Why is everyone the same. People are the same in that they are different

As a child, I loved to play with my mother's makeup bag. Of all the treasures hidden in her plastic interior, I liked most of all the sharp-beaked drawing pen - a formidable-looking piece for drafting, with which Soviet women plucked their eyebrows into a thin thread. I liked the gray-blue shadows, ideal for drawing princesses, a little less, but my mother, on the contrary: if the punishment for the lost drawing pen was symbolic, then the broken palette fell into the category of especially serious crimes. Once, having stood up for her in the corner, I moved to draw my malvins to visit a friend - her mother had the same shadows. And the same drawer. And the same mascara-brasmatik. Only blush and views on the education of young artists are different.

The contents of the cosmetic bags of Soviet women were strikingly similar: Polish shadows, French powder, mascara from the banks of the Neva. Everyone cut and curled under Edita Piekha, painted their eyes under Barbara Brylska and, according to my mother, looked “like from one incubator”. Later, when I started using cosmetics for their intended purpose, instead of anecdotes, she told how, together with her friends, she got those modest shadows and powder - having huddled, digging and standing in line or through acquaintances, “we meet at midnight at the crossroads.” Mom always ended her stories in the same way: how good it is, they say, that now are other times, other customs and there is no shortage of either china, or nails, or decent eyebrow pencils. Now, my mother said, young people can look as they please. If you want, be a blonde, but if you want - red, draw, paint, bring, matte, lacquer, with a shimmer, with glitter, pink powder on top - a solid celebration of individuality.

No, mom. Alas, everything was not so simple.

Now, when cosmetics stores flood customers with news about their “revolutionary novelties”, when there is so much red in the palette of nail polishes that the human eye is not able to distinguish the nuances of shades, when every girl has enough French perfume and powder to sink a squadron and repaint an elephant in beige, everyone looks the same again. No kidding. When in doubt, open Instagram and look at the main stars there. All of them have hair the color of dark chocolate or platinum blond, wide eyebrows with a clear contour, plump lips in a matte nude lipstick, painted cheekbones and a nose with a thin back (“darken on the side, on top with a highlighter”). The average Instagram beauty is good, no doubt; and at the same time looks like Kim Kardashian, Megan Fox and a transvestite at the same time. Not Barbara Brylska, of course, but the times with mores are not the same.

Makeup artists who can do this to a woman are literally worth their weight in gold. It's no joke - with the help of two kilograms of foundation and a spatula, turn a Ryazan simpleton into a twin of Kylie Jenner. After all, this is real work, work for a million - rubles and likes. The best of the masters are already touring the CIS and sharing tricks of transformation from TV screens - the ratings of such programs, to the great delight of producers, are growing.

And if it’s approximately clear to me why all our mothers look a little alike in archival photos, then why, for example, all our football players are married to twins, I can’t figure it out. Surely the appearance of this army of clones in the "golden age" of fashion for different types of beauty has some reasonable explanation. Sociologists here could speculate about the desire to be like a successful neighbor, which does not depend on gender and age; biologists - to draw an analogy with pack animals that are friends only with similar individuals, and dissimilar ones are pecked and driven away with sticks; culturologists - to recall the different aesthetics of the masses and elites. But only these pleasant and clever scientific explanations can hardly be called simple. And the only simple explanation is a pleasant one: in a time when there is no shortage of porcelain, nails, or eyebrow pencils, individuality was in short supply. But it is she who should be emphasized by all these shimmers, glitters and beige lipsticks. To paint with matte and lacquer, sprinkle yourself with pink powder and sparkles and finally look the way you want, and not as usual, you need not be afraid to be yourself. Alas, this is not taught at the master classes of Instagram makeup artists.

maybe I'm not lying))))) check)))))

Yes... moah and esthete are unusual people... BUT... denying the world, they deny the confusion to which people are subject, expelling disturbing feelings from their lives. this is good! but a higher level is the understanding of the disturbing feelings and the transformation into mirror wisdom. Example. Dude means depressed. He rrrza so caught himself thinking. Oh, I'm kind of depressed. and why? finds the cause - a consequence of depression, and understands that this is just a glitch of the mind. as a result 1. life experience. 2. a new level of knowledge 3. less confusion (as a result, less suffering))) 4. awareness

Yes. Every thought is a written down story. because everything passes. no. science must be learned but understood that everything = only reflections in the mirror. that everything is coming. example. was such a people Einstein. created the theory of relativity. E equals em tse squared. This theory was almost swayed. She stated and described everything. and then Russian scientists realized that this theory is false. why? ce squared - acceleration of the speed of light. The result is that nothing can be higher than the speed of light ... but the speed of the work of brain neurons is many times higher than the speed of light))) the theory collapsed. But modernity does not recognize this. because over a lot of things to revise.))) and this is a long time and there is nothing to do. type))))) that's the price of truth.)))

And at the expense of the science of religions and theories. Everything first develops, is supplemented, laughs, and then, having no reason for further development, leads to ossification)))) the price of concepts)))

Everything has a cause and effect relationship. there are no coincidences. here is an example. Now we communicate with you in LiRu. accident? undoubtedly. but. further, when communicating, we receive from each other some ideas, knowledge, feelings, emotions, etc. mutual exchange. this is a causal relationship (in Sanskrit this is called karma, that is, activity)

Further ... if you dig even deeper. we communicate in LiRu. accident? maybe. but. if we didn’t have computers, if I didn’t get a job where there is a free Internet, then this topic would not exist at all)))) so the concept of randomness is also conditioned)))))

Clear definition of emptiness. What is emptiness? It's everything and nothing. everything comes from emptiness through a causal relationship, and everything turns into emptiness. emptiness is the clear light of the mind. that is, a mind devoid of concepts))))) emptiness is something that existed exists and will always exist. because as mentioned above! everything has empty properties and is conditioned only by the coming concepts of being)))))

Regarding the truth. And the truth is wrong. these are the same conditional concepts. dualistic view. I-Not I. It is necessary to understand that truth and falsehood, truth and not truth, are one and the same. because these are just concepts)))) I will try to lay out the story of the yogi Naropa for a better understanding)))

I hope I didn't confuse you?
Thank you so much for the discussion!)))) I am very glad that there are such smart interlocutors as you))))))))

Once, in an essay, my student wrote: “The only thing people have in common is that they are all different.” And indeed it is. We are endowed with different shades of eyes, skin, we speak different languages, we have different mental abilities. We treat the same things differently, we even laugh and cry differently. Prejudices and stereotypes about people who are somehow different from many are very common not only in our society, but all over the world. This perception and attitude causes suffering. The fairness of any society is measured by how it treats the most vulnerable groups of people. It is very important to develop the ability to imagine yourself in their situation.
All people, and adolescents in particular, need to learn to accept themselves and others as they are.
Differences need respect and care, and we often wittingly or unwittingly try to persuade a person to think the way we do, to perceive the world the way we see it. How many irresolvable conflicts flare up because of our inability to appreciate the right of everyone to be different from others.
It is important to learn to live in harmony with others. Only then will anyone be comfortable. The atmosphere that the teacher creates in the classroom should be warm, inviting and supportive for each student. Only in such an environment will the child behave naturally, perceive himself as he really is.
The game. Take a piece of paper and pin it to your classmate's back. Let everyone try to write with a pencil something pleasant for his friend. All inscriptions must be kind and anonymous. For example: “Thank you for being so helpful and funny.” Then everyone will take a piece of paper off their back and read it.

most special
For 6-9 year olds, use the word "special", and for older children - "unique". For older children, focus on the discussion.
Goals. To teach children to be aware of their own uniqueness and be proud of it, to respect the uniqueness of others; create an atmosphere of openness and trust.

Lesson progress
Ask participants to think of something that makes them different from everyone else. One says: "I can weave baskets." If no one else can say "Me too", he gets one point, if someone else also has the same ability, he sits next to the one who has the same passion.
Discussion: is it good to be unique? Is every person unique? What prevents us from being unique?

Goats and wolves
Objectives: to explore the reasons why people cause or do not inspire trust; Discuss feelings of fear and security. Here you will need signs with the inscriptions: “goat”, “goat”, “wolf”.
Participants pull these tablets out of the box without showing each other. One must be asked to retell the tale of the seven kids.
In one corner of the room, the “goats” sit in a tight circle. This is their house. The rest of the participants gather in another corner. Each of them in turn approaches the "house" and tries to convince the "goats" that he is a "goat". If they are convinced, they will let the "wolf" into the house. He "eats" one "kid" and is out of the game. The goal of the "goats" is to remain safe and sound. The goal of the "goats" and "wolves" is to get into the house.
This game will allow participants to begin to communicate with each other more confidentially and try out different roles. It will be interesting to discuss:
How did the goats feel?
What did they base their decision on?
Why are they sometimes wrong?
Are our impressions of people often wrong?
How did the "goats" feel when they were mistaken for "wolves"?
How did they try to convince the "goats"?
Is it nice to be "wolves"?
Has it ever happened that someone in life turned out to be a “wolf” against their will?

Natalia GUDOSHNIKOVA, civics teacher, Saransk
