Preparing for pregnancy: what depends on the man. Conception of a boy whose blood is younger

Is planning the sex of a child realistic and what popular methods exist? We will try to figure it out with you. For most expectant mothers and fathers, the gender of the child is not important, the main thing is that the baby is born healthy and strong, and nature will decide whether it will be a boy or a girl, whose verdict will be final and irrevocable. But there are, of course, exceptions when parents want to decide everything themselves: when, who and what. Sometimes this reaches the point of absurdity, but when only girls or boys are born in a family, the parents can be understood. So cunning mothers and fathers resort to all sorts of tricks, trying to fool Mother Nature around their finger.

What determines the sex of a child from a scientific point of view

An egg containing an X chromosome is fertilized by a sperm containing an X or Y chromosome. The fusion of two X chromosomes, XX, results in a girl, and the fusion of X and Y chromosomes, XY, results in a boy.

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Ovulatory method of planning the gender of a child

According to the ovulatory method, proposed in the 70s of the 20th century by the Polish doctor Frantisek Benedo, sex planning depends on the characteristics of the X and Y chromosomes in sperm. The fact is that Y-sperm are much smaller than X-sperm, which allows them to be faster and more mobile, and, accordingly, reach the coveted finish line first. But they are not very tenacious, while the slow and clumsy X-sperm are able to remain viable in the female genital tract for several days after sexual intercourse. Adherents of the ovulatory method of planning the sex of a child argue that if fertilization occurs on the day of ovulation, a boy will most likely be born, and a few days after or a few days before ovulation, a girl will be born. This method can also be explained by the fact that the internal environment of the vagina changes at different periods of the monthly cycle. Thus, as ovulation approaches, it becomes more alkaline, which is beneficial for vulnerable Y-sperm, and in the period before and after ovulation, the vaginal environment is more acidic, which the more hardy X-sperm can tolerate. Although the technique is characterized by a fairly high accuracy, amounting to about 87%, it cannot give an absolute guarantee, because The menstrual cycle can vary depending on various external and internal factors.

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Planning the gender of the child using the blood renewal method

If you believe the blood renewal method, the sex of the child depends on the strength (youth) of the blood of the father or mother. It is believed that the blood of men and women is renewed at different cycles: in men – once every four years, in women – once every three years. When planning the sex of a child using the blood renewal method, the mother’s age at the time of conception must be divided by three, and the father’s age by four. Whose remainder turns out to be larger will have younger, and therefore stronger, blood, which will accordingly affect the sex of the child. It should be taken into account that if the mother’s blood is Rh negative, then everything will be exactly the opposite. It is also necessary to take into account whether there were significant blood losses of various etiologies. If blood loss has occurred, the count should be kept not from the date of birth, but from the day of blood loss. It is difficult to say how reasonable and effective it is to entrust sex planning to the blood renewal method, because there are no statistical or experimental data.

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Mode of sexual activity

This theory is based on the research of biologist Vigen Geodakyan and Vladimir Kamalyan. Geodekyan suggested that the birth of more boys during the war years is associated with more intense sexual activity before the long separation of men going to war. And Kamalyan, in turn, noticed that in the families of geologists participating in long expeditions, only 35-36 girls are born per hundred boys. He explained this by the sexual activity of geologists after a long separation. In contrast to geologists, he gave the example of physicists who lead a more sedentary lifestyle and are fathers of mostly girls. All these facts were presented in the work “Sex Ratio in Families of Geologists and Physicists.” Thus, if gender planning and sexual activity are interconnected, then for the birth of a daughter or son, accordingly, strengthen and make your intimate life more frequent, or, conversely, reduce it to a minimum, throwing sex out of your head and immersing yourself in work, sports and all sorts of joys of the head of the family.

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Mother's age

The age-based method of planning the sex of a child is based on 20 years of observation and research by Elena Shamrina, who established the dependence of the sex of the unborn child on the odd or even age of the woman. For a woman of even age, it is possible to conceive a girl in even months of the year, and for an odd age - in odd months; This can also be taken into account during late pregnancy. To conceive a male child, everything happens exactly the opposite. It is also important that during the chosen period for conception, ovulation occurs in the middle of the month, otherwise the likelihood of having a child of the desired gender is reduced.

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French diet

In accordance with this method, planning the gender of the child requires adjusting the diet of the expectant mother. So, to give birth to a boy, a woman should eat spicy and salty foods rich in potassium and sodium ions, excluding foods containing calcium and magnesium. For the birth of a girl, on the contrary, dairy products and greens should predominate, and the consumption of spicy and salty foods should be kept to a minimum. Some believe that the diet should be followed for three weeks before conception not only by women, but also by future dads. It is difficult to say whether the method will be effective for a particular couple, but excluding dairy products, eggs and fresh fruit from the diet of “mothers of boys” can really have consequences.

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Scientific method

The only reliable scientific method for planning the sex of a child at the moment is selection or separation of sperm using electrophoresis, in which the father's sperm are “accelerated” to the negative and positive poles, sending girls in one direction and boys in the other, followed by in vitro fertilization. The disadvantage of the method is the negative impact of the electric field on the sperm, which can lead to mutagenic effects and other undesirable consequences.

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Ancient methods of planning the sex of a child

  • In Ancient China, there was an opinion that in order to conceive a boy during an act of love, a woman should lie with her head to the north, and to give birth to a girl, she should lie with her head to the south.
  • The Talmud states that if a man finishes intercourse first, a boy will be born.
  • Ancient aesculapians believed that boys appear from the left testicle, and girls from the right, therefore various manipulations and recipes were widely used, supposedly activating the work of a particular testicle. In worst case scenarios, it was even proposed to remove the “unnecessary” testicle.
  • Sometimes planning took place with very unpredictable auxiliary means, for example, with an ax. In the Middle Ages, men dreaming of a son placed an ax on the marital bed under the pillow and, taking it out at the most interesting moment, strictly ordered their wife: “May you have a boy!” To give birth to a daughter, a woman was put on a hat and showered with tender words.
  • The Germans have long been convinced that making love in rainy weather results in the birth of a girl, and in dry weather - in the birth of a boy.
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Video opinion of a geneticist about planning

Of course, you can experiment with various methods of planning the sex of a child, but you should always remember that no method gives a 100% guarantee, so you need to be prepared for any final result, happily meeting both a boy and a girl. It is important that the child, regardless of gender, is desired and feels it with every cell of his tiny body and every part of his soul.

Katerina Bagatskaya

While looking for information on how to conceive a girl, I also learned about what will help in planning a son. Hope someone finds this useful!
It all depends on the chromosomes.
So, the sex of the child depends on which chromosome the sperm that fertilized the egg has, X or Y. To conceive a boy, it must be a Y chromosome. Sperm with such chromosomes are more mobile, but at the same time they live less than X chromosomes, which can “wait” for your egg to be ready for a couple of days. Y chromosomes can't wait! Therefore, it is necessary to plan sexual intercourse directly on the day of ovulation, then there is a chance that fast sperm with Y chromosomes will be able to get ahead of their slow comrades with the X chromosome and you will be able to conceive a boy.
So, the advice is this: avoid sexual intercourse for 3-4 days before the calculated date of ovulation. This will help increase your sperm count. And remember that conception should only happen once during ovulation; it is recommended to use condoms for the next few days.

Active husband.
There is such a theory of “parental activity”. Which parent is more active in the family and at work will determine the gender of the unborn baby. It is believed that this has something to do with the hormonal background of the parents. So if your husband is a born leader, most likely you will have a boy.

Long attempts.
Scientists at the Dutch University of Maastricht have discovered that the longer it takes a woman to get pregnant, the more likely she is to have a son. So most likely your perseverance will be rewarded with the birth of a boy!

Sexual intercourse.
Sexual intercourse itself is very important. To conceive a boy, a long foreplay is necessary (for maximum sperm release). Choose a position where the man enters the woman from behind (“doggy style”). And remember that during orgasm the man must enter the woman as deeply as possible. It should be taken into account that after sexual intercourse, the duration of “fixation” of sperm is 20 minutes, so you just need to lie quietly.

A few more tips.
Have your husband avoid hot baths and insulated underwear at least a week before conception. They also believe that a man should drink a cup of coffee or a glass of carbonated lemonade with caffeine two hours before conception, which will help increase sperm count.

Special diet.
And finally, a diet that promotes the conception of a boy.
Drinks: tea, coffee, beer, fruit juice, mineral water with soda. (Not recommended: milk, milk drinks, mineral waters with calcium).
Meat: all varieties, sausages.
Fish: all varieties. (Not recommended: shrimp, crab, caviar).
Eggs: only protein. (Not recommended: in sauces, baked goods
Bread and cereals: cookies, biscuits, rice, semolina. (Not recommended: bread, pancakes, waffles, confectionery with milk).
Fresh and dry vegetables: potatoes, mushrooms, dry white beans, lentils, dried peas. (Not recommended: green salad, green beans, green beans, raw cabbage, watercress, dill).
Fresh fruit: everything, especially bananas, dates, apricots, oranges, peaches, cherries.
Dried fruits and oilseeds: prunes, dried apricots, dates, dark chocolate. (Not recommended: walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, cocoa, milk chocolate).
Miscellaneous: salt all food, canned food, yeast as much as possible.

Both women and men take part in the process of conceiving a baby. Both have a great influence on the future success of pregnancy, which means you should prepare for it together. Consider the role of a man in conceiving a child. Writes

Subtleties of sexual life during the period of conception

New life arises from the fusion of a female egg with a male sperm. When conceiving a child, much depends on the man. Male potency and sexual activity play an important role. In order to impregnate his soulmate, a man needs to try hard. Rumors that the more often you have sex, the greater the likelihood of conception, are erroneous, because male strength does not have time to recover. The most successful break between sexual intercourse is a period of 2-3 days, because during this time the sperm will have time to “mature”, and the amount of semen will also increase.

Lifestyle at conception

If a couple wants to give birth to a healthy baby, they should reconsider their lifestyle. The first thing to do is to give up habits that have a detrimental effect on your health.

By drinking alcohol before sexual intercourse, your partner increases the likelihood of having an unhealthy baby or even a miscarriage. Alcohol causes defective sperm to appear in a man’s body, which can take part in fertilization and cause a lot of trouble.

In addition to giving up strong drinks, it is worth replacing the thirst for smoking with some other healthy habit, because tobacco poison destroys reproductive cells, which greatly reduces the possibility of conception.

Consultation with a specialist when conceiving a child

Future dads should consult a therapist and undergo certain examinations. A lot can depend on the test results, because treating specialists can immediately prevent the possibility of having an unhealthy baby.

There are cases when lovers are unable to conceive a child for a long time; in such circumstances, it is necessary to contact a urologist and undergo a spermogram. Also, this method of studying problems of conception will help those who have undergone genital surgery.

Conceiving a child and healthy nutrition

A man's healthy diet has a great influence on conception, because by eating healthy food, the future father, without knowing it, significantly improves the quality of sperm. That is why you need to exclude fast food from your diet and stop eating spicy and fatty foods. Your lover should eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible, as well as meat, fish and dairy products.

If a man is overweight, he should take care of himself. Excess fat deposits prevent the production of sperm, so it is more difficult for similar representatives of the stronger sex to impregnate their soulmate.

One of the most pressing questions that worries any person is the question: “Why do we live?” It cannot be answered unambiguously, but there is one undeniable answer: the meaning of life for any living creature, including humans, is to leave behind offspring, to create conditions for children to grow up healthy and also be able to “inherit” your immortal genes.

Unlike animals, for humans, having children is not the only purpose of existence. An important place in our lives is occupied by education, professional self-realization, interesting communication, new experiences, for which some people turn to TV, while others go on trips. Human sexuality today includes not so much a procreative function (reproduction), but recreational (receiving pleasure) and relational (communication with a loved one, cognition and self-awareness, unity) relationships. The birth of a child in most cases is no longer an unconditional reflex act, but a reasonably planned event in the life of a family. But the biological basis of reproduction remains in principle the same as millions of years ago, when the first mammals appeared. And, in fact, the sexual aspect has changed little, i.e. behavior aimed at preserving the family: choosing and “conquering” the most promising partner in reproductive terms, caring for the future mother and children, teaching the offspring the necessary life skills. Does anything in this chain of actions depend on us or did nature wisely provide for everything itself?

Is it possible to “plan” the sex of a child?

Most people know that the sex of the unborn child depends on the man. Unlike women, who have two sex X chromosomes of the same size and shape in their cells, men have one Y chromosome and one X chromosome in their cells. The Y chromosome contains hereditary information that directs the development of indifferent gonads along the male path, turning them into testes.

When chromosomes diverge during cell division, which occurs in the testicles during the formation of germ cells, each sperm gets 23 chromosomes from the original 46, i.e. Not only does the number of chromosomes in each cell decrease by half, but also the exchange of similar sections of chromosomes that the man once inherited from his father and mother occurs. That is why all sperm turn out to be genetically different and carry different sets of characteristics. In this case, from a pair of sex chromosomes, one sperm gets a Y chromosome, the second - an X, so half of all sperm contain a Y chromosome, half - an X. If an egg is fertilized by a sperm of the first type, a boy will be born, and a girl of the second type will be born. These processes are random and do not depend in any way on the will and desire of the future father or on his lifestyle. Therefore, during natural conception floor planning a future child is impossible. No amount of diets or predictions from astrologers will help here; the birth of a child of the desired sex can be achieved only after fertilization of the egg “in vitro”, when a genetic study is carried out to find out which chromosomes are contained in the sperm being studied, and embryos of the desired sex are transferred into the uterine cavity.

When will pregnancy occur?

When planning the birth of a child, you need to remember that the onset of pregnancy is a process that depends on many factors: the quantity and quality of sperm in the pregnancy, the presence and timing of the female egg (the release of the egg from the ovary), the patency of the fallopian tubes, etc. It has been shown that the probability of conception depends, among other things, on the frequency of sexual intercourse: in healthy partners with sexual intercourse 2 times a week, the probability of pregnancy during one female cycle is 20-25%, with a frequency of 4-5 times a week it increases to 40-42%. The likelihood of conception with repeated sexual intercourse is reduced due to the fact that the second portion of sperm contains fewer full-fledged sperm, and the excess volume leads to its leakage from the vagina. Currently, it is generally accepted that pregnancy should normally occur within a year of regular sexual activity without contraception.

Of course, the likelihood of pregnancy depends on the quality of the sperm. The lower the number of sperm, the more immobile sperm, the less chance that the egg will be fertilized. It is important to remember that a man's potency does not automatically confirm his fertility, i.e. ability to have children. There are often cases when sexually weak men have excellent sperm and, conversely, sexually active men have reduced sperm content or no sperm at all. The quality and potential fertilizing ability of sperm can be assessed only after special laboratory tests, which include determination of the number, motility and structure of sperm, the acrosomal reaction 1, which characterizes their functional maturity, and the presence of antisperm antibodies 2.

1 During the interaction between the sperm and the egg, an acrosomal reaction of the sperm occurs, during which enzymes are released from a part of the sperm - acrosomes, which destroy a small area of ​​the egg shell.
2 Antisperm antibodies are antibodies to male sperm that are found in the blood of men.

It is now generally accepted that men (and males in general), although they are considered the “strong” sex, are more susceptible to negative environmental factors. Evolutionarily, this is due to the peculiarity of their biological role. Males in living nature are the main material of evolutionary selection, various variants of the combination of genes that nature tries for survival. (It is well known that more boys are born, but fewer survive than girls.) The appearance of offspring is also a “reward for courage,” which in the animal kingdom does not go to all males. Every day a man produces tens and hundreds of millions of sperm, and they are all genetically different, while a woman only produces 1-2 eggs every month. Of these millions of sperm, only one fertilizes the egg - it has passed through the sieve of natural selection, which first occurs in the genital organs of the man himself, and then continues in the genital tract of the woman. The basis of selection is that all sperm are genetically different. Sperm selection begins in the testicles themselves, then continues in the epididymis and seminal vesicles, where sperm accumulates before ejaculation. It is estimated that a normal man produces about 100 million sperm every hour, and the semen after abstinence for several days contains several tens of millions of them, i.e. 100 times less. “Defective” sperm are eliminated (removed) by special eater cells. Of those sperm that enter the vagina, less than 1% of the cells also pass through the cervical canal into the uterus: only a few hundred participate in the siege of the “fortress” that is the egg.

The maturation process of sperm is much faster than that of eggs. In men, the duration of spermatogenesis is about three months. In women, reproduction of germ cells occurs in the prenatal period. Each of them, no more than 30 potential eggs enter further maturation, of which one dominates at the last stage.

We can say that a man, in evolutionary terms, is the bearer of genetic and behavioral mobility. A woman, on the contrary, is a genetic “conservator”: she preserves and passes on to children what was accumulated by previous generations. Therefore, the causes of female infertility are much more often associated with malfunctions in the functioning of the female body itself, while external circumstances often have a fatal influence on a man. If conditions are unfavorable, offspring should not appear. Such regulation is ensured by the close relationship between the reproductive system and all other systems of the body, primarily the nervous system. Reflation of sperm formation is carried out by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland - structures located in the brain, with the participation of other organs of the reproductive system: appendages, prostate, vesicles, etc. At each stage of this process, disturbances can occur.

Male infertility: risk factors

What can cause a decrease in a man’s reproductive potential?

Some factors are congenital, caused by genetic abnormalities or developmental defects. This includes genetic syndromes of Klinefelter, Raifinstein, Kalman, etc., as well as the absence of certain elements of the genitourinary system. In this case, there are very few or no sperm in the semen, which makes pregnancy in a natural cycle almost impossible.

Many of the risk factors are "man-made" and depend on lifestyle person. Among them, the most widespread are smoking, alcohol abuse, unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle, psycho-emotional stress, lack of sleep, as well as sexually transmitted infections.

Inflammatory processes in the genital organs or even asymptomatic carriage of infections such as chlamydia and mycoplasma are one of the most common causes of infertility. The infectious process leads to damage to spermatozoa by active radicals and other factors of inflammatory reactions, obstruction of the reproductive tract - the formation of spermatozoa in the path, disruption of the endocrine function of the gonads, and the development of immune reactions against one’s own spermatozoa. If antibiotic treatment is started promptly, sperm quality problems are usually reversible. If the process has become chronic and led to organic changes in the organs of the reproductive tract, the prognosis is less favorable.

Low physical activity, sedentary work, passive rest, too tight jeans and tight underwear, excess weight, deposition of lipids (fatty acids and their derivatives) in the vessels disrupt blood circulation in the pelvic area and lead to stagnation of blood in the vessels. Where there is stagnation, there is a deficiency of oxygen, an increased content of metabolic products, and inflammation. The causes of varicocele, a male disease in which the veins of the spermatic cord are dilated, are associated with overheating and the accumulation of harmful metabolic products. This is usually observed in the left half of the scrotum. Circulatory disorders are aggravated by overheating and vibration, so professional drivers who spend more than four hours a day behind the wheel have a higher incidence of infertility than men in other professions. The problem of the influence of elevated temperature on fertility is purely male. It is no coincidence that the place of sperm formation - the testicles - is located in a special skin bag - the scrotum. The temperature in the scrotum is normally several degrees lower than body temperature. Therefore, too warm trousers, especially synthetic ones, thick blankets or electrically heated blankets, constant baths, saunas and hot baths negatively affect the quality of sperm. Finnish researchers found that those who visit the sauna twice a week have a statistically higher risk of developing it compared to those who steam once a week. Any febrile conditions such as influenza, measles and other diseases lead to a deterioration in sperm quality, and such a decrease in quality can be observed for up to 3 months. — this is how long each sperm continues to mature in the testicle and epididymis. Fortunately, damage caused by moderate overheating is usually reversible.

All men know that the groin area is very sensitive to any blows. Bruises, ruptures, and cuts of the testicles in the vast majority of cases lead to infertility. But recently, including our research, it has been convincingly proven that even mild injuries that do not immediately cause serious consequences, which the patient has difficulty remembering, trigger an invisible mechanism of autoimmune warfare, when the immune system “attacks” its own cells. Many years after such a trauma, it turns out that the body has long ago turned against the sperm it produces and the man has immune infertility. Risk groups here include martial arts athletes, wrestlers, and cyclists.

Separately, it is worth mentioning alcohol consumption. In small quantities, alcohol is not dangerous, it even improves blood circulation, and today it is considered as a preventive measure for diseases of the vascular system, and these diseases often affect the quality of sperm. But a safe dose of alcohol is about 25 milliliters of alcohol per day, that is, 150-250 grams of dry wine or 60 grams of vodka. Exceeding this dose turns alcohol from a “medicine” into a poison. How many Russian men are able to limit themselves to a glass or two of wine? In situations when it comes to planning a pregnancy, it is better not to drink at all than to drink too much.

It is well known that smoking not only has a direct toxic effect on the body, but also leads to prolonged vascular spasms, causing the same vascular disorders that are detrimental to sperm. It is especially bad when smoking is combined with other risk factors: excessive alcohol consumption, sedentary lifestyle, overheating, stress. And when risk factors are combined, their negative impact is multiplied and intensified tenfold. A healthy lifestyle is incompatible with smoking.

Chronic stress is a common and quite dangerous risk factor for the development of infertility in men. The function of sperm production is not necessary to maintain the life of an individual. This product of the gonads is addressed to the future. But it is obvious that from a biological point of view, offspring should be born in the most favorable environmental conditions, which will allow still helpless creatures to survive. Therefore, any stress - a reaction to threatening situations - is a signal to the body about unfavorable conditions and the need to stop childbearing. As a result of the interaction of the nervous, endocrine and reproductive systems, this leads to suppression of the process of sperm formation and the development of temporary sterility.

Do you need to prepare for conception?

So, if you are planning to expand your family, then both spouses should prepare for this joyful event. The minimum preparation period for a man is 3 months, which is how long it takes for sperm to mature. During this time, in addition to natural restrictions on smoking and alcohol, the future father should refuse to visit baths and saunas, as well as work with various varnishes, paints and hydrocarbon-based solvents. Heavy metals, contact with sources of ionizing radiation and powerful electromagnetic microwave radiation also pose a potential danger.

For a true mother, absolutely any child will be a reward. And it doesn’t matter at all what gender he is, what his eye and hair color is, what his character traits are. But if a woman dreams of raising a real protector, if she wants to create a prototype of an ideal man, if she wants to give birth to an heir for her chosen one, then she will need to carefully study all the ways of conceiving a boy. Is there such a “pill” that can deceive nature? Or maybe our ancestors knew the right way to plan the birth of a real warrior? This is what this article will discuss.

A little theory

Scientists have long proven that a man has two types of chromosomes. In medicine, they acquired the name - group X and group Y. In the female body, only “female material” is formed - the Y chromosome. Accordingly, the conception of a boy is possible only if a sperm merges with a female egg

It is not difficult to guess that the sex of the unborn child depends only on what “material” is in the egg at the time of fertilization. Sperm with the Y chromosome are fast and short-lived. Sperm with the X chromosome reach their target several times slower, but they live much longer than Y.

From a scientific point of view, conceiving a future heir is a fairly easy and logical process. To do this, you need to calculate the day on which the desired sperm will be in the egg and fertilize it.

Finding the right moment

If a young family dreams of having a son, then first of all they must determine the right moment to create a new life, that is, plan to conceive a boy after ovulation. The day on which fertilization should occur can be calculated independently or electronically:

  1. Independent calculation. For several months, record the start and end dates of your period. Based on the data obtained, determine the cycle duration. Now divide this number in half. It is on this day after menstruation that fertilization should occur. The normal cycle length is 28 days. Accordingly, ovulation should occur on the 14th day from the start of menstruation.
  2. Electronic payment. Download the "period calendar" mobile app. Mark the days of the beginning and end of menstruation in it. The electronic assistant will determine when fertilization occurs.

If you want to conceive a boy, then sexual intercourse should occur no earlier than 12 hours before ovulation. It is recommended to abstain from lovemaking a few days before this time. First, it will prevent sperm with a female chromosome from entering the egg. Secondly, it will allow male “material” to accumulate.

Modern approach

Conceiving a boy by ovulation is a scientifically proven method. But if you believe the reviews of mothers, it does not always work. This is due to several reasons:

  • Reason one. Not all women have a 28-day cycle. For some people it always has a different duration.
  • Reason two. Not all women ovulate strictly in the middle of their cycle. Due to the individual characteristics of the body, the egg can be fertilized at the beginning and end of the cycle.

The most reliable way to determine the right moment is ovulation tests. They will allow you to determine with 99 percent probability whether fertilization is possible at the moment. The principle of their operation is similar to pregnancy tests. Also, experienced gynecologists claim that at the time of ovulation the temperature may increase to 37.5 degrees, but this does not happen in every woman.

Whose blood is younger?

There is another way to plan the sex of a child - by renewing the blood. How to conceive a boy this way? It is enough just to wait for the blood of the potential father to be renewed.

For a woman, the change occurs once every three years. Accordingly, at 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, etc. years.

In men, renewal occurs once every 4 years. Accordingly, at 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, etc. years.

Whose blood is younger at the time of conception will be the sex the child will acquire.

For example: the wife is 26 years old, and the husband is 30. Consequently, her blood was renewed 2 years ago, and the man’s blood was changed quite recently. This means that there is a possibility that the couple will conceive a boy.

If the couple were born in the same year, it should be based on whose birthday is closer to the expected date of conception.

Magic formula

Many young women and men are wondering how to calculate the conception of a boy. Luckily, such a formula actually exists! A number of arithmetic operations must be performed in order to find out the gender of the unborn baby:

  1. Add the two values: the age of the alleged father and the age of the alleged mother.
  2. Multiply the amount by 4.
  3. Divide the resulting number by 3.

As a result of the calculations, a digital value will be obtained. If it is without a remainder or has a remainder of 2, then there is a high probability of conceiving a boy. The remainder 1 indicates the possibility of the birth of a little princess.

For example: husband's age is 24 years, wife's age is 21 years. As a result of addition, the value is 45. We multiply the total age by 4, we get 180. When divided, the final number is formed - 60. There is no remainder. This suggests that there is a high probability of a boy being born.

Important. People who are thinking about how to conceive a boy through blood renewal should take into account issues such as blood loss or transfusion. During this period it is updated.

Planning an heir based on blood type and Rh factor

Often on the Internet you can find various tables for conceiving a baby. For example, it is enough to know the blood type of the partners in order to find out what gender the baby will acquire.

  1. Find the number of your blood type in the “Mothers” column.
  2. Find your partner's blood type number in the "Father" column.
  3. Find the cell where the two values ​​intersect. It indicates the gender of your unborn baby.

The Rh factor of potential parents also plays an important role. There is a high probability of conceiving a boy if:

  • Positive Rh factor of father and mother.
  • Negative Rh factor of the father and mother.

If the Rh factor is different, then the chances of giving birth to a girl increase.

Such a conception table was refuted by young parents and experienced specialists. Surprisingly, you can increasingly find partners raising children of different sexes. Accordingly, the accuracy rate of this method is 50 percent.

The fastest way to calculate

Calculating the sex of a baby is a long and responsible process that not every potential parent can handle. There is an electronic method that will allow you to quickly find out the gender of your unborn baby. This requires a few basic steps.

  1. Type in the search bar “boy conception calculator”
  2. Enter your data in the empty field - date of birth, blood type, date of conception.
  3. Click "Calculate"

After a few seconds the result will appear. It is worth noting that this program analyzes several calculation methods at once and automatically identifies the likelihood of a child of a certain gender.

About the benefits of nutrition

French scientists have concluded that the sex of the unborn baby depends on what foods the partners consumed several months before the fertilization of the egg. They managed to establish a diet for conceiving a boy. It is believed that if a man and a woman eat certain foods, the likelihood of penetration of a sperm with the Y chromosome will increase. These include:

  • Absolutely any types of meat and sausages.
  • Various types of fish and some types of seafood (except shellfish).
  • Natural juices, coffee and black tea.
  • Complex carbohydrates: pasta, milk porridge.
  • Bread products.
  • Jam or jam.
  • All varieties of vegetables.
  • All varieties of fruits.
  • Pancakes, pancakes, pies.

Group Y sperm are well absorbed in an environment where potassium and sodium are present in sufficient quantities. Therefore, it is very important to give preference to salty foods.

Both partners must follow a diet to conceive a boy. It is required to start following an appropriate diet no earlier than 3 months before the expected fertilization.

Non-standard approach

Sperm is a living substance. Any living matter can exist only in conditions that are comfortable for it. For example, sperm carrying the Y chromosome die where the acidity level is elevated. Therefore, this “barrier” must be removed by providing them with a suitable aura. Experts have developed a procedure for douching with soda. It is carried out as follows.

  1. It is necessary to determine the days of conception of a boy.
  2. Shortly before this moment, you need to prepare a soda solution: dilute ¼ teaspoon of the substance in 200 ml of boiling water.
  3. The solution, cooled to 37 degrees, must be injected into a syringe.
  4. Next you need to carefully pour it into the vagina. The woman should take a sitting or lying position.
  5. Sexual intercourse should occur 20-30 minutes after the end of the procedure.

The method is not as harmless as it seems. It is strictly prohibited for people with any chronic diseases. It is worth considering that there is a high risk of negative consequences. Douching is recommended to be done only in absolutely necessary cases and after consultation with a gynecologist.

"Grandma's" ways

A few decades ago, people did not know what ovulation tests, IVF and douching were. Nevertheless, they knew perfectly well what to do to conceive a boy. Several of the most popular and proven folk methods have survived to this day.

Visual picture

Our ancestors were sure that the subconscious could influence the gender of the unborn baby. During conception and after it, you need to constantly mentally imagine your future son. The more detailed and clearer his portrait is presented, the more effective this method will work.

Right moment

Our ancestors knew exactly on what days you could conceive a boy. It is believed that Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are most suitable for this. It is recommended that sexual intercourse occurs during a full moon.

Psychological factor

According to statistics, women who are prone to stress and hysterics in most cases give birth to daughters. Accordingly, a couple who wants to conceive a boy must constantly maintain a harmonious and calm relationship.

Male item

You need to prepare for your wedding night with the utmost responsibility. Take an item that only a man can use. Place it under the bed, under the pillow or on the windowsill. Do not remove it from this place for several days until fertilization occurs.

Magic thread

Prepare the thread. It is desirable that it be blue. A woman needs to wrap it around her left little finger, and a man needs to wrap it around his left testicle. Such a magical ritual seems to prevent female sperm from passing through the barrier.

Additional factors

  • All 12 astrological signs are divided into male and female. Astrologers assure that under the influence of which of them conception occurs, the child will acquire that gender. Check out your horoscope. If the moon is in Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, Sagittarius or Leo, then this is your day.
  • Smoking reduces the efficiency and number of male sperm. Most often, girls are born to men who smoke.
  • Italian scientists have discovered a pattern: thin women are more likely to give birth to daughters. Accordingly, you need to get better in order to conceive a son.
  • You should not take a hot bath before sexual intercourse. On the contrary, a man needs to “cool down”
  • Important. A woman must reach the pinnacle of pleasure. Blood flow will increase in the pelvic area, which promotes better penetration of sperm Y. It is recommended that she occupy a dominant position.
  • Statistics show that the more a couple tries to get pregnant, the more likely it is that they will have a boy. This is especially true for women who have recently been cured of infertility.
  • If the initiator in the family is a man, then the likelihood of the birth of an heir also increases.

All of the above factors do not guarantee that the couple will have a son. These are just statistics created by scientists from all countries.

Correct posture

Everything is important when planning a child. Including the position in which conception occurred. If partners dream of the birth of a male baby, then they should choose a position with the deepest penetration possible in order to shorten the path of the sperm to the egg. The second important point is that a woman must take a strictly vertical position during sexual intercourse.

Guaranteed method

There are many ways to deceive nature and give birth to a boy. Almost all of them give a 50-60% chance that a male child will be born. Is there a method with a guarantee? Yes, there is one!

Artificial insemination (IVF) is a modern method that allows you to “order” not only the gender of the unborn baby, but also the number of embryos. It is carried out strictly in laboratory conditions under the supervision of specialists. The man hands over the “material.” The specialist selects only those sperm that belong to the same chromosomal type. Next, they are implanted into the egg and moved into the uterine cavity.

I want to conceive a boy! This phrase is often heard in the gynecologist’s office. Currently, there are dozens of ways that influence the gender of the unborn baby. But none of them gives an exact guarantee that it will be possible to deceive nature. The exception is artificial insemination. It is recommended to take more care of your health during planning or gestation in order to provide a comfortable environment for the formation and development of the embryo. Does it matter what gender he is? It is important that he is healthy and desirable!
