The most vulgar questions to ask a guy. About love and relationships

Conducting an interesting dialogue with the opposite sex is a real art. In real life, it is difficult to talk with someone you don’t know well and avoid the awkward pauses that often arise. You need to be able to not only listen to your interlocutor, but also ask the right questions. Things are different when communicating via the Internet, for example on social networks. What questions can you ask a pen pal to get the other person interested in you? Dear ladies can find a lot of examples and tips below.

Dirty questions for a guy

If you met recently, you shouldn’t ask a guy vulgar questions. This can frighten him away, and only a budding friendship can die without being born. If daily correspondence lasts more than a week, then you can flirt a little.

Naturally You shouldn’t push the stick too hard, you are still a girl.

  • Which part of my body do you like most? A wonderful question that allows a guy to plunge into sweet erotic fantasies. Rest assured, he will review all the photos posted on your page more than once after this.
  • Do you like to sunbathe naked?“Yes” or “No” doesn’t matter. This was an excellent opportunity to hint about his strong and beautiful body.
  • Which pose from the Kama Sutra do you like best? The main thing you did was to make it clear that you are not averse to developing your relationship not only by correspondence on the computer, but also in real life.
  • You know how to do massage? The question finally dots all the i's. If a guy is interested in you, he will definitely invite you on a date.

Online correspondence is similar to an interview. You don’t know the person at all, and in the case of a chat conversation, you don’t even know what he looks like. Boring and banal questions will turn the conversation into dry and uninteresting. However, you need to finally decide - Should the relationship continue?? The proposed questions will not only be memorable and lively, but also informational:


Possible answers

What are your hobbies?

« What are you doing? I also love morning runs...” You can talk about hobbies endlessly, but if you also have a common hobby, it’s fate.

What is your dream?

« I’ve always dreamed about this too...” Talking about dreams will definitely take the pressure off the conversation. If, of course, that was the case.

What kind of music do you prefer?

« Cool, it’s good that our musical preferences coincide..." Even if this is not the case, you can find the necessary information on the Internet within a minute.

Your favorite dish?

« I love to cook, and chicken with apples is my signature dish...“A great reason to invite a guy to visit your home.

What kind of girls do you like?

« Blondes? Just yesterday I changed my image..." What can you do to further develop your relationship with an interesting person? A great reason to experiment with your appearance.

How to start a conversation with a guy

It is very difficult for a girl to start a conversation with a guy she is interested in. This is how it happened historically, but the first step must be taken by him - a strong representative of humanity. What if the guy is shy? How to start a correspondence, and generally draw his attention to your individual? Here are ideas on how to casually and casually start communicating with a guy:

  • Ask for advice. After carefully reading the information on the page of the individual you are interested in, you can ask for advice. This, for example, may concern a guy’s profession - Example: « What programming language is it important to start learning now?”
  • Photo lead. Having seen a huge number of photographs with your favorite dog, you can ask - Example: « I'm also thinking about getting a French bulldog. Isn’t this breed aggressive in real life?”
  • Chance meeting. Use your imagination here. Any questions, from - « It wasn’t you I saw last Saturday at the concert of the Vintage group.”?, before - « Familiar face. You didn’t vacation in Sochi this August?».

5 rules of good manners for online communication

As a representative of the most tender and beautiful half of humanity, even when communicating electronically, you must behave accordingly.

  1. Obsessiveness. Don't be too intrusive. How would you feel about being stalked by a person with whom you have no desire to communicate?
  2. Dialogue. You need to conduct a dialogue, and not bombard your interlocutor with questions. Learn to listen to him.
  3. Virtual punctuality. Having agreed to appear online the next day, you shouldn’t force the guy to reap. If there are urgent matters, tell him about it and set the time for the next virtual meeting.
  4. Tact. You should not force a man to answer questions that he is trying to ignore. If there is an awkward pause, you need to take communication to a completely different direction.
  5. Honesty. False information about you may come back to haunt you in the future. Try to be extremely honest and during a face-to-face meeting in real life you will not have to blush.

Be prepared: what a guy might ask

We offer a list of questions that you are likely to hear from a young man during your first correspondence. Be ready. Crudeness and straightforwardness should not confuse you:

10 questions you shouldn't ask a guy

There is a list questions you shouldn't ask to your new virtual friend. Never, and under no circumstances:

  1. Are you already a man?
  2. When was your last sex?
  3. Do you like watching erotic films?
  4. How many girls have you already had?
  5. Are you (your parents) rich?
  6. Do you have an apartment (a car, your own business, etc.)?
  7. At what age are you planning to get married?
  8. Do you like children? How many children do you plan to have?
  9. What is your attitude towards intimacy on a first date?
  10. Do you like giving gifts to girls?

The problem, what questions can you ask a guy via correspondence, will no longer bother you . The most important - leave a good first impression of yourself . Who knows, maybe a casual virtual conversation will turn into a first date that will end in a wedding and a long family life.

Video: questions you shouldn’t ask guys over text

In this video, Nastya will talk about 20 questions that you should never ask guys, otherwise it could put you in an awkward position:

Not all girls are quiet and shy by nature. There are young ladies who love an explosion of emotions and passions. They are not shy in expressing their feelings and can easily ask any kind of questions, including vulgar ones. However, no matter how relaxed and bold you are, there are questions that you can ask a guy, and there are those that you should never ask. What kind of questions are these - let's figure it out.

If you are left alone, it’s evening outside, and the whole atmosphere is conducive to a sensitive conversation, then it’s time to move on to vulgar questions to the guy. Source: Flickr (guy_dellbby)

In what cases is it appropriate to ask vulgar questions to a guy?

You need to move on to vulgar questions gradually, only at that stage of the relationship when you and the guy know each other well enough and do not hesitate to talk about any topic. In other words, at the flirting stage. Flirting is a stage of a relationship when you try to hint to a guy about your secret desires. Flirting can start on the first date if you want a one-time relationship.

As soon as you understand that you want to share the most intimate moments with a guy, you need to move on to flirting, and it just involves free communication and vulgar questions.

The main thing is to understand that by asking the most vulgar questions to a guy, in his eyes you will look not like a girl who is interested in knowing something, but like a girl who wants to find out the intimate details of his life for some purpose. Usually, based on such conversations, men begin to think that the young lady is clearly interested in him and wants to continue the conversation in a more intimate setting. Therefore, when deciding to ask a guy vulgar questions, you need to be extremely careful and clearly know what the purpose of this conversation is.

In what place and at what time should you ask dirty questions?

Of course, it is appropriate to ask vulgar questions in the appropriate place and at the appropriate time. Agree, it will be awkward to talk about intimate topics in the theater while watching Gogol’s plays or at the university during morning lectures on history.

For free intimate conversations, it is better to choose a quiet, secluded place with an appropriate atmosphere. A bar, restaurant, cafe or lounge in a house by the fireplace would be perfect for this purpose. Of course, the time of day should also be evening or night.

So, if you are alone, it’s evening outside, and the whole atmosphere is conducive to a sensitive conversation, then it’s time to move on to vulgar questions to the guy. They can be divided into two groups:

  1. Very personal questions.
  2. Bold questions.

Very personal questions for a guy

Very personal - these are questions the answers to which a person trusts only to close people. If a guy considers you a close person, he will easily answer them, especially if your relationship is proven and he trusts you. Bold questions are those that contain some kind of compromising and sometimes defamatory message. You should approach such questions very carefully, knowing that your interlocutor is ready for such questions. So, what kind of vulgar questions can you ask a guy - a list of topics.

Some of the most personal questions guys have ever heard include:

  1. At what age did you start having sex?
  2. Do you like extreme sex?
  3. What's the most unusual place you've ever indulged in?
  4. Has it ever happened that you made love with more than one partner?
  5. Have you ever failed in bed?
  6. What's your favorite pose?
  7. What is more important to you – your partner’s pleasure or your own?
  8. Where do you prefer to do this?
  9. What will you choose: blonde or brunette?
  10. Do you like role-playing games?
  11. Which actress excites you the most?
  12. Would you make love in a car?
  13. What about sex on the beach?
  14. Do you like oral sex?
  15. How do you feel about threesome sex?
  16. What's your wildest sex fantasy?
  17. How often do you masturbate?
  18. What attracts you most to a woman's body?
  19. Do you like it when a girl sends you explicit photos?
  20. Do you like relaxed lionesses or shy prudes?

It is important to remember that asking vulgar questions is possible, and in some cases even necessary. But, as they say, be careful.

In relationships between a guy and a girl, sometimes misunderstandings arise, even if young people have been dating for a long time. One of the most complex facets, which has a lot of nuances, features and subtleties, is the topic of intimacy.

Girls are sometimes embarrassed to ask something, young men are afraid of offending their chosen one, and in the end they both rack their brains, not knowing anything about their partner.

To avoid this, it is important to talk to each other, asking questions, provocative and uncomfortable; thanks to the answers, you can get to know each other better and understand the preferences of your partner.

Representatives of the fair sex take a long time to decide on such conversations, after carefully thinking through their questions. What questions can you ask a guy, how to delicately clarify his preferences in bed, whether it is worth discussing sexual activity with him - and this is not all that worries a girl, but only a small part.

It’s best to start with the basics - find out about your previous relationship, its duration and the reason for the separation. It is possible that if you have not been together for so long, the young man may refuse to answer such questions.

In this case, do not press, he needs time to prepare for such reasoning, or the feelings left over from the previous experience are still disturbing.

Many girlfriends advise “putting pressure” on the guy, looking for his ex-girlfriend on his VK page and contacting her on his own, or threatening to write to his lover in order to squeeze the truth out of him.

What do girls usually ask their boyfriends? There is no exact formula that will help you find out the necessary information and ensure that the guy answers honestly and sincerely. You will have to compile it yourself.

There are topics that are safe and general, allowing you to get general information about a person, and there are more acute and intimate ones, giving insight into your personal life. There are usually no problems with the first type of questions, and such information is clarified during the first stage of the relationship. With the second, some difficulties arise.

If you definitely decide to ask tricky questions to a guy, then think about them in advance. They should not sound offensive or derisive. For example, if you ask why your lover hasn't had sex before, you shouldn't mock his inexperience. And, conversely, if he had many girls, you should not make him out to be a womanizer and extremely promiscuous in terms of sexual contacts.

The safest way to start a conversation is to ask about preferences. The guy will share his tastes, talk about his favorite fantasies, or share his innermost desires that could not previously be realized. This will help you get to know your man better, and also make his erotic dreams come true in the future.

To help indecisive girls start a difficult conversation, we recommend viewing TOP 15 acceptable provocative questions that can be asked to your chosen one.

  1. How old were you when you had your first sexual intercourse?
  2. How do you like to make love?
  3. Do you prefer traditional sex or using auxiliary objects (toys, costumes)
  4. What do you think about role-playing games?
  5. What part of a woman's body is the most erotic for you?
  6. How do you feel about variety in bed?
  7. Is there a difference for you between making love and having sex?
  8. Do you consider yourself vulgar? And if so, why?
  9. What intimate topics bother you?
  10. What do you absolutely dislike about sex?
  11. What things do you consider acceptable in an intimate sense, and what things do you strictly not accept?
  12. What things do you find sexiest?
  13. What girls turn you on?
  14. Can you describe your latest erotic fantasy?
  15. Tell me about the first girl who made you want to have sex?

You can make 100 questions that interest you and invite your lover to choose 20-30 of his favorites and answer them. When composing, remember that the main goal is to get to know each other better, and not to quarrel during the discussion.

A great way to talk and have fun at the same time is the game “Truth or Dare?”, most likely you have already heard about it or even played it with friends.

If it is unfamiliar to you, find the rules on the Internet; fortunately, they are quite simple even for beginners. During the game, you can safely ask interesting questions on the topic of relationships, sex and personal preferences, without making the guy very nervous because of the seriousness of the conversation.

In the midst of the game, completely at ease, you will learn about your innermost thoughts and get an honest answer to the most inconvenient and vulgar questions. After all, it's just a game.

Dirty questions for a pen pal

If you are at a distance from each other or are in a correspondence relationship, you can ask your questions on various social networks: VKontakte, Twitter or via Skype when communicating. This will save you from unnecessary embarrassment and allow you to raise topics of interest without any awkwardness during the discussion.

Questions for you

What to do if the young man decided to start the conversation first and find out all the delicate nuances of the relationship himself? First, answer honestly. This will help you get to know each other better and also eliminate misunderstandings in the future.

Secondly, don't be afraid. No matter what difficult questions (may even be tricky) he asks, remember that this is not an interrogation with bias, but a confidential conversation between two close people. Your answers will affect future relationships, but should not become a reason for avoidance or ridicule.

Third, talk about the positives without focusing on past failures. If in a previous relationship a young man left you without even leaving a letter of apology, expressing some complaints, do not rush to accuse the entire male population of infidelity and callousness.

It’s better to clarify that the past experience was not the most successful, but now you have a chance to build a full-fledged relationship.

And finally, remember that vulgar questions to a guy or questions addressed to you personally are aimed at learning about each other. They are needed to smooth out all the rough edges in a relationship, find common ground and build further actions based on preferences and avoiding unpleasant aspects. Good luck!

It doesn’t always seem appropriate to have correspondence that touches on intimate topics, but if you decide to do this, sometimes it’s difficult to figure out what to ask to interest your interlocutor.

The article discusses options for constructing a conversation, vulgar questions for a guy or a girl, examples of games in VK 18 plus based on communication, and possible funny answers to make new friends.

A guy, having met a girl, must try to continue the acquaintance.

Cool, provocative questions will help:

  • Do you like smoking men?
  • Will you let me draw you naked?
  • Did you like your nickname as a child?
  • What is called a nophelet?
  • As a little girl, how did your friends tease you?
  • Are you for same-sex marriage?
  • If you had the ability to look through clothes, what would you like to see?
  • How would you react to my kiss?
  • Does a bird look like an airplane?
  • Who is better: a man or a woman?
  • What do you do if a guy tries to court you, but you don’t feel reciprocated?
  • Do you prefer to give gifts or receive?
  • Will you be the first to agree to reconciliation after a disagreement?
  • Do you like to wear sexy lingerie?
  • Would you agree to get drunk with me?
  • What question would you like to avoid?

Important! When deciding what questions to ask a girl, you need to be careful not to touch on a sore subject. In intimate moments, delicacy is especially important.

Tricky questions for boys

Girls strive to learn more about their interlocutor.

Various tricky questions for boys will help with this:

  • What will you do if I stop writing?
  • Are you able to apologize first?
  • Will you answer what you really think about my attractiveness, appearance, hairstyle?
  • Do you think we can get along?
  • Are you prone to jealousy?
  • At the age of 15, did you meet girls?
  • How do you feel about free love?
  • Are you faithful to a woman or are you not going to commit yourself?
  • Tell us about your sexual fantasies?
  • How do boys feel about erotic films? Your opinion?
  • How much can you give me up for?
  • Seeing young people quarreling with each other, you want to know what caused this? What do you think?
  • Tell us about the stupidest thing you have ever done in your life?
  • If you get married, what will you give preference to: spending time with friends or the company of your wife?
  • What will upset you the most?
  • Did you commit shameful acts, tell me?

Such tricky calls will help you form an opinion about your interlocutor and decide whether it’s worth continuing the conversation.

There is no need to interrupt the guy, let him give a complete answer, clarify unclear points, but avoid intrusiveness in situations where the interlocutor does not like the topic.

List of vulgar questions for correspondence

Communication by correspondence has characteristic features. Many people decide to show greater frankness with this method of communication than in a normal conversation.

This also applies to intimate topics. Vulgar things written on the screen hurt less directly, but allow you to get to know the person better.

An approximate list of vulgar questions for correspondence:

  • Ask if you had to spy on a person at a nearby urinal - a negative answer indicates modesty, a positive answer indicates doubt about the size of your own manhood.
  • Are you going to get married soon? – the girl will not answer directly, the likely answer is a joke, but you will get some information.
  • After 17 years, have your preferences in men changed? – Possibility to unobtrusively clarify age.
  • Do you agree to go to the registry office tomorrow? – It will confuse anyone, especially at the initial stage of acquaintance. Then clarify that he is invited to a friend’s wedding. It'll be fun.
  • Do you change your socks often? – A simple question, but it will say a lot.
  • Describe your sleepwear? – It’s better to ask if he’s lying in bed.
  • Asking to talk about your first sexual experience will allow you to form an opinion about the intimate side of a person. It’s worth considering: an overly detailed story will come from a virgin who has not yet had sex.
  • An option to continue communication on a sexual topic is to ask to list your favorite positions, the type of girls you prefer, the parts of the body that are most exciting; The answers will help determine whether it is worth moving towards rapprochement.
  • Asking what the extent of his male pride is is important so that you will be understood, but direct information will not be superfluous.
  • Finding out what turns her on the most is one way to continue communication on sexual topics.
  • What is more important to him: satisfying the girl or getting pleasure himself? – I would like to know how honestly he will answer.

When resorting to vulgarity, the main thing is not to offend a person.

Do not start talking about intimacy from the beginning of the conversation; move on to the sexual topic gradually if the interlocutor shows interest.

But such communication will allow you to decide whether you should limit yourself to correspondence or whether the guy deserves a real acquaintance.

Games for VK 18 plus: I have never, question answer and others

A good option to spend time is games for VK 18 plus, this will interest the interlocutor, communication will become more exciting and exciting.

The table shows examples of such games:

Name Description
100 questions for honest answers Title option - question and answer. One asks and answers a question, the other is invited to say his opinion
I never… The phrase from the title is said and ends. If the interlocutor cannot say so, he loses
Advantages and disadvantages An interesting situation arises. Possible option: I see a very attractive girl, but she is under 14. It is proposed to give pros and cons. The one who finds it difficult to answer loses
How much time has passed since... The implied action is said
I didn't have to... You need to finish the sentence one by one
Truth or wish fulfillment The partner is invited to answer truthfully or fulfill a wish. Wishes can be written down in advance in the form of forfeits
I can… The player says: I can (perform any action), the opponent responds. Allows you to get to know your interlocutor better

These are some of the games, there are many options, you shouldn’t limit your imagination.

Funny answers

If a trivial question is asked, or you don’t want to answer directly, the best option is humor. Funny answers will enliven the most sluggish conversation.

A joke is appropriate in any situation; it can smooth out awkward moments and amuse a partner.

Some possible funny answers:

  • Do you like guys - I like ice cream.
  • You get up late - I'm in no hurry.
  • Do you remember the first time you kissed - you were too drunk, the details were not remembered.
  • If you like alcohol, I simply respect it.
  • I agree to sex without obligations - I prefer obligations without sex.
  • Capable of compromise - I give in only in hopeless situations.
  • I prefer curled or straight hair - in the first case, if straightened, in the second - after curlers.

Do not forget that platitudes can repel a communication partner more than tactlessness or vulgarity. But when moving on to an intimate topic, try to remain delicate, and everything will work out.

Useful video

2 chosen

When a relationship is just beginning, each of us, like a girl, is tormented again and again by questions: What to say? What to wear? To call or not to call? What is he thinking? How will he react? Everything has been discussed with my friends a billion times, but not everyone can ask him frankly without fear of scaring him (or hearing the truth?).
We asked four quite ordinary men several frank questions that interest most women. And they calmly listened to their answers. There is something to take note here. The men were not lying, but when reading their opinions and destroying some stereotypes, do not rush to create new ones. All men, like all women, are very different. And everyone is looking for the main thing - understanding.

Our heroes:

Sergey, 27 years old, businessman. Divorced, living in a civil marriage.
Matchmaker's profile: Manages to combine two rare qualities: ambition in business and love of being a homebody. He prefers to work at home, “in the nest,” so to speak. He is ready to solve all family problems on his own, but appreciates women’s advice. The character is soft and pliable. Average height, a little plump.
Peter, 30 years old, journalist, teacher. Married, has a daughter.
Matchmaker's profile: Gifted with a developed imagination, romantic, has a subtle sense of humor. He extols women and, like a true knight of pen and heart, is ready to serve and worship them. But, rather, he is hovering in romantic dreams rather than really being ready to “go to the left.” Modest, patient, gentle. Tall.
Vladimir, 36 years old, art director. Widower, raising a son.
Matchmaker's profile: Metrosexual. Moderately selfish, but also romantic at the same time. He is looking for his beautiful “lady” and in the process sincerely loves all pretty women. Sharp-tongued, frank, decisive. As a person of a creative profession, he strives for self-realization and loves to have good fun. Tall.
Andrey, 44 years old, businessman. Divorced.
Matchmaker's profile: Self-confident, purposeful. He has a wide range of interests, travels a lot, plays various sports, and maintains a wide circle of acquaintances. Decisive, reserved, knows how to listen to people, but in everything he relies only on himself. Average height, thin, athletic.

Our questions

10. Perfect sex...

1. Do men prefer younger girls?
There are those who are looking younger, there are those who are looking smarter. In terms of everyday intelligence, not higher education. If a man has succeeded as a person, he is looking for a woman equal to himself, a woman “partner”.
Yes. Looking for fresh skin and supple softness. But we are ready to see the beauty of experience and tranquility in 30-40-year-olds, and to appreciate the smile of understanding. This is even more important than skin and elasticity. They don’t forgive bitchiness in middle-aged (after 30) women - never.
I like sexy women, but I definitely don’t need young ones anymore. It's nice to look at little kids, but sleeping with them is no longer pleasant. Not interested. My age range is from 25 to 45.

Certainly. Drawn to beauty, to toned shapes. Attracts youth, cheerfulness, naivety, childishness. Gentlemen prefer blondes also because they behave directly, like children. You want to take care of your youth, give you advice, and lead you.
Women the same age are loaded to the brim with their thoughts and problems, they analyze relationships “from start to finish,” draw analogies, stall for time, thinking. And in love, spontaneity and impulse are important. What happens next is the third question. A flash is always much more interesting than some logically based decision: let’s go, eat, take a walk, come, lie down and it will happen...

2. Are men intimidated by smart women?
I'm not here. There is intelligence, and there is tediousness. Women who are too qualified in something and constantly talk about it scare away, suppress. One is attracted by a woman who is smart “in life”, not a woman who is a genius, but a woman who is a human being.
Not always. I would say they are scared away by strange women. And incomprehensible actions can stem not only from a great mind...
Smart men - no, fools, probably, yes. It’s another matter if a woman begins to “press” with her intellect. I remember Klara Novikova joked: “How smart do you have to be to seem like a complete fool? And how stupid do you have to be to pretend to be smart..." A woman should be able to stop talking in time. Intelligence does not lie in erudition, but in the ability to “read” a man, to understand him. And the man will reciprocate.

Yes, intellectual women are intimidating. They begin to get clever, give assessments and definitions: this is so, but this is not so. A man doesn't need this. He wants to be the smartest, to lead, to make the last decision. And smart women not only encroach, but win all these rights in the struggle, suppress men, turning them into house slippers. And then they themselves are surprised at this.

3. How should a woman dress?
Good, expensive, varied. She must value her image, her clothes, and has the right to demand from a man that all this be paid for. To be, if not in fashion, then in style.
Excessive frankness infuriates me. It is important that the clothes fit.
Skirts, trousers, low-necked blouses, classic jackets, sweaters - everything is beautiful if everything is in place. To the place - that means it creates an image. I think there’s no need to talk about all sorts of absurdities like when a girl with an imperfect figure puts on tight jeans and a top.
Sometimes women dress as if they have a powder compact mirror hanging in their home, in which they see only one of their eyes. I don't need a cleavage or a miniskirt. Beautiful breasts are visible even in a turtleneck: you can’t throw mud at the sun. Clothes must suit the woman. In addition, a woman's self-confidence is important. And then sometimes a beautiful woman walks along, but she’s hunched over, with a complex, dressed in something gray... And that’s it - it’s no longer interesting...

Classically - skirts, dresses, stilettos, manicure. A woman should have a sense of style. No, you don't have to be naked. If you go naked, you will attract the same males. I like women with a sophisticated feminine look. With manners as soft as water. Women who radiate calm in everything - in their clothes, in their gaze - and at the same time confident in themselves.

4. Ideal female proportions...
Absence of breasts is bad, excessive size is bad, and the same with hips. Harmony is important. I don't like thin, thin and small people. A centner of weight is also too much. I like it a little more than average.
I really like it when the female form fits comfortably in my hands, when it’s convenient to hug my shoulders or waist with my hand. If this is impossible, you need to compensate for the deficiencies with the proportions of the heart (laughs). I'm attracted to skinny people. And plump ones too. It doesn’t have to be 90-60-90, you can do 90-70-100, for example.
Long neck, thin shoulders, size 3 or 4 breasts, waist, beautiful hips, toned butt, long legs...

One blonde says to another: “I recently found out what 90-60-90 is.” - “Oh, and what is this?” - “240”.
The ideal figure of a guitar is: narrow waist relative to hips, proportional feminine butt and breasts. And, of course, below me. However, not all my women were exactly like that, although beauty is very important to me. But it’s more important if it’s easy and comfortable for you to communicate with a woman. I myself, in general, am not a tall handsome man and, of course, I am not sure that a beautiful woman will stay with me for a long time... And I will have to keep an eye on the beautiful one...

5. Should a woman be able to cook well?
In a metropolis, there is often no time to cook, and you can always have a delicious meal in a cafe. But this is more of an excuse. If you live in a small town, there are no options: a woman must know how to cook. And in general it’s just a shame if she doesn’t know how. And you don't know how.
The ability to cook well is a consequence. An intelligent, kind, loving woman cannot help but learn to be a good housewife. But that comes later. In a few years.
Yes, definitely. If the food at home is not tasty, then there is no home comfort. You don't want to come to such a house.

Not necessarily good, but you should be able to do it. Well, and not rubbish, of course. Food in itself does not inspire love. But when a man is full, he begins to think about everything else: about her hands, her body, about talking, looking into her eyes, and so on.

6. What behavior irritates women the most?
When women wear full war paint makeup wherever they go and whatever they do. It’s especially annoying when cosmetics are out of place or you need to leave the house quickly. And I also don’t understand why you need to buy so much cosmetics if you only use 20%.
I’m not little anymore, and I’ve learned to see a person in my woman. She relies on me for her weaknesses and shortcomings, in the hope that I will help her cope with them and improve. Therefore nothing irritates. In others, the coquetry infuriates, infuriates, infuriates. This is a misunderstanding that you are not a painted fool, but a human being. I really don't like it.
Obsessiveness. All these SMS: “Why don’t you write, why don’t you call? You forgot me?" This is terribly infuriating and repulsive. Well, I just got confused, forgot to put money on the phone, and got stuck in a meeting. Excessive and inappropriate talkativeness is unpleasant. It is unbearable to be insulted or humiliated in public.

It’s unpleasant to realize that a woman is openly interested in your status, to feel how she calculates and measures the benefits in her mind. You can just hear the calculator buttons clicking. This immediately lowers the level of interest.
I don't like it when women refuse to accept the fact that they should always look good, be well-groomed and tastefully dressed.
What turns women off the most is masculine behavior and harshness.
Another unpleasant thing is a woman’s desire to constantly control you. Out of self-doubt and instead of understanding the reasons why a man wants to leave home, with her screams she wants to suppress the desire to go anywhere at all. It is much easier to take the position of a victim than to simply clean yourself up.

7. What should a woman never say to a man?
About other men. It's just not worth it. You can seriously ruin a relationship by using one of your exes as an example.
A woman should not humiliate a man, even if he really is a complete schmuck. Suffice it to say that they are not on their way.
Criticism is possible, but you need to be able to present it. Let this be a proposal to change, and not a mountain of reproaches that hurt pride.

A woman should tell a man everything, even what hurts his pride. It's all about intonation. I am a philologist, and I know that the main part of the meaning of a statement is conveyed not by words, but by intonation. It all depends on what feeling is put into the words, and not the words themselves.
At the very least, I would like to know everything she thinks about me. The question is not what she should say or not say, but her feelings for me. In love for me.
Shouldn't make scenes of jealousy. Especially unfounded ones. A man can go to the side. But if this didn’t happen, or even happened, but he wasn’t caught, all these reprimands and hysterics really hit his pride and destroy relationships. I think that if you are together, you need to trust each other.

She shouldn’t nag: “I told you, I warned you... They came to visit once like normal people, and then you managed to get drunk like a pig...” Sometimes they do this not because you really deserve it, but as a preventive measure.
You can't criticize a man. Women's wisdom is to gently lead a man to a solution to a problem, to make the man want to change. The best way is to set an example yourself. If you want him to lose weight, don’t eat at night, sign up for a gym, start running in the morning. Good examples are just as contagious as bad ones.

8. If a woman earns more...
It is unpleasant. But, rather, what’s unpleasant is that you can’t earn more at the moment. This is not a problem for me if I know that the situation will change soon. If you perceive a woman as your equal, then her success makes you strive upward. If a woman reproaches you with this, then yes, it becomes a serious test.
I am happy for her, for us. And I'm looking for a new job. I'm not nervous, I don't drink.
This is good. I have no complexes about this. But on condition that the woman does not reproach me for this. My job brings me pleasure, and I will not change it to earn more. If a woman has a talent for making money and she likes it, I will not interfere. And since it is absolutely necessary for someone to sit at home and cook borscht, I can do it too.

It doesn't matter if you are a family... A woman must be wise. It is important how she behaves, how she positions herself, what role she claims to play. Of course, we are not talking about a situation where a man is lying on the sofa. To be honest, the successful women I met were too masculine. I didn’t want to have close relationships with them.

9. Are men monogamous or polygamous?
I'm monogamous, but I can't speak for everyone. For now, all I can think about is one woman.
I believe that I am both monogamous and polygamous at the same time. I have no desire to get into bed with other women, but I enjoy having heart-to-heart conversations with other women. Under certain conditions, I could have sex-love with them, but I can’t and don’t want to.
Polygamous. And although I can only truly love one woman, my eyes will always glance sideways at other people’s asses. And if suddenly a safe option for the family arises, in which my woman does not find out anything, I will take the opportunity. And most men will do the same.

Polygamous people, myself in particular. Climbing up a hill, looking around, choosing more victims and hunting - this is the essence of a man. There are monogamous men. I think there are 20 percent of them. But there are also those who become monogamous if they have found a woman who completely suits them, and no matter how you hunt, you won’t find more tempting prey.

10. Perfect sex...
Perfect sex - like the first time with this woman. When you don’t really know it yet, you study it and try to be better. Every time I try to repeat this.
For me, intimacy is important in sex - physical intimacy as a continuation of mental, spiritual. She must belong to me completely and accept me the same way. Sometimes just hugs and touching naked bodies mean more than inventive, technical sex. In general, the most important thing for me in sex is love.
This is sex without boundaries. Full access to everything (again, by mutual desire). There should be absolutely everything in sex and no restrictions. If you have sex, do it selflessly. Turn off your brain and move on.

One that satisfies both. It can be both fast and long - different. And it’s very important to see that a woman is just amazing, just as good as you. This makes you feel like a man.
