Common interests and family affairs. The role of the family in the life of the child and society

This rule isn't just about you and your partner, although naturally you should be a team. However, if you remember, this section is about siblings, so this rule is about making the whole family a team. And of course this has to do with developing strong friendships between your children.

Teamwork can simply mean living together in all its manifestations, or it can mean the distribution of responsibilities between all family members, ultimately ensuring one common result. It doesn't matter what exactly you do, the main thing is that the children know that this is a common cause.

Our family has a rule: after each meal, everyone must clean the kitchen together. You can leave it only when there is complete order. Children are accustomed to this and always work together. One loads the dishwasher, the rest put food in the refrigerator or throw out the garbage. Collaborative work (in which adults also participate) means that the faster everyone does their part, the better it will be for everyone, and children understand this very well. You can often hear one of them say to the other, "I can do it for you while you stack the plates," because they know it's in their best interest.

There are many opportunities for such joint work in the home. Of course, you can make the children take turns cleaning the kitchen, but this deprives them of the opportunity to learn teamwork.

We learned about another great teamwork from our friends. When they go to the beach with the whole family, the children help to collect everything that is needed for this. One pulls out towels, another pulls out surfboards, and a third pulls out picnic supplies. They all do different things, but everyone knows that at the same time they have one common cause and one common goal - to get to the beach as soon as possible.

Any critical situations are very good for team work, and the more benefit (and pleasure) you can get from them, the better. When I was little, there was a ditch near our house that once a year or two overflowed with water during heavy rains and threatened to flood the garage (where we kept a lot of things that should not get wet, such as a refrigerator). As soon as we realized that a flood was coming, everyone jumped out into the rain, sometimes throwing raincoats right over their pajamas, and with brooms drove water away from the garage, while someone cleared the drain from fallen leaves and other debris. The whole work took about half an hour, and it was usually accompanied by general fun; and then we would return home to hot chocolate, experiencing (although, of course, we were not sentimental enough to admit it) the joy of hard work.


I will give an example of two life situations that you can probably know about from personal experience.

History first. A man sits in line in front of an important official's office. There are twenty other people with him. And all just for one single reference. Been sitting for a couple of hours now. The secretary comes out and instead of the expected phrase: - “Next”, says: “For today, the reception is over, Ivan Petrovich left for a meeting.” And then the person sitting in the queue connects with twenty people from the queue, unknown to him before and never interested in him. They are already united by a booming yell in a spacious corridor.

The second story. A married couple has existed for more than a dozen years, sometimes one of the spouses, or maybe together, begin to believe that they are tired of each other. They live together, but they think that this is somehow out of inertia, out of habit ... They tolerate each other, realizing that there is a lot of resentment and disagreement in their relationship. It seems that the people closest to each other in the world are indignant, angry, thinking about how they can change something in their lives. And suddenly something happens. The most unpleasant thing is if it is their child's illness. Not a common cold, but something serious that requires long-term treatment and complex patient care. And now these very close people (the parents of the child) are united to solve a common problem - the treatment of the child. All grievances and disagreements, negative emotions go away.

Today I really want to figure out if there is something in common in the above stories?

The answer should know a great leader. When this leader wants to make his employees not just a group, but a successful team.

A great coach should know the answer. When this coach wants to make from several people not just a team, but a team of winners.

The goal of the team, which is close and understandable to all its members, makes this team efficient and sustainable.

But what is a family? This is a group of two or more people.

To my great regret, in Russia independent conscious goals are set by no more than 20%. Of those 20%, less than 40% set family goals. It happens, of course, that goals are imposed by society or set spontaneously spontaneously. Young people got married and decided to have a child. They pass the necessary tests, begin to lead a healthy lifestyle, stop using protection, learn about it by studying literature and Internet pages. After a while, a miracle happens! The birth of a baby! General happiness! They have reached their goal. What's next? Only three months have passed and in some families we see a depressed young mother, who at the same time is always tired and irritated, the same tired and irritated young father. In their family, mutual understanding begins to tend to zero, there is no new goal that is significant for them, and the day goes by, repeating the previous one like a blueprint. Of course, joint love between themselves and for their baby binds them together, they wait and hope that the baby will grow up, but for now ... And young parents just wait and endure, not seeing any movement forward.

And what happens if a common goal is set?

- Family reunification. When a common idea appears in the family, a common goal is set, at this moment young parents begin to form common plans. They are changing. Instead of the usual watching TV series on TV, their joint pastime is replaced by a more interesting and high-quality one. Together they come up with and implement what they wanted and planned.

- Family interests, topics for conversation. When young married couples seek advice, their main feelings, that all joint conversations go to the everyday level, become uninformative and, as a rule, not interesting. Only the communication of mom and dad. When thoughts arise that your other half remains an interesting person and you have a common goal, then your conversations take on new directions. You discuss topics that are interesting to you, leading to the desired result.

- Self-development. The topic is also often raised during counseling. self-development. One of the spouses is unhappy that he is developing, growing, attending seminars, trainings, and the other half is not progressing in his development, remains in the same place. When you agree on where you are striving together, clearly understanding the common goal, then you will develop at a relatively equal speed, and you will support each other, adding care to your relationship.

- The overall goal helps to avoid disagreements. You do not have situations when one of the spouses says: “I want one thing, and you want another”, because there is already a common goal, and you are considering how to most effectively achieve it.

- Unnecessary emotions do not penetrate your life, because there are no unnecessary claims to each other regarding "I want one thing, and you want another." To achieve the goal, logic and reason are used, emotions are secondary. The main thing is that the goal itself evokes powerful positive emotions.

- Decrease or cessation of the feeling of copying the previous day. With proper planning, achieving the goal every day leads you to new results. You are step by step approaching your common goal, you see the daily result, rejoice at it together, analyze and make adjustments. Every day becomes interesting and fulfilling. Your relationship is closer.

The most common common goals are: the birth and upbringing of children, mortgage and credit.

  • Active lifestyle. You can do everything together. Dance classes, jogging, fitness, yoga. You can set a goal - to compete. You will have the opportunity to spend more time together and cheer each other up.
  • Family budget. Set a goal for your annual household income. Divide by monthly income. And you must understand that even if the wife is sitting with the baby, she can help her husband, organize his affairs, inspire him, etc. You can also set an annual spending goal by planning your spending each month.
  • Relationships. The goal, perhaps, is to spend at least 30 minutes every day with a cheerful laugh. Or the feeling of daily happiness during meetings. Or preparing for a delightful weekend. You will not only spend better time together, but also think more about each other during preparation.
  • Self-development. Having determined that you are mutually interested in starting to study. You can deepen your knowledge in painting, history, classical music. Develop in dancing, drawing, singing. Read and discuss serious works together. Get training on family relations, communications, emotions. You can constantly motivate yourself by seeing the fruits of your efforts and rejoicing in the success of your loved one.
  • Miscellaneous. Which leads both of you to positive feelings. The purpose of traveling, then write down which cities, places, countries you want to visit and when. A healthy lifestyle, then choose the best diet for you, walks, exercise.

In December, the results of the outgoing year are summed up, goals for the next year are set. And on the January holidays, you again enjoy common activities.

The comprehensive upbringing of the child, preparing him for life in society is the main social task solved by society and the family.

Parents are the first educators and teachers of the child, so their role in shaping his personality is enormous. In everyday communication with parents, the baby learns to know the world, imitates adults, gains life experience, learns the norms of behavior.

In conversations with parents about the role of family education, the teacher emphasizes how many-sided the influence of parents on the emerging personality: he talks about the family as the first social unit of Soviet society, about the way and style of relations of all family members that are characteristic of it, about the direction of their interests and its needs that create corresponding moral microclimate.

In the family, the child acquires the first social experience, the first sense of citizenship. If parents are characterized by a breadth of interests, an effective attitude to everything that happens in our country, then the child, sharing their mood, joining their affairs and concerns, learns the appropriate moral standards. Therefore, at workshops, the teacher reminds parents that the upbringing of the child and the organization of his life begin, first of all, with the upbringing of themselves, with the organization of family life, the creation of highly moral intra-family relations that provide a healthy microclimate. No “little thing” that violates the emotional and moral atmosphere cannot but affect the child.

The effectiveness of pedagogical influences largely depends on the family microclimate: a child is more amenable to educational influences if he grows up in an atmosphere of friendship, trust, and mutual sympathy.

The influence of the family microclimate on the formation of a person's personality is great. The family is the school of the child's feelings. Observing the relationships of adults, their emotional reactions and feeling the whole variety of manifestations of the feelings of people close to him, the child acquires moral and emotional experience. In a calm environment, the baby is calm, he is characterized by a sense of security, emotional balance.

The child is active and inquisitive by nature, he easily absorbs everything he sees and hears around, the mood of adults is transmitted to him. It is important what emotional impressions he receives: positive or negative; what manifestations of adults he observes: cordiality, caring, tenderness, friendly faces, calm tone, humor or fuss, nervousness, grouchiness, envy, pettiness, gloomy faces. All this is a kind of alphabet of feelings - the first brick in the future building of personality.

A family is a collective whose members are interconnected by certain responsibilities. Being a member of the family team, the child also enters into a system of existing relationships, thanks to which he comprehends the norms of social behavior.

But education in a collective environment does not mean leveling the personality, on the contrary, it is important to preserve the uniqueness of individuality, develop the psychological qualities inherent in this child, manifested in his interests (for example, to nature, art, etc.), character traits (curiosity, mental activity) , abilities (motor-plastic, musical, etc.)

Whether the child's initial experience of communicating with adults in the adult-child relationship system will be positive depends on what position he occupies in the family team. If adults concentrate all their attention on satisfying any desire, any whim of the baby, conditions are created for the flourishing of egocentrism. Where a child is an equal member of the family, where he is involved in its affairs, shares common concerns, performs (to the best of his ability!) Certain duties, more favorable conditions are created for the formation of an active life position in him.

In the family, a preschooler learns respect for close people, their affairs, industrial and social work, their rest and leisure. The very life of the family puts forward many reasons for this: “Mom came home from work tired, meet her kindly, help her with the housework”, “Dad is resting, don’t make noise”, “They came to grandmother for advice: they value her opinion”, “Look how much grandfather has awards - he is a well-deserved man.

The role of the mother in the life and upbringing of the child is great. The creation of an emotional and psychological atmosphere in the family (warmth, comfort, mutual understanding) largely depends on it. In conversations with parents, it is important to emphasize the responsibility of the father, to show the need for his participation in the upbringing and housekeeping.

Constantly communicating with parents, the teacher cannot but take into account the characteristic shortcomings of family education. Teachers note: parents, knowing and understanding the goals and objectives of education, find it difficult to implement them in practice. Family education lacks purpose. The educational role of independent children's activities, as well as meaningful communication between parents and children, is underestimated. There is no unity of requirements of all adult family members to the child. Family practice is dominated by coercion, prohibitions, etc. Sometimes physical punishment is allowed, which runs counter to the fundamentally important position of pedagogy - respect for the developing personality.

Knowledge of the features of family education allows the teacher in a conversation with parents, anticipating the analysis of pedagogical situations, to give them the necessary advice. So, as a task for the future, the teacher can advise parents to constantly pay attention to protecting the health of the child: adherence to the regime, rational nutrition, good sleep, ensuring maximum physical activity, hardening the body. In moral education, he advises to pay attention to the formation of the child's skills of a culture of behavior, humane, collectivistic manifestations, the beginnings of patriotic and international feelings.

The Soviet family is characterized by the desire to properly educate children. But, unfortunately, there are still families where the father or mother allows antisocial manifestations.

Under the motto “Sobriety is the norm of our life”, it is useful to discuss issues related to this problem with parents. For example, that a mother who is breastfeeding or expecting a child does not have the moral right to smoke or drink alcohol, since by doing so she causes irreparable harm to the developing child's body; the fact that alcohol consumed by parents irregularly can also affect the health of the unborn child (we can mention the old custom not to bring wine to young people at a wedding); you can talk about the dangers of passive smoking and its consequences for a small child and a nursing mother, etc.

The teacher draws the attention of parents to individual publications that reveal the harm of drunkenness, its negative impact on human health, on his intellectual and mental abilities. To participate in the conversations, the educator can invite qualified specialists: doctors, antenatal clinic workers, lawyers.

The main focus of the conversations is that the family can bring up a useful member of society, provided that all adult members lead a healthy lifestyle. In such a family, the child grows up in a moral and emotional atmosphere, which has a positive effect on his psychophysical development.

The climate of the family depends on the presence of moral and social attitudes, mental health, and common interests. The family is strengthened by common affairs and concerns, weekdays filled with useful content, public and family holidays, joint leisure and recreation, therefore, educators regard the organization of joint leisure not only as an important means of raising a child, but also as a means of strengthening the family. Recommendations for parents are useful: how to spend a day off with a child, a family vacation or a tour of your hometown, how to prepare for a mother’s holiday, a birthday of a child or an older family member, reading a book with loved ones ... This not only gives rise to new interests, but also causes positive emotions. Under these conditions, the family is able to more easily withstand the hardships that sometimes rush over it.

A source:
A child grows in a family, family climate
The comprehensive upbringing of the child, preparing him for life in society is the main social task solved by society and the family. Parents are the first educators and teachers of the child, so their role in %82%D0%B5%D1%82-%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B1%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BA-%D1%81%D0%B5%D0 %BC%D0%B5%D0%B9%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9-%D0%BA%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%B0/

Common Interests - an important phenomenon in the development of man and his affairs

an important phenomenon in the development of man and his affairs.

People by nature tend to experience the emotion of interest in any novelty. It’s a different matter when it comes to profit or a favorite thing. In this case, this mental property has a different “color”. Man is a social being. In many ways, people or their groups are bound by common interests. After all, a favorite business, to which the soul lies, is more pleasant to share with someone else.

For example, you are interested in cars. Anyone who has a car is clearly familiar with many nuances, ranging from driving, and ending with its installation and repair. Two motorists will quickly find common interests in their topic. Yes, you can take any sphere of people's life - life, work, hobbies, hobbies, sports, recreation, entertainment.

People everywhere strive, among themselves, to unite in groups of personal interests. Even friendship between people appears due to certain existing interests of two or more personalities. Common interests are the main social bond of society. Relationships between people who are connected by some other mentality are much less common. Here is another vivid example, the family - in addition to love and mutual understanding, there are also common interests between a man and a woman. They are aimed at maintaining the family hearth, raising their children, helping relatives and friends, etc.

Interest, as a mental quality, naturally refers to positive qualities. A person who is carried away and immersed in his topic experiences satisfaction and pleasure, he is comfortable and good in this state. The considered mental and social quality of human life can be safely asserted that relationships built on interest give rise to a qualitative development of both people and their products of activity.

A source:
Common Interests - an important phenomenon in the development of man and his affairs
Common Interests is an important phenomenon in the development of man and his activities.

Common interests and family affairs

Common interests and family affairs. The role of the family in the life of the child and society

Married couples often form because of mutual attraction to each other, great love or falling in love. At these moments, people do not think about whether they have any common hobby. But it is so important to have common interests and family affairs, because if love is not nourished by anything else and does not even have common topics for conversation, then sooner or later this state of affairs will inevitably lead to divorce.

Unfortunately, in our time, the science of the family and how to build it correctly has been forgotten. Therefore, there are so many family unions in modern society that seem prosperous and successful in appearance. But if you delve a little further, it turns out that happiness is not present in them.

In our age, the modern family already has an established stereotype of family life, which for many seems to be the norm. This is when a husband comes tired after a hard day's work and immediately sits down to watch TV or play at the computer. At this time, his wife is engaged in housekeeping or some other business in the kitchen, and the children play with their toys. Many will say that idyll and harmony reign in this union, but, apparently, they do not have common goals and family interests. They do not have joint emotions and empathy, so over time they are more and more moving away from each other.

When people get married and go on an interesting journey called family life, they must clearly understand what their common goals are in order to go to them together later. Until they are outlined, a person will not understand what qualities his soulmate should be endowed with.

A modern family should not forget that common goals will become a guarantee of long-term happiness and mutual understanding.

It is widely believed that the purpose of the family should be the birth and upbringing of good and healthy children. This, of course, is also important. But what will happen to this marriage when the children grow up and leave to build their own way? Everything, the goal of all life will be achieved, and nothing in common will remain. Therefore, it is simply necessary for spouses to have other common interests and family affairs, in addition to children.

It is believed that a marriage between two people is a kind of school of love. And if the family truly appreciates and respects each other, then the relationship over the years only becomes stronger. Thus, the real goal of married life is the attainment of perfect love.

The main goal of each spouse should be constant care for their soul mate and the task of making life easier for each other. If all these rules and parting words are followed and not forgotten about them, then it is possible to achieve trust, harmony and happiness between them.

According to the statistics that American scientists have deduced, every second man in the world spends his free time watching any TV shows. But why not watch them with your wife? After all, you can choose any program that both will like, or download a movie, which is very easy to do in our age of the Internet. Even such a joint pastime can become a link that binds the family and gives a new topic for conversations and discussions. For example, you can make it your family tradition every Friday to arrange such joint viewings with popcorn and various other goodies.

Common interests and family affairs can be found outside the walls of the house. It is good if this is associated with some kind of physical activity, as scientists have proven that a passive lifestyle affects not only a person’s health, but also his psyche. Suppose you can come up with the following active common affairs and interests of the family. Examples:

Joint outdoor recreation.

Walking tour with a break for a snack.

Participation in any active sports.

A real hike with a tent and overnight in the forest.

For this type of recreation, large expenses are not needed at all, but only the desire and desire to spend time together.

The role of the family in the life of a child is undoubtedly very important. In order not to miss the moment during the growing up of the child and always remain a friend to him, you need to have mutual business with him, of course, for spending time together.

It is not at all difficult to find common causes and interests of the family. The surrounding world, if you look at it only with different eyes, can suggest a lot of ideas for this. For example, if the child is older and can take care of a pet, you should get a common family pet and walk together when time permits. At such moments, there is an opportunity in a relaxed atmosphere to discuss with your child any of his problems and what may be bothering him.

Parents can learn, if they don't already know how, roller skating or skiing, and then have so much fun with the whole family. A good tradition can be a morning run or an evening yoga class. Yes, anything, the main thing is to be together.

When a child grows up in a family, it is very important what family climate reigns in it. From parents, the child receives preparation for further life in society. Therefore, it cannot be denied that the role of the family performs an important function in shaping his personality.

A child, like a sponge, absorbs what is happening within the walls of his house, and then he transfers all these foundations and rules into his adult life. If it is customary for parents to have common interests and family affairs, then in the future their child will also act in their marriage, having learned this from early childhood. When children grow up where it is customary to communicate in a friendly and gentle manner, then over time they will certainly build their style of communication with other people in the same way.

Only one conclusion can be drawn from this - in order to raise a good and successful child, it is necessary that the family has a healthy moral and emotional microclimate.

An important role in the harmonious relationship of a married couple is played by spiritual intimacy, which after years can be irretrievably lost, unless you constantly work on its presence in life. To do this, you can choose a joint spiritual hobby, such as dancing. After all, there is nothing better and more pleasant than circling in a pair with your loved one.

Now it is not uncommon to come across a situation where already elderly spouses enroll in dance classes in order to give their relationship some zest and novelty. Many psychologists have approved such a joint pastime, since the dance allows you to penetrate deeper into the personal space of your soul mate.

From time immemorial, the family has been considered the main unit of society. It is entrusted with many functions, the most important is the continuation of the family. Therefore, all civilization and social relations begin with the family.

As a person treats his loved ones, so he will treat other people. If betrayal and abuse reign in the house, then a person who is brought up in such an institution of the family will eventually think that it is possible to do the same with people who are completely strangers to him.

Therefore, one should never forget a very simple thing - relationships depend primarily on what people are ready to do for them themselves.

Family hobbies are an opportunity to find common interests for children and adults. What for? For family leisure to be inspiring, unifying. There is nothing good when on weekends and during the summer holidays all family members disperse about their business and do not intersect: someone reads, someone fishes, someone goes to the forest, sews and knits ... Much better if you can find things to do that will bring the whole family together. There are many options for such hobbies, let's look at them in this article.

For many families, some of the best family memories are associated with tourist trips, hiking, excursions. Being outdoors together, putting up a tent, making a fire, sleeping under the stars, spending time together is great. This is remembered for a lifetime. Any family hobby should be unifying - just as much as a family hike does.

Finding the perfect (or nearly perfect) family hobby can be tricky. Often family members have drastically different ideas about what is fun, and finding an activity that can bring all family members together can seem like an almost impossible task.

Let's try to offer five key criteria for finding and adopting a family hobby.


Walking can indeed be a hobby. You can prepare an itinerary for every weekend and walk together.

Gradually, this will become a habit and become a favorite pastime.

Growth in complexity

Family history (genealogy). Genealogy is a good option for a family hobby if the children are not very young anymore. Children love the detective aspect of this activity, and each of us is pleased to learn about personal and family heritage.

Radio controlled models. Many people like cars, tanks and radio-controlled planes. Run airplanes and quadcopters outdoors every weekend, ships in the river, cars in the house in winter. Collect models, modify modification, learn to repair.

Table games today is a great option for a family hobby because they are incredibly diverse and provide an opportunity to choose games for all ages. One of the hobbies table games- putting together puzzles: this is a kind of board game that brings everyone together. Just choose puzzles with a lot of details and collect them with the whole family, you can immediately stick them on the base and decorate the walls in the house. It is also interesting to collect various puzzles. Another option (if your whole family is crazy about electronics) is family games on a game console (prefix).

Painting. If you can draw with the whole family, then this hobby can captivate each of you seriously. First, you can try coloring books like art therapy (there are publications that are interesting for teenagers and dads, for example, Doodle Invasion - ), creator's Kit. Then you can choose books with step-by-step lessons of the simplest drawing, then more and more complex ones. You can draw not only landscapes and still lifes, but also comics. This hobby may be related to the premises of museums. There may also be a passion for mosaics, modeling, painting and other types of creativity.

Collecting- a classic hobby that is usually carried out by one of the family, but you can try to transfer this hobby to the category of family ones. Think about what can unite you all in the family - postcards, coins, decks of playing cards, dolls, tin soldiers, cars, doll miniature? .. Options collecting- an infinite number, among them there are probably your option!

cooking. Everyone loves delicious food! Cooking interesting meals or baking can really bring the whole family together very easily. Kids can help cook, everyone can discuss menus and plans together, go shopping, and then spend time in the kitchen, and then at the table. The good news is that this hobby will become your family value: all your friends and relatives will love to come to visit you. A very pleasant hobby, for which you need only inspiring cookbooks and dishes.

Music- a very wide field for creativity. We can play instruments with the whole family (oddly enough, there are not so few musical families), sing, collect folk instruments from different countries, go to classical music concerts, or compose on synthesizer interesting melodies that you can share with your friends online. Most importantly, remember - the whole family!

Garden- summer occupation, but not only. Planting seedlings and tubers of many colors also captures autumn, seedlings - spring, and in winter you can study varieties, plants, growing methods. cook in winter seeds. The main thing is to get carried away with everything together, so that there is no such thing that mom plants, persuades everyone to transport seedlings to the dacha, worries, flies and waters, and everyone else is busy with other things. Children can also help here (everyone has a penchant for working on the ground) - they can do flower beds, strawberries, pruning shrubs, weave interesting fences, and dads can come up with and implement irrigation systems, put good greenhouses, cut trees. Together, you can also take care of the harvest - to collect, cook jam, pickle cucumbers. And all this you can treat your friends!

RoomMates Interior Stickers football championship.

Sewing- a great hobby, but, unfortunately, it is very difficult for them to captivate dad and adult son. It is suitable for a family only if dad can also sew, make something out of fabric (for example, rag dolls).

Sport- unlike sewing, here, on the contrary, it is difficult to captivate not dad, but mom. A lot of dads and sons are seriously passionate about football. Try to think about how to include mom in this hobby - maybe put her in charge of collecting cards and stickers with football or hockey players (Panini offers such series) and buying good soccer balls, decorating a room in a football style, or all together do sport?

Animals- an immense topic for the study of the whole family. You can get an unusual pet (like a spider!), go to pet stores and zoos, learn how to draw animals, collect the Insects and Friends series, study animal encyclopedias, read Red Book, decorate the walls in the house interior stickers with animals. This topic will prepare the child for the study of biology at school, he will not have problems with the preparation of reports. Similarly, you can study trees, herbs.

Your family's family hobby is an opportunity to enjoy common time, rest, weekends and holidays, fun memories, common conversations, unity of the whole family.

Married couples often form because of mutual attraction to each other, great love or falling in love. At these moments, people do not think about whether they have any common hobby. But it is so important to have common interests and family affairs, because if love is not nourished by anything else and does not even have common topics for conversation, then sooner or later this state of affairs will inevitably lead to divorce.

What is the purpose of the family?

Unfortunately, in our time, the science of the family and how to build it correctly has been forgotten. Therefore, there are so many family unions in modern society that seem prosperous and successful in appearance. But if you delve a little further, it turns out that happiness is not present in them.

In our age, the modern family already has an established stereotype of family life, which for many seems to be the norm. This is when a husband comes tired after a hard day's work and immediately sits down to watch TV or play at the computer. At this time, his wife is engaged in housekeeping or some other business in the kitchen, and the children play with their toys. Many will say that idyll and harmony reign in this union, but, apparently, they do not have common goals and family interests. They do not have joint emotions and empathy, so over time they are more and more moving away from each other.

When people get married and go on an interesting journey called they must clearly understand what their common goals are, so that later they can go to them together. Until they are outlined, a person will not understand what qualities his soulmate should be endowed with.

A modern family should not forget that common goals will become a guarantee of long-term happiness and mutual understanding.

What goals are considered a guarantee of a happy family

It is widely believed that the purpose of the family should be the birth and upbringing of good and healthy children. This, of course, is also important. But what will happen to this marriage when the children grow up and leave to build their own way? Everything, the goal of all life will be achieved, and nothing in common will remain. Therefore, it is simply necessary for spouses to have other common interests and family affairs, in addition to children.

It is believed that a marriage between two people is a kind of school of love. And if the family truly appreciates and respects each other, then the relationship over the years only becomes stronger. Thus, the real goal of married life is the attainment of perfect love.

The main goal of each spouse should be constant care for their soul mate and the task of making life easier for each other. If all these rules and parting words are followed and not forgotten about them, then it is possible to achieve trust, harmony and happiness between them.

Shared hobbies and shared leisure

According to the statistics that American scientists have deduced, every second man in the world spends his free time watching any TV shows. But why not watch them with your wife? After all, you can choose any program that both will like, or download a movie, which is very easy to do in our age of the Internet. Even such a joint pastime can become a link that binds the family and gives a new topic for conversations and discussions. For example, you can make it your every Friday to arrange such joint viewings with popcorn and various other goodies.


Common interests and family affairs can be found outside the walls of the house. It is good if this is associated with some kind of physical activity, as scientists have proven that a passive lifestyle affects not only a person’s health, but also his psyche. Suppose you can come up with the following active common affairs and interests of the family. Examples:

    Joint outdoor recreation.

  1. Walking tour with a break for a snack.

    Participation in any active sports.

    A real hike with a tent and overnight in the forest.

For this type of recreation, large expenses are not needed at all, but only the desire and desire to spend time together.

Common interests of parents and child

The role of the family in the life of a child is undoubtedly very important. In order not to miss the moment during the growing up of the child and always remain a friend to him, you need to have mutual business with him, of course, for spending time together.

It is not at all difficult to find common causes and interests of the family. The surrounding world, if you look at it only with different eyes, can suggest a lot of ideas for this. For example, if the child is older and can take care of a pet, you should get a common family pet and walk together when time permits. At such moments, there is an opportunity in a relaxed atmosphere to discuss with your child any of his problems and what may be bothering him.

Parents can learn, if they don't already know how, roller skating or skiing, and then have so much fun with the whole family. A good tradition can be a morning run or an evening yoga class. Yes, anything, the main thing is to be together.

Favorable climate in the family

When a child grows up in a family, it is very important what family climate reigns in it. From parents, the child receives preparation for further life in society. Therefore, it cannot be denied that the role of the family performs an important function in shaping his personality.

A child, like a sponge, absorbs what is happening within the walls of his house, and then he transfers all these foundations and rules into his adult life. If it is customary for parents to have common interests and family affairs, then in the future their child will also act in their marriage, having learned this from early childhood. When children grow up where it is customary to communicate in a friendly and gentle manner, then over time they will certainly build their style of communication with other people in the same way.

Only one conclusion can be drawn from this - in order to raise a good and successful child, it is necessary that the family has a healthy moral and emotional microclimate.

Spiritual Aspects of Family Life

An important role in the harmonious relationship of a married couple is played by spiritual intimacy, which after years can be irretrievably lost, unless you constantly work on its presence in life. To do this, you can choose a joint spiritual hobby, such as dancing. After all, there is nothing better and more pleasant than circling in a pair with your loved one.

Now it is not uncommon to come across a situation where already elderly spouses enroll in dance classes in order to give their relationship some zest and novelty. Many psychologists have approved such a joint pastime, since the dance allows you to penetrate deeper into the personal space of your soul mate.

What is the relationship between family and society?

From time immemorial, the family has been considered the main unit of society. It is entrusted with many functions, the most important is the continuation of the family. Therefore, all civilization and social relations begin with the family.

As a person treats his loved ones, so he will treat other people. If betrayal and swearing reign in the house, then the person who is brought up in this will eventually think that it is possible to do the same with people who are completely strangers to him.

Therefore, one should never forget a very simple thing - relationships depend primarily on what people are ready to do for them themselves.
