The guy has a hard time supporting him. How to support a person from a distance without standard phrases like “everything will be fine”

Acknowledge everything he feels without trying to change it. Just let him experience what he experiences and stay with him. If it’s hard for him, it’s hard. It hurts, yes it hurts. Don't devalue what he's going through by giving it meaning from the outside, comparing it to others or yourself, or trying to change it. Just be close to what is. Carefully respond to his request for support and the required form. The metaphor is this: “you decide to stay, I will stay next to you, you decide to leave, I will drive the car.”

It seems to me that these words are very true from a psychological point of view. And yes - the most important thing is not to devalue, because... Most friends/relatives, etc. reassure with something like “Come on, everyone goes through this,” Or “n days have passed, it’s time to pull yourself together,” etc.



What is the support? In attention. :-)) All you need to do is pay attention to the person. Try to feel intuitively. If a person does not want to talk about something, then it is better to switch the conversation to another topic. Let the person know that if anything happens, you are there and he can rely/count on you. You can write it just like that.

Depends on the current situation. I always tell a person only the truth, I never promise him that everything will be fine.
If a person is strong in spirit, then tell him so. What is happening now only strengthens him, and it will be easier in the future. You just need to pull yourself together, survive what happened, get over the pain, and then take a deep breath and rise to your feet with new strength. Say that life is huge, abstract, bright, and it itself will show the way, lead you away from trouble. Not now, a little later. And right now, this very moment needs to be experienced. Remember that a person is given as many trials as he can overcome.

As soon as you tell a person “Everything will be fine,” you let him know that everything is bad for him now. By saying “You will overcome this,” you place on him the responsibility to overcome and the fear cannot be overcome. By saying “There are others who are even worse off,” you generally plunge him into a complete logical stupor: because it is not clear how different problems of different people can be compared.

In short, any verbal support only disorients and makes things worse. This is especially noticeable in connection with serious problems, such as the loss of loved ones, because difficult emotions in such situations make it impossible to perceive words.

Therefore, the only effective way is presence: voice, warmth of the hand, emotional contact. And if there is a conversation, then on abstract topics. This is, of course, more difficult to implement from a distance, but a sincere and interested call or email will always come in handy.

An internally strong person will never demonstrate his weakness to everyone around him; he is unlikely to “grow limp” in front of you, unless you are really close. However, the burden of sadness that he has placed on his shoulders will be clearly visible from his face and behavior, no matter how much he wants to hide it. Therefore, personally, in such cases, I need only one thing: to feel that there is a person nearby who mentally (!!!) shares it with you. Just mentally. I can't stand this fake sympathy when they say: "Hey, everything will be fine!" or “Share with me, take the weight off your shoulders.” Never insist that a person tell you everything; if he wants to, he will do it. Otherwise, it’s more like a desire to “cash in” on someone else’s misfortune: either to get a chance to show how attentive you are, or simply to find an excellent reason for gossip.

The most valuable thing is when a person comes up to you at a difficult moment, takes your hand and starts talking about all sorts of nonsense, just to distract you from all sorts of bad thoughts. And in the end it works. Perhaps now, having felt that you support him, the person himself will tell you his story. Never lie to him at such moments. Don't try to prove to him that he will find a new hamster and calm down, or that he will soon forget everything. It’s better to immerse yourself with him in the wonderful memories of what tricks this hamster performed, and tell him that the same thing - alas! - no longer. The main thing is really, as mentioned below, always be on his side. And then your support will be very helpful.

There are several types of people who discuss their problems with you. The first ones tell you about their problems and are waiting for some advice from you, perhaps even a solution. The latter just need to speak out, they don’t expect decisions, they just need someone to listen to them and, most likely, feel sorry for them. This classification is not necessarily correct, I tell you using the example of my own friends, because among them there are bright representatives of both of these categories.

So what to do? Determine which category your friend belongs to.

If they are looking for solutions from you, everything is clear here. Try to get into the situation, imagine what you would do in your friend’s place in this situation. Why not, because if you are close friends, your opinion matters a lot.

If a person is looking for sympathy, just listen. Tell him that you are sorry that this happened and that his problem is really significant (even if for you it is not). Do not under any circumstances say that this is all nonsense and about starving children in Africa, and that it could be worse. All that is required of you at such a moment is support. We are all different, we look at different situations in our own way, and what is a trifle for one, is a disaster for another.

A man who is criticized, whose mistakes are constantly pointed out, is unable to achieve anything. Ability to provide support- this is talent. This is the ability to see what others do not yet see, this is the ability to turn disadvantages into advantages.

Many women misunderstand support and often confuse it with encouragement and praise. Yes, these concepts are somewhere nearby and similar, but they have a very significant difference.
Usually we praise for some victories and actions; praise must be earned. And support is given just, simply because this person is next to you, he is dear to you and you believe in him.

So, to provide support, you need to:

  • Accept a man as he is today. Criticism will not change or correct anything. Unfortunately, if we women are criticized, we strive to improve and change. But men are built differently: they become even worse. It’s like in school, if a girl gets a “C”, she will be very worried and learn everything with an “A”, and a boy, having received a “D”, will stop studying altogether.
  • Positive attitude, which means you should expect only the best. What helps to be optimistic? Keep a diary, gratitude makes us happy here and now. And also stop watching the news, or better yet, avoid TV altogether. The news is negative. Today a plane crashed, tomorrow people died. Then we vaguely feel anxiety, fear, anxiety; in such a situation it is impossible to remain positive.
  • Faith, you must believe in your man 200%, even if he doesn’t believe in himself. But for this, it must be in your value system. You notice what may be obvious to others, and believe in what others take for granted. But for you, its qualities are special and valuable.
  • Respect, the man needs to make it clear: - You are important to me. Be sure to do the exercise I recommended and write down 100 points for which you respect and appreciate your man.
  • Confession. You know that your man has virtues and qualities that others do not have. If you are next to this man, then this is probably true.

How can we support a man:

- in order for us to provide support, we must understand my man. That is, to know what he wants, what he plans, what he dreams about. To do this you need to be able to listen to understand what kind of person is next to us. Unfortunately, we don't know how to listen. Because this is a passive state, and we are accustomed to activity. But you need to study! A man should see that you are listening to him, that everything he says is important and interesting to you. Show him this. Refuse to do anything at these moments, and even if the children call you, do not interrupt your husband. Nothing will happen to the children.

- give up criticism and condemnation. Perhaps this is the most difficult task for a woman and it stems from the differences between the structure of a man and a woman. It is very difficult for a woman to understand why a man does not respond to criticism and does not improve.

- focus your attention on the life of her husband. If you work, you should have the time, strength and energy to pay attention to your man and your relationship.

Support should make your man stronger, not weaker. Therefore, you should not solve a man’s problems for him, wipe his tears, give practical advice or push him to action.

Support has nothing to do with pity, since you know that your man is strong, powerful and courageous. It's more of an internal process. This is your transformation, first and foremost as a woman. It is by developing feminine qualities that you help him become a man.

One of these qualities is softness. Read more. Every person is vulnerable and has their own sensitive spots. And a soft woman, knowing this, will never press on these places. Next to you, he should feel that you will never touch him or hurt him.

It's important to be attentive, positive, willing to give in. Support is especially important for a man in difficult times, and a woman who is able to provide such support is especially needed.

Don't expect quick results, waiting for results will ruin everything. Because the tactic: “I give you, and you give me” misfires. You support your husband for two or three days, believe in him, but nothing happens, you break down and again turn to criticism and condemnation. No one will notice a fly in the ointment. Therefore, immediately give up expectations of results.

Support your man sincerely and selflessly. If you can give him a feeling of inner confidence, he will definitely move mountains and do it for you!

Tatyana Dzutseva

In contact with

Although men are traditionally called the stronger sex, in the face of life's troubles they are just as vulnerable as women. At the same time, this is not always noticeable in men, because boys are taught from childhood to restrain their emotions and not show weakness.

A woman’s patience, wisdom and ability to properly support her beloved man during serious trials largely determine how quickly he will cope with the problem or restore self-esteem. So, what exactly can unsettle a man?

Why do men get stressed?

The greatest test for a man is situations when his competence and ability to cope with various problems are called into question: to provide for his family financially, to protect his relatives from threats (unexpected serious illness, unfair treatment), to achieve his goals (work or life).
So, for many men the following become a serious challenge:

  • Difficulties at work or in business that seem to a man to be a test of his competence;
  • Dismissal, causing a painful blow to pride;
  • News of a serious illness or other problems among loved ones or relatives, which can make a man feel helpless.

Family conflicts can also unsettle a man, but this topic is worth considering separately. After all, during a quarrel, the beloved woman is perceived as an opponent, and today I want to talk about how to become a man’s ally in overcoming the crisis.

How do men react to difficulties?

Most men are men of action. Even those who are used to thinking about a problem for a long time, in the end, look for the best solution. solution- that is, a way to overcome the problem.
Men, as well as women, respond to a challenge in only two ways: they begin to act or give up. Moreover, in a difficult situation, only some are able to make a decision instantly, while others need time to think.
What does a man who works to overcome a problem look like? He is focused, laconic and reacts little to calls to him - almost 95% of the man’s attention is focused on working on the existing challenge. As John Gray, author of the bestseller “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus,” figuratively put it, a representative of the stronger sex “retreats into a cave” - becomes practically inaccessible to others and independently looks for a way out of a difficult situation. Now he needs not to speak out, but to be alone with his own thoughts! Only in extreme cases does a man seek help from someone he trusts and considers an expert.
An important point: when a solution is not found immediately, in order to switch attention and relieve tension, a man begins to do something that will help him take his mind off thoughts: surf the Internet, read the news, watch sports competitions, train, meet friends.
If a serious problem remains unresolved for a long time, a man may give up, and this is probably the worst case scenario. In this case, self-esteem suffers seriously, self-confidence and interest in the environment are lost. Sometimes, on the contrary, a man begins to “assert himself” in other areas - computer games or gambling, fishing, feasts with friends, etc., and the main problems of the family fall on the shoulders of the woman.

There are several effective ways to support a loved one in a difficult situation, and they differ somewhat depending on the problems that caused stress.

Conflict at work? The man can handle it himself!

The situation when a man has problems at work or in business is probably the easiest to resolve. In this case:

  • Give your loved one time to figure out the problem himself and find a suitable solution. Do not attack with questions and, especially, do not start giving advice. When a man needs your help, he will ask for it himself and then your opinion will be valuable to him.
  • Be calm about the fact that a man needs to be alone with himself for some time. This is a completely natural male reaction, and not his distrust of you or resentment.
  • Resist dissatisfaction. Believe me, if you are balanced, a man will definitely have one less problem, and he can focus on what really bothers him.
  • Do not surround your man with excessive care, turning into an anxious “mommy”: Do your usual housework and behave at home exactly the same as always.
  • Do something that brings you pleasure or distracts you from worrying about your loved one: Take a walk, read a book, go to a workout, or if you need communication, call or meet a friend.

If you work together or are in the same business, carefully collect information about the conflict so that when a man decides to consult with you, he is in control of the situation. But in any case, leave the decision to your loved one, even if it doesn’t seem entirely right to you. The maximum that is worth doing if you think that the man’s actions will aggravate the situation is to suggest waiting “until the morning” in order to “evaluate everything more calmly.”

Health problems? Need support!

Amazing thing! For many men who are capable of showing courage and even heroism in extreme situations, illness is a very tough test, regardless of whether he himself or one of his relatives fell ill. This is precisely the situation over which a man has practically no influence, and therefore may feel helpless and confused.
It is really better to solve such problems together, providing each other with support. In addition, in such cases you get the opportunity to show irreplaceable feminine skills - care, empathy and good communication.
So what can you do if you find out that your loved one or someone close to you is sick?

  • Call an ambulance or insist on an examination if the diagnosis is unclear and the state of health raises serious concerns: there is pain, there is a fever, the person constantly feels weak, the appetite has disappeared, insomnia has appeared, the mood has worsened, etc. Don't waste time searching for information on the Internet! The best thing to do is contact any doctor you know whom you trust, and he will tell you which specialist to contact next.
  • When the diagnosis is established, collect as much information as possible about where such a disease can be treated and which of the doctors is most competent. The factor of attentive attitude on the part of the doctor plays no less a role than professionalism, since the ability to instill confidence in a speedy recovery is often decisive in the fight against the disease!
  • Communicate with a man in the language of facts, not emotions. If you are helping someone in your family together, discuss the information you have collected. Yes, perhaps now the man will also want to be alone, but he will not suffer from a feeling of helplessness, because you have given him a real basis for decision making!
  • Take charge of communicating with a sick family member. This is especially important if a serious illness is detected in one of the husband’s parents. Believe me, it is much more difficult for a man to emotionally support his father, and even more so his mother, in such a situation, and she, as a woman, needs sympathy, which only you or her daughter can give (if the husband has a sister).
  • If necessary, actively communicate with doctors, learn from them as much information as possible about the best methods of treatment and examination. In some cases, a man is also ready for such communications, and if he takes on this piece of work himself, just great! However, be prepared to offer your help at any time.
  • Take care of the comfort and good care of the sick family member, and leave the man with the front of work where he needs to act - the purchase of medicines and products, transportation, etc.
  • At least outwardly remain calm and confident, no matter how hard it is. Optimism and determination often help overcome problems that seemed insurmountable!
  • Under no circumstances take everything upon yourself! Your loved one must feel needed, make decisions and act, otherwise you risk dealing a serious blow to his self-esteem.

In fact, it is not difficult to properly support a man who is determined to fight: you need to trust his ability to find a way out of different situations and lend a shoulder when he asks or you see for yourself, what actions can you take to help?. But we’ll talk about what to do when your loved one “gave up” next time.

Kind words of support for a sick person in prose, quotes spoken by you will only have a positive impact on your loved one.

The necessary attitude for good treatment is faith in the best. If the prognosis for the development of the disease is doubtful, focus attention on encouraging signs, life-affirming words help improve the patient’s condition.

“Fortitude makes a person invincible.” Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

“You will be cured and everything will be fine, the main thing is don’t be nervous and don’t cry. Stress and depression greatly reduce the immune system, which cannot be allowed now; the body is generally capable of self-healing, the main thing is not to put a spoke in its wheels. Despite the difficulties and circumstances, just Believe in yourself - in your strength! I understand that it is easy to say, but difficult to do, But try. We are all with you, and together we will make every effort to improve your health situation.”

“Now you are going through a difficult period, you are tense, tired, all this affects your health. Rest more and gain strength, follow all the doctor’s instructions and think less about the bad. You are the best and kindest among us, everything will pass soon.”

“Don’t be too nervous, hold on! All diseases come from nerves. Your health will certainly be restored. Remember that I always support you mentally, and look forward to the improvement of your health.”

“Our dear little man! They say that if you strive for something with all your heart, then it will undoubtedly come true. You will definitely be cured! Nowadays medicine is progressing very much. We are your family, together with the doctors, we will try to do everything possible to restore your health.”

“Believe in your recovery, because a good mood and optimism can play an important role. Everything will be fine! It simply cannot be otherwise!”

“The main thing is to think about the good, believe in recovery, don’t give in to the disease, fight! It's difficult but you have to stick with it! We love you and believe that together we will definitely overcome the disease.”

“For such a bright and positive person like you, everything will definitely be fine! Try to follow all the advice of doctors, think only about the good, dear, because thoughts materialize!”

“Try not to give in to sadness and despair, or anger at the disease, because only a positive mood and a strong spirit will drive away your illness. If you need my help, just let me know, I’ll be there in no time.”

“It may be bad now, but then everything will be fine. Everything will change and the pain will go away. God will give you the strength to endure everything, don’t lose hope, hold on. You need to survive, wait, and then everything will work out. We believe in you and will pray for your recovery.

Quotes and sayings about illness and recovery

As soon as a person gets sick, he needs to look in his heart for someone to forgive. We must sincerely forgive everyone without exception, especially ourselves. Even though we don’t know how to forgive, we have to really want it. Our every thought literally creates our future. (quotes from Louise Hay)

My dears, all your illnesses are from your cruelty: from warmth, from tasty food, from peace. Don’t be afraid of the cold, it mobilizes, as it is now fashionable to say, the body’s defenses. Cold releases a health hormone into the body. Let everyone think about what is more important to him - business or small joys. Everything must be a victory. Man must live in victory; if you don’t get it, you’re worthless on market day... Why get treatment when you can and should not let the disease enter your body! Porfiry Korneevich Ivanov

Don't be sad! Recipes for happiness and a cure for sadness

“Grief will not help matters, and if trouble befalls you, the best thing you can do is try to adapt to the circumstances. I knew a man whose left arm was amputated from the shoulder due to illness. He did not fall into despair and did not lament over this, but showed patience and decided for himself that he needed to live on despite this test. He got married, had children, was a master at driving with one hand, and did his job diligently and diligently, without complaining about anything. He lived as if the Almighty had created him with one hand.” Aid al-Qarni.

“Avoid those who try to undermine your self-confidence. This trait is characteristic of “small” people. A great man, on the contrary, instills in you the feeling that you too can become great.” Mark Twain

Illness is a cross, but maybe also a support. The ideal would be to take her strength and reject her weaknesses. Let it become a refuge that gives strength at the right time. And if we have to pay with suffering and renunciation, we will pay. Camus A.

The hope of recovery is half the recovery. Voltaire

Just as you cannot begin to treat the eye without thinking about the head, or treat the head without thinking about the whole body, you cannot treat the body without treating the soul. Socrates

If the egg is broken by an external force, life ends. If an egg is broken by force from within, life begins. Everything great always starts from within.

Life sometimes beats us, it is, of course, very unpleasant, but the day will come when you will understand that you are not a victim, but a fighter, that you can cope with all your troubles. Brooke Davis

The one who conquers himself is truly strong. Victory over yourself is a victory in which there are no vanquished, because the force that commanded you against your will becomes a conquered force.

Mix your sorrows with the sorrows of the whole world, and you will have fewer sorrows. Yakov Abramovich Kozlovsky

Your determination not to give up will allow you not to break even when everything collapses.

Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted. Coco Chanel

When running water encounters an obstacle in its path, it stops, increases its volume and strength, and then flows over the obstacle. Follow the example of water: stop and increase your strength until the obstacle no longer interferes with your path. I Ching

Nothing is impossible, everything you can imagine is possible!

No desire is given to a person separately from the power that allows it to be realized. Richard Bach.

If you can't change the situation, change your attitude towards it.

It doesn't matter that you walk slowly... the main thing is don't stop.

Topic of the section: words of encouragement and support for a sick person in prose, quotes, sayings for men and women. And lastly, remember that happiness hormones (endorphins) are formed in the brain when a person is happy and laughs. Thus, they strengthen the immune system, improve the properties and composition of the blood, change the endocrine status of the body, relieve stress, and help recovery!
“The only doctor who thinks that everything is fine with you works at the military registration and enlistment office.”

Beautiful and affectionate words for a man are a source of support for the woman he loves. It is better to wish good morning, good night, to express your love in your own words, coming from the heart.

Beautiful words to your beloved man, sincere confessions, wishes and words of support, spoken from the bottom of your heart in your own words, can transform anyone, open up new facets, which will allow you to fall in love with your only man again and again.

When is it appropriate to say beautiful words?

Words matter a lot. They can cause delight or ruin the situation. It is important that they are sincere and relevant.

Men are sensitive and subtly detect the flattery or deception of the woman they love.. Even if the statement does not carry a bad or hidden meaning, it can be perceived as ridicule.

It is worth noting that beautiful words to a beloved man, spoken in your own words, will be appropriate not only as a response to a gift or gratitude for help. They should not sound like a tradition and an ordinary formality for the holiday. Beautiful and tender words are spoken in person, without witnesses, and especially not conveyed through someone.

They are said at any time. Such moments always arise during communication. For example, expressing delight at a virtuoso playing a musical instrument, skillful driving of a car, or a deliciously prepared dinner is always appropriate and very pleasant.

Affectionate words and praise for a man should correspond to his character and preferences. Men with a masculine appearance are often endowed with a gentle and romantic nature. Diminutive words like “pussyka” or “tiger cub” will be perceived properly and will not be traumatic.

Thin-built men of mental work sometimes suffer from low self-esteem. You shouldn't babysit with them. A woman’s words should “lift” a man. Tell him that he is a reliable support, you can rely on him, he is strong, he is a provider.

Any kind word or compliment will beneficially complement and enhance the effect of the address: “my beloved,” “darling,” “my affectionate.”

How a man treats a woman depends on her ability to praise and insert a kind word when appropriate.. Beautiful words will help keep your lover and attract attention when you meet someone new.

Affectionate words for a man: list

Kind words are like flower petals carried away from a loving heart by a breeze of tenderness. They are able to transform any phrase, filling it with new meaning. Even in a moment of argument and disagreement, an affectionate word will help resolve the situation, especially in combination with a name.

The list of words can always be supplemented with those that please the man you love. The loving heart of a woman will suggest them:

  • Beloved, darling, the only one.
  • Gentle and affectionate.
  • Dear.
  • Wonderful and unseen.
  • Passionate and desirable.
  • Caring and attentive.
  • Furious and hot.
  • The best husband/friend/lover.
  • My most expensive diamond.
  • You are my wizard.
  • My joy, love and tenderness.
  • My Lord.
  • My passion and inspiration.

“Good morning” to a man in your own words

  • Good morning dear. Let your smile fill him with sunshine, even if it is gloomy. Sweet dreams turn into reality, and luck will become a faithful companion in business.
  • Wake up, darling! It's a beautiful morning of a new day, and it's going to be fantastic because we're together.
  • Good morning! A ray of sun has already hurried onto your pillow to wake you up. And my hot kiss will fill you with energy and happiness.
  • Darling! A new day has already stepped on the threshold. Let me wrap you in a tight hug and kiss you passionately.
  • Wake up, my darling! Good morning dear. The coming morning will send you a tender kiss and wishes for a successful day.
  • Open your eyes, my dear! Smile at me and good morning, which foretells only the best for us.
  • My happiness, good morning! Let me kiss the lips of my sleepy master.

Wishes for a good day to your beloved man in your own words

  • My beloved, dear. Today, come across only positivity and luck, mischievous mood and positive people. May you be lucky and your boss will recognize your efforts over the last month. But I still love you, very, very much.
  • My sun! May the puzzle of this day be successfully resolved, and in the evening we will meet again and spend it together.
  • I wish you a successful day and may the bird of luck accompany you in your business. May everything succeed and go well.
  • My love! Today's puzzle will work out in the best way because I always pray that everything goes well for you. My love and support will help you overcome difficulties.
  • My dear, even a weekday will turn into a holiday if you know that I love you. You will easily solve problems, choosing the best solution in order to meet me sooner and embrace me in your arms.

Good night wishes to your beloved man in your own words

  • How nice it is to feel like the happiest girl in the world, falling asleep in your arms, beloved. May you have only the sweetest dreams, and may the night give you strength and inspiration for new achievements for the sake of our love.
  • You gave me the best evening, surrounded me with love and tenderness. Let your dream night be no less magical. Good night, my dear.
  • You are my best, strongest, most desired. May this night fill you with fresh strength and strengthen our love. Good night! I will miss you until the morning, until I see you again.
  • Sweet dreams, the best man! Even if in your dreams you are surrounded by your favorite people and things. Everything you love. I'm happy to fall asleep and wake up on your shoulder. Good night!
  • Good night, my happiness! Let my honey kiss remain on your lips until the morning, causing a sweet smile in your sleep. And in the morning I will give you a new one, tender and fresh like the petals of a fragrant flower.
  • May a sound sleep give rest and peace to my beautiful knight. I will protect your sleep from the shadows of past worries and worries. Tomorrow will come the day of your celebration, which will bring the triumph of victory and the harmony of happiness. Now go to sleep, my dear.
  • If you haven't fallen asleep yet, my beloved, then look at the night sky. I give you as many kisses as the stars in the sky. I hug you with gentle moonlight and say that I love you very much. Sweet dreams, my joy!
  • I press my whole body against you and dissolve in you without a trace. Your strong, gentle hands press me, and the rhythm of our hearts coincides. I want us to become one, in dreams and in reality. May the angel protect you, my beloved, from everything bad, and may the new day bring only happiness. Good night and sweet dreams, my only and dearest person.

Words of gratitude to your beloved man

Words of gratitude are a manifestation of politeness to the person closest to you. The ability to express gratitude strengthens relationships and makes marriages happy.

Every time a man helps around the house or takes on some of the chores, he must be rewarded with words of gratitude, including the usual “thank you.”

A positive assessment will be enhanced by a gentle kiss or hug with the words “Darling, thank you for your help. You helped me out a lot” or “Thank you, my dear. Your support and help is very important to me now.”

As a sign of gratitude, beautiful words to your beloved man should be spoken in your own words not only for a specific action or deed, but also for feelings and a good attitude:

  • Thank you for the ocean of tenderness and love. For the feelings that you give me. They give me faith in the future and fill me with strength.
  • Darling, you are the most wonderful gift from fate. Thank you for being in my life.
  • My heart is filled with love for you. Only you managed to melt it and fill it with joy and happiness. Thank you for this. You are the best man in the world and I belong only to you.
  • Dear, the only person! You were sent to me by heaven, like an angel, so that I can learn to fly from love and return to your strong manly embrace. Thank you for everything.

Words of support for a man in difficult times

Difficult periods in life happen to everyone, and even courageous men find it difficult. During such periods, a loving woman must show her skill and express support, which will give strength and motivation to move forward and not give up.

When choosing the right words, you should exclude pity. A man does not need her and this may offend him. Humor will help you overcome minor mistakes. A good joke will cheer you up and improve your mood. At the same time, amusing your loved one in a serious situation will be feigned and will only cause irritation.

Unnecessary questions about failures and troubles only spoil the mood and depress the man even more. It is better to offer to listen to him when he wants it and is ready to talk. You must say that you believe in his ability to resolve a difficult situation, and he can always count on the support of his beloved woman.

When your beloved man returns home gloomy and in a depressed mood, you cannot show that this is noticeable, but behave as usual. In the absence of a confidential dialogue, you should leave him alone with himself. Go see a friend or run errands.

If you have spiritual intimacy, sit nearby and be silent. You can get a relaxing massage. It is important to show that your loved one is nearby in difficult times.

The desire to help must be specific. Go somewhere and do something. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to provide moral support: “My determined and strong man will be able to find a way out and turn the situation in his favor, and I am always ready to assist you in this.”

Compliment a man in your own words

Beautiful words to your beloved man mark his successes, which is very important. They encourage and energize emotionally, increase self-esteem and self-confidence. Small signs of attention can be expressed in your own words:

The man you love will surely like beautiful compliments in your own words, even if they contain some flattery.
  • You are the smartest and strongest man I know.
  • All the girls at our work are jealous of me, because I have such a cool guy like you!
  • You are so courteous and gallant that next to you I feel like a queen.
  • You are simply Mr. Congeniality! You easily get along with unfamiliar people and carry on conversations with them.
  • How do you manage to guess my desires and needs! Just unbelieveble. You must have learned to read women's minds.
  • I am sure that you will make the right decision even in this difficult situation. Whatever it is, know that I am on your side. Together - we are force!
  • I adore the timbre of your voice and the way you speak. I am ready to listen to you constantly and enjoy.
  • Next to you I feel like a small and fragile princess. Because I know that you will take care of me and protect me.
  • Even several years after we met, you never cease to open up in a new way. This is simply incredible! I love you more.
  • You are so great! You cope with any task with incredible ease. You can do any job. How lucky I am to have you!
  • Darling, you make me smile and laugh, even when I'm sad. You have an amazing sense of humor and optimism that is enough for two.
  • My dear, you are amazingly romantic! I love our little adventures, like traveling into a fairy tale.

A letter to your beloved man about feelings in your own words

You can express your feelings to your beloved man when you meet or entrust it to a love message. In a letter you can express everything that a woman does not always dare to say in person.

In the old days, love letters and short confessions written on a piece of paper were very popular. They excited the heart, kindled the flame of passion, and helped overcome separation.

Today, a letter with beautiful words to your beloved man, expressed in your own words, can be sent by email or sealed in an originally designed envelope and left on the table.

In any case, tender words and confessions contained in the letter will give pleasant moments to the man and strengthen the relationship.

For example, you can talk about how you feel:

  • "Hello my lovely! I'm happy that I can call you that. The day we met became the most, most important day of my life. In my new life with you, I began to feel the colors of life more vividly, to rejoice and dream. And all this is thanks to you. I discovered that love is beautiful and fragile. I am constantly in her power and think about you. The feelings overwhelming me give me strength, and it seems that I can do anything for you. And I want to be with you, take care and give all of myself, guessing your every desire.”
  • “I know that love is easily destroyed by jealousy and nagging, stupid quarrels and insults. Therefore, I will not pester you with questions, pay attention to little things and throw hysterics. I want to keep the tender flower of love in my heart forever, so that you can feel the emanating light and warmth of my soul constantly and even at a distance, when we are not together. I know that my love is so strong that it can protect you. You will feel it as my support and care, endless tenderness and sensuality.”
  • “My thoughts about you will turn into beautiful butterflies, the barely noticeable touch of which will tell about my feelings, that I love you and always want to be with you. Even a small separation makes me yearn for you, your gentle hands and passionate kisses, the taste of which is on my lips all day. It is enough for you to hug me and kiss me for all worries and adversity to recede far, far away. And my boundless ocean of love will open up to meet you, capable of quenching your thirst for desires. When you are in a hurry home, I light your way like the moon. I am the snowflake that melts on your cheek and the ray of sunshine that enters your bedroom early in the morning. I will become a guiding star and good luck so that your path is easy and successful.”
  • “My beloved, affectionate and gentle! Let's weave our blanket of love from star-kisses, which we will shower each other with every day. Our love and happiness are enough to fill the entire Universe. Together we will become the happiest on this Earth. Know that I love you and will always love you!”

Beautiful words to your beloved man (in your own words, from the heart) will help reveal the state of a woman’s heart. After all, you can express your feelings in different ways, and the verbal method is the most effective.

A few kind words are enough to make a loved one feel love and attention. Words of love from a woman’s lips help to overcome obstacles and conquer peaks.

Useful video materials on how to say beautiful words to your beloved man, express feelings in your own words

Beautiful words to your beloved man:

How to beautifully express feelings in your own words:

How to congratulate a man in your own words:
