Happy birthday wishes health happiness. Congratulatory telegrams on the anniversary of A.G.

Let life be everything you need:
Health, peace, love and friendship.
Let success not turn away
Luck loves the most.

Let happiness be real
To the dream and joy alluring.
And many, many bright years
Without pain, sorrows and troubles!

4 sms - 230 characters

Happy birthday! May every day bring joy, smiles and gifts, may all dreams come true and plans come true, may only sincere people, loyal friends surround you, and may there be no place for despondency and sorrow!

4 sms - 221 characters

Happy birthday!
We wish you happy moments.
More light and warmth
Smiles, happiness and kindness.

Good health, luck,
Love, luck, mood.
Big victories for all years,
Success in life forever.

4 sms - 212 characters

Happy Birthday!
Money, vivacity, fun,
May luck be near
The sun warms with a warm look.

Both health and love
May they always go with you.
To keep the house full of laughter
Happiness, joy, success!

4 sms - 210 characters

happy birthday congratulations
And I wish you
Happiness, joy, success,
Good health, laughter!

Love, luck, inspiration
And all desires of fulfillment,
To live richly and without trouble
At least another hundred years!

4 sms - 201 characters

Happy Birthday! I wish you a wonderful life, and may there always be wonderful events at every turn. I wish you a lot of reasons for joy and good health! May every morning be happy and sunny.

4 sms - 224 characters

Happiness, joy, health,
Peace, tenderness with love,
Thrive and live long
I wish from the bottom of my heart!

All the wonders in the world
Kindness, warmth and light,
Magic and inspiration -
Happy Birthday!

4 sms - 205 characters

Happy Birthday! We wish you health, good luck, love, luck, peace, kindness, smiles, prosperity. May all dreams come true. Let life be long and smooth, full of bright and memorable events!

4 sms - 207 characters

I wish you a lot of happiness
More peace, kindness,
Let all bad weather bypass
And let dreams come true.

Let luck accompany
Health will be one hundred percent
I wish smiles, laughter
And let everything in life be ok!

4 sms - 211 characters

Happy Birthday to You! I wish you a wonderful and amazing life, an ocean of crazy love, endless happy time, only good health and good mood.

3 sms - 176 characters

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your 55th birthday.
I wish you good health, success, happiness and prosperity.

Governor of the Moscow Region, Hero of the Soviet Union
B.V. Gromov

I heartily congratulate you on your 55th birthday. You are a competent professional energetic leader, who enjoys a well-deserved authority and respect of the population, is able to quickly respond to the realities of today, resolve city problems in a timely and high-quality manner, increasing the well-being of the city and the well-being of citizens.
I wish you further creative work for the benefit of the Moscow region, energy, perseverance in achieving your goals, good health, happiness and prosperity!

Chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma
V.E. Aksakov

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
Your professionalism, experience and well-deserved authority largely ensure the high level of your work aimed at strengthening and developing the potential of our country.
I wish you the realization of your plans, successful and fruitful work and further
Good luck in solving political and socio-economic tasks!

Chief Federal Inspector
in the Moscow region
S.I. Zagidullin

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
On behalf of the Political Council
Moscow Regional Branch of the United Russia Party
Congratulations on your Anniversary!
I wish you good health, fulfillment of all plans, happiness and prosperity!
I am sure that your inexhaustible energy and organizational skills, the state approach to business and the ability to implement your plans will help you to solve complex problems in the future.
For the benefit of the native suburbs!

Secretary of the Political Council
I.Yu. Bryntsalov

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
On your birthday, accept the most sincere congratulations and wishes
good health, strength, cheerfulness, happiness and good luck in all your endeavors.

Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region
V.A. Egerev

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary!
I wish you health and happiness, prosperity and good luck! May all your dreams and hopes come true, all your undertakings and plans come true, and peace of mind, love and good mood always reign in your house.

Minister V.S. Demeshkan

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
The Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region sincerely congratulates you on your birthday.
We wish you happiness, good health for many years to come, fruitful activities for the benefit of your native Moscow region.

Minister of Education of the Government of the Moscow Region
L.N. Antonova

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
On behalf of the Collegium of the Ministry of the Construction Complex of the Moscow Region
And from me personally, accept sincere congratulations on your birthday!
We wish you good health, happiness, prosperity, optimism and further success
for the good of the native suburbs!

Minister of Construction
P.S. quail

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!

I congratulate you on your birthday!
I wish you good health, longevity, success in your creative and labor activities, good luck in all your endeavors,
well-being to you and your loved ones!

Deputy Minister
Government Buildings
Moscow region
CM. Zhdanov

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept sincere congratulations on your birthday!
On this day, I want to say a lot of kind words to you, which you undoubtedly deserve.
I wish you great success in our common cause - selfless work for the benefit of the Moscow Region!
Good health to you and your loved ones, as well as great human happiness.

Minister for Implementation
control activities
Government of the Moscow Region
VC. Shilin

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
on the occasion of the 55th birthday!
Your rich experience as a manager with a deep knowledge of life, the ability to work with people, professionalism and a principled approach to business invariably contribute to the further development and prosperity of the Krasnoznamensk urban district.
I wish you good health, great personal happiness, family well-being and new successes in your responsible and multifaceted activities.

Head of the main department
regional security of the Moscow region
I.N. Khorkov

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Allow with all my heart
congratulations on a wonderful anniversary!
I wish you good health, inexhaustible energy of cheerfulness and optimism!
May good luck always accompany you in everything! Happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Sincerely, Chairman of the Electoral Commission of the Moscow Region
I.R. Vildanov

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my warmest and most sincere congratulations on your birthday!
With all my heart I wish you good health, peace of mind, strength and wisdom in solving the tasks you face, new creative and business achievements.
May good luck accompany all your deeds and undertakings. Peace, prosperity to you and your loved ones.
Deputy of the State Duma
D.V. Sablin

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
With all my heart I wish you good health, inexhaustible vitality and success in all endeavors aimed at the benefit of every citizen of Krasnoznamensk!
Let your high professionalism, integrity, experience and ability to work with people serve to make the right decisions and their further implementation. May the sincere and comprehensive support of colleagues and friends always be with you.
Health, happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

S.A. Kravchenko

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday!
With all my heart I wish you good health, optimism, perseverance and patience in overcoming life's difficulties, complete mutual understanding and support of like-minded people, personal well-being and success in implementing your plans!

I.V. Charyshkin

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my most sincere and heartfelt congratulations.
With your holiday - birthday - anniversary!
Let me wish you good health, good luck, good mood, happiness in life and new vigorous creative deeds for the benefit of the inhabitants of the city district.

Member of the Moscow Regional Duma

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my warmest congratulations
Happy 55th Anniversary!
On this significant day, I wish you good health, well-being, good luck, success for the benefit of the residents of the city and the native Moscow region!

Member of the State Duma
V.D. Drusinov

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my warmest congratulations on your birthday!
Let the accumulated life experience and wisdom help you
In solving everyday problems.
May your innermost desires and aspirations come true,
All the good things in your life will be preserved and moments of joy, love and optimism will multiply.
I wish good luck, success and inspiration to be faithful companions
In all your endeavors, and health and well-being - in everyday life!

Deputy of the Moscow
Regional Duma

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your anniversary!
Each birthday, and even more so an anniversary, in its own way fixes the periods of a lived life, highlights many, many events and accomplishments even brighter.
At the same time, an anniversary is a kind of starting point for a new life stage, a starting point for solving very important tasks, both personal and socially significant.
With all my heart I wish you good health, inexhaustible energy, warmth, good mood, good luck, success in implementing your plans and in all your endeavors for the benefit of your native Moscow region!
May simple human happiness always accompany you, well-being and joy never leave your home!

With deep respect,
Head of the city of Yubileiny

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept our sincere congratulations on your birthday!
This special event is a time of congratulations, personal memories, summing up, plans for the future.
With all my heart I wish that your life will always be filled with respect and support of colleagues, warmth and love of relatives and friends, real human happiness.
Let your inexhaustible energy, optimism, professional and life experience allow you to realize your plans, help you solve the most difficult tasks.
I wish you good health, family well-being and success in your future work.

Head of Naro-Fominsk
municipal district
A.N. Baranov

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday. May you always be surrounded by loving and understanding people of duty with best wishes.

Mayor of Ivanteevka
Sergei Gridnev

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
We sincerely congratulate you on your ANNIVERSARY!
Please accept my warmest and most sincere wishes for good health, happiness, good luck, well-being, self-confidence and further success in all endeavors, successful implementation of the plans aimed at the prosperity of the Krasnoznamensk urban district.

Mayor of Dolgoprudny
O.I. Troitsky

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
On this solemn day, accept the kindest words and wishes!
May your diligent and selfless work for the benefit of the Krasnoznamensk urban district bring
more and more significant victories, and all cases are accompanied by success and good luck.
May your life always be filled with respect and support of colleagues, warmth and love of relatives and friends, real human happiness, inexhaustible energy, optimism and the ability to implement the tasks set in the name of achieving positive changes.

Head of Pavlo-Posadsky
municipal district
A.Yu. Lyutoev

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!
I would like to wish you stability, political wisdom, strength, energy, reliable associates for the implementation of your plans, thanks to which the municipality you lead will continue to develop, overcoming all difficulties on the path to further prosperity!
I wish you good health, prosperity, love and may luck accompany you in everything!

Mayor of Klimovsk
E.V. Patrushev

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
The administration of the Shatursky municipal district wishes you a happy birthday. Must Your life will always be filled with true human happiness, optimism, faith in the good and the beautiful. Good luck, inspiration and success to you in all your endeavors for the benefit of the successful development of your municipality and your native Moscow region.

Head of Shatursky
municipal district
A.D. Keller

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
On behalf of the MOSTRANSAVTO team and on my own behalf, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
Please accept my best wishes for health, happiness, good luck, prosperity, successful implementation of all plans, and economic stability and prosperity for your district!

State Unitary Enterprise MO "Mostransavto"
Grivas N.M.

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your anniversary!
I wish you good health, great human happiness, success in our common cause - selfless work for the benefit of the Moscow Region.

Chairman of the Chamber of Control and Accounts
Moscow region
A.A. moves

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
With all my heart I wish you good health, good luck, happiness and prosperity!
May the achievements of your professional activity, your energy and optimism benefit you and serve for the benefit and prosperity of the Moscow Region.

Chairman of the Public Chamber
Moscow region
N.Yu. Chaplin

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
May life always be filled with real human happiness, optimism, faith in the good and the beautiful! Good health, good luck, inspiration and success in all endeavors!
Peace, harmony, love to your home!

Head of the State Institution of the Moscow Region
"UAD MO "Mosavtodor"
I.E. Chernousov

Number of impressions: 68784

God bless you and happiness,
Love - forest snowdrop,

you blossomed again, again.
God bless you in your decisions
And the multiplication of the best qualities,
Great relationship with children
And understanding eccentricities
God bless you in your work
and win the battle with longing,
So that the sea of ​​affection does not grow shallow
And never know peace.

Health to you! To hell with sickness!
Live a century without knowing tears,
And if it's hard all of a sudden,
We ask you not to hang your nose!

A healthy mind in a healthy body
We want you to keep it up
Be our support and foundation,
Don't give up your positions!

Good health to you
healthy happiness,
well-being every day!

We sincerely wish you not to get sick,
Complete happiness to have
Never worry
Smile more often in life
So that old age does not creep up,
To keep youth
So that the heart aches less often,
So that joy lives in the house.

Good health for years
And many happy moments
And fleeting adversity
let the clouds float away
Family friendship and harmony,
Success in life and work
And most importantly - great happiness
We wish you.

We wish life never ends
Trouble and sadness did not meet on the way,
Eternal happiness, good friends,
Good luck, health and sunny days!
We wish you health - after all, it is often not enough,
We wish you fun - it never interferes.
Good luck - she doesn't come often,
And we just wish you great personal happiness!

I want to live without pills
Approximately ten five years.
Then on fruits and kefir
Another ten and four years.
Never hurt again
Year hundred, too, to overcome!

Health, joy and laughter,
Everywhere in everything you success
And as much happiness as you need
So that the soul would be glad
And to have fun
And what was planned - came true.
We wish you long life and good health,
Youth, strength, beauty,
May it always be not only on your birthday
Dreams come true!

Poems for wishing health

Health, happiness and good luck
With all our hearts we wish you!
And we're sure we know
What will be so, and not otherwise!

We wish you health for many years,
Let all sorrows pass by.
Let your eyes sparkle with joy, happiness
And only from laughter eyes sparkle!
We wish to grow in God, In his most faithful word.
To know its depths, And to live according to God's will.

Good health to you
Blooming life like spring
A rich economy, like a generous autumn,
A strong family, like a frosty winter!

We wish Siberian health,
Olympic tranquility,
Let success in business multiply,
And life, like a song, will develop!

Good health for years
And many happy moments
And fleeting adversity
let the clouds float away.

We wish you health, love and warmth,
So that life is interesting and long,
So that there is comfort in the house, love and advice,
So that the house was protected from grief and troubles.

We wish you happiness and health!
We wish you vivacity and strength!
So that every day of ordinary life
It only brought you joy.

Fire, warmth,
Health, joy, fun
And the fulfillment of dreams.
We also wish you success
And true, devoted friends,
Great happiness in personal life
And honestly traveled paths!

On this January day
On this special day,
We want to wish
And warmth, and affection,
and health too
Let sadness, adversity
The century does not disturb you.
Live with us
Many more years!
Friendly and warm
Hello from us!

Good health, kindness!
Attention, love, warmth and happiness!
May your hopes and dreams come true
Pleasantly surprises life more often!
And luck pleases day after day,
The world will become brighter, and business will be more successful!
And waiting for a cozy, bright house,
In which everyone will understand and everyone will support!

May health, joy, happiness
friends with you forever
May severe misfortunes
bypass you,
Don't let wrinkles age you
let trouble not touch
May nature give you long summers!

May health, happiness, joy
They make friends with you every hour.
May severe misfortunes
Bypass you!

Poems for wishing health

I wish you always cheerful
And human happiness
I want to live and never
Do not notice that the years are rushing
I wish you spiritual joy
Success in everyday life
Good health always
never lose heart.

I wish you always cheerful
And human happiness
I want to live and never
Do not notice that the years are rushing.
I wish you spiritual joy
Success in everyday life
Good health always
Never lose heart.

I want to be always healthy
Always greet the day with a smile
Do not know resentment, illness, grief
And never lose heart!

May health, happiness, joy.
Will be there every hour
A severe misfortune
Bypasses you.
And let wrinkles not age
Let trouble not touch
And let nature give
Life for many years.

We wish you spiritual personal happiness,
So that trouble and bad weather do not knock on the door!
We wish you to love and dream
Trouble to bypass
To keep the soul beautiful
And you will always be young!

We wish peace on earth
And bread and salt on the table
And so that health is strong,
And never failed
So that joy knocks on the house
Morning, evening and afternoon!

I wish you health, vigor,
Great feminine pride
Ability to be beautiful
Say everyone is happy.
To love without sighs, forever
Raise children heartily.
And live not for years, but for centuries.
And you will never grow old.

We wish you good health with all our hearts.
Good luck in everything and everywhere,
and so that with heartache
Years have not pierced you.
So that the soul does not grow old.
eyes shone with a smile,
And only from great happiness
A little tear rolled down.
Thank you for being there,
Because your voice is spring
Comes like good news
In moments of anxiety and doubt.

Let there be everything that is needed in life,
What makes life good
Love, health, happiness, friendship
And always a kind soul.
So that pain and grief do not meet,
And so that the joy does not end!

I wish you health, warmth and kindness,
So that troubles, failures receded time
To live not to grieve up to 100 years happened,
May everything that has not yet come true come true.

We wish you light and good
Friends are good and warm.
Live long and have fun
To never get bored.
Laugh, believe and love
And most importantly, be healthy.

I wish beauty, health
And clear days that are good with happiness
and keep until old age deep
And the taste of life, and the youth of the soul.
So that the sun shines and the heart loves,
So that adversity and trouble
They only turned into victories.

Poems for wishing health

God bless you and happiness,
Love - forest snowdrop,
so that, being in spring power.,
you blossomed again, again.
God bless you in your decisions
And the multiplication of the best qualities,
Great relationship with children
And understanding eccentricities
God bless you in your work
and win the battle with longing,
So that the sea of ​​affection does not grow shallow
And never know peace.

I want to live for many years
And do not meet with grief,
Who is dear to the heart, to love
And stay with him forever.

We wish you good deeds
And a decent life, without troubles,
To find solace
In your affairs, in your path!
We wish you greetings from people
Heartiness, warmth and light,
Reliable feelings and kindness,
Health, strength, beauty!

We wish you happiness and health,
And to have enough strength for everything.
So that every day you love
It only brought joy to life.

I want to forget about illness, adversity,
Stay healthy for many more years
So that people give you joy in full,
So that peace and spring reign in the heart!
We wish you health, we wish you success,
More smiles, more laughter!

I wish you a long life
I wish you joy, warmth,
And if sadness, then only
Let it be light and light.

Happiness, health, joy, wealth,
The light in your window, sonorous children's laughter,
I send a sea of ​​wishes in short,
Be the most beautiful on this holiday!

Live and hello for many years
Surprise us with your mind.
We wish you victories over yourself,
Don't hang your nose, don't be discouraged!
Around work and worries
And things are always busy.
And the cottage, and the garden
You improve year after year!
And let the warmth of skillful hands
Warms relatives and friends,
And the fiery beat of the heart
The talent in them bright lights up!

Inspiration and health
For many centuries!
Let there be mood
Uplifted by you!
cloudless weather,
Lucky in all matters
In any season
Spring is blooming in my heart!

Beautiful wishes for health and well-being

Be healthy! Health will be
You will be joyful and happy
All troubles will recede
Luck will find in all matters!

After all, you can earn money
Health same, no one will buy.
Easy to take care of -
But it will serve you!

How do we want today?
Wish from the heart
You health and joy
and all the best along the way.

May good people
Surround always
And smiles and joy
We wish you!

Inspiration and health
For many centuries!
Let there be mood
Uplifted by you!

cloudless weather,
Lucky in all matters
In any season
Spring is blooming in my heart!

Health, joy and laughter,
Everywhere in everything you success
And as much happiness as you need
So that the soul would be glad
And to have fun
And what was planned came true.

Happiness, health and well-being
On this momentous day, we will present
To make your life much cooler now!
Well, the rest, buy later!

Beautiful health wishes

I wish you health
It is what we need most.
More than happiness and peace
After all, without health there is no health.
Health is an important support
Life is fun to go.
And I wish in this life
It's healthy to walk this path.

I want to wish you health
And don't worry about anything
Let it not fail
Well, it will bring joy

Let dreams come true
After all, life is full of beauty
And to achieve your goal
You have to work hard

And have good health
Well, do not endure trouble
May God send health
Well, let him leave happiness.

We wish peace on earth
And bread and salt on the table
And so that health is strong,
And never failed
So that joy knocks on the house
Morning, evening and afternoon!

We wish you good health
What is the most valuable thing in life
Cherish a cherished dream
With all my heart strive for it.

May all wishes come true
Life will always be generous
We wish you understanding in everything,
Health, warmth and kindness!

We wish you health, happiness, good luck,
In everyday matters of luck,
Let any task be possible,
And the mood is always wonderful!

Beautiful wishes for happiness health good luck

We wish you happiness and luck
Good luck in everything, mood.
Love, reciprocity, warmth,
So that only friends are near,
So that all your wishes come true
And all worries were forgotten.

Let everything in life be as it is, -
Sincerity, warmth, care,
And a happy family pleases
As well as daily work.
May the sky be clear above you
Let life be kindly bright
Live surrounded by friends
And all the best to you, health and warmth!

We all wish you anytime
Warmth and happiness, light and goodness,
So that life is!
For the seed to grow
May tomorrow be better than yesterday!

God bless you and happiness,
Love - forest snowdrop,
so that, being in spring power.,
you blossomed again, again.
God bless you in your decisions
And the multiplication of the best qualities,
Great relationship with children
And understanding eccentricities
God bless you in your work
and win the battle with longing,
So that the sea of ​​affection does not grow shallow
And never know peace.

Good health for years
And many happy moments
And fleeting adversity
let the clouds float away
Family friendship and harmony,
Success in life and work
And most importantly - great happiness
We wish you.

Good health, kindness!
Attention, love, warmth and happiness!
May your hopes and dreams come true
Pleasantly surprises life more often!
And luck pleases day after day,
The world will become brighter, and business will be more successful!
And waiting for a cozy, bright house,
In which everyone will understand and everyone will support!

Let at home, at work - everywhere
You are greeted with warmth and comfort,
May all days be only happy,
Peace, health and happiness await!

I wish you health
So that, in the wind, storm, heat and hail
You wouldn't even raise an eyebrow
Any weather would be great!

With all my heart and love
We wish you many, many years to come.
Great happiness, good health,
Good deeds and labor victories.

We wish you happiness, health, success,
Tenderness, affection, joy, laughter,
We wish you to live peacefully with your family,
With a song to go through life, do not grieve!
We wish you happiness, bright days,
Health, which is the most valuable
The roads of life are more authentic
And a lot of joy on it!

Your family is famous for bread and salt,
From all our wishes -
Be healthy, let the guests not decrease
Yes, there will be a full bowl of caviar!

God bless you from life's troubles,
From serious illnesses, mental anxieties.
Let there be more cloudless days
Warmed by the love of relatives and friends!

You can’t buy it and you won’t find it in a lottery ticket,
By the tail, alas, you will not catch him either.
You will only find it once in your life,
And I hope you never lose!

I wish you health,
After all, it is always useful
Well, everything else
You yourself are able to achieve.

I wish you to laugh everywhere and always,
Then you will never be cold!
May laughter lengthen your life every day,
And let your health strengthen!

Be healthy, don't get sick
So as not to infect friends.

Health Day! On this day
It's not too lazy to congratulate friends!
Congratulations, congratulations
I wish you happiness, joy.
Well, and, most importantly, health!
This is the main condition
For a happy life
For resounding joy,
For a strong family
And for the laugh of a child!
Help you with this
Sports and diet
Day mode
And weekend walks
In the fresh air
Country house work...
There will be health - There will be luck!

I have an important message for you
You haven't heard this anywhere.
On this day, my wish is
So that you never get sick.

I want to tell you today, friend,
That sadness or melancholy replaces happiness,
Be healthy, not only sneezing.
Stay healthy in April and May.
Be healthy in the morning and in the evening.
Be healthy now and forever!

Let the years go
Only you my friend
Trouble does not touch
And no illness.

We wish you to live more than a hundred years,
And so that your immunity does not let you down,
We want to save children from colds,
And so that you do not have to get sick at all!
And on the day of health we want to tell you
What you need to be careful not to freeze,
To keep family and friends healthy
You need to trust skilled doctors!
