Very dry face. Film of sebum

Strongly dry facial skin, which provokes peeling and early wrinkles, does not add to our beauty. Dehydration of the skin causes discomfort and a feeling of tightness. How to deal with this scourge? Let's tell now!

Severely dry facial skin: "rescue" masks

Here we will consider homemade masks that will restore beauty to the skin of the face and relieve it of excessive dryness. Choose only the best for yourself!

1. Mustard Powder Mask

  • 20 grams of mustard powder (the easiest)
  • 15 grams (tablespoon) olive oil (can be sunflower)
  • warm water (to get the desired consistency)

It's very simple to use. Mustard powder is mixed with oil, and then diluted with warm water to a “sour cream” state. The mask is applied to the face for 5 minutes, after which it is washed off. Finishing touch: applying moisturizer.

2. Oil mask

  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1-2 drops of tea tree essential oil

Use a water bath to heat up the oil. Before smearing, you need to wipe your face with tonic. Wetting a cotton swab in a mixture of oils, gently and gently lubricate the face. After 30 minutes, rinse with warm water and wipe the face again with a moisturizing tonic.

3. Hercules mask

  • 1 st. spoon of oatmeal flakes
  • 50 grams of milk (at least 3% fat)

The flakes are poured with milk and “swell” for 10 minutes. The finished gruel is applied to the face. Walking in such a mask is not recommended (it will crumble). Take a horizontal position for 20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with massage movements, and then apply your favorite moisturizer to the skin of the face.

4. Super nourishing mass for very dry skin

  • 80 grams of fat cottage cheese
  • 50 grams of milk (whole or 3% fat)
  • 20 grams of sour cream (fatty)
  • 10 milligrams (about 1 teaspoon) amaranth oil (sold in pharmacies)

All components must be mixed until smooth. Mass spread on the face and neck with a thick layer. The exposure time is 30 minutes. Then rinse and wipe the skin with a moisturizing tonic.

5. Egg-vegetable mask for dry skin

  • 20 grams of honey (flower)
  • chicken yolk (fresh and beaten)
  • 10 grams of vegetable oil (olive or amaranth)

Mix everything until smooth. Spread the face and leave to "feed" for 20 minutes. Wash off with a cotton pad and tonic.

Dry skin of the face: what is the reason?

Faced with the problem of excessive dryness of the skin, you need to recognize the causes in time and take care of their elimination. What affects the condition of the skin?

  • Soap and chlorinated water do a "terrible" thing. Under their influence, the skin of the face loses moisture.. The same goes for washing with hot water.
  • In the winter-spring period, the body needs additional "feeding". Due to the lack of vitamins like E, A and C, the skin on the face is the first to suffer.
  • The causes of dryness lie in the improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. The epidermis does not receive enough sebum.
  • You need to sound the alarm if the “drought” has overtaken not only the facial covering, but also the body. Perhaps these are the first signs of diabetes. You should immediately consult a doctor.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract cause problems that affect the appearance. Also, the cause of excessive dryness of the skin may be improper functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • The use of makeup products (powder, foundation) can adversely affect the condition of the epidermis. They dry, deplete the skin, so you should use them in moderation.
  • Weather is one of the main factors negatively affecting the condition of the epidermis. Prolonged exposure to sun, wind and frost can cause problems.
  • Failure to comply with the water regime, generates excessive dryness of the skin. It is necessary to strictly observe the water regime so that the body has a balance.

Severely dry facial skin requires proper care!

To put your face in order, you need to know the set of rules for proper care. The rules are simple:

  1. Washing with soap should be done only once in the evening (before going to bed). The fact is that during the night the fat secreted by the skin forms a “shield” that will moisturize the skin during the day. Having lost this, the epic struggle with dryness will begin anew.
  2. In the morning, to cleanse the skin, you need to use a “soft” tonic (lotion or decoction of herbs).
  3. Never wash with hot water. Extremely dry skin does not like this. The temperature should be close to room temperature.
  4. Moisturizing creams should be used twice a day. In addition, it is recommended to get a moisturizing facial spray. Carry it with you and then you will never miss the moment to “nourish” and refresh your face.
  5. Get rid of all alcohol-containing cosmetics. In a cosmetic bag, care products on a natural (gentle) basis should prevail.
  6. Use moisturizing and nourishing masks at least twice a week.
  7. Reduce the use of peels and scrubs.

For following these simple rules, severely dry facial skin will leave you alone.. The face will look beautiful and flawless. The editors of the magazine "Photo-elf" wishes its readers a great mood and beauty! Be always beautiful and charming, our dear readers 🙂

Any skin requires careful care, but dry skin in particular. Let's explain why. Increased dryness of the skin of the face is accompanied by many unpleasant phenomena: peeling, early wrinkles, roughness. They are not always caused by insufficient care. The phenomena may be associated with some pathologies or other causes that should be eliminated so that the skin shines with beauty and freshness again. Allowing the epidermis to dry out unnecessarily is unacceptable!

Moisture retention mechanism

On the surface of the skin there is a stratum corneum. Its moisture is provided by cellular structures and lipids located between them, which perform several functions:

  • they act as a bonding agent for post-cellular structures;
  • prevent moisture loss;
  • regulate the rate of skin peeling and renewal of its cells;
  • due to the antimicrobial action, they play a protective role on the surface of the epidermis.

In normal skin, there is a certain balance between the water content in the stratum corneum and in the surrounding air; if it is disturbed, dry skin of the face appears or, conversely, oily skin.

The water-lipid emulsion film that forms on the surface of the epidermis also contributes to the preservation of moisture. It is formed from secretions of sweat and sebaceous glands and intercellular lipids. The emulsion may have a different ratio of components. It depends on external conditions and the intensity of the work of the glands.

The mechanism of occurrence of dryness and peeling of the skin is determined by the following factors:

  • lack of moisture in the stratum corneum;
  • too frequent change of the surface layer of cells;
  • violation of the protective properties of the skin.


Many factors affect the condition of the skin. Each of them can cause negative consequences. Sometimes the appearance of dry skin of the face and the causes that cause this phenomenon can be eliminated by selecting the best care products.

But sometimes they are associated with a serious disease that requires qualified treatment.

The most common causes of dry skin are:

  • lack of sebaceous glands or their dysfunction;
  • hormonal changes that occur in the body for any reason;
  • disorders caused by a genetically determined predisposition;
  • decrease in the moisture level of the stratum corneum with increasing age;
  • severe diseases of the digestive tract or diabetes mellitus, which are accompanied not only by dry facial skin, but also by other symptoms;
  • deep cleaning of the skin, if it is carried out too often;
  • beriberi, which usually begins at the end of a long and cold winter;
  • frequent use of hot or poor-quality water, as well as aggressive detergents when washing;
  • too dry air in the house, especially in winter, during the heating season;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun or frost without a protective cream;
  • poor-quality or improperly selected skin care products;
  • insufficient consumption of clean water;
  • irrational nutrition.

If you do not understand the reasons that made dry skin on your face, then the doctor should tell you what to do if peeling and itching are additional symptoms. They may indicate any skin diseases.

Care rules

Eliminating the causes of skin problems, at the same time, it should be provided with competent and regular care, which requires compliance with several conditions.

  • We need to change the rules of washing. In the morning, water washes away all the fat released from the sebaceous glands during the night from the face, and deprives the skin of the protective barrier it needs so much during the day. Therefore, it is better to postpone the procedure of thorough washing for the evening.
  • A dry face should be washed with water at room temperature, and let the bath or shower be warm.
  • Water quality is important. It must be boiled and cooled or used filtered, thawed or settled.
  • For washing, you can use only a moisturizing gel or foam. Any soap should be excluded.
  • You should not rub your wet face with a towel, it is better to let it dry or lightly blot it with a soft cloth.
  • Very dry facial skin requires a particularly careful choice of cosmetic care products. If you do not make such products from natural products, it is better to buy cosmetics from well-known manufacturers and, preferably, from the same series, marked as intended for dry skin. Avoid gels and lotions containing alcohol. It has a drying effect on the skin.
  • Carefully you need to select decorative cosmetics. Both creams and powders should have moisturizing properties and contain protective filters.
  • It is also important how to remove makeup - it can be removed only with special cosmetics intended for this purpose. Make-up should not be left on the face overnight.
  • It is important to replenish the lack of water in the body. Drinking plenty of water every day will not only help increase skin moisture, but also remove metabolic products and toxins. This will help cleanse the skin and give it a fresh and healthy look. It is recommended to consume up to two liters of water per day.
  • A balanced diet is an important part of the fight against dry skin. An increase in the diet of fruits and vegetables contributes to:
  • timely cleansing of the intestines and the speedy removal of toxins from the body;
  • the body receives vitamins and nutrients involved in the healing of the skin.
  • It is necessary to monitor the level of humidity at home and at work. If the air in the room is too dry, then you should install a humidifier in it, as well as regularly ventilate the room.
  • Excessive sweating is not recommended, so you should think about choosing a sport. Pools with chlorinated water also have a negative effect: before swimming, it is better to apply a greasy cream to the skin.

Since getting rid of dry skin on the face is quite difficult, you need to tune in to long-term and systematic care in compliance with all of the above recommendations.

Cosmetic procedures

If dry facial skin is observed, then treatment should include not only masks and creams, but also effective cosmetic procedures. Many of them can be done at home.

  • A hot compress enhances capillary blood flow, expands and cleanses pores, removes the stratum corneum and dust from the surface of the skin, inhibits the evaporation of moisture, and also helps to relax muscles. To carry it out, you can wet a striped towel with hot water and apply it to your face for 20 minutes. Its temperature should be tolerable for your face. This procedure is especially useful after a relaxing herbal bath.
  • Dry skin on the face lends itself well to cleansing with a steam bath. The procedure will fill it with a mass of useful substances from herbal decoction, increase blood flow. An infusion can be made from chamomile, which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Essential and vegetable oils

An excellent means of caring for dry skin types are essential oils, which have been used for these purposes since ancient times. By strengthening cell membranes, they stimulate metabolic reactions, increase blood flow, which improves cell nutrition. , at the same time saturate it with vitamins. Their concentration is so high that it is enough to add a few drops to products for dry skin. A good base for essential oils are cold-pressed vegetable oils, which absorb very quickly into the skin.

Olive oil is especially suitable for these purposes. The essential fatty acids that it contains form a thin film that envelops the skin and retains moisture in it. And the influence of antioxidants stimulates the production of collagen, which increases its elasticity.

Olive oil is a versatile remedy that can be used for all skin types in combination with various supplements, but it is especially useful for dry skin. It is used in the form of compresses, masks are prepared on its basis. You can even simply wipe the skin with oil, slightly warming it up. All these procedures are best done at night.


The arsenal of cosmetic products is great, and every woman can choose how to deal with a dry face and what to do with early wrinkles. Various masks perfectly moisturize the skin. They restore elasticity and slow down the aging process with regular use. They are easy to prepare at home, using those natural products that can always be found in the kitchen. Another advantage is that there are no chemical additives.

  • Mustard powder mixed with olive oil perfectly moisturizes the skin and stimulates capillary blood flow. The rush of blood contributes to the enrichment of the surface layer with oxygen and useful microelements.
  • An excellent moisturizing effect has a mask, which is made from grated apple based on olive oil. After several procedures, the skin becomes fresh and velvety.
  • With peeling, oatmeal is great. They should be poured with warm water, and honey and a little glycerin should be added to the swollen mass. It nourishes and regenerates the skin.
  • It is characterized by an excellent moisturizing and rejuvenating effect. It can be prepared on the basis of heavy cream, and a few drops of lemon juice will give it softness and elasticity.

Today, there are various methods of moisturizing, protecting and. It depends only on the desire and possibilities what to do and, if the skin of the face is dry, how to moisturize it. And home care methods are available to everyone, you just need to follow the recipes and observe regularity. Then the skin will always be smooth and well-groomed.

The skin on the face is especially sensitive, so it dries out faster than the rest of the skin. This article provides tips to help dry, tight skin change for the better.


Daily care

    Use warm water instead of hot. Warm water expands the pores, making the skin easier to cleanse, but hot water can strip the skin of its natural moisture.

    • The ideal water temperature for washing your face is slightly warmer than room temperature. Heat replaces exfoliation, so hot water will rid your skin of dead cells and excess sebum, but if you're struggling with dryness, you should avoid high temperatures.
    • If you have to wash your face with hot water, quickly rinse your face with cold water so that the skin is exposed to heat as little as possible.
    • On particularly hot days, go inside and quickly rinse your face with cold water to cool your skin. Humidity will help your skin retain its natural moisture, but cooling your skin regularly will also benefit it.
  1. Use only non-aggressive cleansers. Shower gel is not suitable for facial skin, so you need to purchase a special cleanser.

    • Many facial cleansers contain sodium lauryl sulfate, a substance that draws moisture from the skin. For the face, it will be safer to use cleansers without soap.
    • You should also avoid products with fragrance, as it contains alcohol, which is an astringent and dries the skin very much.
    • Consider using cleansers with ceramides, fat molecules found in the top layer of the skin. Synthetic ceramides help the skin retain moisture.
  2. Pat your skin dry. Do not rub your skin with a towel after washing - it is better to gently pat it dry with a soft towel.

    • To prevent irritation, dry the skin for no more than 20 seconds.
    • Use soft cloth towels, but make sure the fibers actually absorb water. For these purposes, a terry towel is suitable.
    • Dry your face so that it is damp to the touch, but not too wet.
  3. Apply moisturizer after washing. Moisturizing lotion or cream should be applied to the face immediately after washing in large quantities. It is desirable that the skin is still a little moist - so the cream can retain this moisture inside.

    • If you're still undecided, you can use any moisturizer or lotion that suits your skin type, but if you're already a cream user and want to try something more effective, look for products with shea butter, ceramides, stearic acid. or glycerin in the composition. These moisturizing ingredients will help you improve the condition of the outer protective layer of the skin, which is responsible for retaining fluid.

    Special care for dry skin

    1. Replace the scrub with a baby washcloth. Cleanse the skin of excess sebum and dead cells not with a rough scrub, but with a baby washcloth or konjac sponge. You will achieve the same result without causing irritation.

      • From time to time, the skin needs to be exfoliated to rid it of dead cells, but if you don't do it carefully, you will traumatize the skin, which will lead to increased dryness.
      • Baby washcloths are softer than regular washcloths, and some are even made from soft fabrics such as satin. To cleanse your skin with this washcloth, apply some water to your face and slowly massage into your skin in small, circular motions.
    2. Wash your face with milk. It may sound strange, but milk not only cleanses but also moisturizes the skin.

      • Wet a baby washcloth in ice water, wring out excess liquid, put the washcloth on your face and leave for 10 minutes.
      • The lactic acid in milk acts as a gentle cleanser. It can reduce redness and remove dead skin cells.
      • The fatty acids in milk fill the skin with moisture, leaving it healthy, supple and soft.
      • Remember that skimmed milk will not hydrate your skin, so use 2% or whole milk.
      • If you think your evening cleanser is too harsh for your skin, don't throw it away right away. You can alternate it with milk two or three times a week to give your skin time to rest.
      • Milk does not remove make-up, so clean your face before applying it.
    3. Make an aloe mask. Aloe contains substances that help soothe red, irritated skin, fill it with moisture and achieve a healthy look.

      • It is best to get these substances from the plant itself. Tear off a fresh aloe leaf and gently massage the juice into your face after washing. Leave on skin for 15 minutes and then wash off.
      • This mask can be done once a week.
      • If you can't get fresh juice, buy a pre-made aloe vera gel or aloe mask.
    4. Apply a small amount of hydrocortisone cream to your eyelids. Eyelids dry out the fastest. If you feel dry and flaky skin, apply a light layer of cream or ointment to your eyelids to relieve tightness and replenish moisture.

      Try making an egg mask. Separate the protein from the yolk, beat the protein, apply on the face, hold for 10 minutes and rinse. Do the same with the yolk. Blot your face, apply moisturizer. After this procedure, your skin will become soft and smooth.

    Factors that cause skin irritation

    1. Remember that irritation can be caused by shaving. Men are often worried about dry skin on the face. Your skin can get drier if you shave the wrong way, so guys need to shave carefully to avoid this.

      • Shaving not only cuts off hair, but also removes sebum, and this leads to dryness.
      • To make shaving less harmful, shave after washing your face as this will make the hair softer and easier to remove. Always use only a sharp razor that can cut every hair without missing a single one.
      • Always use shaving cream or gel to protect your skin while you shave, and guide the blade in the direction of hair growth.
    2. Do not irritate the skin of the eyelids with a large amount of mascara. Cosmetics can cause dry skin. Mascara, in particular, can be harmful to the skin of the eyelids.

      • Use make-up removers instead of regular cleansers. Often, conventional cleansers do not remove all traces of makeup from the skin - make-up removers do a much better job of this.
      • Let your skin rest from mascara and cosmetics at least a few days a week.
    3. Protect your face from the sun and wind. When you go outside, use sunscreen to protect your face from harmful UV rays. In winter, when the air is cold and dry, wrap the lower part of your face with a scarf before going out.

      • The sun's rays are one of the main causes of a wide variety of skin problems, including dryness. Wear sunscreen with SPF 30 all year round. If you don't like thick sunscreen, get a face cream with an SPF and use it in place of your regular sunscreen.

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

If dry skin appears on the face, the way to get rid of this unpleasant symptom should be selected in accordance with the individual characteristics of the body. First of all, it is necessary to exclude skin diseases and the presence of an allergic reaction.

After making sure that they are not present, you should try to eliminate dryness with changes in skin care, diet, and getting rid of bad habits.

Maintaining water balance

Cosmetologists are unanimous in their opinion that The cause of dry skin in many cases is insufficient fluid intake.. There is a special formula that allows you to calculate the amount of water a person needs per day.

Water balance in the body is actually of great importance

To do this, multiply the actual body weight by 30 ml. This is an indicator of the consumption of pure water, and not any other liquid in the form of drinks, first courses, juicy vegetables and fruits.

In the hot season, with intense physical exertion, air travel and severe stress, this amount must be increased by 20-30%.

Avoiding exposure to adverse external factors

In hot, windy or frosty weather, the skin often becomes dry. You can prevent further aggravation of the situation by applying a protective cream on your face 30 minutes before leaving the house, protecting your face from sunlight and wind, warming it with a scarf or a high collar of clothing. This is sometimes enough for the skin to recover on its own.

Cosmetologists advise in winter to regularly apply a layer of decorative cosmetics over the protective cream. Powder can also protect the skin from UV rays and moisture loss.

Cream and decorative cosmetics will protect your skin in the cold season

If the feeling of dry skin occurs during the heating season, when the amount of moisture in the room air decreases, it is necessary to use a special humidifier or place an open container of water near the heater.

Proper selection and use of cosmetic products

Often the wrong choice of cosmetic preparations leads to the appearance of dry skin on the face. But, not knowing what was the cause, and how to get rid of dryness, a person tries to eliminate the problem using the same means.

The most common mistake is choosing face care products without taking into account the age category and skin type, as well as tonic and lotions containing alcohol.

There is also such a common mistake as getting rid of the symptoms of dry skin on the face by using fatty nourishing creams. Their action must be clearly distinguished from moisturizing preparations. If the former are designed to enrich the skin with fats, then the latter are designed to introduce and retain moisture in the upper and deep layers of the epidermis.

Face cream should be chosen according to its type and age

The variety of moisturizers allows you to choose the right option depending on the degree of dryness of the skin, its causes and climatic factors.

Skin care products are divided into the following types:

  • Protective film forming agents, which prevents the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the outer layer of the epidermis.

It can be based on petroleum jelly, which is an artificial fat, or natural ingredients such as marine collagen and aloe juice. Most often, basic winter preparations work according to this principle.

  • Means that attract and retain moisture. They are based on glycerin, hyaluronic acid and collagen fibers.

It is advisable to apply such creams on the skin, the dryness of which is caused by adverse climatic factors and frequent contact with water (especially when swimming in the sea or chlorinated pool water).

  • Means capable of penetrating into the deep layers of the dermis, cause an influx of moisture to it and suppress its exit from the cells.

The active ingredients of such preparations are low molecular weight components of hyaluronic acid or an extract from Centella asiatica. They are part of expensive face care lines or form the basis of professional cosmetics.

  • Products containing peptides, enhance the natural processes of moisture retention by cells, by stimulating the production of its own acidic environment with hyaluron molecules.

They are suitable for mature skin with signs of aging. It is impossible to try to act with their help on young tender skin.

Trying to get rid of the problem of tightness and peeling, after dry skin has appeared on the face, you should carefully monitor that you apply a day cream in the morning, and apply a night analogue before going to bed.

Using a day cream at night provokes swelling and dryness of the skin. And the night preparation does not provide adequate protection from external climatic factors, therefore it also leads to dehydration of the epidermis.

Timely treatment of pathologies of internal organs

Dry skin can be a sign of hormonal disruptions and pathologies of internal organs, which include:

  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • liver disease;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • insufficient production of female sex hormones.

In this case, it is impossible to make the skin moisturized with the help of external cosmetics.

Dryness of the skin of the face can be caused by internal diseases, so if cosmetics do not help in solving the problem of dryness and flaking of the dermis, consult a doctor

To do this, you need to go to the clinic, undergo an examination and a course of therapy. Properly selected hormonal and medicinal preparations will not only improve the functioning of the affected organs, but also eliminate the problem of dry skin.

Troubleshooting Power Supply

If dry skin appears on the face, before getting rid of it, you should carefully study the diet.

The lack of vitamins A, C, E and groups B and E in it leads to a decrease in hormone synthesis and other substances that are part of the structural elements of cells and tissues of the body.

All this immediately affects the condition of the skin, on which peeling may appear.

You can eliminate dry skin by including foods rich in the listed vitamins in the menu.

If dry skin appeared on the face, how to get rid of this problem? This question is often asked by the fair sex, who do not adhere to a healthy diet. First of all, you need to adjust your diet and consume healthy foods enriched with vitamins.

If for some reason this is not possible, you should start taking fish oil or vitamin complexes specially designed to improve the condition of the epidermis.

Avoiding excessive use of cleansers

Dry skin caused by excessive use of soaps, scrubs, gommages and other cleansing products is eliminated by reducing the frequency of their use.

After washing, do not dry your face with a towel, it will be enough just to blot it with a clean cloth. Then, while still damp, wipe the skin with tonic or micellar water and apply a layer of moisturizer to prevent moisture loss.

Particular attention must be paid to water quality. For washing with dry skin of the face, it is worth using boiled, purified or melted water.

Pharmacological preparations that eliminate dry skin

Severe peeling of dry skin can be eliminated with a cream containing hydrocortisone, the concentration of which is not more than 0.5%.

It is necessary to apply such a drug 1 time for 14 days. If there is no result, its use should be discontinued and contact a professional cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Weather-beaten or sun-exposed or frost-exposed skin should be treated with panthenol.

In cases where dry skin is caused by excessive exposure to sunlight, strong winds or frosty air, it is advisable to use Panthenol spray or cream. It not only softens the skin, but also relieves inflammation and accelerates cell regeneration.

Bepanthen cream is suitable for moisturizing dry skin. Despite the fact that it is intended for children, the drug has proven itself as a moisturizing and healing agent for all skin types in adults.

Cleansers for dry skin

Before applying any cream, it is necessary to rid the skin of the keratinized layer of dead cells.

For this, various scrubs and gommages are used. You should understand exactly which of these products are suitable for dry skin, and what are their differences.

Cleansing cosmetics

Only young women under 30 can use the scrub. Cream-based products that use artificial particles as an exfoliant are suitable for cleansing dry skin.

Natural abrasives (crushed coffee beans, sea salt crystals, apricot kernels, nut shells, and others) have sharp corners and edges that can injure the epidermis. But artificial particles have a rounded shape, and are not able to damage the upper layers of the skin.

You can apply the scrub no more than 2-3 times a week on a pre-moistened face with smooth circular movements, leaving the area of ​​the lower and upper eyelids untouched. Then the product should be washed off with cool boiled water, and a nourishing or moisturizing cream should be applied to the skin.

Mature, dry or sensitive skin is best cleansed gently with gommage., which is a chemical peel. It is a thick cream in which abrasive particles are replaced by fruit acids.

After applying the preparation on the face, you should wait until it is completely dry, and then carefully remove it with rolling movements of your fingers, preventing stretching of the skin. Gommage should be used no more than twice in 7 days.

Home Recipes for Moisturizing and Healing Excessive Dryness

For these purposes, oat flakes steamed in boiling water are suitable. After cooling, add 1 egg white to them. Apply the composition of the mask on the face with gentle massaging movements in a thin layer. Keep the product on your face for no more than 3 minutes, then rinse with plain water.

Scrub can be:

  • a mixture of cream with a high percentage of fat (better than bazaar) and fine table salt in a ratio of 2: 1;
  • the pulp of white flour bread soaked in warm milk will help solve the problem of how to get rid of peeling if dry skin appears on the face;
  • pulp of watermelon, cucumber or apple.

Cucumber mask has excellent moisturizing and tonic properties.

You can rid the skin of dead cells using honey. You should moisten your fingers with water, dip the pads in honey, gently massage the desired area, and then rinse it off.

The final point in the process of using any scrub is the application of a cream with nutrients that will quickly penetrate the epidermis and contribute to its healing.

Popular compositions of traditional medicine for dry skin of the face

Before using any composition you need to check the reaction of the body to a possible allergy. Apply a little on the inner surface of the elbow and wait for about 30-40 minutes. A burning sensation and redness will indicate the impossibility of further application of the composition.

Those who have blood vessels located close to the surface of the dermis should be very careful with honey. The highly active biological substances of this product can provoke their rupture and the appearance of rosacea.

Before using honey in masks against dry skin of the face (however, as in any other), do an allergy test

Compositions for dry skin of the face most often contain the following ingredients:

  • cream;
  • homemade unsalted butter;
  • curd mass;
  • vegetable oil;
  • lemon juice;
  • egg yolks;

Dairy formulations for dry skin

Recipe #1


  • 20 g of fatty cottage cheese;
  • 20 g homemade heavy cream;
  • 20 ml olive oil.

The ingredients should be thoroughly mixed, applied, left for a quarter of an hour, and then removed by washing.

Recipe number 2


  • 15 g butter;
  • 50 ml of milk;
  • 5 ml fresh parsley juice;
  • 5 g gelatin.

Pour milk into a glass container, add gelatin and place it in a water bath. Stirring constantly, wait for the gelatin to dissolve completely, set aside, add oil and beat with a blender.

Milk composition with the addition of parsley juice will acquire rejuvenating and tonic properties

Pour parsley juice, mix, apply on face for a quarter of an hour, rinse with water.

Recipe number 3


  • 50 ml of milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. apple pulp;
  • 1 yolk.

Grind the apple on a plastic grater, add milk and beaten yolk. Apply to face, leave for half an hour, remove with warm water.

Masks with vegetable oils

Among the moisturizing formulations, the following oils of vegetable origin have reached wide use:

  • olive;
  • almond;
  • jojoba;
  • from apricot kernels;
  • wheat germ.

Oil formulations have gained fame as excellent "fighters" with dry skin.

These oils should be added to formulations for dry skin, they can be used to lubricate the face 2-3 times a day or used as compresses.

The instructions for use are as follows:

  • cleanse the face;
  • warm up any of the oils;
  • apply it on a gauze napkin;
  • take a horizontal position;
  • apply a compress and leave for 15-25 minutes.

Useful composition of egg yolk


  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 0.5 tsp peach oil.

After mixing the ingredients, you need to apply them to the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face, adding a little bit until a dry crust forms. Leave for 20-25 minutes, rinse with water after a quarter of an hour.

fruit formulations

As a nourishing agent for dry skin, you can use banana, peach or apricot puree. They have a greater effect when mixed with cream, cottage cheese, yolk, oils.

Fruit puree includes:

  • 2 tsp natural honey;
  • 1 tsp unsalted butter or homemade cream;
  • 50 g thoroughly mixed fruit puree.

All masks with the addition of fruits should be prepared immediately before application.

The use of oatmeal in formulations for dryness

First, you need to carefully grind the flakes and steam them with hot milk. Then the gruel can be mixed with carrot juice, egg yolk, cream, oils, mashed potatoes.

It is recommended to withstand such compositions on the delicate skin of the face for no more than 20 minutes.

From dryness and rosacea on the face

The composition is suitable for people who have excessive dryness with signs of rosacea. Combine and mix the following ingredients:

If dry skin of the face appeared, how to get rid of it at home? A mask based on linseed oil will help you, which also helps in the fight against rosacea
  • 1 st. l. fatty cottage cheese;
  • 1 st. l. strong welding;
  • 1 tsp flax oils;
  • 1 tsp dried lemon peel, crushed to a state of flour;
  • 1 st. l. parsley juice.

Apply the resulting mass on the face and wash off after a quarter of an hour.

Salon procedures

If dry skin appears on the face, a professional cosmetologist will tell you how to get rid of it.

After the examination, the specialist will recommend one of the following procedures:

  • peeling with fruit acids;
  • a course of mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid preparations;
  • course of intensive hydration;
  • hardware methods of non-contact exposure.

When choosing a salon, one should take into account the qualifications of a specialist, as well as the degree of compliance with antiseptics during manipulations.

If dry skin on the face is not eliminated by cosmetic procedures, you should consult a dermatologist or endocrinologist to identify the causes of the disease and take measures to eliminate it.

What to do if dry skin appears on the face, how to get rid of peeling:

Dry skin care tips:

    I have flaky skin on my face mainly in winter and early spring, when the freshness of fruits and vegetables is suspect, and the already dry skin is subjected to additional negative effects.
    I started taking supplements. Such drugs are used just to normalize the vital activity of the body, and not to treat serious problems. Specifically, I drink those that contain vitamins: A, B2, B7, B9, C, E, PP and trace elements: selenium, zinc, calcium, manganese, sulfur, magnesium, copper.

    First of all, you need to understand that without an integrated approach, that is, nutrition + regimen + cosmetics, the effect of any action will be only temporary. If you follow the principles of rational nutrition, do not forget about walking in the fresh air, then cosmetics and various procedures will become a powerful tool for eliminating peeling and preventing excessive dryness of the skin.

    Over the past couple of years, my skin has become terribly refined, it began to peel off, my face became covered with wrinkles ... Of course, I added age, but I did not expect this at all. Has addressed to the dermatologist. He said that it is strictly forbidden to apply with very dry skin:
    matting agents

    And I really like the mask, for my dry skin it is a salvation - from the libiderm mask-antioxidant with vitamin E, it instantly moisturizes and gives the face a healthy color.

    My dry skin was caused by a malfunction of the sebaceous glands. They began to produce less fat than is necessary for the formation of a natural protective layer on the skin. The skin became drier, rougher, the number of wrinkles increased. My friend advised me to adjust the diet. I included in my diet, in addition to meat and fish, butter, liver, milk, egg yolk. Also, do not forget about vegetable proteins. I began to eat more nuts, beans, soy. I began to eat alpha hydroxy acids, which are found in apples, beets, tomatoes, citrus fruits, black currants and grapes; sulfur, which is most abundant in meat and most types of fish, bananas, pineapples, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds; all kinds of cabbage, spinach, dark green salads, mustard, asparagus, eggplant.
    Now I avoid, of course, fatty and fried foods. The main enemies for me were sugar, caffeine and alcohol. Within a couple of weeks my skin has changed. For a month, I stopped moisturizing it with creams, because. skin is quite oily.

    alginate masks save from dryness, compliance with the drinking regime, I like it from creams with hyaluronic acid, for the winter I take a denser one with phytofloran, nourishes and moisturizes

What are the benefits of dry skin? Mass, especially in adolescence! Its owners in their youth have subtle pores, do not bother with the problems of oily sheen. The effect of velvety and "peach" effect is present even without decorative cosmetics.

But after 25 years, problems begin. A network of wrinkles is gradually drawn around the eyes, washing causes peeling, a feeling of tightness, against which even creams are ineffective. This information is for those who have very flaky faces, what to do in such cases.

In this article:

Why is the skin dry?

Dryness occurs due to the fact that the glands do not produce enough sebum. In young people, this is due to a genetic predisposition. In a more mature age, other factors, both external and internal, are to blame. Unfavorable external factors include:

    too hot or cold water when washing;

    severe climatic conditions - cold or abundance of sun;

    the use of aggressive cosmetics, soaps, frequent peelings, etc. (more often than once every 10-14 days).

Dryness also occurs due to improper functioning of the body caused by:

    dehydration, which occurs with insufficient fluid intake, in particular clean water, high body temperature, prolonged vomiting and diarrhea;

    hormonal disruptions in diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism (thyroid insufficiency), during menopause;

    violation of metabolic processes in the body;

    frequent stress;

    long-term therapy with antibiotics;

    insufficient intake of vitamins, in particular vitamins A, E, which occurs as a result of an unbalanced diet;

    skin ailments - psoriasis, keratosis, allergic reactions, fungal infection, etc.

Influence bad addictions - alcohol, smoking, excessive use of strong coffee, tea. Also, the skin becomes dry due to aging, as the production of sebum and sweat decreases over the years.

Dryness can appear both in a separate area and throughout the body.

How to take care of dry skin?

There are rules for caring for this type of skin. If they are violated, there is an exacerbation.


Some experts recommend that if you have dry skin, wash your face only in the evening. During the night, a protective film forms on the skin, which reduces the damage from external factors.

Before washing, the water is defended, filtered or boiled. It should be at room temperature.

As for cosmetics (milk, foam), they should not contain alcohol, which has a drying effect.

After washing, the face is gently dried with a towel.

Instead of tonic, it is recommended to use rose hydrolat, otherwise rose water. This tool gently cleanses, and also maintains water balance, normalizes the sebaceous glands, and soothes. Micellar water is an alternative to water washing.

Other methods of struggle

After washing, a cream, oil or lotion is applied to the skin.

In winter, drying out occurs due to artificial heating, which reduces the humidity of the air.. Therefore, in the cold season, they additionally moisturize the air. To do this, use the technique or put a damp towel on the battery.

Revise the diet. The menu includes products containing vitamins A, B, C, fish oil. The pharmacy sells vitamin and mineral complexes that will eliminate the deficiency of nutrients. Try to drink enough water. The norm (ml) is associated with weight and gender:

    for men - weight (kg) x 35;

    for women - weight (kg) x 31.

So, a woman weighing 50 kg needs 1500 ml of water. With active sports, a coefficient of 1.5 is applied to the resulting volume. That is, the same woman, during physical exertion that causes intense sweating, should drink 2.5 liters of water.

Facial care

If dry skin of the face, what to do at home?

Medicinal herbs help with care - linden flowers, chamomile, sage grass, rose petals (can be replaced with rosehip flower petals). Of these, infusions are prepared - for 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials take 200 ml of boiling water, filter after 30 minutes.

Also, plant components are used in combination. For washing, these herbs are taken in equal amounts, as well as mint leaves, dill grass. Two tablespoons of the mixture are poured into 500 ml of raw water, brought to a boil and kept on fire for 5 minutes. The broth is cooled, filtered.

To nourish and cleanse dry, irritated skin, herbal decoctions are used in combination with dairy products:

    In an infusion of elderberry flowers (1 tablespoon of flowers per 200 ml of boiling water), add a teaspoon of cream 20-30% fat.

    One tablespoon of coltsfoot leaves is poured into 100 ml of hot milk, allowed to brew until the milk has cooled. Wipe the face with a cotton pad soaked in milk tonic, and after 30 minutes wash with warm water (t 30 ° C).

Ingredients for the care of this type of skin are in the refrigerator - honey, cottage cheese, egg yolks, olive oil. We offer recipes for homemade masks.

Honey and egg


    honey - 0.5 tablespoon;

    olive or other vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;

    chicken egg yolks - 2 pcs.

The components are combined, ground until smooth, heated a little, preventing the yolks from curdling. The mass is applied to the skin in layers, with an interval of 5 minutes. The mask is left for 20 minutes, then removed with a cotton pad. The disc is pre-dipped in linden broth, or simply washed with warm water.

Before applying the mask, a sensitivity test is carried out: some people do not tolerate bee products, and they are allergic to honey. Then funds based on honey are prohibited.

Flake mask

Oat flakes save not only from high fat content, but also from dryness.

The mask is prepared like this. Flakes insist in hot milk for swelling. Add 1 tbsp to the porridge. l. honey, a teaspoon of sour cream and soft butter, mix until smooth. The mask is kept on the face for 20-30 minutes, washed with warm water or infusion of herbs, suitable for skin type. This product nourishes and moisturizes.


Aloe cares for the skin. If the plant has not yet settled on the home windowsill, then its juice is bought at the pharmacy. For cooking take:

    aloe juice - 15 ml;

    apple - ½ pc.;

    chicken egg yolk - 1 pc.

The apple is rubbed on a fine grater. The components are mixed, applied to cleansed facial skin, left for 1-2 minutes, washed off with warm water.

Parsley plus dill

The product prepared according to this recipe moisturizes, smoothes, refreshes the complexion.


    parsley, dill - 1 bunch each;

    sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.

Greens are chopped and ground in a mortar, sour cream is added. If the mass is too liquid, thicken it with oatmeal flour, potato starch.

The mixture is distributed over the face, left for 15-20 minutes, washed off with warm water. Instead of sour cream, vegetable oil is also used.

Yeast for dryness

Yeast is valued in cosmetology because it has a rich chemical composition. The product contains vitamins of group B, vitamin E, PP, H, as well as minerals - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, etc.

To prepare a yeast mask, take:

    yeast - 1 tsp;

    milk - 15 ml;

    a pinch of sugar.

Milk is heated, yeast is diluted in it, sugar is added, left in a warm place for half an hour. The agent is applied, left for 30-40 minutes, washed with water at body temperature.

Scrub fruit

Since dry skin is thin, vulnerable, sensitive, special requirements are imposed on the scrub.

The recipe does not use coarse, sharp abrasives - ground apricot seeds, salt. Instead, they take oatmeal, semolina, ground coffee, berry seeds. The base is oily, creamy, thick.

Here are two scrub recipes.

    Mix 1 teaspoon of mashed banana, apple, honey, heavy cream, 2 tsp. decoys.

    ¼ cup raspberries are mashed, add 1 tsp each. sour cream, olive oil.

The skin is massaged for 1-2 minutes, no longer. If desired, leave the mixture on the skin for another 2 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Prescriptions for other parts of the body

Cleopatra's bath will help to cope with dry skin on the body. For the procedure, a cup of honey (200 ml) is diluted in 1 liter of warm milk, the mixture is poured into the bath. The water temperature is 37 °C. Fresh milk can be replaced with a dry product, it will take 1-2 kg.

For hands

Hand skin problems arise due to non-compliance with safety regulations for working with aggressive environments - detergents, building mixtures, if hands are not protected with gloves or mittens in winter, antibacterial or deodorized soaps are often used, and creams are not used.

Glycerin-honey compress will restore youthfulness to the skin. To do this, mix 1 tsp. the following products:


The gruel is distributed over the hands, put on gloves made of natural fiber, left for 20 minutes. Then the product is washed off, a nourishing cream is used.

Another recipe is a bath of vegetable oil (which is at hand - sunflower, olive, linseed). The oil is heated to 40-45 ° C, removed from heat, immersed hands for 20 minutes. Then the skin is dried with a napkin.

For heels

Peeling and cracks on the heels appear both due to beriberi, and as a result of diseases - fungal infections, circulatory failure, disruption of the endocrine system, etc. Also uncomfortable, tight shoes cause discomfort.

To eliminate dryness, in particular, antibacterial agents are used - ointments, creams, wound healing, exfoliating, softening preparations.

Potato compress will help to cope with the problem at home. The root crop is rubbed on a grater (shallow zone), the same volume of flax seeds is added as mashed potatoes, a little water is added and boiled until the mixture thickens. Warm (not hot) slurry is applied to problem areas, kept for 20 minutes. Then the feet are washed, dead skin is removed. Heels are smeared with iodine.

The simplest method of treatment is to make a castor oil compress in the evening. A bandage soaked in oil is applied to the feet, socks are put on, left overnight. In the morning, the remaining fat is removed with a paper towel.

For elbows

To eliminate this deficiency, which occurs for almost the same reasons as on the heels, honey and almond oil will help. A teaspoon of oil is heated to 40 ° C, mixed with the same amount of honey.

The mixture is applied to the elbows, covered with cling film on top. The mask is kept for an hour, you can all night. Honey is washed off, a nourishing cream is applied to the skin.

If dryness is very disturbing, go to a dermatologist or cosmetologist. They prescribe care products. It is worth contacting a therapist. He will conduct an examination and identify the cause of the violation. In some cases, it becomes necessary to consult a narrow specialist - a gynecologist, an allergist, a rheumatologist, etc.

Useful video

How to get rid of dry skin on the face? We look.

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