Why is urine colorless in a child, reasons. Urine of the baby: what is the normal color and smell of the urine of a newborn

Keeping children healthy is an important task for mothers. In the stream of daily worries, we manage to track the slightest changes in the mood and well-being of our children. One of the harbingers of impending danger is yellow urine in a child.

Urine or urine is a biological fluid excreted by the body. Through urine, processed and, in particular, harmful substances are excreted from the body.

Normally, about two liters of fluid are excreted from the body during the day. The composition and amount of excreted urine may vary. It depends on many internal and external factors (diet, fluid intake, climate, physical and nervous stress, the work of internal organs).

The chemical composition of urine indicates the processes of metabolism and the work of several organs and systems at once. Since ancient times, doctors have learned to diagnose diseases by the composition of urine (color, smell, additional inclusions). Today, diagnostic tools are perfect. And in the laboratory, with the help of special equipment, the exact chemical composition of the biological fluid is measured. This facilitates the diagnosis and improves the accuracy of the diagnosis.

Meanwhile, we still focus on the most basic indicators - bloom and smell of urine. And attentive parents clearly track them. Since a change in these indicators may indicate possible violations in the work of internal organs.

What shade of urine is normal?

The state of the biological fluid (urine) we secrete is a full-fledged source of information about the processes occurring in the body. A change in its composition, pigment, density, smell, additional blotches may indicate both serious violations and malnutrition, drinking, and natural processes.

At an early age, when the baby is still breastfeeding, the color of the urine may be pale yellow and even colorless. Gradually, with the introduction of complementary foods, the shade becomes saturated, the smell is sharper.

Normally, in a grown-up baby, the color of urine is from light yellow to yellow. Hue can vary depending on the diet and time of day. After a night's sleep, it is brighter.

Natural Causes of Urine Discoloration

The color of urine can tell a lot to an experienced doctor and help an attentive parent prevent the possible development of a serious illness. However, not always a change in the color of urine may indicate an impending threat.

If you notice that your urine has become a rich yellow or light brown color, answer the following questions:

  • Have there been any changes in the usual diet?
  • how much liquid the child drinks per day.

The amount of liquid that a person drinks significantly affects the internal processes occurring in the body. A sufficient amount of fluid creates the necessary balance in the body. Lack of water can cause dehydration, which affects overall well-being. And including, on the color of urine (becomes bright orange). Slags and toxins are excreted along with urine. With a lack of fluid, the genitourinary system does not cope with the task. Some harmful substances can enter the body.

Medications can also cause discoloration. Vitamins, antibiotics or antimicrobial agents affect the shade of the excreted fluid. It becomes a rich yellow-orange or bright yellow color. Vitamins and dietary supplements have the same effect.

Foods that have a bright color also affect the shade of urine (carrots, beets, colored soda, etc.). Excess salt and seasonings affect the digestion of food and, accordingly, the color of urine.

The color of urine changes throughout the day. In the morning it is of a saturated color, as substances accumulated during the night are removed. By evening, especially with heavy drinking, it becomes lighter.

So, there are four reasons that lead to a natural change in shade:

  • dehydration (especially during a hot period with profuse sweating);
  • the use of certain substances or products;
  • excessive salt intake;
  • the morning portion of urine is always more saturated in color, since metabolic products accumulate in it during the night.

If the cause of bright yellow urine is natural, then within a day the color will become the same.

What affects the change in urine pigment?

The composition of urine indicates the metabolism taking place in the body. If it is very active, the color and smell will be pronounced. Physical activity, increased loads affect the metabolic process, give an additional burden on the kidneys.

There is such a substance - bilirubin. This is a pigment. It turns urine yellow. Bilirubin is formed due to the breakdown of red blood cells. The metabolism of bilirubin is associated with the work of many systems and organs, which is why urinalysis is so often used in diagnostics. In case of violation of the functions of organs, a larger amount of a substance enters the biological fluid, this affects the color of urine - from bright yellow to rich brown.

Indicators of content in the urine in people of different ages are different. In newborns, an increased content of the substance is considered the norm. This is due to adaptation to new conditions. The so-called neonatal jaundice usually resolves on its own, without additional intervention.

In infants up to one month old, the concentration of a substance is considered to be from 2 to 20 micromoles per liter. Older than one month, the indicator changes - from 3 to 20 micromoles per liter. In older children, the concentration is considered to be from 3.4 to 17.1. With elevated rates, additional tests are taken, including a blood test. It is important to pay attention to the collection of analysis and its storage. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of foreign substances entering the container. To do this, wash the child well, take a sterile jar.

What color is urine in a newborn?

Normally, in newborns, the color of urine is yellow or straw. By the second week, it may change to brick. This is a natural process that should not cause alarm for parents. At this point, the adapting body of the baby displays a large concentration of urine.

Newborn jaundice can cause a greenish or rich yellow pigment. This is due to the restructuring of the kidneys during the transition from intrauterine development. Within a week, the color should change.

The pink color may be due to increased excretion of urine crystals. This is not a deviation. And not life threatening.

A dangerous symptom is pigmentation with a reddish tint. This could be a sign of a kidney problem or a cardiovascular problem.

When does urine turn bright yellow?

  • dehydration;
  • hemolytic disease;
  • intestinal infections;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • physiological jaundice in an infant;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

As a rule, these diseases are accompanied by additional symptoms: a change in stool, nausea or vomiting, the smell of acetone, the presence of blood in urine, a sharp increase in temperature, lethargy and loss of appetite, discoloration of the skin, cramps during urination, frequent urination, stabbing pains in the sides.

Poisoning causes increased work of the liver and kidneys. Harmful substances are removed from the body and the organs work hard. This also affects the pigment of the excreted biological fluid.

In violation of the liver and the child may complain of pain in the back, sides, cutting and stabbing during urination. Also, babies more often than usual ask for a potty or, conversely, refuse to write with crying, as this causes unpleasant painful sensations. May pass urine droplets into panties.

Also, violations of the urinary system are evidenced by increased sweating and high temperature, the smell of acetone from the child.

Note. The smell of acetone and discoloration of urine may also be associated with a lack of glucose in the child's body during the period of illness. When the temperature rises, the body expends a lot of energy. At this point, glucose plays a crucial role. With its shortage, the body begins to consume other substances, which affects the work of the kidneys. The way out of the situation is a plentiful sweet drink.

When changing the color of urine is a dangerous symptom

If during the day the color of urine does not change, there is a sharp smell, sometimes the smell of acetone, you should make an appointment with a doctor.

A change in the color of urine may be associated with the development of the following diseases:

  • poisoning (vomiting and nausea);
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • pancreas cancer;
  • urolithiasis disease.

These diseases are very serious and can be fatal. Therefore, it is important to get diagnosed by a specialist. A complete list of tests will be prescribed by the doctor. Urine analysis will be the main one.

Cloudy urine in a child

Along with severe pigmentation, another dangerous symptom is turbidity of the biological fluid. Also, protein flakes, spotting or mucus may be present in the secretions. All these manifestations indicate a violation of the functioning of individual organs and systems of the body, and require additional diagnostics to identify the disease.

Inflammatory diseases are a common cause of such manifestations. In young children - a disease of the kidneys, bladder. As a rule, they are accompanied by concomitant symptoms - pain and cramps in the lower abdomen, in the sides, on the back on the sides, cramps when the baby pees, frequent urination, fever, profuse sweating (with kidney disease).

What to do?

First of all, it is necessary to exclude the natural causes of discoloration of urine. If during the day the secreted liquid has retained its saturated shade, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Self-medication is extremely dangerous, since the causes of violations can be very different. Important spot treatment and selection of medications appropriate to the case.

How to collect a urine test

Urine is a good material for diagnosing changes occurring in the body. It is very important to collect the analysis correctly. This will help avoid misdiagnosis.

  1. Prepare a sterile jar (you can buy it at a pharmacy).
  2. Wash the child with strong warm water.
  3. Collect an average portion (some tests require you to collect the entire portion, in which case the doctor will give appropriate recommendations).

Please note, if kidney disease is suspected, it is recommended to take tests three days in a row. In this case, it is very clearly possible to trace the change in the protein index in the body and make the correct diagnosis.

Preventive measures for the normal functioning of the genitourinary system

Prevention can save parents from unnecessary excitement. For the good functioning of the body, proper metabolism, the child needs sufficient drinking.

The urine of a healthy person is usually light yellow in color. Any change in its color is cause for concern. If the color of urine has changed in a child, this may indicate a possible disease or the presence of special substances - urobilin, hematoprofirin, etc.

You also need to know that the color of urine can change during the day, its density and volume can change. The hue may change when certain components enter the body, coloring it in a different color. These substances can be found in food, vitamins, and medicines.

For example, if a child ate beetroot salad in the morning, his urine may turn pink in the evening. Taken pills of vitamin C, stain it in a rich yellow color.

Therefore, urine can change color for various reasons. Sometimes this change can be a sign of a certain disease. In what cases it is reddish, greenish, dark yellow, why the urine is colorless in a child, the reasons for these changes, we will discuss with you on the website www.site.

Kidneys in their structure are significantly different from the organs of adults. After birth, the baby's kidneys develop for a long time, for several years. Pale, colorless urine occurs in a newborn baby, as it is not very concentrated. At this age, the child does not yet consume any products other than mother's breast milk. As the baby grows and matures, the color will be established, it will become a light straw shade. But with heavy drinking, the shade becomes paler.

The main diseases in which the color of urine changes

Changes in the density, color of urine in a child, the reasons for these changes may be different. As we already know, the shade can change when taking certain medications, eating foods, as well as under various pathological conditions.

Parents should be concerned if the child's urine is pale, almost colorless. In this case, it should be immediately shown to the doctor. The absence of color can be a sign of a serious violation of the kidneys, as well as the development of diabetes.

The dark yellow hue is the result of an increased concentration of bile pigments. This can happen with oliguria, accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, fever. Also, a dark color is observed when taking ascorbic acid.

Red color is a sign of kidney injury, heart attack, nephrolithiasis. Also, this shade is a sign of the occurrence of erythrocyturia, hemoglobinuria, myoglobinuria, etc. Also, this color of urine occurs after eating beets, cherries, blackberries, and also after using drugs - amidopyrine, phenolphthalein.

Dark brown color appears with hemolytic anemia.

An orange tint is characteristic of uraturia. It can also develop against the background of uric acid infarction in newborns. This shade stains the urine after taking the drugs rifampicin, furadonin, furagin.

A green tint may appear with bilirubinemia or obstructive jaundice

In case of diseases of the liver, gallbladder, his urine may resemble strongly brewed tea in color.

Turbid, with flakes, it happens with an inflammatory, infectious disease of the genitourinary system.

Preventive measures

To prevent the occurrence of diseases in a child, be sure to attend preventive examinations by a pediatrician. Babies under one year old should be examined monthly. Children from one to three years old undergo preventive examinations once every three months. From 3 to 7 years old, children are examined once every six months.

Do not allow children to become hypothermic, do not allow them to swim in cold water, sit on cold ground, stones, walk barefoot on a cold floor, ground, etc.

It is especially important to breastfeed babies for as long as possible. Such babies are most protected from the occurrence of various diseases. They suffer less from dysbacteriosis. intestines.

Therefore, it is less likely that pathogenic microbes from the intestines enter the urinary system, which means that the risk of developing a urinary tract infection is reduced. In addition, babies who receive breast milk have a higher level of immunoglobulin A. This substance protects the urinary tract from infection.

If a child suddenly has a high temperature, but there is no cough, no sore throat, no other signs of flu, colds, do not self-medicate, call the local pediatrician at home.

If the urine of a child is not colored, this does not always mean that he is sick. Maybe he is hot and drinks a lot of water. However, why this happens can be precisely determined by the doctor. As we already know, this can be a sign of the development of serious ailments - diabetes, diabetes insipidus, nephritis, chlorosis, nephrosclerosis, etc. The presence of the disease can only be judged after an accurate study of this biological fluid. Therefore, monitor the color of urine in a child constantly.

If you notice any abnormalities, visit your local pediatrician. If necessary, the doctor will write you a referral - to a gynecologist or nephrologist. The main thing in the timely diagnosis of the disease is the attention of parents. Monitor your health and the health of your child, at the first sign of illness, immediately consult a doctor, do not waste time and do not give medicine to children on the advice of friends without knowing the diagnosis. Be healthy!

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The color of urine in red often indicates the presence of red blood cells, which is called hematuria. Among the causes of unnatural color, there are also those that do not pose a danger to the functioning of the body. Since such manifestations can be a signal of infection or the development of a disease in the body, you should consult a doctor for advice.

Redness of the urine in a child can occur from the use of coloring foods, but it is worse if it is a blood impurity.

Reasons for changing the color of urine in a child to red

Urine of a reddish hue may appear due to the intake of products that contain dyes of natural or synthetic origin. Medicines, such as vitamin complexes, also affect the color. Color changes can occur due to excessive excretion of sodium and potassium salts with urine, due to acute inflammatory or infectious processes, the formation of stones in the kidneys, ureter or bladder. Injuries to the urinary system, disorders in the process of blood clotting and excessive physical activity can affect the color of urine.


If a newborn has reddish urine, this is not a sign of concern. A similar color appears due to the peculiarities of nutrition, namely, feeding with a liquid secreted from the mammary glands of the mother in the first time after childbirth (colostrum). Since there is practically no water in the composition of colostrum, sodium and potassium salts are excreted in the baby along with urine, resulting in red urine. This feature is called uric acid infarction. In addition to the color of the urine in a reddish hue, small brick-colored crystals appear, similar to salt crystals. These symptoms disappear within a week.

At the baby

Red urine occurs in infants after the addition of foods denser than breast milk or milk formula to the diet. Beets, peppers, and blueberries contain strong natural food colorings that can change the color of urine. Poisoning the body with toxic substances and taking medications can also have an effect. In addition to the above non-dangerous reasons, the color of urine in an unnatural color in children under one year old may indicate that blood has entered the urine. Such manifestations should alert parents and become a reason for contacting a specialist.

In older children

Redness of urine in preschool children can also be caused by taking certain pills.

As in infants, a change in the color of urine in older children (after 2 years) may be associated with the presence of beets, rhubarb, berries, and red pepper in large quantities in the diet. Excessive physical activity, various kinds of injuries and infections of the urinary system also have an effect on the color of a child's urine. Color change also occurs due to the following drugs:

  • "Amidopyrin" - an agent that relieves inflammation, with a pronounced analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory effect;
  • "Thioridazine" - an antipsychotic drug with a moderate positive effect on the affective sphere of the patient;
  • Propofol is a short-acting hypnotic.

If a child's urine turns red in this age group, synthetic dyes, found in many confectionery and sugary drinks that children may have started drinking at this age, can be added to benign causes. Vitamins with mineral complexes can also affect the color, since many parents do not consider them serious drugs and give them to children without consulting a doctor.

Burgundy urine, as a rule, speaks of kidney stones or vascular injuries.

Red urine in a child indicates the presence of a significant amount of blood in the urine. The reasons include the presence in the kidneys of stones that damage blood vessels during movement, the appearance of neoplasms, trauma to the urinary tract. In case of severe bleeding due to severe damage to the vessels, the urine becomes dark red, resembling blood.

Red urine occurs with excessive hematolysis - the destruction of red blood cells with the release of hemoglobin into the environment. The process of hematolysis occurs continuously in the human body, but the presence of a large amount of free hemoglobin in the blood is dangerous because it can lead to acute renal failure.

With the advent of a child, new parents have many questions. Moms and dads, paying attention to the fact that the urine of the baby changes color, begin to worry. Babies often urinate frequently at first, so asking your pediatrician about the color and frequency of urination is a normal practice. The older the child, the more his urine should resemble an adult. Experienced parents know that a deviation can be recognized in time by color and aroma.

The color of urine in a baby can periodically change color, but do not panic prematurely.

What color is considered normal?

The color of urine is influenced by the foods that the child eats, medication, and what the mother eats.

For each age, the color of urine is different. At first, the urine of a newborn is clear. Starting from the 2nd week of life, in newborns it becomes a brick shade. This is explained by the fact that from the 7th day the children's genitourinary system is actively developing. Such a transformation with the baby's urine is short-lived. Over time, the indicator of the norm is yellowish (straw) urine. However, if a baby or mother (concerning breastfeeding) ate beets, the masses will darken to a pale purple color, and when they eat a lot of carrots, they will turn to light orange. With the restriction of these foods, the urine becomes yellow again. These facts are not deviations. The following colors of children's urine are considered abnormal:

  • saturated: yellow, orange;
  • dark: brown, green;
  • bright: pink, red;
  • pale: transparent, white.

What can be said about the color of urine in a baby?

If the color is yellow

Yellow urine is a normal visual indicator in a healthy baby.

The reference shade of infant urine is yellow, closer to light straw. Other colors of baby urine should alert parents. Dark yellow urine is due to the increased accumulation of bile pigment in the child's body. Saturated yellow urine appears in an infant when dehydrated due to intestinal infections or gastric upset, as well as an infectious liver disease. When such urine appears in children, you should immediately seek help, because in some cases there is a threat to life.

Is dark urine a cause for concern?

It happens that in children the color of urine changes from light to dark. This is because the bilirubin index increases in the secreted masses. Such manifestations indicate an increased concentration of bile pigment. The baby may have neonatal jaundice. Brown-red discoloration of urine indicates problems with the kidneys. Therefore, if a child has such urine when urinating, consult a doctor and, until recovery, be under his supervision.

orange urine

A change in children's urine should cause parents to sound the alarm. If bright yellow, pink or dark urine appears, children have inflammation or infection. This is a direct threat to the life of the child.

If orange urine appears, this indicates an excessive salt content in the child's body or dehydration. With hyperthermia, stool disorder and vomiting in children, saturated urine is also excreted. This coloring is bad, and needs immediate treatment by a pediatrician. But sometimes such a transformation of the color of children's urine is the norm. After all, the color of urine in infants varies depending on food. The excreted urinary masses also become orange if the baby ate carrots the day before. The same rule applies to the mother if the child is breastfed. Such a change in shade is not dangerous for the health of babies.

Colorless urine in infants occurs during breastfeeding or in the presence of diabetes.

What if it's transparent?

Colorless urine is typical for young children. Also, if an older baby is breastfed, clear urine indicates that the mother is eating a lot of high water foods. Clear urine occurs in patients who are sick with diabetes and diabetes insipidus, renal failure, or used diuretics.

What other staining can be seen?

If the shade of urine in children becomes green, then this indicates obstructive jaundice. Pink urine in babies up to a month old can also be. As soon as the baby is born, uric acid crystals come out when he urinates. Such dusty spots in newborns are not uncommon. They should not be considered deviations, since the crystals are not dangerous to the life of the baby. If the child's urine is bright, closer to a red tint, then the baby may have a large number of red blood cells: heart attack, kidney injury.

For any disease or deterioration in general well-being, a urine test is taken during the examination. It is one of the initial methods of any diagnosis. Each characteristic is important in its composition: the medium and volume of a portion of urine, specific gravity, the number of cellular elements, transparency, the possible presence of flakes or sediment. The first indicator that can be assessed visually, without the help of apparatus and reagents, is to look at the color of urine. In a healthy person, it is light yellow, straw. The biological fluid is transparent, homogeneous, without impurities and any inclusions. A direct relationship has been established between the color of the excreted urine and the general health of the individual.

What determines the color of urine

Urine or urine is a liquid composed of water, urea and nitrogenous protein breakdown products. It is regularly produced by the kidneys in the course of blood purification and is the end product of the body's metabolism. The natural straw color of urine is due to the pigments included in the composition:

  • urochrome;
  • uroerythrin;
  • urobilin;
  • urozein;
  • stercobilin.

If their concentration is not disturbed, the urine has a light yellow (straw) color. In an adult and a child, its color may change due to the fault of such factors:

  • physiological reasons;
  • pathologies.

Physiological causes are temporary and affect the color of urine only at the time of their action. Urinalysis does not reveal pathological changes.

With the development of pathologies, erythrocytes appear in the composition of urine or, the number of leukocytes, salts increases - all these parameters determine the change in the color of urine.

They are able to color it from amber to dark brown, change the acidic environment to alkaline, create foam and turbidity, add flakes and sediment. In each case, there is a complex of pathological changes indicating the disease. These color changes will pass only after the body is fully restored and cleansed.

Physiological causes of urine color change

There are physiological reasons that affect changes in the color of urine. They are not associated with diseases, do not violate the functions of the excretory organs:

  • age;
  • Times of Day;
  • foods eaten the day before;
  • vitamins and medicines;
  • the amount of liquid drunk;
  • menstrual cycles (before menstruation).

If the color of the secreted liquid has changed, and there is no obvious reason for the deterioration in well-being, it is worth analyzing what was eaten the day before. So, beetroot juice, dishes from it are able to color urine in shades of crimson. Many berries have the same property: blackberries, blueberries, cherries.

Oranges and carrots, multivitamins change the color of urine to bright lemon or rich yellow. Strong black tea can bring dark undertones. Drinking a large amount of water or eating watermelon, on the contrary, will make the excreted urine light and transparent. Some drugs, infusions, and extracts can also have a urine-staining effect. This ability is harmless for the excretory function of the body.

It is a mistake to be afraid to eat pigmented natural products.

The time of day affects the concentration and color of urine. During the night, the production of the hormone vasopressin increases, which slows down urination and excretion. This is a physiological process of sleep of the whole organism. The night portion of urine is collected, concentrated and all of the morning stand out. It is the most effective for analysis, so it is important to donate a portion of urine collected after sleep.

Pink coloration or the appearance of blood in the urine in women is considered natural in the periods before and during menstruation. The normal color of urine will recover on its own after they are over. It is not advisable to take urine tests, this can distort the real picture.

Features of the shade of urine in children

Human age affects the change in the concentration and color of urine. This is due to a change in the nature of nutrition and the functioning of the excretory system. Immediately after birth, a urine test in a baby is the first diagnostic procedure that a mother is able to carry out without leaving home. About how to collect urine from a girl.

So, in newborns who are breastfed or formula-fed, frequent excretion of urine (up to 20 times a day). The color of urine in infants is practically not yellow in color and has a slight odor. During this period of life, the child eats only liquid food (milk), which is easily digestible and quickly excreted.

A healthy baby will sometimes have reddish, brick-colored urine during the first month of life due to high levels of uric acid. These changes can occur with neonatal jaundice, which occurs in 70% of babies. Such children are observed by neonatologists, if pathological jaundice is detected, treatment is carried out. Physiological passes in the first weeks of life on its own.

Over the years, the situation has changed. The excretion of urine decreases in frequency, but a characteristic odor appears. The color of urine in a child darkens, acquires a yellow tint. This is due to the expansion of the diet and the development of the digestive organs (pancreas). The amount of secreted enzymes for each product increases, the secretion and release of bile increases. These processes affect the metabolism, the absorption of toxins and add work to the kidneys.

Changes in the color of urine on the background of diseases

Noticing a changed color or fixing it during a scheduled test, you need to respond to this signal of the body. Even before laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods are carried out, the development of the disease can be assumed by how the color of urine has changed. There is a direct relationship between them.

Milky color indicates a large amount of pus, bacteria, mucus or fat, which are inherent in the course of pyelonephritis, cystitis, nephrosis, fatty degeneration of the kidneys.

Dark yellow color gives dehydration. Such staining appears during periods of overheating, fever, vomiting and diarrhea.

The dark brown color of urine occurs when urobilinogen appears, which indicates hemolytic anemia, malaria, hemophilia. Brown color occurs due to bilirubin and urobilin in the urine, indicating liver disease, types of hepatitis. Such staining may appear earlier than obstructive jaundice.

Black color creates a high concentration of toxins in the body, it is noted with chromosomal abnormalities and malignant tumors.

Red or pink color indicates red blood cells in the urine. They appear with urolithiasis, kidney infarction, neoplasms and glomerulonephritis.

There are no such physiological factors that cause blood inclusions in the urine in men, as in women before menstruation. If the urethra in a healthy man was not mechanically injured, and blood appeared in the urine, it is worth suspecting the disease.

What to do with an unusual color of urine

If you find an unusual color of urine, you should, without delay, seek the advice of a therapist or urologist. Chronic diseases can be sluggish, hidden and at the same time cause destruction to the body. If the physiological factors of color change are excluded, then the onset of pathologies can be determined by urine.

A striking example is the appearance of blood in the urine with urolithiasis. This is a signal about the movement of a stone that has injured the wall of the vessel. By taking emergency measures, the patient can avoid the pain symptoms of renal colic.

If it is not possible to immediately go to the hospital for examination, you need to pass urine tests under medical supervision. The initial diagnosis will not take much time. How the disease progresses in men and women can be tracked by evaluating the dynamics of the results of urine tests.

The daily volume of urine (diuresis), Zimnitsky, a general urine test are able to find out the causes of changes in the color of urine. The details of preparing and passing each of these tests will be explained in detail by the nurse.
