Cool poems for a shoe gift. Russian folk art

What is an essential attribute of clothing for a Russian person living in a cold part of his country? That's right, felt boots. These shoes have become so popular that they are used in many parts of the world. Nowadays felt boots are made from different materials, with patterns and decorative inserts, with beads and sparkles, and whatever is convenient. Now these shoes are not only comfortable and warm to wear, but also beautiful. Making felt boots usually requires caring female hands, but sometimes men do it too. These shoes are ideal for the harsh Russian winter. There are many songs and poems that talk about felt boots, and on the day of celebration, which falls on February 16, people who make felt boots can be congratulated in the same varied way that the attribute of clothing itself can now be decorated. There are voice audio congratulations on Valentine's Day, poetry and prose, all kinds of postcards and SMS congratulations. The selection is impressive. Please the people who make felt boots, and they will please you by making a warm and beautiful pair of felt boots.

Russian winter is a beautiful fairy tale,
The whitest snow covers the ground,
And the children race on sleds in the morning,
And their laughter can be heard in all the courtyards.
And if you are wearing shoes that suit the weather,
Consider that you are reliably saved from the cold,
Valenki are a joy for Russian people,
Any northerner is convinced of this!

Are you freezing? Well, where is this good?
On such a delightful winter day!
You will if you honor the ancestors of tradition,
The boots will save you from the chaos.
So that everything would be fine for me personally,
So that my feet don’t freeze in the cold,
There are two beautiful, decent felt boots,
They are like two faithful horses to me!

In winter, my choice was made immediately,
Embroidered felt boots are simply classy!
With them, even to the slide, even to the shows,
You can go out without fear, at once!
It happens that passers-by will be surprised at me,
I wish my felt boots were simply chic,
Go on a date and roll in the snow,
And the rhinestones on them are like the glare of the sun!

A little cat cries in the morning,
How cold my feet were in the winter,
Make me little felt boots,
To be beautiful, like Valenka’s,
People heard the cat's request,
And they rolled up beautiful felt boots for the cat,
A cat walks in warm felt boots,
Beautiful, embroidered little ones.

Today is a special day, it’s about felt boots,
Mom will buy them for her little daughter,
That top will jump along the path, yes, top,
And straight onto the path with your butt - clap!
The little daughter stood up, the little one was crying,
And he blames his new felt boots for everything,
No, the felt boots are not to blame for this,
Your little feet are just too small!

One minute and everyone is already wearing shoes,
These are not clasps on your boots,
Just one minute is enough for everyone,
And you can already jump along the snowy path,
Everyone wears warm felt boots in winter,
There is always a high demand for them among our people,
And this winter everyone at the market will ask about them,
And everyone keeps saying: felt boots are back in fashion!

Russian felt boots are warm, cozy, beautiful,
They are very, very dear to our hearts,
I will put on felt boots in severe weather, on a holiday,
Your feet are warm and soft, isn’t that happiness?
Congratulations dears on this great day,
We'll go for a walk in embroidered felt boots,
There's nothing scary, the snow creaks happily,
We are not afraid of any rhinitis with felt boots!

Do you know that soft warm felt boots,
Worn by young people too, not just old ones,
Try and wear them in a fierce snowstorm,
Have fun running through the snow.
There is nothing better in winter than to wear felt boots,
Your feet will never get cold in them,
So let it be good and cozy for your feet,
And all the frozen enemies are envious in their souls!

I would like to give you this day,
Warm felt boots with fluffy pile,
To extend your health forever,
To celebrate the new thing with sweet fruit drink.
I put them on on a cold morning,
When the frost bites other people on the heels,
And paved his path in pure snow,
While the frost frightens others with its breath!

The blizzard is not scary for these little ones,
And they are not at all afraid of the February wind,
They take us into a magical winter fairy tale,
You can get anywhere comfortably in them.
You will return when you are warm and comfortable,
Where your dear hearts are waiting for you by the fire,
Never let the heat leak,
And put your felt boots by the warm stove!

Today I brought you wonderful news,
So allow me to read your poems,
And they will talk about simple felt boots,
Which are hemmed and not at all old.
You are surprised at my words, you are in vain,
Valenki are irreplaceable for the Russian people,
In storms, in hurricanes, in blizzards and snow,
Only they save us, dear ones!

The story is very, very old,
In shoes such as Russian felt boots,
They will come in handy in every home,
And in our severe frosts, oh, how they will fit!
Your feet will be carefully warmed,
And burn with your beauty in the frost,
Wear modern and fashionable felt boots,
And carry them on every trail, if the winter is waterless!

I really liked these funny New Year's poems for adults about New Year's gifts, written by modern authors. Thanks to the authors.

Poems about New Year's gifts for adults

Jar for bulk

You pour it into this jar

Millet, buckwheat or semolina.

Or a mixture of fragrant herbs.

And put it in the closet.

May you be full all year

And warmed and filled.


When the lights suddenly go out

Just in time for the New Year,

This romantic item

It will save you from the snares of darkness.

The electrician has been drunk since the morning,

Tangled in wires

The wind is howling outside,

And you don't know fear.

Your candle is burning, your candle is burning,

Bite sticking out of the pile...

Glasses complete with decanter

Suddenly you want to drink, but you don’t have a glass,

There is water, coffee, tea, there is wine, oddly enough...

If you don't have a glass, you can't even take a sip!

And a sprout of vexation settled in my soul.

If guests come and you don’t have a glass,

The situation, let's say, is not very desirable.

Everyone will sit down happily near the table

And for your health they will slurp from your throat...

If happiness comes and you don’t have a glass,

This is, let's say, worse than any flaw!

No, such situations cannot be allowed.

And we decided to give you glasses.

Six glasses - and a decanter to boot.

May they bring you comfort and good luck!


When the water flows from me like a goose,

I'll wrap myself in this towel

And I prefer to appear in it to society,

Like a Roman antique statue.

New Year's gift: THREE CANDLES

I give! Light and hot -
Three candles for your celebration.
Wear bright clothes!
Let the candle of Hope shine for you,
The second candle is for Love,
That the world saves again and again.
And the third candle is God's Faith,
What is the measure of conscience and heart.
Let the Christmas tree shine with a rainbow!
Live happily and long!

New Year's gift: Santa Claus.

As a gift to you - your own personal Santa Claus!
Take a look - a hat, felt boots and a fur coat,
Mustache, beard and red nose...
He knows anecdotes, tales, jokes.
When the chimes begin to strike in the night,
Make a wish furtively -
And don't forget to drink your toast with wine.
Everything will come true, everything will happen! Just know!

New Year's gift: SNOWMAN.

When the whistling blizzard
Snowflakes swirling in the air -
And the yard will be decorated like a picture
Fluffy white flour -
Dexterously, easily and deftly
I'll build you a snowman -
From a man's snowballs:
Button eyes, carrots.
Ask him for anything
He will remember all the good things for you -
And he will fulfill all wishes,
And he will invite you to dance,
And it will be instead of a dog for a long time
Store the decorated Christmas tree.

New Year's gift: CAR.

Any conscious man
Trying to start the car
Moreover, not only to start,
But even if you go, bring
A pile of New Year's gifts.
I won't list everything:
Dry wine - for guests,
Candy and juice - for children,
An armful of flowers - for the wife,
Service - for a friend and girlfriend,
For grandparents - a gramophone,
For my daughter - a sensitive microphone,
To become a karaoke singer,
For my son - to achieve victories,
Elastic basketball ball.
If you bring everything, hide it under the tree...
In short: if you are a man,
Use your car wisely.

New Year's gift: AMBER STAR.

I'm giving you an amber star as a gift!
Let it be in the coming New Year
The closet will be locked with barn locks.
Remnants of annoying adversity!
A cheerful, noisy New Year will come,
Will drive away mental bad weather -
And life will flow like amber honey,
Bringing wealth, peace and happiness into your life!

New Year's gift: BAG OF GIFTS.

I won’t be stingy on holiday,
I'll bring a big bag as a gift.
Untie the bow and take a look. Just a shock!
A pile of irreplaceable personal belongings:
Crystal glasses, cheese, Martini Bianco,
Garland, candles, spring ice...
A smart tame monkey
Everyone gets gifts, gets:
Glittery artificial tree!
Bananas! Tangerines! "Olivie"!
For the wife - a gilded hairpin
Ultra-fashionable, for a boater's cottage,
And warm kid gloves.
Perfume for you, chocolate for the kids,
New Year's cake, a mountain of sweet apples!
So will I come in? I hope you'll be happy!

New Year's gift: CLOWN CAP.

I'll buy a clown hat
I'll fill it with sweet marmalade
And bitter-drunk chocolate,
I'll add shadows, mascara and varnish -
And I’ll quietly hide it with the tree next to it.
You ask me with a sweet look,
Without words, silently: - For what, weirdo???
I whisper: - There is a reward for beauty!
Here's to the New Year! For nothing!

New Year's gift: SLED.

Yes, shocks are inevitable in life,
But I want to wish you on the road:
Let there be more happiness, affection,
Let fairy tales come to dreams more often,
Let there be many friends along the way.
Sitting in a beautiful sled,
Don't forget to say: - Well, with God!

New Year's gift: GUITAR.

A prankish windy breeze
Shakes the willows along the river.
The wonderful holiday is getting closer, closer,
The lights are flashing in the windows!

Tables are covered with flowers and treats.
It will add heat to the dancing with ringing sounds,
Diversifies entertainment
GUITAR obedient to the hands.

New Year's gift: GIFTS FOR CHILDREN.

A branch timidly scratches at the window
Frozen old maple.
Shining with a coin over the hill
Climbed a month to bow.

The cork will shoot and burst upward!
Champagne is fizzing! It's time!
And hides a bright box
Gifts for children until the morning.

Christmas balls

Balls are exactly that

What is always missing.

Even if you have about a hundred balls,

New ones won't hurt.

These balls sparkle like snow,

They are silver in color.

They rustle as if in a mysterious dream:

Take heart, friends, summer is coming.

Microwave dishes

We're used to the microwave

As a climber gets used to belaying,

Like a rabbit to a fresh carrot

And like a soldier to his rifle.

We feel bad without a microwave,

Like a mechanic without a crowbar,

Like a Limousine without parking,

Like a ghoul without fresh blood.

Always need a microwave

When there is no decent canteen,

And to her, we know that it’s not bad

Have special dishes.

Here's a saucepan for you! Full swing

Cook in it. And happy New Year!

New Year gifts

Little good surprises

They usually introduce us to the New Year,

Give our light whims

There are so many joyful worries for loved ones,

And already the smile fills

With the light of grateful eyes,

In them, like the sun, the soul shines,

And a happy tear trembles.

New Year's gift: MOTH.

I give you a little moth!
Let your thoughts rush irrepressibly,
And let it be free and easy
How the snow falls from above,
Calling with verses to take communion,
Singing-ringing line.
To rise to the sky, to the stars,
I give you a little moth!

New Year's gift: HEART.

In the hallway the door creaks melodiously,
And Santa Claus, tired of the roads,
He will step over your threshold with a bag,
A velvet heart as a gift
With a warm smile he will hand you:
It’s from life’s bad weather
It will serve you as a strong shield -
And it will bring happiness into the house forever.
There are golden words hidden in it
And the feelings of the heart are silver.
May your days fly by in love,
Let only goodness flow into your soul!

New Year's gift: BEREGINYA.

I will sew a beautiful toy
Made of velvet, canvas and silk.
Let her be your friend:
Smile, mischievous bangs,
Inside there is cereal, sawdust, cotton wool.
The bereginya serves as protection:
She will make you and Brownie friends
And it will help you live richly!

New Year's gift: RUBY HEART.

Thorns and prickly splinters,
Like wolves whining in the soul,
The magician has already turned you into
Into the ruby ​​HEART OF A ROSE.

The door to the happy world is closed,
You can't squeeze it out with your shoulder!
Take the ruby ​​heart -
And you will open the door like a key.

New Year's gift: BOX OF CANDY.

A bottle of Champagne, exhaling, will spit out the cork,
The fireworks outside the window will scatter into splashes of light!
I’ll take out a heart-shaped burgundy box,
I will give out one magic candy per guest.

Candy for Happiness, candy for Love and Success,
Candy of Health, candy of Goodness and Insight.
I wish you a happy holiday, jokes and laughter
And creative new successful poetry-revelations!

New Year's gift: ROSES IN A JUG.

The snow creaks. December frosts
The river water is languishing in ice shackles.
Roses breathe in summer in a large jug:
Friends came to me to wish me a Happy New Year!

The wind is writing a threat to us on the window!
He, too, would like to lie down by the stove like a dog...
Garlands of light shine and candles float,
The roses smell fragrant by the window.

New Year's gift: FELT FEET-1.

On New Year's Eve I'll put felt boots on the tree
(Let them think that someone has forgotten)
And in them there is a ring, and in the ring there is a small one,
But blue beryl is very valuable.
Wear for health and luck,
For creative insights after sleep.
May your mood always be bright,
And let spring settle in your heart!

New Year's gift: BELL.

I’ll hang a silver bell on your Christmas tree:
It will ring, exciting the assembled guests!
And let the soul chirp like a spring May chick,
From the silvery ringing I became cleaner and kinder!

New Year's gift: CANE.

I’ll hide the graceful cane under the tree,
I'll add a box of cognac and brandy.
Forget debts, melancholy, resentment, anger.
When a good guest comes to the holiday,
Celebrate the holiday noisily - and walk like a dandy!

New Year's gift: FELT FEET-2.

Not big, not small -
I’ll hide the felt boots for the Christmas tree:
I'll put chocolate in them
(celebrate the holiday brightly and sweetly),
I'll throw a handful of confetti
(to shake them with rain)
Knitted scarf (on shoulders),
Cream, lotion, aroma candles
And French perfume.
How are the gifts? Not bad?
Take out all the gifts on the holiday -
Feel free to wear felt boots:
May you feel hot in them
Even on the coldest day!

New Year's gift: WHO OF GIFTS.

The logs crackle in the hot stove,
The frost creaks outside the windows.
Celebrate the holiday little people!
Garlands sparkle, candle shine,
There is a cart of gifts under the tree:
Cakes, wine, bouquets of roses,
Earrings, pearls, rings
And chocolate hearts
Father Frost who comes gives a gift.

New Year's gift: DACHA.

You can’t even hide such a gift in a bag,
And the strong Santa Claus will not carry away:
I give you a big chopped dacha!
Tell me where, and the company will deliver it,
He will put brick on risers,
Improve the stove and chimney,
And after saying goodbye, he will leave you alone.
Invite your guests, celebrate the New Year!

New Year's gift: HOUSE.

I give you a small house.
(I’ll hide the documents in a bouquet of flowers...)
And if a mouse gets into the underground -
Call the cat in a colored shirtfront.
(Where there are cats, there is always luck)

Behind the house there is a well, a vegetable garden,
Firewood has been chopped for two winters,
A neighbor grandmother comes in with milk.
There in the field at night the wolves dance,
But don’t be afraid, you’ll start the gun.

Imagine: the winds whistle and howl in the chimney,
The winter weather is scary with frost...
And you, having covered the kilometers on foot,
With guests in the bathhouse: in a felt cap,
With a glass - congratulations: - Happy New Year!

New Year's gift: PILLOW.

Toys hang from the Christmas tree,
The garlands are bright, the light is wonderful.
Let your friend bring it to you
As a gift, a red pillow,
Full of candy.

New Year's gift: BEAR.

Our nice neighbors
They gave me a bear:
There are curls in the brown wool,
And on the paws there are claws.
He's wearing pants and a shirt,
He has glass eyes
Inside the abdomen there is a secret place,
There is a chest in the hiding place.
There are chocolates in the chest,
Oranges, marmalades,
Apples and caramel.
I'll put you under a spruce tree
I'm a fluffy bear
And I will say "Mersi!" neighbors.
Tomorrow I will play
Now it's time for me to sleep.
I'll go and say goodbye to the people
And I will tell everyone: HAPPY NEW YEAR!

New Year's gift: BAG WITH SURPRISE.

On New Year's Eve for a holiday out of habit
I'll put the gifts in the bag. But - keep quiet!
A scarf and mittens will be a surprise
And a New Year's red cap.

I'll hang the bag on the branches of a birch tree,
What grows near your house,
And I’ll send you mimosas with the postman,
So that summer reminds you of the New Year.

Felt boots

Hayk Lalunts

I’ll put on some hemmed old felt boots
And I’ll walk through the fresh snow along the village.
There are snow piles along the paths,
And the mirror moon harbored sadness.

The snow creaks quietly, as if under runners.
The windows of the very huts were covered with snow.
And even though the cold is furious, I’m not afraid of frosts,
Oh, how nice it is to wear felt boots, dry and warm!

A white blizzard will fly and swirl,
Throw a furious flash of snow at your back.
I will return to my yard, go to the woodpile,
I’ll take an armful full of firewood home.

My household is waiting for me to have tea,
Great-grandmother's samovar burst into flames.
It’s dark outside the windows, but it’s sunny in the heart.
Oh, how great it is to be at home! Oh, how good!

I’ll shake off the icy crumbs from my felt boots,
I’ll drink tea with my household,
And then, of course, I’ll throw in some dry firewood,
And I’ll put the felt boots on the stove until the morning.

Felt boots

Andrey Eismont

In the summer, snub-nosed, red felt boots,
We basked in the sun, lying on the rubble.
Only Winter! It's cold outside!
On your feet - Jump! And in the snow - Ay Yes!

Felt boots

Vasily Puzyrev

Valens, valens, chesanki, wire rods.
Have you figured it out yet? These are all felt boots.
They are like a nesting doll, an accordion, a samovar -
Time-tested Russian product.
Four centuries of felt boots are with us,
In the village they used to roll them by hand.
The work is dirty, hard, but expensive,
Not everyone had them back then.
And if everyone in the family had them,
This means there was prosperity and success here.
They were worn before for decades,
The grandfather visited them a lot before his grandchildren.
Your feet won't get cold in them on frosty days,
They will heal illnesses and nerves.
Now felt boots are in fashion again
And we often see in winter
How brightly they turn red in the bitter cold
There are tulips and roses on women's felt boots.

Take care of your felt boots

Galina Tomashevskaya 2

Summer on Zavalinka
The woman is drying her felt boots.
To avoid getting sick in winter,
You need to have felt boots!

It's funny to you, but it's funnier to her -
they are warmer than all the boots!
We'll freeze, she won't.
That's the secret of the felt boots!

Fashion, everyone understands
it can be very different.
It's better for us if it's warmer
and not what is more beautiful!
Ode to felt boots

Elena Kornienko 3

I had them when I was a child
In case of a fierce day
The miracle of felt boots - pimas
For the Siberian winter, hear!

Pima, as black as night,
Sheep wire rods.
Were not afraid of the evil winter
Human legs.

Well, fashionistas are girls
Managed to walk in them
In a light, thin nylon,
To be graceful!

That picture is touching:
A girl's leg in Pima.
With pride, like a ballerina,
A friend was walking through the winter!

At the institute in those pymas
We hid Spurs.
For the exam, at your own risk
We walked like this and took risks.

And now we wear boots,
Ankle boots, Snickers.
We won't ask them at the store.
We have grown, we have grown.

Glory to felt boots - pimas!
They warmed us like stoves.
Saved our health
Sheep wire rods!

Felt boots

Elena Tikhomirova

In the cold, in the winter
Adult or small,
To always be warm
Let's put on felt boots!

Felt boots
Light, fluffy.
Snow paths
Crispy, sparkling!

Just get up at dawn
Get out of the bedroom.
Everything sparkles in silver.
And on the legs there are felt boots

Felt boots
Light, fluffy.
Snow paths
Crispy, sparkling!

Dear granny
Granddaughter's boots
Embroiders with beads,
A scarlet ribbon.

Felt boots
Light, fluffy.
Snow paths
Crispy, sparkling!

Felt boots

Inessa Ageeva

For big and small
There are shoes - felt boots.
So that we can walk in the snow,
They made them out of wool for us.

Threats are no longer scary
And Siberian frost.
Let him chatter to himself
Felt will protect your feet.

Russian felted boot
I was able to conquer everything for centuries.
He has his own museum -
Go yourself, bring your friends.

Felt boots

Ksenia Lyubavina

"When Lenin was little,
With a curly head
He also ran in felt boots
Up the icy hill"
A. Barto

When Lenin was small, with a curly head,
In winter he wore felt boots, so always alive.

Then, when he became bald, with a mischievous squint,
He instructed the masses to quickly follow a different path.

When Stalin was little, he was Dzhugashvili,
And he walked around Tiflis in felt boots all year round.

People laughed at this oddity in vain -
Later he sent many people to camps.

When Khrushchev was little, Kuzka’s mother was afraid,
He loved to knock with his felt boots and walk in the thaw.

Sometimes he would crunch a corncob,
And he dreams of launching a booth with Tuzik into space.

When Brezhnev was little, without being in the Kremlin,
He stomped in the same felt boots on the small ground,

He learned to kiss, moved his eyebrows,
He preferred stagnation and was expensive.

When Chernenko was little, of course, he was
I shared the same felt boots with Andropov.

And oddly enough, Misha Gorbachev was small,
He ran briskly in felt boots, dreaming of becoming a doctor,

And cure everyone from drunkenness, deepen and start,
Apparently, he had a stamp on his forehead from the bottle.

When Yeltsin was little, he played on spoons,
Again, he wore felt boots and jumped off the bridge in them.

How to be the head of the Motherland I’m a little tired,
Then he placed Volodya on a pedestal.

And then wear these felt boots for a while
Dima Medvedev, little one, asked Vova.

Returned it because it was clean, like new, almost
Then he received the post of prime minister under Vova.

Neither the coat of arms - the double-headed eagle, nor the proud tricolor,
The symbol of power is felt boots, which is still in trend.

Felt boots

Lydia Dunay

Even if they are not hemmed,
Even if they are old,
Shoes our people
This winter, boots!

There are no more reliable shoes,
There are no warmer shoes,
Without a single fastener
For both adults and children.

And in any cold, brothers
And in any cold weather
No other shoes needed
There would always be felt boots!

Felt boots, yes, felt boots,
Oh, they’re not hemmed, old people!

Felt boots

Lyubov Yashina

Varenka’s mom bought it
Cold felt boots for winter,
Warm, kind,
Beautiful and fashionable.
Varya will put on felt boots
And he goes out for a walk
The yard is covered in snow,
Tread the paths.
Varenka sits on the sled
And rushes down the hill!
Below the snowdrift is not small -
Hurry up and hold on! Hold on!

Felt boots. 1 place. History of things

Nadezhda Tumanova

The mountains were cleared of snow.
No ice is visible on the pond.
The guys will call you soon
I'll go skiing from the mountains.

I took my felt boots from the stove -
Oh yes, felt boots - beauty!
Generals also wear them...
I hear voices in the hallway!

So what if there is a patch,
I'm lucky today! -
Since the frost doesn't bite your heel,
That means it’s warm in felt boots.

Petka jumps and jumps,
Feet are cold in boots -
You need felt boots, otherwise
Tears freeze in my eyes.

I know, these felt boots,
(Let at least a hundred years pass)
Children will definitely not stop loving you -
There is no replacement for them in the cold!
Felt boots

Natasha Tuseyeva

Today you bought me felt boots,
Where the pattern is embroidered with snowflakes.
And suddenly I became small
She quickly ran into the yard!

I flew towards the wind
In the soft gray evening darkness.
And I caught rare happiness,
What neither I nor you dreamed of.

And all around the wind sang and whistled
I need a melody for my soul.
Oh, like felt boots with snowflakes
Surprisingly good!

Felt boots

Rita Lyashchenko

They look like boots
But they are a hundred times warmer.
Made from felted wool
Their masters create.

Felt boots

Tatyana Varlamova Joke

Gave it to me once
A pair of large felt boots,
And since then it has been important in winter
I only walk in them!

Black galoshes shine
Coals in the snow!
They look so good -
I can’t stop looking!

I wore it alone at first
Amazing style
And then Mila came out in them,
Varya, Lisa and Anton.

How embarrassing it is
Wear the same!
But you can’t see the differences!
What should we do? How to be?

Maybe we can decorate the felt boots?
I asked my friends.
Anton supported: “I agree!
This will make it more fun for us!”

And Anton sewed on a ribbon,
And Lyudmila is a petal,
Varya - silk bows,
I am a flower made of beads.

So winter has dressed us up,
And to be known as a fashionista,
My mom decided
Buy felt boots too!

Felt boots

Faina Fanny

My feet got used to the warmth.
I'll buy felt boots for my feet.
Run, jump and stomp in them
Not slippery and very comfortable.

They are very easy to put on
And no need for thick socks.
Someone's hands have been lying around them for a long time,
And they became very soft.

You brush off the snow and set it to dry,
If they get worn out, they can be hemmed.
In winter for adults and children
There are no more comfortable shoes than felt boots.

The holiday for children is aimed at developing children's understanding of folk crafts, about Russian felt boots, that they are part of Russian history and culture, a hero of folklore and songs. Valenki are inextricably linked with Russian folk life and culture, and for the Russian people, from the very moment of their appearance, felt boots were not just shoes, but literally a national treasure.



Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 7

Amur Region, Seryshevsky District

Holiday scenario for the senior group

“What a beauty these boots are!”


teacher MADOU Kindergarten No. 7

Pankova Alla Pavlovna

Seryshevo village


Target: Introducing children to Russian folk craft - felt boots. That they are part of Russian history and culture, a hero of folklore and songs.


Educational:to form children's understanding of folk crafts - Russian felt boots, whichthe warmest, softest, most comfortable and useful shoes.

Developmental: develop creative abilities, the ability to communicate with each other. Develop interest in Russian folk song and its genre diversity.

Educational: instill a love for folk art, native country, home.

Integration of educational areas:socialization, communication, cognition, music, physical education, health.

Preliminary work.

Introducing children to the history of felt boots.

Looking at paintings and illustrations about felt boots.

Learning songs and ditties about felt boots.

Productive activities for children: drawing, applique felt boots.


Russian hut - table, samovar, towels, chest, etc.

The exhibition of felt boots is the work of parents and children. Exhibition of children's works "Russian felt boots". Felt boots for children. Russian folk costumes for children.

Musical material.

Russian folk song “Valenki” (ensemble “Golden Ring”).

Song “Like thin ice”, “Peddlers” (orchestra of Russian folk instruments arranged by S. Drango, A. Kostyuk, S. Protosov, V. Kostenko).


Adults - Mistress, Grandfather Omniscient.

Children: Vanyushka, Masha and Dunyasha.

Progress of entertainment.

Russian folk music sounds and children enter the hall.

Presenter. Welcome!

We welcome everyone, we meet everyone.

According to Russian customs

I bow to you from the bottom of my heart!

Take a seat, dear guests,

The welcome guest does not wait for the call!

Let's sit next to each other and talk well!

My chest will tell us what we’ll talk about. Now

Let's see what's in it(takes out felt boots).

Presenter. Today we will talk about Russian felt boots and much more

Let's find out about him. We will glorify Russian felt boots.

Child 1: Steelworkers, carpenters,

Summer residents, hunters,

Youth and old people,

Both a polar explorer and a geologist...

Child 2: If felt boots are dear to you,

If at home, at work

You hold felt boots in high esteem,

We treat you like our friends

We invite you as soon as possible

For the holiday of Russian felt boots.

Together. Felt boots, felt boots - beautiful and okay!

Presenter: Guys, you probably know that felt boots are originally Russian footwear.

Felt boots, pimas, wire rods, chesankas - how many affectionate names he gave

Russian people love these great shoes! Valenki are beautiful,

Comfortable shoes! They are not afraid of frosts and snowstorms, so

There were no better shoes for walking in Rus'! Celebrating in felt boots

During Maslenitsa, we cast magic and danced to the accordion!

Child 3: What a nice day!

Get ready, people!

We'll sing and joke

Have fun with yourself!

Child 4: We came to amuse you,

Congratulations on the holiday.

People to see

Yes, show yourself.

Children perform the song “Valenki”

Presenter: The people loved felt boots very much and dedicated a song to them. In the old days

They were considered a valuable gift, and having your own felt boots was

Prestigiously, this was considered a sign of wealth.

It's time to test the strength of felt boots: we'll wear them

Run, jump, dance.

Child 5: It’s time for all of us to rest,

But rest is a game.

Who's looking gloomy over there?

The music starts again!

We don't allow sadness

We start playing here!

Conducted "Felt tests":fighting with felt boots or dancing in felt boots, knock down a pin, running in felt boots or others.

Child 6: I see, from afar

Vanya is coming here to us,

Goes straight to the round dance,

Make way, honest people!

Children lead a round dance with the re-enactment of “Like Thin Ice.”

A boy on a horse in a circle dance, performs a song, falls.

Child 6: Oh, Vanyusha, did you hurt yourself?

Vanyusha: No! I pretended to fall

I wanted to make you laugh a little!

Child 6: And Vanyusha is our hero,

Only felt boots with a hole!

Vanyusha: What to do, how to be?

Presenter: And I know what needs to be done. We need to go visit Grandfather Omniscient.

He will quickly hem his felt boots. He's a jack of all trades.

To the music, children walk in different dance steps diagonally, in a circle, in a “snake”.

Covered in white snow

They walk, pushing away imaginary snow with their hands.

All roads to the village.

All roads, all paths -

Neither pass nor pass!

Are deleted.

We are walking through the snowdrifts,

Through steep snowdrifts.

They walk with their legs raised high.

Raise your leg higher.

Let's pave the way for others.

Snow, snow, white snow -

He puts us all to sleep.

They lead a round dance.

We sit on the sleigh

And we quickly rush downhill.

Snow, snow, white snow -

Simulates sledding.

We are racing faster than anyone else.

Presenter: And here comes grandpa, Grandpa Omniscient!

Grandfather Omniscient sits on a bench, hemming (imitating movements) an old felt boot to Russian folk music.

Grandfather Omniscient. My dear children, I’m glad to see you! Come through my hut


Children sit on benches.

Presenter. Hello Grandfather Omniscient, Today we are having fun -

The holiday continues! But our Vanyusha got into trouble,

His felt boots were worn out. Grandfather help me by hemming my felt boots.

Grandfather. Well, it's possible.

Tells and shows the sequence of repairing felt boots.

And you guys, to make my work more fun, sing ditties,

Pleased the old man!

Children sing “valenochnye ditties”:

Child 1

And there are funny ditties,

And a cheerful dance.

Russian songs

Prepared for you!

Child 2

Hey guys and girls

Sing some ditties.

Sing quickly

To make it more fun!

Child 3

Once upon a time there were felt boots
Cheerful, remote people.
They run quickly along the path,
Our feet won't freeze.

Child 4

Our girls are small -

A little more felt boots.

Everyone in the area will be surprised.

Child 5

My little darling

Well, a little more felt boots.

And he puts on boots,

How the bubble inflates.

Child 6

Eh, I put on felt boots,

My grandfather wore them when he was little.

I only stepped into the snow,

I understand that my grandfather tore them all down.

Child 7

I’ll put on new felt boots,

I'll throw the shawl over my shoulder

And I'll go on a date

Kissing is hot.

Child 8

I'll paint my eyes

I'll line my lips brightly,

I’ll wear new felt boots

I'll go on a date.

Child 9

I went to dance

In new felt boots

The guys love me anyway

Even if it’s small.

Child 10

There are two flowers on the window

Blue and scarlet

I'll take it and exchange it

Boots with felt boots.

Child 11

And I’ll put on felt boots,

I'll drink yogurt

The whole soul is yearning

For my friend Masha!

Child 12

We sang and danced for you,

Dear audience!

Don't hold on to your pockets

We won't take a single ruble!

Grandfather. Well, get to work - new felt boots for growth!

Child. Play some accordion,

Play loudly.

Why are you girls sitting?

Don't you want to dance?

Stayed late, tea, in the morning

It's time for all of us to dance!

Child. Oh, my dear,

Come out quickly.

Dance, dance

I can do it for you!

Children dance with felt boots.

Presenter. How can we, grandfather, thank you for your work?

Grandfather. And I, Grandfather Omniscient, lived a long time and saw a lot. I know everything in the world, to myself

I'm collecting the sieve. Would you tell me something about felt boots?

And I would put it in my sieve. I have a lot of things there - both riddles and

Proverbs and nursery rhymes!

Presenter. Valenki are so loved by our people that people sing songs and recite poems about them, don’t you believe it? See for yourself! Let's fill the sieve for grandpa.

Child 1

New soles

Hemming felt boots

Grandfather Omniscient

Old felt boots -

And the owner is old.

Like a path stretches

There is a thread behind the needle.

Eh, the soles are new -

Don't take it down for long!

How to put on felt boots

Gray-haired grandfather -

He will walk down the street wearing them,

Like young! V. Stepanov.

Child 2

To my little daughter

Mom bought felt boots.

Along the path, top, top, top.

Booty on the path - clap,

Varenka cries bitterly -

She doesn't need felt boots...

Mom takes my hand

Mom leads by the hand...

“I believe it hurts, Varenka.

It's not the felt boots' fault.

It's not the felt boots' fault,

It's just that the legs are small.

You'll grow up a little

And you’ll go for a walk alone.” S. Khokhlova.

Child 3

Felt boots were felted

And they gave it to Andryushka.

Wear it, wear it, Andryushenka,

Winter and summer, darling!

Wear it, don't let your feet freeze

At least with galoshes, at least apart.

Will go out into the field in a sheepskin coat

Our Andryusha on horseback

Minus thirty doesn't matter

If he has felt boots on. S. Solozhenkina

Presenter. Who knows the proverbs about felt boots, let's put them in a sieve for grandfather.


Prepare your sleigh and felt boots in the summer.

Simple as a Siberian felt boot.

From a wise man in wool to a fool in felt boots.

Whoever got up first put on his felt boots.

Grandfather Omniscient. Well done boys! And now I’ll tell you some riddles:

*Not shoes, not boots,

But they are also worn by legs,

We run in them in winter,

In the morning - to the kindergarten,

In the evening - go home! (felt boots)

*They trample, roll, and carry through the winter. (felt boots)

*Everything is covered in wool, but there is no skin. (felt boots)

*An adult knows

Even a little one knows.

So as not to get sick in winter

Put on... (felt boots)

Yes, there is only one answer – felt boots. How are felt boots made? Do you guys know? Then sit back, I’ll help you now, and who knows, let him help me.

Valenki are the only shoes made entirely from natural materials: wool is sheared from sheep and processed. Then the wool is treated with boiling water, beaten into a common mass - felt - and rolled - first on a table, and then on a block of the required size. Felt boots are rolled from sheep wool in three colors: black, white and gray. But felt boots are produced only in Russia, and the tradition of this craft is passed on from generation to generation. The production of felt boots is very labor-intensive. The expression “simple as felt boots” can only be attributed to their form. Yes, felt boots are a necessary thing in our lives. Without felt boots, it would be impossible to develop the northern regions of our country, and when it’s frosty everyone wears felt boots.

Presenter. So felt boots are not just natural shoes, they are also useful,

Comfortable and irreplaceable shoes. Now felt boots are coming out

World catwalks and leading fashion designers say: “The 21st century is

The Age of Felt Boots." Look, grandpa, what models ours made

Children with their parents.

Children demonstrate models of felt boots to music.

Grandfather Omniscient. Thank you guys, it’s added to my sieve. For this I want

To amuse you and surprise you a little... Come on, felt boots,

Show up, dance, frolic.

Valenka Theater

Grandfather. Blow the pipes, beat the spoons:

Matryoshka dolls came to visit us.

Matryoshka dolls made from felt boots appear on the screen.

Grandfather. And Avdotya Isoldovna is with them!

The braid is long, three arshins long!

Scarlet ribbon, white scarf,

Eyebrows black, drawn.

A doll appears from a large felt boot

Grandfather. wooden spoons,

Matryoshka dolls are rosy

All the people are looking out the windows -

The nesting dolls started dancing.

Felt boots - Matryoshka. Hey centipedes, run along the path.

Call the musicians -

Let's dance.

Music sounds r.n. “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden,” children come out with musical instruments and perform a melody to a traditional song.

Felt boot - matryoshka. Come on, mummered people,

Louder, louder clap!

We're going to dance now,

Louder, louder clap!

Dolls - felt boots are dancing.

Presenter. Thank you Grandfather Omniscient for your help and interesting

A story for fun. It's time for us to return home. Goodbye.

The children return to the music. There is a felt boot in the hall.

Leading. Children, look, while we were visiting grandpa, we

A felt boot appeared, someone must have lost it. Or maybe not,

I know that in the old days, there was such a custom of telling fortunes using felt boots. And also

They put gifts in felt boots, let's take a look.

And here is a surprise for you, for your holiday of Russian felt boots.

(takes out treats)

Presenter. The favorite sweet delicacy of children in ancient times and now is “Russian lollipop”. People also call it “Cockerel”. They are prepared according to a folk recipe. Help yourself and tell your friends.

(The hostess hands out sweet candies to the children. Russian music plays.)

List of used literature.

1. Magazine “Preschool teacher” No. 4, 2008.

2. Ol. .

In these adorable shoes
You will always feel great
Run, jump and walk
And thank fate!

You will be in this miracle
Travel around the world,
There will be shoes like this
It’s convenient for you every day!


A pair of shoes as a gift,
Try on boots soon,
Let them fit in size
They will be happy to wear them.

Let it be comfortable for you
In them, step forward and sing,
Let it complement your look
A pair of wonderful shoes.


May you like these shoes
I offer it as a gift with all my heart,
Wear it and enjoy it everywhere,
Let your shoes decorate your life.

I wish you many joyful paths,
Good luck and convenience, beauty,
You will be surprised by the gift for many days.
May your beautiful dreams come true.


I want to give you a new thing,
So that you can walk comfortably in it,
To make your feet beautiful and easy,
Walk both close and far,
I'm not joking at all with the gift,
I want to give you shoes
To walk as if to fly,
And you can overtake everyone in the world!


I say greetings easily,
I give you a wonderful pair,
I'll give you a slight hint when I give you the gift,
That in a couple someone is a lion, someone is right,
Are you giving up? Do not you know? Then I'll give you a hint:
I hold the shoe box tenderly!
Let it be convenient, let it fit,
May the gift bring you joy!

Words of congratulations for the gift of shoes


I hasten to give this pair!
I think you'll fit right in
And you will wear them more often
I hope you wear them soon!

Take a quick look at your gift
Tell me, did you like the present?
Oh how beautiful they look
No one in the world has anything like this!


From me to you shoes,
This couple is from the heart,
Put it on your feet as soon as possible,
Hurry about your business.

Don’t let the “shoes” crush you,
They'll be right on your feet,
I want to dissect quickly
New shoes for you.


I want a pair of shoes
To give you today,
To make it convenient and comfortable
I always wore them.

To make your walk easy,
So as not to rub your callus.
You try on the miracle “shoes”
Hurry up, please, please.


To make your feet comfortable,
We give you the shoes,
It will be comfortable to walk in it,
We already know this for sure
Put on a pair soon
And walk on the parquet floor in it,
Such beautiful shoes
Your friends don't!


Take your shoes quickly
This is my present to you,
Stylish boots will brighten up
In life, let it be any moment.

Let your heels not rub stubbornly,
Let them give lightness to your feet,
May you be comfortable
Walk in them here and there.


In my opinion, shoes are a wonderful gift,
Not like a bouquet, it is magnificent and bright,
Not sweet like chocolate
But still, shoes are a great gift!

It’s nice to give me a gift, I won’t hide it,
You don’t walk in it, but fly above the ground,
To make it comfortable and not to sting,
And so that they remind you of Me!


I'll pack the shoes
In a beautiful box
I'll bring it as a gift
I'll give you some new clothes.

So as not to sparkle
Bare heels,
Important and sedate
Legs to walk.

The sole did not wear off,
The heels were clicking
Never let your feet
We didn’t know fatigue.

So that the shoes do not press,
I didn’t rub the callus,
So that this couple
Has become your favorite.


A pair of shoes as a gift
It will be from Me to you,
Let the “shoes” be pleasant.
In running, dancing and walking.

Don't let your boots rub
Never your peeve,
Cut through them only with a smile
You can walk the streets.


Today we give you shoes,
You will walk along the road in it,
You will be very comfortable
And your legs will not get tired,
Try it on quickly
You guessed it right with the size,
These are shoes for your feet
We bought it at the store!


I give you these shoes,
To decorate your feet
Let them go around the world
They walk important along the path!

I hope that this couple
Only success will give you!
May your moves be enchanted
They will drive everyone in the world crazy!
