The surrounding world is the theme of such different holidays. Lesson summary The world around us “Such different holidays

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During the classes

1. Updating the topic.

Today we will talk about holidays.

What is a holiday?

What do you think of when you hear the word "holiday"?

Write what holidays you know. (On sheets)

Pin them on the board.

What groups can be divided into?

Explain why they are called so? Slide #1

2. Work on the topic.

Group task. Organize holidays into groups.

1 group

2 group

3 group

Read how you distributed the holidays? Slides №2,3,4

Which of these holidays does your family celebrate?

What holidays did you hear about for the first time?

Where can we find out about the date of the holiday, what is it called?

How are holidays marked on the calendar?

Place your pocket calendar in front of you. Look at it and tell me what holidays are celebrated there?

Where can you find out dates national and professional holidays?

We learn about these holidays from the media: television, radio, newspapers, the Internet. And also from the tear-off calendar.

Group task:

1 group:


2 group: find out what holiday is celebrated

To which group do they belong? ( Professional.)

3rd group: find out what holiday is celebrated

Archives Day

Day of the customs officer

Day of workers of the prosecutor's office R.F.

To which group do they belong? ( Professional.)

Slides #5, 6, 7

Where can we find information about the history of the holiday?

3. Research work

We will work in groups. Each group has its own object of study. Read.

What can we learn from the research?

Read what research results you should get.

1 group

Object of study: Holiday of the North.

Research result:

  • the date of the holiday;
  • type of holiday
  • holiday in our city
  • holiday attributes

What are attributes?

Attribute - a necessary constant sign, belonging

You will use the sources that I have selected for you.

What are sources of information?

Source - everything that can tell us about the past


  • booklet "Museum of the History of the Polar Olympics";
  • a set of color photo postcards "Feast of the North";
  • bibliographic index of literature "According to old traditions - to new victories" for the 70th anniversary of the Northern Holiday;
  • Poems about the Feast of the North.

Research report:

  • from which cities were the participants _________________________________
  • holiday during the war
  • why is it called international ______________________________
  • Where do competitions take place today?
  • holiday program today

2 group:

Object of study: Fisherman's Day.

The purpose of the study: to study the history of the holiday;

Research result:

  • the date of the holiday;
  • type of holiday
  • explain the significance of the holiday for the state
  • holiday in our city
  • holiday attributes


  • Alphabet of the Kola Peninsula. Issue number 5.
  • newspaper "Vecherny Murmansk", July 11, 2009

Research report:

  • type of holiday _______________________________________
  • date of occurrence __________________________________
  • document on the celebration of the day of the fisherman
  • holiday program _____________________________________
  • emblem________________________________
  • holiday attributes ________________________________________________
  • the significance of the holiday for our country ______________________

3rd group:

Object of study: Day of Russia

The purpose of the study: to study the history of the holiday.

Research result:

  • the date of the holiday;
  • type of holiday
  • explain the significance of the holiday for the state
  • holiday in our city
  • holiday attributes


  • Collection "Favorite poems for the holidays"
  • Galina Shalaeva "The Big Book of Russian Holidays"
  • You and your country
  • Children's encyclopedia "State symbols of Russia"

Research report:

  • type of holiday _______________________________________
  • date of occurrence __________________________________
  • document on the celebration of independence day _______________________
  • holiday program _____________________________________
  • another name for the holiday
  • holiday attributes ________________________________________________
  • the significance of the holiday for our country ______________________

Enter the result of the study in the report.

Working with literature, preparing a speech, reporting on the work done.

Report of the first group according to the plan. Slide number 8.

Many badges have always been issued for the holiday of the North. How many of you have seen such badges? I have prepared small collections of badges dedicated to this event. Consider them. What can we learn by looking at the icons.

Slide #9

  • Year of the holiday
  • Kind of sport
  • Emblem
  • What is the holiday

Report of the second group according to the plan

Teacher's story. The main events within the framework of the holiday begin with the laying of flowers at memorial plaques and memorial signs in memory of fishermen and captains.

Slide #10

On July 7, 2005, a memorial plaque in honor of the famous female captain Valentina Yakovlevna Orlikova was installed at house number 40 on Kapitana Orlikova Street in Murmansk.

Orlikova Valentina Yakovlevna (11/19/1915 - 01/31/1986) - the first female captain of the BMRT, the only female captain of a whaling ship ("Storm"), a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, the first woman in the country's fishing industry, awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

After the war, she becomes the captain of the whaling ship Storm. In 1953, she was invited to work in Moscow at the Ministry of Fisheries. But the captain's bridge calls Valentina Yakovlevna - in 1955 she returns to Murmansk. Here Orlikova begins to master new vessels - large freezing fishing trawlers and becomes the first female captain of the BMRT.

A trawler built in the GDR is named after her. In honor of one of the first female sea captains in the country, the Hero of Socialist Labor, a street in the city of Murmansk was named. Residents of the city call Valentina Orlikova "the pride of Murmansk", "the legendary captain", "a sincere person"...

At 12.30, the signal horn with ship sirens of merchant and fishing trawlers moored that day at the berths of the fishing and sea ports announces the beginning of a solemn rally at the monument to fishermen and ships that died defending the Soviet Arctic during the Great Patriotic War (Shmidt St., 43, opposite the management building of JSC "Murmansk Trawl Fleet").

Slide #11

Report of the third group according to the plan.

Teacher's story. Russia Day is the main holiday of our country. We are Russians and must live according to the main law of our country - the Constitution of our state. Slide #12

Yeltsin's decree. Slide #13

The main symbols of the country

Coat of arms - in Latin - grass. In the old days, it was considered eternal, like the earth itself. According to some scientists, the word "coat of arms" came from here - an eternal symbol that passes from generation to generation. Other scholars believe that the word comes from the German word for inheritance.

Flag - there is such a thing - "National colors". As a rule, they make up the color basis of the national flag. What are our national colors? What do they stand for?

  • White - peace, purity, nobility;
  • Blue - sky, honesty, truth;
  • Red - fire, love, courage, generosity;

The anthem is the first European country where the national anthem was established - Holland. The history of our anthem is interesting. After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, Russia was the only republic that did not have its own anthem. For almost 10 years, the Russian anthem was performed without words. Only on December 8, 2000, the law on the Anthem of the Russian Federation was adopted. Where is it performed?
How should one behave during the performance of the anthem?

  • Auscultated while standing
  • Men take off their hats


  • What types of holidays do you know?
  • What have you learned about the holidays?
  • What holidays would you like to learn more about?

Lesson summary

EMC "School of Russia",PleshakovA.A., Kryuchkova E.A., part 2;

Item: The world

Class: 4

Lesson topic: "Such different holidays"

Lesson type: Discovery of new knowledge

Target: formation of ideas about holidays in Russia, their differences and features.


    To educate patriotism, attitude to the family as the highest value in life.

    To expand and deepen knowledge about the history of the emergence and celebration of some Russian holidays;

    To cultivate a respectful attitude to the culture of Russia, its traditions, holidays.

Planned subject results of mastering the material:

    Recognize the role of some Russian holidays in the history and culture of our state.

    Be aware of the cognitive task, read, extracting the necessary information, identify the known and the unknown;

    Accept and save the learning task, plan the necessary actions in cooperation with the teacher and classmates;

    Participate in a general conversation, observing the rules of speech behavior;

    Be aware of your individuality and at the same time your belonging to society, recognize for yourself the generally accepted moral and ethical standards.

Equipment: textbook, projector, laptop

During the classes

Organizational stage

W: Hello guys! Let's smile at each other and start our lesson in a good mood.

Motivation for learning activities

T: Before moving on to a new topic, let's repeat what we talked about in the last lesson.

D: About state symbols - rowing, flag, anthem.

U: What is depicted on the State Emblem of Russia?

D: A red shield with a double-headed golden eagle under three crowns - two small and one large. All three crowns are connected by ribbons. In the right paw - a scepter (rod), and in the left - an orb (golden ball with a cross)

Q: What does the national flag of the Russian Federation look like?

D: The flag consists of 3 stripes - white, blue, red.

T: When is the National Anthem of Russia performed?

D: At official events.

Knowledge update

W: So guys. The topic of today's lesson will also concern our country. What do you see on the screen now?

D: Calendar.

T: Usually all the days of the calendar are highlighted in black, but there are also those that are highlighted in red. Do you know what these days are?

D: Weekends and holidays.

T: What do you think we will talk about today at the lesson?

D: About the holidays.

W: Right! Today we will talk about the holidays celebrated in our country. What do you think a holiday is?

D: Celebration, on holidays they say congratulations and give gifts.

T: A holiday is a day or days of celebration established in honor or in memory of an event (historical, civil or religious). On such a day, according to tradition, it is customary to joyfully spend time, arrange ceremonies, parties, and feasts.

Primary assimilation of new knowledge.

U: Do you think there are many holidays in our country? What holidays do you like the most?

D: A lot. Birthday, New Year

T: The slide shows some holidays. Guys, all holidays are divided into groups, can you divide them now?

D: No.

T: Then read the text on page 175, first and second paragraph.

Initial check of understanding

T: Now we can divide these holidays into groups. For what?

D: Family (Birthdays, weddings, parties). Professional (Educator's Day, Archaeologist's Day, etc.). State (Defender of the Fatherland Day, Russia Day, Constitution Day, Victory Day, etc.). National (Mother's Day on November 29, April Fool's Day on April 1, Knowledge Day on September 1, Student's Day on January 25, Day of Family, Love and Fidelity on July 8and etc.).

W: Right. The first group of holidays we'll talk about is Family Holidays.

The family is the main value of human life. Family holidays help strengthen family relationships and express your love and gratitude to loved ones. These are solemn days dedicated to family happiness and well-being.

Each family member has his own holiday, on which he receives congratulations from the people dearest to him. Grandparents, mothers and fathers, children have their own holidays. And we are talking not only about birthdays and name days, but also about special holidays, family, dedicated to family relationships. For example, Birthday, New Year, Mother's Day, Family Day, Love and Fidelity Day

Professional holidays in Russia are celebrated by many professions: prosecutors, press workers, dentists, diplomats, surveyors, submariners, cultural workers and many others. Such days do not appear on the calendar by chance and are evidence of the recognition by the state of the professional merits of workers in this industry. For example, November 27 - Marine Corps Day, December 3 - Lawyer's Day, December 10 - World Football Day

T: The next group of holidays we'll talk about are National Holidays. These are holidays that are established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. These days we usually rest.

Examples of public holidays (June 12 - Russia Day, August 22 - State Flag Day, December 12 - Constitution Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day - February 23; Spring and Labor Day - May 1; Victory Day - May 9; International Women's Day - March 8 .

U: Well, now let's get acquainted with national holidays.

National holidays are celebrated by all residents of the country, regardless of nationality and religion. Kolyada, Shrovetide, Christmas, Easter


The moon floats in the sky. (Smooth wiggle left and right.)

She went into the clouds.

One, two, three, four, five (clap hands.)

Can we get the moon. (Hands up.)

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten - (claps above the head.)

And move it lower. (Hands down.)

Ten, nine, eight, seven (Walking in place.)

So that the moon shines for everyone. (Children sit quietly.)

Primary fastening.

T: Read the textbook on pages 175-178. What holidays are listed in the textbook?

D: List the holidays given in the textbook

Q: What group would you put them in?

D: divided into groups

Information about homework, briefing on its implementation

U: Your homework is to make a greeting card for any family member in honor of his holiday: professional national, etc.

Reflection (summarizing the lesson)

T: What holidays did we meet today, give examples?

D: New Year, Christmas, Russia Day

Q: What groups are the holidays divided into?

D: There are family, professional, folk holidays.

Q: What holidays are of particular importance?

D: Public holidays are of particular importance: June 12 - Day of Russia, August 22 - Day of the State Flag of Russia, December 12 - Constitution Day.

All-Russian holidays are holidays for the whole people.

They make us one.

Celebrating these holidays, we remember important milestones in the history of our country, we are proud of the glorious deeds of our ancestors.

2. What memorable dates in Russia that are not mentioned in the text do you know?

In Russia there is a whole group of holidays called the Days of Military Glory. For example, such a day is the day of April 18, when Alexander Nevsky defeated the Germans on Lake Peipsi, or September 21, the day of victory on the Kulikovo field.

3. What holidays are celebrated in your native land?

In my region, all the same holidays are celebrated as elsewhere in Russia. Especially everyone loves New Year and Christmas. Victory Day, March 8, February 23, Easter are also beautifully celebrated.

Let's check ourselves

1. List the holidays and memorable days of Russia.

2. What is the history of the New Year celebration? Name other holidays associated with the arrival of the new season.

In the past, Rus' celebrated the New Year on March 1, then on September 1. Even then it was a solemn day when everyone walked and had fun, church bells rang and guns fired.

Peter the Great ordered to celebrate the New Year on January 1, and during his reign they began to decorate the Christmas tree for the first time, this custom came from Germany.

Another holiday associated with the onset of the new season is Maslenitsa. This is the celebration of the arrival of spring.

3. According to the text and illustrations of the textbook, tell us about the celebration of Victory Day.

The story of the celebration of Victory Day for grade 4

Victory Day is celebrated every year on May 9th. This is the day when Nazi Germany capitulated in 1945 and the Great Patriotic War ended.

Every year on this day, a military parade is held in different cities of the country, but the main parade takes place in Moscow, on Red Square.

This parade must be attended by the president and members of the government and parliament.

Soldiers are marching along Red Square, modern and old military equipment is passing by, planes are flying in the sky.

Schoolchildren on May 9 usually congratulate war veterans, give them flowers and postcards, and veterans share their memories and victory.

Homework assignments

1. Design and make a greeting card for one of the holidays in our country. Hold a postcard contest in class.

Greeting card for the Day of National Unity:

2. Learn from adults about their professional holidays. In class, make a calendar of professional holidays.

Calendar of professional holidays in Russia for grade 4

Second Sunday of February: Aeroflot Day.

The third Sunday of March is the Day of the worker of trade and public services of the population.

Third Sunday of June - Medical Worker's Day

Third Sunday of July - Metallurgist's Day

The fourth Sunday of July is Trade Workers Day.

First Sunday of August - Railwayman's Day

Second Sunday of August - Builder's Day

Last Sunday in October - Motorist's Day

3. Using the Internet, find additional information about one of the memorable days in Russia.

Message about one of the memorable days of Russia - the day of Russia for grade 4

This is a relatively young holiday, for the first time it was decided to celebrate it in 1992 on the day when the Declaration of State Sovereignty was signed.

This Declaration was signed in 1990, but the day itself became a non-working holiday only in 1992.

Another name for this holiday is Independence Day.

But this is a wrong name, because the independence of Russia does not have a specific date.

Historically, Russia has been an independent state for many centuries.

On this day, the President of the country presents state awards in the Kremlin to people who have made an important contribution to the development of the country.

In all cities, solemn events, folk festivals, concerts are held, and a festive fireworks display is sure to take place.

In the next lesson

Remember what peoples of our country you know. What cities?

Representatives of more than 160 peoples live in our country. Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Germans, Yakuts, Mansi, Chukchi and many others.

There are a lot of cities in Russia, but the most important is the city of Moscow - the capital of our Motherland.

"We are citizens of Russia"

1. Who is the head of our state?

  • The president
  • Monarch
  • Minister

2. For how many years is the head of our country elected?

  • No time limit
  • For 10 years
  • For 6 years from May 7, 2012

3. Which government body makes laws?

  • The State Duma
  • Government of the Russian Federation
  • Council of the Federation

4. When was the Constitution of the Russian Federation adopted?

  • In 1917
  • In 1977
  • In 1993

5. What is written in the Constitution of the Russian Federation?

  • Human rights and freedoms
  • human habits
  • The fate of man

6. What right is exercised when you attend school?

  • Right to education
  • Right to rest
  • Right to work

7. At what age do citizens have the right to choose the country's leadership?

  • From 14 years old
  • From 18 years old
  • From 21 years old

8. When was the Convention on the Rights of the Child adopted?

  • In 1948
  • In 1989
  • In 2000

9. Until what age are the young inhabitants of the planet considered children?

  • Up to 14 years old
  • Up to 16 years old
  • Under 18

10. What is the duty of every citizen?

  • school visit
  • Parent care
  • art classes

Dictionary Ozhegov

  • Holiday - “a day of celebration established in honor or in memory of someone or something”

  • Folk- celebrated by all people, regardless of nationality and religion.
  • Family
  • Professional- celebrated by people of all professions
  • State- established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation

Find and select holidays :



August 27– Cinema Day; February 23- Defender of the Fatherland Day; March 8- International Women's Day; 12 June - Russia Day ; 29th of November- Mothers Day; 18th of March– Day of Trade Workers; May 15– International Day of the Family; May 7- Radio day

May 24– Day of Slavic Literature and Culture; 1st of May- Labour Day; 12th of April– Cosmonautics Day; May 18– International Day of Museums; September 1– Day of Knowledge; August 22- Day of the State Flag of Russia; May 28- Day of the border guard; March 27– International Theater Day

Find and select national holidays:

June 5- World Environment Day. May 9 - Victory Day; April 1 - April Fool's Day; 12 December- Constitution day; April 30– Day of Fire Protection; June 1st– International Children's Day; October 5- Teacher's Day; October 1- day of music

August 27– Cinema Day; February 23- Defender of the Fatherland Day; March 8- women's Day; 12 June- Russia Day; 29th of November- Mothers Day; 18th of March– Day of Trade Workers; May 15– International Day of the Family; May 7- Radio day

This is the most beloved and most cheerful folk holiday. Our custom to light Christmas decorations for the New Year came from ancient times. He was born to residents of England and Germany. In our country, the New Year began to be celebrated on January 1 with the decree of Peter I.

This holiday is celebrated on February 23 in Russia and in other countries. It was established in the USSR in 1922 as the Day of the Red Army and Navy. From 1949 to 1993 it was called "Day of the Soviet Army and Navy". After the collapse of the USSR, the holiday is also continued to be celebrated in a number of countries of independent states.

It is celebrated by the United Nations as the International Day for Women's Rights and International Peace.

Historically appeared as a day of solidarity of working women in the struggle for equality of rights and emancipation.

May Day - or Labor Day, Spring Day, Spring and Labor Day in the Russian Federation, International Workers' Day - is celebrated in 142 countries and territories of the world on May 1.

In some countries, Labor Day is celebrated at a different time - these include, for example, the USA, Japan, Australia, New Zealand.

Victory Day - a holiday of the victory of the USSR over Nazi Germany in the war of 1941-1945. It is celebrated on May 9th.

Since the sixties, military parades on May 9 began to be held in many cities of the USSR. On this day, military units and military schools march through the streets of cities to war memorials or monuments to fallen soldiers, where rallies and flower laying are held.

Russia Day has been celebrated annually since 1992 on the day of the adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty - June 12.

Due to the presence of the word "sovereignty" in the former name of the holiday, June 12 is often called "Independence Day".

22 august Russian flag day

Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation - one of the officially established holidays in Russia; established in 1994 by decree of the President of the Russian Federation and celebrated on August 22.

The date of the holiday is connected with the events of the August coup, when on August 22, 1991, during a mourning meeting for the dead, the demonstrators carried out a huge white-blue-red flag, and President B.N. Yeltsin announced the establishment of a new national flag of Russia.

National Unity Day - Russian public holiday. It has been celebrated on November 4 since 2005.

Dedicated to the events of 400 years ago, when in 1612 the militia fighters led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky stormed China - the city and liberated Moscow from the Polish invaders.

Constitution day

Constitution day - celebration of the adoption of the Constitution in modern Russia, celebrated on December 12.

On December 12, 1993, for the first time in its history, a fundamentally new Basic Law was adopted in our country - such a Law that recognized the highest value of a person, his rights and freedoms, which established the foundations of the democratic order in Russia and obliged the state to actually observe and protect these new basic values .

  • Under which ruler did they begin to celebrate the New Year on January 1?
  • What holiday is Teacher's Day?
  • From which country did the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree come from?
  • When do Russians celebrate Constitution Day?

  • When is Russia Day celebrated?
  • What holidays do we attribute your birthday to?
  • When is Victory Day celebrated?
  • In what year did Minin and Pozharsky liberate Moscow with the militia?


Textbook - page 175-179;

Workbook - pages 64-65.

To give students an idea of ​​the public holidays in Russia, their differences and features, introduce the term "public holidays", use the techniques of the TRCM that stimulate the mental and creative activity of the student. . Remember the holidays of Russia and the traditions of celebrating certain days, teach how to use the cluster technique when working with information to systematize knowledge on the topic, create conditions for the formation of educational and information skills. . Develop imagination, patriotism.

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"Theme" Such different holidays ""

    Aitykina Amina Khudzhatlovna

    NRMOBU "Salym secondary school No. 2"

    Subject "World around"

    4th grade

    Theme "Such different holidays"

    Communication of new knowledge

Lesson Objectives:

    To give students an idea of ​​the public holidays in Russia, their differences and features, introduce the term "public holidays", use the techniques of the TRCM that stimulate the mental and creative activity of the student.

    Remember the holidays of Russia and the traditions of celebrating certain days, teach how to use the cluster technique when working with information to systematize knowledge on the topic, create conditions for the formation of educational and information skills.

    Develop imagination, patriotism.

During the classes

I. Call

The lesson starts

He will go to the guys for the future.

I'll try to understand everything

Interesting to know.

Stage goals:

    Update existing knowledge and ideas about the holidays

    Encourage students to be active in class

    Organize an exchange of views

Teacher: A day in which, according to tradition, it is customary to spend time joyfully, arrange ceremonies, parties, feasts.

What it is?

Answering this question, we will fill in the table:

We want to know

1. You can have fun

2. Passes in the form of a ceremony, a party

3. You can treat guests

1. What are they?

2. When are they celebrated?

Teacher: You all probably guessed what it is?

Student: Holidays.

Teacher: This will be the topic of our lesson: "Such different holidays"

Teacher: Today we will talk about holidays. What is a holiday?

Student: Celebration in honor of any event.

Reception "Basket of Ideas"

Teacher: Write down on pieces of paper the holidays that you can say "Our holidays"

In pairs, discuss your information and write a general answer to my question.

What did you get?

Let's put everything in the system.

-There is a “dumping of ideas into the basket” (children name their expressions in pairs, and the teacher writes on the board).

Students:Birthday, parents' wedding day, teacher's day, Easter, Tatyana's day, Mother's day, Valentine's day ....

Reception "Clustering"

All errors are corrected as information is learned.

Teacher: Look at the 2012 calendar. Why are some days marked in red?

Student: Because these days are weekends and holidays.

II.Comprehension (Implementation)

Stage goals:

    Organize the receipt of information based on the reception of reading with stops, thin and thick questions

    Exchange views on the problem (each student should have an opinion and it is valuable)

Reading the text of the textbook on page 175

Teacher: What new concept did you get acquainted with?

Student: Public holidays of the Russian Federation

Teacher: Why did these holidays get such a name?

Student: These holidays are celebrated by all the people

Teacher: What is the purpose of celebrating public holidays?

Student: Holidays are associated with important events in the history of our country.

Cluster addition

Teacher: Were our assumptions correct?

Working with the text of the textbook on pages 175-178

Work with the highlighted dates in the textbook and at the same time compose thin and thick questions




1. Why is this day considered Defender of the Fatherland Day?

2. Why do you think people celebrate this holiday with tears in their eyes?

1. When is International Women's Day celebrated?

3. Where did the custom of decorating the Christmas tree come from?

Group work

Students in each group ask questions, and the other answers:

We honor the heroes who gave their lives for our Motherland.

This is May 9 - Victory Day in the war with Nazi Germany. The price of victory - The country lost 26 million people.

Tsar Peter I.

From Germany.

III. Reflection

Stage goals:

    Organize comprehension of the received information

    Organize an exchange of views on the studied problem

    Organize a self-assessment of the assimilation of knowledge on the topic
