Professional qualities of a kindergarten teacher. What should be a kindergarten teacher

Like any professional activity, pedagogical practice imposes specific requirements on the person who carries it out. We will initially proceed from the fact that a person has consciously made his professional choice and has a predisposition to pedagogical activity.
To date, a sufficiently large number of studies have been carried out in domestic and foreign science concerning the study of the professional and personal qualities of professional teachers. But the main quality, from our point of view, - one that cannot be measured by "test batteries" - is love for children! As well as possible, this provision is reflected in one of the commandments of Sh.A. Amonashvili: “If you want to develop God’s gift of a teacher in yourself, love a child!”.
Pedagogical activity imposes some requirements on the personality of the teacher. These requirements apply to:

  • system of knowledge, skills and abilities;
  • abilities;
  • the field of communication.
Psychological requirements for the personality of the teacher
Summarizing research in the field of educational psychology, R.S. Nemov proposes the following system of psychological requirements for the personality of a teacher.
Table 1



Love for children
Love for pedagogical activity Availability of special knowledge in a particular field of science
Pedagogical intuition Highly developed intellect
High level of general culture and morality Professional knowledge of various methods of education and upbringing


Sociability Artistic Good taste, etc.


The ability to communicate with others on a legal and democratic basis, which implies the ability to take for granted the presence of various points of view, on the one hand, and the rejection of dictate and violence in any of its manifestations, on the other
Priority of the interests of the individual over the interests of society Professional competence and possession of the qualities of a leader
Entrepreneurship and efficiency
Ability to express ideas clearly and concisely orally and in writing
Ability to listen to others
Initiative, etc.

The preference for a particular profession is due to the presence of certain personal qualities. V.A. Titov identifies seven such qualities.

Shirokova G.A. "Children and adults. Psychology of communication for educators” - 5 -
table 2
Personal qualities of a teacher


Content Features




Characterizes a certain attitude to society, nature, surrounding people, attitude to pedagogical work, style of pedagogical communication; a complex of psychological attitudes towards working with children, professionally oriented motives and abilities, professional interests and personal qualities, as well as professional self-awareness


The ability to penetrate with the help of feelings into the emotional experiences of other people, to sympathize with them, to empathize. Pedagogical empathy is expressed in emotional responsiveness to the experiences of the child, in sensitivity, goodwill, caring, loyalty to one's promises, and tact. Empathy contributes to the rapprochement of people in communication, brings it to the level of trust, intimate


A sense of proportion, manifested in the ability to behave properly, observance of the rules of decency. The optimal combination of affection and firmness, kindness and exactingness, trust and control, jokes and strictness, flexibility of behavior and educational influences - these are the specific manifestations of a teacher's sense of proportion. The teacher's tact means that he retains personal dignity, does not infringe on the pride of children, their parents, work colleagues


It manifests itself in the ability of the teacher to fix the essential in the development of the child, to foresee the prospects, the dynamics in the formation of the personality of each pupil and the children's team as a whole. Indicators of pedagogical vigilance should be considered the ability of the educator to see, listen, feel children, understand their mental state


The deep faith of the teacher in the strength, capabilities of each child, in the effectiveness of educational work


Understanding children and surrounding adults, respect for them, creating a positive microclimate


Self-analysis and evaluation of the results obtained, their correlation with the goal; analysis of the reasons for successes and failures for the subsequent change in the process of education and training in order to achieve better results

It should be noted that one of the most important qualities that occupies a dominant place in the system of personal qualities of any professional in the field of education is responsibility for one's actions, deeds and words. Each teacher should carefully think over the system of interaction he builds with children and other adults, not remain indifferent to cruelty and callousness.

Conference: Modern Kindergarten

Organization: DRC "Aistenok"

Location: Primorsky Krai, Vladivostok

Good afternoon.

We all know that the kindergarten teacher is a daily witness and participant in the process of shaping the people of the future, helping, and sometimes even hindering their development. Our life is built in such a way that children spend most of their daylight hours not with their own parents, but with kindergarten workers and educators. This fact confirms the high social significance of the teaching profession.

Along with this, we see and know that the world is constantly becoming more complex information. Today it is no longer enough once having received a basic education to work in one's specialty. To meet modern requirements, to maintain the level of competence, it is necessary to constantly study, engage in self-education. Continuing education should become a necessity.

The need to improve the level of knowledge, skills and abilities penetrates into all spheres of life - professional, family, social, personal and, of course, the sphere of pedagogical activity is no exception.

Today we will talk with you about the personal and professional qualities of a modern preschool teacher and the features of the educational process in a modern preschool institution.

On the professional skills of a preschool teacher.

Name the most important, in your opinion, professional skills of a preschool teacher (statement of educators).

The activity of a teacher is multifaceted in its functions and content. It involves mastering a variety of professional skills. These skills are conventionally divided into gnostic, constructive, communicative, organizational and special skills.

Gnostic skills - skills with which the teacher studies the child (individual characteristics, age, personal qualities, relationships with peers, adults, the degree of emotional well-being). The object of study is the family. Gnostic skills are used when studying the pedagogical experience of other educators. It is important for the teacher to develop the ability to understand the inner world of the child.

Constructive skills - for designing the pedagogical process, raising children, taking into account the prospects for educational work. The teacher designs the material equipment of the educational process (craft equipment for games, classes, organization of exhibitions of artistic creativity of children and their parents, etc.). Constructive skills are embodied in work planning, in compiling summaries of educational work, scenarios, holidays, and leisure.

Communication skills - are manifested in the establishment of pedagogically appropriate relationships with individual children and with the whole group, with the parents of pupils, with work colleagues, with the administration of a preschool institution.

Organizational skills - apply to the activities of pupils, parents, colleagues. An important decision is what he will do himself, and what can be entrusted to children, to which it is more expedient to involve parents.

Special skills - the ability to sing, dance, read poetry (compose), knit, make toys, show (staging) a puppet theater and more.

Personal qualities of a modern preschool teacher.

What kind of teacher is he?

Now we will conduct a quiz with you. In a circle, each name one characteristic.

The teacher in the group is the bearer of a certain model of behavior, and the children, being nearby during the day, see and hear how the teacher speaks, what kind of facial expression, intonation, tone of voice he has. In some way, consciously or unconsciously copy it. It is believed that if the teacher constantly speaks in raised tones, shouts, then this is how it should be, this is the norm.

It is in kindergarten that children get their first experience of communicating in a group, in a team, and the educator commands all this.

Experience shows that, in general, the behavior of a group of children is largely a mirror of the behavior of the educator.

Now let's talk about the qualities of a teacher.

Important qualities of a teacher are diligence, efficiency, discipline, responsibility, the ability to set a goal, choose ways to achieve it, organization, perseverance, systematic and systematic improvement of one's professional level, the desire to constantly improve the quality of one's work, etc.

In a number of personal characteristics, qualities should be named that become professionally significant prerequisites for creating favorable relationships in the educational process. Among these qualities are patience, responsibility, commitment, objectivity, respect for people, optimism, emotional balance, the need for communication, interest in the life of pupils, goodwill, restraint, responsiveness and many others.

All modern researchers note that it is love for children that should be considered the most important personal and professional trait of an educator, without which effective pedagogical activity is impossible.

Modern children are more active, mobile in their self-expressions, more informed, more different from each other, they have more different living conditions and upbringing in the family. All this imposes certain requirements on the personality of the teacher. To meet modern requirements, the educator must be:

Active (to support children in their manifestations of activity, to correspond to them). A teacher who sits most of the time on a chair and directs children's activities from him can hardly be called active, striving for the all-round development of children;

Capable of change - to keep up with the rapidly changing world and changing children and their parents;

Attentive - to yourself, your behavior, verbal self-expression, to how your own behavior, speech affects others, including children. Educator (in a cry) - “got up”, “let's go”, “come on, sat down”, “shut up”. Again in a cry, he addresses the children: “Well, why are you shouting?”. And another variant of behavior: "Now we will decide, now we will talk."

Competent - seeking to improve self-education, competent in the profession.

At present, in pedagogical psychology, much attention is paid to the analysis of the subjective properties of the teacher, which determine the effectiveness (productivity) of his pedagogical activity.

Let's pay attention to the personal qualities of the educator, which cause difficulties in his professional activities:

1) lack of a special pedagogical and internal orientation

2) discrepancy between the level of abilities and the requirements of the pedagogical process

3) lack of special-pedagogical, methodological, socio-psychological competence.

Thus, the educator can have both qualities that ensure the success of his activities, and vice versa, personal qualities that cause a number of difficulties.

Features of the educational process.

Pedagogical activity, like any other, is a system that has a certain structure.


The motives of pedagogical activity are manifested at the stage of professional self-determination: what exactly prompts you to choose a pedagogical profession, to devote yourself to educational activities. The purpose of pedagogical activity is determined by society. Each teacher's character is transformed into an individual setting, which he tries to implement in his activities. For example, the goal of education - the versatile development of the child - is concretized by educators of a preschool institution at the present stage as a full-fledged preparation of the child for schooling, strengthening skills, and developing creative abilities. The originality of pedagogical activity lies in the specifics of the subject. The main tools of pedagogical work - voice (loudness, intonation, expressiveness), facial expressions, gestures (pedagogical technique) - these are various skills of the teacher's personal influence on pupils. The teacher should be able to choose the right tone and style of communication with children depending on the specific situation. The mastering of pedagogical technique makes it possible to achieve better results with less expenditure of energy.

Now let's look at the process of education. This is a process of personality development, which includes both purposeful influence from the outside, and personality development. An important place is occupied by the process of education (educational process). To better understand the role of this process, consider it in the structure of a more general process of personality formation.

In the part where personality formation has a controlled, controlling character, where people are guided by conscious intentions, they do not act spontaneously, but according to a pre-planned plan in accordance with the tasks set, and education is manifested. Education is support in the development of a personality, a specially organized, managed and controlled interaction of educators and pupils.

This structure is based on the identification of the main stages of the educational process. The criterion of the sequence of stages through which the process must go through, aimed at the qualitative solution of the tasks. This structure is very important for understanding the deep patterns of unity and gradualness of the educational process. Knowledge must be translated into beliefs. Beliefs are firm, principled worldviews and beliefs that guide our lives. For example, already in kindergarten, all children know that they need to greet teachers. Why don't all kids do it? Because they are not convinced. This means that education stopped at the first stage - knowledge, without reaching the next one - conviction. And another important component is the formation of feelings. By sharpening the senses and relying on them, educators achieve a correct and quick perception of the required norms and rules. And finally, the formation of the general orientation of the personality, which concludes the whole process, is the development of the stability of the habit of behavior, which becomes the norm.

One of the most important components of the educational process in a preschool educational institution is the creation of conditions for the identification and development of a full-fledged personal resource of each child. Recent changes in preschool education (with the development of FGT) emphasize this, that is, the work of each teacher should be aimed at the formation of a common culture, the development of physical, intellectual and personal qualities, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities that ensure social success, the preservation and strengthening of children's health preschool age. The work of the preschool educational institution should ensure the versatile development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas. The main goal is the development of the personality of the child.

As a result, some changes are required from us. Change is a tribute to the times. The computerization of our lives, the availability of various types, types and quality of information, changes in the social system, of course, have also affected children.

Each teacher in the group is a carrier of a certain behavior model, and children, seeing every day examples of the teacher’s attitude towards them, to some activity, hearing speech, the timbre of the intonation of the teacher’s voice, the younger they are, the more trustingly they believe that this is how they need themselves to lead, to say so, to do - that is the norm. Children of a particular group are in many ways a mirror of behavior specific

The kindergarten teacher plays an important role in the upbringing of the child. The psychological climate in the group, the attitude to the kindergarten of each child depends on the teacher. Some children go to kindergarten with pleasure, communication with the teacher brings a certain satisfaction. Others, at the sight of the teacher, begin to act up or cry, in the group they close in on themselves, and visiting the kindergarten turns into torture. When choosing a kindergarten, you first need to get to know the teacher, understand his values, attitude towards children, find out the level of professionalism. It is almost impossible to find a person who would satisfy all the requirements of parents, but you can look for someone close to the ideal. So what does the portrait of the ideal educator look like from the point of view of parents?

First, the teacher must be able to get along with the children. He must understand the problems, interests, needs of each child. Many kids go to kindergarten without being able to talk. Many do not know how to ask for something or ask for something. After all, at home, mom reacted to any of his needs, understanding everything without words. The teacher should establish contact with the baby in such a way that the latter is not afraid and does not hesitate to approach even with the slightest difficulty.

Secondly, the educator must be able and willing to take care of the child. With a good teacher, the children are fed, put to bed, washed, washed, dressed on time, combed and busy with useful work.

Thirdly, the educator must be a specialist, that is, master different methods of education and upbringing. He should prepare the child for school as best as possible, set him up according to one program, and the educator should be well versed in it.

Fourthly, the educator must be able to communicate with parents, resolve conflicts, listen to different opinions and wishes. No question should be left unanswered. The educator should give recommendations on the upbringing of each child.

The profession of an educator is complex and responsible. There are many requirements for her, including from the parents. Finding a reliable, intelligent, well-mannered, balanced, delicate and child-loving person is not easy. But trusting your child to an incompetent teacher is also not worth it. Each parent, focusing on his ideal educator, is able to choose a worthy option for his child.

In studies on the psychology of the educator's activity, a number of qualities are traditionally distinguished that are considered professionally important: pedagogical tact, pedagogical observation, love for the child, individual approach, etc. Recognizing the need for these qualities, many researchers consider the pedagogical position (a kind of installation on the child) to be the main thing in the work of the educator.



Characteristics of professionally important qualities of an educator

In studies on the psychology of the educator's activity, a number of qualities are traditionally distinguished that are considered professionally important: pedagogical tact, pedagogical observation, love for the child, individual approach, etc. Recognizing the need for these qualities, many researchers consider the pedagogical position (a kind of installation on the child) to be the main thing in the work of the educator.

At present, in contrast to the orientation towards the child as a means of the pedagogical process, which is characteristic of directive pedagogy, there is a pedagogy of cooperation that uses a personality-oriented model of education, which is characterized by the orientation towards the child as the goal of the pedagogical process.

Researchers agree that in order to improve professional training, the possibilities of professional self-education should be used more actively.

Professional and pedagogical self-education is defined as a purposeful process of generating ways of self-creation of the processes of theoretical and practical training, a form of awareness of value attitudes, one's own pedagogical goals.

The educator must constantly be aware of the latest achievements of pedagogical science in the field of didactics and preschool education. For the successful implementation of the educational program of education and training in a preschool institution (complex or partial), health-saving and health-forming technologies are being introduced. The educator must clearly know these technologies, their goals, objectives, content, conditions for implementation in the educational process, the effectiveness of the intended result.

To the question of what kind of kindergarten teacher should be, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor T. Komarova answers as follows: “I would highlight two aspects in this matter. First, to have the personal qualities to work successfully with children; secondly, professional skills in order to form a comprehensively developed personality, creative, active, with high moral qualities.

An important quality that a kindergarten teacher must possess is the ability to be creative. The creative personality of the educator is characterized by a special pedagogical enthusiasm, a clear understanding of the “super task” of pedagogical work - educating a person, focusing on the optimal results of his free and happy development, deep respect for the personality of each child, faith in his abilities. Pedagogical enthusiasm is one of the most important prerequisites for pedagogical creativity. Great is the importance of the deep and versatile erudition of the educator, his general culture, erudition, breadth of interests. That is why the development of the creative qualities of the personality of the educator is impossible only within a narrow subject-methodological framework, it requires a wide general cultural baggage, continuously replenished and deepened.

One of the necessary and natural conditions of education is called love for children. Reasonable love, which implies not lisping, not flattering and satisfying whims, but genuine work, friendly communication, attentive attitude to healthy requests, tactful perseverance in developing useful skills and habits.

The individual originality of the educator, his originality determine the stylistic features of the activity, which are associated with specific ways of its implementation. Each educator is inclined to make the most of his individual characteristics that ensure success in his activities, and to overcome those qualities that hinder this success.

The method of self-manifestation of the subject of activity is denoted by the concept of "style". In the broadest sense, style is a stable trend in the ways of implementing activities, that is, an individually-peculiar system of psychological means that a person resorts to in order to best balance his individuality with the external conditions of activity. E.A. Klimov identifies the following features of an individual style:

  1. stable system of techniques and methods of activity;
  2. this system is conditioned by certain personal qualities;
  3. this system is a means of effective adaptation to objective requirements.

The style of activity combines such interrelated components as the nature of the goals put forward by the teacher, the methods and means used by him, and the ways of analyzing the results of work. By style, one can judge the degree of professional maturity of the educator.

An expanded understanding of style makes it difficult to decide on the typology of styles. There are several criteria for classifying pedagogical styles. By the nature of the goals and objectives put forward, one can judge the purposefulness of the style of the educator's activity and distinguish between projective and situational styles. Representatives of the projective style have a clear idea of ​​the goals of the activity, anticipate difficulties and strive to prevent them. The decisions of such educators are clearly aimed at eliminating the causes of negative phenomena. Educators of the situational style do not know how to foresee difficulties, they are not puzzled by planning their daily activities, specific situations are perceived as separate, not related to others.

According to the degree of involvement in the activity, active and passive styles can be distinguished. Since the activity of the educator is aimed at managing the activities of children, the styles of activity are considered in accordance with the leadership styles identified in social psychology (authoritarian, democratic, conniving). Each of these styles clarifies and specifies, on the one hand, the content side of the interaction between the teacher and children, and on the other hand, the formal side - the technique (techniques and methods) for implementing this interaction.

The functions of professional self-improvement - self-education and self-education are currently assigned a particularly important role. Its importance is highly appreciated by teachers and psychologists, scientists and practitioners. As the famous doctor and teacher Janusz Korczak wrote, “he who looks after the children entrusted to him, unable to approach himself critically, is in great danger.”


  1. Amonashvili Sh.A. Personal-humane basis of the pedagogical profession. – Minsk, 1990.
  2. Bratus B.S. On the problem of man in psychology // Questions of psychology. 1997. No. 5.
  3. Isaev I.F. Professional and pedagogical culture of a teacher of higher education as a self-developing system // Gaudeamus. - Tambov, 2002. - No. 1. - S. 20-30.
  4. Mitina L.M. Formation of the teacher's professional self-consciousness // Questions of psychology. 1990. No. 3.
  5. Samorodova A.P. Theoretical foundations for the development of the professional and pedagogical culture of the educator of a preschool educational institution.
  6. Tolochek V.A. Styles of professional activity. M., 1999.
  7. Gorelova G.G. Personality and profession: Professional personal readaptation in the conditions of the "triple" crisis. Chelyabinsk, 2001.

Daminova Lola Tabarovna

We, the parents of Artem Makeev, a pupil of the Semitsvetik kindergarten of the Yagodka senior group, consider the candidate Sofia Zievna Saitova worthy of winning the Best Kindergarten Teacher competition. From our point of view, the teacher has deep professional knowledge, passion for the process of raising and educating children. She finds an individual approach to each pupil individually. Sofia Zievna actively develops the creative personality of each child, supports his individuality, approves even the most insignificant successes of the child. Instills values ​​in students. Children, in turn, treat Sofia Zievna with love and respect, feeling the purity and kindness of her soul.

I would also like to note the active interaction with the parents of their pupils. She always carefully listens to the position of the parents, helps with advice, empathizes. Sofia Zievna creates conditions that encourage parents to actively participate in the life of the group.

A person's life in society begins with a kindergarten, and that is why the foundations of social relations, laid down by the educator in preschool childhood, are decisive in the further development of the child. And we can say with confidence that we are extremely lucky that our son is being brought up in kindergarten by teacher Sofia Zievna Saitova.

Makeev Alexander Vladimirovich

Professional qualities of an educator.

Sofia Zievna has extensive knowledge of preschool pedagogy and psychology. She is very competent, experienced, responsible, able to approach each parent and child tactfully and individually.

The personal qualities of the educator.

The teacher is characterized by such qualities as goodwill, calmness, prudence, vigor, delicacy and tact.

The peculiarities of Sofia Zievna's teaching include the pedagogy of cooperation, the use of game techniques and visual materials in everyday life, aimed at the comprehensive development of each child. The teacher pays great attention to the organization of role-playing games, the distribution of roles, the choice of plot, the preparation of material for games, she herself owns artistic data, which captivates children with theatrical activities.

Our teacher, of course, deserves to win the competition "The Best Kindergarten Teacher". She is a teacher from God. She devotes herself completely to children and work. There are few such people. And how everyone loves her! We are very lucky to have this wonderful person working with our children.

Sofia Zievna is a person who constantly improves her teaching skills, shares her experience, and is respected by her colleagues. In his work, he strives to use the latest achievements in the field of preschool psychology and teachers. And her future is a victory not only in regional competitions, but also in competitions of a higher level.

Kuprina Svetlana Bo

Saitova Sofia Zievna works in the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of the Beloyarsky district "Kindergarten" Semitsvetik "Beloyarsky" as a teacher of the middle group "Berry", which is attended by my daughter Danilets Maria.

Of the professional qualities of the teacher, I would like to note professional competence in matters of preschool pedagogy and psychology, the creation of favorable conditions for the individual development of pupils, the ability to conduct interesting training sessions with children. Improves the life of children, taking into account their individual and age characteristics. Sofia Zievna contributes to the development of active communication between children and parents of the group. In order to familiarize children with the outside world, the teacher organizes excursions with children, in which the parents of our group are also active participants.

A feature of the teacher's teaching methodology is the method of problem-based learning, which contributes to the creative development of pupils. The knowledge acquired by our children on their own is easier to assimilate and better remembered. Problem situations offered to children make their life more interesting and exciting.

Sofia Zievna is a benevolent, sympathetic and very patient person who loves her pupils, helps in difficult times not only the child, but also the parents of the children and her colleagues. She is a worthy contender for victory in the competition "Kindergartens for Children" in the nomination "The Best Kindergarten Teacher", as a professional in her field, who raised dozens of children who, like their parents, remember and do not forget their teacher with love and gratitude.

Kindergarten teacher is not a profession, but a state of mind. The educator gives the children the best years, the warmth of his soul and does not expect grateful words in return. The work of an educator is not just labor, but, first of all, the ability and ability to give oneself completely, without a trace, and see light and grace in this. The teacher becomes a “second” mother for the child. He completely replaces his parents while they are at work. The teacher will dress, feed, explain what is good, what is bad, play, regret and praise. Develops children's attention, memory, thinking, ingenuity, initiative, communication skills. Introduces ethical and aesthetic norms of behavior in society. Organizes children's pastime: games, daily walks, other activities in accordance with the daily routine. Responsible for the life and health of children.

The requirements for modern educators are very high. The preschool years are extremely important for raising a child, so professional education is simply necessary for educators. You can get the profession of an educator in pedagogical colleges or pedagogical universities. For this position, employers prefer to take candidates with good knowledge of preschool pedagogy and psychology, the basics of hygiene and pediatrics, ethics and aesthetics, organization and methods of educational work, and skills in conducting physical education classes. Experience in caring for young children (brothers, sisters, own child) is welcome. The future educator should know the content and principles of organizing preschool education.

Functional responsibilities:

1. Organizes and conducts work on the physical, mental, moral, labor and aesthetic development of children, prepares them for school.

2. Teaches the skills of oral counting, recognition of letters and numbers, drawing, modeling, singing. It develops children's speech and thinking, observation, independence, creative initiative, introduces them to works of art, ethical and aesthetic norms and rules.

3. Instills in them communication skills, develops socially desirable qualities (politeness, goodwill, truthfulness, etc.).

4. It promotes health through hardening, physical exercise, monitors strict adherence to the regimen of classes and rest. Ensures compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in the premises, instills personal hygiene skills in children. Monitors timely and high-quality nutrition of children, behavior during meals.

5. It introduces children to work, involving them in its simplest types (assistance in organizing breakfasts, lunches and dinners, decorating the premises for the holidays, working in flower beds, etc.).

6. Advises parents on the education and upbringing of children, strengthening their health.

Skills and abilities / personal qualities:

It is important for a teacher to be able to work with children and their parents. To successfully master a profession, a person must be attentive, responsible, responsive, tactful, sociable, patient, and show a tendency to work with children. It is desirable to have a good memory, attention, high communication skills. We need a general culture and erudition, competent and intelligible speech, a well-trained voice, the ability to manage a team. It also requires stress, the ability to control one's behavior and emotions, a strong nervous system: the work of an educator, although not accompanied by increased physical exertion, however, proceeds in conditions of constant psycho-emotional stress.

Kindergarten teacher should have the following qualities:

· creative and abstract-logical thinking;

· figurative and working memory;

· emotional stability;

· excerpt;

· kindness;


· observation distribution and switching of attention;

· visual and auditory perception;

· patience;

· self-control;


· attentiveness;

· responsibility.

Professional Skills:

1. Constructive activity:

ü Analytical Skills:

· Divide pedagogical phenomena into appropriate elements (conditions, techniques, motives, etc.)

· To comprehend each pedagogical phenomenon in connection with all components of the pedagogical process

· Find ideas, conclusions, patterns in the psychological and pedagogical theory that are adequate to the logic of the phenomenon under consideration

· Correctly diagnose pedagogical phenomenon

· Isolate the main pedagogical task and determine ways to optimally solve it

· Reflection

ü Predictive Skills:

· The ability to predict the development of the team, the development of the system of relationships

· The ability to predict the development of a personality (its qualities, feelings, deviations in behavior, etc.)

· The ability to predict the course of the pedagogical process: the difficulties of students, the results of the methods used, etc.

ü Projective Skills:

· Translate the purpose and content of education and upbringing into specific pedagogical tasks

· Take into account the needs and interests of pupils, the possibilities of the material base, their experience and personal and business qualities

· Determine the main and subordinate tasks for each stage of the pedagogical process

· Select activities that correspond to the tasks set and plan a system of joint creative affairs

· Plan individual work with children

· Select the content, forms and methods and means of the pedagogical process in their optimal combination

· Plan a system of techniques to stimulate activity and contain negative manifestations in behavior

· Plan ways to create a personal development environment for maintaining relationships with parents and the public

2. Organizational activity:

ü Mobilization Skills:

· The ability to draw attention to learning, work, other activities, to form a need for knowledge, the creation of special situations for the improvement of moral deeds by pupils

ü Information Skills:

· Ability to present educational material, work with sources, didactically transform information

ü Developing Skills:

Definition of ZPD

· Orientation Skills:

· Formation of value attitudes, instilling a sustainable interest in the world around

3. Communication activities:

ü Perceptual Skills:

· The ability to understand others, their personal characteristics and value orientations

ü Communication skill:

· The ability to distribute attention and maintain its stability, analyze the actions of pupils and manage the initiative in communication

ü Pedagogical technique:

· The set of skills and abilities necessary to stimulate activity, both individuals and the team as a whole, the personal qualities of the teacher (humane attitude towards children, goodwill, prudence; correct diction, neat appearance, etc.)

Advantages and disadvantages:

The work of an educator brings joy from communication with children, close proximity and work with children prolongs youth and years of life.

The disadvantages include the huge responsibility that the educator bears for the life and health of children.

Despite all the difficulties, the work of an educator is very interesting, diverse and honorable.
