Pp food schedule for the week. Proper nutrition every day - how to achieve your plan? Healthy eating is the key to good health and longevity

A beautiful harmonious body, smooth silky skin, thick hair and strong teeth are, first of all, an indicator of health, and only then the fruit of the efforts of cosmetologists and other representatives of the beauty industry. And health, in turn, is in most cases the result of how and with what each individual lives.

Of course, you can talk for a long time about heredity and the influence of external factors, usually negative. The general principle remains unchanged: responsibility for one’s own health lies with each person. People make their own choices every day, throughout their lives. It’s great if it turns out to benefit your health!

It's no secret how important the role of well-chosen food is, so proper nutrition for every day is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle.

General rules

Before we begin a detailed consideration of nutrition for every day, I would like to remember what is equally important in any diet.

  • Diet. The body is able to function correctly only if it receives everything it needs regularly and at certain times. A slight fluctuation of up to half an hour is allowed. Disorderly food consumption usually leads to overeating, and ultimately to excess weight gain. There is no need to talk about good health in such cases.
  • Diversity of food not only in composition, but also in structure. You cannot eat only soft or liquid food, just as it is impossible to have a healthy digestive system by eating only solid and rough foods. For the full functioning of each organ of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to consume dishes that are different in structure.
  • Separate nutrition involves alternating carbohydrates and proteins. Mixing different foods puts the body in a difficult position, since the digestion of each of them requires the release of different enzymes. If you learn to separate dishes that are foreign in composition, then the food will be absorbed to the maximum, which means that the feeling of fullness will last for several hours, as it should be. Otherwise, even after eating a hearty meal, you may soon begin to feel hungry again.
  • By chewing food thoroughly and slowly, you can not only feel full faster, but also significantly improve the digestion process. By pre-grinding the food in a bowl, this effect will not be achieved.

These theses are fundamental for the proper nutrition of any person, and if you follow a competent, balanced diet, such eating behavior will certainly bring positive results. Among them:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • regular and timely replenishment of the body’s energy and vitamin reserves;
  • prevention of diseases of the digestive system;
  • healthy metabolism;
  • excellent health and high performance;
  • maintaining normal weight.

A proper diet can significantly improve the general condition of the body, but also cause pleasant changes in appearance. Skin problems such as acne will disappear, the condition of hair and nails will significantly improve, and your figure will be toned.

How to choose a menu?

Eating healthy every day is a task that may seem quite difficult at first, because not everyone has a clear idea of ​​what they eat and why it is necessary. To understand what, in essence, all the food that comes into it is for the body, you can divide it into its main components and immediately determine the required amount of each component that makes up a proper diet.

  • Proteins (proteins) should occupy at least one third of the total daily food volume. The body really needs them, since they provide the opportunity to build new tissue, maintain recovery processes and gain muscle mass. Calculating the required amount of protein is not difficult: you need to eat so that for every kilogram of body weight there are about two grams of protein per day.
  • Carbohydrates. They make up about half or a little more of the healthy diet, being a source of energy for the body. Active brain activity, physical labor and sports are impossible without a sufficient amount of carbohydrate food. In turn, these substances can be classified as complex and simple. The former provide a person with energy for a long time, since their absorption requires a fairly large amount of time, while the blood sugar level does not make sharp jumps. The second group brings virtually no benefit, since simple carbohydrates are broken down and absorbed into the blood simply with lightning speed. The feeling of hunger sets in just as quickly. The table shows which products belong to which category.

Using this small list as an example, you can understand how to distinguish between “slow” and “fast” carbohydrates.

  • Fats. A daily diet of proper nutrition contains no more than one tenth of fat. This amount is quite capable of ensuring healthy metabolism and normal functioning of all body systems.
  • There is one more necessary element - fiber. It is an indigestible dietary fiber and helps to timely cleanse the body of harmful decay products. Vegetables, such as cabbage and celery, are the richest sources of this component. By eating them regularly, you can solve such problems of the digestive system as frequent constipation. Pectin is also a fiber found in apples, plums and other fruits. Performs a similar function.

Calorie content

No matter how well balanced the daily diet is in terms of the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it is necessary to monitor the portion size. The total amount of calories entering the body from food should not fall below the minimum value of 1500 kcal for a person of normal weight.

For physical activity, the optimal figure is 2000 kcal. To calculate this figure, you need to carefully study the labels of products lying on store shelves before making a choice. Based on the calorie content, the optimal serving size is determined.

The meaning of breakfast

Many are accustomed to neglecting breakfast, rushing to work, or simply consider this meal to be unnecessary. This common mistake leads to the fact that the body begins its day with forced fasting, and by lunchtime a brutal appetite wakes up. It’s good if someone manages to combine a work schedule with a healthy, full lunch, but not everyone can afford such a luxury.

A quick snack at the nearest fast food cafe is a calorie bomb that enters the stomach in the form of completely “dead” food, creating only the illusion of satiety and reinforcement.

In fact, there is only an additional load on the heart, liver and kidneys, because such food is stuffed with fats, simple carbohydrates and artificial food additives.

It is not surprising that at dinner a person is no longer able to control himself, because he is really terribly hungry, and the refrigerator is emptied indiscriminately. Going to bed with a stomach full to capacity – what kind of rest is that? And in the morning - all over again.

Every product has its time

With proper nutrition, it is recommended to structure the menu for every day as follows.

  • Breakfast is, first of all, porridge, that is, complex carbohydrates. A bowl of oatmeal or buckwheat, wheat or pearl barley porridge will give you a good boost of energy for several hours. The brain will not lack nutrition, and the working day will begin fruitfully. Another great breakfast option is fresh, plain fruit.
  • Lunch may well consist of vegetables. Soup or stew plus a salad of fresh greens - these dishes do not burden the body with useless work, but are well digested and give strength. Fiber stimulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, a person does not feel either heaviness in the stomach or attacks of drowsiness and lethargy.
  • For dinner it is good to eat a portion of protein food. These could be mushrooms or dishes made from legumes: soybeans, beans, and so on. The protein will be processed by the body overnight and will be put to use. From 11 pm to 1 am, while a person is sleeping, growth hormones are activated, which are responsible for the restoration of damaged tissues and the construction of new cells. Protein takes part in all these processes. Therefore, you should not include carbohydrate foods in dinner; it is better to consume them in the first half of the day.


Many people believe that between main meals you should not eat anything else, but this is a mistaken opinion. It's all about what the snack will consist of. For example, a chocolate bar is not an option for a healthy diet, but fruits, nuts or a small piece of whole grain bread with a drop of honey will not only satisfy hunger, but also saturate the body with vitamins and other useful substances.

Tea and coffee should be replaced with herbal infusions or rosehip decoction, fruit juice made from natural berries. Such drinks are wonderfully invigorating and bring nothing but benefits to your health.

Nutritional supplements

It is better to completely exclude sugar and salt from the menu. They do not have any positive effect on the body, and the harm of these taste enhancers has long been proven. Salts are contained in sufficient quantities in natural products, and sugar in its pure form is simple carbohydrates that lead to excess weight gain. Honey and dried fruits in small quantities are an excellent substitute for other sweets, while possessing a rich vitamin composition.


Pure still water is necessary to maintain good health throughout the day. Participating in all metabolic processes, it removes toxins, waste and other harmful substances from the cells of the human body. Every adult needs to drink from one and a half to two liters of water to stay in good physical shape and feel great.

Proper nutrition requires a thoughtful and serious approach, and you can create a menu for the day yourself, taking into account this information and listening to the signals of your own body. This task may take more than one day, but the result in the form of vigor and excellent well-being will justify all the efforts!

This issue should be resolved step by step and slowly - in this case you will have an excellent result, which you will receive without unnecessary problems. The first step is to create a rough menu, then you need to estimate the cost of all products, and then create the final set and start purchasing. Using this principle, you will solve your problem much faster, because you will perform all actions rationally.

Count on the fact that it is impossible to go to the store once and stock up for the week. Many products tend to deteriorate, these include:

  • most dairy products.
  • vegetables fruits.
  • bakery products.

How to save time in the evening?

Let us immediately note that in our article we will not touch upon breakfasts, because they are prepared quite quickly, and their volume is always smaller. As for lunches, we won’t stop here either, because we often take our main meals while working. Our method will allow you to plan your evening time. For example, we have meat: we can defrost and marinate it tonight, and cook it tomorrow.

You will not have occasions when you urgently need to run to the store for groceries, because dinner and the necessary ingredients for it have been prepared earlier. You will regain much more strength while sitting at home, and also save some money. Just prepare what you have in mind and don’t sit bowing your head in despair. Of course, you can change your menu slightly, but try not to deviate too much from your planned diet.

How to properly create a balanced menu

In order for a balanced diet to become established in the family, you need to be able to compose it, based on basic principles. Always pay attention to seasonality and remember what plants are on the shelves at a given time. Try making new dishes using the same set of ingredients. See which ones your family loves the most and cook them more often. The list of favorite dishes can be written out in a separate notebook.

What you should not forget about when compiling:

  • take into account the preferences of other family members, do not forget about the family budget.
  • Look in all the closets and make a list of the products that are available.
  • Don’t forget about guests who may show up unexpectedly and prepare a separate list of groceries and dishes for them.
  • To reduce waste a little, you can take advantage of promotional offers that are often found in supermarkets. Very often you get the chance to buy an expensive product at an affordable price. Thanks to this, the list of your dishes will be replenished, and your diet will become more varied. Consider the seasonality of various products, the prices of which vary greatly.

How to make the right list?

We have prepared for you a list of products that must be included in the diet of any healthy person:

  • milk and other similar products.
  • various types of meat, seafood.
  • vegetables and fruits are a must.
  • eggs - both chicken and quail.
  • various cereals.
  • tea and coffee, various sweets.
  • Use spices in your diet - they will give dishes a special piquancy.
  • bread products.
  • As a reserve, have canned food on hand, with which you can prepare many dishes.
  • other products are individual for each person.

Where and how is it more convenient to create a menu?

The easiest way is to write your diet on standard A4 sheets. Buy a folder with files for them - everything will look quite convenient and neat. One sheet will be enough to contain a week's ration. The second side can be filled with a list of products that will be needed during a particular week. Thus, after sitting for some time, you can create a menu for a long period: six months or even a year.

If you are good with electronics, you can create a menu electronically. In unexpected cases, it can be quickly edited. After compiling the menu, show the menu to your relatives, and do not forget to include selected dishes for each family member in the diet. If you do everything correctly, you will get a very balanced menu.

Now let’s move on directly to creating and introducing new dishes. As we reported earlier, most people are at work at lunchtime, but we have still compiled a complete menu list, which includes 5 meals a day. We stopped in more detail at dinner.

If you prepare meat broth several times a week, you can quickly prepare an appetizing soup for the whole family. All you need to do is prepare the vegetables. There are many second courses that can also be made from meat or fish broth.

If you want to not only eat right, but also lose some weight, then the video below will help you with this:


  • Breakfast. Buckwheat with milk. Soft-boiled chicken egg. Coffee or tea of ​​your choice.
  • Dinner. Vermicelli soup with chicken broth.
  • Afternoon snack. Carrot salad with celery. Sunflower oil as a dressing.
  • Dinner. Stuffed peppers (baked). Vegetable Salad. Fruit tea.
  • For the night. Light yogurt.

Pepper baked with vegetables


  • sweet pepper 5 pcs.
  • onion 1 head.
  • celery 4 stalks.
  • hard cheese 125 g.
  • rice 100 g.
  • fresh champignons 0.2 kg.
  • refined oil.
  • seasonings and salt to your taste.


1.Put the rice on the stove, turn off the heat a little before it is completely cooked.

2.In the meantime, you need to fry the onions and mushrooms. Add chopped celery during the process.

3.Rinse the pepper under running water and cut lengthwise. Remove the seeds.

4.Mix rice with vegetables, salt and add seasonings. The rice should be discarded first.

5.Place the vegetable mixture into the pepper and decorate with chopped cheese and herbs. Place in the oven and wait for the dish to cook.

For tomorrow: Boil more rice than the recipe calls for to save time.


  • Breakfast. Kefir pancakes. Coffee or green tea.
  • Dinner. We boiled rice yesterday, and we also have chicken broth. We take a few crackers, herbs and you can cook soup.
  • Afternoon snack. Butter bun and jelly.
  • Dinner. Mashed potatoes with carrots. Baked fish. Vegetable salad.
  • For the night. Fruit juice.

Mashed potatoes with vegetables


  • carrots 1 pc.
  • potatoes 0.6 kg.
  • pumpkin 0.2 kg.
  • butter 70 g.
  • milk 0.2 l.
  • green onion.
  • seasonings and salt to your taste.


1.Remove the peel from the vegetables and cut into small pieces. You can use frozen pumpkin for this dish.

2.Put everything in a saucepan, fill with water and salt the assorted vegetables.

3. As soon as our vegetables are cooked, we need to melt the butter in warm milk.

4. Drain the broth and crush the vegetables. Pour the milk mixture over them and stir. Add salt to your taste and place on the table. You can decorate the puree with green onions.

For tomorrow: Boil meat broth from fatty brisket.


  • Breakfast. Scrambled eggs with tomatoes. Cheese toast. Coffee or tea.
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup (broth is already ready). Radish salad.
  • Afternoon snack. Cottage cheese casserole.
  • Dinner. Roast chicken with potatoes. Tomato salad.
  • For the night. A glass of fermented baked milk.

Roast chicken


  • chicken carcass about 2 kg.
  • medium-sized potatoes - 3 pcs per person.
  • onion 2 pcs.
  • carrots 2 pcs.
  • butter.
  • garlic 2-3 cloves.
  • seasonings, salt, freshly ground pepper to your taste.


1. Divide the meat into portions and place in a baking dish. We pre-lubricate it with refined oil. Add chopped onion and garlic to the mixture.

2. Peel all the vegetables, cut into small pieces and add to the meat.

3.Add the necessary seasonings and salt.

4. Place the dish in the oven for 50 minutes. Readiness depends on many factors, so sometimes it will take a little more than an hour before the oven turns off. If you add tomatoes to the roast, you get a great sauce.

For tomorrow: boil potatoes, carrots and beets, 2 pieces each. everyone.


  • Breakfast. Oatmeal with grated chocolate. Sandwiches with liver pate. Coffee or tea.
  • Dinner. Potato soup with peas. Apple with honey. Compote.
  • Afternoon snack. Fruit jelly.
  • Dinner. Marinated fish (mackerel or herring). The vinaigrette.
  • For the night. Milk 1 glass.

Appetizing vinaigrette


  • vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets), which we boiled in advance.
  • green peas 1 b.
  • sauerkraut 100 g.
  • barrel cucumber 3 pcs.
  • onion 1 head.
  • mustard 2 tsp.
  • greenery.
  • olive oil 55 g.
  • lime (juice).


1.Vegetables should be cut into small cubes. Their size should be approximately the same as a pea.

2. We also chop the cabbage and cucumbers as finely as possible. The salad will be more attractive if everything is cut finely and neatly.

3.Mix mustard with olive oil and juice in advance, add the resulting sauce to the vegetables.

4.Before you put the vinaigrette on the table, be sure to garnish with herbs. The salad goes well with black bread.

For tomorrow: You need to boil the broth from champignons and porcini mushrooms.


  • Breakfast. Toast with boiled meat, tomatoes and cheese. Coffee or tea. Cookie.
  • Dinner. Mushroom soup with herbs and noodles.
  • Afternoon snack. Puff pastries with apple. Tea.
  • Dinner. Potato casserole. Cabbage salad. Juice.
  • For the night. Curdled milk.

Cabbage salad with mustard


  • red cabbage 0.4 kg.
  • shallots 3 pcs.
  • greenery.
  • mayonnaise 100 g.
  • mustard with grains 1 tbsp.
  • pepper and salt to your taste.


1.Chop the cabbage in a way convenient for you. This can be done using a grater or food processor. If you don’t have anything on hand, cut it into thin strips.

2.Make the sauce. Mix mayonnaise with mustard, add herbs. Next, add salt and pepper.

3.Chop the onion and pour boiling water over it. Try to cut it as thin as possible.

4.Combine the onion and cabbage and pour in the sauce. Place on the table along with the casserole.


  • Breakfast. Cupcake is a small piece. Low fat milk – 1 glass.
  • Lunch. A few nuts.
  • Dinner. Pasta with seafood. Tomato. Water.

  • Afternoon snack. Bran bun with jam. Low fat milk 1 cup.
  • Dinner. Sweet pepper salad. Fried fish (grilled). Vegetable side dish.


  • Breakfast. Omelet with sweet pepper. Low fat milk.

  • Lunch. Cottage cheese 0.2 kg. apple.
  • Dinner. Sandwich with tomato and cucumber.
  • Afternoon snack. Several fruits (tangerines or apples).
  • Dinner. Boiled beef. Baked potatoes. Water.

If a person eats a nutritious and varied diet, trying to form a diet of healthy foods, his chances of remaining healthy for many years will significantly increase. Numerous diets, as a rule, provide for significant restrictions and exclusion of certain foods or even food groups from the diet, and the essence of proper nutrition is, first of all, its balance. This is a special, healthy nutritional system, subject to which the body receives all the necessary nutrients, minerals, etc. In this case, the diet is designed in such a way that if followed, a person can gradually lose weight, and later maintain it. How to organize a nutritious diet and create a healthy diet for weight loss for a week will be discussed in the article below.

Is it possible to lose weight with proper nutrition?

At its core, proper nutrition is a balanced diet menu that allows you to provide the body with the necessary substances. However, despite the fact that the principles of proper nutrition do not provide for very strict restrictions, it is difficult for a person to adjust to their observance. After all, a balanced diet today is, unfortunately, a rarity. Most often, people abuse unhealthy foods such as fast food, sweets and processed foods, while healthy and tasty foods such as vegetable salads or sea fish appear on the menu only from time to time. By consuming fast carbohydrates, which stimulate and change eating behavior, a person invariably gains weight.

But if you change your eating habits and formulate your diet according to the principles of proper nutrition, extra pounds will not accumulate. If you slightly reduce your daily calorie intake, you can reduce your body weight. To do this, you can replace higher-calorie foods with low-calorie foods, and also eliminate nutritious snacks, replacing them with lighter ones. As a result, this regimen makes it possible to lose weight by an average of 4 kg per month.

Consequences of poor nutrition

Systematic poor nutrition can lead to very serious health problems, which, in turn, have an extremely bad effect on the body.

Gain of excess body weight up to obesity. Excess weight is not only an aesthetic problem. It provokes numerous diseases: in particular, it causes rapid wear and tear of joints, affecting the human skeleton, has a bad effect on the functioning of various systems and organs, causing diseases of the cardiovascular system, etc.

Diseases caused by poor nutrition are often associated with a deficiency of very important minerals and vitamins for the body, which are not supplied in sufficient quantities with food. Very often, children and adolescents develop vitamin deficiency due to an incorrect diet, which results in fatigue, decreased performance, irritability, etc.

Deterioration in appearance. Tooth enamel deteriorates, acne may appear, hair becomes dull and the condition of nails deteriorates.

Proper nutrition makes it possible to maintain health and even restore it. To do this, you need to properly formulate a healthy diet for the week, making sure that the menu includes a variety of healthy foods that can provide the body with minerals and vitamins.

  • The menu should include those products that satisfy the needs for certain substances. Their deficiency can trigger the desire to eat junk food, as scientists have proven that an unhealthy desire to eat certain junk foods can be associated with a lack of certain micronutrients.
  • The caloric content of food should be controlled. Maintaining energy balance is very important, as it determines optimal body weight. The menu should be dominated by plant-based foods with a lot of dietary fiber. These are green vegetables, citrus fruits, apples, peaches, pears, seeds and nuts, and whole grains.
  • When creating a menu, you should choose products that contain a minimum of sugar and little fat. The normal amount of sugar per day is up to 50 g. However, ideally you need to further reduce the amount of sugar consumed. The amount of fat per day should not exceed 70 g. A healthy menu should completely exclude the presence of trans fats - they are found in products containing hydrogenated vegetable oil.
  • The best drinks on a healthy menu are those that contain a minimum of calories (green and herbal teas, rosehip drink, etc.). You should not drink too much juice - the daily dose should not exceed 200 g per day.
  • Every day you should consume a certain amount of food from five different groups to ensure the ideal balance of nutrients in the body and the “supply” of sufficient energy. The first group of products is vegetables and legumes (about 300 g and 70 g per day, respectively). The second is berries and fruits (300 g). The third group is lean meat and fish, eggs, seeds and nuts (a serving of meat or fish dish, 2 tablespoons of nuts or seeds. The fourth group is cereal products that retain maximum dietary fiber (whole grain products, porridge, about 70 g per day). Fifth – low-fat milk and fermented milk products (about 200 g per day).
  • It is also important to limit the amount of salt and overly salty foods. It is recommended to consume no more than 5 g of salt per day.
  • Diet is also important. So, you need to have breakfast within the first hour after waking up, and dinner three hours before going to bed. During the day, it is important to provide two nutritious snacks to avoid attacks of severe hunger and, accordingly, overeating during main meals.
  • You should be sure to drink enough fluids every day. Half an hour before meals, it is recommended to drink a glass of warm water.
  • Convenience foods may be economical, but by no means healthy food. They should be completely abandoned. You should also exclude soda, fast food, sausages, snacks, etc.
  • It is advisable to eat carbohydrate meals in the first half of the day, protein - in the second.

Ideally, healthy eating should be practiced not only by those who want to lose weight, but also by all family members. To create a healthy food menu for the whole family, you should follow the principles described above. In this case, it is necessary to take into account some other factors, in particular physical activity. Those who have sedentary jobs should eat less. But if, for example, a man does hard physical work every day, his diet, taking into account all the rules of proper nutrition, should be structured so that the total daily calorie content is higher - at least 3000 calories.

Age is also important - the menu for people of working age will differ from the diet for young children and the elderly.

And if one example of a healthy diet is taken as a basis, then it needs to be diversified so that all family members receive nutritious food and enough of it.

Proper nutrition, menu for the week

So, in order to eat right, you need to develop a proper nutrition menu and try to maintain this routine. The easiest way is to plan a healthy diet for the week for your family or yourself. When creating such a schedule, it is better to immediately purchase food for the week so that at first there are no temptations to buy unhealthy food. Next, you need to create a weekly meal plan.

An example of proper nutrition for a week could be like this:


Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with butter (200 g porridge, 1 tsp butter), fruit - apple or orange, unsweetened coffee.

Snack: toast made from bran bread, cucumber salad and one boiled egg with 1 tsp. vegetable oil.

Dinner: baked fish – 200 g, green salad (cabbage or green leafy vegetables with olive oil) – 150 g

Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese – 100 g, dried fruits – 50 g, tea.

Dinner: stewed vegetables – 200 g, boiled chicken fillet – 150 g.


Breakfast: rye bread toast and 20 g of hard cheese, banana, unsweetened coffee.

Snack: low-fat yogurt, 1 tsp. honey

Dinner: vegetable soup or chicken broth - 200 g, salad with cucumbers, tomatoes or cabbage - 200 g.

Afternoon snack: fruit of choice, herbal tea.

Dinner: lean boiled meat (chicken, rabbit, veal) – 250 g, cucumber – fresh or pickled.


Breakfast: oatmeal - 150 g, 1 tsp. honey, banana, coffee or tea.

Snack: nuts – 50 g, apple, tea.

Dinner: pilaf with lean meat – 200 g, stewed vegetables – 150 g.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole – 150 g, tea.

Dinner: boiled or baked hake – 200 g, cucumber, tomato.


Breakfast: rice with milk – 150 g, berries or fruits – 100 g.

Snack: yogurt – 100 g, dark chocolate – 10 g, coffee.

Dinner: baked fish – 250 g, sauerkraut – 150 g.

Afternoon snack: salad (vegetables and low-fat sour cream) – 200 g.

Dinner: baked meat with cheese – 200 g, tomato.


Breakfast: whole grain porridge of your choice – 200 g, boiled egg, cucumber.

Snack: kiwi, 25 g nuts, tea.

Dinner: mushroom soup with rice – 250 g, toast with 10 g of hard cheese.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese (150 g) with 1 tsp. honey

Dinner: baked meat – 200 g, seaweed – 100 g.


Breakfast: two-egg omelette, coffee.

Snack: orange and banana.

Dinner: potatoes baked in their jackets, 100 g of boiled chicken fillet, cucumber.

Afternoon snack: yogurt – 200 g, apple.

Dinner: baked apples – 2 pcs., cottage cheese casserole – 150 g.


Breakfast: barley porridge (with 1 tsp oil) – 200 g, coffee.

Dinner: stewed or baked vegetables - 250 g, boiled veal - 100 g.

Afternoon snack: seafood – 150 g, a glass of tomato juice.

Dinner: steamed fish cutlets - 2 pcs., boiled rice - 100 g, rose hip decoction.

This is just an example of what healthy eating can look like throughout the week. But there is no strict menu in the proper nutrition system. There are many recipes with photos in different sources that can be used to create a healthy menu. The main thing is to eliminate junk food and follow the basic principles. Products can be replaced with others that match the composition and calorie content (a special interchangeability table will help with this).

Recipes for proper nutrition

It is easier to organize a wholesome and healthy diet if you use original recipes that will help diversify your diet. Numerous recipes for healthy eating are available in specialized literature and on websites dedicated to healthy food. Here are a few recipes that you can use when practicing separate meals or simply creating the right diet for your family.

Required: chicken fillet – 500 g, soy sauce, garlic, spices.

Preparation: rinse and dry the chicken fillet and roll it in soy sauce and spices. Chop the garlic and also rub the meat with it. Leave to marinate for half an hour. Next, wrap the fillet in foil and line the multicooker bowl with parchment. Place the meat in the slow cooker and cook for half an hour in the “baking” mode. You can bake this fillet in the oven.

Required: onion, carrot, celery (stem), garlic - 2 cloves, tomatoes - 4 pcs., rice - 100 g, canned beans - 1 can, vegetable broth - 1 l, tomato sauce - 1 tbsp. l., greens, crackers, vegetable oil.

Preparation: chop the onion and garlic, grate the carrots, sauté everything in vegetable oil. Peel the tomatoes, grind them in a blender and add them to the frying pan along with the sauce, salt and spices. Boil the broth, pour the washed rice into it and lay out the beans. Add the sauteed vegetables and cook for about 20 minutes until the rice is soft. You can serve with croutons, sprinkling the soup with herbs in a bowl.

Required: cottage cheese – 500 g, eggs – 3 pcs., kefir – 1 tbsp., semolina – 0.5 tbsp., sugar – 0.5 tbsp., baking powder – 1 tsp., vanillin – 1 pack.

Preparation: Pour kefir over the semolina and wait about half an hour until it swells. Separate the yolks and grind them with cottage cheese, baking powder and vanilla. Beat the whites and gradually add sugar. You should get a strong foam. Add semolina and kefir to the cottage cheese and mix thoroughly. Gradually pour in the whites and mix too. Grease the multicooker container with oil and place the mixture into it. Bake for 40 minutes, then keep the multicooker on heat for about an hour.

Required: eggplant, zucchini, onion, tomato - 4 pcs., bell pepper - 3 pcs., garlic, salt, sugar, spices, parsley, vegetable oil.

Preparation: cut the eggplant into rings, salt it and leave for half an hour. Next, wash and dry the rings. Cut zucchini and 2 tomatoes into slices. Cut the onion into cubes and fry in oil. Peel the pepper, cut into cubes and add to the onion, then fry for another 10 minutes. Peel and grate two tomatoes. Add them to the frying pan with the vegetables. Salt, add spices and a little sugar. Simmer for 20 minutes, stirring. At the end add greens. Place half of the sauce prepared in the pan into the pan, place chopped vegetables on top one by one, salt them, sprinkle with chopped garlic, and place the other half of the sauce on top. Cover the pan with foil and bake in the oven at 200 degrees for an hour and a half. After cooking, the dish should sit for about 20 minutes.


Proper nutrition is not a diet, but a way of life that allows you to eat varied and tasty, and at the same time feel good. It’s not difficult to switch to it – just prepare yourself for the changes and develop a menu for the week. Gradually the body will be rebuilt, and the person will adhere to such principles with pleasure.

Basic principles of proper nutrition

If you decide to switch to a healthy lifestyle and develop a proper nutrition menu for yourself for the whole week, pay attention to the basic principles of such a regime. It is better for an endocrinologist to develop a menu for you, based on your individual indicators, but even simple adherence to these principles will help improve your health and bring your weight back to normal: The diet should be varied, half of the total amount should be fruits and vegetables. Separate meals. Reduce your consumption of cereals and bread. Consume low-fat dairy products. Reduce fat intake. Food should be predominantly boiled or steamed. In winter and autumn, take vitamin tablets. Sugar, salt, soda, and confectionery products should be present in minimal quantities. Drink about 2 liters of water (mineral and clean drinking water). Drink no earlier than 20 minutes before and after eating. Minimize alcohol consumption.

Wed The basics need to be noted that there are no universal recipes for proper nutrition - each person is individual, with his own inclinations and characteristics of the body. Nevertheless, scientists have deduced the basic principles of proper nutrition for weight loss, and practice has shown their effectiveness, at least in most cases. These basic principles of healthy and proper nutrition for effective weight loss include the following:+

  1. Sample menu for proper nutrition. Read a lot. should be varied, including dishes with different contents of nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
  2. Cereal products, which are very effective in the fight against excess weight, play an important role in the healthy nutrition menu.
  3. Dairy products play an important role in the diet for weight loss, but as you age, their consumption should be limited.
  4. Fish products should not be ignored, as they contain not only protein, but also healthy fats and omega-3 acid, the lack of which can lead to problems with skin, hair, and even cellulite in women who are trying to lose weight.
  5. Regular consumption of vegetables and fruits in the weight loss menu is a guarantee of the body receiving the necessary vitamins.
  6. To lose weight with proper nutrition, it is advisable to replace animal fats with vegetable fats. It is important to remember that you cannot do without fats completely, even if weight problems are more than obvious.
  7. With proper nutrition, the consumption of sugar, as well as sweets made from it, should be reduced, or better yet completely eliminated from the diet. In the end, they can be replaced with nuts, honey and fruit desserts.
  8. To lose weight, you should also reduce your salt intake, which contributes to fluid retention in the body, which leads to edema.
  9. Drinking alcoholic beverages is strictly undesirable. They are very high in calories and harm the entire body. Bad habits, weight loss and proper nutrition are incompatible things.
  10. And finally, it is important to remember that all of the above about proper nutrition must be accompanied by physical activity. This does not mean that you absolutely need to go to a gym or fitness center, but you should at least not ignore the possibility of walking. Otherwise, losing weight and eating right will be ineffective.

Oatmeal with blueberries and almonds. From a perspective, it's a great start to the day. Add thawed blueberries, grated almonds to the oatmeal, sprinkle everything with cinnamon and add a little honey. These foods are rich in nutrients, protein and fiber.
Breakfast cereals (muesli or crispy cereal). Add berries, yogurt or milk, and a complete breakfast is ready!
Scrambled eggs with herbs or omelet with vegetables. This breakfast is suitable for those who like to have a hearty meal in the morning. In addition to making you feel full, eggs will provide you with protein and vitamin E.
Fresh berries, oatmeal and yogurt. Using a blender, mix all the ingredients and add two teaspoons of flax oil.
Fruit salad. Cut some apple, melon, orange, pear, banana, add grapes and berries. Next, the cut fruits should be poured with lemon juice and yogurt. Very tasty and healthy.
A nutritious sandwich made from whole grain bread, lettuce, chicken and low-fat hard cheese.
Cottage cheese and fruits. Add any fruit to your low-fat cottage cheese: apples, citrus fruits, and berries.
Buckwheat porridge with milk. Buckwheat is an excellent dietary product. In addition, it is a storehouse of vegetable protein and microelements important for our body.
Hearty avocado salad: chop a couple of avocado fruits, add a boiled egg and grated cheese and do not season. Result: many vitamins, high in calories and nutrition.
A mixture of half a banana, a third of a large apple and a tablespoon of oatmeal. Pour 200-250g of kefir into the mixture.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure No. 1

Why not start your day with oatmeal? This healthy porridge is a leader in the amount of useful vitamins and microelements. To vary the taste of oatmeal, you can add fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables to it.

Just 200-250 grams of oatmeal for a healthy breakfast, and the treacherous thought of chocolate will cease to be obsessive, and a slim figure will be closer. Oatmeal is quickly digested and does not settle as an unbearable burden on the waist and hips.

In order not to waste time at the stove in the morning due to the risk of the porridge burning, you can use the method of express cooking. It is necessary to fill the oatmeal with water and leave it in the microwave for 5-7 minutes.
During this time, you will have time to apply light makeup, and the porridge will turn into a pleasant creamy mass.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure No. 2

Buckwheat porridge is an alternative to oatmeal. Buckwheat is generally a favorite product among those who want to lose weight. A small plate of porridge is not just a tasty dish, but also a storehouse of vitamins and microelements.
It is no coincidence that the buckwheat mono-diet is known as the most effective and efficient.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure No. 3

Smoothies are a trendy and healthy breakfast that deserves a bronze place in our collection of foods for getting a slim figure. Making smoothies is easy. You need to add whatever you want to kefir or low-fat yogurt.
Any vegetable that matches your taste is suitable for a vegetable smoothie. Fruity - as simple as shelling pears.

When all the components of the future breakfast have been determined, you need to blend everything in a blender. And to add satiety, you can mix the dish with a handful of oatmeal. Ready! A delicious and healthy breakfast for gaining a slim figure on your table.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure No. 4

An omelet is a breakfast that is unique in its characteristics. It has many advantages: it is quick to prepare, varied in execution, tasty and healthy. To get creative with the taste of omelet and add vitamin value to it,
Vegetables such as broccoli, tomatoes, green capsicum or bell peppers will not be superfluous in the egg mass.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure No. 5

A tasty, beautiful and healthy breakfast for a slim figure is prepared from low-fat cottage cheese with berries and honey. If you beat all the ingredients in a blender, you will get a juicy curd cream that has no extra calories, but only maximum benefits.

You can diversify the taste of a cottage cheese breakfast not only with the help of fruits. This dairy product is also good in combination with fresh herbs.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure No. 6

Homemade muesli is a real energetic healthy breakfast for a slim figure. It should not be confused with store-bought muesli, which, unfortunately, is a storehouse of calories. It's easy to make your own muesli.
It is necessary to lightly fry the flakes in a frying pan or heat them in the oven. This will add a nice flavor and added crunch.

And then just pour low-fat milk, kefir or yogurt over the cereal, add fresh and dried fruits, nuts and that’s it! A nutritious and very filling healthy breakfast for a slim figure is ready. And, mind you, there will be no extra calories. Unless, of course, you overdo it with nuts and dried fruits.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure No. 7

Fruit salad is a great start to the day. Any combinations are welcome. However, do not forget that grapefruit burns body fat, avocado gives you a feeling of fullness, and banana is high in calories, but this is not critical for a healthy breakfast.
A plate of fruit salad can fill you up, give you energy and increase your vitality. True, for the sake of preparing it you will have to sacrifice about 5-7 minutes of sleep, but for the sake of a beautiful, slender figure, we think it’s worth going to such a feat as setting the alarm clock back a little.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure No. 8

Unsweetened coffee with dark chocolate is a healthy compromise breakfast for those who cannot give up their favorite drink and treat. However, you should only choose chocolate that contains at least 70% cocoa. Otherwise, instead of benefiting a slim figure, all-bitter chocolate will accumulate excess weight in the most problematic areas of the figure.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure No. 9

Hard cheeses with a slice of whole grain bread are an alternative way to start the morning with a healthy breakfast. Please note that the fat content of the cheese should not be very high, since cheese is a fairly high-calorie product. It is important that the sandwich is small.
You shouldn’t limit yourself to miniature sizes at all in an effort to quickly achieve a slim figure, because literally in an hour and a half you will feel the desire to have a snack. And your task is to hold out after a cheese breakfast until lunch.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure No. 10

A small handful of nuts is suitable as a healthy breakfast for those who do not have time to prepare themselves any of the 9 recipes listed above. We must remember that nuts are very high in calories, so you should not abuse them. But in a small amount, about 10 almonds, your body will receive a boost of energy for the next 3-3.5 hours.

Healthy breakfast foods
Fresh juices. A healthy breakfast, starting with a glass of orange juice, will help the stomach prepare to digest food. This nectar contains large amounts of vitamin C; other natural juices (apple, carrot, tomato, etc.) are rich in pectin, carotene and other nutrients. Calorie content - 40-70 kcal.

Cereals. For breakfast, it is useful to eat muesli rich in carbohydrates, rye and whole grain bread containing mineral salts, B vitamins and coarse fiber. The calorie content of different cereals ranges from 285 kcal (rice) to 330 kcal (barley).

Fruits. A healthy breakfast can start with fresh fruits or dried fruits - dried apricots, prunes, figs, raisins. Natural products contain many vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, thanks to which such a breakfast ensures normal bowel function. The calorie content of many fruits - apples, citrus fruits, pears, plums and others - does not exceed 40-60 kcal,
which allows you to include them in any weight loss diet.

Dairy products. Natural yogurt will be a useful addition to a healthy breakfast: the live lactobacilli it contains help strengthen the immune system. For breakfast, it is important to eat cheese, which is rich in easily digestible protein and calcium. The calorie content of yogurt is 70-80 kcal, cheese - 200-400 kcal.

Honey. Almost 40% of the carbohydrates contained in this product are fructose, which normalizes enzymatic processes in the body after breakfast. The benefit of honey is its beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system: including this valuable component in a healthy breakfast menu will help you avoid unfavorable surges in blood pressure throughout the day. Calorie content - about 400 kcal.

Coffee Tea. Tannin and

There are many different diets, but they all don't work as well as we would like. Often people face problems: either the diet is so meager that they don’t want to sit on it for a long time, or the efforts made give such a minimal effect that as a result, the desire to continue eating like this for a long time disappears. And a breakdown occurs. What to do?

If you eat right and follow a healthy lifestyle, you will not need to think about your figure, since such food itself helps to reduce excess weight and maintain health.

Proper nutrition for weight loss: weekly menu, food table - these are the main components in losing weight without harm to health

This article will look at proper nutrition, provide tables of foods that promote weight loss, and provide different menus that will help maintain a balance between filling and low-calorie foods.

To lose weight with proper nutrition, you don’t need to force yourself and deprive yourself of your favorite foods for a long time. You can eat familiar foods in a certain, correct combination and forget about the feeling of hunger.

In order for such nutrition to lead to the expected result, several rules should be followed:

  • count calories of consumed foods;
  • check the composition of food;
  • prepare food correctly;
  • follow the daily routine.

Being on a proper diet, you can sometimes allow yourself even forbidden foods in small quantities. This approach helps reduce cravings for cakes, chips and other similar products, since there is no categorical prohibition. You just need to understand that there should be much less junk food than healthy food.

But such a diet does not contribute to too dramatic weight loss, since the calorie reduction is only 500 calories per day. And this means that weight loss will be only 1.5 kg or 2 kg per month.

But if you add exercise to such a diet, the results will improve significantly. In this case, you can lose weight even by 7-8 kg in a month.

Is it possible to lose weight on baby food?

Proper nutrition also includes baby food. Boiled vegetable, meat or fruit purees are very good for weight loss because they are quickly absorbed by the body.

The advantages of a baby food diet include not only the speed of weight loss, but also the ease of eating. After all, you don’t need to prepare such food; you can simply open the jar and enjoy the taste at any time of the day. Well, if you have enough time to cook yourself, then you just need to boil and then puree your favorite food.

But there are also disadvantages to such a diet. One of which is a small amount of fiber. Therefore, if you follow a diet for more than a week, you need to include green vegetables in your diet. Another minus is the minimal choice of dishes. So this diet may soon become boring.

Interesting fact! The baby food diet was developed by Tracy Anderson, who is Madonna's personal trainer. Many celebrities have already tried the effect of this diet.

How to eat right to lose weight (the basics of proper nutrition)

It is better to give preference to boiled food with low fat content. Raw vegetables and fruits can be eaten in unlimited quantities because they are too low in calories.

For example, you can eat cucumbers or tomatoes even in the evening to satisfy your hunger. But it is better to exclude fried, fatty and floury foods from the diet; such foods are very difficult for the body and contribute to its slagging and the formation of harmful cholesterol.

To make it easier to understand how much food you need to eat to lose weight, you need to count all the calories you consume per day and subtract 30% from this amount. The resulting amount is exactly the amount of calories that will not cause obvious discomfort and will contribute to weight loss by 1-2 kg per month.

Diet for weight loss

The process of losing weight largely depends not only on the choice of products, but also on the diet. In addition to traditional breakfast, lunch and dinner, snacks are allowed, but they must be minimal in calories. Raw fruits and vegetables are best for this.

It is best to eat at these times:

List of products for proper nutrition and weight loss at home

To make it easier to figure out what you can eat with proper nutrition and what you can’t, there are tables of healthy foods.

They indicate the number of calories and nutrient ratios. Such tables help you navigate when choosing a product for your main meal or snack.

What foods should you eat to lose weight? Prepared products Amount in g and ml Fats Carbohydrates Squirrels
Kcal100 1,85 3,34 18,02 101
Low-fat cottage cheese50 0,05 8,52 1,24 38
Kefir 0.1%30 1,85 18,55 3,68 105
Hercules100 1,5 4,72 2,92 44
Milk 1.5%170 2,12 39,24 188
Chicken fillet50 1,71 35,74 6,63 172
Buckwheat100 0,31 6,04 0,98 26
bell pepper100 0,08 10,12 0,91 42
Onion100 0,22 7,57 1,82 33
Green bean30 13,61 120
Sunflower oilEgg yolk4,52 0,62 2,71 55
1 PC.Egg white0,18 0,71 10,78 51
3 pcs.Egg yolk0,24 4,83 1,09 22
TomatoCucumber0,34 10,88 1,96 45
2 pcs.30 13,52 119
Olive oilEgg yolk0,38 26,94 1,28 105
Banana300 2,41 51,55 244
Pollock50 1,11 38,36 3,92 172
Rice50 0,19 6,85 2,62 38
Green peas150 22,64 31,18 338
Salmon50 0,66 35,24 5,52 169
Whole grain pasta200 8,85 20,48 24,01 260

Cheese casserole

Almost all fruits and vegetables have a minimum amount of calories, so you can safely eat them at any time. They can also replace any foods or use them as snacks.

What foods to exclude to lose weight With any diet, it is important to exclude unhealthy foods.

, which contain too much fat, sugar and simple carbohydrates. Such carbohydrates are dangerous because they are quickly broken down in the body, thereby increasing blood sugar.

A few of the most unhealthy foods to avoid when losing weight:

Food diary for weight loss: how to keep it correctly

To know your weak points, you can keep a food diary, which will help you control the food you eat during the day and adjust the correct approach to losing weight.

There are different types of food diaries, but they all boil down to one thing - to ensure ease of control:

  1. Keep a diary This can be done either in a notebook or electronically.
  2. Notes should be taken daily, preferably immediately after meals.
  3. Must indicate meal time.
  4. For comfort you can make a table where the amount of food, calorie content, the presence of protein, fat and carbohydrates will be recorded (as shown in the table).
  5. Amount of food It is better to indicate in grams and milliliters.
  6. Calorie counts and the amount of fat will help you do certain programs.
  7. Diary you should always have it with you.

Nutrition program for weight loss

There are many nutrition programs for weight loss. It all depends on lifestyle, sports activities, individual preferences and the ability to comply with the rules of the program. Almost every program is based on compliance with the diet and control of consumed products.

Nutrition must be adjusted to your daily routine.. For breakfast and lunch, you can eat fairly high-calorie foods containing carbohydrates, and for dinner it is better to consume low-calorie protein foods.

You also need to take into account daily physical activity. If low physical activity is planned, then the number of calories should be reduced. And with increasing loads, the caloric content of the diet increases.

Note! Any nutrition program for weight loss works many times better if you exercise. After training, it is better to eat no less than 30-40 minutes later. Products must contain fiber and proteins.

Healthy (balanced) diet for weight loss

Anyone who wants to reduce body weight has probably heard the following phrase more than once: “To become thinner, you need to eat less!”

But proper nutrition for weight loss does not mean reducing the amount of food itself, but reducing the calories consumed.

In order for weight to decrease, you need to consume approximately 1500 kcal per day. Also, nutrition should be balanced. That is, you need to maintain the proportions of protein, fat and carbohydrates in a ratio of 40-30-30%.

Dietetics - proper nutrition (diet) for weight loss: menu for the week

Dietetics is a whole science that helps women keep in shape. Many nutritionists recommend learning how to eat right first. To do this, you must adhere to the rule of the golden mean - consume almost equal amounts of nutrients, as well as reduce the number of calories so that more of them are burned than entered into the body.

First, you should try to create a menu for the week, calculating the number of calories and nutrients in the foods you consume. The table above and the approximate menu list below will help with this, the products in which can be replaced with ones of equal calorie content.

Proper nutrition menu for weight loss for a month

For such a diet, you need to eat enough protein-containing foods for a month. It’s easy to calculate: you need as many grams of protein as a woman weighs in kilograms. This number is then multiplied by a factor of 3.3. You need to consume the resulting amount 2-3 times during the day.

It is imperative to eat more vegetables and fruits, drink juices and teas. Sugar should be replaced with stevia or dried fruits, and bread with bran. Drink approximately 2 liters of fluids per day.

Three meals a day for weight loss

The daily amount of food should be divided into 3 times. The menu below can be consumed for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Depending on whether the menu is drawn up for a week or a month, choose 2-3 dishes for yourself, which are replaced daily in accordance with their calorie content.

Healthy breakfast (proper nutrition for weight loss)

  • 50 g porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, wheat),
  • 50 g boiled fish,
  • 50 g boiled chicken meat,
  • 150 g vegetable salad,
  • fruit salad,
  • 30 g granulated bran,
  • 100 g cottage cheese 0% fat.

From drinks you can choose 150 ml of juice, tea, coffee with milk or compote.

Healthy lunch (proper nutrition for weight loss)

Healthy dinner with proper nutrition for weight loss

Be sure to eat 30 g of granulated bran and 200 g of vegetables or fruits. You can drink it with low-fat yogurt, kefir or tea. You can eat boiled vegetables, poultry fillet or lean meat - boiled or baked. But no more than 50 g.

If the food eaten for breakfast or lunch is not enough, you can eat fruit or dried fruit for lunch or an afternoon snack, and wash it down with juice, tea or yogurt.

Nutrition for weight loss and exercise

If you just eat right, losing weight is not so effective. And if you also exercise, your body weight decreases much faster. But here you need to follow some nutritional principles.

The body stores fats in case of lack of energy. That's why, to force him to spend these reserve reserves, you need to not eat before the workout itself. And you should definitely eat about 2 hours before, so that it’s not hard to study.

The meal should be carbohydrate, but in small quantities. This way, the body will be sure that food is entering it, and will not drive you crazy during training with a feeling of hunger. And he will take the missing part of the energy from fat reserves.

You can eat oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, vegetables and fruits.

It is important to know! If you feel dry mouth, drowsiness or worsening mood, this may indicate a lack of water in the body. With a weight of 70 kg, the daily water intake is 2 liters. If you weigh more, calculate the amount based on body weight - for every extra 10 kg you need 250 ml of water.

Post-workout nutrition for weight loss

After training, you need to give your body some more time to burn reserve fats, and only after 2 hours can you start your first meal. Now you need protein products: cottage cheese, egg whites, boiled chicken, boiled seafood. It would also be nice to have a vegetable salad with a spoon of vegetable oil.

If you feel very hungry after a workout, you can drink juice, yogurt or tea.

Fractional (five meals a day) meals for weight loss: menu for a month

This system involves eating every 2-3 hours. When losing weight, portions should be small, but contain enough calories for normal well-being.

Food should have healthy properties, even if it's a snack. The basic principle of this diet is that during the day you need to eat a hot meal 3 times and have something light to snack on twice. Sweets are allowed only 1 time, and only 1 piece.

Approximate fractional meal menu:

  1. Breakfast may consist of porridge and fruit. You can drink tea or coffee.
  2. For lunch Be sure to have soup, baked or raw vegetables and lean meats (chicken, turkey).
  3. Have supper Can be boiled fish, meat or eggs in combination with vegetables.
  4. Snacks– fermented milk products without fat (yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir), fruits, grain bread and tea.
  5. Before bed If desired, it is better to drink kefir.

Fractional meals for weight loss, reviews from those losing weight

Considering the reviews of women losing weight on this diet, it can be argued that this diet reduces weight slowly, but the desired effect lasts much longer than with rapid weight loss. In addition, this method can be used by everyone without restrictions on age and health. Therefore, we can safely say that this power system is much better than others.

Separate meals for weight loss: menu for the week

In order for food to be better absorbed by the body, it must be consumed separately, divided into proteins and carbohydrates. This is necessary so that gastric juice that is neutral in acidity is released to digest carbohydrates. And proteins require a more acidic environment, while carbohydrates are not digested in such an environment.

From this it follows that 1 meal should include either proteins or carbohydrates. But since almost all products contain both, they are usually divided into groups. When creating a menu, you must take into account the compatibility of products.

Separate nutrition table for weight loss

Useful material Products
CarbohydratesMeat, fish products, cheeses, beans, nuts and cereals
Simple carbohydratesAll sweet fruits and dried fruits that do not contain acid - bananas, dates, pears, etc. As well as sugar and sweet syrups.
Complex carbohydratesWheat, rice, potatoes come first. On the second - pumpkin, zucchini, green peas, beets, carrots and cabbage. Other vegetables and greens contain very few carbohydrates.
Amount in g and mlAll vegetable oils, avocado and nuts, fatty fish.
Sour fruitsLemons, grapes, etc.
Semi-acidic fruitsAll fruits and berries are sweet in taste with a slight acid content - pears, plums, sweet apples, etc.

It is important to know! Products containing more proteins or carbohydrates are not compatible with each other. But they can easily be consumed with fats and fruits.

Separate meals for weight loss, reviews from those who have lost weight

Based on reviews of this type of nutrition, one can judge that at first it will be quite difficult to get used to such a diet, since our usual dishes are too far from such a system. You will need to learn to cook again and get used to new tastes. Some girls observed changes in their mood and stress, which they associated with the inferiority of separate nutrition.

Another category of those who have lost weight on this system claims that the reverse transition to a mixed diet is quite difficult due to the body’s getting used to light and well-digested food. Many people even like to stay on this diet.

But all the reviews about this diet unanimously state that such a system works flawlessly and with its help you can lose 10-25 kg within 3 months. This is an excellent diet for those who are very heavy.

Intuitive eating, reviews from those who have lost weight

Intuitive eating is more of an anti-diet. Here you can eat whatever you want, you just need to control the amount of food you eat so as not to overeat.

Interesting fact! Intuitive Eating was created by Stephen Hawkes, who was also overweight for a long time. He tried many diets and came to the conclusion that they all gave short-term results.

Then he began to listen to the desires of his body and eat only those foods that he wanted.

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