Secrets of washing terry products. We wash a terry bathrobe in a washing machine correctly - the optimal temperature and mode

I notice that over time, terrycloths become more rigid and unpleasant to the touch. This happens due to improper washing of products. I propose to figure out together how to wash a terry bathrobe so that it remains soft.

Features of washing terry bathrobes

First of all, I want to note that it is necessary to wash the bathrobe immediately after buying it in the store. This should be done for at least two reasons:

  1. Still, this is a personal item, and you cannot know how it was stored and transported until that time.
  2. Terry products have one feature - after high-quality washing, their fibers are slightly straightened and become softer. So high-quality processing will only improve the condition of the purchased item.

Machine wash: 6 basic rules

In order to keep your terrycloth linen pleasant to the touch, it is important to follow a few rules regarding machine washing:

Rule 1. Sorting

A fluffy bathrobe is a voluminous thing in itself. So it must be washed separately from other products so as not to load the drum.


Rule 2. Pre-soak

So that the villi retain their original appearance and softness for as long as possible, soak home clothes in salted cool water before washing.

Rule 3. Cleaning agent

It is best to wash a terry bathrobe with liquid powders for delicate fabrics.

The price for them is higher than the usual ones, but they wash better and do not make the terry loops stiffer.

Rule 4. Washing mode

In order to process the product with high quality, it is very important to understand in which mode it is washed.

This is best done in the "cotton" mode.

Rule 5. Temperature conditions

Information on at what temperature to wash the product is best to look at the label.

It can range from 40 to 90 °C.

Rule 6. Spin

If you do not want to damage your favorite thing, then do not use the spin cycle at too high a speed.

Because of it, the loops of the material can stretch out, and the product can be deformed.


Cleaning a bathrobe with your own hands is a process that requires considerable physical effort and time. So I would recommend using it only when absolutely necessary. In addition, terry things tolerate machine processing well.

If you still decide on manual processing, then consider a few nuances:

  • It should be done in the bathroom. filled with plenty of water. This is due to the fact that mahr is a hygroscopic material and strongly absorbs water.
  • Soak the product before the procedure by adding a special emollient to the water.
  • No need to rub the material too much, from this, the loops on it are pulled out and deteriorated.
  • Never twist the product just gently squeeze it out.

Product drying

There are no special tricks when drying terry bathrobes. After cleaning, hang it on a clothesline on a balcony or in a well-ventilated room.

You should be prepared for the fact that the product does not dry quickly. Usually a fluffy robe dries in 24 hours - it all depends on the temperature in the room, the thickness of the fibers and the size of the product.

On average, the challah takes about 24 hours to dry.


The photo clearly shows how to fold a terry bathrobe after drying


I told you how to wash a terry bathrobe in the washing machine and keep it soft and pleasant to the touch. Follow these rules, and you can extend the life of your favorite things.

Terry products are pleasant to the body towels and bathrobes that warm. But over time, when machine washed, such things can lose their softness and volume. You need to wash them in a special way to keep their softness for many years.

If you follow the washing rules, the bathrobe will remain soft for many years.

Features of washing terry products in a washing machine

In order for your product not to lose its original appearance and please with softness for a long time, you should remember a few simple tips:

  • After you have bought the product and brought it home, the bathrobe needs to be washed. Since bathrobes are personal items, hygiene standards must be observed.
  • The first wash after the store is necessary for another reason. After the first wash, the fibers of the terry dressing gown will straighten out and be softer. You will immediately feel all its fluffiness and see that the dressing gown has become more attractive.
  • When washing the terry bathrobe in the washing machine, wash it separately. Do not put it together with other things. This must be done for several reasons. Firstly, a terry bathrobe leaves its particles (villi) on other clothes during washing, which will be difficult to separate.
  • If you choose to wash your bathrobe in the washing machine, then never put it together with other items in a contrasting color, they can shed and ruin the look of the bathrobe. Things with zippers and studs will also harm the bathrobe. Do not put them in the general wash if you do not want to get holes in things.
  • When using the spin mode, do not set high speeds. When rotated quickly, friction on the surface of the terry bathrobe may cause the product to deform.
  • There is a great way to hand wash a terry bathrobe before machine washing to give extra color fastness. Two tablespoons of table salt, dissolved in five liters of water, will help not only remove stains, but also give softness to the product.
  • How to wash a terry bathrobe using bleach? Do not use chlorine-based bleaches, as they can damage the delicate fibers and make the gown not only less soft, but can also cause warping.

Recently, the composition of terry products includes not only cotton. Due to the fact that with improper washing, the products become stiff and the volume disappears, bamboo is added to the composition. Bamboo fibers are less prone to abrasion and wrinkling when washed, but require delicate washing.

So that the bathrobe does not lose its brightness after machine washing, you must first soak it in salt

Washing methods

Washing in a washing machine, in addition to the main general recommendations, can also be private. For each individual terry product, a brief instruction on washing and care is provided. All information is written on the product label.

After carefully reading the information about the product, turn on the washing machine:

  • Set the washing machine water temperature control to the number of degrees indicated on the product label.
  • When washing things, be sure to use conditioners and emollients. This will help keep the heating elements of the washing machine clean and soften the product itself.
  • Set the spin mode to low speed, in order not to damage the delicate fibers, or wring out the bathrobe manually.
  • It is best to hang the dressing gown on a coat hanger and place it in fresh air. In this position, your terry cloth will dry faster.
  • You don't need to iron terrycloth items if you don't want your bathrobe to lose its fluffiness. If heat treatment is necessary, go over it with steam.

You can wash terry clothes by hand, but for this you will need more strength than with a machine wash. In order to be able to wash the dressing gown correctly by hand and not damage it, take a full bath of water. Cotton absorbs water well, so it should be enough.

You can add a few tablespoons of salt or conditioner to the water. It is correct to use only liquid detergents for washing delicate fabrics, this will allow you to wash the dressing gown without any extra effort. if there are stubborn stains, do not rub them with force. Try using oxygen bleach and the stains will come off on their own.

After such washing, rinse things and hang them on a coat hanger. Remember that you can not twist the products - this will stretch the fibers and the thing will lose its appearance. You can wring out your terry dressing gown with light movements and hang it to drain over the bath.

When washing a terry bathrobe, you need to add softening conditioners to the machine

Washing products with bamboo fibers

If you have a bathrobe that contains bamboo fibers, then you need to wash it with extreme care. Bamboo items are very soft to the touch, have a fine structure, so they need to be washed by hand. In order to properly wash things with bamboo threads, take a bath of water. The water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees (at high temperatures, such things shrink).

Add detergent for delicate washing and soak for a couple of minutes, and rinse.

You can also wash a product made of terry cloth with the addition of bamboo in a washing machine, but for this you need to use the quick and delicate wash without spinning.

I notice that over time, terrycloths become more rigid and unpleasant to the touch. This happens due to improper washing of products. I propose to figure out together how to wash a terry bathrobe so that it remains soft.

Features of washing terry bathrobes

First of all, I want to note that it is necessary to wash the bathrobe immediately after buying it in the store. This should be done for at least two reasons:

  1. Still, this is a personal item, and you cannot know how it was stored and transported until that time.
  2. Terry products have one feature - after high-quality washing, their fibers are slightly straightened and become softer. So high-quality processing will only improve the condition of the purchased item.

Machine wash: 6 basic rules

In order to keep your terrycloth linen pleasant to the touch, it is important to follow a few rules regarding machine washing:

Photo Instruction

Rule 1. Sorting

A fluffy bathrobe is a voluminous thing in itself. So it must be washed separately from other products so as not to load the drum.

Do not wash terry with colored clothes or items that have zippers or buttons. Additional elements can easily damage the loops of the terry, because of which it will be hopelessly damaged.

Rule 2. Pre-soak

So that the villi retain their original appearance and softness for as long as possible, soak home clothes in salted cool water before washing.

Rule 3. Cleaning agent

It is best to wash a terry bathrobe with liquid powders for delicate fabrics.

The price for them is higher than the usual ones, but they wash better and do not make the terry loops stiffer.

Rule 4. Washing mode

In order to process the product with high quality, it is very important to understand in which mode it is washed.

This is best done in the "cotton" mode.

Rule 5. Temperature conditions

Information on at what temperature to wash the product is best to look at the label.

It can range from 40 to 90 °C.

Rule 6. Spin

If you do not want to damage your favorite thing, then do not use the spin cycle at too high a speed.

Because of it, the loops of the material can stretch out, and the product can be deformed.


Cleaning a bathrobe with your own hands is a process that requires considerable physical effort and time. So I would recommend using it only when absolutely necessary. In addition, terry things tolerate machine processing well.

If you still decide on manual processing, then consider a few nuances:

  • It should be done in the bathroom. filled with plenty of water. This is due to the fact that mahr is a hygroscopic material and strongly absorbs water.
  • Soak the product before the procedure by adding a special emollient to the water.
  • No need to rub the material too much, from this, the loops on it are pulled out and deteriorated.
  • Never twist the product just gently squeeze it out.

Product drying

There are no special tricks when drying terry bathrobes. After cleaning, hang it on a clothesline on a balcony or in a well-ventilated room.

You should be prepared for the fact that the product does not dry quickly. Usually a fluffy robe dries in 24 hours - it all depends on the temperature in the room, the thickness of the fibers and the size of the product.

In no case do not iron terrycloth things - this can burn the loops and make them very stiff.


I told you how to wash a terry bathrobe in the washing machine and keep it soft and pleasant to the touch. Follow these rules, and you can extend the life of your favorite things.

Bathrobes are an important and integral part of every person. It's nice to take a relaxing bath after a hard day's work and then put on such a soft, warm and cozy bathrobe. How nice to soak up in it and rested to go to bed. Yes, these clothes cause exactly such emotions in every person. But it can also be completely different in purpose - after a shower, taking a bath, in the country, for a walk and just for home.

The secrets of washing bathrobes from different fabrics

But each individual type of fabric requires individual care in order for the product to last as long as possible.


How to wash a terry bathrobe:

  • Wash at a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees.
  • It is recommended to separate things into colored and white, mixing may change the color.
  • It is also desirable to choose a minimum speed, a maximum of 800. So that the color does not fade during washing, use special products for colored items.
  • So that the fibers do not lose their softness, place the terry bathrobe in salted water after washing. Then rinse thoroughly and let dry completely. Only then will the mahr fluff up and take on its original form.
  • Drying is best in the fresh air, but you can also in the machine.
  • It is not worth ironing a terry dressing gown, the fibers will shrink, and there will not be such splendor and softness.

Stain Removal : Any stains from the terrycloth can be removed in the machine wash, leaving no trace of them.


Care :

  • Do not use bleach when washing.
  • It is advisable to wash it by hand so as not to damage such a thin thing.
  • Detergents should be used only those that are designed specifically for silk.
  • Rinse in cool water, approximately 20C. Be sure to add an antistatic agent to the rinse water.
  • Dry only in a straightened form until completely dry. And in no case should it be dried in a typewriter - this will lead to deformation of the fabric, and it may even bloom.
  • Silk is ironed from the inside in a special mode or at the lowest temperature so as not to burn the fabric. Under no circumstances should you spray with water. Otherwise, there may be stains that will have to be washed again.

Stain Removal :

  • It is better to remove stains from silk immediately so that no traces remain.
  • A sponge dipped in a warm soapy solution is carried out along the location of the fibers, then the entire product is rinsed well.
  • Water drops are easy to remove if you simply moisten the entire surface evenly and allow to dry.
  • Grease stains are removed with mustard infusion, you just need to rinse the dressing gown in it.


Cotton bathrobes are very comfortable both at home and on vacation. They absorb well and allow the skin to breathe without obstruction.

Care :

  • Light-colored items can be washed at temperatures up to 90C, but colored items can be washed at a maximum of 40C.
  • Cotton is highly deformable, so only heavily soiled garments should be washed in hot water.
  • Wash whites separately from colored ones, otherwise the color will change and the clothes will be damaged.

Stain Removal :

  • To get rid of stains, it is advisable to wash thoroughly.
  • You can also manually use laundry soap exactly the place that is polluted.
  • Traces of water drops are removed with a mixture of ammonia and a solution of vinegar. Then rinse completely.
  • Drops of iodine are removed by rubbing this spot several times with ammonia.
  • Traces of coffee, tea, cocoa are removed with salt and glycerin, all this is applied to the contaminated surface for several hours, then rinsed.


Velor is the most comfortable and practical fabric for any pastime. It does not wrinkle and does not deform when washed and does not shed.

Care :

  • Wash such a product at a temperature not exceeding 40C.
  • Do not mix colored and white products, otherwise the colors will mix.
  • After washing, you need to hang the thing on a hanger and let it hang like that until completely dry.
  • When dry, such a product straightens out, and ironing will be quite easy.


Care :

  • You can wash satin products at a temperature not exceeding 30C by hand. Preferably with a special washing powder.
  • If not washed according to the rules, then the atlas can sit well.
  • Atlas is not desirable to stretch, twist, squeeze.
  • The satin is ironed slightly damp and the temperature should not exceed 150C. Or set the mark on the iron - silk.
  • Remember that satin items are only ironed inside out.

Removing stains : Milk stains are removed by washing in cool water with the addition of ammonia.


It looks like suede and is considered the most resistant material. This type of clothing is not intended for everyday wear, but is needed for certain occasions when you need to do a little dusty work in the house, in the country.


  • durable
  • dirt does not stick
  • does not tear
  • does not shed and does not fade.

Care :

  • Wash such products in any synthetic mode and at any temperature.
  • You can also refresh such a fabric manually with a damp sponge or clothes brush.

Stain Removal : Stains are removed from this item by normal laundering.

Terry with bamboo fiber

Such fabric began to spread more and more and began to win more and more positive reviews.


  • It has been proven that microbes on bamboo fibers are reduced significantly.
  • Terry bathrobe made of bamboo fiber quickly absorbs moisture and quickly evaporates it, which does not give the effect of dampness on the body.

Care: Care instructions for these terry products are exactly the same as for cotton ones.

Advice: It often happens that in a hurry a person irons this or that product incorrectly, so here is a tip on how to remove burn marks from an iron on any fabric. Wipe the area with hydrogen peroxide, then iron until dry. If the burn marks are fresh, then you need to immediately sprinkle them with salt and soak in cold water, and wash the whole thing after a couple of hours.

It is important not only to choose clothes correctly and carefully, but also to properly care for them. Otherwise, its service life will be short. And how you want it to be as big as possible.

A terry dressing gown is one of the obligatory attributes of long winter evenings. How nice it is to wrap yourself up in a warm bathrobe, leaving the sauna or sitting in an armchair in front of the fireplace on a winter evening. But its softness and comfort depend not only on the quality of the fabric, but on the proper care of it. In order for a terry bathrobe to serve you for a long time, wash it properly. Fulfilling all the conditions for washing, you can enjoy the pleasant sensations when using it.

Conditions for proper care of a terry product

Before throwing home textiles into the washing machine, it is necessary to determine its composition. After all, terry is not only cotton, but also bamboo, polyester, etc. But whatever the material, it requires careful washing and, of course, the fulfillment of a number of conditions:

  • It is not necessary to wash the gown by hand. Now it is rare to find housewives who wash all things by hand. For terry, a delicate machine wash is enough;
  • bathrobe - a rather voluminous type of textile. Therefore, it is not advisable to combine it with other things in the washing machine. You also need to make sure that there are no decorative elements that can spoil the terry;
  • select the minimum spin of the product. Maximum speed can lead to fabric deformation;
  • to keep the softness and fluffiness of textiles will help the use of special means for rinsing. But if you do not perceive the chemical composition of the products, rinse the product in salted water. This method will preserve not only the original softness, but also the brightness of the color.

But to get a bathrobe in perfect condition, one wash will not be enough. Pay attention to the correct drying of the product. Do not leave textiles in the drum of the machine to dry. It will not please you with its appearance after removing it from there. Even if machine drying is used, pay attention to special balls that will help fluff the terry product. Drying the product is also recommended in the open air. In no case do not iron the dressing gown after high-quality drying. Mahra doesn't like the iron. But if there is a need to iron the product, try using the vertical steam mode.

Online store "Intimo" will warm you even in the coldest weather

Soft warm and fluffy bathrobe - what else do you need for a home in the winter cold or autumn bad weather? And to him also a warm cup of fragrant tea. The Internet platform "Intimo" will help you to create such an ideal picture. Here you can find high-quality terry bathrobes from well-known manufacturers at an adequate price. Site site managers will give advice on the size grid of certain products, the composition of the material, the manufacturer's company, etc. And even if you are looking for a gift, an original dressing gown is the right decision, which testifies to the care and love for a loved one.
