The cork leaves what it is. What does the cork look like before childbirth and how does the process of its discharge go? When to See a Doctor

Expectant mothers are very interested in the mysterious cork before childbirth, because doctors talk about it, attributing it to two other symptoms of approaching childbirth - amniotic fluid leakage and the presence of contractions. No less is said about her in various publications for mothers, intimidating with a lot of troubles associated with her. In fact, there is nothing to worry about, the main thing is to arm yourself with knowledge.

The plug consists of viscous mucus that appears in the cervix in the first month of pregnancy under the influence of hormones. Getting bigger with each ovulation, it clogs the cervix, which is why it got its name. The function of the mucous plug is to protect the uterine cavity and fetus from the negative influence of external factors and pathogens.

At the end of pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother produces estrogen, a hormone that softens mucus, which is why it comes out “on its own”. Discomfort may be minor, it does not interfere and does not bring suffering.

Sometimes the cork is pushed out by itself, due to a different stimulation. This is due to:

  • vaginal examinations by a gynecologist;
  • sharp and lingering cough;
  • weight lifting;
  • injuries in the abdomen;
  • stress.

All this provokes "pushing out" and leaves the uterine cavity without reliable protection. It's not fatal, but highly undesirable. Therefore, a pregnant woman should be careful.

What is it?

What does a cork look like? The “standard” cork is a small clot, similar to jelly or even a jellyfish, according to women who have given birth. The size is completely different, but on average it is 1.5-2 cm in diameter. If it comes out entirely, it is felt.

Cork color varies. More often it is colorless or has a whitish tint and resembles the white of an egg, but yellow and pink shades are also considered the norm. Abnormal can be called bloody, blue, black or other colors that are uncharacteristic of gel-like mucus. She also has no smell, so an overly harsh or unpleasant odor is a problem that should be reported to the doctor immediately.

When and how does it leave?

Gynecologists say that the cork should leave a maximum of two weeks before the birth, no later. That is why it is considered a harbinger of an early meeting with the baby. Often this happens while taking a shower or toilet. There is a slight and pulling pain in the lower abdomen, small tremors may occur.

The cork may come out piecemeal. These gel-like parts resemble discharge before or immediately after menstruation. Their number can be any and depends on the body of the expectant mother. Statistics say that partial discharge of the cork often occurs in primiparas, because the cervical canal is still narrow, its walls are strong and hold mucus tightly. Because of this, the capillaries break, so blood streaks are found in the cork - and this is natural.

In women who have already given birth, the cervical canal is elastic, so it easily pushes out the entire mucus. This can happen even without pain or discomfort. Many multiparous women say that the clot left them completely unnoticed, during a shower or going to the toilet.

How much is leaving?

The question of how much the cork leaves has an ambiguous answer. If it leaves entirely, then the process lasts no more than 30 seconds. In parts, it can go out for a week. Therefore, doctors do not recommend worrying and advise you to contact the Ambulance only when, in addition to discharge, there are frequent contractions with a frequency of at least 25 minutes.

Those who gave birth say that no matter how much the cork leaves before childbirth, it is their real harbinger. Many gave birth within 7-24 hours after that. You need to be on the alert, and expect "that moment" as soon as the clot has left the body.

What to do if the cork has come off?

After such an important event, you need to prepare for the upcoming ones. Go to the hospital, cheer yourself up, watch good movies. Walking is undesirable, only under the close guard of a loved one. Travel, moving and flights are best left for later.

If within a couple of hours after the mucus came out, there was a jerky, intensifying pain in the lower abdomen - congratulations, contractions have begun! As long as they do not interfere, you can continue to go about your business, but without burdening the body. When the pain has become stronger, and between there is a gap of 10-20 minutes, you can go to the maternity hospital.

When should you sound the alarm?

In addition to the question of what a cork looks like, the question is no less relevant: “When is it worth worrying about what is considered abnormal and requires the intervention of a doctor?”. Expectant mothers are suspicious, because they worry not only for themselves, but also for their unborn child

There are a number of troubles that cannot be ignored:

  1. The cork does not come out before childbirth. This is not always the case, sometimes, mothers simply do not notice this process. The plug can also come off with amniotic fluid, and even during childbirth. If you are right, the doctor will inform you about this, and will try to solve the problem in the most convenient way for everyone, without harming the child.
  2. The discharge of mucus occurs too early. This may mean a premature birth that needs to be taken to the hospital. If this cannot happen in terms of time, then the process was caused by the reasons that we wrote about above. Since the mucus has moved away, the child has lost protection, and now you should be even more careful. Consult your gynecologist about this. The main thing is not to panic.
  3. Profuse discharge of liquid mucus. The cork, no matter how it looks before childbirth, is a gel-like clot, not a liquid. Most likely, amniotic fluid is leaking, which requires immediate medical attention. Perhaps the birth process begins.
  4. Blood color cork. Blood streaks in the mucus are considered the norm, but too much of it is rather a deviation. The release of the clot should not be accompanied by bleeding and severe pain.

Throughout pregnancy, it is worth telling your gynecologist about all the secretions, including the cork. This will help track how the pregnancy is progressing, as well as tell you the most accurate date for the onset of labor.

Now, knowing what it looks like, and also how the cork goes before childbirth, you are ready for anything, you know what to do after this process, and how to respond to “abnormal” moments. The latter are rare and suggest that the body is not working properly. But any problem can be solved using your positive attitude and the professionalism of doctors.

Believe me, everything will be fine!

Many expectant mothers know that if the mucous plug leaves before childbirth, then this signals that they will begin soon. What is such a mucous membrane, how it looks, and how exactly the process of cork discharge is carried out, you will find out below.

What exactly does a mucus plug look like?

Under the mucous plug is understood gelatinous mucus, which fills the cervix during pregnancy throughout the entire period. It consists of cervical mucus, which is formed at the beginning of pregnancy and then gradually thickens, forming a viscous dense plug by the time of birth. Normally, it is a clot with small patches of blood, but without copious bleeding.

The function of this clot during pregnancy is to protect the uterine cavity and fetus from harmful microbes and infections. Before the onset of labor, such a plug peels off and leaves, thereby freeing the cervix to start the process.

Many people know that the discharge of this mucous clot is one of the harbingers of the fact that baby will be born soon. However, everything here is purely individual. For some, it may leave immediately before the onset of childbirth, while for other expectant mothers a few weeks before them.

Like other physiological processes, the discharge of the mucous plug during pregnancy is due to a number of reasons. During pregnancy in women, the hormonal background changes greatly, which is why mucus is expelled. Often, it can already depart at the 38th week of pregnancy, when the body begins to radically rebuild and prepare for the birth of a child.

Main reasons for withdrawal mucous clots before childbirth are:

Because the hormonal changes during pregnancy, each woman happens differently due to individual characteristics, then the cork can come out earlier for someone, and for someone a little later. But everyone needs to understand how the process of discharge occurs in order to begin preparing for childbirth.

How to distinguish a cork discharge before childbirth from amniotic fluid

Often primiparous mothers confuse the discharge of water and traffic jams. Here are some differences:

As mentioned earlier, the mucus plug before childbirth can leave early maybe right in front of them. If after her departure, contractions immediately begin, then you should not worry. As well as if after that you wait another week for this event.

Be as attentive to yourself as possible when there are no other signs of an imminent birth after the cork is released, in some cases you need to see a doctor. This is especially true when it comes out earlier than a couple of weeks before the approximate date of birth. There are situations when the water breaks and contractions begin, but the cork has not come out. In such cases, it is impossible to wait for the moment of its departure, you need to go to the hospital, the mucus can come out directly during childbirth.

How to understand that the cork during pregnancy begins to move away? In terms of its symptoms, this process is somewhat reminiscent of feeling during menstruation in the form of pain of a sipping nature in the lower back and lower abdomen. It can also be rejected and imperceptibly, for example, while visiting the toilet. In other cases, when leaving, traces of mucus remain. Mucus departs either in a full dense clot, or in parts, it all depends on the hormonal characteristics of the pregnant woman.

Features of cork discharge in primiparous and multiparous

In preparation for childbirth during pregnancy, the hormonal balance in women changes dramatically. So, shortly before childbirth, the hormonal background directly affects the muscle tone of the uterus, under the pressure of the fetus, the cervix slowly expands. process takes a little longer than in repeaters. At the same time, the process itself in both cases is practically the same, but the time of discharge of mucus can be different. Primiparas take longer to prepare for childbirth, and the birth itself can be longer than those who give birth for the second or third time.

In multiparous women, the duration of waiting for childbirth after the cork is discharged is most often short. The second and subsequent births are mainly distinguished by their swiftness. Very often they begin already within an hour or two after the cork is released.

The process of removing the mucous plug not very long, often it happens instantly. But this does not apply to cases of its discharge in parts, then it lasts a little longer, sometimes several days.

Hygiene after weaning

It is very important to behave correctly when the mucus has already come out, and childbirth has not yet begun. Remember that during pregnancy, she acted as a protective shield against infections. After her departure, adhere to such an important hygiene rule: it is better not to take a bath, but to confine yourself to a shower. Also, do not swim in pools and ponds. The fact is that water can easily get into the genital tract and infect, despite the fact that the child is additionally protected by amniotic fluid.

It's easy to recognize the plug, you are unlikely to confuse it with other selections when you exit. It is a compacted translucent clot that has minor blotches of blood that are not pathological. These blood clots speak only of a small number of broken blood vessels.

You should be worried in cases where the mucus after discharge is too bloody and contains copious blood discharge. This may indicate the onset of bleeding and the development of pathological processes. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Is it possible to speed up labor after the cork is removed

Many pregnant women are often interested in whether it is possible to speed up the onset of labor when the mucous clot leaves. Naturally, few people want to interfere in the natural course of events, especially in the absence of various kinds of pathologies. But if you want without medical help bring on the onset of childbirth, then you can use the recommendations of "experienced" mothers.

The easiest way to bring the onset of labor after a cork has fallen out is to walk and be more upright. This will help your child get out as soon as possible. When the mother is in motion, the child descends, and under the influence of its gravity moves along the birth canal. This will greatly alleviate the pain during childbirth and allow them to be resolved faster.

The discharge of the cork indicates that childbirth is just around the corner and the expectant mother need to prepare for the upcoming event, even if it happens a few days before it. If nothing bothers you and everything goes according to plan, then there should be no problems and soon you will meet the long-awaited baby.

Departure is a harbinger of the imminent onset of labor. Therefore, women who have never given birth often wonder how it looks and how the cork is removed before childbirth.

What is a mucus plug?

As soon as pregnancy occurs, the woman's body begins to produce hormones that contribute to the production of special mucus by the glands of the uterus, which, having gathered in a lump, forms a cork that closes the entrance to the uterus.

This mechanism, laid down by nature, is designed to provide maximum protection for the fetus from various infections that can penetrate from the outside, during the entire period of pregnancy.

As labor approaches, it shortens and flattens out, and the pregnant woman's body gets rid of the mucus plug to make way for the baby.

Signs of discharge of the mucous plug before childbirth

The waste of the mucous plug before childbirth can occur in different ways.

For some, it comes out immediately and looks like a large mucous lump. In this case, the exit of the mucous plug before childbirth cannot be missed.

For someone, the cork does not leave immediately, but in parts, and this process stretches for several days. The discharge resembles a stretching mucus. Therefore, if you try to answer the question of how long the cork leaves before childbirth, it is difficult to give an unambiguous answer, because in one case this process can take a week, and in another it can happen in a matter of seconds.

In addition, it also happens that a pregnant woman does not notice the passage of the cork (for example, if this happens while taking a shower), or the cork leaves when the birth has already begun - along with the amniotic fluid.

As a rule, the cork in pregnant women leaves during the morning trip to the toilet, or when taking a shower. At this point, the woman may feel that something has come out of the vagina. When the mucous plug comes out at the moment when the woman is dressed, or during sleep, you can notice a lump of mucous secretions on linen or sheets. Sometimes the cork comes off after being examined by a doctor.

At the moment when the mucous plug is released, a woman may feel a slight nagging in the lower abdomen.

If the cork leaves entirely, then it will resemble jelly, a piece of silicone or a jellyfish. When released in parts, it is more like a period, but more mucous in consistency.

The color of the mucus can be different - and transparent, and yellow, and brown. Usually it is light with bloody streaks. The presence of small inclusions of blood in the mucous plug occurs due to the fact that when preparing the cervix for childbirth, small vessels can burst on its surface during opening, the blood from which enters the vagina, and there it mixes with the plug.

If the cork has a greenish color, then this is evidence that the fetus is suffering from a lack of oxygen. In this case, you should go to the hospital in advance.

The reason for going to the doctor is also too early discharge of the cork - more than two weeks before the expected date of delivery; or the presence of bloody discharge after the release of the mucous plug.

If the cork came off before the birth on time and had a normal color, then this is a sign of an early meeting with the baby, but this does not mean that the birth has already begun and some action must be taken urgently. This event is a reason to postpone the trip, once again check whether everything is prepared for the trip to the hospital and for the first days of the baby's life. In any case, do not panic and calmly wait for contractions, which may begin in the next 2-7 days.


The approach of childbirth is characterized by numerous changes in the body of a pregnant woman. , which indicate their near beginning.

Expectant mothers listen to themselves more and more and notice new sensations and changes. Child before childbirth moves much less than during pregnancy . Its activity is reduced, because there is little free space left in the mother's stomach. A pregnant woman may change her mood, her appetite worsens, training contractions begin.

The child, feeling ready to go out into the light, begins to move closer to the "exit". He takes the place of the presenting part in the small pelvis, taking a comfortable position for himself to wait for the start of contractions . Often before childbirth, the stomach hurts and turns to stone. Often women ask if the stomach drops. Of course, the real sign of the imminent birth of a child is precisely . In fact, when the abdomen drops before childbirth, this means that the uterine fundus has occurred. Sometimes On the eve of childbirth, women have the appearance of blood . It can be used to judge the exit of the mucous plug.

Belly before childbirth, as seen in the photo, and its lowering in all women occurs individually - at different times and in different ways. Many primiparous women feel omission before the onset of labor 2-4 weeks. When a woman gives birth again, the belly drops a few days before giving birth , as shown in the photo, or do not drop right up to the birth itself.

Characteristic signs of lowering the abdomen before childbirth:

- the disappearance of heartburn and belching, so tormented during pregnancy;

Easier breathing, because the uterus is no longer putting pressure on the diaphragm;

The appearance of discomfort when walking and in a sitting position;

Increased urge to go to the toilet on the eve of childbirth;

The presence of unpleasant pain in the perineum and pelvis.

Some pregnant women do not notice these sensations. The easiest way to understand if you have drooping belly before childbirth (photo above) is to put your palm between your stomach and chest. If it fits there, it is likely that the prolapse of the abdomen before childbirth has already occurred, and you will soon go to the maternity hospital.


Pregnant women before childbirth are usually very afraid of the onset of contractions and the very process of childbirth. It is very important to understand how contractions begin.

The cervix of a woman during pregnancy tightly closed. At the very beginning, when contractions begin before childbirth, the uterus is also ready to open - its pharynx is smoothed out, expanding to 10-12 centimeters in diameter. During contractions, intrauterine pressure rises as the uterus begins to shrink in size. This leads to rupture of the amniotic sac resulting in the release of amniotic fluid.

How do you know if you're having contractions? At first, you will feel some discomfort in the abdomen, hips and lower back. At first, the contractions before childbirth will last only a few seconds, you will not notice much pain. The time interval between contractions will be about 10-12 minutes, sometimes - 7-8 minutes. All these sensations will no longer cause you a question, how to understand that the first contractions have begun.

Then the contractions will become stronger, more frequent and painful, and even with a shorter interval. This will be the next phase. Thus, the contractions will reach the moment when they last about 2 minutes, and the next comes after 60 seconds. If such moments occur, you should be prepared for the fact that labor will begin soon, in 30-40 minutes.

How to behave before childbirth? After all, the most painful and final stage of contractions is coming. Since a pregnant woman has a high diaphragm during childbirth, she can only breathe with her upper lungs. However, each breath should be accompanied by an infusion of air into the lungs, filling the upper chest freely. Carefully and easily exhale. In no case is it recommended to inhale air with effort, exhaling in jerks. With pain relief in childbirth, self-massage can be used without resorting to analgesics.

Press in front of the points along the thighs, and massage with slightly set back vibrating thumbs. Lying on your side with slightly bent knees is the most convenient position for lightly massaging the lower half of the abdomen, with the correct observance of the inhalation-exhalation rhythm. Stroking is done with your fingertips - from the middle of the abdomen to the sides.

Once labor begins, some pregnant women vomiting may occur. It does not last long, no treatment is required. As soon as the vomiting stops, rinse your mouth with water and drink 1-2 sips of water, but no more, so as not to cause new nausea .
The second period of childbirth is characterized by the transfer of women in labor to the delivery room. You can manage the pushing yourself under the supervision of a midwife and a doctor. There will be an unpleasant feeling of strong bursting. From what your posture is and whether you are pushing correctly, the pain in general depends on the attempts.

It is necessary to completely relax and breathe deeply - while inhaling without delay. The strongest attempts are those attempts when the fetal head passes through the pelvis. When the fetal head appears, the midwife assists the woman in labor so that she does not tear the muscles of the perineum. Follow exactly all the professional instructions of the midwife. Remember that the baby's head will be removed from the genital tract when there is no pushing. Therefore, it must be restrained by relaxing and breathing only through the mouth without any delay in inhalation.


The passage of a cork before childbirth is very individual. However, this can happen no earlier than 3-4 weeks before delivery. Often, it departs 7 days before the onset of labor pains.

What does a mucus plug look like? It consists of a dense clot of mucus (photo at the link) , which closes the entrance to the uterus. The infection cannot penetrate there, so the baby is safe.

How does the mucous plug go before childbirth ? You may feel that clots of mucus are coming off. The mucous plug before childbirth (photo) looks beige, pinkish or whitish-yellowish. Often discharge may contain blood or streaked, as the cervix, expanding, causes the bursting of small capillaries. A small amount of blood on the eve of childbirth is quite normal. No need to panic. remember that this is a mucus plug. Just take a closer look.

Mucus plug does not look like normal discharge. It looks more dense. It is possible that it comes out immediately in large volume. From that how does the cork go before the birth, for example, little by little, gradually, this may not be noticed, but it can also be confused with secretions.

Most of the cases when the mucous plug has come off before childbirth occurs during the toilet or shower. However, if the characteristic cork came off before childbirth, while you were dressed, you can definitely see this mucus on the sheet or underwear.

The discharge of the cork sometimes happens directly during childbirth.

In the event that the cork has come off, and then the water or contractions, it means that you urgently need to go to the maternity hospital. It is also necessary to go there in case of bleeding after the cork is released. You should visit a doctor if the cork has come off too early, 14 days before the due date, especially when it is bright red.

The cork should not be accompanied by blood discharge. It only comes in dark colors.


In every pregnant woman before childbirth, the reproductive organ becomes the maximum size. The shape of the uterus (belly) before the upcoming birth may be different. In the event that the fetus occupies the most unfavorable position and lies across, this means that the uterus is stretched in width just before the birth, and not in length. In this position, as a rule, according to indications, a caesarean section is performed.

With longitudinal presentation of the fetus, the shape of the abdomen acquires the correct oval shape. An irregularly shaped belly occurs in cases where the child deviates to the side.

During an external examination, the midwife analyzes the tone of the muscles of the uterus . The wall of the uterus is normally soft in a pregnant woman. However, with increased tone, it is solid. Uterine hypertonicity (increased tone) - one of the threats of abortion. An increase in tone can occur at any stage of pregnancy. Feelings will be in the form of pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. They can be slight, very strong, or sipping. Signs of pain depend on the intensity and duration of uterine hypertonicity before childbirth, as well as on the pain threshold. sensitivity of a pregnant woman . With a short-term increased tone, sensations of pain or heaviness in the lower abdomen are small.

The cervix begins to open before childbirth. This is the first stage of childbirth. It opens due to tension during contractions, when the muscles of the uterus contract.

The maturity of the cervix depends on the production necessary hormones in the body of a pregnant woman, namely prostaglandins. They have a complex effect - on the immune system, on the sensation of pain, on the regulation of blood pressure, secretion of gastric juice, blood clotting and uterine contractility.

Specialists should monitor when the cervix begins to open before childbirth. Women in labor are required to comply with all their professional requirements.

In nulliparous women, the internal os of the cervix first begins to open, taking the form of a funnel, and then the external os also stretches. Harbingers of childbirth in multiparous - the opening of the external os of the uterus on one finger. It happens at the end of pregnancy , and they are given easier opening of the cervix. The inner and outer os begin to open almost simultaneously.

Repeated births, as a rule, in women are faster and easier than the first. In order to give birth to a child without ruptures and not tear the cervix, one must listen and follow the advice of gynecologists who take delivery. The preservation of the perineum and birth canal of the woman in labor depends on them by 80%. To avoid episiotomy during childbirth, the gynecologist should lubricate the vaginal area and cervix with a special gel or oil, then straighten it and the folds. At the next stage, the doctor teaches the correct attempts. Don't neglect these tips.

special differences in the precursors of childbirth in primiparous and multiparous not available. A reliable determination of the onset of labor can only be made by monitoring the dynamics of cervical dilatation.

Harbingers of childbirth can be, for example, a change in mood. Often a woman manifests the so-called "nesting" instinct. This is when a woman begins to clean everything, wash, sew, clean up. In a word, prepare for the welcome meeting of the long-awaited baby.

Signs of the onset of labor are changes in the motor activity of the fetus itself. The child begins to calm down, then, on the contrary, to be very active. The baby begins to choose a rhythm, as well as prepare for the right moment of his birth.

From the female womb 1-3 days or a few hours before the onset of childbirth, mucus is sometimes released, which resembles egg white. In appearance, it is brown, very similar to the spotting of menstruation. The discharge may also be streaked with blood.

Before childbirth, a woman in labor may noticeably change her appetite in the direction of decrease.

A harbinger of childbirth can be the emptying of the intestines of a woman. A pregnant woman often goes to the toilet. The stool is much larger than usual. The urge to urinate will also become more frequent as the pressure on the bladder increases.

On the eve of childbirth, a woman may lose some weight - about 1-2 kilograms.

The lowering of the abdomen occurs due to the preparation of the child for the "exit" - he lies with the presenting part in the entrance of the small pelvis. The bottom of the uterus at this time deviates anteriorly due to a slight decrease in the tone of the woman's abdominals.

It becomes easier for a pregnant woman to breathe as pressure is removed from the stomach and diaphragm due to the downward movement of the baby.

When the child moves down, the woman may begin to experience pain in the lower back. , in the lumbar region.

Sometimes, the onset of labor is characterized by the appearance of dull, incomprehensible pains in the lower abdomen or lower back. There are also so-called girdle pains - when both the lower back and the stomach hurt.

The most reliable sign of the onset of labor is the presence of constant contractions in a woman in labor . At this time, the uterine muscles begin regular contractions with a steady rhythm.

Sometimes the amniotic sac may leak before delivery. . But it can break suddenly. In this case, all the water can flow out at once. If amniotic fluid leaked out, you need to urgently go to the maternity hospital.


Pregnant women before childbirth are recommended a special diet that helps the digestive system prepare for labor. vegetable oil before childbirth, it has a beneficial effect on stretching and contraction of the uterus. In addition to everything else, dishes with vegetable oil enrich the body with vitamin E and are a means of preventing hemorrhoids and possible ruptures.

Women must attend preparatory classes during pregnancy, where they will be taught how to breathe properly , introduce you to an adaptive comfortable posture, as well as perform effective exercises (including the Kegel method for intimate muscles ) to reduce pain.

Pain, sometimes delivering unpleasant moments to a woman before childbirth, is a harbinger of labor activity. On the pain Before a normal birth, the following factors may affect:

health status and age of the mother;

physiological and psycho-emotional preparation for childbirth;

menstrual irregularities fixed before pregnancy;

the size and position of the fetus;

premature birth;

woman's pain threshold;

individual anatomical features of the pelvis, muscular, hormonal systems, etc.

False contractions are a typical first cause of pain before childbirth. This process is often referred to as training. At this time, the muscles of the uterus begin to contract, coming into tone for only one minute. Thus, the woman's cervix is ​​​​prepared for childbirth. Such sensations appear after 20 weeks , but they do not cause severe pain.

False contractions are intended to prepare a woman's body for labor. They are usually not intense and are concentrated in the lower abdomen.

Prepartum pain symptoms that require special attention in order to understand signs of the onset of labor:

constant uterine contractions;

the frequency of repetition of pain with a break of 10-20 minutes;

reducing the gap between contractions to 2-3 minutes;

rapid relaxation of the uterus in between contractions;

the nature of the pain is widespread, pressing and girdle.

Drawing pains before childbirth signal the imminent birth of a child. They start at 33-34 weeks. This process is due to stretching of the ligaments and muscles. In other words, preparation for labor activity. Pain is localized in the lower abdomen . This is due to false contractions and the preparatory period, when the uterus becomes toned, and the cervix shortens and decreases. Pain in the lower abdomen, therefore, is an adaptation period that helps prepare muscles, ligaments and tissues for normal labor activity. It is not necessary to dramatize the pain sensations, since they are explained by a simple physiological stretching of the uterus and displacement of the organs located nearby.

Cause of pelvic pain before childbirth is to increase the tone of the spiral uterine ligaments. Such sensations are especially characteristic of pregnant women who have a history of pelvic muscle distortion (twisted pelvis). The ligaments that attach the uterus to the pelvis, as a result of the sacroiliac displacement, are unevenly stretched, thereby causing pulling pains in the pelvic and lumbar region.

Chest pain accompany almost the entire period of pregnancy. This is normal. Within nine months, the mammary glands undergo changes. The most noticeable breast growth is after 30 weeks, when the glandular tissue grows rapidly. The capsules of the mammary glands stretch strongly, like the skin of a pregnant woman. This is what causes chest pain.

Back pain before childbirth, they are associated with the movement of the child into a natural prenatal presentation - head down. The fetus presses on the lower back, and the connective tissue of the sacroiliac zone is stretched. The lower back hurts mainly during contractions.

Hormonal dysfunctions in women provoke the expansion and relaxation of the pelvic joints and intervertebral ligaments.

Due to the large abdomen, a physiological shift occurs ahead of the center of gravity of the body. It leads to compensatory tension of the back muscles. At this time, posture may be disturbed and a curvature of the spine may appear.

Factors that cause pain in the perineum before childbirth:

weight gain loads the lumbosacral region, which leads to pain in the perineum;

increased production of the hormone - relaxin, which controls the elasticity of interosseous joints;

gradual expansion of the pelvic bones (pubic joints) in preparation for labor.

To prepare the birth canal for the passage of the fetus, doctors prescribe No-shpa before childbirth. However, it should not be taken without the appointment of a specialist. No-shpa is contraindicated in hepatic, renal and isthmic-cervical insufficiency. Theoretically, it sometimes causes premature onset of labor, as it accelerates the opening of the cervix.

Usually it is prescribed by specialists along with other drugs, more often with suppositories. This Could it be Buscopan spark plugs?, Papaverine and candles Krasavka. Experts assure that before giving birth, No-shpa can help determine the authenticity of contractions. In case you are not sure whether these contractions are real or false, then you can take two tablets of No-shpa . If the pain becomes more frequent and intensifies, it is recommended to go to the maternity hospital.

Candles Buscopan will have a stimulating and relaxing effect on the muscles of the cervix. Thus, they contribute to its disclosure. As a rule, they are prescribed to prepare the cervix and accelerate the development of the first stage of the childbirth process.

Buscopan suppositories before childbirth are prescribed only if the expected benefit from them is higher than the potential harm to the child and mother. Of course, the best option would be if you do not use them at all. But in the last weeks, at the end of the third trimester, gynecologists quite often prescribe the use of special suppositories for pregnant women.

The main thing that a pregnant woman should know is that Buscopan suppositories cannot be used in the first trimester, as well as for constipation. The best way to solve this problem would be to review the diet. Thus, Buscopan suppositories can be used no earlier than the 38th week of pregnancy in order to prepare the muscles of the uterus as much as possible in order to facilitate future childbirth.

In candlelight with belladonna contains belladonna extract. The drug is produced in the form of rectal suppositories. It is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissures. An additional function of this drug is to provide a relaxing effect on the cervix.

Candles with belladonna have proven to be very effective in relieving cervical tension. However, they still fail to completely relieve pain when the cervix opens. Candles with belladonna are used before childbirth only if the pregnant woman does not have the risk of hemorrhoids and a predisposition to slow opening of the cervix.

A pregnant woman is given an enema just before giving birth.
. The absence of feces can facilitate the movement of the baby's head in the pelvis, because in this case there will be no seals when moving through the birth canal. The ability of an enema to tone the vagina, stimulating contractions and improving the birth process, is its undoubted plus.

An enema before childbirth is very simple. Prepare a solution from a decoction of chamomile, for example. Water temperature is recommended no more than 37 degrees. Fill the mug with the solution, let the air out of it and fix it at the level of one meter from the place where you will be.

Soap, cream or petroleum jelly, lubricate the tip of the tube, release the air and carefully insert the tip. Gradually, you should feel the filling of the intestines. If there is no such sensation, try changing the direction of the tip. Make sure that air does not get into the intestines. If you feel discomfort, start breathing slowly and deeply, stroke your stomach and relax. After the solution is introduced, go immediately to the toilet.

Sanation- one of the important components of preparing pregnant women for childbirth. Sanitation is called purification from pathogenic microorganisms of the birth canal. When a child is born, it comes into contact with the walls of the birth canal. He can swallow lubricants, secretions, etc. In the case of pathogenic microflora, the risk of various infections in the baby in the postpartum period increases (thrush in the mouth, conjunctivitis, etc.)

To clear the birth canal, use antiseptics. It can be a decoction for washing from St. John's wort, sage or chamomile. Dissolved baking soda well relieves burning sensations and itching.

In addition, doctors may prescribe antiseptics in the form of tablets or suppositories before childbirth. They will be aimed at combating pathogenic microorganisms. The most common drugs are vinylin, miramistin, clotrimazole, terzhinan , chlorophyll solution.

It should be noted that antibiotics do not work on Candida fungus. This means that antibiotic therapy only involves the fungus itself. Antifungal antibiotics are such antibiotics. For example, nystatin contained in terzhinan.

Especially useful during pregnancy is the use of olive oil on an empty stomach, which normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, relieving a pregnant woman from constipation. In the last months of pregnancy, constipation in women is a very common occurrence. Olive oil is also an excellent remedy for late toxicosis in the last months of pregnancy. . To soften the cervix before childbirth, it will also not be superfluous to use olive oil.


Answering the question of how amniotic fluid in pregnant women departs, we can say the following. Before childbirth, the fetus increases pressure on the cervix of the woman in labor. The shell at a certain moment may burst, then amniotic fluid is poured out. However, even in this case the child is not in dryness, since it is mainly that part of the anterior waters that was between the head and the cervix that is poured out. In addition, the waters are replenished and renewed every three hours. Sometimes the water breaks before the contractions come.

Understanding now how the waters of pregnant women who begin to give birth, you need to know that they sometimes leave immediately in a huge volume, which is about 200 ml, or a glass of liquid. This process is such a feeling, as if the cork was taken out, the exit opened and a bucket of water is poured out, at least. Such a process cannot be confused with anything. If this happens to you, you will have no doubt that the amniotic fluid is already breaking.

Sometimes the water leaves in a peculiar way, leaking in a small amount, little by little. This is simply due to the fact that the amniotic membrane is torn from the side or from above.

Light-coloured waters, almost colorless, are considered normal. They are sometimes slightly cloudy and should not have an unpleasant or pronounced odor.

After the water pours out in a pregnant woman, contractions can immediately begin. Sometimes this happens after a few hours.

The most favorable and successful option for women will be the discharge of amniotic fluid after the onset of contractions. This process takes place against the background of very strong contractions of the pregnant uterus.

It is not worth accelerating childbirth with medications when the fetal bladder is intact, therefore, the penetration of infection is impossible. If the water remains, then the contractions will not be very painful. In this case, the opening of the cervix will be more effective.

Seek urgent medical attention it is necessary in the case when the departed waters are greenish in color. Such a green color signals that the fetus has either experienced, or is currently experiencing, a serious lack of oxygen. This also happens when some of the contents of his intestines - meconium, the original feces, get in.

The temperature before childbirth can sometimes be elevated. This signals an ongoing pathological process. Fever should not be taken as a symptom of approaching labor. She, of course, can rise, as a reaction to contractions and stress. But often she talks about an existing infectious disease in a pregnant woman.

An increase in temperature, which is associated with an obstetric infection, acquires serious significance for the child. Premature leakage of water, not diagnosed for a long time, leads to inflammation of the membranes - chorioamnionitis. It can develop as early as 3-4 days in full force after damage to the amniotic sac. This happens if the pregnant woman did not turn to the doctors in a timely manner, therefore she did not receive any protection from them. Watch not only for the temperature, but also for the discharge of amniotic fluid.

If an infection has got inside the womb, then the child will not resist it well. At first, bacteria can affect the eyes, resulting in conjunctivitis and blepharitis. The lungs may be affected in utero (congenital pneumonia). Penetrating into the blood, bacteria cause blood poisoning (sepsis) and meningitis.

In the first days immediately after birth, it is very difficult to treat a child with intrauterine infection and infections.

The fear that often occurs in pregnant women before childbirth is the most common among nulliparous women. This is a completely natural phenomenon. In order to successfully overcome it, it is necessary, first of all, to think about the child and his safety.

Tune in to your behavior when you need to listen to the opinion of an obstetrician-gynecologist. Only in this case, childbirth can be easy, quick and relatively painless. A little pain will only speak of their positive resolution. Always believe in your own strength.

Overcoming fear, as a natural reaction of the body, is necessary because during childbirth it is an absolutely useless thing. And even harmful. Installation on a favorable outcome of childbirth, and your confidence in this will help to successfully overcome it.

Do not listen too much to the stories of friends who have already once given birth and are now savoring the smallest details of the process, sharing with you the details of their already forgotten sensations, and maybe somewhat exaggerated. The best option for you would be the passage of preparatory courses for pregnant women. There you will have the opportunity to ask all your questions, to which you will receive comprehensive and very useful answers from professional medical professionals.

Look for only positive information about childbirth. Listen to the stories of those who consider childbirth the most amazing and wonderful moment of life.

Pregnancy is a natural process for a woman. As is often said, pregnancy is not a disease. Don't neglect exercise. Continue to do gymnastics and go to the pool. Your activity for nine months will be the basis for the absolute preparation for childbirth.


The long-awaited week before the birth has come after so many days and a month of waiting for the baby to appear. 36-37 weeks are already called the prenatal period. The baby may already be born any time. Now future mothers are beginning to experience fears that are not associated with pregnancy, but with the upcoming birth, increasingly thinking about the very process of childbirth. But first you need to do some recommendations of experts in order to childbirth was successful and without complications . Pregnant women themselves can largely contribute to this if they unconditionally comply with the requirements and advice that doctors give them.

Recommended approximately one month before expected delivery, starting at 36 weeks gestation , remove animal protein from your diet: fish, meat, butter, eggs and milk. The diet at this time for you will be dairy products, cereals on the water, a variety of plant foods, fresh juices, baked vegetables, herbal teas and mineral water.

As the due date approaches, the diet becomes more restrictive. This is due to the fact that before childbirth, the intestines should not be overloaded. It is also recommended to refuse fermented milk products in the last days before childbirth.

Specialists recommended to make a complete sanitation of the birth canal, starting from the 36th week of pregnancy. This is done in order to cleanse the birth canal from pathogenic microflora and ensure their purity directly during the upcoming birth. The risk of infection of the child increases if there is any infection in the birth canal. For example, herpes, banal thrush and STDs . A child can become infected with all this when passing through the birth canal.

Throughout the nine months, pregnant women should be weighed regularly. Weight gain for all this time by 9-13 kilograms is considered optimal. Such a calculation is done along with the weight of the baby, uterus, amniotic fluid, breast, placenta. The placenta, we note, at the end of pregnancy becomes much heavier and grows in size.

Urine donated by a woman before each doctor's appointment is examined for the presence of sugar and protein in it. . Protein can signal the so-called preeclampsia. This is late toxicosis, or toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy. The presence of sugar is known to be indicative of diabetes.

You can exercise and swim in the pool until the very birth. Do not under any circumstances give up on this.

The day before giving birth, a woman should get enough sleep. Sleep can be at least 8-10 hours. This is only the minimum time, do not deny yourself sleep, because it calms the body. The main thing is to feel rested and energized.

Before childbirth, doctors prescribe No-shpu to pregnant women , as well as candles with belladonna. They are necessary in the preparation of the cervix of those women who are at risk of slow dilatation.

Very often, before giving birth, a pregnant woman begins to feel sick in a few hours, vomiting and diarrhea appear. Do not panic, this is the way the body begins to prepare for childbirth, naturally clearing itself of everything superfluous.

Childbirth immediately begins with regular labor pains. At first they pass with an interval of 10-15 minutes. Then they become more frequent, become much stronger. There is a gradual opening and smoothing of the cervix. Then the mucus, slightly stained with blood, begins to depart, a fetal bladder forms.

Two weeks before the upcoming birth, it is recommended to think about what to take with you to the hospital ? Do not take anything extra, so as not to return home later. Here is a rough list of what you need.

1. Required documents.
2. Things required during childbirth.
3. Things that will be required after childbirth.
4. Necessary things for a newborn baby.
5. Necessary things for discharge:

- things for mom;
- things to be discharged for the child;
- required documents.

The best list of things to take with you to the hospital:

Maybe you just need take some other things to the hospital additionally. Consult with your family doctor and specialists who monitored your health during pregnancy.
