little thing do as she wants. Manipulates and resents them. He has to defend himself.

He is like a bull in a bullfight. After the “fight” at work, within the walls of the house, they again wave a red rag in front of him. Again rivalry. He weakens and ceases to understand why he is with this woman at all.

His beloved can be a beauty queen and an insanely interesting conversationalist. But something will push him away. She will not give a man what is vital to him - appeasement.

He leaves to collect his thoughts. And unexpectedly he meets a girl who has been accumulating the energy of the moon all the time. Even after a short conversation, he feels how this new girl gives him confidence in his abilities. Calms his mind and inspires him to action.

Her inner beauty is not inferior to the outer. Now he is ready for achievements and great deeds, because paradise awaits him at home. Her femininity is like fuel for his car, like air for life.

A man receives energy from a woman. He cannot get it from friends, colleagues, or going to the cinema. His whole essence is aimed at a feat, he is not allowed to draw strength from the world around him.

The woman is arranged differently. There are many ways in which she can absorb energy. Many of them are described in detail in the book, in subsequent chapters.

So far, I will only say that nature itself - water, air, fire and earth give a woman strength. Any leisurely process that brings joy can fill it from the inside. And it's so nice to be aware of your influence! Especially if you didn't know about it before.

Nature gives energy to a woman. And a woman is a man. This is the law. A woman gives a man energy, which he transforms into accomplishments and material wealth.

Like a thirsty wanderer, the man is looking for a source of "water". It is the energy that attracts him to a woman. Without a lady of the heart, it is difficult for him to reach heights, realize his dreams and earn his first million.

Usually, the older a woman becomes, the weaker her energy. Work, stress, fears deprive her of peace. Therefore, some males over time are attracted to younger beauties, exuding the energy they need.

But this happens only with women who are not aware of their abilities. You can feed a man to your old age. This is what we will learn.

Save the energy of the Moon - the energy of goodness and peace. This is not only your happiness, but also peace in the family. Success in your personal life, health and prosperity depend on your inner harmony. And most importantly, the influence of age is minimal. You will save your family forever if you exude peace.

A lady who moves through life at a moderate pace does not waste her energy. She magically attracts worthy men, connections, money and a happy occasion.

Do not think that I call for voluntary slavery and submission to a man. On the contrary, I believe that a woman is a goddess. Just for your own peace of mind, it is easier to give up the reins of government.

Yes, you should keep silent more often than run into a “fight”. But one must distinguish between irrelevant disputes and the defense of one's principles.

You can and must defend your honor. You have the right to react when a man is rude or disrespectful to you. Not every gentleman is worthy of you until he proves himself pretty well. But look through your fingers at the everyday little things that make up the main life.

Why am I contacting you? Why don't I go with fiery propaganda to the ranks of men? So it turns out that it is women who are more likely to try on the wrong shirt. We are more likely than men to make a mistake and choose the wrong path.

Instead of being a river that goes around stones, snags and rocks, we turn the flow of the river in the other direction. We make super efforts, we influence events, we fight. Although you need to stop and take time for yourself.

The statistics are merciless: there are many more unhappy women, men are happier than women. 70% of men say they rarely feel sad or experience mood swings. Only 50% of women can say the same about themselves. For most men, stress occurs once a month or less. For most women, once a week or more.

How to understand that you are mentally filled? How busy is everything in your life?

I have identified the symptoms by which you can accurately determine the level of the necessary energy in the body.

Low level

You experience deep fears every day. Hysteria follows hysteria, and the word antidepressant is familiar to you firsthand. You are constantly looking for offensive subtext in the words of those around you, you explode from scratch or, conversely, close in on yourself.

You often forget everything, do not absorb new information well and put off most things for later.

You are dissatisfied in almost every area of ​​your life. You don’t know how or you don’t want to take care of your relatives at all. It's hard for you to forgive your mother or father. Children are not included in your plans or are a burden.

A very advanced case.

Average level

There is moderate fear in your life, but it constantly accompanies you. Your emotions can change several times a day - from tenderness to rudeness.

You are restless, find it difficult to find the positives in situations and tend to think about the bad.

You are dependent on loved ones - attached to children, mothers. Sometimes you take the role of a dependent or treat your family like a consumer. You can insist that children receive a specific promising education, without taking into account their interests. Strangers at the same time may not cause you compassion.

Sometimes you feel happy. But these tides are short and depend on other people and circumstances. Constant feeling that there is no ground under your feet.

Most women suffer from these symptoms. But I am glad that it is easier to get out of this hole than in the first case.

High level

You want to take care of people and animals. Friendliness is read on your face and in your actions. A feeling of happiness, independent of what is happening around.

You are calm and slow. It is easy to control emotions and find a common language with others.

You are grateful for what you have. Ready for your children and even feel that you can bring up strangers.

The joy of life fills you from the inside, attracting new opportunities and a good combination of circumstances. Great wish words for a toast, aren't they?

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Male energy is necessary in order to survive, to resist the harsh conditions of the surrounding world. In addition, with the help of her, a man protects his family, his home. The strength of male energy is directed to making money, to work, to achieve goals.

The accumulation of male energy comes from the Sun. It is from him that a man receives his main qualities: the desire to achieve goals, courage, activity, firmness, responsibility, strength. In this regard, men perform certain functions in society and the family. They are called upon to defend the Motherland, to protect the weak and defenseless. They build houses and extract material values. Masculine energy also attracts women. After all, opposites attract!

Where to get male energy? One of the main sources is a woman. During sexual contact, she transfers a large amount of energy.

And how to accumulate male energy?

  • You must clearly formulate your goals and objectives, as well as know what you want.
  • You must have a companion whom you trust, who can rely on you.
  • You must be the head of the family, have authority. This dominance is also a source of male energy.
  • Go in for sports: in the gym, swimming pool. During exercise, energy channels open, which means that energies are easier to circulate and accumulate.
  • Have sex. This has already been said.
  • Help those who need it. Good deeds also contribute to the accumulation of energy.
  • Improvement of male energy also occurs if you eat right and sleep at least eight hours a day.

The masculine Yang energy is the masculine principle. The doctrine of this goes back to deep Chinese antiquity. It contrasts masculine and feminine. However, on the other hand, they complement each other. This is expressed even in the purely anatomical structure of their organs.

As for the sexual energy of a man, the ancient sages said that it was allegedly contained in his seed. Perhaps there is some truth in this. After all, the seed can give new life.

The cultivation of male sexual energy cannot take place if he has health problems. Especially they begin to appear after thirty-five to forty years. A man becomes passive, lazy, soft, his libido drops. These are clear signs that the energy has left him. And in this case, its recovery must begin with health. And when health improves, then a woman is already connected. Therefore, every man should be with his companion. Then he will be energetic, active and courageous!

Male Energy
