Why does a strong-smelling mass form under the nail? Smell under toenails

- This is a fairly common problem. The reasons that cause it include a wide range of factors, ranging from poor personal hygiene to various dermatological diseases. It is impossible not to mention the aesthetic side of the problem - the “orange” from feet and shoes greatly disturbs both the person himself and those around him. Let's consider the features and causes of inconvenience, as well as how you can effectively get rid of the smell, depending on the severity of the factors causing it.

Main reasons

Emergence unpleasant odor

Medical research into the problem has clearly established that unpleasant foot odor is the result of the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria on the skin. It is this factor that causes so much inconvenience, forcing us to limit our movements to public places, refuse invitations to guests and anywhere where you need to take off your shoes.

Pathogenic bacteria are always present in some quantity on the skin and no treatment can completely get rid of them. It is enough to touch any surface and the colony of microbes begins to multiply again at the point of contact.

Immunity healthy body And regular hygiene does not allow bacteria to cause disease, so the colony size is always kept within acceptable limits. In the course of their life, they also provoke the release of odor. But its concentration is quite small and does not cause any inconvenience.

But, if the skin begins to be affected by a factor that creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, their number increases exponentially. Accordingly, the intensity of the breakdown of biological products secreted by the skin increases. As a result, the feet become noticeably stinky after activities that in a healthy person can provoke only a slight increase in the bad odor, which can be removed by simply washing the feet. The first task in this case is to find the cause that caused rapid growth microbial populations. Some of them can cause discomfort and create favorable conditions for skin diseases. And others represent for a person big risk, because the nasty smell already acts as one of the symptoms of a dermatological disease.

The problem of unpleasant odors from shoes and feet is equally common in women, men and children. This is explained by the fact that a number of factors act as a provocateur, from which no one is immune.

When feet cause discomfort

Persistent aesthetic discomfort in a person, when his soles smell unpleasant, very often becomes the result of his own decisions and actions. The skin is the body's first protective barrier against infection. It has its own reserve of “biological strength” that allows it to keep bacteria out, but it is not infinite. Some factors that are not classified as particularly dangerous can reduce it even further, causing disturbances at the cellular level. These include:

  • Hyperhidrosis – increased sweating epidermis. The moisture released by the body is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, in order not to experience discomfort and prevent the development of a dangerous dermatological disease, increased hygiene is required.
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. Regular foot washing not only cleanses the skin and gets rid of odor, but also destroys the bacteria that causes it. Less bacteria - fewer products splitting.
  • Wearing synthetic shoes. Artificial materials cause increased sweating, do not allow the skin to “breathe”, and improve conditions for the spread of infection. In other words, synthetic shoes are a strong activator of hyperhidrosis with all the ensuing consequences.
  • Socks, stockings and similar clothing made of synthetics. The effect of wearing it is similar to the previous point.
  • Active lifestyle. Physical exercise cause hyperhydration of the skin throughout the body, so immediately after training it always smells bad or simply unpleasant. The durability of “fragrances” depends on the area of ​​the body and materials sportswear. The most fragrant areas are usually the armpits and legs.

It is not too common to encounter a situation where the reason heavy sweating is reduced resistance to stress. In this case, any nervous tension causes sweating and the need to visit the shower. If similar situation wears chronic nature It is recommended to visit a neurologist who will prescribe appropriate treatment.

Personal hygiene rules are effective remedy against a huge number of skin diseases. Anyone can follow them; the costs required are minimal. And most importantly, any disease, even after it is defeated, will still leave traces of its negative impact in organism. And if there is a chance to prevent the development of the disease, why not take advantage of it?

Possible diseases

A separate group of factors that do not allow you to get rid of foot odor on your own are various diseases. In this case, the nasty aroma acts as a symptom and is considered together with other body signals indicating an illness. Treatment is carried out only based on the results medical tests patient. Any forecasts can only be given by a specialist; self-medication usually does not bring results and it is quite clear why. The fact is that some ailments that cause hyperhidrosis are classified as very serious. Increased sweating in these cases is usually observed not only in the legs, but throughout the body.

Choosing a way to treat a symptom in the form nasty aroma should be carried out and agreed upon with an appropriate healthcare professional. This is explained by the fact that untidiness can be caused by:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • changes in hormonal balance;
  • various dermatological diseases;
  • systemic acute or chronic diseases.

The cause of hyperhidrosis may be one of the most serious illnesses, including: tuberculosis, diabetes, diseases of cardio-vascular system and thyroid gland.

Despite the fact that hyperhidrosis is mistakenly considered a problem for which it is not customary to consult a doctor, it is better to visit a dermatologist. Sometimes the price of embarrassment can be health. In addition, there is another very common ailment that can affect the feet and significantly affect the life of the patient, as well as his environment - fungus.

Fungal infection

A foul odor from any toe can be a symptom of a fungal infection. Many types of fungus are constantly present on human skin, and any weakening of the immune system can become a catalyst for the development of the disease. In this case, hyperhidrosis is not always observed, but many patients complain of a feeling of “slippery” soles of the feet, as if they were always wet.

Persistent “amber” from toenails along with a noticeable change in structure and color nail plate– almost one hundred percent symptom of onychomycosis. The nail acquires a yellowish or whitish tint, then becomes brittle and finally, if up to this point the patient has not taken measures to treat the fungus, it peels off. But this is not the only threat to be wary of.

The process of destruction and subsequent exfoliation is accompanied by itching, pain, and main danger lies in the ability of spores to grow deep into soft tissues. As a result, they end up in blood vessels and spread throughout the body, infecting internal organs.

Various dirt, pathogenic bacteria, and infectious agents hazardous to health tend to accumulate under the nails. Fungus growing in soft tissues, gives them access inside the body, causing various diseases. In this case, the need to simply get rid of the smell is relegated to the background. Concern for the patient’s health comes to the fore, since an infectious focus is created in the infected area, which can significantly undermine it. Treatment of advanced stages of the fungus itself is quite lengthy, dangerous and has a number of contraindications.

Onychomycosis is an unpleasant infectious fungal disease, which threatens everyone. According to statistics, almost every person on the planet encounters it once. Considering that the fungus never goes away on its own and threatens everyone who comes into contact with the sick person, the danger cannot be underestimated.

When diagnosed with toenail fungus, the smell from under the plate is the first symptom warning of infection. The rapid proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms is the main cause of an unpleasant problem on the lower extremities.

How to quickly eliminate nail fungus (including unpleasant odor)? First of all, consult a dermatologist for advice and minimize the favorable factors that contribute to the active growth of toenail fungus pathogens::

  • wear natural (leather, suede, textile) shoes;
  • dry it after each exit, avoiding dampness inside the boots and shoes;

2 . Give preference to socks made of cotton or wool. Natural fibers do not disrupt heat transfer and do not create a greenhouse effect;

3 . Daily hygiene feet will minimize unpleasant odor;

4 . Avoid nail extensions, artificial nail polish - perfect place for the active growth of microorganisms, a source of unpleasant odor;

Nail fungus (smell), how to treat with pharmaceutical drugs?

At the very beginning of infection unpleasant symptoms in the form of stench, redness and itching can be relieved with external local remedies, which will be selected by a mycologist. It can be:

  • Batrafen (effective for old fungus nails, as it can eliminate even intense unpleasant odor);
  • Lotseril, Mikozan, Aventis;
  • Belvedere is a budget representative, which is prescribed for complications of onychomycosis bacterial infection accompanied by suppuration, itching, and unpleasant odor;
  • Clotrimazole,
  • Ciclopirox,
  • Bifonazole.

For old nail fungus, the infection is the source specific smell from under the plate - can only be eliminated with systemic drugs, such as:

  • Flucostat,
  • Orungal,
  • Irunin,
  • Fluconazole and others

The medicine is toxic, prescribed by a mycologist and taken under his supervision.

Toenail fungus, how to eliminate the smell with folk recipes?

1 . Pour a couple of stems of Veronica grass into a liter of boiling water and keep on fire for a quarter of an hour. A daily fifteen-minute foot bath can eliminate unpleasant problem on foot.

2 . Prepare a decoction for the foot bath: 4 large spoons of celandine raw materials + a liter of boiling water. The procedure against unpleasant foot odor due to nail fungus is carried out daily for a quarter of an hour. The herb and celandine flowers remaining after the decoction can be used as a compress on the plate.

3 . Compress with onion juice (rub the plate before going to bed) and garlic ointment ( butter and garlic passed through a press 1:1) will help avoid unpleasant aroma from your shoes.

4 . The smell of nail fungus can be eliminated with a compress of burdock leaves. Roll the sheet with a rolling pin until the juice separates. Wrap it around the phalanges and leave it overnight. Therapeutic course: 21 days.

In contact with


Onychomycosis or nail fungus is a fairly common disease that is very difficult to treat and recurs repeatedly. According to statistical data, this type of fungus is found in a quarter of the population of the post-Soviet space. Most common toenail fungus.

It is interesting that toenail fungus disease affects people living in big cities and presenters healthy image life. This is due to the fact that they regularly visit swimming pools, gyms, saunas and other places where the risk of fungal transmission is highest.

There are also factors that increase the risk of fungal disease, namely: excessive sweating, poor quality shoes, synthetic low-quality socks, diaper rash, neglect of foot hygiene rules. All these risk factors can be easily eliminated from life - you just need to pay attention to it.

There are quite a few types of fungus, they differ in the types of pathogens and, accordingly, manifest themselves in different ways. But the course of the disease almost always follows the same scenario.

Initially, the surface of the infected nails weakens and begins to become covered with small cracks. Sick nails can become rough, partially or completely. Over time, nails change color, stripes and spots appear yellow color. A specific unpleasant odor appears from the nails, inside which small voids form. As a result, they begin to loosen and crumble. You should be aware that lack of treatment will lead to complete loss of nails. Also, nail fungus can occur in hidden form, worsening in the absence of appropriate treatment.

In case folk remedies fungal treatment is not suitable for you - you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo necessary examination. It is necessary to visit a doctor even if you suspect a fungus. The sooner treatment of the fungus begins, the greater the chance of getting rid of it and preventing possible relapses.

Toenails are most susceptible to fungus due to the fact that the moisture and heat generated inside the closed nails contribute to its development. Also, using someone else's shoes, such as slippers, may well contribute to infection with fungus. However, do not forget that fingernails are also susceptible to onychomycosis.

Scientists suggest that susceptibility to the fungus is genetically transmitted. In such situations, when one of your parents passed on the gene for increased susceptibility to the fungus, you need to be vigilant and, in case of illness, begin treatment in the early stages.

Damage to the nails can also cause fungus. This is due to the fact that germs can penetrate into the nail cavity, where it does not adhere well to the skin due to injury. Having climbed deeper, microbes begin to multiply. The fungus first attacks the skin and then spreads to the nail.

There are also types of fungi that can be removed with antifungal medications, but they will only work if the fungus has not penetrated very deeply.

Types of fungus

There are more than three hundred thousand types of fungus around the world, but few of them can cause damage to the nails and skin. All fungi have their own properties and characteristics. For example, a fungal disease called dermatophyte can be asymptomatic and last for many years. It causes destruction slowly, moving from inside the nail to its surface. On initial stages dermatophyte can be identified by small purulent spots yellowish color. Its brother is the trichotonic fungus, which acts in reverse side- first destroys the outer side of the nail, penetrating deeper. Infection of the nail with this type of fungus will lead to its complete peeling off from the skin. Yeasts, or candida, cause very severe inflammation, which starts from the base of the nail. Also, candida is chronic and gives the nail an unpleasant brown-green color. The nail plate from candida is destroyed quite quickly.

Currently, specialists cannot always accurately determine the presence of a fungus based on an external examination of the area that is bothering the patient. That is why it is carried out special analysis, which determines the type of fungus (mold, yeast or dermatophyte, etc.). After all necessary tests a final diagnosis is made. Affected toenails and fingernails can be identified by their unevenness, color and, in advanced cases, even their smell. After establishing the exact dianosis, the doctor will be able to more accurately prescribe effective treatment.

The most common is rubromycosis, a fungal disease that simultaneously affects the fingernails and toenails, as well as the areas of skin next to them. Rubromycosis affects more than 20% of the world's population.

Express diagnosis of nail fungus on the toes and hands

You can determine the presence of fungus at home in the presence of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). To do this, you need to dilute potassium permanganate in water so that the water has a faint purple color. Dip nails that you think are infected into this solution for a few minutes. This solution will color the healthy parts of the nail brown tint, but the affected ones will remain light. If your suspicions are justified, go to see a doctor. After this diagnosis, you should disinfect your nails with hydrogen peroxide.

How to treat toenail and hand nail fungus?

The effectiveness of nail fungus treatment can be determined directly by the condition of the nail plate. In cases where it is not severely affected, external treatment methods can be used.

There is a world great amount means for the treatment of fungus in its early stages. Treatment of fungus with such means is carried out at home. Often, kits for treating fungus at home include various ointments that soften the nails, as well as scrapers for cleaning the nail plate. Treatment with these medications lasts about two to three weeks.

Also very popular are antifungal varnishes that can be used together with manicure varnishes during your treatment.

In cases where you have delayed treatment and most of the nail plate is affected, external remedies are not enough. Treatment of such a fungus is more complex and lengthy. You need systemic treatment using special tablets that deliver necessary substances into the blood. This kind of medicine needs to be taken for about six months, depending on the doctor’s recommendations and the degree of the disease. Using exclusively external means can only lead to temporary improvement.

Do not forget that the fungus is very tenacious and if not treated, it will return with immunity to the drug that you used against it. The fungus can also return due to re-infection with the same shoes you used before. Considering the properties of the fungus, it is not recommended to treat irresponsibly with treatment, as well as with the sources of the disease. But in modern world There are products that do not form an addiction for the fungus and have high antifungal activity. For example, "Mikozan" made from rye enzyme filtrate is used to treat relapses of the fungus. The serum contained in this drug destroys the fungus inside the nail, which helps reduce the risk of relapse.

Pulse therapy - effective method treatment of nail fungus, which involves taking medications at a long interval, which allows the body to recover and combine with other medications. Pulse therapy is most often prescribed for up to three months. But these three months are enough to prevent the fungus from returning throughout the year. After complete restoration of the affected nails, it is carried out repeat tests at the doctor's.

If speak about surgical intervention, it should be noted that it is ineffective, primarily due to the traumatic nature, due to which the risk of re-infection is high. Secondary infection often provokes relapse of the disease.

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People experience severe discomfort if their feet smell and sweat. Most of them have no idea what to do in such a situation and where to turn. There is no need to panic, because there are simple and completely available options deliverance from such a misfortune. Below we will tell you if your feet stink, what to do and what to use for this.

Causes of the problem

The first step is to understand what caused the unpleasant odor and excessive sweating.

  1. Most often this is associated with both the skin and the skin. Until this disease is completely cured, the smell, and with it discomfort, will not pass.
  2. The second most popular position is occupied by possible diseases that a person suffers from. Diabetes can cause not only odor, but also non-healing ulcers that appear on the legs. In addition, there are many other diseases that contribute to sweating and the formation of stench. For example, emerging bacteria that actively reproduce. At in this case it is necessary to be observed by specialists who will help develop necessary plan treatment.

However, even healthy people often have problems with unpleasant odor from. This occurs due to intense sweating. Sweat glands located on the feet, produce a sufficient amount of sweat, the volume of which increases with active human movements. This environment is also favorable for bacteria.

We must not forget that many citizens choose far from the most quality shoes, and socks are worn from synthetic materials. Thanks to these factors, the smell noticeably intensifies. Materials made from non- natural ingredients, do not allow oxygen to pass through, and also do not absorb sweat secretions well. These reasons serve favorable environment for the abundant proliferation of bacteria, whose emissions have an extremely strong stench.

How to get rid of the smell?

There are quite a lot of tips, each of which is suitable under certain circumstances and for a specific person. Therefore, the first step is to identify the source, which is the carrier of the stench.

So, if it turns out that a person is sick, it is necessary to take measures for more productive treatment. No disease - no smell. However, this is not as simple as it might seem, because not all diseases can be treated. Then you need to refer to the following tips.

  • It will be useful to use special foot baths from time to time to help get rid of sweating.
  • It is very important to dry your feet and the area between your toes every time after washing, since these are the places, even with a small amount of lag, that become a haven for bacteria.
  • To effectively fight germs, antibacterial soap is ideal.
  • It is useful to gradually lower the temperature while washing your feet, starting from fairly warm and moving towards cold.
  • If your feet sweat excessively, they should daily washing feet using cosmetics with antibacterial properties.

Foot baths

One or two procedures per week will be enough. This will help dry the skin, tighten pores, make it less copious discharge sweat. There are several time-tested recipes:

Once all are completed hygiene procedures, you can apply a few more tips. They will help for more long term Provide freshness to your feet and help fight sweating.

Lavender oil. It is necessary to rub the legs with it, and then insulate it with socks. The procedure is ideal for night time. However, before proceeding, it is necessary to do a test for the presence of an allergic reaction.

Cosmetic healing cream , helping to reduce sweat secretion.

It is known that alcohol is excellent at fighting bacteria, so your feet can be wipe with alcohol and tinctures on it.

Vinegar can help get rid of not only unpleasant odor, but also fungus on early stage. Without diluting it, you should take it into a pipette and apply a couple of drops to the nails and problem areas of the skin of the feet.

Deodorant. Like the armpit area, the legs produce quite a lot of sweat, therefore, it is important to take advantage of the benefits of civilization and use special cosmetical tools for legs.

You can use talcum powder. Once the moisture from the skin has been completely removed, you need to sprinkle your feet, as well as the space between your toes, with powder. If you don't have it on hand, potato starch or even baking soda are a good substitute.

There are opinions that liquid clotrimazole and brilliant green solution help well, they wipe the skin of the legs. However, it does not look very aesthetically pleasing.

Care for socks and shoes

Since there is constant contact between socks, shoes and the skin of the feet, much depends on the quality of the fabric of these items.

Of course, preference should be given natural materials, namely cotton socks and leather shoes. It’s a pity, but not everyone has such an opportunity and not always. Discomfort and bad influence synthetics can be significantly reduced if you follow simple tips:

  • From time to time, sprinkle shoes with talcum powder or by special means with antibacterial effect.
  • Shoes should be stored in well-ventilated cabinets or drawers.
  • When drying shoes, it is important to remove the insoles and dry them separately. They are changed every 60-90 days and washed from time to time.
  • It is important that the shoes are thoroughly dried. To do this, you need to use special electric dryers, or other means created for this procedure.
  • Socks should only be washed when they are turned inside out. This will help provide more quality disposal from dust, dirt and dead skin flakes.
  • Socks must be changed every day.

Any shoes must be chosen exactly in size. So, a narrow and tight one can cause not only more active sweating, but also the appearance of various calluses that can crack, and an infection can settle in the resulting wounds, which can be very difficult to cure.

If a person knows about his sweating, at every convenient opportunity it is important to get rid of shoes and socks so that skin covering I could get some air and my feet and toes could dry out. You should avoid wearing socks alone, as they are a breeding ground for germs, as as soon as the shoes are worn, they will begin to multiply.


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Chronic diseases: not specified

Hello! I would like to consult an expert. The fact is that over the course of about a month I began to periodically notice an unpleasant odor from my fingernails. It’s hard to say what the smell is similar to; it doesn’t evoke any associations with anything. The smell is not strong and is only noticeable if you sniff your nails. I read about the symptoms of fungus - it doesn’t seem like it. The color and structure of the nails have not changed, there are no rashes near the nails, and there are no spots on the nails. My nails peel at the tips - but this has always been the case for me. Please help me understand this issue. Thank you in advance.

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1 answer

Remember to evaluate the doctors' answers, help us improve them by asking additional questions on the subject of this question .
In addition, remember to thank doctors.

The day is good, the smell may be due to microbial or fungal infection nails, from the picture they look quite healthy and do not require intensive treatment. The only thing is, try wiping them with a chlorhexidine solution. Good luck!
