Which finger is the wedding ring placed on? On which hand do Orthodox, Catholics and Muslims wear a wedding ring?

A ring is the best gift idea for both women and men, which is why this type of jewelry is in greatest demand. With the help of a ring, a woman demonstrates her sophistication, the beauty of her hands and good taste, and the man emphasizes his wealth, image and status. and finger, depending on preference. But I’ll tell you the generally accepted norms about which hand a man wears a wedding ring on.

In fact, such decoration for men requires special attention and care, since it is not just a piece of hand decoration, but a symbol of marriage and the presence of family relationships. Despite globalization and changing fashion trends, wedding rings today are radically different from standard models. But one thing remains unchanged - the finger on which both the woman and the man wear a wedding ring.

Before determining which finger the wedding ring is worn on and why such a tradition has developed, it is worth understanding the meaning of the ring itself. Only married men are required to wear such a ring on a certain finger, and if it breaks, they change its position. The main function of a wedding ring is to demonstrate the man's marital status. Initially, such a symbolic decoration was made in the form of a thin strip of gold.

Today, jewelry has made great strides forward, offering several options for wedding rings:

  1. Smooth, thin ring in a classic design. Most often, such rings are preferred by couples who are 100% confident in the strength of the union and the ring itself is not such an important sign of their love. Families in this case are durable and strong, even despite the routine and some boredom in relationships over the years.
  2. A smooth ring with no frills, but wide and massive. Such rings can symbolize certain doubts about the strength of feelings and loyalty of partners, and a massive ring acts as additional protection for a future marriage.
  3. Ring with notches, engraving and additional decorations. In this case, partners strive to maintain a vibrant, passionate relationship; the choice indicates a fear of boredom and a desire to add ardor. If one family member has such a ring, and another has a simple or standard one, marriages are often unstable.

Expert opinion

Helen Goldman

Male stylist-image maker

Psychology claims that by the shape of the ring one can predict the state of the relationship between future spouses and what awaits them ahead. These interesting patterns regarding the choice of wedding rings proved that the shape of the ring and the relationship between partners are interconnected.

If one of the spouses chooses not to wear a ring, most often this symbolizes a desire to attract attention from others. If a man avoids marriage, then he does not want to feel the “pressure” of responsibility. Women, on the contrary, use a ring to demonstrate to society their family wealth.

Do you wear a wedding ring?


On which hand and finger do they wear a ring in Russia?

In order to understand for sure on which hand and finger the powerful of this world, that is, men, wear a wedding ring, you should first of all indicate its status in the relationship, that is, family status. All representatives of the stronger sex who have a wedding ring can be classified into 3 groups - married, divorced and widowers. Accordingly, each status offers different options for wearing such jewelry.

Married men

The first thing you need to understand is that a married man must have a ring as a symbol of marriage. If a man refuses to wear a ring, it is worth thinking about the reasons that were said earlier.

A ring denoting family membership must be worn on the right hand and only on the ring finger. This tradition in Russia originates from religion and ancient customs.

For reference! If a man who is officially married wears a wedding ring on the ring finger of his left hand, most likely he belongs to the Catholic religion. Although there are other movements that suggest the same rules.


But not every representative of the stronger sex knows where divorced men wear their wedding rings. Among Russians, it is customary to put a ring on the left hand, on the ring finger. Thus, the man does not give up his usual decoration, but demonstrates to others his freedom and the opportunity to start new relationships. In modern society, rarely does anyone adhere to such a tradition, refusing to wear a wedding ring at all, being no longer married.


If we consider the group of men who were married but widowed, it is not necessary to give up the ring. Although psychologists insist that maintaining an invisible connection with a deceased person is inappropriate, as this will affect future personal relationships. Those who wish to remain faithful to their deceased spouse may not remove their jewelry from their usual finger, but only if it is on the left hand.

Which hand is the wedding ring placed on in other countries?

Rings that were worn as a symbol of marriage first appeared in Ancient Egypt, when they were placed on the ring fingers of the spouses' left hands. The countries of the Middle East, America and Europe maintained the same trend. The left hand is decorated with such a ring by wedding Swedes, English, Italians, Irish, French, as well as everyone who adheres to Catholicism. Also, residents of South America, namely Brazilians and Mexicans, and North Americans – residents of the states and Canadians – ring their left hand.

Considering the international tradition of ringing the ring finger of the right hand, all representatives of Christianity fall under this tradition. These are residents of Russia and other CIS countries, as well as Greeks, Germans, and Spaniards. This also includes Indians in India, residents of Chile, Venezuela and Colombia. In Belgium, it all depends on the region of residence, and in Austria and Holland, Catholics still wear a ring on their right hand, despite the Catholics' adherence to the opposite method.


Women perceive an engagement ring radically differently than men. For women, it is a source of pride and a way to demonstrate their marital status. A man attaches less importance to such decoration, considering it a pure formality. But psychologists note that the size and shape of a wedding ring can tell about the kind of relationship the spouses have. Slavic traditions suggest that absolutely everyone wears a wedding ring on their right hand, on their ring finger.

Wedding rings are a symbol of marriage and marital fidelity.

Therefore, many people give them a mystical meaning. Different peoples have different traditions associated with them.

Today, the custom of wearing wedding rings exists in almost all countries.

However, different peoples have significantly different wearing methods and wedding signs associated with them.

Even scientists have not come to a consensus about when the first rings appeared and the reasons for their occurrence.

What does the ring symbolize?

According to one version, in ancient times, when the presence of any rings: gold, silver, iron, testified to the well-being of their owner.

The future husband brought them as a gift to his bride's parents as a sign that he was able to support his wife and she would not need anything.

According to another theory, in ancient times the ring symbolized infinity Therefore, by wearing this symbolic decoration, the newlyweds took a vow of boundless and immortal love.

The third version says that the rings are links in the chain that connected husband and wife. The spouses wore them as a sign of the inviolability of the bonds by which they were bound.

How is it customary to wear wedding rings?

On the left hand

As a result of archaeological excavations, scientists were able to discover that the first wedding rings appeared in Ancient Egypt.

Noble spouses wore gold and silver rings, while the poor wore copper and iron rings.

It is known that long before our era, Egyptian healers had a good knowledge of human anatomy. They believed that there was a nerve that went from the heart to the ring finger of the left hand. Therefore, wedding rings began to be worn on this finger.

True, in some parts of Egypt and Ancient Israel, wedding rings were worn on the middle finger of the left hand. This is exactly how, according to legend, Saint Joseph and the Virgin Mary became engaged.

During the Middle Ages, dissections were prohibited for doctors, as a result of which all knowledge about anatomy was drawn from ancient manuscripts. The nerve supposedly connecting the left arm and the heart was poetically called the “artery of love.”

However, at that time, the way of wearing wedding jewelry completely depended on the decree of the ruler. Many kings, sovereign dukes and counts issued decrees on exactly how wedding rings should be worn. There were exactly ten options: in some countries, rings were even put on the thumbs.

Over time, a historical tradition has developed, according to which in Catholic and Protestant countries, wedding rings are worn on the ring finger of the left hand. This is how it is in England, France, Germany, Austria, USA, Canada, Spain, Mexico, Brazil, Australia. Catholic theologians explain this by saying that the left hand is closer to the heart.

Muslims also adhere to the custom of wearing the symbol of marital fidelity on the left hand.

However, in many Muslim countries only women wear such rings, since it is considered bad luck for men to wear gold jewelry. Therefore, Muslim men usually either do not wear wedding rings at all, or wear silver ones.

Gypsies generally prefer to wear them around their necks, on gold chains.

On the right hand

In Orthodoxy, everything connected with the right side of the body is considered correct.

Accordingly, wedding rings in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Greece, Serbia are worn on ring finger of the right hand.

Widows and widowers wear their rings on the ring finger of the left hand (in Catholic and Protestant countries - on the ring finger of the right hand).


This is how man is designed that even in accidents he sometimes looks for secret signs of fate. And it would be strange if many objects and superstitions were not associated with wedding rings - a symbol of marital ties.

It is believed that Under no circumstances should you give your wedding ring to anyone to try on or wear..

If such a request is made by a completely persistent person who you don’t want to offend, then you can put the ring on the table so as not to pass it from hand to hand.

The ring should be returned in the same manner - across the table, or even better - before putting it on, hold it for a while under running water or in a salt solution.

It is considered a lucky omen if the newlyweds get engaged with the same rings as their grandparents, who lived in peace and harmony for many years, and are still alive at the time of their grandchildren’s wedding. Using rings from divorced or deceased people is bad luck.

In many northern countries, there was a custom before the wedding to freeze both rings in a small amount of water: by thawing, they supposedly remember that they were once one and will always be drawn to each other.

The very first rings appeared in Ancient Egypt. The transfer of the ring from one high-ranking official to another symbolized the transfer of all his power and might. Later, less noble residents of the country began to wear various jewelry on their fingers. Over time, the tradition of exchanging wedding rings arose.

During the Middle Ages in Europe, each count or duke had the right to issue his own decree regarding which finger should be decorated with a wedding ring. So, in England at that time the symbol of marriage was worn on the thumb, and in Germany - on the little finger.


There is a beautiful legend according to which Joseph, during his betrothal to his future wife, the Virgin Mary, put a ring on her left hand. The only data that differs is as to which finger the man adorned his beloved: the middle or ring finger.

According to the ideas of the ancients, in the ring finger of the left hand, the only one of all ten fingers of both hands, there is a wreath that stretches to the very heart. It was this that was called the “artery of love,” and from ancient times a wedding ring was placed on this finger. This symbolized the sincerity and purity of the intentions of the spouses, their enduring and mutual love for each other.

Present tense

Most often in European countries, the hand on which to wear the attribute of marriage is determined by the religion of the spouses. Catholics usually wear wedding rings on the left hand and on the right.

This tradition is explained quite simply. The Orthodox chose the right hand because the right side for them symbolizes everything that is right and true. Catholics proceed from other considerations: the left hand is located closer to the heart, the “vein of love” runs through it, so it should be decorated with a ring.

However, religion does not always determine the hand on which the ring is worn. Thus, the ring finger of the right hand is decorated by newlyweds in Russia and a number of countries in Central and Eastern Europe that profess. Catholics in Austria, Norway, Germany, Spain, India, Poland and some other countries also wear wedding attributes on their right hand.

For many centuries, residents of the USA, Mexico, France, Brazil, Turkey, Armenia, Canada and Japan have put a ring on the left hand of their significant other when performing a wedding ceremony.

A ring on a finger is almost always a symbol. It will tell a lot about the tastes, wealth and status of its owner.

A special attitude towards the engagement ring.

Let's pay tribute to globalization: modern wedding rings in Russia are no longer the simple gold stripes that were on the fingers of our grandfathers and parents.

Modern symbols of marriage are much more varied, interesting and, so to speak, expressive. Today they are able to tell much more than just the social status of their owner.

Status, traditions and modern fashion in Russia

Let's start with the status. A wedding ring means that in front of you is a married man or a married woman.

And if earlier such a symbol of marriage could only be seen on the ring finger of a person’s right hand, then in recent years they often wear a wedding ring on the same finger of the left hand.

So often that you can’t help but wonder on which hand are wedding rings worn in Russia? We answer. According to Russian tradition, it is still worn on the right hand!

It is often worn on the ring finger of the left hand after a divorce or in the event of widowhood to demonstrate to others one’s social status. Also on the left hand wear a wedding ring Catholics and representatives of some other religions, more on this in our other article.

It should be noted that in recent years, wedding rings are increasingly worn in Russia on the ring finger along with another ring that matches the texture or, conversely, is very contrasting.

This tribute to fashion is not new: wedding rings were worn this way back in medieval Europe, where it was supposed to be the second one on the finger.

How and what to wear

As we said, the design of this timeless symbol of marriage has changed a lot in modern times.

Firstly, recently rings made of white gold or platinum have become popular, which do not look as catchy as the usual ones, but at the same time they are much more expensive.

Secondly, it is even more common couple ring fashion, when the wedding decoration of the bride and groom has the same, unique design, the only difference is in size.

This could be the same diamond cut on the products or the same ornament - the main thing is that the people in the wedding rings can immediately understand that they are husband and wife. There are more and more of these in jewelry stores.

Today, the most popular patterns on Russian wedding rings are ancient Celtic ornaments.

But at the same time smooth traditional rings made of red gold do not lose their relevance; according to statistics, they are still the best sellers in this category of jewelry.
For example, the most popular (despite the huge assortment) are simple, smooth models from the Lucida series.

Their main advantage is affordable price compared to others and traditionality.

However, perhaps the newlyweds who choose them are guided by the traditional belief that with a smooth ring, life will be smooth.

In recent years, in Russia, more and more often, women choose jewelry with an expensive, sometimes quite large stone as an engagement ring.

It is also worn on the ring finger of the right hand, but it is perceived as an ordinary decoration and is unlikely to clearly tell others about the status of the owner.

When making a new acquaintance, a man or woman often fixes their gaze on the fingers of the interlocutor: by the hand on which the wedding ring is worn, one can determine whether they are married. However, it is worth considering that traditions of wearing one or another wedding symbol may vary in different countries. In some places, the custom of using a wedding ring as an attribute of fidelity has been completely abolished, while residents of other countries attach special significance to it.

What is an engagement ring

Not every piece of jewelry occupies a special place in a person’s life. A wedding ring symbolizes fidelity to your beloved spouse, with whom you plan a long and happy future. As a sign of consent to become a wife, the girl accepts from her future husband the engagement ring he has lovingly chosen. After the marriage is concluded, the wedding band will take its place on the hand.

Traditionally, it should be smooth: according to popular beliefs, this saves spouses from minor troubles in life. However modern newlyweds choose a wedding attribute, guided solely by their own taste. Currently, any metals are in demand. Gold jewelry is being replaced by items made of silver, platinum and white gold.

History of wedding rings

Opinions differ regarding the origin of the infinity symbol and the fidelity of spouses to each other. Some attribute the emergence of the tradition to the inhabitants of Ancient Greece, while others are inclined to assume that the custom took hold not without the participation of the ancient Egyptians. The inhabitants of Egypt claim that a thin nerve runs from the ring finger to the heart. This fact became the reason for wearing a wedding ring on the finger closest to the little finger. The very tradition of exchanging symbols of marriage appeared in ancient times, and initially reed was used instead of metal.

On which hand are wedding rings worn?

People from different countries have their own customs. They are often the opposite of foreign ones. Why a wedding ring is worn on the right hand or, on the contrary, they prefer the left, can only be found out by understanding the culture of a particular country. The traditions of Ancient Rus' or modern Russia, for example, differ from those that are close to a resident of Turkey, Israel or an Armenian. Many of them concerning the wearing of wedding rings have religious overtones: the customs of Orthodox Christians do not coincide with those accepted in Catholic countries.


In addition to opinions about only religious motives for Orthodox newlyweds putting a wedding band on their right hand, there are facts indicating that this custom belongs to the history of Rus'. Since ancient times, it was believed that a symbol of fidelity to a spouse should be worn on the hand with which important documents are signed and transactions are concluded. This indicates the seriousness of the intentions of people getting married. During the wedding ceremony, rings, on the contrary, are put on the left hand. In addition, they must be different: the wife’s is silver, and the husband’s is gold.


It is often difficult for a resident of an eastern country to understand the customs of Russians. Remembering which hand Muslims put their wedding ring on, it is not easy to come to a common opinion. The tradition of exchanging rings has nothing to do with Islam and the culture of Muslim countries. However, in imitation of Western customs, these pieces of jewelry are sometimes worn on the left or right hand. It is important to follow the fundamental laws of Islam. Women are allowed to wear jewelry made of any metal, but men are prohibited from wearing gold jewelry.


It is customary in most countries to indicate marital status with visual attributes, but there are a number of differences in this matter. Catholics believe that the world owes the origin of the tradition of wearing wedding attributes to the ancient Egyptians, who found the so-called vein of love in the left hand. Catholic bishops, despite beliefs, wear a ring on their right ring finger. Ordinary residents of countries professing Catholicism believe in the story of a vein running to the heart and consider the left hand suitable for a wedding ring. This is done, as with the Orthodox, in order to show fidelity to the spouse.


If you delve into Jewish traditions associated with wedding decorations, you can learn a lot of interesting things. This applies not only to which hand Jews wear a wedding ring on, but also which finger is chosen. According to the laws, a man must consecrate his future wife with a round decoration. During the marriage ceremony, the groom puts a ring on the index finger of his right hand for the bride. Also, according to Jerusalem customs, preference can be given to the middle one. In everyday wear, the attributes of the marriage of both spouses are moved to the left hands.

Where to wear a wedding ring

Depending on the customary way of wearing certain pieces of jewelry in a country, you may see discrepancies. If you see someone wearing a wedding ring on their left hand or, conversely, on their right hand, this does not necessarily indicate that the person belongs to a particular religion. The reason may be completely different. Divorce or the death of a loved one forces people to remove this jewelry or put it on the other hand.

Married women

Having decided to get married, lovers rarely think about where married people wear their rings. However, it is an important symbol. When proposing to a girl, the groom presents her with an engagement ring, which she wears until the wedding. After marriage, it is combined with an engagement ring or put on another finger. When choosing a hand, it is better to refer to the customs of wearing this product in your country. In some places the right hand is traditionally chosen, and in others it is customary to wear the attribute of marriage on the left. The finger for the product can be the ring, middle or index finger.

Married men

Getting a young man to wear jewelry can sometimes be difficult, and a wedding ring is an exception here, although men allow themselves to take this item off occasionally. This happens not because of a desire to hide marital status, but, often, only due to inconvenience. By the end of the eighteenth century, looking at a man's hand, one could understand what phase of a relationship a person was in.

If a man was an ardent opponent of marriage, then the ring was on his little finger. Those who wanted to find a good match should put the jewelry on their index finger, and if they were not ready for a relationship, choose the middle one. A guy in love wore a ring on his ring finger, and in some countries its place was replaced by a wedding ring after marriage. The choice of hand is purely a matter of local traditions. Married Russians usually have a ring on their right hand.


It happens that at some point the spouses decide to go their separate ways and let each other go. Whether it is worth continuing to wear a wedding ring is a moot point. If you are planning to start your life from scratch, then you should not take baggage from the past with you. The symbol of fidelity has become devalued, and wearing it has no meaning. However, if you have warm memories of your ex-spouse and the ring is dear to you as a memory, wear it! As a rule, divorced people put the ring on the opposite hand.

Widows and widowers

The death of a loved one at any age is a huge personal tragedy that is very difficult to survive. The engagement ring plays a dual role in this situation: it helps to survive the loss and, at the same time, evokes memories that make it even more painful. Widowed spouses wear the product on the opposite hand: in Russia and Orthodox countries - on the left, in Catholic countries - on the right. In some cases, the ring of the deceased spouse is also worn, although there is an opinion that it is better to take it to church to allow the deceased to find peace.

How to wear a wedding ring

There is also an aesthetic view of jewelry. It may play a role in choosing which hand to wear the wedding ring on, but more often it is determined by custom. There are several important points to consider when purchasing a product:

  • The size of the wedding band must be chosen correctly. Jewelry that is too big or too small for you will not only cause significant discomfort, but also look ridiculous.
  • It is possible to wear an engagement ring along with a wedding ring. They are worn on one hand, positioned one under the other.
  • If the gold engagement ring is of a classic type and there are no precious stones on it, then the product can be easily combined with other jewelry. It is desirable that they be made of the same metal.

