Alarm signal - sea-green eyes. Makeup for green eyes

Makeup for light eyes

Light female eyes (blue, aquamarine or gray) are fraught with a mystery and do not leave indifferent any man. But it is very important to be able to correctly emphasize the extraordinary beauty of such eyes. The most important rule in creating makeup for light eyes is the choice in favor of light shadows, dark tones will depress the natural color and the eyes will simply “get lost” against their background. Purple shadows are also not recommended for light-eyed, shades of pastel shades, golden, blue, beige, peach, pink and bronze are ideal.

evening make-up

When creating evening make-up, it is appropriate to use shades of more saturated colors than for daytime. You can also safely stick artificial eyelashes, draw arrows and use sparkles.

It should be noted that eye makeup may differ for owners of dark and blond hair. Light-eyed brunettes can safely experiment when creating evening makeup with orange, as well as brick and rich pink. Using black liquid or gel eyeliner for the upper eyelid will create a clear line between the edge of the eyelid and the shadow line.

Fair-haired women are allowed pearl, light brown shades of shadows, and the most daring can experiment with dark blue shades. But beige or gray colors can be distorted by artificial lighting and are not suitable for evening makeup.

Swamp colors are recommended for red-haired girls for evening eye makeup, as well as all shades of brown and gold colors. Brown mascara, various sparkles and pebbles will be appropriate.

Day makeup

When creating daytime makeup, it is recommended to exclude black eyeliner, it will give the face unnaturalness and even vulgarity. A light brown or gray eyeliner (pencil) will look ideal. Mascara can be used classic black or blue. For light-eyed women, in creating everyday makeup, shades of pale blue, gray, pearl, silver shades are suitable.

Video "Evening make-up for bright eyes"

Makeup for a turquoise dress: learning to combine colors

Turquoise is an amazing shade. Even a fabric that barely shimmers in turquoise attracts the eye and draws attention to itself. Bright saturated turquoise overshadows all other shades - a lady in such a dress stands out from the crowd, like a piece of sky among shapeless clouds. But how to make a stylish make-up for a turquoise dress so that you don’t lose face against the background of the refreshing color of sea waves?

I'll drown in your eyes, can I?

It is the eyes that should be emphasized by choosing a turquoise dress for a Tiffany-style party, for a walk in the park or a business meeting. An expressive look combined with bright sky turquoise is a win-win option! Depending on the mood and occasion, you have dozens of options, as democratic turquoise is friends with both cold and warm shades of cosmetics.

Black gamma for a fatal, hard look. Gray undertones or clear almost black lines - everything is permissible, but adjusted for your features (for example, small squinted eyes do not tolerate bold black lines in eye makeup). Silver under a turquoise dress is a stunning effect: in the inner corners of the eyes or along the contour of the eyelids. Shimmering silver shadows can highlight the outer upper corner of the eye and the area under the eyebrows to make the look fresh and open.

Brown and beige range for an innocent youthful or languid sexy look, depending on the chosen shades. Light natural shades are suitable for Nude make-up - fresh turquoise color blends perfectly with natural colors. Draw a barely visible line of the darkest shade of chocolate along the lash line so that the look is framed. Brown-eyed girls fit the whole brown range, but avoid obvious hints of reddish reflections.

Purple shades next to turquoise look just gorgeous! The play of these two colors is like an amazing dance - the sea will flash in the eyes, then the sea waves of the dress will suddenly reflect a plum or lavender highlight. But this range requires an impeccable make-up base, otherwise circles under the eyes and visible capillaries will spoil the image (purple emphasizes fatigue).

Green makeup is a risky undertaking. But in two cases, green shadows look great! The first is when the turquoise of the dress noticeably shimmers with greenery. The second - green-eyed beauties or ladies with hazel eyes, in the depths of which green lights flash. Green should be rather cold - warm green with a hint of brown or yellow will suit only brown-eyed dark-skinned women.

Pink gamma in combination with a turquoise dress is a gentle, innocent look. Shades should be light, barely noticeable. Bright pink on the eyes and a juicy turquoise dress turn the girl into a frivolous caramel. But perhaps today you want to make just such an impression?

The blue gamma suggests itself as the most obvious solution. Of course, turquoise should be present in blue or blue shades. Finding a shade that matches the dress is not easy, but adding a little turquoise to the usual blue shades is nothing easier. Such makeup will turn a blue-eyed blonde into a fabulous mermaid! But be careful - do not overdo it with blue. If you use bright turquoise shadows, be sure to take at least three transitional shades and do not forget to blur the borders.

Festive turquoise eye makeup

This is a rather bold option, but nothing prevents you from choosing calmer shades and less saturated tones. Of course, the color of the shadows should overlap with the color of the dress, otherwise the whole image will be broken by a discrepancy.

They do this makeup step by step using three shades of turquoise shadows: light, as dark as possible and transitional. You will need three brushes: a regular applicator brush, a blending brush, and a fine brush for fine lines.

  1. Apply the lightest shadows on the area under the eyebrows, blend to the eye
  2. With a medium shade, draw an overturned V just above the crease of the moving eyelid. Slightly move the outer corner to the side and up from the natural line to visually enlarge the eyes and lift the eyelids.
  3. We mark the lash line with the darkest shade and apply shadows on the moving eyelid.
  4. Carefully shade the borders, moving from the eyelid up and towards the outer corner. If you overdid it, use a thin applicator to mark the borders again, using a minimum of shadows.
  5. Lighten the inner corners of the eyes and the lower eyelid (by about a third) with pearlescent white or light silver shadows. Just a little, be careful.

Calm lip makeup under a turquoise dress is another key to success. Lipstick should be a natural color that matches your skin tone - peach, cinnamon, milk chocolate or a soft pinkish gamma without going into acid brightness or redness. The shade is rich, juicy, so that the lips do not look pale next to bright turquoise and expressive eyes. Blush in the tone of lipstick - a classic of impeccable taste.

Aqua eye shadow. What shadows are best?

Video: Video tutorial from Tim Leo with the INGLOT by Dasha Gauser cruise collection.

Shades and textures - shadows for all tastes

The range of shadows today is extremely wide. You can choose between classic dry, liquid, gel and cream products. In addition, there are shadows in the form of pencils, crayons and loose color pigments. And finally, there is the latest novelty in the cosmetic market - eye shadow decals that help create complex multi-color eye makeup in a couple of minutes.

Pencils and dry pressed shadows are suitable for beginners - they are very easy to use. Liquid and creamy shadows last a long time, but require precision application. Well, colored pigments are a product for advanced users who prefer creative makeup and are not satisfied with standard shades. These pigments can be combined and mixed to create the most fantastic combinations.

Aqua eye shadows are suitable for eyes of different tones - brown, gray, green and blue. It all depends on the color saturation and additional special effects. For example, the presence of a golden microshimmer makes the shade warmer, while the silver-blue sparkles, on the contrary, give the shadows a cold undertone. Mother-of-pearl gives the shadows depth, while silk peptides and micro-sponges create a perfectly even coating that hides uneven skin texture.

Evaluate the color of the selected shadows. The shade of the sea wave can be bright or very delicate, giving more hint than color. If you want to do complex make-up, stop at sets or multi-color palettes of several shades. Typically, such a set includes 2-4 colors - basic neutral, bright, dark, sometimes the set is complemented by an eyeliner of a suitable tone.

What to choose

The choice of one or another option depends on your tastes and skin type. Oily skin is suitable for dry shadows and gel, wax pencils and cream shadows look better on dry skin. Choose a color that matches your skin tone. Warm golden tones are in harmony with shadows in which a green tint predominates, and shadows with a blue-blue undertone go with cold pinkish skin. In order not to be mistaken, apply the chosen shadows in the store and evaluate the shade in different types of lighting.

It is not necessary to buy all the funds to achieve a different effect. The same product will help you create different makeup. For example, dry pressed shadows can be applied with a brush for a subtle veil effect around the eyes. The foam applicator will make the color more saturated - they can be applied to the corners of the eyes, making a fashionable smoky make-up. Well, a wet sponge will help draw a bright sea-green arrow on the upper or lower eyelid. Creamy shadows can be applied with a sponge for a dense, bright coverage or blended with your fingertips for a delicate watercolor look.

Video: EXPRESS Makeup for gray and blue eyes Step by step

Makeup with shades of the color of the sea wave

Aqua-colored shades are quite demanding on other cosmetics. After making a bright eye makeup, paint your eyelashes with two layers of black or dark brown mascara. Apply a coral or dark pink blush on your cheeks. For lips, lipstick or gloss in rosewood, apricot or ocher color is suitable. Don't forget to even out skin tone with soft pinkish or light beige powder.

To prevent glaucoma, it is very important to know the level of intraocular pressure. Photo by RIA Novosti

Glaucoma. This disease has been known to medicine since ancient times. So, back in 400 BC. Hippocrates mentioned the term "glaucoma" in his writings. Translated from Greek, it means the color of sea water, bluish-green. This color is acquired by the pupil at the time of an acute attack of glaucoma.

Glaucoma ranks first among eye diseases that, if not treated promptly, cause irreversible blindness. According to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), about 70 million people suffer from this disease, of which a million are Russians. In 2020, the number of patients with glaucoma in the world, according to experts, will increase to 80 million.

It is believed that glaucoma most often affects the elderly. But recently it also occurs in people of mature age and even in young people. The causes of the disease have not yet been elucidated. However, there are many known factors that provoke the development of the disease. First of all, we are talking about an increase in intraocular pressure (IOP).

It is known that the health of the organ of vision is maintained by the constant circulation of intraocular fluid. With glaucoma, the rate of its entry into the eyeball and outflow from it are violated. Fluid inside begins to accumulate and as a result, normal intraocular pressure (9–21 mmHg) rises. This creates an additional load not only on the walls of the eyeball, but also on the optic nerve. Thus, the blood supply to the eye is disturbed, general and peripheral vision worsens, and atrophy of the optic nerve gradually develops. As a result, the signals from it cease to flow to the brain, and blindness occurs.

Among the factors contributing to the occurrence of glaucoma, it should be noted genetic predisposition, age-related changes in the eye tissue, trauma, inflammation and surgery on the organ of vision, severe stress, diseases of the endocrine (diabetes mellitus) and cardiovascular systems, severe allergies. Unfortunately, the initial stage of glaucoma often passes without any symptoms, and only an ophthalmologist can detect the disease.

The disease comes in different forms. The most common is open-angle glaucoma, in which the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye (between the cornea and the iris) is open. This form progresses imperceptibly. A person often does not feel a gradual increase in IOP, and only a specialist can diagnose the disease in the early stages.

Another form - closed-angle - is much less common. It develops due to the fact that the iris covers the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye. As a result, the outflow of fluid is disturbed, intraocular pressure rises sharply, and acute pain in the eye may occur, accompanied by headache, often nausea, and vomiting. An acute attack almost always leads to blindness.

“Increased intraocular pressure is certainly the most important, but not the only indicator of this serious disease, leading to blindness in advanced cases,” says Dmitry Pokrovsky, Ph.D. N.I. Pirogov. - Why? The fact is that among people suffering from glaucoma, sometimes there are patients whose IOP is normal, but studies of the retina and optic nerve confirm the presence of the disease. This phenomenon is associated with the individual characteristics of the body of a particular person. Therefore, when making a final diagnosis, it is imperative to take into account the state of the retina and optic nerve.

What is the treatment? First of all, a patient with glaucoma is prescribed special drops that lower IOP. They need to be buried strictly according to the schedule, at regular intervals, without interruptions. Unfortunately, the body can get used to these drops over time, so the attending physician replaces them if necessary.

If drug treatment does not give the desired effect, they resort to laser exposure, aimed at facilitating the outflow of intraocular fluid. If this does not help to lower intraocular pressure, an operation is prescribed, the purpose of which is to create new pathways for the outflow of intraocular fluid from the eyeball.

“The first thing that ophthalmologists do when glaucoma progresses, even after drug treatment, is an operation with a laser,” comments Dmitry Pokrovsky. – It is carried out without opening the cavity of the eyeball and is well tolerated by patients. But laser correction of glaucoma can be effectively applied only at the very beginning of the formation of the disease.

At a later stage of glaucoma, an operation can be applied that forms alternative ways for the exit of fluid from the eyeball, for example, excision of a section of the sclera - part of the shell of the eyeball. Recently, a promising direction is the use of drains that are implanted into the eye chamber. They are special devices, for example, in the form of a metal or polymeric microtubule, with the help of which new paths are created for the outflow of fluid. Thus, it is possible to ensure long-term stabilization of intraocular pressure.

Before going to any event, a woman thinks over her image, in which evening eye makeup plays a special role. To create the perfect image, it is important to listen to the advice of experts.

Evening eye makeup: how to make beautiful makeup

The main nuance of makeup is the use of bright colors. This need is due to the fact that under artificial lighting the colors become dull and it is necessary to use brighter tones in order to emphasize the cheekbones and eyes.

When applying bright colors, it is important to carefully shade the transition lines, as application errors are more clearly visible.

For evening makeup, you can resort to false eyelashes. An alternative would be small tufts of eyelashes in the corners of the eyes. This technique will make the eyes brighter, highlight them.

It is also appropriate to use liquid eyeliner for.

Evening makeup for brown eyes

Professional makeup artists claim that brown eyes are distinguished by nobility, and their owners can afford to experiment with almost all colors. But, when starting makeup, it should be noted that the color of the eyes is expressive in itself, therefore overloading them with bright shades is undesirable.

Every self-respecting makeup artist advises starting makeup from the preparatory stage. A cream with a matte effect is first applied to cleansed skin. It won't make your skin shiny. The skin around the eyes should also be corrected. Minor imperfections are hidden with a corrector that allows you to cope with wrinkles, dark circles and evens out the relief. For the durability of makeup, it is important to apply a foundation on the eyelids. As a base, you can use a foundation that gives the skin a matte finish.

After preparing the skin of the face, you can start applying shadows. In order to understand which shade is most suitable, you need to take into account hair color, style, skin tone.

Women with brown eyes and blond hair can be recommended to use beige, green, sand and dark pink tones.

For owners of dark skin, an olive-brown palette is selected.

Women who have fair skin will suit bluish and green shadows.

Brown eyes with dark hair should use light pink, black, silver, chocolate colors. For special occasions, a shade of fuchsia will be an excellent option.

Dark brown eyes can be decorated with purple, blue and beige shadows.

On light brown eyes, plum and pink colors will look great.

For brown eyes with a greenish tint, khaki and emerald tone will do.

For expressiveness of the look, you can use golden, brown and silver colors. Remember that evening makeup involves some brightness, so try with several shades of shadows.

For evening makeup, you should use blue tones and shades of lilac.

It is important to consider the color of the carcass. For brunettes, black classic mascara is the best solution.

Blonde girls can only use it for evening eye makeup. In the daytime, it is better to apply a brown tone. Blue mascara will add brightness and expressiveness to the look. Going to a party, experts recommend using a water-repellent option.

Whether the look will be luxurious depends on how well the eyebrows are shaped. The shade of the eyebrows should be slightly darker than their natural color. The hairline can be carefully emphasized with dark shadows. Finally, a fixing agent is used.

Also, do not forget about the eyeliner. Brown eyes especially suit cat arrows, which make the look seductive and alluring. No wonder women in the East know how to use them as an element of seduction.

Evening makeup for green eyes

Green eyes come in different shades, and when choosing makeup, you should take into account all the subtleties and nuances.

Green eyes will look beautiful in combination with black, gray or brown colors. To create a charming look, you should use the option.

If there is a desire, bright shades of shadows are quite suitable: coral, turquoise, yellow and bronze.

First of all, even out the skin tone with the help of foundation and corrector. If the make-up is performed in the heat, the eyelids should also be applied with a foundation and powdered.

Light shadows cover the skin of the upper eyelid to the eyebrows. The eyeliner line runs with an arrow, starting from the middle along the lash line, moving to the eyebrows. If eyeliner is difficult to use, you can use a pencil.

Pearlescent and dark brown colors of the upper eyelid are shaded with brown shadows. It is important to shade the border of the shadows well.

Black shadows should be applied along the drawn arrows. You should also shade the dark line with brown shadows. The result is a dark corner.

To give the eyes depth, light shadows are used, which are applied to the inner corner of the eye.

The lower eyelid is shaded with turquoise or green. You can use a pencil. The lower eyelid is emphasized with a pencil and shades of turquoise and black, pre-mixed.

In the outer corner of the eye, the arrows are connected with black eyeliner. At the end of the make-up, the eyelashes are colored.

Features of makeup and hair color

Blondes with green eyes should prefer turquoise, blue-green tones.

The gray-green eyes of red-haired girls can be framed with brown and sand, as well as coffee colors.

For brunettes with fair skin, experts recommend green, lilac, turquoise tones.

Dark-skinned brunettes can afford peach, brown, azure, coral, ruby ​​and cherry shades. During the day, you can use a golden or white pencil to visually enlarge the eyes.

Evening makeup for dark green eyes

Most often, this eye color is found in brunettes and borders on brown. The best option for the evening will be the oriental version, which will be based on gray, brown and dark green tones.

A palette of yellow and purple shades will look good. Chameleon shadows look harmonious, which allow the green color to gently flow into golden. Regarding eyeliner, it is worth giving preference to black.

Sea green eyes

This shade of eyes captivates with tenderness and turquoise hue. When applying makeup, keep in mind that blue eyes tend to change depending on the color of clothing and the environment. With such an eye, a light range of shadows is more suitable. The exception will be dark tones, which can only bring eyes.

Makeup for blue eyes

medium blue eyes

A clear blue hue with golden pigment patches needs to be framed in light colors in a light color scheme. It can be silver or beige.

Evening makeup for gray-blue eyes

Their shade is influenced by the weather, the color of the clothes. Black and turquoise tones can shade the color. In evening makeup, makeup artists also allow the use of a pink eyeshadow palette.

  1. It is important to remember that the darker the eyes, the saturated tones of the shadows should be. In this case, you can perform complex transitions from light colors to dark ones.
  2. For women with dark skin and dark hair, a bronze-gold palette will suit.
  3. For white-skinned blondes, you can use silver shades. It is important to carefully shade the shadows in order to get an imperceptible transition that emphasizes the beauty of the eyes.
  4. Often light-eyed girls have light eyelashes, so it is important to paint over them well on both sides in order to exclude partial paint coverage.

Makeup for gray eyes

Preference should be given to neutral shades (mainly silver), which give gray eyes shine. It is necessary to abandon matte shadows.

Gray-blue colors are also suitable. It is necessary to avoid very bright and too dark colors that will make the look glassy.

For evening makeup, you can perform a combination of several colors, as a result, the eyes will become more expressive.

For gray-blue eyes, you can pick up blue shadows.

Dark gray eyes suit steel, as well as gray-beige colors. Bright green and saturated and blue shadows are not recommended.

Girls with a warm shade of hair and skin will suit brown and beige tones.

You can use any shades with the exception of yellow and orange colors. The best option would be black, blue tones.

Expressiveness of the look can be given if you draw a black line along the lower eyelid. It should be remembered that the bold line visually reduces the eyes, and is not relevant for evening makeup.

With a warm shade of skin and hair, a black outline will not work. In this case, the color of the pencil can be brown, blue or dark gray.

To enhance the radiance of the eyes, you need to draw a blue pencil along the lash line of the lower eyelid. The inner corner of the lower eyelid is lined with white, this approach allows you to visually enlarge the eyes.

Step by step evening makeup

Before you start applying evening makeup, you should ideally think over the image, which is influenced by the color of the outfit, skin features and the event for which you have to change:

Evening makeup: photo

The content of the article

It is believed that green eyes have a kind of magic. After all, the green look beckons and fascinates. Therefore, correctly applied for green eyes is quite capable of "bewitching".

Green eye makeup

Green eye makeup has its own characteristics. To profitably choose shadows for such eyes, it is worth considering their shade. There are several shades of green eyes.

1. Jade green eyes. This shade is rightfully considered the most saturated and dark, so dark shades of shadows and eyeliner are suitable for such eyes. Despite this, this shade is considered universal, so you can experiment here.

2. Aqua eyes perhaps with a hint of turquoise. Such green eyes are considered half blue, their color can change depending on clothing, mood and lighting. These eyes are perfect for blue shades and shades of light shades.

3. Light green eyes. These eyes are also called "cat eyes", they are considered a classic version of green eyes. Shades lighter than the color of the iris are suitable for the same eyes. It is not recommended to use shadows of dark colors (may be appropriate only on the outer corner of the eye).

4. Grey-green eyes are considered the lightest among the greens. It is highly undesirable for such eyes to select dark shadows. Although it is difficult to find the right shade, it is worth starting from soft, pastel colors.

Makeup colors that go with green eyes

The most suitable makeup colors for green eyes are contrasting colors, for example, all shades of purple. Shadows of this color can be used in daytime and evening make-up. For a combination, you can use shades of pastel shades (peach, khaki, beige, ivory).

Green-eyed brown-haired women are ideal for all brown shades. In combination with such shadows, a brown eyeliner and a red eyebrow pencil will look great. In evening make-up it is recommended to use bright shades of brown (bronze, copper, gold).

For girls with red hair and green eyes, all shades of green shades are suitable, which can also be used by green-eyed brunettes.

Shadows of light brown and peach shades will look great on the green gases of blondes. If the hair is light brown with green eyes of the color of the sea wave, then green and turquoise shades in combination with black arrows will do.

Although there are many shades that go well with green eyes, there are some undesirable colors. For example, silver makeup categorically not suitable for green eye makeup.

blue makeup makes green eyes look vulgar, except for sea-green eyes.
It is clear to say that pink makeup it doesn't suit you, you can't. Therefore, you need to experiment in each case. This makeup is pretty unique.

Photo collection - green eye makeup

"Fashionable" offers several options for green eye makeup. Perhaps among them you can find the right one for you.

Take a medium size brush

And apply on the eyelids and under the line

Eyebrow shade mahogany.

Red-brown shade - one

Of the very best because it fits

To any color of skin and eyes.

2 Line the lower eyelids with a pencil

Sea wave colors. Do not forget that,

By blinking, you erase the eyeliner. So everything

Time will have to be tinted. Can

Try this makeup

In chocolate-bronze shades.

3 Apply turquoise pigment around the eyes. For this, a regular thin brush is suitable. To keep the color vibrant and not blend in with reddish-brown eyeshadows, I recommend wetting the brush before applying the pigment.

4 Circle the outer corners of the eyes

Black pencil. Internal -

Bring blue. stick to the line

Eyelashes. Line your eyes with black

With a pencil, blend to the top

Eyelashes. Then take a brush and lightly

Extend the edges of the lines as shown

On the image.

The extension of the eyeliner line, described in step 4, makes it more elegant.

Apply mascara to upper and lower lashes and you're done!

1 Prepare your eyelids, powder well

Those areas of the eyes that you will NOT

Apply eyeliner. Sometimes if the eyeliner

Hasn't dried yet and you're too fast

Looked up, the eyelid sticks together,

And it leaves marks. A layer of powder will allow you to avoid this, and at the same time absorb excess oil on the eyelids.

2 Look down. On a slight slope

Place a piece of adhesive tape on your eyelid.

Yes, do it yourself at home

The conditions are not easy. It's best to throw away

Head back and look in the mirror.

I used a water-based eyeliner in this shot. I completely painted over the eyelids and brought the eyeliner line to the corners of the eyes.

3 Wait until the eyeliner dries,

Then apply a layer of white eye shadow on top.

(with shadows your makeup will last longer

Hold on, but in principle this step can be

and skip).

4 Line the lower eyelids and inner corners of the eyes with a white pencil.

5 Curl your lashes, then apply mascara on top.

6 Glue a strip of neat false lashes along your own lashes (see chapter "False eyelashes"

on page 40).

7 When the glue dries, tint the upper lashes with mascara.

Before applying mascara, remove particles of white paint from the eyelashes, otherwise the mascara will turn gray.


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    1 First, I applied a light layer of foundation to my face. I wanted to achieve an even, velvety complexion without shine, so I didn't need an illuminator. It's also important to discard ten different moisturizers before you apply foundation, otherwise it will creep and the shadows will wrinkle as soon as you apply them. 2 1 Prepare your eyes for work. Line the lower eyelids boldly with black. In the outer corners of the eyes, make the eyeliner even more Bold, let the color seem to slide down (see picture), Then take a small brush, blend the eyeliner and bring the shadows out of the eye line, slightly lifting it up. 2 Apply copper pigment to the brush And boldly bring the lower eyelids to 1 Prepare your eyes for work and powder them well. Using a small brush, apply a delicate golden shade with a hint of khaki on the eyelids. Round the lines at the outer corners of the eyes. If you can't blend the shadows, take a clean brush and apply silk powder to your eyelids. She will help you. 2 Line the lower eyelids with bold Tips This is one of those rare cases when you first need to apply foundation on the skin, and then proceed to eye makeup. Take a damp, alcohol-free baby wipe and remove excess oil from your eyelids. Then your eyeliner won't leak. Liquid eyeliner usually hardens quickly and cracks. Use 1 Prepare your eyes, but don't powder them. To achieve a shimmering effect, apply Makeup Base and Illuminator to the skin. On the eyelids, apply golden glitter Shadows, do not go up to the line of the Brows. You just achieved the Wet Eyes effect! 2 Without closing your eyes, apply a thick layer of glitter to the inner corners of your eyes. Glitter Gel
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