New Year's signs and rituals for the fulfillment of desires. We are preparing for the new year

Our ancestors prepared carefully for the New Year, believing that a plentiful table would ensure prosperity next year, and good mood and fun - an easy and comfortable life. We continue these traditions to this day. With pleasure we decorate our home with New Year's attributes, the main of which is the Christmas tree.

The tradition of decorating the New Year tree has come down to us through the centuries, it is already over 2000 years old. At a time when a person was close to nature, he perceived trees as a part of magical power, a place of residence for spirits, and in order to appease the tree spirits and receive support from them, offerings in the form of treats and gifts were hung on the trees.

And the evergreen spruce occupied a special place among the trees, it personified life itself, the transition from darkness to light, from cold and hungry winter to warm generous summer. And until now, as a relic of the past, on New Year's Eve, Christmas tree garlands are lit in almost every house, reflecting the glare of light in Christmas tree decorations hung on the branches of the most important symbol of the New Year - the New Year tree, at the foot of which New Year's gifts wrapped in bright packages are laid out.

Choosing gifts for our dear and beloved, close people with soul and trepidation, laying them out under the New Year tree, where they will wait for the sweet moment of delivery, we, anticipating joyful and happy smiles in response to our gifts, give a piece of our heart warmth as an offering tree spirits.

We decorate the Christmas tree and the house.

And not only the preparation of gifts, but also the very decoration of the New Year tree is a kind of mystical process. By hanging bright toys on spruce branches, we not only decorate the Christmas tree and create a festive mood, but also involuntarily make an offering to tree spirits, so each toy is a magical thing that attracts positive energy and fulfillment of desires.

Initially, hand-made Christmas decorations and New Year's decorations have a strong energy of happiness and kindness. And they can bring good and bright relationships to the house. To do this, hanging snowflakes around the house and decorating the Christmas tree with them, say:

“From a snow cloud, daughters of winter, they came to my house, they brought joy. There is snow and cold in the yard, but in our house there is harmony and friendship.

And nuts wrapped in shiny paper and sweets in bright wrappers, hanging them on spruce branches, can drive away adversity, bring prosperity to the house, say these words:

“There is a treat on the Christmas tree, consolation to the old and small, so that the year would be full, without offense and adversity.”

If a Christmas toy is broken.

When decorating a Christmas tree, be extremely careful, follow the safety rules, the order in which decorations are placed.

For the most part, New Year's toys are quite fragile, and if it happens that one of them accidentally breaks, then you should not be upset. Of course, a broken Christmas toy is not a very good sign, but you can neutralize its negative impact in a simple way. To do this, carefully sweep the fragments onto a piece of paper with the words:

“I sweep away New Year’s rubbish, turn troubles into happiness, a bright new year awaits us, it will bring us joy.”

After that, the broken toy can be thrown away with peace of mind.

In general, it is desirable to involve all family members in decorating the Christmas tree, let each of them take part in the magic act and make a wish.

How to make a wish on a Christmas tree toy.

In order to make a wish on a Christmas tree toy, you need to choose the most beautiful ball, the one that you really liked. Hold it in your palms and, making a wish, imagine how it penetrates the toy and fits inside it.

If your desire concerns something material, then hang the ball on the lower branch away from the trunk.

If your desire concerns the spiritual spheres, then the ball should be placed higher and as close to the trunk as possible.

If your wish toy is broken, then most likely it will not come true this year.

If on a branch, with a ball of desire, the needles began to fall off in the first place, then it may come true, but with great difficulty.

If nothing bad happened to the magic toy, then when the time comes to remove the Christmas tree, carefully remove the ball, wrap it in cotton wool and set it aside separately from the rest of the toys with the hope that your wish will come true.

The last day of the year is popularly known as Schedrets .

On the night of December 31 to January 1, Shchedrushka was praised - a kind, cheerful and generous New Year's spirit. Shchedrushka really likes it when they give New Year's gifts, while experiencing joy, he rewards everyone present in the house with monetary luck for the whole next year.

Hang a beautiful Christmas tree toy on the bottom branch of the Christmas tree with the words:

“Here you are, Shrewdushka, a balloon, a red flashlight, have fun, play and don’t forget about us.”

When the New Year's celebration is over, spend Generous by tapping on "his" toy with the words:

“The new year has come, Shchedrushka is tired. And as the year passes, he will come again, he will bring us good luck.

We make a magical serpentine.

One of the magical attributes that can bring prosperity to your home can be an ordinary serpentine. To make it magical, put a small candle (possible for a cake) in a bag with spirals as a symbol of light and warmth, a few grains of rice for a well-fed life and a few small coins to attract wealth and say conspiracy words over them:

“The ribbon curls, the money is added. Prosperity on the table, wealth in the wallet. Let it be so!"

Put the spoken bag for a day on the windowsill or, if possible, between the window frames.

With a magic serpentine, we not only decorate the Christmas tree, but also all the rooms. A bag with coins, a candle and cereals can be hung on a Christmas tree. Give good luck and prosperity to your guests by throwing a charmed serpentine at them, mentally saying:

“I give wealth, I treat you with food, I wish you happiness. As she said, so be it!

Well, they decorated the house for the New Year. , installed and hung toys, tinsel, rain, serpentine on it, lit Christmas garlands, admired the bright running lights. Now you can start

Decorating a live or artificial Christmas tree for the New Year is a fascinating activity that allows you to create at home the atmosphere of a winter holiday, a fairy tale. Even just looking at Christmas decorations, snowflakes and garlands, you can forget about problems, worries for a long time, immerse yourself in thoughts about happiness and your desires, dreams.

Together with a decorated Christmas tree, a festive mood comes into the apartment, a little magic appears. That is why, since ancient times, there have been rituals and rules of Christmas tree decor that help to bring unrealizable desires to life.

The main traditions relate to New Year's toys - glass balls, icicles, gilded cones and bright tinsel. The fulfillment of a cherished dream depends on where they are hung. Many ceremonies concern sweets, fruits, coins and children's toys. But first things first. First you need to decide on the main desire, to understand what you want the most:

  • family happiness;
  • Good luck with business;
  • love;
  • well-being;
  • health;
  • the birth of a baby;
  • financial independence and wealth.

Depending on the chosen desire, it is necessary to decorate the New Year tree in a certain way, choosing themed toys in accordance with the main dream.

In search of happiness

In order for a live or artificial Christmas tree to fulfill New Year's wishes, it must be properly positioned in the apartment. To strengthen family ties, a tree should be placed to the left of the entrance to the room, near the wall itself. To improve sex life, the Christmas tree should be placed in the far right corner. You can establish mutual understanding with children if you install a New Year's symbol to the right of the entrance.

To make life "sweet", it is recommended to hang various sweets on the Christmas tree - sweets, gingerbread, homemade cookies with nuts, icing, lollipops, tangerines. In the first minutes of the New Year, you just need to remove the treat from the branch and eat it, making the right wish.

To lure happiness into the house, it is imperative to hang bright balls of different colors and sizes on a tree, preferably from glass, and not from cheap plastic. They symbolize the unity of female and male energy, give family peace, joy, comfort and health.

In order for the house to be protected from troubles and misfortunes all year round, it is worth putting a five-pointed star or a beautiful tip on the pointed top of the spruce.

Waiting for good luck

They say that luck is a thing that can be acquired, so you need to believe in your dreams, helping your desires come true. And this applies to all areas of life. Here are a few rituals with a Christmas tree for those who want to achieve something in the coming year:

  • dream of going on a trip or going to the sea - attach loops to tourist brochures, catalogs, calendars and magnets, hang them on branches closer to the trunk;
  • if you want to become more successful, protect yourself from troubles, the evil eye, empty slander - decorate the Christmas tree with medallions, a pectoral cross, a pendant, bags of incense, protective amulets;
  • if you want to get a beautiful figure - dress up the tree with toys in the form of fruits, vegetables, attach toy dumbbells, skates, details of a tracksuit, photos of jocks or slender beauties;
  • if you want to buy an expensive TV, phone or apartment - hang a photo with the image of things on the upper branches, attaching them with ordinary wooden clothespins.

Also, to attract good luck, the garlands must be stirred, unwinding clockwise, and the rain with tinsel - from top to bottom.

Dreams of love

To meet your love in the new year, you need to activate this romantic desire. A magical action called "Three balls on a Christmas tree" will help.

  1. You need to buy 3 new Christmas balls in the store, glass ones are best.
  2. The first ball is an amplifier of the main desire, it should be applied to the heart to charge with magical energy, mentally imagining a loved one. This ball is hung on the very top of the New Year's "magic tree".
  3. The second Christmas ball is a symbol of future love, you need to make your wish and hang the toy in the middle of the tree.
  4. The third ball symbolizes mutual feelings, therefore, when it is “charging”, one must wish the fulfillment of a dream in the New Year and for the person to be guessed, attach a magic symbol to the very bottom, at the base of the trunk.

Another ritual concerns garlands, ribbons and toys in the form of red hearts, paired bells. Attributes should be hung on branches, attaching hearts and bells in pairs, tying ribbons into red and pink bows. A Christmas tree decorated in this way will definitely attract love, relieve bitter loneliness.

Hopes for the birth of a child

A toy in the form of a horseshoe will help strengthen family happiness and preserve love. It must be attached at the base of the branches. The same married couple who dream of having a baby should decorate the New Year's beautiful spruce, preferably live, with pink and blue bows (depending on the chosen gender), gilded cones, nuts wrapped in silver foil. You also need to put children's toys, booties, a pacifier and other gizmos dear to your heart under the Christmas tree.

Also, when thinking about the birth of a child, you need to put a living Christmas tree at home, on which real cones hang. If they are not there, you can tie those collected in the forest. Blue, pink, white angels hung on branches and throughout the room will not interfere either.

To attract wealth

Many on New Year's Eve, under the chiming clock, make a dream come true to improve their financial situation, get rich, become successful and independent. Red ribbons, beads and gold coins hung on the Christmas tree will help to do this. These are symbols of prosperity and wealth. If a living tree is in a bucket of water or sand, you need to throw to the bottom or bury a few real coins to "breed" money.

Also on the branches you can attach rolled-up ruble and dollar bills, rolled-up, coins wrapped in red paper, amulets for wealth. In a secluded corner where no one sees, you need to attach something expensive - a ring, a chain, an ornament in order to attract monetary energy.

The most important thing that you should not forget about is that you need to write your desire on a piece of paper, roll it up. Then tie it with a ribbon, a thread of rain or serpentine, attach it with a bow to a Christmas tree branch to materialize a dream.

In different situations, people sometimes unconsciously strive tune in to the frequency of the wave of good luck and attract desired events into your life. For example, at the beginning of the day, merchants are ready to give the first buyer a significant discount. They intuitively feel that the first buyer is very important - it is necessary to make an initiative, to start a trade. This means tune in to the frequency of the successful trading line. Adjustment occurs at a subconscious level. With reason, a person is only aware of the external side: the ritual somehow inexplicably works. And it really works, but not by itself, but as a theatrical prop. The main role is played by the mental energy of the actor. For different professions in different situations, there are many similar "magic" rituals. People believe in them and successfully use them in order to tune in to the frequency of a successful life line and ride the wave of good luck. In principle, it does not matter what people will believe in - in the magical properties of the ritual, or in tuning to the frequency of the lines. As you understand, only the practical result is important.

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New Year's ritual for the fulfillment of desires.

This ritual is very simple and effective. In addition to the fact that with the help of it you will not only bring the fulfillment of your desires closer - you will also make the celebration of New Year's Eve more interesting.

So all you need is any symbols of your desires. If you want a house, a car - buy a toy house, a car, you can cut these characters out of magazines. If you need money - you can use real money - and the larger the bills, the better.

For example, last year I hung a toy airplane on the Christmas tree with the name of the country where I wanted to go on vacation, and in May 2011 I successfully rested there. All in all, show your imagination and find the most suitable symbols of your desires.

To attract love, you can hang a heart, for marriage - a toy bride and groom, if you dream of a child - you can hang a baby doll on the Christmas tree. It is best to carry out this ritual directly on New Year's Eve, but if you want to do it earlier, you can hang all the symbols when you decorate the tree.

And here are the Feng Shui symbols for health promotion: For the Chinese, the crane is a mystical bird endowed with many magical properties, one of which is longevity. The image of a crane or its figurine will bring good luck and health to your home. Deer and hare. Their images or figurines also serve to promote health.

Peaches (there should be 5-9 of them) are a traditional symbol of health and longevity in China. No wonder the rosy cheeks of a healthy person are compared with a peach. Bamboo is a symbol of long life. This is a beautiful, slender, flexible and unpretentious plant, symbolizing good health. You can put or hang a mat from it. Pine, like bamboo, is the strongest talisman for health. To depict a pine tree means to wish a person health. And since ancient times: of course, the apple was considered a symbol of health.

Reviews about this ritual from the Internet:

One friend hung up a model of a jeep, a house, a sweetie, money... In April, a jeep happened to him - fabulously cheap! I bought a plot with a house, it is being built now... My wife is expecting a baby...

My friends and I discussed this, we decided to hang it: money, a typewriter, a house, an engagement ring, a prince, a veil ... well, according to needs. When I asked where to get an engagement ring, my friend answered without hesitation: “Hang any one and say: I call you an engagement ring!

The Christmas tree idea works, I just compared and understood. For 2009, I decided to make Christmas toys myself. I made a burgundy flower, I made a baby doll in the form of my husband, our wedding photo in a tiny frame, and my husband glued the house, I don’t remember exactly all the toys, some were quite abstract, like some kind of hearts, butterflies ... But the facts are as follows: for 2009 a year we had an apartment, a child, a laptop, on the screen of which our wedding photo stood for a long time (until it was replaced by a photo of a child), and for the birth of a child, my husband gave me an orchid in a pot of color exactly like the one that I blinded for the Christmas tree.

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Once I bought my husband a model of a typewriter for fun, which must be assembled from paper. We collected it, and then the New Year, well, they put it under the Christmas tree, and that year we got a car. The husband has a father, with whom they did not communicate for a long time, because he left his mother for another woman. In general, he gave us his car, and in color - like the one that my husband assembled. And somehow, yes, everything comes true: whatever you hang on the Christmas tree, it will be. And how many balls on the Christmas tree - so many large purchases in NG, the amount of purchase depends on the size of the ball! .

I know what works for the appearance of a baby (checked) baby stroller, such toys for the Christmas tree are now sold. Only in it it is necessary to put a baby doll, a little angel, a small nesting doll, etc., so that it is not empty. You can buy real baby booties, if you want a boy - blue, a girl - pink ..

I remembered how after the divorce, after some time, I wrote on New Year's Eve what kind of man I want to meet and met! Only the description of appearance coincided exactly the opposite! And for the new year she hung a new figurine of a baby and became pregnant with her second child! They thought it was a girl, but a friend presented a figurine of a baby boy on New Year's Eve with the words: sorry, there was a boy left and the ultrasound showed a boy.

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I want to add more to this thread. You can also give people what you want to receive on New Year's Eve! In 2009, as soon as the New Year came, my friend and I went out into the street and gave gifts to people we met: I gave 9 sweets (2009) in the form of a heart, and she handed out 9 hryvnias. So, in the summer I met a guy, and in the fall I married him. and a friend found herself a very good job and, in general, money began to appear almost out of nowhere. So this year I will also distribute gifts.

Girls, in December last year, I read a similar ritual and this is what happened: 1. I put a magnet from Turkey, which was brought to me as a gift, on a branch, and I really was in 3 countries (not in Turkey), although there were no prerequisites for this (urgently made a passport and went!) 2. A figurine of a wedding couple and a ring - and my friend unexpectedly agreed to marriage and I was invited! 3. I laid out five thousandth banknotes on branches - I received 30,000 rubles as a gift! 4. Blue pacifier - a nephew was born (although all ultrasounds showed a girl)

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Have you heard the word Feng Shui? For sure. And it's not just a fashion fad. This is the Chinese practice of properly organizing space so that energy flows help a person gain health and good luck in business. And if in simple words, then this is the ability to create comfort. If a person is comfortable and comfortable, then the mood is better, and the state of health is more cheerful.

Those who are seriously involved in Feng Shui know how to organize the space around them so that their wishes come true. The new year is coming soon, and this is just the time to make them. Decorated Christmas tree as the main attribute of the holiday, albeit not for long, but still changes the atmosphere of the house.

Determine the cardinal points

The Feng Shui teaching says that a bright Christmas tree, glowing with lights and shimmering in different colors, will not only create a bright, joyful mood, but also balance the surrounding energy: when Yin (cold, darkness) reigns on the street, Yang is in the center of attention at home - green beauty.

But first you need to know exactly how the apartment is located in relation to the cardinal points. And only then begin to arrange "traps for good luck."

Since the tree has a pronounced pointed shape and thorns, it should be placed in the southern sector of the room. And bright lights, decorations and garlands placed in the south will support the fiery Phoenix. Then good luck will surely visit you in the new year.

In the Tiger zone, that is, in the west, put a festive table, then the meeting of the new year will be unusual and will be remembered for a long time. To make a wish, go to the Dragon zone to the east, by the way, there is also the jurisdictional territory of the Turtle, from which you can ask for health.

Proper decorations

If there was no place for a Christmas tree in the south, you can fix things with the help of properly selected decorations. If the tree is in the southwest, decorate it with yellow and red toys. This sector will not be damaged by the abundance of fire, so turn on the garland more often. Place figures of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden or some other couples under the Christmas tree. Avoid silver tones in the design of the green beauty.

Decorate the Christmas tree in the western or northwestern sector with shiny balls, bells. Choose white and yellow colors. But do not abuse the garlands.

If you put a Christmas tree in the north, focus on white and blue balls. In no case do not decorate it with candles, and turn on the garland as rarely as possible.

The Christmas tree in the northeast also requires a yellow-red range of decorations. If you want to help the kids with their studies, put a little globe on it. "Pricklyness" of the Christmas tree, located in the east or southeast, smooth out the rain and tinsel. Do not emphasize it with a pointed top and all kinds of icicles. Decorate the Christmas tree itself with fish, coins, garlands of beads.

cherished dreams

A properly located Christmas tree, among other things, will help your cherished desires come true. A Christmas tree placed on the left side of the entrance to a house, apartment or room, along the wall, will strengthen family relationships. It will improve your relationship with children if it is located on the right. She will have a beneficial effect on her sex life if she is in the far right corner.

Material well-being will be strengthened by a Christmas tree placed in the far left corner. Strengthen the influence of the zone by decorating the Christmas tree with "gold" coins and red ribbons. All these are symbols of success and prosperity. If your Christmas tree is in a bucket of sand, bury a few coins in it, after wrapping them in red paper.

A Christmas tree located right at the entrance to the room will help you find harmony with yourself. You will be able to feel the strength in yourself for changes, feel a surge of self-confidence. If the tree is shifted a little to the left, in the new year you will have many new useful acquaintances, this arrangement will also have a beneficial effect on your intellectual and creative abilities.

For a big company

If you are going to celebrate the New Year with a big company, put a Christmas tree right in front of the front door. For many, this will bring career advancement. But the Christmas tree, located in the center of the room, seems to combine all the positive influences, in this case you can wait for the fulfillment of all your desires.

And one more piece of advice. It is better to put a natural Christmas tree. True, in order for her to stand for a long time, she will have to be carefully looked after. Do not place it in a draft and near the battery.

If you put the tree in a bucket of sand, then water it every other day, and spray the needles with a spray bottle. If you want the New Year symbol to please the household for months, start an artificial Christmas tree, especially since now you can find high-quality options that are practically no different from the real ones. A forest aroma will give the house a few sprigs of live spruce or pine.

According to open sources
