Simoron to attract money. Simoron for money urgently - get rich quick technique

In order to help the Universe in the fulfillment of our desires, we sometimes need the smallest thing - to conduct a small ritual. Thus, we confirm and transmit our energy of intention upward, amplifying and accelerating it many times over.

That is why desires, backed up by rituals, are fulfilled much faster.

Is there not enough money in your life? Don't worry, they will help you attract the energy of abundance and expand your cash flow.

Friends, the rituals for money that I want to introduce you to are very simple to perform and, moreover, very effective. I've been using them for a few years now and can only confirm they work.

To perform these fun rituals, you will need ... a good mood! After all, it is the state of soaring and emotional upsurge that is the very engine that accelerates the course of the events we need.

Tune in for a wave of positivity? Then let's start!

Simoron ritual for money "Dumplings for money"

Magical Simoron cooking can work wonders! In order to attract more monetary energy to us, we will ... cook dumplings.

As soon as the water boils, we load a bag of dumplings into it and begin to stir. We make circular rotations counterclockwise (the direction of movement of the Universe), while saying: “I cook dumplings - for money!”. When they are cooked, eat three pieces, while mentally repeating the same words. Within three days, expect the receipt of financial units, usually they come in cash.

Simoron ritual for money "Money Rain"

To carry out this Simoron practice, you need to wait for inclement weather.

As soon as it starts to rain, and in winter it snows, go outside. Raise your right palm to the sky, catch a drop or a snowflake in it. Stroke your pocket with your other hand, while saying the following words: “Manna from heaven - for money!”. Then repeat the same procedure, only catch precipitation with your left hand. Money also will not keep you waiting long.

Merry magic to you!

Alena Golovina

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Interesting on the topic:

At all times, financial stability has been an excellent and natural desire. However, not everyone knows how to open up to cash flow and let it enter their lives. Only simoron for money can help in this situation. Most importantly, it is not only easy to say, but also easy to do.

Before you begin to perform these rituals that help attract cash flows into your life, you need to learn two mandatory truths:

  • The universe is abundant and generous and will never mind giving you the amount of money you need.
  • In this world, only what you yourself are ready to allow is allowed, and all restrictions exist exclusively in the human mind, which can be removed with the help of Simoron rituals.

We bring to your attention only working rituals that are really capable of giving you financial balance.

Easy Money

For this ritual, you need to purchase as many colorful helium balloons as possible. A banknote is neatly tied to each such ball, after which the balls are released to float freely around the room. From now on, easy money will always circle around you. At this time, you need to joyfully jump up and catch each money ball.

Catch the money!

To spend simoron on money called "Catch the money!", you will need to make some kind of fishing rod from improvised means.

At its opposite end from the handle, tie the money. Then the fishing rod is thrown out the window with these words: "Catch the money, but big for money, but small".

Another version of this simoron considers the possibility of simply looking out the window with a loud shout: "Money!!! Home!!!".

Money from nowhere

To improve the financial condition, Simoron for money offers to take any “out of nowhere”, which can be a saucepan, pot, box or vase.

Then, it is necessary to print out the “favorite” banknote on a color printer, and stick the inscription “FROM ANYWHERE” on the container chosen for the ritual. As a result, a color printout will be placed in it. To complete the described ritual, you only need to get the required amount from your "NOWHERE".

Pot, cook!

This simoron for money will require the participation of a container created from natural material. It is carried out exclusively on the growing moon. The container is made by hand from clay, stone, a material that you associate with wealth and home.

This container can be decorated, but not required. As decorations, it is necessary to use only natural materials, such as jute, hemp, linen ropes, various elements of plant origin, twigs, pebbles, etc.

The use of paints or the absolute cleanliness of the container is allowed. Indeed, in any case, the rich and beautiful decoration of the container should be pursued.

When the design is completed, you can start filling the container. For this operation you will need:

  • bread grain or ordinary rice;
  • a pinch of sugar;
  • money of the maximum denomination;
  • semi-precious stones.

After filling the pot, the container is taken in hand, and the following words are spoken over it: "Pot, cook!".

At this time, it is necessary to imagine how the cooking process is born, its internal content increases, the lid begins to make noise and riches fall on the floor, scattering in different directions.

Once a week, it is necessary to withdraw some money from the pot and be sure to spend it, but it is necessary to return the amount taken in double the amount. Every time you "borrow" money from him, you need to sentence "Pot, cook!".

This simoron for money will require evenly cut pieces of green paper and a felt-tip pen of the same color. On each piece of paper it is necessary to draw banknotes: the currency and its denomination. Then you need to fill the bath, preparing it with your favorite ingredients, for example, foam, oils, salt.

Ideally, all bath additives for this simorone should also be green.

Very useful for the ritual is the addition of orange oil, as well as wine or champagne. Together with other components, green pieces of paper are also added, but only last. There should be as many of these papers as possible.

In the process of taking a bath, toasts should constantly sound and appropriate affirmations should be read. The ritual is performed exclusively on the growing moon.

Receipt for money

Simoron is carried out for money during the birth of a new moon. It is necessary to accurately meet the time of its appearance to the nearest hour and minute. At this time, a check is issued to receive a certain amount of money, namely:

  1. The date is being filled.
  2. The full name is entered.
  3. The amount of money is indicated (only the one that a person can really get, fabulous amounts do not work).
  4. At the bottom, the receipt number, as well as the date and signature are affixed.
  5. The receipt is hidden in a secret place where no one can find it, after placing it in a red envelope.
  6. The desired will happen after seven days.
  7. Monetary reward can be in the form of compensation, some financial assistance, good news in terms of money, a good purchase.
  8. The more real the amount, the faster the desire will be fulfilled.

Reproduction of money

Holding this simoron comes down to two banknotes with a face value of 100 US dollars. However, other currencies are also possible. One bill must be dressed up as a boy and a butterfly glued to it, and the other is recommended to be attached to a veil. Money should be born from such a monetary marriage.

However, first you need to draw up a marriage registration certificate and get the signatures of the couple. A wedding with the obligatory presence of champagne should also take place.

The first wedding night of the newlyweds will require the performer to prepare the marriage bed. Any box beautifully decorated with expensive fabric can be used as this attribute.

The newlyweds are placed inside the box, and it closes so that the newlyweds are not shy.

A romantic mood can be created with a lit candle left near it, as well as a variety of aphrodisiacs that will help reinforce the strength of the money pair. Also, don't forget about two glasses of champagne.

money tea

A simple pencil, a cup of tea, a piece of paper take part in the proposed Simoron ritual. It all starts with the fact that ordinary tea is being prepared. It is not necessary to put sugar, since it all depends on the tastes of the performer.

Under the finished glass of tea, you need to put a piece of paper, and the tea itself must be stirred, observing the clockwise movement. While stirring tea, you need to imagine that your pockets are already filled with banknotes.

After finishing stirring the tea with the same pencil, you need to write a certain phrase on a piece of paper: "I already have the money". Then it is placed in the wallet and always in the empty section.

Pea happiness

The ritual requires a jar with a plastic lid into which exactly thirty peas are thrown. Each pea pea is lowered into a container with the words: “A pea to a pea, but only good things to me”. Having finished throwing them into a jar, it is tightly closed with a lid, on which two signs are drawn to choose from: euro or dollar. The next day, coins with a magic phrase are thrown into it until the container is full.


Everyone knows the boomerang law. This weapon always returns to its owner. This simoron for money is built on the same principle, but with the only difference that the money spent in the store will be a kind of boomerang.

Before you leave the entrance or house, you take with you the amount that will be spent to the penny. Then, already on the street, you make a gesture as if you are going to launch them into the air, like a specific boomerang, and during this movement say the indicated phrase: "I declare my money as a boomerang".

The unusual simoron technique and its rituals for money urgently and effectively help those who use them and believe in their power. 9 Simoron rituals for money that you need urgently.

Anything can happen in life and often money is urgently needed, at such moments only a bank or Simoron rituals will help to attract money.

Simoron, techniques and ritualswhich are known all over the world and are aimed at all areas of your life. There are rituals to attract love, luck, money and more. But today we will consider exactly the rituals of simoron for money, urgentlyrequired by you or your loved ones.

Simoron and its techniques and rituals work differently for different people, for someone quickly and immediately, and for someone more slowly. Do not be upset if the Simoron ritual did not work immediately, the choice of rituals in this technique is quite large.

After trying one of them, wait a few days and if it is not effective for you and your energy, try another. Using the trial method, you will definitely find for yourself the very cherished rite that will help attract not only money, but also love and good luck.

Simoron rituals to attract money

Remember, all Simoron rituals work, and often when money is urgently needed, we strive to apply them all at once, you should not be zealous. Choose one that suits your taste. This will be enough to get what you want.

  • Simoron and the "Money Toad"

Often in the house there is a Chinese wealth toad with three legs. She is what we need. If you need a certain amount of money at a certain time, you need to take it in your hands and stroke it, while you need to say:


Bring me the money

Within 10 days

Bring me 50,000 rubles!

You can insert your own amount and number of days, and if you want to increase the effectiveness of this method, then come up with your own rhyme for the three-toed money toad.

  • Simoronsky ritual "grandmothers love the account"

Funny but effective. When you are about to leave the house, for example, for shopping, say: "Grandmas love an accurate account, who counts them, that's where the income goes."

Such a simoron ritual is very effective when money is urgently needed, you will receive it unexpectedly and quite quickly.

  • "We charge the wallet for money"

One of the common Simoron rituals to attract money is the use of batteries to charge money. Take AA batteries and a few large bills. Wrap the batteries in money and leave for about a day. After the battery, use it as before, but you can spend the money, such charged bills will attract new ones to you.

Or take a strong magnet and treat it the same way as with batteries. On the contrary, it is better not to spend the received magnetized money, it will become a magnet for attracting other banknotes. Put these "magnetized" bills in your wallet and carry with you.

  • "Charging money"

And here is another variation of attracting money is “charging” a wallet for money urgently, which works quite efficiently. Take your wallet and charge it with a charger from your phone or other household appliances. It is better to leave the wallet to charge overnight. Don't forget to plug the charger into a power outlet.

  • Ritual "Magic Nine"

Take a marker, and draw the number 9 on your right hand, while saying: "I am coding myself for money urgently."

  • Ritual to attract money "tea brewing"

Take a beautiful transparent mug or glass and brew tea in it, loose tea is better, add a teaspoon of honey there. We put our mug or glass on a sheet of paper, which should be green. With a new pencil, we stir our tea clockwise for a minute, thinking at this time about the amount of money you need and how you urgently get it. Then, on a green piece of paper on which the mug stood, we write with this pencil the phrase: “Tea, there will be money.” We drink tea, and carefully fold a sheet of paper with a written conspiracy and put it in our wallet. Keep it there until the plan comes true.

  • "Pot-denyuzhki cook!"

You need to take a pot, ideally green, and put some coins and bills there and cover it all with semolina. Semolina will lure money. Then we need to put our pot on a sunny windowsill and say every morning: “Pot - cook!”.

Another ritual using semolina. Put some semolina in a bag and put it in your wallet, carry it there all the time. Semolina will attract money to your wallet.

  • Simoron and the "money track"

You need to start performing this Simoron ritual on the 1st, it is better to choose a month with 30 days. Set aside 1 ruble on the first day, on the next day set aside 2 rubles, on the third day set aside 3 rubles, and likewise until the end of the month. As a result, you will get 465 rubles on the 30th. When you have accumulated 10 rubles in 1 ruble bills, exchange them for 1 coin with a face value of 10 rubles. When you accumulate 10 coins with a face value of 10 rubles, change them for 1,100 ruble bills. Do not spend the collected 465 rubles, they will become a beacon for the cash flow into your life. Although the process is not suitable for urgently raising money, it is suitable for the fulfillment of small desires, so to speak "for the future."

  • Write a Rich Autobiography

If you have a writer's streak, this rite is for you. Take a sheet of paper and imagine that you have already become rich and achieved everything you wanted, and now describe to your descendants how you realized it. In detail! Remember you are already rich!

In this article:

Money is an important part of our life. They give a feeling of confidence and calmness, freedom and comfort. It is money that helps to experience all the delights of life, which is truly beautiful, especially if it is not burdened with financial problems. However, not everyone is so smooth. There are situations when a person works at several jobs at the same time, but his financial condition still remains unstable and shaky, while money flows away like water. What to do?

What is it and how is it? Let's sort it out in order and in all the details.

faith in the method

The Bible also emphasized that each is rewarded according to his faith. If you believe that the Simoron rituals aimed at money work, then they will work. And if you perform the ritual with deep doubt, then the result will be doubtful, or rather, it will not happen at all.

To each according to faith. Even the Bible emphasizes this. If you believe that Simoron works, it will work. If you do methods without the confidence and knowledge that it will work, then there will be no more money.

Don't expect freebies

After completing the ritual, you should not lie down on the sofa and expect that now money will fall on you from the sky. A freebie will not work, because now the universe is more than ever ready to give you new opportunities and you need to grab on to them, since they are easily imported into money. What does it mean? You may get a pay raise, a bonus, a promotion, and with it a higher salary, you may have a brilliant idea, and so on.

love money

For money to love you, you will love them, only for real. Start taking care of money like you would your own. Keep them in a good purse, fold them facing you and all in one direction. Smooth out bills so that they are even and never wrinkled. Thank money for coming to you, for the fact that it exists at all, treat it like your best friends.


Simoron rituals for the receipt of finance

Clearing the money path

If the flow of money coming to you suddenly dried up and is not going to be renewed, you should perform the following ritual. Take a hair dryer or vacuum cleaner and start slowly but surely cleaning it from dust, mentally imagining how you make the way for cash flow, letting it into your life again. Concentrate on your thoughts and do not stop meditating until you have completely cleaned the unit of dirt. In the very near future, the money will return to you again and will be constant companions of your life, if you do not forget to confess your love to them and take care of them, like a lover.

Charging water

Charging water with material abundance is a good method, because water is a strong conductor of energy. To attract money with water, pour boiled or distilled water into a glass and place it in front of you. Sit back, close your eyes, and begin to visualize images of well-being and prosperity. Imagine how you get the right amount of money, win the lottery, learn about a 10-fold increase in income ... Imagine what you want, then drink water while getting real pleasure, as if what you imagined was an undeniable fact or an already accomplished event which cannot but rejoice. The ritual should be repeated once a month or even more often.

"Money Bath"

This is a very effective and enjoyable technique. Prepare in advance a couple of handfuls of coins of any denomination and even any country. After taking the banknote of the largest denomination that you have, it is better to worry about the maximum possible denomination in advance.

By the way, you must earn this bill on your own, and not borrow it.

After that, chop the cabbage and prepare the lemons. Lay out all the above attributes in the bathroom, taking also all kinds of symbols of wealth and prosperity, for example, a toad, hotei or other figurines, talismans, amulets. If you do not have any, you can use photos of money, rich people, presidents.

Type water into the bathroom, add green foam or salt, hang a photo around the room, arrange the figures. Place a banknote in front of you so that you can see it when you take a bath. Dip the lemon slices and cabbage into the water.

Setting the right flow will bring excellent results

Now you can dive into the bathroom and enjoy the feeling of being a rich person. Cabbage leaves sticking to you are money. After completing the water procedure, collect the cabbage and lemons, throw them into the toilet, saying:

"Swim and tell all the money to come to me."

"Easy Money"

Buy a large number of gel balloons that you inflate, then tie money to them. Let the money balls fly around your home, hovering around you. At the same time, you need to joyfully jump and catch them.

"Catch, money"

Make a fishing rod from improvised means, and tie money to its end. Throw a fishing rod out the window and say:

“Catch big money for small money!”

Alternatively, you can just look out the window and shout out loud:

"Money!!! Home!!!"

Money pants

For the ritual, red panties with ruffles or lace are required. When there is not a soul at home, put these same panties on your head, while feeling inspired and feeling how the money flows into your hands, then take off your panties and throw them on the chandelier, loudly shouting your cherished desire.


Throwing panties must be done the first time. If something didn’t work out for you, don’t calm down until the cowards are on the chandelier. Just remember that while doing this you can’t get angry or focus, you must continue to feel all the same happiness from the fact that you are rich, successful and self-sufficient. When the goal is achieved, it is necessary to compose a funny conspiracy for money and pronounce it every day to cowards hanging on the chandelier, for example:

Glory to the Red Shorts!
Day and night, tra-la-lam!
They carry out an important service,
They bring money to my house!

Red is the color of money. it is on the red color of underpants that money will begin to strive, like moths to a light, filling your home with wealth, prosperity and good luck in all endeavors.

simple truths

Before you begin to perform any of the above rituals, read the simple truths that everyone who wants to get rich should know:

  • The universe is very generous and its abundance is endless. She can give you as much money as you want;
  • Each person is allowed only what he can afford. We invent all the restrictions ourselves, and they exist only in our brain. Only Simoron rituals help to remove these restrictions with their immediacy and effectiveness.

If a person wants to say goodbye to financial difficulties once and for all, he should try out a very high-quality ritual to attract money using the technique of Simoron rituals. With the help of such a rite, a person will be able to improve his financial situation after a week. First you need to learn the fact that simoron is a special technique for making wishes come true, which is not based on magic, but on the correct adjustment of consciousness and the level of your subconscious.

It is important to note that rituals of this kind can very often seem completely absurd and even stupid, however, this is precisely their main strength. Money loves fun and positive, so they need to be attracted with a sincere smile!

This rite is best performed with growing month, since it is in this period of time that the energy of money is the most active.

To carry out this Simoron ritual, a person will need new green socks. The fact is that this shade attracts money and provides real energy for monetary growth.

  • Should put in each sock a coin of five rubles and hang them all night on your window.
  • In the morning you need to pull out your nickels, put on your socks and go on business. In the evening, you need to remove your socks and put the coins back in them.
  • Such operations need do throughout the week.
  • A week later, green socks will lead the owner's legs to new financial opportunities and prosperity.

The current Simoron ritual on z wallet charge

This ritual to attract money will help you constantly beckon money into your wallet. How often does a person charge a mobile phone? By itself. And how many times did he charge his own wallet? Definitely never in my life. But in vain, because it also requires energy supply!

The person should imagine the wallet is powered by electricity, and if it is not constantly recharged, then money will not come into it. You should make it a habit to plug in the charger from your smartphone every evening when preparing for bed, and put the end of the wire into the hole in. By morning, the wallet will be charged and ready to attract money. A person himself will not notice it, as the wallet becomes a magnet for money.

Reproduction of banknotes

You can try to multiply your money. To this end, you can arrange a real date for money. We must wait until evening, take the two largest bills that are available, and then send them to the window. You need to light two candles, turn on romantic songs, pour 2 glasses of red wine and put them near the banknotes. This is a true romantic evening for money, which will end in an amazing night of love. Right after her The couple will start breeding.

Clearing the money path

If the flow of money going to a person suddenly dried up and does not want to resume in any way, he should perform such a Simoron ritual. You need to take a hairdryer or a regular vacuum cleaner and start slowly, but at the same time very confidently clean the area from dust, mentally think about how quickly the way for the flow of money is cleared.

It is necessary to concentrate on thoughts and not stop meditating until the vacuum cleaner itself is cleaned by a person from the collected dust. In the very near future, the money will return to its owner again and become eternal companions in life. But at the same time, a person needs to confess his love to them and give them attention, as if in love.

water charge

A great way has long been method of charging water with material wealth because water is a very powerful energy conductor. To attract money in this way, you should pour boiled water into a glass and put the container in front of you. Then you need to get as comfortable as possible, close your eyes and begin to visualize in detail different images of prosperity and well-being.

A person should imagine how he receives the necessary amount, won the lottery, or learned about a sudden increase in income ten times. After these presentations, drink water, while receiving true bliss, as if what the person imagined was an event that had already happened, which greatly and brightly pleases. The rite must be repeated three times a month or more often.

money bath

Incredibly efficient and very high quality equipment.

  1. Should be prepared in advance several handfuls of coins of different denominations and from any state.
  2. After that, you should take the largest bill that a person has, while it is better to try to find the maximum denomination in advance. A person must select this banknote himself, without borrowing it.
  3. Then you need chop the cabbage and prepare beautiful lemons.
  4. All of the above must be laid out in the bathroom, taking also various other symbols of wealth, for example, a money toad, hotei or other protective figures. If a person does not have such talismans, he can use a photograph of money, rich people or presidents.
  5. Then water is drawn into the bath, added green salt, and photos are hung under the ceiling, figures are placed around. A large bill is placed so that you can look at it. Lemon slices and cabbage are also lowered into the water.
  6. From now on, you can dive into the bathroom and get true bliss from the realization of complete wealth. Cabbage leaves sticking to the body are money.
  7. Completing such a sweet procedure, you need to collect cabbage and lemon slices, and, throwing them into the toilet, say: “Swim and tell all the money to come to me.”

Easy and urgent money

You need a lot of helium balloons that inflate, and money is tied to them. Let the balls with banknotes fly around the apartment. One should gladly jump up and catch them.
