Table lamp for the student. Choosing the right lamp for the child

Choosing a source of artificial light in a nursery always requires a responsible approach. Properly selected lighting of the working area helps the student to learn, while maintaining:

  • health;
  • performance;
  • positive attitude;
  • attentiveness.

Why is the light source so important?

1. The load on the eyes of a student increases with each academic year. Modern high-quality table lamps reduce eye strain.

2. Any equipment in the children's room should be safe. Lighting fixtures come first. The task of parents is to find a reliable copy that can work for many years, guaranteed not to harm the child.

3. Ergonomic characteristics of the lamp also need to be taken into account. No one wants to pay huge bills for lighting or constantly change burnt out light bulbs.

4. The appearance of the lighting device in the nursery should correspond to the general style of the room, although this is not its main function.

Choosing a modern model

Currently, there are four types of light bulbs that are used in indoor lighting:

  • incandescent;
  • LED;
  • luminescent;
  • halogen.

Each has individual characteristics, pluses and minuses.

It is important to know that for the children's work area least of all fit incandescent and fluorescent lamps. They can be dangerous to use as the former get hot while working and the latter contain mercury. It is best to opt for LED, which have more advantages than disadvantages:

  • emit even light
  • keep a low temperature during operation;
  • contribute to the correct perception of the color of surrounding objects;
  • safe.

The optimal power is 8 W, the color temperature should be about 3000 K.

The lighting of the student's table should be "warm", this characteristic must be indicated on the packaging of the lamp, and you need to pay attention to it when buying.

Choosing a ceiling

It is important to choose the right source of artificial light, but the ceiling above it is also of great importance. What should you pay attention to when choosing it? Reliable eye protection from direct light flow, as well as its uniform distribution over the surface of the table- these are the most important tasks, which are ideally handled by cone-shaped ceiling lamps that completely hide the light bulb.

Also suitable are hemispherical.

And trapezoid.

Color, design, material are not essential, although doctors and educators consider all shades of green to be the best choice. The absence of any decorative elements on the lamp is also desirable.

These characteristics contribute to a better emotional state of the child during classes, help him to concentrate, work productively, without overstrain. These rules are especially important to observe with first-graders, elementary school students: they get tired faster, their ability to concentrate for a long time is still rather weak. Extra decorations (bright pendants, a ceiling or a stand in the form of funny characters, too bright colors) in the work area will only interfere.

Older students can afford small decorative additions to a simple lamp.

How to equip a teenager's room and what furniture to choose, read.

Types of structures

The range of models of table lamps is quite wide. How to find among them the one that will be perfect? The best option is on a movable tripod.

They are the easiest to use, they are perfectly fixed in a given position. A slightly simpler option is a table lamp on a flexible tripod.

It is not universal, but quite practical. The least successful choice is a lamp whose lamp is fixedly fixed on the base.

Another important characteristic of a desktop lighting fixture is its stability. It is best to use models with a secure mount (clamp). A heavy base can also help out, it creates a certain stability, but this design is less safe for the child.

A reasonable compromise is a stable floor lamp with the ability to mix the ceiling.

Models for the first grader

Parents of future schoolchildren are faced with the task of equipping a student's full-fledged workplace at home for the first time. All the features of desktop light sources described above should be taken into account from the very first days of classes. The right habits are formed gradually, it is better to immediately accustom the child to ideal artificial lighting.

Say a firm “no” to the desire to please your child by “sweetening” his difficult school days with cheerful light bulbs that look more like a toy or a gadget. Glowing globes, Mickey Mouse, funny ducklings, laser swords should be a thing of the past. Such lamps are suitable only as nightlights, they perfectly decorate the nursery, but they will not be able to help your son or daughter work on tasks and exercises. The student works at the table, it is important to learn this rule from the very first homework.

7 important nuances

1. The table lamp is always located on the “non-working” side, that is, opposite the child’s leading hand. Left for righties and right for lefties.

2. The more "mobile" model you choose, the more convenient it will be for the child to deal with. It is better to purchase a lamp with a bending “leg”, a rotating shade, a long cord. All these characteristics allow you to create the most comfortable environment during classes.

3. The outer coating of the lamp should be matte - it is devoid of glare. This option is much more practical glossy.

4. Lighting directly above the table or placing a sconce is a solution with controversial pluses, it is better to exclude this type of lighting fixtures. They can only be used as additional light sources.

5. Light should fall evenly on all parts of the table. If it is too large, then it is better to install two lamps on opposite sides.

6. Even if the child's workplace is equipped right at the window, high-quality artificial lighting should still be organized. Natural light is ideal, but not always enough. In the cold season, there is so little sun that you cannot do without additional sources of lighting.

7. Do not consult with the child about the model of the lamp, which he himself would like to receive. Make this choice yourself, taking into account all the technical and ergonomic characteristics of a particular model. Only in this case, it will become an indispensable assistant to the child throughout the school path.

What could be more beautiful for the eyes than natural light? But, unfortunately, only in summer it pleases us more than 12 hours a day, and the rest of the time we have to surround ourselves with lighting devices and artificial lighting. But schoolchildren and students have to spend a certain part of the time in the dark time of the day behind textbooks. And to some extent it becomes an integral part of his academic performance. It's no secret that poor lighting indirectly affects diligence and poor grades in school.

How to choose a good table lamp for a student

So let's see how to choose a student table lamp to meet the basic hygiene requirements of students. Since vision is exactly the sense organ that we are obliged to preserve in our child at any cost. Therefore, when choosing a lamp, proceed not from the decorative properties of the lighting device, but from hygiene standards. What do these standards tell us?

  • the light source should emit a soft and even glow - avoid glare and shadows;
  • the main overhead light must be turned on, even if the table lamp is on;
  • when writing, it should be located to the left of the student and be no more powerful than 100W. The optimal power value is the range from 60W to 100W;
  • during the daytime, curtains should be hung on the windows that do not prevent the penetration of natural light into the room;
  • windows must be well washed, otherwise dirty glass prevents light from entering the room (according to the norms, windows should be washed at least twice a year);
  • even indoor ones prevent the penetration of light - take this moment into service;
  • it is impossible to direct the streams of the main light in front and behind the student;
  • it is impossible to combine incandescent lamps and fluorescent lamps in the same room (here we are talking only about the main lighting).

How to choose the right table lamp for a student

And now let's go directly to the question of how to choose the right table lamp for the nursery. And let's start with the choice of light bulbs.

The optimal power of a table lamp for a student

As we said above, the power of the lamp should not exceed 100W, the comfort of the person sitting under it depends on this. If it is comfortable with the light that a 60W lamp emits, please let it be, and if 60W is not enough, then you need to replace this lamp with a more powerful one, for example, 75W.

Although here it is necessary to clarify that the lamp power must also be selected from the size of the table. If the table is small, then a 60W light bulb will be enough, but if the desk is large, then take a 100W lamp.

The best desk lamp for a student is one that does not harm the health of the child!

The best desk lamp for a student

The color of the light emission of the student's desk lamp

The next step is to pay attention to the shade of the light emission. As a rule, it is indicated on the lamp base or on the packaging. It can be cold white (LHB), daylight (LD) and warm white (LTB). For the human body, in particular a schoolchild, warm white light (LTB) lamps are the best option, since they are closest to natural morning or evening light. These are standard 60W incandescent bulbs.

Table lamps for schoolchildren

  • The very first rule for those who buy table lamps for schoolchildren is that the lamps must be safe for the child's body. Sometimes you have to sacrifice beauty in order to buy a functional (with a turn of the shade, with convenient switches, with a power regulator, with a cord length that allows you to move the lamp around the table) and a safe lamp.
  • When choosing, you need to give preference to softer light that will not create glare - these are matte incandescent lamps.
  • It is advisable to choose a lamp with a power regulator (with a rheostat) - first of all, this is a concern for the eyes of the student.
  • When buying in a store, try screwing the lamp into the socket. And then screw it back. If the lamp is unscrewed along with the cartridge, it means that the product is of poor quality and such a lamp is not worth buying.
  • The lamp stand should be flexible - it is easy to change the angle of inclination. At the same time, remember that the lamp should rise 30-45 cm from the table. And if the child works at the computer, then the lamp should also be above the monitor.
  • The lamp shade must be made of high-quality plastic. A plastic cover can quickly fail, and a metal one can burn a child when heated. The correct shape of the ceiling is a spherical (round) shape and a cone shape. But the shape of the cylinder is absolutely not suitable for a table lamp. As for the color of the ceiling, here the leaders are the traditional green light, which has a beneficial effect on the eyes without irritating them.

How to choose a table lamp for a student

We hope our tips have helped you answer the question of which table lamp to choose for a student. And finally, a few words about the correct location of the lamp on the desktop.

  • The fact that the lamp should not create shadows when writing is known to every student. For a right-handed person, the lamp is placed to the left of the seated person, for a left-handed person, to the right.
  • If the child is reading, then in principle, you can place the lamp to the right and left of him.
  • But if he is engaged in creativity, when both hands are involved, then the best direction of light will be direct. In this case, the light should not be directed in the face of the child, but down on the table.

When choosing it, you must take into account all the nuances that directly determine how convenient and safe it will be to use the device.

Few people think, but the wrong table lamp can easily burn down your house or cripple the health of a child. To prevent this from happening, when buying, you should know the main points and mistakes that are responsible for safety and affect your vision.

It is difficult to name an incorrectly selected lamp, except as a hidden instrument of torture.

Support or lamp base

When choosing, first of all, pay attention to the lamp support. It can be of two types:

  • brilliant
  • matte

If it is shiny, then such a base reflects most of the light. The light first falls on the leg, and then bounces off you or your child in the eyes.

This greatly harms the retina of the eye and its crystal. If you bought such a lamp and use it from 3 to 6 months, every day, for several hours, then your vision during this period may fall by several diopters.

Therefore, the base and leg should always be made of matte material.

This will help to avoid glare and damage to vision.

By the way, the requirements of a matte surface apply equally to the desktop.

Do not use a table lamp and plexiglass or other glass materials together.

Case color

When a student or an adult works at a desk for a long time, the bright color of the desk lamp itself is an additional irritant. This contributes to the fact that the eyes strain even more.

As a result, in just six months of such a neighborhood, your eyesight may drop significantly. If it is a shiny support, it gives a negative effect immediately - work under such lighting for a couple of minutes and then look into the distance, see for yourself.

Then the bright, glossy color of the case, for example, the same support leg, although it will already be plastic, will affect at least a few months of use.

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Therefore, a good lamp should be a neutral color - gray, beige, dark.

Plus, it shouldn't glare.

Shade shape

In no case should the light bulb in the lighting device be extended beyond the ceiling, i.e. stuck out.

In this case, she will definitely "hit in the eyes." Ophthalmologists say that both the lens of the eye and the retina are strained this way.

Therefore, in an ideal model, the light bulb should be completely hidden in the ceiling. And the ceiling itself has the shape of a trapezoid with wide cone edges.

In this case, the width of the light beam will be approximately 40 degrees. This guarantees optimal illumination, and at the same time ensures that the light is directed precisely to the object, without any effect on your eyes.

There are flat shades that scatter light well.

Such models are good for creating subdued lighting throughout the room, but not for reading or working at the table.

Visual acuity with such a ceiling will also decrease, and the eyes will get tired.

Heating temperature

If you have chosen a luminaire with a thin plastic shade, less than 2mm thick, there is a high probability that it will start to melt if it is continuously operated for more than 3 hours.

This is also affected by the proximity of the location of the light bulb itself from the walls of the ceiling. And if the case is metal, does the thickness of its walls play a role?

Of course yes! The heating temperature of a thin metal ceiling can reach such temperatures that you can easily fry sausages or scrambled eggs on the lamp.

Now think about it, because your child's fingers can touch such a hot body. What will happen to them?

In fact, this is not a lighting device, but a kind of frying pan. Therefore, buy models made of thick metal or plastic.

The minimum distance between the incandescent bulb and the walls of the ceiling must be at least 5 cm.

And the thickness of its walls is more than 2 mm.

Glass ceiling

If the glass of the table lamp is of poor quality, then the body can simply crack.

Moreover, these fragments will injure you and your children at the time of being at the desktop.

In addition, such models are easily damaged by simply moving them from one room to another, or by accidentally hitting them.

And the children's room is also a place for active games and fun for your child.

Glow color and light bulb power

Ophthalmologists recommend choosing ordinary yellowish bulbs for table lamps.

The fact is that our eyes are naturally accustomed to the sun. Therefore, it is this shade that will have a minimal effect on vision.

It is the most natural and natural for all of us.

White color with a slight blueness from energy-saving light bulbs will not only cause discomfort, but will also be accompanied by intramuscular spasms of the optic nerve, due to flicker that is imperceptible at first glance.

As for power, always read the instructions. It should be clearly stated in it how many watts of light bulbs can be screwed in for this type of lamp.

It is not uncommon for an overheated light bulb to explode right inside the base.

What power can be used safely?

For conventional incandescent lamps, this is a maximum of 40-60W.

No need to screw 100 watt copies there. Excessive light output can cause irritation and dry eye syndrome.

For LED, power values ​​​​are in the range from 7 to 11W.

Incorrectly chosen angle of incidence of light, height from the desktop surface can also lead to:

  • to rapid fatigue
  • retinal dystrophy

If you and your children are right-handed, position the lamp so that it is on your left side.

If it's left-handed, then right-handed. This will help to avoid disturbing shadows when reading and writing.

The lamp itself should be positioned so that your face is in the shadow of the light of the lamp, but no further than 40-50 cm from the book you are reading.

This is adjustable by the height and bend of the tripod.

Short specimens below 35 cm will not properly distribute the light output.

Also remember a very important thing: the presence of a table lamp, no matter how powerful it is, in no way cancels the general light.

That is, a chandelier or spotlights on the ceiling in the room must be lit. This is due to the physiological mechanism of our vision.

When the surroundings are dark, the pupil tends to expand in order to "absorb" more light. You turn on the lamp and at that very moment, the eye receives a very bright local beam that hits the retina directly.

This leads to irreversible changes. And general lighting:

  • first, it constricts the pupil
  • secondly, it allows you to reduce the power of the lamp itself

LED table lamp

Recently, conventional lamps have been replaced by LED models. They have a number of advantages:

  • more environmentally friendly
  • consume less electricity
  • do not contain mercury, unlike energy-saving
  • have a huge resource of work - up to 50,000 hours
  • safe for the eyes

Luminescent energy-saving devices often blink and flicker, which invariably affects vision problems.

When buying an LED table lamp, you need to clearly understand what tasks you will use it for. For those who have to read or write a lot on paper, such as a schoolboy or student, lamps with warm white or just white light (3500-5000K) are best suited.

White light will also be ideal for office work. It is believed that it helps to better concentrate and increase productivity.

Therefore, if you are an employer or a boss, and you want your employees not to idle and fall asleep at the table, buy just such models.

But lamps with cold light are useful for working with small details - a watchmaker, a manicurist, an engraver.

In general, here you need to make a choice, you need a lamp for work or "for the soul." With those for the soul, everything is much simpler.

This is a common decorative element of the interior and you don’t need to bother with any parameters.

There are already certain requirements for "working" lamps. When buying a Led model, you get a luminaire with integrated LEDs, i.e. the light source stays with you once and for all.

So, it is highly desirable that they be provided with additional functionality. After all, you cannot reduce or increase the level of illumination by simply replacing a 60W bulb with a 40W one or vice versa, as in conventional models.

Another important point is the dimming function. With it, the light can be made either brighter or dimmer. Most importantly, check that the light bulbs are adapted for this function.

In general, correctly selected modern LED lamps open up many opportunities for you and make life much more comfortable.

With the onset of autumn, the parents of all schoolchildren face the most important task - to prepare the child for school and to make the educational process as efficient and safe as possible. And since children do most of their homework within the walls of their home, it is necessary to provide them with normal conditions, which imply the correct organization of the educational place.

Particular importance is attached to the choice of the right lighting that helps to maintain good vision in the child and does not interfere with the comfortable assimilation of school material.

As a rule, a table lamp is used as the main source of illumination. The choice of such a lamp is a simple matter, but it is impossible to treat it with disdain. A high-quality one can be of various shapes and capacities, so it is necessary to select it based not only on the personal preferences of the child, but also taking into account how the training place is organized.

The eyes of a child are very sensitive, which means that the light source that will stand on the desk needs special attention. In this article, we will take a closer look at the process of choosing and buying a table lamp and give some valuable tips on how to use it.

I am glad to welcome all readers to the Electrician in the House website. Today I would like to publish an article on the topic of choosing a table lamp for a student. What should be guided and what points you should pay attention to when buying.

How to choose a table lamp for a student

If you want your child to be as tired as possible and not suffer from vision problems, then try to take the choice of local lighting seriously. We have prepared for you several recommendations, following which you can purchase an excellent table lamp with minimal financial and time costs. So let's get started.

The financial side of the issue

Most parents go online with one single question, how much is a table lamp for a student? Try to never buy cheap table lamps.

Of course, each family has its own specific budget, which may not include high costs for such products, but remember - there is no guarantee that the light source you purchased at a low price will last you a long time. It is better to purchase a product of the middle class, the characteristics of which, although they will not be enough stars from the sky, will be able to satisfy most of the needs for high-quality lighting.

Aesthetic appearance and design

Everyone wants everything in their home to be beautiful and stylish, but children love to be constantly distracted by small details, so you should not buy a catchy and artsy table lamp. Buy a lamp that is made in an office style and does not include bright colors.

The organization of the workplace will not suffer from this, but the child will be able to really focus on doing homework, and will not pay attention to the environment.

Functional characteristics of a lamp for a student

Before , think about what functional features of the lamp will be most in demand for you. Convenient switch, possibility canopy tilt adjustment, ease of lamp replacement - all of these are of great importance to ensure efficient use of the light source. We have identified several elements of the table lamp that you need to pay special attention to.

Method of attaching the lamp to the surface

The base of the table lamp should be strong and heavy so that the lamp does not tilt or slide on the table top. You can also purchase a lamp on a clamp - fastening to the edge of the table will save study space.

So a table lamp for a student is attached to the table with a bracket (clamp).

Mounting a table lamp on the desktop with a clothespin.

On the child's desktop, the lamp should be installed on the left side of it (if the child is left-handed, then on the right).

Lamp size plays a role

Forget small lamps. The light source must be located on a leg at least 40-50 cm long. Otherwise, the light will be reflected from the surface of the notebook or table and get into the child's eyes, and this is very harmful to vision.

Lighting control method

The most convenient to use are lamps, the switch of which is located on the base or on the ceiling. The on/off button must have a good stroke and not sink.

Position and tilt adjustment

Currently, table lamps with the ability to adjust the height and rotate the shade are very popular. Fixtures on a good flexible tripod are very practical, and do not require much time to prepare for work.

Try to choose high lamps (30-45 cm), because the more the light scatters, the larger the table area will be illuminated.

Table lamp light characteristics

The first criterion, on the basis of which it is necessary choose a table lamp for a student- the quality of the light. We have identified for you three main components that play a decisive role in the process of obtaining high-quality light.

What should be the power of the light bulb?

In no case do not neglect the power of the light bulb. The maximum allowable value is 100 W (for incandescent lamps), but this does not mean that you should stop at this option. Experienced ophthalmologists believe that a 60 W light bulb is enough to provide comfortable lighting for a student table. As for LED lamps, when choosing them, you can safely focus on power 8-10 watts.

Be sure to ask your child about how he feels in this lighting in the process of doing homework. Try to choose a light bulb, the light from which will provide the student's eyes with maximum comfort and will not, at the same time, have a negative impact on vision. If the child is satisfied with the conditions that a 60 W light bulb creates, then leave it. If not, get a brighter light bulb - 75-100 watts.

Luminaire color temperature

Be sure to pay attention to lamp color temperature that it emits. Recently, energy-saving and LED lamps have become very popular. Many parents use them to save on electricity. But not everyone knows about such a characteristic as the color temperature of the lamps and that lamps of the same power can emit different colors, for example, white, daylight or warm light.

For those who do not know what this characteristic is, I have a separate article on this topic, the color temperature of LED lamps, please come and read.

If you use cold white or daylight lamps in a table lamp, your eyes will quickly get tired from such lighting, which can adversely affect the child's vision. Therefore, if you use economical lamps, then select them with a warm glow temperature. There are certain requirements for color temperature - it should be within 2700-3200 K.

In addition, try to choose such a lighting device, the luminous flux of which does not go beyond the range of 400-700 lm.

As for ordinary incandescent lamps, they do not have such a characteristic as color temperature, since they all shine with warm light. And as for the rated power of such a light bulb, it is most often 60 watts.

The shape and material of the ceiling

Try not to buy table lamps with overly fanciful forms of shades. The best option is a lamp made in the shape of a trapezoid. This shape does not interfere with the distribution of the light flux and provides the most comfortable lighting for children's eyes. Also, do not forget about the color of the lamp. Properly chosen shade helps to reduce eye strain and helps to create an additional effect of illumination.

The plafond of the table lamp you have chosen should be made only of high-quality plastic. The fact is that cheap plastic is not able to withstand high temperatures and can melt at any time. As for metal shades, they are also not recommended to be purchased, since it is very easy to get burned on hot metal.

Which table lamp is better for a student LED or energy-saving

To summarize all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion - the best table lamp is the one that the student likes and does not harm his health. Having chosen the right lamp, do not rush to purchase it. First, check for certificates confirming the quality of the goods, and carefully inspect the design of the lamp.

Particular attention must be paid to the quality of the insulation of the wires, since the slightest crack in the cable can lead to a short circuit and failure of the lighting device. Do not forget about the cartridge - the light bulb should be screwed into it without much effort.

At present, many sellers advise buyers to purchase energy-saving fluorescent lamps that emit cool white light.

In the manufacture of such light bulbs, poisonous mercury is used, so we recommend that you do not succumb to the persuasion of store employees and do not make reckless purchases. Better buy led lamp or the most ordinary incandescent lamp.

By the way, they are very popular these days. lamps with built-in LED panels and multiple brightness levels. I'm thinking of getting one for myself, as soon as it appears I'll definitely do a review.

Safety first

A table lamp is not only a tool designed to provide comfortable lighting, but also a lighting fixture. The use of such a lamp, especially if there are any malfunctions in its device, can be fraught with great danger. Before buying, be sure to check the serviceability of the lamp, inspect the wires and sockets.

In addition, never purchase products that are not quality certified by the relevant safety certifications. Table lamp for a student should be reliable, easy to use and practical.

A quality desk lamp can play a huge role in the learning process. A lot depends on the lighting, since a large load on children's eyes leads to rapid fatigue and does not allow the child to concentrate normally on mastering the educational material.

Do not run to the nearest store and buy the first lamp that comes across. Carefully study the assortment offered to the buyer, determine the needs of the child in lighting, and only then make a choice.

Workplace lighting is usually done using a table lamp. They come in completely different shapes, capacities and may have individual characteristics. Choosing the right occupation is very important and should be approached with all seriousness.

Table lamps for schoolchildren need special attention, using which children do their homework or do their favorite hobby. In childhood, an unformed organism is especially sensitive. We will also figure out which light bulb is better than LED or energy-saving and what harm can come from them.

Varieties of table lamps

Table lamps can be divided according to many criteria, appearance, specifics of work, the nature of the light bulb being installed, and other indicators. The most common characteristic is the installation method. Table lamps can be either fixed on the edge of the table, or with their own leg.

Variety of table lamps

The first option usually has a convenient transformer leg, which allows you to better adjust the height and angle of the glow. The height of the adjustment can vary from twenty centimeters to one meter, but there are varieties with a longer long leg. In addition to fixing on the edge of the table, they can also be installed on the wall next to the work area, which saves even more space.

A variety of table lamps that have their own base and are simply placed on the table. They have a heavy base, which helps it to be stable and work in any possible position.

The leg of such a device can be both dynamic and static. If the leg is able to change and bend, but the range is much smaller than that of the first version of the lamps, and is no more than forty centimeters.

There are also options for a table lamp, where there is the possibility of adjusting the intensity of light. This is very convenient and allows you to turn on more power when you need it. A table lamp for schoolchildren equipped with such a function is able to help a child do homework of varying complexity in more comfortable conditions.

What you should pay attention to

What structural features should you pay attention to in the first place so that the selected table lamp for the student is suitable?

We have prepared a short list of such components:

  1. Plafond.
  2. Lamp leg.
  3. Design.

As for the ceiling, it is usually made of metal and plastic. Both options are equally good, but under different conditions. The metal case is very durable, but it gets very hot from the light bulb, because of which the child can be injured and burned.

Plastic shades can be used with light bulbs that have a low operating temperature, but it can break if dropped or hit.

You should pay attention to the choice of material and think through all the nuances. Using LED bulbs, you can not worry about heating and be sure that the child will not burn himself.

In terms of form, lamp designers do not limit themselves in any way. Today you can find absolutely various variations of forms. But for schoolchildren it is recommended to use a cone-shaped ceiling. It diffuses light well and has an ergonomic shape. Experts recommend choosing green. It does not irritate the eyes and fits well into any room.

The leg should be selected with the ability to adjust the height and angle of incidence of the light flux. Wire stem lamps are best suited, they are very easy to adjust and often perfectly fit all the requirements of their functionality. In addition, the wire leg is quite reliable and protected from damage.

Organization of the student's workplace

Mechanical legs made of metal can also serve well. But only those varieties that have automatic position fixing are suitable. Children may not be able to handle the clamping mechanism and difficult adjustment of the lamp position.

Devices on such a leg are able to perfectly suit all requirements, are easily adjustable and often have more functionality than a wire base.

Do not choose a base coat with glossy or shiny material. Although such a surface looks beautiful, it will interfere with children's homework.

The light will be reflected and enter the eyes, which will cause discomfort. Try not to use such lamps and choose matte surfaces.

To save space on the desktop, it is recommended to use table lamps that can be attached to the edges, or with the ability to mount on the wall. They are fixed to the edge of the table with a clamping screw, which tightly fixes the structure on the edge.

The luminaire is attached to the wall with a special mount and self-tapping screws or anchor wedges.

Choose the type of light bulb you are using

Now there are many different options for light sources, such as:

  • Incandescent lamps are one of the outdated ways of lighting.
  • Halogen - is in line with incandescent lamps and has the same fading trend in demand.
  • Energy-saving - a more modern option, very widely used for lighting today.
  • LED - the most modern technology, has the highest quality and rapidly growing popularity.

Today we will talk about the last two options,. We will describe their advantages, disadvantages and whether they harm the health of the child.

Comparing the performance of both options, then, without a doubt, it is the LEDs that take the first place. They have only one drawback, in front of all their competitors, this is a high cost. But if you calculate all the savings and other superior indicators, the high price is fully justified and the light bulb pays off.

An energy-saving lamp in general is able to work almost as well as an LED. It is quite economical, emits high-quality bright light, which is good for vision, does not heat up to critical temperatures.

But it has a significant disadvantage, in its composition there are poisonous mercury vapors, which are detrimental to the human, and even more so to the body of children. A child can break such a light bulb and the vapors will enter the environment, which is not the best option.

In turn, LED light bulbs have absolutely no harmful substances and are not capable of harming the human body. In addition, they are much better in quality and are better suited for homework by a child.
