Organization of events to preserve and strengthen children's health. Preserving and strengthening the health of preschool children

Tatiana Kupets
Action plan to protect the life and health of children


September 1. "Attention, children!"

Reading literature: V. Suslov “His signal is law for everyone”.

2. D/game "Traffic light".

3. S/r game "Transport"

1. Conversation “Firefighter is a heroic profession”,

2. Reading by S. Marshak "The Tale of an Unknown Hero",

3. P/n "Who's faster?"

1. Conversation: "Sharp, piercing and cutting objects" Getting to know the rules.

2. D/i: “One, two, three, find what could be dangerous”.

3. Reading E. Kazakov "Chick-chick with scissors", Yu. Permyak "Hasty Knife".

4. "Electrical Appliances" Getting to know the rules.

5. Guessing riddles about the subjects being studied. Drawing riddles.

October 1. Conversation "Profession - driver".

2. Game situation “Place the road signs correctly”.

3. Reading a poem by A. Usachev "Road Song".

4. Reading by T. A. Shorygin "Safe Tales" - "Curious Breeze". 1. Introduction to the service "01".

2. D/i “What does a firefighter need?”.

3. Reading L. Tolstoy "Fire Dogs".

1. "Medicines and household chemicals". Getting to know the rules.

2. Introduce phone number"Ambulance" - 03.

3. Reading. A. S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights".

4. D/i “What’s extra?”

5. "Safety at home". Gas. Getting to know the rules. Introduce number gas service telephone number - 04.

6. D/i “So - not so”.

November 1. Conversation on topic: "Pedestrian Rules"

2. Design "Our Street".

3. Communication situation “What do the colors of the traffic lights mean?”.

4. D/i "Learning road signs".

1. Conversation: “This match is small”.

2. Reading by S. Marshak "The Tale of Matches", conversation based on content.

3. D/i "Fire hazardous items".

1. "Balcony. Stair railings". Getting to know the rules.

2. Reading poems on the topic.

3. D\i "High - Low".

4. Simulation of the situation "I'm on the balcony".

5. Introduce number police telephone number - 02.

6. Simulation of the situation "My phone rang"(friend, stranger, acquaintance. adult, "Who's knocking on my door?".

December 1. Conversation "Safe Street".

2. Reading a poem by A. Dorokhov "Green, yellow, red".

3. D/i "Traffic light"

1. Reading, conversation and modeling situations on topic: "Decorating the Christmas tree".

2. Conversation with viewing illustrations about the rules of behavior near the Christmas tree, actions with dangerous objects (crackers, sparklers, etc.).

3. D/i "It burns - it doesn't burn".

1. "Personal safety on the street". (Not everyone you meet is a dear friend) Getting to know the rules.

2. Relay "I'll run away from someone else's",

3. D/i "Say the word",

4. D/i "Observer" (description of a person, signs, what he looks like).

5. Reading a fairy tale by Charles Perrault "Little Red Riding Hood".

6. Simulation of the situation “They’re calling you to the next street...”. "You were treated to a stranger"

January 1. Conversation "My travel certificate".

Examination of paintings and illustrations depicting road traffic in winter.

2. D/i "Road Signs"

1. Writing a story on a topic “Where can trouble come from?” or "Why did this happen?" with a beginning or an end,

suggested by the teacher.

2. Game-situation “What you shouldn’t do in the absence of adults”.

3. Reading by S. Marshak "Cat's House"

1. "Winter Fun"

Looking at illustrations, paintings “Well, I went for a ride...”, teach how to use a sled, play snowballs.

2. D/i “So - not so”

3. Safety in public transport.

Getting to know the rules.

4. Reading poems on the topic.

5 S/r game "Bus".

February 1. Communication situation “How I cross the road with my mother”.

2. Monitoring the movement of cars on a winter road.

3. Game situation "Who is the most competent pedestrian"

1. Conversation "About Good and Evil Fire".

2. Reading the story by V. Podolny "How man tamed fire".

3. D/i “Items are sources of fire”.

4. Children's drawing competition "Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy".

1. "Safety on Ice" Getting to know the rules.

2. D/i “So - not so”.

3. Reading poems on the topic.

4. Examination of illustrations.

5. Discussion of the problem situations: Why Emelya from a fairy tale "At the command of the pike" weren’t you afraid to go to the ice hole?”

6. Simulation of the situation "Meeting a Stranger's Dog"

7. Conversation "Cats can be dangerous too"

March 1. Conversation: "Service Marks" ("Telephone", "Gas station", "Food station", "Medical aid station").

1. Conversation: "If there is a fire in the house". Telephone "01".

2. Reading and discussion of a poem by I. Tverabukin "Andreikino's duty".

3. D/i "Who needs what for work".

1. Conversation: “So that we don’t get sick”

2. S/r game "Hospital",

3. Simulation of the situation: A woman with a child asks for brilliant green to anoint her broken knee...

4. "Thin Ice" Conversation on the topic. Looking at illustrations and pictures.

5. Simulation of the situation "On thin ice..."

April 1. Conversation "Dangerous Crossroads".

2. D/i "City Trip".

3. S/r game "Chauffeurs"

1. Conversation: "Actions in case of fire" using illustrations and posters.

2. Examination of illustrations depicting a fire truck.

3. Drawing "Fire engine"

1. "First Aid".

Getting to know the rules.

Looking at illustrations and pictures.

2. S/r game "Emergency room"

3. Conversation: "Poisonous mushrooms and plants".

4. D/i "Edible - inedible", "Find the mistakes".

5. Drawing “Draw to remember and not touch!” (Amanita)

May 1. Communication situation "We're on the street".

2. Game situations "How do I know the rules of the road".

3. D/i "Rules of Conduct".

1. A conversation about safety rules in nature, looking at relevant illustrations.

2. Reading poems by N. Belyanina "At your leisure, kids...", "From a burning match in the summer...", conversation based on content.

3. D/i "Fire extinguishing agents"

1. "Water Safety" Getting to know the rules. Looking at illustrations.

2. Reading a poem "The Diver's Tale".

Exercise: what rule of behavior on the water did the heroes of S. Marshak’s poem violate? "Three wise men in one basin."

3. "Safety in Nature"

4. D/i “So - not so”.

5. Simulation of situations "We are in the forest..."

6. S/r game "We're going to the dacha"

Publications on the topic:

A variety of methods and techniques that help protect the physical and mental health of children What is health? It would seem that the simplest answer is: health is the absence of disease. But such an understanding is not enough. By.

Cultivating tolerance towards people of different nationalities in children of senior preschool age. Event plan Dear colleagues, as part of the preparation of an information and creative project aimed at educating children of senior preschool age.

Instructions for protecting the life and health of pupils. General safety requirements for toys Instructions for protecting the life and health of pupils. General safety requirements for toys. 1. The instructions were developed on the basis of GOST.

Experience of preschool educational institutions in protecting and promoting children's health Currently, one of the most important and global problems is the health of children. Full physical development and health.


"Preservation and strengthening

health of preschool pupils,

as well as the organization

their leisure time"

Developed material:

Yashchenko Galina Gennadievna

senior teacher

Children's health program during the summer.

Target - to unite the efforts of adults (employees of preschool educational institutions and parents of pupils) to create conditions conducive to the preservation and strengthening of the physical, mental and social health of preschool educational institutions pupils during the summer; emotional, personal, cognitive development, development of creative abilities.

Objectives of the Program:

    Implement a system of measures aimed at the health and physical development of children, their moral education, the development of curiosity and cognitive activity, the development of children’s creative abilities in various types of activities, and the formation of work skills.

    Carry out pedagogical and health education of parents on the issues of raising and improving the health of children in the summer.

Program implementation period: summer period

Sources of funding: local budget funds

Expected final results of the program:

Introduction of an optimal motor regime for children in the summer;

Decrease in % of childhood morbidity;

Increasing the child’s body resistance;

The manifestation of creative activity in children, the disclosure of hidden creative abilities.

The work of a kindergarten in the summer has its own specifics. Summer is the most favorable time for strengthening the health and development of children. Summer work is usually called recreational work. The work of a preschool educational institution during the summer should be organized so that children spend it with joy and pleasure and receive a boost of energy. An important factor is that children spend most of their time outdoors, in the fresh air. Active participation in entertainment, leisure, theatrical performances, and competitions enriches children with new impressions, develops creative abilities, and develops communication skills. It is important to make every possible use of the summer conditions that are favorable for strengthening the health of children and to ensure that the child gets stronger, gets better, hardens, learns to understand and love the amazing, beautiful world of plants and animals. Properly organized activities of preschoolers will contribute to the all-round development of the child. This project is aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of preschool children, as well as organizing their leisure time. This involves a whole series of pedagogical and some medical activities that must be combined during the children’s stay in kindergarten. The system of work involves children spending maximum time in the fresh air, maintaining a motor regime, and implementing hardening procedures. Particular attention is paid to organizing children's leisure time.

Project program is designed to ensure that the activities of its participants will be aimed at implementing goals: to unite the efforts of adults (preschool education staff and parents of pupils) to create conditions conducive to maintaining and strengthening the physical, mental and social health of preschool pupils during the summer; emotional, personal, cognitive development, development of creative abilities.

Based on the goal, the following are formulated: tasks:

1. Create conditions that ensure the protection of the life and health of children, the prevention of morbidity and injury.

2 . Implement a system of measures aimed at the health and physical development of children, their moral education, the development of curiosity and cognitive activity, the development of children’s creative abilities in various types of activities, and the formation of work skills.

3 . Carry out pedagogical and health education of parents on the issues of raising and improving the health of children in the summer.

The organization of summer recreational work in preschool educational institutions is regulated

next regulatory documents(normative and legal support for the project) :

1. Convention on the Rights of the Child;

2. Constitution of the Russian Federation;

3. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education";

4. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution";

5. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational institutions (SanPiN;

6.Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated April 4, 2003 No. 139 “On approval of instructions for the introduction of health technologies in the activities of an educational institution”;

7. Instructions for organizing the protection of the life and health of children in preschool educational institutions and on playgrounds;

8. Charter of the preschool educational institution;

9. Job descriptions;

10.Staffing table;

11.Orders for preschool educational institutions;

12.Instruction journal.

Main direction of the project- health and artistic - creative.

Number of project participants:

The project covers all age groups of preschool educational institutions - 198 children.

Teaching staff: 15 people

Medical staff: 1 person.

Project manager: 1 person.

Project implementation period: summer period

Project management:

Project manager – senior teacher Yashchenko G.G.;

Those responsible for health-improving and preventive measures are a nurse, educators;

Responsible for physical education and sports activities – physical education instructor, teachers;

Responsible for cultural and mass events - music director;

Responsible for productive activities are group educators.

Material and technical resources required to complete the project:

Group rooms, music room, mini-stadium, group playgrounds, flower beds, sports equipment, teaching aids, computers, TV, VCR, camera, stereo system, video camera.

Mechanism for implementing the draft program.

The project is presented in the following directions: health, physical, artistic and aesthetic.


    Encourage children to be conscious of their own health.

    Introduce available ways to improve health.

    Developing in children independence, responsibility and understanding of the importance of correct behavior to protect their lives and health.


Artistic and aesthetic

    Develop children's ability to be creative.

    To form aesthetic taste, imagination and creative thinking.

The main implementers of the project's activities are kindergarten teachers, children and their parents.

The preschool educational institution’s work system for project implementation includes the following blocks:

    Educational work;

    Methodical work;

    Control and management of educational work;

    Working with parents;

    Health work;

    Preventive work;

    Administrative and economic activities.

Educational work in preschool educational institutions during the summer health period, it is built taking into account the program “From birth to school” by N.E. Veraksa, taking into account partial programs and technologies implemented in the preschool educational institution, as well as taking into account the priority area of ​​​​the work of the preschool educational institution. Thematic planning was compiled by a creative group under the leadership of a senior teacher for each month of the preschool educational institution’s work. five directions: social - communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic - aesthetic, physical development.

Once a week (on Fridays) entertainment is planned (leisure activities, music and sports events, puppet theater, performances).

Forms of organizing children's activities very varied and rich.


    plot-role-playing games,

    travel games,

    sports games and entertainment,

    theatrical activity,

  • observations,

    quizzes and much more.

Each of the preschoolers can show their abilities, find activities of interest, expand their knowledge, improve motor skills, etc.

Methodological work in preschool educational institutions includes work with kindergarten teachers and documentation.

The following forms of work are used:

    exhibition of methodological literature;

    individual work with teachers upon request;

    work of creative groups;

    development of long-term planning, annual plans for the new academic year.

Health work V preschool educational institution is built on the following principles:

    Systematic use of physical education and recreation,

    hardening and preventive technologies;

    taking into account the individual characteristics of children;

    positive emotional attitude of the child;

    availability of technologies used.

    Children receive health treatments only as prescribed by a doctor.

The following procedures are carried out in the kindergarten: massage, vitamin therapy.

Methods and forms of physical education, health, hardening and preventive measures in preschool educational institutions are selected taking into account the health status of children, staffing, the capabilities of teachers and other specialists, as well as the conditions and equipment of the preschool educational institution.

Forms of health-improving activities during the day.

Sports and recreation:

Physical activity for children's development;

Morning exercises in the fresh air;

Dosed walking (during walks and excursions);

Outdoor games;

Sports events and entertainment;

Gymnastics after nap;

Daytime sleep with access to fresh air.


- rinsing your feet with cool water;

Walking in the fresh air;

Walking barefoot;

Morning reception of children in the fresh air;

Solar and light-air baths.


Vitamin therapy (juice or fruit in children’s daily diet)

Target: physical education and health work carried out in preschool educational institutions - to contribute to the preservation and strengthening of children’s health through a set of health-improving activities in the summer. The central place in this complex is occupied by the daily routine, which is built taking into account the age of the children, their state of health, physical activity and climatic characteristics. In the summer, the duration of active recreation increases due to the reduction in the number of training sessions. Thus, to achieve a healing effect, the daily routine includes maximum exposure of children to the open air, age-appropriate sleep duration, and a variety of activities.

Preventive work in preschool educational institutions

includes the following forms of work:

    briefings with preschool employees;

    interviews with teachers;

    preparation of sanitary bulletins;

    conversations with children.

Working with parents carried out in

in the following directions:

design of group corners;

    design of “Health Corners”;

    individual consultations;

    participation of parents in landscaping and landscaping.

Administrative and economic Job includes:

    repair work in preschool educational institutions in areas;

    inventory audit;

    setting up a vegetable garden, flower beds;


    drawing up staff vacation schedules;

    production meetings.

Municipal government preschool educational institution –

combined kindergarten No. 3

Barabinsky district, Novosibirsk region

Health Week

(during the summer – health period)

Compiled by:

senior teacher

Yashchenko Galina Gennadievna

musical director

Zakharova Tatyana Anatolyevna


Morning of joyful meetings.

Conversation:“Before eating, wash your hands with soap.”

Show children how to wash their hands properly. (handing over soap)

The mouse has bad soap paws:
I just moistened it with some water,
I didn’t try to wash with soap -
And the dirt remained on the paws.

Towel with black stains!
How unpleasant it is!
Germs will get into your mouth
Your stomach may hurt.

So kids try
Wash your face with soap more often!
Need warm water
Wash your hands before eating!

    Joint activities of adults and children.

“Soap dish made of cardboard”

Target: Teach children how to make a soap dish according to plan:

We bend, make cuts, glue.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands and eye.

Cultivate neatness, hard work, and cleanliness.

    Physical activity in the air.

Favorite circus"

Program content: train children to run after each other, scattered; strengthen the ability to jump on two legs;

develop endurance, cultivate the ability to give in to each other.

Start of activity.

A clown runs out onto the playground. (tambourine in hands)

Guys, do you like the circus? Raise your hands, who was in the circus?

I invite you to the circus. Imagine that you are in a circus arena.

Part 1. Introductory.

1. Formation in one column;

2. Walking as usual;

3. Continuous running (2 min.)

4. Running “horses” (hold horse sticks in your hands)

5. Running the “horse” in all directions.

6. Formation in a column. (horse in right hand) Walking in a circle.

7. Place the “horses” one by one.

Part 2. O.R.U.

One, two, three, four, five! Just don't miss it! What the clown shows you must be repeated together.

Children stand in a circle.

1. “Weightlifters”

I. p. - o. With. , clench your fingers into fists, raise your hands up, look at them and lower them down.

2. “There are boxers in the arena”

Get into a standing position. Right hand in front. The arms are bent at the chest, the fingers are clenched into fists. We box for 15-20 seconds.

3. “Curious Clown”

Turn into clowns. Spread your legs a little wider, hands on your waist. Turn to the right, right hand to forehead; turn left, left hand to forehead.

4. “Acrobats”

I. p. - legs together, hands on the belt. Raise your right leg forward, to the side, back, change legs.

5. “Bears”

I. p. – feet shoulder-width apart, arms below in a semicircle. Squat.

6. “Jolly Clown”

Jumping, legs to the sides, with clapping overhead; walking, jumping - scissors.

Part 3.

Game exercise “Who gets the flag”

Children line up in one line. On the other side of the playground stands a teacher with flags in his hands. At the teacher’s signal “Who needs the flag!?” Children jump on two legs up to the teacher. The one who completes the task first and correctly wins. The teacher gives the winner a flag. The game repeats itself.

“Relay with hoops”

The players line up in two columns. (a line is drawn in front of each column. At a distance of 6-8 meters from the columns, one hoop is placed. At the teacher’s signal: “Run!” - the players standing first in the column run to the hoops, lift them up, climb through, put them in place, then they run to their column, touch the hand of the next child and stand at the end. Each subsequent one completes the same task. The team of children who finishes the exercise faster wins.

Part 4

Outdoor game “We are funny guys”

Children stand on one side of the playground outside the line. There is also a line on the opposite side of the site. There is a trap in the center of the site. The players say in chorus:

“We are funny guys,
We love to run and jump,
Well, try to catch up with us.
One, two, three, catch it!”

After the word “catch!” the children run to the other side of the playground, and the trap catches them. The one whom the trap manages to catch before he crosses the line is considered caught, moves aside and misses one run.

Part 5

Sedentary game “Entertainers” A driver is selected and stands in the center of the circle. Holding hands, the children walk in a circle:

In an even circle one after another
We are going step by step.
Stay where you are! Together together
Let's do it like this... .

And the driver depicts some figure. Children repeat after the driver.

The clown praises the children for their efforts, then the clown says goodbye to the children.

Goodbye children! See you again!

II half of the day.

Warm-up (air hardening)

S.R.I. “Doctor”

Introduce children to the work of a dentist.

Vocabulary work: dentist.

Reading to children: “Moidodyr”


Morning of joyful meetings.

    Joint work of children and adults.

Conversation:Help the nanny set the table.”

The group is in a hurry to have breakfast,
Everyone around wants to help
Carry dishes to tables.
Only the Hedgehog said: - I won’t!
I won't go, I'll sit
And I'll look at you!
I don't want to help
It's better to just wait!

This is unpleasant for everyone.
Everyone doesn't respect Hedgehog.
He himself is quite small,
And what great laziness!

Help the nanny clear the dishes from the tables.”

Everyone ate and got up
And they went to the toys.
The children began to have fun.
Who will clean up?

Who will take the dishes away?
Who will wipe the tables later?

To keep flies away
And they didn’t sit on crumbs,
Come on quickly, without words,
Let's clear the tables!

And with the dishes, as best we can,
Let's help our nanny!

Life Safety and Health “Cuts, Abrasions and Scratches”

    Cognitive activity.

Theme “Teeth”

Program content:

Explain the structure and functions of teeth.

Explain the cause of dental disease.

To formulate the need to keep teeth healthy.

Teach your child to be attentive to himself and the condition of his teeth.

Start of activity.

Children are given mirrors: let them examine their mouths and touch their teeth with a clean finger. Ask them to describe what they see and feel: the color and shape of the tongue, the color of the cheeks, the shape and color of the teeth, gums, etc.

What do people do with their mouths? (eat, talk, smile)

Could you smile if you didn't have a mouth?

How would you feel?

Let's smile at each other, showing our teeth.

Teach children about the structure and function of teeth using a poem and poster

“The structure of the tooth.”

All children have teeth:
Among the obedient, naughty ones.
In babies and big ones -
What do you know about them?
What are we like?
In a white hard coat.
Our best friends -
White teeth.
Sit down, children, around me
I'll tell you about the tooth:
How it grows and from what
You need to know about him.
It doesn't grow right away.
And it grows invisible to the eye,
Gradually appearing
Being an important organ.
He chops up the food for us,
Talking helps us.
Like a strong oak tree
In a clean, clean field.
The root holds the clove
In the hole is the alveolus.
Hugs the tooth gum
Well, go ahead and do it!
And visible from the groove
We have a dental neck.
Rising above the gum,
Everything is loudly boring,
Form a row of teeth
White crowns.

Name the parts of the tooth (root and crown)? How does he help us?

Game exercise “Who has teeth?”

Use pictures of baby animals during discussions.

Just like baby animals, children have baby teeth. Animals and children, even at an early age, need them to chew food.

Also, they are needed so that we can speak.

Teeth also contribute to a beautiful smile.

Why do children need teeth? (For chewing food, speech, a beautiful smile). Take a mirror and look at your teeth, tell us about them.

(2-3 stories)

What does a person look like when he feels good and happy?

Exhibition of the collage “Smile” with pasted pictures of smiling people.

What are people doing? (Smile) What makes a smile so beautiful? It's good to have beautiful and healthy teeth.

To create a positive attitude towards the beauty of teeth and a smile, listen and dance to V. Shainsky’s song “Smile”

The Tale of a Toothbrush.

Today, I will tell you a fairy tale about a toothbrush and toothpaste that lived with the boy Vasya (doll). He did not like to brush his teeth in the mornings and evenings, he abused his toothbrush and did not like toothpaste. He pulled out half the hairs from his toothbrush, and unscrewed the cap from his toothpaste. And so, when night fell and Vasya went to bed, something unusual happened in the bathroom.

Showing a scene from behind a screen.

The toothbrush cries bitterly, it is consoled by toothpaste:

Toothbrush: - I can’t stand the way this boy treats me anymore.

Toothpaste: - Let's run away from him!

And they set off. Various foodstuffs blocked their way. (cards)

Didactic game “What is harmful and what is good for teeth.”

Children classify foods that are healthy and harmful for teeth.

I’ll tell you further about Vasya. In the morning, when he woke up, he didn’t even notice. That there is no toothpaste and toothbrush. Several days passed. Vasya did not brush his teeth and ate a lot of sweets. And then, one fine day, Vasya had a severe toothache. I had to go to the doctor. Looking at Vasya’s teeth, the doctor said that he knew what the reason was and could help if you guessed the riddles:

Bone tail
And on the back there is a bristle. (toothbrush)

I am not sugar, not flour,
But he looks a little like them.
In the morning I always
I get it on my teeth. (tooth powder)

Well done! The riddles were guessed correctly. Now tell Vasya how to properly care for your teeth. The child puts on a doctor's robe and talks.

Teeth should be brushed at least twice a day, using up and down movements (shown on the model). You brush your teeth in the morning and evening, and during the day, after eating, you must rinse your mouth to remove any leftover food so that there are no germs in your mouth and your teeth don’t hurt.

Vasya came home and ran to the bathroom, but there was no toothbrush or toothpaste there. In the glass where they used to stand there was a note: “They left to seek protection in the kingdom of Moidodyr.”

Don't cry Vasya. We love adventures and meeting new people, we will help you find toothpaste and a toothbrush. Let's go down the fairytale path together.

Let everyone take a sheet of paper and draw their own magical mode of transport. But only. There must be a steering wheel and pedals. Children draw, then show everything together.

Well, now you can drive: take the steering wheel in your hands, turn it to the right, and turn your knees to the left; steering wheel to the left and knees to the right. And now it’s the turn of the pedals: standing on your left foot, turn the pedal with your right, standing on your right foot, turn the pedal with your left. We drove and drove, and arrived somewhere. Here is some kind of chest, and in it is the task: “Calculate whether there are enough toothbrushes for all the children. To brush your teeth?” (children think one toothbrush is missing)

Didactic game: “Individual items”

Children classify objects into two tables: these objects can be shared and offered to each other, and these are objects for individual use, they can only be used by the one to whom they belong. For example: Toothpaste, toothbrush, doll, comb, towel, car, ball, handkerchief, soap, etc.

Now you can move on, but the clearing has become very dark. Clench your fists and open your fingers, these are our headlights. By blinking them we greet the inhabitants of the kingdom of Moidodyr. Carefully! There is a tree growing on the road, but it is somehow strange instead of the leaves of a sign.

Didactic game “Healthy teeth”. When reading the signs on the tree. Children say what is necessary for healthy teeth. If the answer is correct, the bell rings, and if not, it is silent.

It seems that we have successfully completed this task. And here are our fugitives.

Vasya sees his toothpaste and brush. He is very happy and asks them for forgiveness for being so careless, cruel and careless with them. He began to ask them to return home. The toothbrush and paste forgave Vasya and returned home with him. They became true friends and now Vasya remembers to brush his teeth every morning and evening and wishes his friends good morning and good night.

And it's time for us to return. Start your magical vehicle and let's go; take the steering wheel in your hands, turn it to the right, and your knees to the left; steering wheel to the left and knees to the right. And now it’s the turn of the pedals: standing on your right foot, turn the pedal with your left, standing on your left foot, turn the pedal with your right.

Now guys, you know how important it is to take care of your teeth. In the washroom we hang a poster on how to properly care for your teeth.

    Musical activity.

II half of the day.

Application“Toothbrush for boy Petya”

Target: Practice cutting out identical and even strips of paper and gluing them at the same level.

Cultivate neatness.

Develop your eye.

Reading:“Trust doctors, don’t be afraid of them!

The hedgehog cries and screams -
The tooth hurts very badly!
And he’s afraid to go to the doctor:
Mom, I won't go to the hospital!!!

I don't need a doctor at all
It can only make things worse.
Don't scream like that, dear hedgehog,
The doctor will treat and help!

Calm down quickly
And don't be afraid of the doctor at all.
Doctors are needed then
To always help everyone!


Morning of joyful meetings.

Self-care in the development of cultural and hygienic skills.


Try to look neat”
“After using the toilet, wash your hands with soap”

What does it mean to be neat?
It means clean, neat,
So that the pants don't have holes.
These are pants, not cheese.

But it happens to kids
The T-shirt is falling out of my pants,
On my knees over the hole from the battles in the yard.

So familiar pig
Spent my day in the garden.
The child got very dirty
It's bad luck for mom and dad.

Mom spoiled her son
I dressed clean in the morning,
I came to pick up -
I couldn't recognize him!

She is ashamed of her son,
So guys are no good!

Dear friend, remember this -
Hands after the toilet
Wash with warm water,
Wash away all germs at once!

To avoid getting it in your mouth,
So that your stomach doesn't hurt,
May you, my friend, be in trouble
It never happened!

1. Cognitive activity.

Topic: “Nose”

The child must know the parts of his body, internal organs, as well as their functions.

The teacher’s task is not only to teach children the technique of processing their body, but also to form the child’s ideas about his body, its problems and interaction with the outside world.

This is not such a simple task as it might seem, especially since if a child does not develop the skills to care for his body at the age of 2-4 years, it will not be easy to fill this gap in the future. Therefore it is very important to adhere

the following basic principles:

    Create conditions for maximum independence of the child.

    In the toilet and washroom, locker room, playroom, bedroom, everything a child needs should be at the level of his visual perception.

    Create situations that clearly demonstrate the effect of household procedures and their necessity.

Bring the child’s actions to a high-quality completion.

When introducing children to body parts and their functions, use poems, riddles, and games.

For example, introducing a child to a part of the body such as the nose, use the game:

“When do they say that?”

    It's not your business to poke your nose into your own business.

    Lead by the nose.

    Stay with your nose.

    Keep your nose up.

    Wipe your nose.

The child must express his opinion on how he understands this expression.

I also use fairy tales and myths.

Wonderful noses in fairy tales, myths and life”

Pinocchio's nose is long, thin, reflecting the curious character of its owner. Who really liked to poke his nose into things that weren’t his own.

Pinnochio's nose grew bigger if he wasn't telling the truth.

Before meeting the witch, Dwarf Nose was a normal boy.

Didactic game:“Know by smell”

Children are offered a variety of fruits and vegetables, which they need to recognize using their noses.

Riddles about the nose.

1. Between two luminaries there is one in the middle.

2. Here is a mountain, and near the mountain there are two deep holes.

In these burrows the air wanders, then comes in, then comes out.

2. Physical activity. “Journey to the land of health”

Target: Exercise children in walking and running in a circle holding hands; repeat walking and running with a stop at the teacher’s signal; learn to crawl on your stomach, strengthen the ability to maintain stable balance and correct posture while walking on a reduced support area. Develop dexterity and courage.

II half of the day. Entertainment.

Competitions between groups II junior and middle.


Morning of joyful meetings.

Labor in nature. “Don’t water flowers with compote”

The heron had a raccoon as a guest,
He didn't like compote:
He was able to pour out unnoticed
Make your own compote for your indoor flower.

The flower withered, dried up and now
The heron no longer grows.
Please note dear friends:
You can't pour it into flowers

Compote, syrup, hot tea –
Otherwise they will die by accident.
You can't offend the owners
And destroy their flowers.

Friends, remember - this is someone else’s house
You need to be respected as if you were your own.

Phonetic exercise(tongue twisters)

    From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

    Sasha hit a bump with his hat.

    Ram Buyan climbed into the weeds.

    The sea wave is strong and free.

    Osa is barefoot and without a belt.

    The badger was carrying the branch.

    Cognitive activity.

Meeting with Doctor Aibolit. "Our skin"

Program content:

Give an idea of ​​human skin and its functions: tactile analyzer. Breath.

Form the belief that human skin must be taken care of.

Teach children to provide first aid for wounds and bruises.

Learn to establish a connection between the condition of the skin and the condition of the body. Start of action.

Children are sitting on the carpet.

Ved. Guys, let’s remember how Carlson came to us in a “magic spacesuit.” What kind of spacesuit is this?

Children: Leather.

Ved. Let's look at our skin. This is our skin, which can be seen under a microscope. See the black sticks. What is it? (Children's answers) These are hairs on the skin. Take some magnifying glasses and look at your skin. Do you have hairs on your skin? Why are they needed? (Children's answers) What kind of streams are drawn in the picture? (Children's answers) The wider streams are sweat glands, and the narrow ones are nerves. Nerves tell us about skin damage, cold, heat. Why do we talk about the need to “sorry our skin”, what can happen to it? Look at the picture. (Children's answers)

Bruises, burns, and cuts are very harmful to our skin. We need skin so much that if half of the body is burned, the person dies. Why don't adults allow children to play with matches? (Children's answers) Yes, when playing with matches, you can get burns, but you can also freeze our skin. What should you do to avoid frostbite on your nose and cheeks?

(Children's answers)

Suddenly there is a cry and Muddy appears with a bandaged leg.

Dirty: Oops! Hello children!

Ved: What happened to you?

Dirty: I was walking down the street and fell. There is a scratch on my leg. I took a rag, soaked it in a puddle and tied it off, and now it hurts so much, oh-oh.

Ved: Did Gryaznulka do the right thing? Why can't you do this? (Children's answers) Let's go to the table and treat Gryaznulka's wound. How are we going to process it? (Children's answers)

Dirty: Won't it hurt?

Ved: Now we will wash your wound, treat it with iodine and bandage it.

Dirty: Thank you very much, my leg no longer hurts, and now I know how to properly treat wounds and abrasions.

Ved: Dirty, do you know how to properly care for your skin?

Dirty: No, I don't know. Tell me guys. (Children tell)

Ved: We'll also show you how to take care of your skin. Let's stand in a circle. We will remember the rules of skin care.

* We wash ourselves every day with warm water and soap.

* We wipe ourselves dry.

* Don't scratch your skin.

* In cold weather, protect the skin from frost, especially the ears, hands, and nose.

* When walking in the forest, we do not touch unfamiliar plants. They can damage the skin.

Ved:Do you understand, Dirty, how to take care of your skin? Skin is a very important part of the body. It protects us from heat, wind cold and dampness. It does not allow germs and viruses into our body. Skin is an important sensory organ.

Dirty: I know too and I want you to play a game with me. Close your eyes, and I will give you objects, and you must guess what they are (iron, wood, fabric, fluff).

Ved: A very good game was invented by Gryaznulka. (The game is being played) With your eyes closed, you recognized all the objects, you felt them. What helps us feel and recognize objects by touch.

Children: It is the skin that helps us recognize objects, feel heat, cold, and pain. Therefore, it is very important to protect your skin, take care of it, and be clean.

Dirty: Oops!

Ved: What happened to you again?

Dirty: I'm so ashamed, I'm so dirty, sloppy, it's so hard for my skin to breathe. And I ask you to help me wash and change clothes.

Ved: Let's help Dirty wash himself and then we'll call him Clean.

    Physical activity.

We are going by train to Sportlandia”

Target: Exercise children to walk and run between objects without touching them; strengthen the ability to hit the ball on the floor; practice crawling on a bench on all fours.

Walk: Outdoor games at the request of children.

Reading art Literatures. “Doctor Aibolit”


Morning of joyful meetings.

Conversation: “Take care of your eyesight”

Crocodile came to the ophthalmologist,
He cried bitterly and asked for advice:
I watched TV all day
I sat reading a book until midnight,

I usually didn’t like to turn on the lights
And spent the evenings in the dark,
I saw everything! But now I can’t!
The doctor replied: - I will help you!
But at the same time he said it with annoyance!
You should have taken care of your eyes!
Unforgivable behavior -
So ruin good eyesight!

Never read in the dark!
Turn on the TV less often!
And I'll have to order glasses,
To read newspapers again.

D/I “What do you see in the picture”(on speech development)

    Musical activity.

2 Drawing. “The world through the eyes of children”

Target: talk with children about the objects around us, on the street, in kindergarten, at home.

Invite the children to depict what they saw.

Foster independence and creativity.

Develop imagination and memory.

Walk. Sports exercises with Filet.

Reading literature. “Make your own bed.”

Meeting with parents.

“How to protect yourself and your children from colds”

Sports and health holiday

"Journey to the land of health."

Children enter the hall accompanied by a sports march.

Leading: I invite you to the playground, children.

The holiday of sports and health begins now.

1 child: To grow and harden

We need to play sports.

2nd child: Fun movements are useful movements,

Those who are fond of them gain health,

And whoever doesn’t exercise will get sick.

To a sad melody, with a sad look, Leshy enters the hall.

Goblin: Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!

Leading: What is this noise, what is this commotion?

Goblin: I was late for the holiday, I barely made it. ( Sneezes, coughs).

Leading: Yes, this is the real Leshy from the forest.

Yes, it seems you got sick at the wrong time.

Goblin: Yes, yes, I’m chilling, my throat, my head hurts.

Leading: You probably have the flu. And I can guess why. You don't exercise.

Goblin: Why should I, an old man, have such a load?

Leading: Well, that's where you're wrong.

It's never too late for anyone to exercise.

Goblin: What is physical education?

Children: This is running, muscles, barbells, weights, long cross-country,

May you grow up healthy.

Leading: So, Leshy, don’t get sick, start tempering yourself!

Goblin: I will work with you to get rid of diseases.

Leading: Well then, pull yourself up, don’t yawn and don’t be lazy,

Join us for a warm-up.

Fun aerobics.

Goblin: It’s now completely clear to me that it’s nice to be healthy.

I am completely healthy now, I don’t need doctors!

A postman enters the hall, brings a letter, the presenter thanks him for the letter, opens the envelope, and discovers an audio letter.

“Hello, guys, I am the Queen of the Land of Health, I invite you to visit. So that you don’t go astray, I’m sending you a map of the route, open one step at a time and climb to my kingdom. A lot of interesting things await you along the way, I hope you will be able to overcome all the obstacles "I'm waiting for you at my place."

Leading: Well, guys, are we getting ready to hit the road? I think that on the way we will need a magic backpack - a friend and assistant to the tourist.

Our backpack, wake up and get ready for the journey.

Take everything you need with you on the way. ( takes a backpack)

Goblin: How can we go on a visit empty-handed? We need to prepare something for the Queen as a gift.

Children: We will present drawings on the theme “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”

Leading: That’s good, well done, it’s a great idea, because it’s always nice to receive a gift,

made by hand! We are ready to hit the road, all we have to do is get permission from the doctor. ( Calling on the phone):

Hello, Doctor Aibolit, hello! Come, doctor, to the kindergarten as soon as possible,

Doctor, examine our babies! ( The sound of a car approaching is heard, Doctor Aibolit enters the hall, greets the guys, examines them, takes their temperature, pulse, listens).

Aibolit: Well, I’m pleased with the examination, because no one is sick!

Absolutely everyone is healthy and ready to travel! Don't forget to take a first aid kit with you on the road.

Leading: Our magic backpack took care of this. ( He takes out a first aid kit from his backpack, the doctor checks the contents): So, there is iodine, brilliant green, a bandage, and an anesthetic. It’s great, it’s good to have such an assistant. I wish you a good journey, find your goal soon!

Leading: Well, guys, it's time to go. The map shows a road, but the road can be mastered by those who walk!

Walking in a column one at a time;

walking in pairs;

walking on tiptoes - let's reach for the sun;

walking on heels, hands on the shoulders of the person in front;

jumping, easy running;

Game task "Change the leader."

Leading: And here is the first obstacle: miracle bags blocked our way, let’s take them apart so that they don’t lie idle, let’s work with them.

Outdoor switchgear complex on bags with expanded clay.

Leading: Well done, we've warmed up, and now let's have a competition

"Hit the target"

Goblin: I see a familiar hut on chicken legs, but where is my girlfriend?

(Baba Yaga enters, bending heavily).

Yaga: Wow, wow, wow, I smell the childish spirit! Who are they, where are you going?

Children: We are children from kindergarten, we are going to visit the Land of Health, and who are you, grandma?

Yaga: Look, yes, I, Baba Yaga, when I was young, flew high, swept with a broom.

And now I can’t even climb into the mortar - my back hurts, I can’t help it, look how I’m bent over!

Goblin: Eh, friend, you didn’t take good care of your health. We need to play sports.

Leading: Guys, show Grandmother Yaga exercises that will help her maintain a slim and beautiful posture for many years.

Exercises on the gymnastic ladder.

(Baba Yaga groans and groans, but tries)

Goblin: Is it difficult, girlfriend?

Yaga: Nothing, it seems like you want to be beautiful!

Leading: Now let's have a sporting event

"Kanguryats" (jumping on big balls)

Yaga: Indeed, the pain went away, my back straightened, as if I had lost a hundred years.

Leading: Just remember, to be in good shape, you need not to be lazy, but to exercise regularly. We will also give you a magic wand as a souvenir. It will help your back.

Yaga: Thank you, of course, but how to use it? Like this? ( Walks, hobbles, leans on stick).

Leading: Not at all like that, you forgot about the straight back! The guys will show you now.

Children doing exercises with sticks.

- Stick over head in straight hands. walking on toes;

- stick behind the head, walking on heels;

- stick on the elbows behind the back, walking with high knees.

Yaga: Oh, I see, well, thank you, well, we’re friendly, Leshy, come with me, we’ll train Kikimora, otherwise she’s not feeling well.

Goblin: That's right, it's more fun to study together, goodbye, thanks for the science! ( are leaving).

Gladkov's music from the cartoon "Bremen Town Musicians" sounds", they enter the hall and sing Microbes:

We, microbes, buki-buki, we want to multiply.

Everyone surrenders to us without a fight, we will quickly infect everyone!

We will infect, we will infect, we will not spare anyone.

We go to people all year round and make everyone sneeze.

We will ruin your health, we will instantly drive you to bed!

Everyone to bed, everyone to bed! Everyone gets sick and everyone sneezes!

Leading: To prevent us from getting sick, we need to wear masks! ( He takes masks out of his backpack and distributes them to the children.)

Children:- To defeat germs, we will drink tea with raspberries!

Honey will help with milk, warm and pleasant,

I'll cover myself with a warm wadded blanket!

Sleep for the flu is the best healer, so is a warm drink,

You should go to the pharmacy - there are plenty of vitamins there!

Vitamins in vegetables, berries and fruits:

Fresh food will crush germs to dust!

To the melody of the Russian folk song "Loaf" children - fruits, berries and vegetables - dance in a circle.

Vitamins are dancing in the center.

Vitamins, vitamins, we’ll have a name day for you!

We have vitamins B, A and K, and C, and P.

We have essential oils, acids, and water.

Drink juices and compote, and you won’t have any worries!

Children: Everyone is healthy - you and me, cheers for vitamins to everyone!

Let's play sports and, of course, toughen up!

Our answer is always ready: be healthy! Always healthy!

Microbes: But we still won’t leave!

Leading: Guys, I know what to do: simple water and soap reduce the power of microbes.

Game "Big Wash" (The microbes get scared and run away).

Leading: Guys, we have overcome this obstacle, let’s move on, what’s on the map? ( in the picture skull in crown), yes, this is the kingdom of Koshchei!

Disturbing music sounds and Koschey appears.

Koschey: Who else is walking around here and bothering me? This is my kingdom, I don’t let anyone in here,

I’ll catch up with everyone and roughly punish them!

Leading: Well, well, Koschey, catch up first, and then talk!

Game "Trap".

Koschey (perplexed): I didn’t catch up with anyone, oh, how tired I was!

Leading: Of course, I’m tired, I see you’re all skin and bones, and our guys are all as strong as a match, look at the muscles they have! ( Koschey touches the guys’ muscles).

Koschey: Wow! Then, of course, where can I compete with you! I wish it were the same for me!

Leading: For you, Koschey, our magic backpack has prepared a gift - dumbbells. So please try and study hard! (Gives Koshchei dumbbells).

Koschey: Thank you, I’ve already started: one-two, one-two. ( Working with dumbbells, walking away).

Leading: And we guys will continue our journey and play a sports game.

Relay race - "Obstacle course"

(walk along a rope, crawl under arches, jump from hoop to hoop).

Leading: We continue to climb the steps, there is a meeting with a wolf on the map, aren’t you afraid?

Children: No! ( a wolf comes out and howls ooooh).

Children: Hello wolf!

Wolf: Uh-oh, what's that, hello! My teeth hurt, look, my whole cheek is swollen!

Leading: So you probably didn't take good care of your teeth?

Wolf: How else to take care of them, are they ladies or what?

Leading: Yes, wolf, no wonder your teeth hurt. Better listen to our children.

Children give advice:

- brush your teeth morning and evening;

- rinse your mouth after eating;

- don’t eat a lot of sweets;

- do not chew nuts;

- If your teeth hurt, consult a doctor immediately.

Leading: For you, wolf, our assistant - the magic backpack - has a gift ( enough)

toothbrush and toothpaste, run and brush your teeth and contact Aibolit.

Wolf: Thanks, I'm running!

Leading: And you guys and I have a new obstacle.

"Tunnel" (Children take turns crawling into the tunnel).

Host: What do we have on the map? ( are watching). Guys. We have already reached the Land of Health.

The Queen comes out: Greetings, my friends! I watched your whole journey! You did a great job, you helped everyone, but I want to give you one last check. I have a self-assembled tablecloth, but not all food on it is equally healthy. Collect only those products that are not harmful to children's health.

Relay race "Choose healthy products"

Queen: Well done, I thought that you would cope with this test!

Leading: Your Majesty, our children have prepared a gift for you - drawings on the theme “A healthy mind in a healthy body.”

Queen(looks at the pictures): Well done, you did a good job! I will definitely do an exhibition in my country. By the way, look around, doesn’t my country remind you of anything?

Children: Gym!

Queen: That’s right, because gyms, stadiums, skating rinks, swimming pools are my Country of Health!

Don’t be lazy to exercise, physical education is life!

You will forget about illnesses, and you will always be healthy!

Take care of your health, it cannot be bought, and it is easy to lose. Health is the most precious thing we have! I have a gift for you - juicy apples from my magical garden, eat to your health! Good luck! Goodbye!

Leading: It's time to return home, and we have climbed so high. What will help us quickly return to kindergarten?

Children: Multi-colored parachute! Backpack to the rescue!

Breathing exercises "Parachute"


Leading: So our journey is over, well done guys, we coped with all the obstacles and it’s good that there were no incidents, we didn’t need a first aid kit! Do not forget the orders of the Queen of the Land of Health, visit her more often with your parents and friends! Be healthy!

The children leave the hall as they march.

Action plan for preserving and strengthening the health of pupils of MKDOU Krasnozersky kindergarten No. 5

for 2017 -2018

Implementation of protection and promotion of children's health, creation of a health-improving microsociety in preschool educational institutions.


    the use of health-improving techniques tested during innovation, their systematic and high-quality updating;

    a combination of psychological and pedagogical approaches with preventive, diagnostic and corrective measures.

Contents of the work



Preventive and health measures.

Carrying out special hardening procedures

Target: Professionally and efficiently organize hardening activities, use proven hardening techniques, and systematically and efficiently update them.

Air baths after sleep and during physical education in all groups.



Sleeping at an air temperature of 18-21 degrees


Carrying out corrective gymnastics while lying in bed after sleep.



Carrying out breathing exercises to increase the body's resistance and normalize breathing.


Teachers, music director,

speech therapist teacher

Walking barefoot. Walking barefoot on covered and uncovered floors.


Teachers, junior teachers

Walking on a board with a ribbed surface and non-standard type paths for the purpose of hardening and preventing flat feet in all groups.



Air baths when changing clothes before a walk, before bed, before physical activity.


Teachers, junior teachers


Target: providing a complete balanced diet, which involves providing the body with proteins, carbohydrates, fats, according to each age group, a complete intake of vitamins and minerals from food, which helps to increase the body's defenses against infection and intoxication, and normalize metabolism.

Fruit or fruit juice daily, the predominance of vegetable dishes in the daily diet.

Spring, autumn

Calculator, cook

Use fermented milk products in children's diets.

According to the menu and layout cards

Calculator, cook

Use a hypoallergenic diet in the diet of children susceptible to allergies.


Calculator, cooks, group teachers, junior teachers

Introduce vegetable salads, vegetables, garlic and onion snacks into your diet.


Teachers, junior teachers, calculator, cooks

Fortification of third courses with ascorbic acid.



Sports and recreational activities.

Target: organization of an optimal rational motor regimen, regulated by the intensity of physical activity, which fully satisfies the children’s need for movement, corresponds to the functional capabilities of the growing body and helps to improve the health of children.

Physical education classes for the development of motor activity of preschoolers (indoors and outdoors) using short valeological conversations at the end of the lesson (“About muscles”, “About the importance of the heart in the body”, etc.)

According to the GCD cyclogram


Morning exercises with musical accompaniment

According to the cyclogram of the muses of the hands

Individual physical exercises and outdoor games.

Every day on walks and in free time


Health breaks in classes and free activities:

- gymnastics for the eyes;

- finger gymnastics;

- breathing exercises;

- physical education minutes


Teachers, music director

Health running

Everyday on a walk


Physical education activities with the participation of parents

1 time per quarter

Teachers, music director

Sports holidays

1 time per quarter

Musical Director,


Breathing exercises

During class

Educators, Physical education teacher, educators


Finger and articulation gymnastics

During class

Musical Director,


Corrective gymnastics

According to plan


Sanitary education work

(with children, employees, parents)

Sanitary educational work with children.

Target: formation in pupils of ideas about the role of health in human life, the need to be healthy, lead a healthy lifestyle and own the means of maintaining and strengthening their health.

Conversations with children about health and a healthy lifestyle.



Organization of visual forms of prevention, propaganda and agitation for children.



Sanitary education work with employees.

Target: increasing the competence of preschool educational institution employees in terms of health-improving activities.

Strengthen health education work among teachers in preschool physical education of children; daily routine, proper balanced nutrition, hardening, health improvement.

During the year

Conducting regular briefings with educators and teachers on the topic:

“Carrying out hardening and health-improving activities in a kindergarten”


senior teacher

Organization of visual forms of prevention, propaganda and agitation for rural workers.



Art. teacher

Conduct consultations for all specialists: “Following a daily routine and an individual approach to children is the key to successful work to reduce morbidity.”

During the year

Art. teacher

Pedagogical council dedicated to health issues

1 time per year


Senior teacher,

Educators, preschool specialists

Sanitary educational work with parents.

Target: implementation of effective forms of work with parents on issues of hardening and protecting the health of children.

Parent meetings discussing issues of health development.

According to plan



Art. teacher

Consultations and workshops for parents introducing new methods of healing.

According to plan


Art. teacher

Organization of visual forms of prevention, propaganda and agitation for parents.



senior teacher


Target: monitoring and coordinating work on the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of children.

Strengthen control over the organization of rational nutrition in accordance with the age and health of children.



Strengthen control over morning exercises and physical education classes.

2 times a month


Art. teacher

Monitoring compliance with the daily routine in groups.



Art. teacher

Control of physical activity during walks in the fresh air in the autumn-winter season.



Art. teacher

Control over hardening procedures.


nurse at children's clinic No. 5,

Art. teacher

Monitoring compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements.


Manager, farm manager

Galina Pogorelova
Action plan to protect the life and health of children (preschool group)

Action plan to protect the life and health of children MKDOU No. 11 Preschool group 201---201__year



System health activities

Instill love for healthy lifestyle

During the year



Educational activities in physical culture

Develop physical activity children's health

During the year



Questioning parents « maintaining and strengthening children's health»

Reveal level healthy lifestyle in the family


Leisure “What is the flu and how not to get sick”

Shape the culture self-preservation and responsibility for one's own health and health of loved ones


Gymnastics after sleep

Strengthening children's health

Every day


Leisure "If you want to be healthy»

Bring to the understanding that man is the creator of his own health. Develop basic physical qualities. Reinforce nutrition rules


Measuring anthropological data

Identify the level of physical development children

September, December, May



Educator: Pogorelova G. A.

Publications on the topic:

Every year, as a tradition, kindergartens hold events aimed at improving the health of our students, parents and us.

Physical education, health-improving and therapeutic-preventive work to protect and promote children's health 1. Organizing a balanced diet for children. 2. Ensuring children have dense physical activity during the day: - Morning and invigorating.

"Feed the birds in winter." Planning activities for the protection of wintering birds Chronicle “Feed the birds in winter” entitled “Our good deeds” 2014 Relevance “To listen to singing tomorrow.

Summary of a lesson on health protection using a systemic activity approach in a group for children with disabilities Topic: “Posture - beautiful back” Goal: To create conditions for the formation of methods of action for obtaining knowledge about human posture. Tasks. Introduce.

Summary of GCD on life safety protection “On a walk for health in a flower meadow” Educational areas: Socialization, Cognition, Communication, Physical Education, Health. Objectives: Educational: Give the concept of importance.

Action plan for developing a healthy lifestyle in children of senior preschool age Plan of activities for a week to develop a healthy lifestyle in children of senior preschool age (speech therapy group) Daily.

Event plan for Health Week and Day Goals: To introduce children and their parents to a healthy lifestyle. 1. Develop creativity and creative activity of children. 2. Shape.

Contents:1. Explanatory note 2. Goals and objectives 3. Folder with illustrations of dangerous situations 4. Consultation for parents.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten in the village of Bobrovka, Krasnoarmeysky district, Saratov region”


To preserve and strengthen children's health

In MBDOU "Kindergarten s. Bobrovka"

"Our Health"


head of preschool educational institution:

Semenova I.T.

With. Bobrovka

Health-saving technology “Our Health”

It has the following features:

At the center are ideas about a healthy child, understood as an ideal standard and a practically achievable norm of child development.

A healthy child is considered as an integral physical-spiritual organism.

Health improvement is interpreted not as a set of therapeutic and preventive measures, but as a form of development and expansion of the psychophysiological capabilities of children.

The key, system-forming means of health-improving and developmental work with children is an individually differentiated approach


Preservation and strengthening of children’s health, formation of parents, teachers, and students’ responsibility in maintaining their own health.

Expected results:

awareness by adults and children of the concept of “health” and the influence of lifestyle on health;

increasing the level of orientation to modern living conditions;

mastering self-healing skills;

reduction in morbidity rates.

basic operating principles:

- scientific principle- reinforcement of all ongoing activities aimed at improving health with scientifically based and practically proven methods;

- the principle of activity and consciousness- participation of the entire team of teachers and parents in the search for new, effective methods and targeted activities to improve the health of themselves and their children;

- the principle of complexity and integrativeness– solving health problems in the system of the entire educational process of all types of activities;

- principle of targeting and continuity- maintaining connections between age categories, taking into account different levels of development and health status;

- the principle of effectiveness and assurance- realization of children’s rights to receive the necessary help and support, guaranteeing a positive result regardless of the age and level of physical development of children.



Ensuring favorable adaptation;

Implementation of sanitary regime;

Conducting examinations according to the program and identifying pathologies

solving health problems using all means of physical culture;

Prevention of acute diseases and neurotic conditions by methods of nonspecific prophylaxis;

Carrying out social sanitary and special measures to prevent and spread infectious diseases;

Organizational –

Organization of a health-preserving environment for preschool educational institutions;

Determination of indicators of physical development, motor readiness, objective and subjective health criteria using diagnostic methods;

Study of advanced pedagogical, medical and social experience in children's health, selection and implementation of effective technologies and methods;

Systematic professional development of teaching staff

promotion of healthy lifestyle and methods of healing among children, parents, and employees;

medicinal -


Vitamin therapy;

Providing first aid in emergency situations;

Organizational-methodological and psychological-pedagogical


Development of a system of work on health improvement and monitoring the implementation of health-improving activities and the physical development of children


Development of a model for introducing health-saving techniques into the educational process


Search, study and implementation of effective technologies and methods of healing

dramatization games with meditation

relaxation complexes

therapeutic and recreational games;


recreational gymnastics;


Organizing the workload and active recreation of children


Creating a healthy microclimate in a team of adults and children


Conducting valeogization of the entire educational process (psychological background of classes, methods and forms of training, compliance with the duration of classes and sanitary and hygienic conditions)

Continuation of work to improve the subject-development environment in preschool educational institutions


Organizing work with parents on the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of children (publishing newspapers, holding seminars, providing advisory assistance, etc.)


Participation in scientific and practical conferences, seminars, meetings at various levels on issues of children's health


Forms and methods of children's health

Forms and methods

Contingent of children

Ensuring a healthy rhythm of life

gentle regime (adaptation period);

flexible mode;

organization of the microclimate and lifestyle of the group.

mixed age group


morning exercises;

physical education and recreational activities;

active and dynamic games;

preventive gymnastics (breathing, sound, improving posture, prevention of flat feet, vision, etc.);

sports games;

aerobics classes;

mixed age group

Middle, senior subgroups

mixed age group

Hygiene and water procedures


washing hands up to the elbows;

playing with water and sand;

ensuring a clean environment;

mixed age group

Light-air baths

cross-ventilation of premises;

sleeping with the windows open;

walks in the fresh air 2 times a day;

ensuring temperature conditions and air purity;

mixed age group

Active leisure

entertainment and celebrations;

games and fun;

health days;


mixed age group

Diet therapy

rational nutrition;

mixed age group

Light therapy

ensuring light conditions

mixed age group

Music therapy

musical accompaniment of special moments;

musical accompaniment of classes;

musical and theatrical activities;

mixed age group

Autotraining and psycho-gymnastics

games and exercises to develop the emotional sphere;

games – training to suppress negative emotions and relieve neurotic states;

behavior correction;

younger age subgroup

Middle, senior subgroups

Special hardening


extensive washing;

breathing exercises;

mixed age group

Stimulant therapy

Phytoaeroionization sessions


“Water of Life” (gargling the throat and mouth with water);

garlic medallions;

fortification of the third course;

mixed age group

Propaganda of healthy lifestyle

Organization of consultations, conversations, specials. classes

mixed age group



Type of lesson and form.

Features of the organization of motor activity.

Physical education and health activities.

1.Morning exercises

2. Motor warm-up during

break time between classes

3. Physical education minute

4. Outdoor games and exercises while walking.

5. Jogging through massage rooms

paths in combination with contrasting air

6. Gymnastics after the day

sleep (set of exercises)

Every day in the gym or on the street


Daily, as needed, depending on the type and content of the lesson

Every day, while walking

are carried out after

daytime sleep.

Every day, as needed

awakening and raising children





Physical education and health activities and their variability

1. Morning exercises.

Traditional complex.

Outdoor games.

Health jogging around the kindergarten.

Overcoming obstacle courses.

2.Motor warm-up between classes.

Game exercises.

Outdoor games for orientation in space.

Motor tasks.

3. Physical education minutes.

Exercises to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Simulation exercises.

General developmental exercises.

4. Outdoor games and physical exercises.

Outdoor games.

Sports exercises.

Motor tasks using an obstacle course.

Exercises in basic types of movements.

Elements of sports games.

5. Correctional work with children on the development of movements.

Differentiated games, selected taking into account the motor activity of children.

Exercises to develop posture and feet.

Motor tasks at the discretion of the teacher.

6. Gymnastics after a nap.

Warm up in bed.

Game exercises.

Thematic-game gymnastics.

Jogging along massage paths.

7.Training classes in physical education.




rhythmic gymnastics;

according to children's interests;


control and verification;


8. Independent creative activity of children in the air.

Under the guidance of a teacher.

9.Health week.

Outdoor games and exercises developed according to the scenario.

Fragments from physical education activities.

10.Physical holidays and leisure.

games and exercises;

sports games;

exercises in basic types of movement;

relay games;

musical and rhythmic exercises;


Tasks of physical development of preschool children.

1. Protecting and strengthening the health of preschool children, improving their physical health, increasing the body’s resistance, improving mental and physical performance.

2. Formation of vital motor skills in children, achieving a certain level of physical fitness.

3. Education of children’s personal physical culture. Forming the needs for physical improvement, equipping with knowledge, skills, and developing the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

To implement these tasks, the following conditions have been created in the preschool educational institution:

equipped with a gym, sports ground, and a group health corner.

The physical health of children is strengthened by the following means:

1. Nutritious nutrition for children.

2. Hardening procedures.

3. Development of movements.

4. Hygiene regime.

Principles of catering:
- implementation of the diet;

Calorie intake, daily compliance with food consumption standards;

Food hygiene;

Individual approach to children during meals;

Correct placement of furniture.

Hardening provides training of the body's defenses, increasing its resistance to constantly changing environmental factors and is a necessary condition for the optimal development of the child's body.

Main hardening factors:

Hardening effects fit organically into every element of the daily regimen;

Hardening procedures vary both in type and intensity;

Hardening is carried out against a positive background and with thermal comfort of the child’s body;

The impact zones gradually expand and the time for hardening procedures increases;

The preschool educational institution carries out an extensive range of hardening activities:

Lightweight clothing for children in preschool educational institutions;

Maintaining seasonal clothing when walking, taking into account their individual health status;

Maintaining temperature during the day;

Breathing exercises after sleep;

Relaxation exercises;

Washing hands with cool water up to the elbows;


Development of movements.

Physical education has a significant impact on improving the child’s body’s defenses, the course of his physical development, and promotes mastery of the necessary movements.

Health promotion through physical education:

Increasing the body's resistance to the effects of pathogenic microorganisms and adverse environmental factors;

Improving thermoregulation reactions and hardening the body, ensuring its resistance to colds;

Increased physical performance;

Normalization of the activity of individual organs and functional systems, as well as possible correction of congenital or acquired defects of physical development;

Increasing the tone of the cerebral cortex and creating positive emotions that contribute to the protection and promotion of health.

Basic principles of organizing physical education in preschool educational institutions.

1. Physical activity must be adequate to the child’s age, gender, level of physical development, biological maturity and health.

2.Combination of physical activity with generally available hardening procedures.

3. Mandatory inclusion in the complex of physical education of elements of health-improving gymnastics and exercises to increase endurance.

Forms of organization of physical education:

Physical education classes in the hall and on the sports ground;

Physical education minutes;

Sports games;

Morning exercises;

Individual work with children.

Hygiene regime:

1. Fulfillment of sanitary requirements for the premises, area, equipment.

2. Rational construction of the daily routine.

3.Protecting the lives and activities of children.

4. Sanitary education work (with employees and parents).

5. Physical education and health activities during the day.

6. Raising the need for a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers is carried out in the following areas:

Instilling strong cultural and hygienic skills;

Training in caring for your body, skills in providing basic assistance;

Formation of basic ideas about the environment;

Forming a habit of daily physical exercise.

A set of health-improving activities.

1. Reception of children in the fresh air (at temperatures above -15°)

2. Morning exercises in the group 8.15

3. Rinse the mouth after breakfast, lunch, dinner.

4. Physical education sessions during classes, prevention of visual impairment.

5. Physical education (in socks) + a dynamic hour of walking once a week.

6. “Garlic” kinders.

7. Phytoncides (onions, garlic).

8. Walks: daytime 10.40-12.10; evening 16.35-18.00

9. Optimal motor mode.

10. Sleep without T-shirts and pillows.

11. Gymnastics in bed.

12. Exercises to prevent flat feet.

13. Hardening.

14. Elements of extensive washing.

15. After an afternoon snack, rinse the mouth with herbal decoctions.

Long-term plan for corrective and educational classes.

This program has been developed on the basis of the state educational standard for preschool education on the physical development of children for preschool institutions. It takes into account the priority areas of work of the preschool educational institution “Physical development and health improvement of preschool children.”

Physical education classes for preschool children are held 3 times a week.

Diagnostics are carried out 2 times a year: introductory (September-October), final (May).

The program is compiled in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard OOP DO “From birth to school” - ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva -2014.

1.Creating emotional comfort for preschool children.

2. Stimulating children's desire to engage in physical activity.

3. To form and improve skills in the main types of movements in a playful way.

4. Develop various types of movements.

5. Accustom to act together, to the music.

6. Learn to follow the rules in outdoor games.

7. Develop the psychophysiological capabilities of children using non-traditional methods of healing.

Lesson topic

ECE component

Preliminary work

Observations, experiments

Related forms of work


"Chicken Ryaba"

1.Avoke an emotional response in children and a desire to participate in a gaming activity.

2. Learn to perform basic movements: crawling on all fours, rolling a ball to each other.

3. Strengthen skills in scattered formation and running in a flock behind the teacher. 3.Teach children to perform jumps on the spot during the outdoor game “My funny ringing ball”.

The use of non-traditional methods of healing children

Psycho-gymnastics sobbing - inhale without exhaling for 1-2 minutes (grandfather cries, woman cries). The blood is saturated with oxygen.

Telling a fairy tale. Looking at illustrations based on the fairy tale. Games with colored eggs

Drawing "Draw an egg for the chicken

Playful physical education lesson based on a fairy tale

1. Arouse an emotional response in children and a desire to participate in the lesson. 2. Learn to perform basic movements (crawling under an obstacle on all fours and throwing a ball forward from below and catching it). 3. Reinforce the teacher’s skills in walking in a flock (a complication is walking between objects in the outdoor game “Through a Stream” 4. Continue teaching children to jump on two legs, making jumping more difficult as they move forward.

Breathing sound gymnastics. Yawn and stretch a few times. (Yawning stimulates the laryngeal-pulmonary apparatus, brain activity and also relieves stress. Psycho-gymnastics. Entering into the image of a “cat” and “dog”. Blood supply improves, creates a feeling of softness and trains the muscles of the back and abdominals.

Telling the fairy tale "Turnip", looking at illustrations for the fairy tale, playing with thematic toys (grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter).

Get to know the turnip vegetable, taste it.

Application on the theme: "The turnip has grown big - very big."

Playful physical education lesson based on the fairy tale "Stubborn Goats"

1. Make children want to participate in a play activity.

2. Teach children to perform basic movements: walking one after another in a limited space (paths 25 cm wide). and climbing through a log in a child-friendly way.

3.Practice the skill of throwing and catching the ball from the chest forward.

4. Strengthen children’s jumps on two legs while moving forward. 5. Encourage children to run in different directions.

Relaxation exercises for facial expressions. 1.Frown (angry) - relax your eyebrows 2.Wide your eyes (fear). - strengthen the muscular feeling of your face. Breathing sound gymnastics. "Airplane flight" Children - airplanes fly with the sound "U". This exercise regulates the child’s blood pressure and teaches breathing at a given pace according to presentation.

Telling the fairy tale "Stubborn Goats", looking at pictures and illustrations for the fairy tale, finger theater based on the fairy tale.

Playful physical education lesson based on the fairy tale “A Pot of Porridge”

1. Arouse in children an emotional response to the gaming activity and a desire to participate in it. 2.Teach children to crawl on all fours on a gymnastics bench. 3. Psychologically prepare each child to overcome obstacles when jumping over lines. 4. To strengthen in children the skill of throwing a ball over a rope from the chest. 5. Encourage children to run in different directions with outdoor games.

Gymnastics for the eyes.

Telling the fairy tale "A Pot of Porridge", pictures, illustrations based on the fairy tale, finger drawing

fairy tale theater

Observe during breakfast that the porridge can be thin and thick.

Role-playing game “Invite fairy-tale characters to visit”

Playful physical education lesson based on the fairy tale “How the fox offended the bull”

1. Arouse in children an emotional response to the gaming activity and a desire to participate in it. 2. Teach children to do pull-ups while lying on their stomachs on a gymnastic bench (free pace). 3. To develop in children the ability to walk on a thick cord with an extra step. 4.To strengthen in children the skill of jumping over a rope and throwing a ball from behind their head. 5.Improve children’s ability to move in a limited space (running between lines).

Relaxation exercise for facial expressions (see November) Exercise for developing breathing “Steam Locomotive”

Looking at pictures of illustrations based on the fairy tale “How the fox offended the bull,” finger theater. Telling a fairy tale.

Observing fish in an aquarium.

Application on the topic:

Playful physical education lesson based on the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats"

1. Arouse in children an emotional response to the gaming activity and a desire to participate in it. 2. Learn to throw objects at a vertical target with one or two hands at a distance of 2-2.5 m

3. Practice the pull-up skill while lying on your stomach on a gymnastic bench and moving forward. 4. To create in the child a sense of confidence in overcoming obstacles when jumping over two lines (10-15cm). 5.Improve walking and running skills by making them more difficult (stepping over objects, running between lines.

1. Breathing and sound exercises. (Yawn and stretch several times. Yawning stimulates the laryngeal-pulmonary apparatus and brain activity.

2. Psycho-gymnastics. Game "Grain". Game "Sky Lake" (see for December).

Telling the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats", looking at illustrations and pictures for the fairy tale, various theaters based on the fairy tale.

Modeling on the theme “Gifts for little kids”

Playful physical education lesson based on a fairy tale

"Zayushkina's hut"

1. Arouse in children an emotional response to the gaming activity and a desire to participate in it. 2.Teach children to climb a ladder in a way that is convenient for them. 3. To develop in children the ability to throw a ball at a horizontal target with one or two hands from a distance of 2-3 m.

4. Strengthen children’s skills in stepping and jumping over obstacles and running at a slow pace.

Breathing and sound gymnastics “Crybaby” The child cries with the sound “s”. Why are you crying "s" and "s-s-s" Wipe away your tears quickly. We will play with you, sing songs and dance. The sound "y" relieves brain fatigue.

Looking at pictures and illustrations based on the fairy tale

“Zayushkina’s hut”, a game with various colored story toys (bunny, fox), various types of theater based on a fairy tale. Telling a fairy tale.

Experiments with snow. Watching the snow melt in the warmth.

Group work on constructing a “Hut for a Bunny” from paper cylinders

Playful physical education lesson based on the fairy tale "Teremok"

1. Arouse in children an emotional response to the gaming activity and a desire to participate in it. 2.Continue to climb the ladder in a comfortable manner, overcoming your fear of heights.

3.Improve children’s skills in throwing an object at a vertical and horizontal target with one and two hands.

4. Develop children’s running and walking skills through making them more difficult (slow running, stepping from circle to circle.

1. Breathing and sound gymnastics. (Yawn and stretch several times. Yawning stimulates the laryngeal-pulmonary apparatus and brain activity. 2. Psycho-gymnastics. Game “Grain”.

Examination of pictures and illustrations based on the fairy tale “Teremok”, dramatization of the fairy tale, games with story toys.

Observation of spring branches

Application "Teremok"

Playful physical education lesson based on the fairy tale "Kolobok"

1. Arouse in children an emotional response to the gaming activity and a desire to participate in it. 2. Teach children to jump from an object 15 cm high. 3. Strengthen children’s skill in stepping from box to box (height 10-15 cm). 5.Continue to improve children’s skills in throwing an object into the distance in a convenient way with their right and left hands.

Gymnastics for the eyes.

Exercise for developing breathing “The Aroma of Flowers.”

Pictures and illustrations based on the fairy tale, various plot pictures, toys, various tabletop play theaters.

Watching a teacher knead salt dough for modeling classes.

Modeling from plasticine "Kolobok"

Model of interaction between teacher and parents for

increasing the efficiency of correctional work


Creating conditions

Visual propaganda

Reading psychological literature

Consultative dialogue


Tests, questionnaires

Direct observation

Special classes with children in line with regime moments,

practical exercises, trainings, games, etc.

Structure of the introduction of health-saving technologies and methods into the educational process in preschool educational institutions

Introductory stage - Preparatory

1.Introduction to the theoretical foundations of the methodology and technology

Determination of health-improving orientation and significance for the child

Final stage - Analytical

Analysis of usage results

Special survey of parents and teachers

Open events

Visual material

Conclusions and suggestions


Show results

Children monitoring

Average age-sex values ​​of development indicators

physical qualities of children 4-6 years old



4 years

5 years

6 years

Running speed


Running speed



throw the ball

weighing 1 kg (cm)


Jump length

from place (cm)



throwing a sandbag

right hand (m)



throwing a sandbag

left hand (m)


Tilt of the torso forward while sitting (cm)


Duration of running at a slow pace (min)


Muscle strength

right hand (kg)


Muscle strength

left hand (kg)

