Memo for parents "a healthy lifestyle is the task of parents." Memo for parents on promoting a healthy lifestyle in children


1. Start a new day with a smile and a morning workout;

2. Follow a daily routine;

3. Remember: a smart book is better than aimless watching TV;

4. Love your child - he is yours, respect your family members, they are fellow travelers on your path;

5. You should hug your child at least 4 times, and preferably 8 times;

6. There are no bad children, only bad actions;

7. Personal example for a healthy lifestyle is better than good morals;

8. Use natural hardening factors - sun, air and water;

9. Remember: simple food is healthier than elaborate dishes;

10. The best form of relaxation is a walk with the family in the fresh air, the best entertainment for a child is playing together with parents.

1. Timely and regularly inform the class teacher about the child’s character traits and health status.

2. Remember that the most vulnerable under conditions of mental stress and static stress are the eyes, spine, and nervous system. these organs require regular medical supervision (when visiting an ophthalmologist, orthopedist, neurologist or psychologist).

3. There are special exercises that help maintain and strengthen the health of a schoolchild - exercises for the eyes, for correcting posture and unloading the spine, psycho-gymnastics.

4. Maintaining a daily routine is a necessary condition for successful learning; make sure that your child sleeps at least 11 hours (7-10 years old) and 9 hours (grades 5-11), walks in the fresh air for at least 1.5-2 hours, maintained mental hygiene.

5. Diet - the child must eat at least 3-4 times a day, the child’s diet must contain all the necessary nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements), the amount of vegetables and fruits consumed must be at least 0.5 kilograms per day .

6. Remember that there are physiological periods (10-14 years) of crisis for students, when due to hormonal changes in the body, academic performance can significantly decrease and character change. The child often does not understand what is happening to him. help him, support him, temporarily lower the level of demands, and you will maintain good relations in the family.

7. Carefully observe the child's appearance.

8. Unexpected changes in behavior may indicate bad habits (alcoholization, nicotine addiction, drug intoxication); if necessary, consult a specialist doctor.

9. Moral and ethical qualities instilled in the family will help the child not only maintain physical and mental health, but sometimes even life.

10. It is unacceptable to overload a child with visiting several sections, schools, and studios. this leads to a nervous breakdown and overwork. try to choose the optimal load for your child, guided by his interests and capabilities.


    nutrition should be complete and varied;

    Nutrition should be balanced;

    meals should be regular (the student should eat 4-5 times a day);

    food should be moderate;

    food should be healthy (no chips, hamburgers, Coca-Cola cheeseburgers, etc. - anything that is harmful to health);

    eat more vegetables and fruits (a child should at least eat one medium-sized fruit and two vegetables per day);

    take vitamins; · do not eat later than two hours before bedtime, chew food thoroughly;

    do not get carried away with sweet, sour, salty, spicy; do not snack on the go, wash your hands before eating.


You should start swimming when the water temperature is not lower than 18 degrees and in clear, windless weather with an air temperature of 25 degrees or more.


To avoid trouble, children must strictly follow a number of simple rules of behavior on the water. - you can swim only in permitted places and in the presence of adults; - you should not dive in unfamiliar places - there may be submerged logs, stones, snags, metal rods, etc. at the bottom. - you should not swim in wetlands or where there is algae or mud; - you cannot cling to boats, climb on navigation equipment signs - buoys, buoys, etc.; - You cannot swim in stormy weather or in places with strong surf.


Tick-borne viral encephalitis is a natural focal acute viral infectious disease. The carrier of the infection, as well as its additional reservoir, are ixodid ticks. The virus enters the human body through a tick bite. Tick-borne encephalitis occurs in many areas Russian Federation and in all areas of the Leningrad region where there are favorable conditions for the life of ixodid ticks (uninhabited forest areas). In the Kolpino region, more than 500 people annually go to trauma centers with tick bites. The main means of specific prevention of tick-borne viral encephalitis (hereinafter referred to as TBE) are vaccination or emergency prophylaxis with human immunoglobulin against TBE. Individual (personal) protection of people includes:

1. Compliance with the rules of behavior in areas dangerous in relation to ticks (carry out self- and mutual inspections every 10 - 15 minutes to detect ticks; do not sit or lie down on the grass; arrange parking and overnight stays in the forest in areas devoid of grass vegetation or in dry pine forests on sandy soils; after returning from the forest or before spending the night, remove clothes, carefully inspect the body and clothing; do not bring freshly picked plants, outer clothing and other objects that may contain ticks into the room; inspect dogs and other animals for detection and removal ticks attached and sucked from them).

2. Wearing special clothing (if there is no special clothing, dress in such a way as to facilitate a quick inspection to detect ticks: wear plain and light-colored clothing; trousers tucked into boots, knee socks or socks with a thick elastic band, the upper part of clothing - into trousers; sleeve cuffs should fit tightly to the arm; shirt collars and trousers should not have a fastener or have a tight fastener under which a tick cannot crawl; put a hood on your head, sewn to a shirt, jacket, or tuck your hair under a scarf or hat).

3. The use of special chemical personal protective equipment against ticks: acaricidal agents (intended for treating outer clothing, use on the skin is unacceptable) and repellent agents (intended for treating outer clothing, application on the skin is possible to protect against blood-sucking dipterans). The products must be used in accordance with the attached instructions. We remind you of the addresses of medical institutions in the region allocated to provide emergency medical care to victims of tick bites during the 2015 season: - for adults - trauma center of the St. Petersburg State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "City Clinic No. 71", located at the address: 196653, St. Petersburg, Kolpino, st. K. Marksa, no. 21, t. 461-60-08, - for children - trauma center of the St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution "Children's City Hospital No. 22", located at the address: 196657, St. Petersburg, Kolpino, Zavodskoy pr., no. 1., t. 573-94-38.

Memo "Healthy lifestyle".

The first recipe for health Proper rest includes walking, playing sports, creative activities, attending cultural events, hiking, traveling, etc.

Second recipe for health - physical activity. Physical activity has a beneficial effect on the formation and development of all functions of the central nervous system: strength, mobility and balance of nervous processes.

Systematic training makes the muscles stronger and the body more adapted to environmental conditions. Under the influence of muscle loads, the circulatory system improves, the breathing rate increases, inhalation deepens, exhalation intensifies, and the ventilation capacity of the lungs improves. People who regularly engage in physical activity and sports have advantages over sedentary members of our society: they look better, are mentally healthier, are less susceptible to stress and fatigue, sleep better, and have fewer health problems.

The third recipe for health - ability to dress properly.

Dressing correctly means dressing for the temperature you will be in. In a warm room you need to be dressed lightly, otherwise you will feel uncomfortable. Overheating can lead to high blood pressure and headaches. Frequent overheating causes disruption of the body's thermoregulation. In winter, on the contrary, it is worth warming up. Remember that if a person is cold, his immunity weakens, and this leads to colds.

The fourth recipe for health - balanced diet. Rational nutrition should be considered as a factor in prolonging the active period of life.

The principles of rational nutrition are:

The energy value of products must correspond to the energy expenditure of the body.

The chemical composition of food must satisfy the physiological needs of the body.

Food should be as varied as possible. Some people believe that vitamins are found only in fruits, juices, and vegetables, but this is a misconception. Every product: meat, fish, bread, cereals, nuts, dairy products, etc. is rich in vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

You need to follow a diet. The regime is the regularity of alternating meals. It is more correct to eat little by little, but 5-6 times a day.

It is necessary to completely stop drinking alcoholic beverages.

The fifth recipe for health - hardening. Hardening is a system of procedures that increase the body's resistance to adverse environmental influences and contribute to the development of conditioned reflex reactions of thermoregulation in order to improve it. Hardening is a kind of training of the body's defenses, their preparation for timely mobilization. The main means of hardening is water. With its help you can perform rubdowns, douses, bathing, and take a contrast shower. Walking barefoot on the grass in warm weather is also a type of hardening. In combination with physical exercise, the effectiveness of hardening procedures increases.

The sixth recipe for health - full sleep. Adequate sleep is not only a necessary condition for a healthy existence, but also an indicator of health. An “ideal” sleep should be considered one in which the process of falling asleep occurs quickly, and its duration and depth are sufficient to ensure good health and vigor upon awakening.

However, scientists are sounding the alarm - every year the number of people who cannot sleep at night is growing! So I want to give you some tips to help you fall asleep quickly and have a good night's rest.

When you come home after a busy day, eat a light dinner. Everyone knows that a heavy dinner will interfere with sleep and leave you tossing and turning all night. After dinner, at least 3 hours should pass before you go to bed.

Under no circumstances drink tonic drinks (tea, coffee, orange juice), as they have a stimulating effect on the nervous system.

After dinner, do what you love for at least half an hour. Watch TV, read a book, listen to music and just relax.

It is advisable to go to bed no later than 10 pm.

There must be fresh air in the bedroom.

Do you want to be healthy and successful?

Don't ruin your health and life!

1. Be kind and friendly, develop a positive outlook on the world. This endears you to people and prolongs life.

2.Eat right, choose healthy foods. This adds up to 20 years to life.

3.Take vitamins. They add 5-7 years to life.

4. Eat foods containing fiber, which cleanses the gastrointestinal tract. (Plus 5-7 years of life).

5.Develop your mind and intellect. It has been proven that people with higher education live longer.

6. Train the body's natural defenses. Do fitness, move more, walk, get stronger. This adds another 7-10 years to life.

1. Don’t be angry, gloomy, don’t harbor grudges, get rid of a negative outlook on the world. It pushes people away and shortens life.

2. Remember: - incorrect, poor nutrition makes life shorter.

3. Lack of movement and physical activity are very harmful.

4. Stop smoking, it shortens life by at least 20 years and makes a person sick.

5.Don't be a victim of smokers. Passive smoking (inhalation of tobacco smoke) shortens life by up to 10 years.

6. Do not use psychoactive substances that destroy brain tissue and the entire body (alcohol, drugs).

Reminders for students on developing healthy lifestyle habits

Memo for students No. 1

If you want to be healthy and successful today and tomorrow, do not forget to do these simple actions that will help you achieve results not only in maintaining your health, but also in studying, communicating with friends and just in life.

- Always get up at the same time!

— Wash your face and hands thoroughly, strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene!

— Brush your teeth thoroughly in the morning and evening!

— Spend enough time outdoors, playing sports!

- Take long walks!

- Dress for the weather!

— Do motor exercises in between exercises

— Don’t be afraid of physical activity, help with household chores!

— Play sports, learn to overcome difficulties!

Memo for students No. 2


The number of people who have lost their sight is growing every year. These include both adults and children. A person must treat with care the priceless gift of nature - vision and protect it. These rules will help you. Hang them in the most visible place and do not forget that simple rules prolong the activity of your eyes!

- Read and write in good lighting!

— Wear sunglasses in bright sunlight!

— Don’t spend a lot of time at the computer and TV!

- Protect your eyes from blows and injections, various injuries!

— When performing tasks related to eye strain, do eye exercises!

- Contact your doctor promptly!

— Feel free to wear glasses if necessary!

Healthy lifestyle. Memo to schoolchildren.

Health is your personal responsible choice.

Youth is the time when you build your future life every day.

The well-being of your life depends on your health, ability to work, creative energy, education and culture. Your health is in your hands.

The main thing is to always feel responsible for maintaining it and constantly develop healthy lifestyle habits.

Find a friend who will support you and share your efforts on the path to health and success in our difficult life. All obstacles on this path are surmountable.

And if it gets difficult, repeat the formula for success:

“I am a brave, confident person!

I dare everything, I can do everything, I can do everything!

I face the world with courage.

Among all life's hurricanes and storms

I stand strong like a rock,

about which everything is lamented!”

Do you want to be healthy and successful? Don't ruin your health and life!
  1. Be kind and friendly, develop a positive outlook on the world. This endears you to people and prolongs life.
  2. Eat right, choose healthy foods. This adds up to 20 years to life.
  3. Take vitamins. They add 5-7 years to life.
  4. Eat foods containing fiber, which cleanses the gastrointestinal tract. (Plus 5-7 years of life).
  5. Develop your mind and intellect. It has been proven that people with higher education live longer.
  6. Train your body's natural defenses. Do fitness, move more, walk, get stronger. This adds another 7-10 years to life.
  1. Don’t be angry, gloomy, don’t harbor grudges, get rid of a negative view of the world. It pushes people away and shortens life.
  2. Remember: - improper, poor nutrition makes life shorter.
  3. Lack of movement and physical activity are very harmful.
  4. Stop smoking, it shortens life by at least 20 years and makes a person sick.
  5. Don't be a victim of smokers. Passive smoking (inhalation of tobacco smoke) shortens life by up to 10 years.
  6. Do not use psychoactive substances that destroy brain tissue and the entire body (alcohol, drugs).

Healthy lifestyle for schoolchildren.

Healthy lifestyle of schoolchildren. Human health depends on many factors - internal and external, natural and social, cosmic and planetary, etc. For a person, any of them can be decisive, but the influence of factors determining the level of public health is distributed as follows: - Heredity (biological factors) - determines health by 20% - Environmental conditions (natural and social) - by 20% - Activities of the healthcare system - by 10% - A person’s lifestyle - by 50% One way or another, the most significant factor determining a person’s health is his lifestyle, i.e. work and rest schedule, movement culture, physical and mental activity, nutrition, hardening, culture of relationships and communication, unhealthy habits, etc. The way of life is laid down from childhood, reflecting the customs and traditions of the family, ethnic group and society to which the child belongs. Lifestyle can contribute to the preservation and development of a child’s health (in this case we talk about a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE), and can not only provoke a decrease in a person’s health potential, but also cause a reduction in the genetically predetermined duration of his LIFE.

Note to parents: - lifestyle should correspond to the person’s age; — the lifestyle must be provided with energy; - the lifestyle should be strengthening; - lifestyle should be rhythmic; - lifestyle should be aesthetic; - the lifestyle must be moral; - the lifestyle must be strong-willed; - the lifestyle should be self-limiting (ascetic).

Healthy lifestyle of schoolchildren.

The main activities of teachers and parents to maintain the health of students should be aimed at: - creating optimal environmental conditions at school and at home; -rational organization of work and rest for schoolchildren; - education in schoolchildren of a conscious attitude towards personal health and the health of others, a culture of behavior and health-preserving activities (health-preserving skills).

Healthy lifestyle of schoolchildren.

Schoolchildren are not sufficiently aware of a healthy lifestyle. For example, only 44.4% of boys and 40.7% of girls of high school age indicated that human health primarily depends on lifestyle. It is no coincidence, apparently, that only 35.4% of boys and 28.4% of girls rate their level of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle positively. It is interesting to note that with age, the number of students who indifferently or even positively evaluate their peers, who were characterized by such bad habits as smoking, drinking alcohol, and various drugs, increases. Just as in the case of knowledge about physical culture and sports, the main sources of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle were the media (this was indicated by 27.9% of boys and 25.9% of girls), parents (17.1 and 18%, respectively). .9%), biology teachers (13.6 and 11%) and physical education (6.1 and 4%). Although the number of schoolchildren who are not at all interested in questions about a healthy lifestyle decreases with age, their percentage remains high (from 21.2% in junior classes up to 10.4% in older - among boys (p<0,01) и с 18,7 до 4,5% (р<0,001) - среди девочек) Снижение физической активности может стать причиной ослабления физических возможностей человека. Вместе с тем меняющуюся деятельность в свободном времяпрепровождении учащихся помимо негативных условий социальной среды обусловливает и потребностно-мотивационная сфера, формирование которой зависит от единства врожденных и приобретенных свойств личности. Среди них в формировании интересов постепенно повышается значение приобретенных свойств, которые с возрастом превалируют над врожденной потребностью детей к двигательной активности. В этом плане на формирование интересов более значительно влияют окружающая среда, процесс воспитания в семье и школе. Если окружающая среда неблагоприятна, а процесс в семье и школе обходит стороной вопросы физкультурно-спортивной активности, тогда в свободном времяпрепровождении школьников постепенно начинает формироваться физически пассивный стиль поведения личности. Это означает, что индивидуум меняет физическую активность не только на ему нужную (например, учебу), но и на обществом навязанную (курение, употребление алкоголя и других наркотических веществ) или другую деятельность. Здоровый образ жизни школьников. Недостаточная физическая активность и негативное отношение взрослых (родителей и учителей) не позволяют им стать предметом для подражания. Роль последних в формировании положительного отношения учащихся к физкультурно-спортивной активности усугубляется еще и тем, что, по данным наших исследований, 40% учителей физической культуры свои знания в области здорового образа жизни оценивают как неудовлетворительные . Поэтому побуждение к здоровому образу жизни (так же, как и к физической активности) в школе пока является проблематичным. Имеет смысл пересмотреть содержание самих уроков физической культуры, ибо данный предмет психологически не удовлетворяет школьников, часть которых (35,2% мальчиков и 41,7% девочек) чувствуют себя на них недостаточно уверенно. Не случайно, по-видимому, 50% девочек и 29% мальчиков безразлично относятся к этому школьному предмету, что особенно заметно в старших классах. При этом физическая культура, по мнению учащихся, является единственным предметом в школьном обучении, по которому знания не являются столь важными (лишь одна треть опрошенных школьников положительно оценивает учебник по физической культуре). Вместе с тем учащиеся на уроках хотели бы заниматься теми видами физических упражнений, которые им нравятся. Развитие школы идёт по пути интенсификации, увеличения физических и психических нагрузок на ребёнка. По данным НИИ педиатрии: — 14% детей практически здоровы; — 50% детей имеют отклонения в развитии опорно-двигательного аппарата; — 35 – 40% детей страдают хроническими заболеваниями. Здоровый образ жизни школьников. Цивилизованное общество строится здоровыми людьми. Мы говорим: “Будущее наших детей – в наших руках”. Значит, от нас зависит, каким будет здоровье наших детей через год, через десять лет. Станет ли физическая культура и спорт постоянным, надёжным спутником жизни нового поколения? Проблемы физического здоровья важны и актуальны в любом возрасте, поэтому любое учебное заведение первоочерёдной задачей ставит воспитание физически здорового ребёнка. Для этого у нас в школе определяется исходный уровень здоровья с первого класса. Мы сразу знакомим детей с базовыми понятиями здорового образа жизни. После прохождения ежегодного медицинского осмотра классные руководители получают анализ результатов обследования и ведут дальнейшую работу с родителями. Физическое здоровье определяется не только наличием детских болезней, но и умением провести их профилактику. Для этого надо научить детей одеваться по погоде, следить за чистотой рабочего места, следить за телом и добиваться душевного комфорта. С само начала ведём беседы о гигиене, о правильной осанке. Здоровый образ жизни играет решающую роль в предупреждении многих сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний. Он включает в себя такие компоненты, как достаточная двигательная активность, полноценный сон, рациональное питание, гармоничные отношения в семье и в коллективе, неприятие вредных привычек (курение, употребление алкоголя и наркотиков). Движение и сон. Правильно организованный режим позволяет сохранять высокую работоспособность организма ребёнка, способностей нормальному физическому развитию и укрепляет здоровье. Здоровый образ жизни школьников. Напряжённые занятия в школе, трудные домашние задания, дополнительные занятия иностранным языком или музыкой, соблазн посмотреть телевизор, поиграть в компьютерные игры лишают школьников времени, необходимого для отдыха, прогулок, занятием физической культурой и спортом. Современный школьник перегружен информацией и это ведёт к развитию хронического умственного утомления. Для того, чтобы не допустить развития умственного перенапряжения у ребёнка, ему необходимо соблюдать режим дня. В режиме дня школьника должно быть отведено время для отдыха, прогулки, подвижных игр и т.д. Необходимо чередовать умственные нагрузки с физическими упражнениями, что позволит избежать переутомления и сохранить здоровье ребёнка. Нельзя перегружать его занятиями, жертвуя сном и отдыхом. После активного дня, когда сердце ребёнка работает с максимальной нагрузкой, ему необходим отдых. Самый эффективный и полезный отдых для ребёнка – сон. Если ребёнок регулярно недосыпает полтора – часа, то это приводит к ухудшению деятельности сердечно-сосудистой системы, развитию утомления, снижению работоспособности и сопротивляемости организма. Основными моментами рациональной организации учебной деятельности школьника является: нормирование учебной нагрузке; регламентация длительности урока и перемен; время и продолжительность каникул; количественный регламент уроков в течении дня и недели и их оптимальное сочетание; разумное чередование работы и отдыха; обеспечение оптимальных условий для учёбы и отдыха. Одной из причин, способствующих возникновению многих заболеваний сердца и сосудов, является недостаток двигательной активности. Двигательная активность – один из основных факторов, который влияет на рост и развитие детского организма, его адаптационные возможности. Исследования, проведённые различными медиками в различные годы показали, что детская активность у большинства детей ниже физиологического минимума.

Healthy lifestyle of schoolchildren.

Children's physical activity consists of daily (morning exercises, walking, active breaks and breaks in the school day) and periodic, which can be very diverse. Some types of movements can be considered interchangeable. So, for example, classes in sports sections and in some amateur art groups (in particular, dance) can be quite comparable in intensity and volume of physical activity. The main responsibility for creating a healthy lifestyle for children at school falls on physical education lessons. Physical education classes should be systematic, and the load should increase gradually as the child’s physical capabilities develop. A physical education teacher needs to remember that classes are useful for children only when they are enjoyable and do not cause prolonged shortness of breath and a strong increase in heart rate. Balanced diet. For the normal development of the heart and the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, the child needs proper and balanced nutrition. It is necessary to teach your child to have breakfast. Breakfast should always be complete. Healthy lifestyle of schoolchildren. The child should be taught to eat at a certain time, in small portions, 4 – 5 times a day. Compliance with the diet, eating at the same set time has a beneficial effect on the condition of the body. Everyday food should contain in sufficient quantities and in optimal proportions all the substances necessary for the body. A child receives them if he eats a varied diet; he needs proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is equally important to consume enough vitamins to maintain the normal functioning of a child’s body. Vegetables and fruits are an important source of vitamins, potassium, iron, and fish and meat products are complete proteins. It is important that all of them are included in the child’s diet in sufficient quantities and in the correct ratio - this will help keep his heart healthy for many years.

Memo for parents on promoting a healthy lifestyle in children.

1. Start a new day with a smile and a morning workout.

2. Follow a daily routine.

3. A smart book is better than aimlessly watching TV.

4. Love your child - he is yours. Respect your family members, they are fellow travelers on your journey.

5. You should hug your child at least 4 times a day, and preferably 8 times.

6. There are no bad children, only bad actions.

7. A positive attitude towards yourself is the basis of psychological survival.

8. A personal example of a healthy lifestyle is better than any morality.

9. Use natural hardening factors - sun, air and water.

10. Remember: simple food is healthier than elaborate dishes.

11. The best form of relaxation is a walk with your family in the fresh air.

12. The best entertainment for a child is playing together with his parents.

The health of your child is the most important value and our common goal is to preserve and strengthen it.

REMEMBER: the example of parents is decisive in shaping the habits and lifestyle of a child.

A child’s growing body needs special care, so children need to follow a work-rest schedule.

Teach your child to take care of his own health: perform hygiene procedures, ventilate the room, etc.

Control your child’s leisure time: watching TV shows, meeting with friends, walking in the fresh air.

Traditions of healthy eating in the family are the key to maintaining the health of the child.

In shaping a child’s responsible attitude towards his health, use the example of people who are authoritative for him: famous actors, musicians, athletes.

Consultation for parents

Formation of healthy lifestyle habits in children

Children's curiosity is limitless; children want to know everything about themselves and the world in which they live. They have the right to know everything about their physical and emotional development, about the structure of the body, about diseases that can affect them.

Know your weaknesses and strengths, learn to help yourself in various situations, strengthen your will and body. At this age, habits are formed that will later become a necessity.

The need for a healthy lifestyle is formed in children, including through a system of knowledge and ideas, a conscious attitude towards physical education.

Today there is a lot of talk about a healthy lifestyle, including for children, but what exactly refers to the concept of a healthy lifestyle?

First of all, and perhaps the most important section is:

Daily routine (when, according to the child’s age, as well as individual characteristics, there is a change in activity and rest modes)

Rational diet.


And who else, if not you, our dear grandfathers, should engage in hardening with your grandchildren and granddaughters. Hardening is training the immune system with short-term cold stimuli. Once upon a time, our ancestors were much more hardening us and our children. The kids ran barefoot in the snow in their shirts, even in severe frosts! Wet shoes were in use in the villages. This is what Russian peasants called linden bast shoes. They put fresh leaves of dandelion, coltsfoot, plantain, alder, and violet in them. It turns out that the herbs provided a kind of restorative and hardening massage. In wet shoes you could safely walk through any swamp - runny nose and colds did not arise. And to prevent hypothermia, they rubbed the body with juniper oil. Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov took barefoot walks every morning, even in severe frosts. After which he doused himself with cold water. (Ask: are there any grandfathers in the hall who douse themselves with cold water and how they harden their grandchildren). Of course, all hardening procedures are carried out flexibly, taking into account the time of year, the health of the child, his emotional mood, against the backdrop of the thermal comfort of the body. The intensity of hardening measures should be increased gradually, always starting with gentle ones. The basic principle is a gradual expansion of the treatment area and an increase in the time of the procedure. (About bad habits: the dangers of alcohol and smoking). Personal example comes first.

The most effective type of hardening is natural hardening. Almost all children talking about their grandfathers named walks. Daily walks for children are necessary for preschool children, since the growing body's need for oxygen is more than twice that of adults. Under the influence of air baths, not only does the tone of the nervous, respiratory and digestive systems increase, but also the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood increases. It’s good to combine walks with sports and

outdoor games. He wrote about the beneficial effects of walking in the fresh air.

A.S. Pushkin

"My friends! Take your staff

Go into the forest, wander through the valley.

And as long as the night is deep your sleep..."

Memo for parents on developing healthy lifestyle habits

Dear fathers and mothers!

If your children are dear to you, if you want to see them happy, help them maintain their health. Try to make sure that physical education and sports in your family become an integral part of joint leisure time.

From early childhood, instill in your children the habit of physical education and sports!

Respect your child's sports interests and passions!

Maintain the desire to participate in class and school sporting events!

Participate in class and school sports events, this helps strengthen your authority in the eyes of your own child!

Foster in your children respect for people involved in sports!

Tell us about your sports achievements in childhood and youth!

Give your children sports equipment and accessories!

Showcase your example of physical education and sports!

Take your child for walks in the fresh air as a family, hikes and excursions!

Rejoice in the success of your child and his friends in sports!

Place awards for your child's sporting achievements in a prominent place in the house!

Support your child in case of failures, strengthen his will and character!

2. Follow a daily routine.

Memo for parents on promoting a healthy lifestyle in children.

1. Start a new day with a smile and a morning workout.

2. Follow a daily routine.

3. A smart book is better than aimlessly watching TV.

4. Love your child - he is yours. Respect your family members, they are fellow travelers on your journey.

5. You should hug your child at least 4 times a day, and preferably 8 times.

6. There are no bad children, only bad actions.

7. A positive attitude towards yourself is the basis of psychological survival.

8. A personal example of a healthy lifestyle is better than any morality.

9. Use natural hardening factors - sun, air and water.

10. Remember: simple food is healthier than elaborate dishes.

11. The best form of relaxation is a walk with your family in the fresh air.

12. The best entertainment for a child is playing together with his parents.

The health of your child is the most important value and our common goal is to preserve and strengthen it.

REMEMBER: the example of parents is decisive in shaping the habits and lifestyle of a child.

A child’s growing body needs special care, so children need to follow a work-rest schedule.

Teach your child to take care of his own health: perform hygiene procedures, ventilate the room, etc.

Control your child’s leisure time: watching TV shows, meeting with friends, walking in the fresh air.

Traditions of healthy eating in the family are the key to maintaining the health of the child.

In shaping a child’s responsible attitude towards his health, use the example of people who are authoritative for him: famous actors, musicians, athletes.

Consultation with an educational psychologist for parents

Formation of healthy lifestyle habits in children

Children's curiosity is limitless; children want to know everything about themselves and the world in which they live. They have the right to know everything about their physical and emotional development, about the structure of the body, about diseases that can affect them.

Know your weaknesses and strengths, learn to help yourself in various situations, strengthen your will and body. At this age, habits are formed that will later become a necessity.

The need for a healthy lifestyle is formed in children, including through a system of knowledge and ideas, a conscious attitude towards physical education.

Today there is a lot of talk about a healthy lifestyle, including for children, but what exactly refers to the concept of a healthy lifestyle?

First of all, the most important section is:

Daily routine (when, according to the child’s age, as well as individual characteristics, there is a change in activity and rest modes)

Rational diet.


And who, if not you, dear parents, should do hardening with your children. Hardening is training the immune system with short-term cold stimuli. Once upon a time, our ancestors were much more seasoned than us and our children. The kids ran barefoot in the snow in their shirts, even in severe frosts! Wet shoes were in use in the villages. This is what Russian peasants called linden bast shoes. They put fresh leaves of dandelion, coltsfoot, plantain, alder, and violet in them. It turns out that the herbs provided a kind of restorative and hardening massage. In wet shoes you could safely walk through any swamp - runny nose and colds did not arise. And to prevent hypothermia, they rubbed the body with juniper oil. Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov took barefoot walks every morning, even in severe frosts. After which he doused himself with cold water. (Ask: are there any grandfathers in the hall who douse themselves with cold water and how they harden their grandchildren). Of course, all hardening procedures are carried out flexibly, taking into account the time of year, the health of the child, his emotional mood, against the backdrop of the thermal comfort of the body. The intensity of hardening measures should be increased gradually, always starting with gentle ones. The basic principle is a gradual expansion of the treatment area and an increase in the time of the procedure. (About bad habits: the dangers of alcohol and smoking). Personal example comes first.

The most effective type of hardening is natural hardening. Daily walks for children are necessary for preschool children, since the growing body's need for oxygen is more than twice that of adults. Under the influence of air baths, not only does the tone of the nervous, respiratory and digestive systems increase, but also the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood increases. It is good to combine walks with sports and outdoor games. A.S. Pushkin wrote about the beneficial effects of walks in the fresh air

"My friends! Take your staff

Go into the forest, wander through the valley.

And as long as the night is deep your sleep..."

Dear fathers and mothers!

Memo for parents on developing healthy lifestyle habits

Dear fathers and mothers!

If your children are dear to you, if you want to see them happy, help them maintain their health. Try to make sure that physical education and sports in your family become an integral part of joint leisure time.

From early childhood, instill in your children the habit of physical education and sports!

Respect your child's sports interests and passions!

Maintain the desire to participate in class and school sporting events!

Participate in class and school sports events, this helps strengthen your authority in the eyes of your own child!

Foster in your children respect for people involved in sports!

Tell us about your sports achievements in childhood and youth!

Give your children sports equipment and accessories!

Showcase your example of physical education and sports!

Take your child for walks in the fresh air as a family, hikes and excursions!

Rejoice in the success of your child and his friends in sports!

Place awards for your child's sporting achievements in a prominent place in the house!

Support your child in case of failures, strengthen his will and character!

Memo for parents on developing healthy lifestyle habits

Dear moms and dads!

If your children are dear to you, if you want to see them happy, help them maintain their health. Try to make sure that in your family physical education and sports become an integral part of joint leisure time.

From early childhood, instill in your children the habit of physical education and sports!

Respect your child's sports interests and passions!

Maintain the desire to participate in class and school sporting events!

Participate in class and school sports events, this helps strengthen your authority in the eyes of your own child!

Foster in your children respect for people involved in sports!

Tell us about your sports achievements in childhood and youth!

Give your children sports equipment and accessories!

Showcase your example of physical education and sports!

Take your child for walks in the fresh air as a family, hikes and excursions!

Rejoice in the success of your child and his friends in sports!

Place awards for your child's sports and achievements in a prominent place in the house!

Support your child in case of failures, strengthen his will and character!
