A selection of the best pictures and postcards in honor of Russia Day. A selection of the best pictures and postcards in honor of Russia Day Postcards on June 12

Among all the official state celebrations, the holiday of June 12 is the youngest. Officially it is called Russia Day, but is often called Independence Day.

Today, Russia Day is increasingly acquiring patriotic features and becoming a symbol of national unity and shared responsibility for the present and future of our Motherland. Therefore, events on Russia Day are always imbued with the spirit of patriotism.

June 12 can confidently be called the birthday of the Russian Federation. In the now distant 1990, it was on this day that the “Declaration on State Sovereignty of the RSFSR” was adopted. In those troubled times preceding the final collapse of the Soviet Union, a state with a long history and at the same time a very young state began its new path.

The Russian Federation retained the status of a multinational state, where representatives of any nationality received equal rights, in no way distinguished by nationality or religion. All citizens living in the republic became Russians with the same opportunities and privileges.

Exactly a year later, on June 12, 1991, the first democratic presidential elections of the Russian Federation were held, in which Boris Yeltsin was elected head of the country by an overwhelming majority of votes. The popular elections, held for the first time in an unfamiliar format, can be considered a global historical event and an important step towards building a changed democratic state.

Postcards for Russia Day on June 12: the establishment of a new holiday

In 1994, the head of the country signed a decree establishing a new public holiday - the Day of Adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia. At the same time, this important day for all Russians became a non-working day and citizens received an additional summer day off. For many, the opportunity to relax was unexpected and people did not immediately get used to the holiday of the new time and understand the importance of this date.

Moreover, some did not want to accept the holiday, not considering the signing of the Declaration of the Russian Federation a reason for rejoicing. People of the old school were sure that this step was one of the reasons for the collapse of a powerful power. However, subsequent historical events proved that the mechanism of the collapse of the USSR had been launched and it was no longer possible to stop it.

Postcards for Russia Day on June 12: celebrating the national holiday

In modern Russia, which has already grown stronger and received worldwide recognition, June 12 continues to be one of the main public holidays. This day is always a non-working day, and for the convenience of citizens, the next weekend is shifted so that people can rest for several days in a row.

Warm summer days allow you to celebrate the holiday on a grand scale on the streets of the city. On June 12, festive concerts, demonstration performances, folk festivals and other mass entertainment events are held at concert venues and parks, in which everyone participates on their own initiative. City streets, public buildings and residential buildings are decorated with state flags, and the new Russian anthem is played from loudspeakers. In the evenings, large cities and small towns are illuminated with festive light by fireworks, and in the hero cities the sky is illuminated by grandiose volleys of fireworks.

Solemn events are often timed to coincide with the holiday. On this day, state awards are traditionally presented in the Kremlin, and in the regions those who have distinguished themselves at the state level are awarded. On this June day, it is not uncommon to see a rally held by one of the country's political parties on the streets of cities.

Unfortunately, surveys of citizens show that not every resident of Russia knows the correct name of the holiday and what its meaning is. Some people, out of habit, call June 12 Independence Day and do not understand the main essence of the celebration. In fact, its meaning is simple - national unity and shared responsibility for the future of the country.

The MEGA-ART company offers the following elements of festive decoration for June 12, Russia Day:

Poster for the design of shop windows and entrances

Banners and billboards for decorating building facades and interior decoration

Greeting card, both with the proposed design and with an individual one

Sticker and window sticker

State symbols (flag, coat of arms)

Russia Day, or the Day of Adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia, as this holiday was called until 2002, is one of the “youngest” public holidays in the country.

On June 12, 2001, speaking in the Kremlin at a gala reception on the occasion of the Day of Adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia, Russian President V.V. Putin said that “The countdown of our new history began with this document. The history of a democratic state based on civil liberties and the rule of law. And its main meaning is success, prosperity and well-being of citizens.”

In 1994, the first President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, by his Decree, gave June 12 national significance - the Day of Adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia.

The document itself was signed four years earlier at the first congress of people's deputies of the RSFSR in conditions when the former republics of the Soviet Union, one after another, became independent. Later, for simplicity, it was simply called Independence Day. By the way, it was on June 12 that, in addition to “independence,” our country acquired its first popularly elected President.

In any case, this day was interpreted by people in different ways. The first attempt to create a major national holiday that would mark the beginning of the new history of Russia looked somewhat clumsy. Population surveys of those years clearly demonstrated a complete lack of understanding among Russians of the essence of this holiday. For most, June 12 was just another day off when they could go somewhere on vacation or work in the garden at the dacha. At first, many even tried to get to work. In the cities of Russia, of course, mass celebrations were held, but there was no particular scope.

In his speech in 1998, Boris Yeltsin tried to put an end to rumors about June 12 once and for all, proposing to celebrate it as Russia Day. The holiday officially received a new name only on February 1, 2002, when the provisions of the new Labor Code came into force.

Now Russia Day is a holiday of freedom, civil peace and good harmony of all people based on law and justice. This holiday is a symbol of national unity and shared responsibility for the present and future of our Motherland.

The national holiday Russia Day has recently become very popular among Russians. It is celebrated on a large scale in all cities of the country and is of great importance for every citizen. As with any other general celebration, people congratulate each other. Thanks to the Internet, this is much easier to do. For Russia Day, pictures with congratulatory inscriptions, corresponding symbols and attributes.

To choose an interesting picture for congratulations, you should look at the appropriate section; on our website, the site presents a wide selection of options for every taste.

What to send to friends and family

When choosing an image that will be on a postcard, you should choose what exactly this holiday means to you. The themes of the pictures are varied, but in one way or another they refer to some things related to Russia.

One of the most popular motifs is the flag, since it is a clear and unambiguous symbol that is an official attribute of the state. Congratulations, poems, the date itself, as well as other objects are placed against its background when the flag acts as a background.

Photography of landmarks will also be an excellent choice, especially if the congratulations concern people from other cities. The Kremlin may be one of the most famous attractions, but besides it there are other famous places. A photograph of such a place with a coat of arms or flag will always be a great decoration.

The holiday on the main square of the country, as well as in other cities, especially regional centers, often ends with a festive concert and fireworks. Fireworks and other elements of the celebration will certainly be used in any pictures dedicated to this holiday. After all, many people gather in squares at this time.

People and nature

Postcards for Russia Day are primarily intended for people. After state symbols and attractions, the theme of postcards often includes beautiful places, girls in folk costumes, and so on. Wide fields, dense forests, clear skies and this is not a complete list of what can decorate an image.

Russia is a big country and here, which will differ from each other in each region. This is a national holiday, so we should gather here as many unique places as possible from every corner of it.

Various animals, eagles, bears and horses often appear on the coats of arms of cities. Here they can act as the main plot. For June 12, congratulatory pictures can be divided into hand-drawn ones, made in an animation style, as well as photographic ones, which use real images combined into one composition.

Despite the fact that the holiday itself has been celebrated on a day off since 1992, it received its current name only in 2002. Previously, it was the day of the declaration of sovereignty, which was adopted on this date.

State awards, which are presented personally by the president in the Kremlin, are issued on this day. The first presidential election in Russian history also falls on this date.

On June 12, when the country's day is celebrated, many localities also celebrate the city's day, which becomes a double holiday for residents.

For a long time, people perceived this holiday as independence day, although such wording did not appear anywhere in the documents. According to sociological surveys, the majority of the population in the 90s considered this to be Independence Day, then after 2012 this number dropped to a third.

Different countries are important
There are any in the world.
But there is no better country
And dearer than Russia.

Argentineans love the heat
And lie on the beach
What happens when it snows in winter?
He doesn't even know.

A Norwegian has in his life
Fjords, cold, shade.
Only he didn’t see here
How lilac blooms.

Like in a birch forest
They drink juice in April,
The forest quickly fills up
Lingonberry tuesok.

There is taiga and there are deserts,
The valleys are wide.
Rocks, depressions, plains,
Rivers and sands.

Not to be seen in my entire life
Even part of the country.
Travel, and others
No countries needed.

Because there's half the world here
Millions house.
Brothers, happy Russian holiday,
Happy our common day!

Today is the day of a great country, Russia Day. And on this bright day I would like to wish us all to be proud that we are Russians. Let every person feel free, happy, needed and respected. Let no wars, natural disasters, or economic crises affect us. I wish everyone prosperity, well-being, and prosperity. Happy holiday to all of us!

Holiday of the Motherland - Russia.
Day of your big country.
May the force be with us,
We will always be faithful to her.

May our skies be clear
And peace comes to every home.
Let all the bad things forget us,
And let adversity become a dream!

Happy Russia Day - a great country!
I wish her a rich treasury.
Well, you should prosper with her,
Never lose optimism!

Let any enemy be afraid
Our power and strength in the eyes,
Let the country only grow
Like the meadows this summer, bloom!

Congratulations on Russia Day
You today, Russians,
So that we are proud of the country
And she was proud of us.

I wish our country
Do not know grief and war,
And may the sons of Russia
You won't have to fight.

On Russia Day I wish
The sky is peaceful for the country,
So that we live happily
On my native land.

Congratulations on Russia Day and on this holiday I wish you prosperity for the country and a bright future, common good and mutual respect in society, brilliant prospects and sustainable success. Let every resident of Russia be happy, loved and proud of their country.

Russia is growing every day,
Gets rich sometimes
He looks at Europe crookedly,
Like, don't come here.

We'll figure it out ourselves
Where do we have what and how much?
But don’t wait, we won’t get drunk!
Happy Russia Day, Russian Day!

Congratulations on Russia Day and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish the eternal prosperity of our country and a happy life in it. May Russia always remain a powerful power, may every Russian person be truly proud of his roots, traditions, heroes, achievements and victories.

Russia, our dear,
There is no such power anymore
Yes, we don’t need another:
We love you with all our hearts!

Mother Russia, you are our sun,
Please, always shine!
Let your heart beat forever
In a huge, royal chest!

I hasten to congratulate everyone on the holiday,
And first of all our big country.
Happy Russia Day, dear country!
Glory as before, glory always.

Your strength has become great and mighty,
I wish you to prosper for centuries,
And I wish all Russians happiness.
One world to our beloved land.

We once approved a new holiday,
And the important date is bright and solemn,
This is a holiday of unity of a huge power,
It is a celebration of merit, achievement and glory.

The holiday of our Motherland, the meaning is clear and simple,
Only in unity is our success, prosperity, growth.
Glory to our Fatherland, strengthen your might, prosper,
Our region will be generous, rich and happy.

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Russia Day is celebrated annually on June 12. The holiday is a day off. In 2018, due to the postponement of holidays, Russians rest on June 10, 11 and 12 inclusive (from Sunday to Tuesday inclusive). In this regard, Saturday, June 9, is a working day.

How did the history of Russia Day begin, who became its founder and when?

June 12, 1990 became a kind of starting point for the new Russia. It was then that the first Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR adopted the “Declaration of State Sovereignty of the RSFSR,” which contained the main points of state sovereignty. According to this document, in resolving all major issues relating to both state and public life of the country, the RSFSR could enjoy full power.

The Declaration also proclaimed the supremacy of the main state document - the Constitution of Russia and Russian laws. The legal opportunities of citizens, political parties, and subjects of the Federation are documented to be equal for everyone. The principle of separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial powers was approved. On the same day a year later, June 12, 1991, the first popular direct open presidential election in the history of the state took place in Russia, the winner of which was Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin.

It was during his leadership of the country, in 1992, that June 12 began to be considered a holiday. And in 1994, this date was declared a “red” day, that is, a non-working day. At first, the holiday was called the Day of the Declaration of State Sovereignty. True, this name did not catch on in everyday life. People simply called it Independence Day.

Perhaps this is why in 1998, President Yeltsin, addressing his compatriots on central television, announced a new name for the existing holiday. From now on it was to be called Russia Day.

But its official name was determined only on February 1, 2002. With the entry into force of the provisions of the new Labor Code, June 12 is established as a public holiday - Russia Day.
