Decorating a kindergarten for the autumn holidays. Decorating a music room for the autumn holidays

In order for autumn to become the full-fledged mistress of the classroom or party hall, I suggest interesting ideas for autumn decor for schools and kindergartens. Join us: the grand autumn ball begins!

Decorating the stage of the festive hall

To make the autumn festival a success, be sure to take care of the stage - the main object of attention of young spectators.

Trees made of organza and cardboard, decorated with colorful foliage; paper mushrooms; crane key "in the sky"; baskets with apples, pears and, of course, the main hero of the occasion - the beautiful girl Autumn - these attributes will help you create a special atmosphere in the festive hall and attract admiring glances to the stage.

A light Autumn dress can be decorated with bunches of rowan berries, leaves, and it is better to decorate your head with autumn flowers: marigolds, sunflowers, asters.

Colored umbrellas, crying clouds, decorative pumpkins and soft toys will qualitatively complement the picture. You look and don’t believe your eyes - it’s like you’re in an autumn forest...

Compositions made from curtains and tulle are very interesting and warm in autumn.

Autumn lanterns

Autumn lanterns will create a mysterious, fairy-tale atmosphere in the hall and cover the walls with all kinds of patterns - an ideal solution when preparing an evening for high school students. However, kids will also enjoy admiring the flickering lights “scattered” on window sills, tables or the floor.

A large candle surrounded by corn cobs or cinnamon sticks will create its own unique flavor and will make everyone who enters the room hold their breath. However, do not forget about safety precautions! It is best to place such candles on a ceramic stand.

Garlands of autumn leaves

What is an autumn holiday without leaves? They are the ones who give us a feeling of celebration and create a magical autumn mood.

Decorating your classroom or playroom with paper leaves is easy. Print the following templates on colored paper and hang them in a row on bright threads - the garland is ready!

You can create a cheerful atmosphere of an autumn forest using felt. Look how bright and graceful the leaves are coming out! Just don’t forget to stitch them with gold and silver threads.

A garland, a wonderful curtain or a mobile can be created from real leaves. Dry the leaves under a press and cover with a layer of wax. Hang it on colored threads, alternating with beads.

And what an incredible palette of colors the stained glass windows from autumn leaves create! Baking paper, PVA glue, tape and colored leaves will help turn the classroom into a real forest clearing.

Various garlands made of paper, burlap, pine cones and other natural materials look interesting.

Autumn bouquets and wreaths made from natural materials

Warm autumn compositions full of bright colors are an unlimited field for creativity. Make a stylish wreath for the classroom door or create an autumn bouquet for the desk of your favorite teacher - and the beautiful autumn will live in your classroom for a long time.

Dried leaves, twigs of rose hips and lingonberries, autumn flowers and fruits, pine cones and acorns, and instead of a vase - a birch stump or pumpkin - the variety of autumn bouquets is impressive. Choose a composition to suit your taste and delight your classmates with unique autumn decorations.

A wreath made from natural materials will be a bright addition to the autumn decor. Make the base from thin twigs, polystyrene foam, leaves or spikelets. But you can decorate the composition with anything - seasonal fruits, chestnuts and acorns, small pumpkins, pine cones and fir branches, maple or oak leaves.

Attention! When making the base, twist the branches tightly to form a circle. Secure with wire, tape or twine in several places. The wreath parts are attached using hot glue, toothpicks, and double-sided tape.

Grass, leaves, and spikelets can be woven into the base of the wreath, but apples, acorns, and chestnuts can be pre-strung on wire and wrapped around the wreath in a spiral.

A wreath made of physalis will become an exquisite interior decoration. Its fragile, bright lanterns will make you forget about the autumn blues.

Look around, take a closer look at the autumn gifts and you will understand that you don’t need to buy anything - nature itself has made sure that every home, school or kindergarten turns into magical autumn castles. Don’t be lazy, come up with an idea and go ahead - create something beautiful!..

I almost forgot! A collective craft made from natural material is a source of pride for any class or group. It would be wonderful to decorate the interior with an elegant house and place fancy forest animals in it.

Happy crafting!

Decoration of the music hall

for the Autumn holiday in kindergarten with your own hands.

Master class for teachers.

“Anyone can be a creator if they have something that inspires them.”



To introduce teachers and expand the possibilities of working with paper for registration.

Develop creative abilities.

Develop aesthetic taste, imagination, creative thinking.

Learn to combine different techniques in design work and use improvised material, paper.

Develop composition skills.

Description of the master class.

The most beautiful place in our kindergarten is the music room. Children come here with joy to dance, sing, listen to music and, of course, play. But our hall becomes even more elegant and beautiful on holidays, when it is dressed up in different, unusual “outfits”. On New Year's holidays, his “outfit” includes white, blue, silver and gold colors. Everything in the hall sparkles and sparkles like a fairy forest, like a fairy tale.

But on the autumn holidays, you want to dress up the hall in bright, autumn “outfits”: yellow, red and orange. At first glance it seems complicated, but no, it is a simple technique of folding paper like an accordion or fan. But the result pleases everyone, both adults and children.

Algorithm of actions

Stage 1: work begins with a sketch plan for the design of the central wall. The design should fit the holiday scenario. For us it should be a large, fabulous, autumn oak with large, unusual leaves.

Stage 2: take colored paper, scissors, glue

Stage 3: fold sheets of paper like an accordion.

Stage 4: fold one piece folded like a fan in half and glue it together. In this way we glue all the blanks folded into a fan.

Stage 5: we connect the already glued blanks in pairs according to color, glue them together and get a circle. So we glue all the halves into circles. These will be the magical leaves of our fabulous oak tree.

Stage 6: cut out the trunk and crown of our oak tree from thick cardboard, attach it to the stand and glue leaves - circles in any shape - to the crown. And we get an unusual, autumn, fabulous oak tree, which we can only imagine in a fairy tale.

We attach “leaves – circles” in random order to the central wall.

The autumn holiday is also magical and fabulous, like all holidays in kindergarten. And as in all fairy tales, meeting with the unusual brings joy and surprise to children, fulfillment of desires. And our autumn, fairy-tale oak tree also delighted all the children. You can make such beauty out of ordinary colored paper.

In conclusion, I would like to say that if a teacher is a creative person, then the children whom he teaches everything will definitely love creativity and will create beauty from scrap materials.

The music room is a special place in kindergarten. It is here that the child’s aesthetic development mainly takes place, his meeting with the wonderful world of music and dance, and his introduction to folk holiday culture. And of course, the interior of this room requires a special approach. The music hall should delight children, surprise them, and cultivate artistic taste, both on weekdays and during special events.

Purpose of a music room in a preschool institution

The music room is an educational environment for preschoolers. It is intended for conducting music lessons with students, as well as for holding festive events - matinees, leisure and entertainment.

This room in a kindergarten is usually the largest and brightest. They try to equip it in the best possible way, because it is a kind of calling card of the preschool institution.

The music room is, as a rule, the largest and brightest room in a preschool educational institution.

Since mass events are held in the music hall, compliance with SanPin requirements and fire safety rules is extremely important. Indeed, in practice, they are often ignored in the pursuit of innovation and a presentable appearance. For example, due to the need to install multimedia equipment, children’s active activities are often transferred from the light part to the dark part (where there are no windows) or, in pursuit of excessive comfort, the windows are darkened with heavy curtains, and the floor is completely covered with carpet, which makes wet cleaning very difficult.

Music hall zoning

In accordance with the specific features of the educational field “Music”, the space of the music hall is conditionally divided into certain zones.

  1. Quiet zone. It is most significant for musical education, since it is here that children sing and listen to musical works. The quiet zone equipment includes a musical instrument (piano) and a small space where children can sit on chairs. Sometimes an easel is installed here to demonstrate visual material, a rack for children’s instruments, a table to put a model there or place a toy character. In this zone, it is very important to observe the principle of interaction between children and the music director “eye to eye”, while preschoolers are always located to the right of the teacher.
  2. Active zone. This is a fairly large space for dance and rhythmic exercises, musical and movement creativity. At the same time, the music director, who is at the piano, must have the opportunity to see all the students. Since part of the active activity of preschoolers occurs while sitting or lying on the floor, it is desirable that there is a carpet in the active area (children will not feel discomfort). There is no place for voluminous furniture and decorations; shelving (if any) must be securely fastened.
  3. Work zone. This space is designed for productive children's activities, which often take place in integrated music classes (music + art). Here children can express their emotions through paints, pencils, colored paper, plasticine, etc. (materials and tools are located in a special rack). This area should, of course, be equipped closer to the windows. Since such a corner is not needed at every music lesson, sometimes (especially if the hall is not very spacious) it is quickly installed immediately before it takes place.

The main zones of the music hall include the active and calm zone.

Photo gallery: main areas of the music hall

In the quiet zone, preschoolers sing songs and listen to musical compositions. The active zone is a fairly large space for dance and rhythmic exercises. In the quiet zone, a rack for musical instruments is often placed

An innovative approach to organizing the subject-developmental environment of a music hall involves installing multimedia equipment in the room. It is important for the integration of educational areas, makes musical and didactic material more diverse, allows you to maximize the interest of children and form a holistic picture of the world around them.

Multimedia equipment is indispensable in an integrated music lesson

Various options for decorating a music room in a preschool educational institution, including with your own hands

Since the music room is intended for the aesthetic development of children (of course, it is inseparable from the cognitive), its interior takes on special significance.

Choosing beautiful curtains for the hall

Curtains or drapes play an important role in the design of any room.

Curtains, as a rule, are made from fairly heavy fabric. They are symmetrical and have an official, solemn appearance. Traditionally, curtains have folds, pleating, and sometimes lining (to prevent the main fabric from fading in the sun). They are often complemented by various decorative elements: lambrequin, bandeau, tiebacks, throws, decorative cornices, etc. Curtains are less strict and are a simplified version of curtains. Their upper part is always visible, not hidden by a lambrequin. It is appropriate to choose a simple string cornice for the curtains.

In a music room, curtains are especially important because they must maintain a fairy-tale atmosphere and remind children of magical worlds. Therefore, they are most often sewn in a romantic style.

Curtains should create a special creative atmosphere, remind children of wonderful unknown worlds

Curtains should not only be beautiful, but also made of safe material and easy to care for. Preschoolers should find it interesting to look at the canvas, and it is from such decorative elements that children will form an aesthetic taste and develop their imagination from an early age.

There are many design options for curtains, you just need to use a creative approach to solving this issue. In addition, this part of the interior needs to be changed periodically. One of the options is to focus on seasonality: in the fall you can choose curtains in golden, orange, red tones, in the winter - silver or turquoise, in the spring - green shades.

In any case, curtains for a music room should have an elegant and festive look.

As for the color scheme of this part of the interior, adults usually like calm and restrained shades. Also, a combination of light and dark shades, a contrasting pattern on a light background, always looks original.

Contrasting curtains always look advantageous

Since there are always many windows in a music room, it is the shade of the curtains that will determine the overall color palette of the room. Therefore, preschool employees should have an idea of ​​how different colors affect children’s perception and emotional state. This is especially true for children under 5 years of age, whose psyche is less stable than that of older preschoolers.

  1. Pink color evokes a joyful mood and helps relieve stress.
  2. Yellow evokes associations with warmth and comfort, care and stability. This coloring is especially useful for anxious children.
  3. Green calms, but at the same time awakens curiosity and the desire to develop. It will instill confidence in the kids in their abilities.
  4. Orange invigorates and stimulates vigorous physical activity. It will help overly shy and sensitive children to relax.
  5. Blue is the color of composure, responsibility, and represents order (useful in terms of maintaining discipline in a music lesson).

Psychologists have proven that color has a significant impact on a person’s well-being, performance and mood - this is also relevant for a preschooler

Curtains in kindergarten should not be black, brown, purple - these colors suppress the child's psyche. It is also better not to make them pure white - children will subconsciously develop a feeling of insecurity.

We must remember that curtains should not only be stylish, but, above all, children should like them. Their tastes should definitely be taken into account. For example, a good solution is to decorate the curtains with appliqué or choose material with a mischievous pattern.

Cute little animals and daisies will cheer up kids

It would also be appropriate to use bright fittings (cornices) and lambrequins.

Lambrequin is a decorative drapery located horizontally at the top of the curtain, in the form of a short element spanning the entire width of the curtain.

Lambrequins will give the interior of a music hall a special coziness and at the same time a festive look.

Lambrequins will create a special coziness and festive look in the hall

In a music hall, curtains are often located not only on the windows, but also act as a curtain on the central wall (it is this that depicts the key theme at all holidays). With their help you can even create the effect of a real scene.

Curtains can act as a curtain in the hall, creating the effect of a real stage

Such a curtain should be made of dense and durable fabric (after all, it is often decorated with balls, appliqués, garlands, etc.). Since it will be quite heavy, it needs to be mounted on a reliable cornice.

Photo gallery: ideas for decorating curtains in the music room of a kindergarten

Interesting design of lambrequins - the arcs overlap each other. Usually the windows are located in the side part of the music room, but here they are in the center. Although the use of short curtains does not involve lambrequins, here everything looks stylish and in place. The green color has a calming effect on children, and orange lifts mood Pale blue flowers give the curtains a delicate and sophisticated look Curtains are in harmony with the interesting design of the ceiling (protrusions)

Video: the designer gives advice on designing curtains and curtains for the stage in the music hall of a kindergarten (TV program “Useful News”) Video can’t be loaded: Decorating the assembly hall in the Kindergarten with textiles (

How to decorate a stand in a music hall

The musical life of kindergarten students is quite rich, especially if preparations are underway for any festive event. Special thematic stands, which can be located in the music hall or near it (if the room is not too spacious), help to reflect it.

Stands are always colorfully decorated, since they perform both informational and aesthetic functions. The drawings are, in one way or another, related to music: these are images of notes, instruments, treble clefs, etc. Such details in the design of a music room help maintain children’s interest in the subject, help put children in a creative mood during lessons, and maintain a good mood, including including teachers and parents.

The stand, as a rule, displays photographs of preschool children participating in music competitions, children's diplomas, certificates of honor, scenes from matinees, large printed lyrics of songs and poems. The information on the stand needs to be changed periodically depending on the events taking place in the preschool institution (it can be not only a holiday, but also just a summer vacation for children, the onset of autumn, etc.).

Photo gallery: information content of music stands

The stand demonstrates the achievements of pupils (diplomas), brief information about musical instruments and children's photos. The stand presents performances of children's groups in various bright costumes. The stand contains rules for playing children's musical instruments. The stand contains interesting information on how to make musical instruments with your own hands. The stand reflects musical life of kindergarten

Today, preschool educational institutions employees can order a ready-made stand, choosing any template to their taste. Let's give some examples.

Photo gallery: ready-made stand templates

A colorful stand depicts notes and multi-colored keys Music is depicted in the form of a lovely fairy with a magic wand Mischievous little animals playing musical instruments will support children's interest in the subject A cartoon steam locomotive on the stand will take children to the wonderful world of music The stand depicts a funny bear with an accordion that will cheer everyone up mood Simple stand in soft pink and blue colors

Stands made by the hands of passionate teachers always look interesting. Here adults can fully unleash their creative potential. For example, you can draw the same stave or paste images of musical instruments. A good idea is to draw (or cut out from coloring books) literary characters, for example the unlucky quartet from Krylov’s famous fable.

As a background for the stand, you can draw the characters from Krylov’s fable “Quartet”

Stands can be made for various holidays, for example, Victory Day, Mother's Day, New Year.

The patriotic stand features photographs of veterans and children's drawings.

The anniversary of the kindergarten can also be a reason for creativity.

The stand is prepared for the anniversary of the kindergarten

Decorating a music room for the holidays

Each holiday is a whole event in the life of a kindergarten, imbued with an atmosphere of joy. And above all, it is reflected in the design of the music room. All teachers are usually involved here, creating decorations and decorative elements with their own hands. Such work unites the team, creates a pre-holiday atmosphere, and develops imagination.

In order not to create complex volumetric decorations, in many kindergartens the central wall is covered with a fabric of a neutral color (or it is simply hung at the top on an inconspicuous cornice), to which it is convenient to attach applique elements made of paper and material. For each holiday the wall is transformed. For example, in the fall you can see a mighty oak tree with multi-colored leaves, in the winter - a window into the winter courtyard, decorated with an elegant snow pattern, in the spring - a beautiful lilac bush, etc.

For this design of the central wall, you can use the following ideas.

Photo gallery: ideas for decorating the central wall (elements are attached to fabric)

For the holiday of March 8, you can attach a beautiful tree with soft pink flowers to the wall. Elements corresponding to the theme are attached to the central wall. Paper Christmas trees, snowflakes, and a snow maiden made of fabric are attached to the wall. An image of an autumn girl in a red-orange sundress and a rowan branch is attached to the wall. hands If teachers show a play to preschoolers, then the central wall also needs to be decorated accordingly

As for removable decorative elements, it is best to hang them on safety pins; such decorations can be stored for several years.

On the remaining walls (which are not draped with fabric) you can carefully glue balloons, rhinestones, ribbons, paper applications and even light fabric.

This design is laconic, but fully conveys the spring mood of the women's holiday.

The ceiling also requires special festive decoration. Decorations can be mounted on chandeliers. A more convenient option is to stretch a fishing line or silk thread around the perimeter of the hall and hang New Year’s rain, Christmas tree balls, snowflakes, ribbons, autumn leaves, etc. on it.

Photo gallery: ideas for decorating the ceiling for the holiday

The highlight of the design is multi-colored ribbons radiating from the center in different directions. An original idea - a blue umbrella is attached to the center of the ceiling, from which paper raindrops fall. Multi-colored rain resembles the Northern Lights

As for window decoration, the ideal option for New Year's celebrations is snow-white piercings (today you can find a huge number of beautiful templates on the Internet). It is good to attach bright images of fruits and ears of corn to the autumn holiday, and delicate flowers in pastel colors in spring.

The piercings on the windows perfectly convey the New Year's atmosphere

Let's look at interesting ideas that will make holidays in kindergarten more memorable.

New Year

The palette of winter decoration is cold: blue, light blue, white and silver shades. The highlight of the design can be the most important attribute of the New Year - the Christmas tree: it can be made not multi-colored, but decorated with balls only in blue and silver. The same tones are present in the rest of the decor.

The Christmas tree can be decorated modestly, but tastefully - with balls only in winter tones - blue and silver

On the central wall you can decorate a curtain made exclusively of snowflakes. Of course, this is very time-consuming work, but it is worth it.

Creating a curtain of snowflakes is a very labor-intensive job.

If the chandeliers on the ceiling are quite voluminous, then this can be interestingly played up with the help of balloons and tinsel.

Decorated chandeliers look elegant and very elegant

Using a simple white fabric you can create a cozy winter meadow.

Silver snowflakes sewn onto white fabric transport viewers to a winter forest

Video: New Year's decoration of the music hall

Video: decorating a music hall for the New Year Video can’t be loaded: Decorating a music hall for the New Year (

Autumn is a wonderful colorful time of year. Therefore, you need to use bright colors when decorating a music room. Three-dimensional applications of trees, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, and artificial tree branches are suitable. An interesting idea is to make birch trees from whatman paper and decorate them with yellow foliage (by the way, they can be used on other holidays, only decorated with snow or green leaves).

Original design idea - birch trees from whatman paper

Another great option is to focus on birds that fly to warmer climes in the fall. The draped, weightless fabric of a soft blue color will convey the movement of air.

The weightless fabric seems to transmit air vibrations when birds fly

When holding an autumn holiday, it is always appropriate to decorate the hall in the Russian style.

Autumn holidays are often held in Russian folk style, so the hall can be decorated in this way

Video: decorating a music room for the autumn holiday Video can’t be loaded: Decorating the hall for the autumn holiday in kindergarten. (

February 23 and Victory Day

As for such patriotic holidays as February 23 and Victory Day, here the music hall is already decorated in a strict but solemn style: posters, numbers made of paper or satin ribbons, doves, fireworks, balls of blue, red and white.

The decoration of the hall for patriotic holidays should be strict, but solemn

March 8

International Women's Day is a holiday of spring, tenderness and beauty. Therefore, the music room must be decorated accordingly. Most often, a large number “Eight” is attached to the central wall. You can show your imagination in its design, for example, make it out of yellow balloons, symbolizing mimosa flowers.

Mimosa is a symbol of women's holiday, so you can use this image in the decoration of the hall

Another interesting idea is to make a charming anthropomorphic Spring dress from delicate white and pink flowers, and hair from paper leaves.

Beauty Spring is dressed in a delicate dress made of flowers

High school graduation

Graduation is the last holiday for children in kindergarten. And the task of adults is to make it unforgettable. Most often, the hall is decorated with balloons. Of course, this design is carried out by special agencies that collect rainbows, garlands, clouds, flowers, the sun and everything else that the imagination is capable of from balloons. However, parents and preschool employees should adopt this idea: their favorite toys came to say goodbye to preschoolers. To do this, you should install a table or bench at the bottom of the central wall of the hall, on which (and around it) lay out a lot of plush toys. It looks very touching and symbolizes the children’s transition to adulthood.

Preschoolers came to say goodbye to their favorite toys

Also, at such a holiday, it would be appropriate to organize an exhibition of children's drawings or a photo exhibition about the life of a preschool institution in the music room.

Decorating a music room requires good taste and a creative approach from preschool employees. After all, this place should evoke positive emotions in preschoolers; it is here that they most often come into contact with fairy tales and magic. An elegant room contributes to a deeper children’s perception of the theme of the holiday. The task of the music director and other teachers is to constantly find interesting design ideas, because the most original things and decorations can be created with your own hands.

Autumn fairy tale in kindergarten

I bring to your attention some ideas for decorating a room for the autumn holidays. The material will be useful to teachers and music directors in kindergarten.
Target: creating a festive atmosphere.
Tasks: prepare the premises for the autumn holidays, evoke an emotional response in children and their parents.

Our kindergarten does not have a large music hall, and we spend matinees in a group. We hang curtains in accordance with the theme of the holiday and decorate them. This creates a central wall.

Bright autumn
The rain is quietly knocking on the room.
Autumn has come to my house again,
Like a bright wondrous bird
He waves his motley wing at me.

There, outside the windows, is a miracle palette,
Yellow-red colors are burning.
Autumn played a tricky trick,
Throwing an outfit on the trees.

Maples in incredibly bright dresses,
There is a golden outfit on the aspen trees,
And the birches are dressed like a king,
Poplars - in sundresses with a border.

The rain cleans clothes diligently,
Bringing the whole world clean.
Everything sparkles in the generous autumn,
And the soul finds a dream.
Tatiana Lavrova

So that autumn comes to our makeshift hall, we hang maple leaves, the sun and clouds with raindrops on the curtains. In one corner we place a birch tree with yellow leaves made of corrugated paper and a green Christmas tree with cones. Near the Christmas tree, a large mushroom is hidden under a scarf, containing treats for the children. In the other corner there is a rowan bush with red berries made of foam rubber. In the center there are mushrooms and a bed with carrots for outdoor games. We add animals: on the birch tree there is a squirrel, under the tree there is a hedgehog, in the garden there is a bunny. So the autumn decoration is ready. The holiday can begin!

Autumn festival in the garden –
Both light and fun!
These are the decorations
Autumn is here!

For kids, you can use a small screen and show a puppet show.

And the kids will find a treat in a large raspberry.

Well, if it rains, then we will all wait out the bad weather together under an umbrella.

At the festival, children dance with maple leaves.

Participate in skits.
“How animals collected mushrooms”

Bunny, don't feed the bunnies, all the guys say:
Bunnies don't eat mushrooms!


Look, at the edge
Girlfriends are dancing merrily.
Who are they? The name of?
Maybe they can sing for us?

“Once upon a time I lived with my grandmother...”

That's a carrot, that's a carrot!
You handled it cleverly!
But carrots are not simple!
There's something inside her...
Treat for the guys!
Look at how many of them there are!

"Fly agaric boys"

In a clearing near a tree stump
Two funny boys
In red caps askew
They chant all day long:
“We are not angry guys,
Although poisonous.
There are polka dots on the cap,
And the skirt has legs.”
Two mushrooms stood like this
At the rotten stump.
And under this under the stump
The flies had a cozy home.
Flies have settled there,
Cheerful girlfriends.
And each with one eye
I was watching for fungus.

Well, and, of course, they meet fairy-tale characters.
Grandfather Grapes



Swamp kikimora

Baba Yaga, Leshy and the sorceress Autumn herself

The holiday ends, leaving wonderful memories and a great mood.

Autumn, autumn, we ask:
Come see us in a year.
Bring your gifts
The people are waiting for the harvest.
So that we have berries and fruits on the table,
So that people on earth are well-fed and happy!

How to greet the beautiful autumn? Of course, beautiful autumn decorations! Teachers have put together a whole collection of options for autumn decor for the music hall. The colorful decoration of the hall for the autumn festival is in this section.

  • Master classes on hall decoration
  • Original do-it-yourself decorations
  • Instructions for creating costumes for autumn characters

“Autumn, autumn, we invite you to visit!”

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