Signs that a guy likes you. How to understand by correspondence that you are attractive to a man

Love is wonderful, especially when the feeling is mutual. But what about those unfortunates who are not sure of the reciprocal feelings of the object of sympathy? It often happens that a person cannot understand for months and even years whether another person likes him. Fortunately, there are several proven ways to

Often the words say much less than the body. The fact is that if you can somehow control your speech, then the subconscious reactions of the body are almost impossible. This, by the way, is used when using lie detectors. An interesting fact is that women allegedly use as many as 52 factors that can tell about their true motives, while men use only 10. I would not trust such numbers, but there is some truth in non-verbal communication.

So, for example, you can easily understand whether a person is sad or cheerful, whether he is disposed to communication or not, focused or vice versa, distracted by everything. The same can be done with sympathy. To do this, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Where is his gaze directed?. If a guy often looks at you, then there is a high probability that he likes you. By the way, if you start looking at him in response, you can quickly attract his attention. Also, his eyebrows may twitch for a second when he sees you. Sometimes the guys themselves do not notice that they are frankly “staring” at the girl.
  • Leaning over during dialogue. If a person tries to lean towards you during a dialogue, then it is generally accepted that he feels sympathy for you. Simply put, the closer a guy tries to be to you, the more desirable you are for him.
  • He constantly folds his arms, fingers or legs. When a person sees an object of sympathy, he becomes nervous. At this time, the protective functions of the body are activated. Crossed body parts are one of them.
  • Gets himself in order. Interested in how to find out that a guy likes you, just look at the appearance. If a young man straightens his hair, tie or clothes, then in most cases he wants to make a good impression. Pay special attention to this.
  • His posture. A man who wants to please a woman will try to show with all appearance that he is strong and able to protect. Therefore, he will unconsciously stand up or sit down in wide poses, spread his legs or put his hands on his hips.

Eye contact

It has already been said above that eye contact can tell a lot about sympathy and understand whether a man likes you. However, it is worth exploring this issue in a little more detail.

A guy who likes a girl wants to constantly look at her on a subconscious level. Because of this, he produces dopamine, which stimulates desire and is able to have a strong influence on the will of a person. He may not even suspect that he likes you, but the look will tell everything for him.

The guy will try to catch your eye. If he is shy, on the contrary, he will look away if he meets yours. There is a simple technique, by applying which you can surely find out about the true motives.

Look at the guy for 3-4 seconds so that he notices, then look away for a couple of moments and look again. If he doesn't want to break eye contact, then he's most likely fascinated by you. If a guy constantly looks at your lips, then sympathy is even stronger.

  • Try not to confuse shy guys with uninterested guys. The former will still try to look at you furtively, while the latter will immediately lose interest.
  • The guy may not look exactly at you, for example, he may first look to the left, then sharply look at you, and then to the right, and so on several times. Remember that a man may not be aware of his true feelings.
  • If you have a crush on a guy you don't like, on the contrary, try not to look at him too much. This can lead to a backlash that you don't want at all.
  • A sure sign of sympathy on the part of a guy can be a desire to make you laugh. For example, he tells a joke in a large company and for a fraction of a moment he will look at you. It means he wants to make a good impression.
  • Also, an interesting fact was thrown to us by nature. If a guy's icons expand when he looks at you, then there's a good chance he likes you. However, do not stare and do not try to get close, otherwise you can spoil the impression.

How to know if a guy likes you - listen carefully

Words often betray guys in love. At the sight of an object of sympathy, it is very difficult to control oneself and very often some kind of baby talk is uttered instead of confident words. So, to impress, many of the guys start talking more about themselves. It is very important for men to constantly prove themselves and prove that they are better than others. Especially if there are other guys in your general circle of friends.

In fact, to understand that a guy likes you, you need to listen to something other than What he says, and then How he does it. If he is worried, swallows saliva, monitors your reaction, then there is a high probability that you are not indifferent to him. If, on the contrary, he tries with all his might to move away from you and turns more to someone else, then there is nothing to catch.

You can do a little experiment. Lean lightly against his shoulder and say something in a lower voice than usual. If a young man tries to let you get closer, for example, to get closer to your face, then he likes you by 95%, and if, on the contrary, he wants to move away, then his reaction to you is negative.

In general, try to carefully monitor all his words, movements, gestures and facial expressions. You do not need to have a degree in psychology to understand what a guy is experiencing for you at the moment. Try to catch every note and help him realize his true desire. Especially if you yourself are interested in this young man.

Touch will tell a lot

In general, any touch in a relationship plays a big role. You need to pay attention to two things:

  1. How he tries to touch you;
  2. How does he react to your touch?

If a guy is interested in you, then he will try to touch you fleetingly at every opportunity. This is especially true for the arms and shoulders. The most striking form of expression is hugging. For example, if you are not friends with him, and he wants to hug you every time he meets. Thus, he is clearly trying to show that he likes you, and he wants to spend more time with you.

Try gently touching his neck or arms. You can even run your fingers along his forearm. If he is interested in you, he will try to touch you back, or at least not move away from you.

  • If the guy is shy, then he may even flinch a little when touched. You shouldn't be afraid of it. As soon as you start dating, this shyness should simply disappear.
  • There is a category of guys who can afford to touch any girl. This must be taken into account when interpreting touches. Try to celebrate the fact that he treats you in a special way. However, do not deceive yourself and come up with false explanations.

Pay attention to his behavior

A guy's behavior in general can tell a lot about relationships and aspirations. For example, he can behave like a real protector and try to protect you from everything that is possible. Or act patronizingly, or like a true gentleman. But do you know what all these behaviors have in common? He will behave in a special way towards you. That is, not the way he behaves with other young ladies.

Let's say he may try to sit closer to you. Or hug the back of the chair you are sitting behind. Or maybe he was even going to drive you home or borrowed his jacket in the cold season.

By the way, some guys can show sympathy in an inappropriate way. For example, he may flirt with other girls in your presence, trying to see your reaction. This is easy to determine if during these actions he tries to look at you all the time. Also, you can just go to another place from which you can see him, but he cannot see you. If after your departure he quickly stopped flirting, then everything converges.

An interested guy will be interested in your hobbies. This is one of the most correct answers to the question of how to know if a guy likes you. For example, you listen to some genre of music that he does not like. However, he is persistently interested in various groups and the latest news. Or he even signs up with you in the same gym, just to spend more time together. Or, let's say you told him about your favorite TV series, and now he does not miss a single episode.


Excitement is generally the main sign that a person is not indifferent to something. By the way, I wrote about this in an article on . Wet palms, nervous laughter, ridiculous movements, deep sighs, and so on can tell a lot about a person’s true desires. If a guy is worried about how you feel about him, then know that at least he likes you.


Guys often tell their friends about the girls they like. So try to find out the true motives by looking at them. For example, they may start laughing at him when you are around, or vice versa, help him, doing everything possible so that you pay attention to him. In general, they can openly come up and ask if you like him. It is also enough just to pay attention to how they react to your appearance.

Let's say they can smile slyly or immediately begin to look at him. As a rule, this is enough to determine the true motives. Sometimes, by the way, friends can do something bad so that you are not together. This is especially true for guys from bad companies. Be careful and trust yourself first of all, and not someone else.


Clear signs

Among other things, there are clear signs confirming the guy's indifference to your person. Even if he doesn't ask you out on a date, he can pay a lot of compliments and pay attention to you. Permanent gifts, various courtesies and conversations clearly indicate that you are attractive to this person. And it can be really small things. He may appreciate your hairstyle or notice that you are wearing a new blouse today and so on.

In the age of the Internet, many signs can appear online. For example, he often likes your photos and posts. Or constantly texting you and asking harmless questions. Remember that it can be very difficult for guys to attract the attention of a girl he really likes. The excitement and fear of rejection often outweigh common sense.

In any case, it is better not to trust any assumptions there and ask openly. There is a misconception among girls that guys don't like girls who make the first move. On the contrary, such pairs exist, as a rule, much longer. The statistics speak for it. So start showing signs of attention first and you will get a more accurate and faster answer.

Above, you read about how to find out that a guy likes you. Try putting these tips into practice. I hope my post was able to help you. In order not to miss interesting posts, subscribe to my blog updates. All the best to you.

Every happy couple has their own history of dating, and the initiator of the relationship was not always a young man. We live in a modern world where no one has long condemned girls for their courage and ability to interest a man in themselves. If you are not married and are in search of your happiness, read on - it will be interesting! Now we will talk about how to understand that a guy likes you, and whether it is worth taking the initiative to get closer to him.

The main signs of sympathy

A man, when he pretends to be in love, tries to be cheerful, gallant, to give all kinds of attention. But if he is truly in love, he is like a sheep.

Agatha Christie.

In general, it is very true, because even the most gallant courtship may not have sympathy. Not every relationship is built on romance, and there are such sad concepts as “prestigious bride”, “career growth”, “material gain”, and everything like that.

It happens the other way around: there are feelings on the part of the guy, but he is inactive. We will consider the reasons for this behavior below, but this is not about that now. It is important for us to understand whether the guy who interested you likes you, and his unconscious actions will help us find out. Even if a person wants to hide his true attitude towards you, whatever it may be, he cannot take control of some things (unless, of course, he is not a psychologist by training).

So, you know each other, but you haven't met yet. He is one of those who is always there: you are fellow students, neighbors, work colleagues, or periodically see each other in a campaign of mutual friends. The relationship can be described as friendly at best, but you like him, and it's very interesting if he likes you.

Here they are, 6 signs of sympathy on his part:

  • He controls his speech. Close friends do not need to pretend to be intellectuals from a social event, but if a guy likes a girl, then neither with her, nor in her presence, he will not talk very ugly. This applies not only to the words themselves, but also to the topics of conversation (vulgar words, “male” jokes, discussion of other women, etc.). If so, then at least he likes you, and this is already a big plus;
  • You catch his eye on you for no reason. This means that if he talks about something in the presence of other people, and the speech is not addressed specifically to you, then from time to time he looks in your direction, as if interested in the reaction;
  • Looking for a reason to touch you. If he, passing by, as if accidentally touches you, removes a non-existent speck of dust from your clothes, and tries to be as close as possible to you at every opportunity, he likes you, even if there are no other signs of sympathy;
  • Cares, but doesn't make it too obvious. The desire to do something nice for the girl he likes is absolutely natural for any guy. Care can be expressed in any way, and it is likely that you will not even always know that it was he who tried for you. And yet, with his actions, the guy wants not only to provide you with comfort or somehow please, but also to win you over. True, there are situations when a person behaves in this way for the sake of profit, but then he emphasizes all his “good deeds” almost three times in the ways available to him;
  • Jealous. While you are not an "official couple", therefore each of you has the right to privacy. This means that there will be no explicit scenes of jealousy, but he will not allow another guy or man to flirt with you in front of his eyes. If everything is in order with his self-esteem, then the instinct of the owner will turn on regardless of whether you are already dating or not yet. At the same time, he can behave as he likes: switch the attention of a potential rival to himself, find a way to discredit him in your eyes, or “pull by the ears” any reason to interrupt your communication with him;
  • Makes inquiries about your personal life. This point differs from the rest in that you may well not know what is happening. However, it is likely that one of the mutual acquaintances will let you know or your girlfriend that the guy is interested in you. In addition, we live in the age of the Internet, so a young man will definitely not leave your page on a social network without attention. If you're lucky, you'll find out about it too.

I guess that it is on this line that you are trying to put your thoughts in order. Let's say you realized that a guy likes you, but why then is he inactive? Is it really your reason? Or is it still in it? Do not panic. Just read on.

Loves but is silent

If you think about how often people regret lost happiness because of their own indecision, it becomes clear why every second marriage breaks up, and which of them can be called prosperous in a row ... It’s better not to dig. You do not want such a fate for yourself with your beloved?

But I wouldn't want to be wrong either. After all, we are talking about the closest circle of friends, that is, in case of failure, you will not change friends, place of residence, work, institute, or at least school within an hour! All ages are submissive to love, and young girls who are interested in boys also read this article.

In order not to put yourself in a ridiculous position, you need to understand why he behaves in this way. Even if your sympathy is mutual, this does not mean that he is ready for a relationship ...

Reasons for silence and inaction:

  • A very strong love. This applies mostly to young guys who have not yet had the experience of a serious or long-term relationship with a girl. They are romantic, and do not yet look at the world through the eyes of an adult, and therefore tend to idealize their beloved. Such a guy or boy can look at a girl with admiration, dream about her, but for him she is an ideal, perfection, and therefore inaccessible. He simply does not imagine how to bring her down from heaven for a love affair with a mere mortal. Having decided on a relationship, you may not justify his hopes, since the guy is clearly inclined to fantasize;
  • You are being arrogant. Do not think that being beautiful and inaccessible is the path to success. Perhaps the guy likes you, but you put yourself in communication with him so much that he is afraid to even hint about his feelings. Behind the mask of "touchy" you hide your true face, and, frankly, you do it quite successfully. So successful that the guy does not know how you will react to his sympathy. What if you tell all your mutual friends about this, start making fun of him, or answer in such a way that he wants to change his last name and leave the country? Just think;
  • He has a girlfriend or wife. Perhaps, at best, they only talk about love in these relationships, but the fact remains that his personal life is arranged. For now, you are only a “dark horse” for him, and not everyone is ready to lose a titmouse for the sake of a dream that may not bring happiness. In this situation, the best thing you can do is unobtrusively let him know that you are interested in him, and there already - as he decides;
  • Do you have a boyfriend or a husband. Not every guy or man dreams of becoming the third corner in someone else's relationship, even if the boyfriend exists only "for show", or the husband has been living with you as a neighbor for a long time. If an initiative follows from your side, the person you are interested in can react as you like: rejoice at the luck to recapture you from your opponent, remain satisfied with the role of a lover assigned to him, or look with contempt at you as a “fallen woman”. Alas, there are no forecasts here;
  • He sees no future in this relationship. This is not the behavior of a young guy, but an adult man who knows how to take responsibility for his actions. He likes you, but for some reason he understands that you will not be together for long, or you will not be able to give each other happiness. If we develop this topic, we can delve into the real jungle - everyone has their own motivation, and in any case we will not be able to consider all the examples. I will limit myself to the phrase that the Sun is beautiful, it is beautiful and bright, but there is no life next to it - it is too hot. And it is better to admire a thunderstorm from afar. In any case, there will be no initiative from the guy.

So, girls, girls and women, not everything depends on us. Not everything depends on feelings, although this is sad. However, if you can’t, but really want to, then you can! Can anyone stop you from being happy? Just act carefully, considering each step and its consequences. Just a half-hint, a look or a gesture can decide much more than a loud declaration of love on your part. In the end, give your loved one the opportunity to be a man! This is not only mutually beneficial, but also a win-win option! Good luck everyone!

Very often, men do not admit their feelings, even if they consider you the very best in all respects and dream of growing old next to you. It would be easier if they voiced their thoughts out loud. But often a man masks his true attitude towards a girl with sharp jokes or ostentatious indifference. So we girls have to guess: “Does he really like me?”

If a woman likes a man, the signs will confirm this pleasant fact. Our article provides 15 main signs that will make it clear that a guy is not indifferent to you.

Signs that a man likes you

1. He is friends with you. If he is ready to communicate a lot, provide various assistance and just be around, it is highly likely that he wants to take the place of not only a friend in your life, but a little more. As studies by modern psychologists show, if a man wants to be friends with you, it means that he considers you attractive and considers you as a potential companion.

Why, then, does he not speak directly about his intentions? Think back to the beginning of your relationship. Perhaps even then you let him know that you are not interested in him as a man. And for this it was not necessary to voice this thought aloud. Even from your look or the fact that you slightly moved away from him during a joint trip in transport, he could conclude that he was not interested in you. And now he is afraid to hear the unpleasant truth and thinks "Let me be next to her at least as a friend."

2. "Random" meeting. It seems to you that in our time a guy is unlikely to guard a stranger under the porch who has sunk into his soul? You are deeply mistaken. After all, modern men are still hunters. And when the "prey" itself goes to them, then such a relationship will not last long. But to win your princess yourself - that's a man's thing.

And also remember an important point: if a man seeks his chosen one, if he has to make various sacrifices, doubt whether he is needed, then he will appreciate the girl much more, will sooner offer her to marry, will be more interested in saving the marriage. Not only men, but also women appreciate much more what they didn’t get quite easily: they met, exchanged phone numbers, and now you can say “She’s mine.”

3. He compliments you, gives you unexpected gifts.. A man indifferent to you would not do this. And it is especially valuable if he presents a gift not for the New Year or March 8, but simply wanting to please you, without a specific date. The cost of the token is not important. Even if it is a small chocolate bar or one rose. The main thing is that the guy is not indifferent to you.

With compliments, everything is not so clear. There is a sort of men who are used to telling all the women who pass by how great they look. If this young man does not belong to the category of womanizer, if he notices such nuances in your appearance and character that none of your former loved ones spoke about, this is a great sign.

4. He invites you to the movies. The cinema is one of the most popular places for a first date. In a dim room, even a shy guy can easily find an excuse to touch your hand or lightly hug you. But even if the young man did not make any attempts to kiss you, but watched the melodrama of your choice to the end, you can be glad: he could sit through the entire Titanic only because he was pleased with your presence in the next chair.

5. He touches you. And we are not talking about intimate parts of the body. Even a touch on the arm, shoulder or back can be sensual and signal: you are attractive to this man, he is not indifferent to you. You, too, can use the power of touch to let a guy know that the feeling is mutual. Just watch, don't overdo it. Let the initiative still come from him, not from you.

6. His behavior with you is different than with other people.. Options are possible here: he can start joking and fooling around, or, on the contrary, become shy and silent. He may even start to make fun of you, not allowing himself to do this with other people. Do not rush to be offended or quarrel with him, just think: “Maybe he is not indifferent to me? Maybe he likes me and wants to get my attention, but doesn't know how best to do it.

7. He looks at you more than other girls.. Moreover, this is not only a gaze when he cannot take his eyes off you. You may also notice that a man looks at you furtively, and when he sees that you have noticed this, he immediately turns away. An exchange of glances is one of the most effective flirting techniques. If a man often stops his eyes on you, pay attention to him.

8. He reacts when you mention another guy in front of him.. The reaction may be different, depending on the character and temperament of the man. Someone may start asking directly what you have in common with this young man. A more restrained man will simply flash sadness on his face. Or maybe he will start defiantly transferring the conversation to another topic, talking about an attractive mutual friend or his favorite actress. In each of the above cases, it is likely that the man is in love with you.

9. When talking about his plans for the future, he mentions you.. Even when it's not about plans for the next few years, but just about going to a concert next week, if he would like to go along with you, then he likes you. You may not be interested in a football match where they want to take you, but if you like a young man, agree, you won't regret it.

10. He cares about his appearance in your presence.. Moreover, this applies not only to neat clothes, which, in principle, should be in every self-respecting man. Various little things (hairstyle, tie to match the shirt, watches and fashionable perfume) can indicate that for you a man wanted to look his best. He wants (consciously or subconsciously) that you pay attention to him.

11. He introduces you to his family.. Men can date a girl for several months, but if they do not take her seriously, then they are in no hurry to introduce her to their parents and other relatives. If he decided to get acquainted and even insists that you definitely come to Christmas dinner, then his intentions are serious, and he sees you as his companion, and maybe his wife.

12. He tells you about his personal life.. If a guy tells you details that he won't trust his friends or mom, it's a sign that he trusts you. There may be times when you didn't even ask for it. You see: he lets you know that he is single and his heart is free. You have a chance to become his girlfriend.

13. He copies your gestures. Of course, all this is not intentional. For example, during dinner in a restaurant, his hands take the same position as yours. He becomes, as it were, your "mirror", copying your gestures, the rate of speech during a conversation with him, and even facial expressions. If you notice this, know that he is interested in you and he is trying to please you.

14. He protects and supports you.. Moreover, his help can be manifested in small things: throw your jacket over your shoulders so that you do not freeze, give you your umbrella, and walk in the rain yourself. If in order to take your beloved cat to the vet, the guy sacrifices his plans, then he is in love with you. It is unlikely that he would have made sacrifices simply because of his disinterested nature.

15. He demonstrates his culinary skills. If a guy tells how he cooks pizza, pasta, or even just deliciously fries potatoes, while offering to taste his culinary masterpiece, know that the love story is very close. Do not forget to praise his dish, even if it turned out to be imperfect from the point of view of an experienced cook.

We hope that our advice will help you decide on the feelings of a man by indirect signs and you will not have to ask the question “Do you like me?” so unloved by the stronger sex, which will immediately lower your position in his eyes by several points.

Question: “Does this guy like me?” are asked by thousands of girls who want to understand how a young man treats them, with whom they would not mind dating. Or they have been dating for a long time, but all the time they have some doubts.

And although it is not so easy to answer this question with the help of observations and assumptions alone, nevertheless, there are many characteristic signs by which you can most likely find out if a guy likes a girl or not.

What to look for when communicating with a guy?

Non-verbal signals By the looks, gestures and facial expressions of a guy, it is quite easy to determine what feelings and emotions the girl with whom he is currently communicating evokes in him. If a young man straightens his clothes during a conversation with a girl, smoothes his hair, gets a little nervous, blushes slightly, does not take his eyes off the girl, a sparkle appears in his eyes, and the pupils slightly dilate - you can talk at least about sympathy and great interest with him. sides.

Verbal communication To find out if a guy likes you, you need to pay attention to how he behaves during a conversation. Usually, when talking to a girl they like, guys try to boast at least a little bit in order to put themselves in front of the girl in the best light. A special attitude If a young man really likes a girl, he will somehow distinguish her from the crowd of other girls who surround him. For example, to find out that a young man is in love, you can look at his behavior at a youth party. Being in the same company with a girl who evokes sympathy, the guy will try to sit closer to her, during the conversation he will most often turn to her, often look at her, etc. Initiative in establishing relationships No matter how modest a young man is, he will definitely make it clear to the girl he likes that he would not mind dating her. More self-confident guys, usually, without unnecessary ceremonies, invite girls they like on a date, while less confident guys, afraid of being rejected, act more subtly and carefully - with the help of hints and compliments.

How to understand that a guy feels sincere sympathy for a girl?

And finally, it was appointed, and the girl, experiencing slight excitement, is preparing for this meeting. It would seem that the dream will soon come true, and there is nothing more to worry about. But it's not as simple as it seems. As a rule, a girl, starting to meet a guy, really wants to understand: he takes her seriously, or just doesn’t mind having fun.

It is possible to conclude that a young man has serious plans for a girl if he:

Shows interest in the girl as a person That is, she is interested in her life, hobbies, opinions on various issues, problems, intentions for the future. If a guy talks to a girl only on abstract topics, we can safely conclude that he does not plan to further develop relations with her yet (or at all). Offers help To unravel the goals pursued by a guy in relation to a girl, you need to look at how he takes care of you. As a rule, a young man is in a hurry to offer the girl he likes his help and support in various problematic situations, for example, to bring a heavy bag home, to help with writing a complex term paper, to fix a broken player. Often calls on the phone If a guy calls a girl on her mobile several times a day to ask where she is and what she is doing, this is a clear sign that he is constantly thinking about her, jealous, bored and afraid of losing her. Makes gifts and various pleasant surprises. The more a young man is carried away by a girl, the more generosity and imagination he shows, trying to entertain her and give her gifts. True, much depends on the financial capabilities of the guy. In no hurry to drag into bed on the first or second date You can find out if the guy likes you, and how much, by analyzing his intentions. If a young man really has serious intentions, he will never force a girl, and in general at the initial stage of a relationship. If he makes an offended look when the girl refuses to go to his house, it means that he is set up only for a short, non-binding affair.

How not to make mistakes with the conclusions?

Quite often, inexperienced girls, having fallen in love with a guy, take what they wish for reality and convince themselves that they are also not indifferent to him. In order not to be hooked by her own fantasies and avoid severe disappointment, a girl should not:

  • Take ordinary politeness or friendly disposition of a guy as a sign of love. If a young man greets a girl at a meeting, stops to chat and asks how she is doing - this, in most cases, speaks of his good upbringing and friendly disposition towards the girl, and nothing more.
  • To take indifference on the part of a young man for extreme shyness and indecision. If a guy, often encountering and talking with a girl in the company of friends, at an institute or at work, still does not dare to hint at her sympathy and invite her on a date, then most likely he does not have anything like that in his thoughts.
  • Accept compliments on duty as a declaration of love. If a guy compliments a girl at a meeting, saying that she looks cool, this does not mean that in return you should confess your sympathy for him.

As you can see, it is quite possible to find out if a guy likes you or not, as well as to determine his true attitude towards himself. The main thing is to be able to observe and draw correct conclusions based on observations.

Have you got your eye on the guy? Not sure if he feels the same? Finding out that you like someone of the same sex as you is not easy, confusing and a little scary...

But if you, on the contrary, wait for such signals - or check the situation - then you can find out everything!

Method 1. Bearing signals!

He mirrors your gestures
When people listen intently to each other, they subconsciously imitate the body language of the interlocutor. The next time you engage in some interesting discussion, cross your arms, rest your chin on your hand, bow your head slightly, take a sip from your glass, and so on. If he does the same, it means that his attention is focused on you.
Don't waste this experiment on mere chit-chat, unless his mind is engrossed in what the two of you are saying, the method may not work.

He smiles and maintains eye contact
Boy buddies platonically loving each other smile at each other. They also maintain eye contact. But if your guy looks at you for a long time while smiling widely, he behaves much more intimately than most straight people with each other.

He averts his eyes
Okay, let's say he doesn't stare into your eyes, but if you catch him turning away sharply as soon as you look in his direction, it means that he is looking at you until you see it. Of course, if there is no food sticking to your cheek, then his game of staring may mean that he is interested in you.

He wants to know everything about you
Guys do not have the ability (and desire) to unravel the threads of the personal lives of their buddies. If your boyfriend asks a lot of questions about your life, interests, hobbies, friends, and most importantly, feelings, it means that he is not content with chatting and wants to get to know you on a deeper level. Or you are just his best friend.

He touches you unnecessarily
Straights may greet each other with a high-five clapping, squeezing each other, and may even slap their butts in a playful manner, but most of them will not feel comfortable with touching outside the "rules of the game".
If your guy allows himself to touch your arm, put his hands on your shoulders, stand behind you, hug you, or find an excuse to pull a speck out of your hair, he is probably trying to penetrate your intimate space - or even checking how you react to his advances.

He gets nervous when you are around
Does his palms sweat, does he laugh out of place, or does he stutter when you are around? This means that he is concerned about what you think of him - which means that he is trying to impress you.

He gives you a nickname
In a male company, it's common to give a nickname to someone who does something memorable, but if your boyfriend comes up with a nickname for you just because, especially if you haven't done anything outstanding to earn this nickname, then he shows how meaningful your relationship is.

He tries to cheer you up
Everyone has a buddy who is a perpetual prankster and a lover of attracting the attention of the crowd, but if the guy makes a special effort to make you laugh, then he is either trying to cheer you up (are you feeling sad lately?), or he flirts with all his might.

He treats you differently than other guys
Not all guys are open in the manifestation of feelings. Gays, in particular, may hold back until they are satisfied that it is safe to do so.
If he does not give you any hints at all, then you should go from the opposite. Avoids looking you in the eye? Does he talk to you quickly, briefly, or in monosyllables? Never-ever touches you? And so he behaves only and exclusively with you and no one else?
Well, then he either really doesn't like you (however, if he can't find an excuse not to be in the same room with you, then he probably isn't) or is struggling with his feelings for you.

Method 2. Reconnaissance in force

Try light touch
Try to touch his hand as if "by the way", by chance. If he quickly pulls away, then he is not interested - watch his facial expression. But if he does not move away immediately, slowly, or does not remove your hand at all, then he may be interested.

Move over to him
When you're sitting on the couch, move closer to it, just like in the movies when a guy tries to put his arm around a girl's shoulders. Don't turn to him right away. If he moves away from you, it reduces his chances of being attracted to you. But if his reaction is subtle or non-existent, and even more so if he repeats your gesture, then this increases the chances that he is interested.

Ask directly
Well, not literally - don't ask him to marry you. But at this stage, if he responds to "accidental" touches and obvious interest on your part with the return of these gestures, you just need to make assumptions out loud. Say something like, "You know, I think you're sending me some hints, and I'm wondering if I understand everything correctly. Are we just friends, or is there something more?" Give him a chance to think about the answer - don't rush him. Maybe he is not sure about his feelings, or maybe this is his first experience. He may not have a clear idea of ​​how he feels. If you are still in doubt, then you must say that you find him attractive and do not hide it. If he smiles or nods, that's a good sign.

Give it time
After you have openly indicated your interest in him, wait. If he's interested in you, he'll show up very soon. If he doesn't show up, then he's probably starting to avoid you. If it's enough for you to stay just friends with him, give him some time, and then get in touch yourself. But don't flirt with him at all - show him that you wouldn't mind more, but "just friends" is OK too. If he's straight, there's nothing you can do about it. But if he's interested, give him some more time to think things through. Don't write him off if he doesn't immediately ask you out on a date. Keep in touch and be patient.


1. If you are at work, and he looks at you, constantly walks around, makes some sounds or starts talking with other people, but ignores you, this means that he wants to attract your attention, that is, he likes you, but he doesn't know how to show it.

2. If he often teases you, grabs your things and runs away, forcing you to chase him, then he probably likes you. If you are in a vehicle and he sits opposite you and shoots his eyes, then he probably likes you. But, the biggest mistake that you should not make is not showing any interest in him in return. You make him feel bad...

3. If he sits next to you and cuddles, then he likes you, but if he is a touchy boy, then he will tease you, so do not be upset.

4. Try to remember the first time you met him. If he behaved unusually (his pupils suddenly dilated, spoke strangely, etc.), and still behaves like that, then he still likes you, but he does not know how to tell you or does not want you to know for one reason or another (for example, because of internal homophobia).

5. If you are fooling around and he likes to look at you and smile and then walks away, this is a definite sign of interest.

6. Pay attention to whether he starts acting flirty when guys are around, or he flirts with girls. Most guys who love you will try to make you jealous of the other.

7. If you're sitting alone on the couch in the living room and your crush comes to take a seat, take note if he sits right next to you or touches you.

8. If you are at a pool party, pay attention to whether he looks in your direction all the time and looks away immediately, as soon as he notices that you burned him. Any guy who deeply cares about you will be nervous, wondering if you're gay or not. Look for signs - like when you're watching TV and he's staring at you all the time, but immediately turns away as soon as you notice his gaze.


1. Don't act like you don't like him! It's painful and confusing, and he may fall behind you altogether.
2. Keep in mind that he may actually be straight and you have misinterpreted his signals.
3. If you yourself are straight, and you became aware of his homosexuality, then respect this fact. Don't tease or bully him as this is homophobic behavior.
