List good deeds. List of good deeds for elementary school children

If you study at school and are ready to help Samarik,
then participate in the COMPETITION FOR THE BEST CLASS.

Samariq knows that doing good things is better together. Therefore, it invites all classes and schools to participate in the competition. At the bottom there is a list of 63 good deeds, which was compiled by the Guardian of the city himself. But know - the initiative is welcome! Feel free to do other good deeds. The main thing is that there were 63 of them.

The competition didn't just happen. Read the story Everything is honestly told here.

What do you need to participate?

  1. Write a letter to the email address of Maria Pashinina [email protected] with the note "Competition of good". Indicate the class and school in the letter, give the address of the contact person who will help you (this must be an adult).
  2. Take a photo of each of your good deeds. Fill out, as they did in the Samara school No. 161, and send it to the specified address.
  3. Please let the 62nd good deed on the list be the last one. Samariq will be looking forward to your letter.
  4. Get ready for a meeting with Samarik and various surprises.


List of good deeds

  1. Improve the flower bed where there was nothing or it was dirty.
  2. Prepare pies and feed them to loved ones or friends.
  3. Smile all day long (and even in your sleep).
  4. Make a card with your own hands and give it to the one you want to say thank you to the most.
  5. Grow indoor flower.
  6. Donate a good children's book to the school library or any other library (keep in mind that February 14th is International Book Giving Day)
  7. Do a good deed anonymously (that is, do it without telling anyone about it).
  8. Do something nice for your roommate.
  9. Tell all family members (don't forget grandparents) how much you love them
  10. Make a very beautiful bird feeder and hang it on a tree
  11. Do a good deed for yourself
  12. Clean up the entrance and hang a notice asking you to keep order
  13. Arrange a party for elementary grades or young children
  14. Get five "fives" in a day (well, or in two days).
  15. Organize a charity event on any topic
  16. Make a wall newspaper in which to write something good about each classmate
  17. Send a letter to someone who needs kind words (you can find the address through the Dobropochta project or find such a person yourself)
  18. Collect gifts (this can also be a letter or a picture) for the nursing home (you can get acquainted with the needs at the organization "Old Age is Joy")
  19. Make something magical with your own hands
  20. Invent and launch the Relay of Goodness
  21. Get an "A" and give it to one of your classmates
  22. Organize a cooking competition at school and cook a wonderful recipe with the addition of magic
  23. Learn and tell classmates a poem about kindness
  24. Take a beautiful photo of your favorite landmark of the Samara region
  25. For the New Year (or other holiday), make gifts to loved ones with your own hands
  26. Take part in the Immortal Regiment campaign or organize your own similar campaign
  27. Get up in the morning and immediately kiss mom or dad, grandma or grandpa.
  28. Hold the door and let other people through first when you enter or exit somewhere
  29. Praise someone heartily five times
  30. Write a poem with the words "fun", "pie", "clown" and "squirrels".
  31. Skip Grandma or Grandpa forward in line
  32. It's good to clean your room without being reminded
  33. Be on duty in the classroom out of turn. Do it with pleasure!
  34. Give up your seat in public transport to an elderly person or a woman with a child
  35. Spend your pocket money on a good deed once
  36. Be a mass entertainer and involve classmates at recess (or friends) in games
  37. Write a kind note to someone and pass it on discreetly
  38. To say thank you to the workers of the canteen or the technician who cleans the rooms and corridors, the postman or the conductor. Let them know that you appreciate their hard work.
  39. Write a list of ten things you can be proud of
  40. Support your classmate or friend if he is shy, but you need to answer a lesson or perform on stage
  41. Become the best student in school for one day
  42. Be the most polite person in the world all day long (at least say “thank you”, “please”, “please”, “can I help you” five times)
  43. Draw a picture depicting Samara (or another city/district/village) as the best city/district/village on Earth
  44. Take part in any sports competition (it doesn't matter which place you take)
  45. Organize an environmental campaign with friends or classmates
  46. Be the first to come to the rescue and pick up if someone has dropped something
  47. Inspire someone to do a good deed, say something like “You can do it!”, “I believe in you!” or come up with your wish
  48. Draw a poster in support of a healthy lifestyle and hang it in the classroom or at the entrance
  49. Unusually and kindly thank your teacher for an interesting lesson (an unlimited number of times is possible)
  50. Say "I love you" and give the person a big hug
  51. Find out what nationalities children study at school, and make a magazine with pictures, photographs and list the dignity of each nation in the magazine
  52. Learn about the rules of etiquette, write a list, carry it with you and follow it
  53. Think about how to help the animal shelter and organize an action
  54. Be absolutely happy all day long and share your happiness
  55. To plant a tree
  56. Make a postcard (or many postcards) with gratitude and present it for the New Year (the fairy tale "Samarik and New Year's letters", the flash mob "Thank you postcards"). If the New Year is far away, then just give someone a present or send cards with thanks.
  57. Give a coat or jacket to your mom and dad (or other relatives) and help them put on their outerwear. If you help me take it off, it's also very good.
  58. Come up with a dance and have fun and dance it together with the whole class
  59. Help an old grandmother or grandfather in any of their business
  60. Arrange an exhibition of your favorite books in the classroom
  61. Give yourself a gift from the bottom of your heart
  62. Write a letter to Samarik about why you love Samara (hometown/district), and promise in the letter to take care of your small homeland all your life
  63. Help your friends complete this list of good deeds. Do good deeds together!

It would seem that a simple rule of courtesy, but how many people in a hurry forget about this simple little thing. And the person following you will certainly appreciate the fact that you stopped for a second and held the door for him.

2. Do a little charity

Finally, sort out your closets and donate unnecessary things to orphanages or to another place, for example, where a natural disaster has recently occurred (such collections are carried out regularly). You don’t need these things at all, but they will bring joy to someone, they will warm someone, and perhaps even.

3. Leave a positive review for your favorite cafe

We don't skimp on negative reviews. It is worth offending us, and friends from all social networks will know about it. When everything is fine, we are somehow in no hurry to shout about it at every corner. If you liked a cafe or some other institution, leave a positive review about it. It will not take you much time, and the cafe will acquire several new visitors. And your friends will surely thank you for your advice about a good place where they spent a wonderful evening.

4. Donate blood

If you were not too lazy to go to the blood donation point once, you have already saved someone's life.

5. Try volunteering at a nursing home for a while

Oh, it's not easy. It takes a certain amount of character to spend at least a few hours in a nursing home, where there are mostly elderly people who are probably too burdensome for their loved ones or who have no loved ones at all. A few hours spent with them for a conversation or some kind of game will be remembered by him, because it will be a whole event for the old people in a series of rather boring days.

6. Help new neighbors settle in

Are new neighbors moving into your building? It would be nice to start by saying hello to them. Offer help in moving, perhaps suggest something, answer questions. A few simple steps that will help you strengthen good neighborly relations, and maybe make new friends.

7. Skip someone forward in line at the supermarket

If you have a basket full of groceries and a customer is languishing behind you in line with a single bottle of water, why not let him go ahead, especially if you are not in too much of a hurry. I'm sure he will not only be very surprised, but also very grateful to you.

8. Send a surprise gift to a friend

You don't have to wait for the holidays. Just in honor of a good mood, send a friend who lives in another city a book or some kind of trinket, or at least just a postcard. It is always such a joy to receive parcels!

9. Bring something delicious to the office

Why not treat your colleagues or donuts in the morning? Why not bring a watermelon to the office, for example, and eat it all together? Everyone's mood will definitely improve.

10. Offer your parking space to an oncoming car

Parking somewhere near the mall is a real problem, especially during the holidays. If you are about to leave and, approaching your car, pay attention to the driver who is looking for a parking spot for himself, indicate to him that you will leave now so that he can slow down and get into your place.

11. Help the motorist on the road

If you are an experienced driver and you see a car stopped on the side of the road with hazard lights on, stop and offer help.

12. Lend change to someone in line.

If you are standing behind someone in line at the checkout and the person suddenly lacks 50 kopecks to pay for the purchase, or there is no change to give without change, lend them to him. It is clear that he will not return the money to you, but this is not such a great value, and you will save a person from having to refuse one of their purchases. And the queue behind you will be grateful that you did not make you wait for the cashier to issue the cancellation of the goods.

13. Give up your seat on the subway, minibus or tram

This is not only about the elderly, who, of course, should give way. Give in if you see that the person next to you is having a hard time standing, is too tired, is unwell, or has heavy bags.

14. Leave leftover food in the trash

My mother never just throws away the leftover food, which, in principle, can still be eaten, or dried bread. She carefully folds it into a bag and hangs it near the street trash cans. Some homeless person will not need to dig through the garbage for a long time to find food, he can just take a bag.

15. Pick up something that someone has dropped

If someone drops a glove or something, be sure to call out to the person and point out the loss. And if you are standing nearby, then pick up the thing and give it to him.

16. Teach someone what you're good at.

I recently explained to a female photographer how to use the Dropbox service. It took a few minutes, but she was happy to be able to use such a handy tool now. If you are a pro at something, teach others what you know.

17. Ask tourists to take pictures of them.

If you suddenly see tourists on the street who are trying at arm's length, offer them help. Surely no one wants all their photos to be the same: huge faces and tiny sights somewhere in the background near the ear.

18. Bring a treat for your friends pet

You have leftover meat bones from dinner, and in the evening you go to visit friends who have ? Take the bones with you. Your friends and their pet will thank you.

19. Share greens and vegetables from your garden with a neighbor

If you or your parents have your own garden and you have much more greens and vegetables than you can eat yourself, share them with friends or neighbors.

20. Share discounts

If you have extra discount coupons that you are unlikely to use, give them to those who need them. Do not keep until the last, then throw it away.

These are far from all the ideas of small good deeds that can be done regularly, without spending a lot of effort and money. Tell us in the comments about your options for small good deeds.

I wrote this article after reading Jack Canfield's Soul Cure (Chicken Soup for the Soul, its story is in the movie The Secret). There were many good stories in the book, some good, some sad. On this wave, I wanted to write an article about good deeds, namely, what good deeds everyone can do. Probably many have a desire to do something good, they just do not know how or do not see the opportunity to help someone.

In any case, from every good deed you will have a plus for karma). Especially if you are now actively working on the realization of your desires and go to your dream. I think a good deed will help fulfill your desire.

35 good deeds that anyone can do:

  1. Pay someone else's fare, for example, for a child or grandmother.
  2. Compliment a person from the service staff, say something really nice and praise for the work.
  3. Register on the site for helping business ideas and drop 100-200 rubles there.
  4. Throw 100-200 rubles into the account of the children's fund or orphanage. It is useful to donate money for the new moon or Ekadashi, so they will return to you in greater quantities.
  5. On New Year's Eve or just on any holiday, you can find out what is missing in the orphanage and buy it. Usually they have a lot of sweets and sweets, but they may not have clothes, diapers or educational games.
  6. Connect to a help group for children or the disabled, and at least sometimes help them. There are such groups in Vkontakte.
  7. Try to be a volunteer in an orphanage.
  8. Try volunteering at a nursing home.
  9. Buy a box of food for a holiday for a needy and large family.
  10. Buy food for a lonely old woman who was left alone in her old age. You don't have to go far, she can live next door. In public gardens, grandmothers often feed cats or birds, giving them their bread.
  11. Add money at the supermarket or store when someone is short of change. And then pretend that this is how it should be when people stare.
  12. When you take your child somewhere to rest, take also the child of your acquaintances who does not have a father or simply has little money in the family.
  13. Support someone else's initiative to help people or animals, protect the environment. There are fundraisers.
  14. Throw some money into a donation box, usually in a public place. It doesn't matter if the money reaches the addressee. Do it for yourself, the main thing is your desire to help.
  15. If you are a coach and lead your courses, then give the task to your students to group together and help the orphanage together.
  16. If you are a teacher, then give some inspiring assignment for your students. Do something so that this day or lesson will be remembered by them for a long time. Here are two inspiring ones and a Pearl of great value.”
  17. Buy food for the homeless. But don't give money for alcohol, it's considered a bad donation
  18. Give some unnecessary clean clothes to the church, there are special warehouses where volunteers collect things for the poor. There are also containers for unnecessary things in shopping centers. Benefit for the needy and for the environment.
  19. Collect the bottles after the party and put them near the trash cans. Environmental protection and all that. You can even add a full bottle of mineral water or a drink there.
  20. Adopt a homeless pet from a shelter. If there are no such shelters, then you can try to organize yourself.
  21. Attach some homeless animal to friends living in the private sector. Cats and dogs are always welcome there.
  22. Go, at least once in your adult life, to a subbotnik consciously.
  23. On outdoor recreation, remove not only your own garbage, but also someone else's, polluting the place of rest. Moms clean up bottles and wrappers on the playground after their own and other children's children.
  24. Support the other person in a difficult or embarrassing situation that could damage their self-esteem. Help a stranger to save face. for motivation.
  25. Help someone fulfill his lifelong dream. For you, this may be a trifle, but it is very important for another person. Reminds me of the movie "Knockin' on Heaven".
  26. Donate on your favorite site or on any site that you visit money for the development of the project. (soon I will set myself such a button Help the project) :).
  27. Give a depressed person a book that has inspired and helped you. Probably everyone has done this in their life, whether they read it or not. You can donate 10 books if you wish.
  28. Give an orphan or just some child your old computer or phone. You will be surprised, but not all children and adults in the villages still have computers and cell phones. Or maybe you won't be surprised.
  29. Praise someone's creativity today. Book, website, drawing, program, article, embroidery or service.
  30. Praise a child's talent today. Say that you see a special talent in him, say that he is likely to achieve a lot in life. We can carry some kind words in our hearts throughout our lives.
  31. Take someone for free. Eternal gratitude to the bus driver who took me to the Left Bank for free, because then I had no money. And I went to borrow to my aunt. It is a pity that I did not remember you and I can not thank you in any way. You just nodded to the conductor, but that meant a lot to me.
  32. Help some student relative with money. Throw money just like that. As my uncle Serik did it, when I was still studying at Agrark. This money then seemed just huge. I remember reading a story, I remember it very much, although I don’t remember the author. As one student was given 3 rubles (Soviet times) by a person from his village, this person was influential in the village, but was not at all considered kind. It was a lot of money for a student and it meant a lot to him. And after many years this student-no longer-a-student repaid the debt, he gave other money to this man, who became a poor dispossessed old man. For the old man, this money was big, meant a lot, and it was evident in his eyes.
  33. Thank the school teacher from your childhood who you remember especially. Maybe she praised you or saw some kind of talent in you, said a kind word to you. Teachers often told us at school how their adult students came to visit and brought gifts. They said it with pride in their voice and remembered it all their lives. Become one of those students.
  34. Help grandma or grandpa, lonely neighbors, not with money, but just help with cleaning, nailing a shelf, planting potatoes. I remember at school we went to class and helped to plant potatoes, it was fun.
  35. Feed a stray cat or dog. Once I read a story that the owners die, and the dogs sit near the graves. And people go and feed such devoted dogs.

Good deeds especially for bloggers or website owners:

Write an article about someone's kind and good deed that you heard or read about.

Write your own success story.

Post any other person's success story that inspires you.

Donate money to the development of any site or project.

Help a young blogger with advice or PR.

Write a positive comment on a blog that doesn't have any comments yet.

Know that you can always change the life of another person with a kind act and your creativity.

In the soul of everyone, even the worst person, sometimes there is a desire to help someone weak and receive well-deserved gratitude for this. In order to do something good, it is enough just to look around - there are many who need help.

Get involved in charity

To date, the media contain a lot of information about people in need of help. Someone needs an expensive operation, someone has a life situation that requires housing, clothing, or just basic food. It is not difficult to find charitable accounts to which you can transfer money - there are many of them, choose whose misfortune seems to you the most worthy of your attention.

Of course, there is always the possibility of fraud, if you are not sure who your money will go to, contact directly those you want to help. If this is not possible, make a donation to the church, people who live by alms, neighbors whom you see constantly - among them there will definitely be someone who needs help. Not all of them do not have enough for alcohol, among them there are those who really need money for the things they need and food. Just take a closer look around.

Feed homeless animals or birds

Our younger brothers, like no one else, need care and guardianship. They do not know how to ask, they cannot say, but they live near us and very often suffer from hunger, cold, and pain. It is not at all difficult to throw bread out the window to pigeons or sausages to cats or dogs. Everyone has their favorite animals. If you like dogs more - most cities have special kennels, collect and bring any food there. If there are cats, there are a lot of them near every house.

You can also make birdhouses and hang them in the nearest park on the trees, when you walk there in the spring, the singing of birds that have found a cozy home through your efforts will be grateful to you.

Give free gifts

Giving free gifts is great. You can not associate them with some special day, but give them for no reason, just to bring something pleasant to a dear person. Give gifts to your loved ones, relatives, parents, children just to see a smile on their face and make them a little happier.

But not only your loved ones need it. For someone, your gifts may be much more important. For example, for children from the orphanage. Choose the house closest to your city and take patronage over it. There are a lot of abandoned and unfortunate children in the world, if at least one of them can be made a little happy, then he may no longer lose faith in people and grow up as a worthy person. Bring your toys, clothes, books, any things you don't need - they will gladly take all this to the orphanage, and for someone your gift will be very important.

The Red Cross is another organization that needs any help. Almost every house has a lot of things that are useless for themselves, unnecessary, unfashionable clothes - all this can be useful for other people who are deprived of a choice and will be happy with any possible help.

How many books you read are dead weight in your home, do not rush to throw them away or burn them - take them to the library. It is not true that now, with e-books, the Internet, videos, no one reads. Nothing can replace a real book, and every year more and more people sign up for the library. Give them the opportunity to enjoy the book that is no longer interesting for you. A lot of children go to the children's library, they will definitely appreciate fairy tales or funny stories.

Help those in need

A lot of people and other living beings need help. Do not be indifferent, pass by the one you can help. Maybe it's just a motorist on the road. Do not pass by, stop, together you will quickly solve his problem.

An elderly woman with a heavy bag - she may also need your help, stop, ask.

Let someone out of the queue - an old person or a mother with a child, someone who is in a hurry, help those who need it.

And how often close people need our help - and we simply have to help them. Not everyone is able to frankly confess and ask for something, but if you are attentive to your family, it is not difficult to guess about it, and you can always sincerely talk and discuss other people's problems.

Thank others

Learn to speak good words to the people around you - this is also a good deed. Do not be lazy to express gratitude even for actions that cost almost nothing: for giving you a seat, showing you the goods in the store, and giving you good advice. For most people, your gratitude will be very pleasant, any kind word you say is what creates an atmosphere of goodwill and warmth.

Or at least just smile at others, a pleasant friendly smile will improve the mood not only for you, but for everyone around you.

Whatever the reason for your altruism, remember that giving good to this world is the duty of every good person. Bring positive into the world, and it will definitely return to you a hundredfold.

Every parent wants their child to grow up to be a worthy member of society and just a good person. Listing the desired character traits for her baby, any mother will name kindness among them. But this is such an abstract concept that it is very difficult to explain it to a first grader. Don't worry, practice will help! Let's try to make a list of good things for children right now.

Doing good is appropriate in any situation

You should start with a conversation, it’s very good if this topic is touched upon during the “class hour” at school, but parents at home should also pay attention to raising a child in this matter. It is important to convey to each child one simple thought: if each of us is kinder and more attentive to everything that surrounds him, the world will become a better place. You need to treat others the way you want them to treat you. Animals, nature and the entire surrounding space as a whole also need care. Remember that it is difficult for toddlers to think abstractly and extensively. It is for this reason that it makes sense to put together a list of good things to do for children. Having such a hint, the child will understand and remember exactly what is good, and will also be able to become better. What to write in such a list? Below we will give various examples, for convenience it is useful to immediately have a large list of “significant” tasks that are performed from time to time, and a small one for every day. But be sure to make a rule - not a day without a good deed!

A smile will make everyone warmer!

It would seem that this is difficult - to smile at the first passerby you meet or the seller in the store? And now, comrades, adults, remember with what expression on your face you most often go out into the street. That's the same, but if everyone smiled at each other, life would become much more fun and enjoyable! Tell your child how much such kindness means, and how important it is to always communicate positively with others. Let it be with the item “smile at strangers” that your list of good deeds for children will begin. But you can still say hello to housemates and sellers from stores that you regularly visit. Just try it and very soon everyone around will pick up this initiative. And then leaving the house you will find yourself not in a "foreign hostile world", but in the company of old friends.

Giving mood is easy

Many of us lack attention in relation to others. But it's very easy to make someone happy. You can compliment a teacher at school or even a stranger on the street. In fact, this is elementary politeness, but often we simply forget about it. So why not add the item “please others” to the list of good deeds that a child can do? And if for unfamiliar and unfamiliar people we choose only conversations, then a completely different attitude should be towards relatives. In no case should parents scold a first-grader for giving some of his small things to a school friend, sharing a pen and forgetting to pick it up, or deciding to treat a friend with sweets. On the contrary, encourage such actions, because, in fact, this is kindness.

Attention, we need help!

Most children are kind and sympathetic by nature. Already at the age of 4-5 years, the child considers himself quite independent and "adult" and is ready to carry out a variety of tasks and tasks. Remarkably, this is a completely disinterested urge; for his own help, the baby is ready to receive only praise. Invite the child to look around him from time to time and ask himself the question: “Who and how can I help?”. Even a first-grader can carry a stack of notebooks for the teacher, take on some of the homework, or take part in cleaning the school office. A complete stranger may also need help - to move a pensioner across the road, tell the time or road - all these "pioneer" examples can happen in real life at any time. And of course, no one should be left out if something extraordinary happens. Every child should know that if he witnesses a situation that he cannot resolve on his own, he should immediately call for help from adults and tell everything he knows about the incident.

Caring for our little brothers

Child psychologists around the world say that it is very useful for the development of a child to have a pet. The animal in the house teaches the baby responsibility, compassion and care. A first grader or older preschooler can take care of almost any caged pet, small to medium sized cat or dog, completely independently. But even if your family already has a pet, taking care of animals in general should definitely be included in the list of good things for children. Feed birds on the street, a stray cat or dog with your child. For birds, you can also make a birdhouse or feeder. It is very good if the school also has a living corner in which children can not only watch animals, but also take care of them.

Nature also needs your participation

Think about how often you could do good deeds? A list for children on this topic must necessarily include concern for the environment and the environment. Going on a hike or just for a picnic? Don't forget to take a garbage bag, or better yet, several. And before you start eating or starting to set up camp, invite your child to clean up in the chosen clearing. Often, garbage is lying under our feet, even in our own yard. No need to be ashamed to remove it, but then it will be nice to go for a walk in a clean place. Children can also, together with their parents, set up a small flower bed near the house or grow flowers at home, on the balcony during the warm season. The list of good deeds for children 7 years old may also include helping parents or grandmother in their summer cottage.

Learn to give and you will receive more

In any home there are things that are not used and are unlikely to be needed in the future. But someone at this time is in dire need of them and sometimes cannot afford to just take and buy. So why not do a general cleaning and get rid of everything superfluous. Of course, children should do such a good deed only with the approval and help of their parents. Adults, on the other hand, should teach the child to easily part with clothes that do not fit him, boring toys and other things that are no longer planned to be used. Where to put all this wealth? You can donate clothes to some charity organization, try to attach personal items to friends and acquaintances. Remember a simple rule: the more you give, the more you receive - this is the law of the universe, which really works. Speaking of charity, usually at the age of 7-8 all children already have their own pocket money. Today, in many shopping centers and public institutions there are donation boxes, invite your child to drop at least a couple of coins into them from time to time, because, quite possibly, these funds will save someone's life or improve its quality!

You can do good in your own home

Many parents wonder if it is necessary to include in the list of good deeds for elementary school children a variety of household duties and communication norms between households? Think for yourself, is it a good deed to help one of the relatives do homework, or to please mom or dad with a cup of tea, a gift for no reason? The answer to both questions is definitely yes. And this means that even without leaving our own home, each of us can do good deeds. The list for children of primary school age may include not only help with “housework” and taking care of pets, but also many other pleasant and useful little things. First-graders can help in the upbringing and care of younger children, if any, please relatives with gifts for no reason and offer to help in almost any business - from cleaning to going to the store.

Together we can do more!

Participation in various charitable events brings a lot of positive emotions to children and adults. An interesting idea for the school is to organize trips to nursing homes from time to time. During such meetings, students of educational institutions can simply communicate with grandparents, present hand-made gifts, and arrange small concerts. The organization of such an event is quite simple, and the effect of it is simply amazing. Lonely elderly people are very happy with any attention, and it is pleasant and interesting for children to feel significant. Is it not for the sake of positive emotions that good deeds are done? The list for children in grade 2 may also include organizing activities for first graders or even patronizing the younger ones. Who, if not experienced second-graders, is able to help those who have recently come to school in their studies and help solve any problems from untied shoelaces to personal relationships with peers?

From idea to implementation!

You've probably already written a long list of good things for kids at school and at home, but be sure to leave the last few lines blank. Encourage your child to think carefully and come up with their own options. Some of them may seem fantastic and unrealistic, while others may well be tried to translate into reality. Of course, the participation of the child in this work does not end with ideas alone. Think together how exactly you can implement your plan and be sure to involve the young thinker in the implementation. Even with the efforts of one family or school class, you can do a variety of good deeds, the list for children in grade 1 can always be supplemented. The most important thing is that all this be done from a pure heart and completely disinterestedly.
