Download romantic photos. Romantic photos of lovers

Professional photo shoots and casual selfies can capture truly amazing moments in human relationships, so every romantic photo- it's small, but unique story about the most strong emotions in the world.

Romance as it is

The very concept of “romance” goes back to the deep Middle Ages, during the time of knights in shining armor and their beautiful ladies, in whose name great campaigns were carried out and the destinies of entire states were decided. Today, the knights and their ladies have changed only in appearance, but feelings, as strong as love itself, fortunately, have remained the same.

Romantic photo: speaking the language of love

A romantic photo is a great way to lift the spirits of yourself and those around you. Of course, what is more pleasing to his eyes, everyone decides for himself. But as practice shows, visualization romantic images - win-win when you need to relax, relieve stress, get a powerful boost positive energy and remember best moments of your life. It’s not for nothing that one famous song of yesteryear contains golden words: to remember what we were like, look in the family album! Just romantic photos make up a retrospective of the history of each family and best collections famous photographers.

For some, romance is associated with a candlelit dinner in an expensive restaurant, while for others, their hearts skip a beat when looking at the image of two lovers in a meadow of wildflowers. Swimming in a scattering of diamonds is happiness, but far from romantic, but no one will refuse to walk barefoot through puddles in an embrace with a loved one.

Why is this romance needed at all when there are so many problems around? Grandfather Freud would probably answer this question very eloquently. The whole world rests on incorrigible romantics, and the task of a talented photo-master is to convey the depth of the most beautiful human emotions through a simple and understandable romantic photo for every lover.

Install any picture you like on your desktop, post it on social networks or send it to your loved one by mail. There is absolutely no need to sign such images: a professional romantic photo carries a strong emotional load and a powerful charge of positivity, let everyone know what you have good mood and you want to share it with your friends and loved ones. And everyone who knows the language of love will understand your message without any words.

Love owns nothing and does not want anyone to own it... And do not think that you can rule the ways of love, for if love deems you worthy, it will direct your path. Gibran Kahlil Gibran

"Love on the Boardwalk" by Vanessa Paxton

Love each other, but don't turn love into chains. Let it better be an exciting sea between the shores of your souls. Gibran Kahlil Gibran

"City Love" by JJ Jackson

To love means to tirelessly fight against thousands of obstacles in ourselves and around us. Jean Anouilh

"- Couple -" by Hendrik Gassmann

Love is stronger than death and fear of death. Only by her, only by love does life hold and move. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

"Poetry Walk" by Ryan Brenizer

The human heart contains true chivalry: it is capable of love. Chivalrous behavior grows from the depths of the heart. Johann Wolfgang Goethe

"Autumn Love" by Steve Hallman

The first love of unspoiled youth is always aimed at the sublime. Nature seems to want one sex to sensually perceive the good and beautiful in the other. Johann Wolfgang Goethe

"Happy Moment" by Tomasz Wagner

Love is the only thing in nature where even the power of imagination does not find the bottom and does not see the limit! Johann Friedrich Schiller

"Silhouettes of Love" by Akos Kiss

It always seems that they love us because we are good. But we don’t realize that they love us because those who love us are good. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

"Midnight Kiss" by Mag Hood

To love means to live the life of the one you love. Only the one who no one and nothing can stop him from doing what he wants is free. There is only one such thing - to love. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

"When the World Was Quiet" by Barbara Cameron

True love can be recognized by how much it makes a person better, and also by how much it brightens the soul. Leonid Nikolaevich Andreev

"Love in the Rain" by Renaissance Studios

Love humbles proud hearts, teaches the arrogant to be lenient, but its main property is to elevate and ennoble everything. Mine Reid

"Love and Sunset" by Jesse James Photography

The consequences of love are always the same - new person! I'm not talking about a child, but about people who love, because this feeling renews the soul, makes people different, better, more beautiful. Maxim Gorky

"Lyndsey & Ryan" by Mike Villa

Let people see the kindness shining in your face, in your eyes and in your friendly greeting. Let us all be one heart, one love. Mother Teresa

"Views" by Shaun Baker

The person you love in me is, of course, better than me: I am not like that. But you love, and I will try to be better than myself. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

"Night Escape" by Elmo1314

Love always comes from the depths of the soul, always unites people and never divides. Patty Sand

"Lover's Way" by Romin Lee Johnson

Great is the mystery of the merging of two loving souls: each takes the best from the other, but only to return this gift, decorated with love. Romain Rolland

"The World is at Your Feet" by Eric Cote

No amount of pretense can hide love where it is, nor show it where it is not. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

"And Rain and Snow" by Ryan Brenizer

IN warm weather All living things grow; in cold weather, everything dies. Those who are cold in soul will not be able to know joy, even if the mercy of Heaven overshadows them. Only those who have a warm heart are able to experience boundless happiness and eternal love. Hong Zichen

How often to create an excellent mood, a pleasant atmosphere in romantic relationships I want to bring something new, a zest, a light fresh breeze. To do this, we suggest looking at cute, bright, beautiful photos about love imbued with tenderness. Yes, they often film real lovers, happily posing in front of the lens and giving pleasure not only to themselves, but also to people who will look at these shots and receive a charge of vivacity.

Many will receive a lot of pleasure from work that is saturated with love energy. Photographers have the opportunity to borrow a couple of new ideas for themselves that will be successfully brought to life and new couple will be happy to receive wonderful photographs for the collection, and the photographer will do a brilliant job and bring pleasure to the lovers. After all, beautiful photos about love will be preserved in family album and, after a while, the couple will again admire their happiness.

To create love-themed photographs, Photoshop, Lightroom, Adobe Lightroom and many others are often used. Also at the disposal of both beginners and professionals is a set of hot keys that allow you to process many frames. They also allow you to deal with defects such as:

  • Distortion.
  • Chromatic aberration.
  • Vignetting.

The Lightroom program allows you to eliminate shortcomings in a matter of seconds. After processing the photos, they become flawless and delight the owners.

The picture about love is inspiration, passion, fire, desire, happiness. It is photography that can capture a moment that expresses sincere feelings and save it. The collection of beautiful photos about love includes hearts and kisses, tender hugs and unbridled passion, passionate feelings and tender romance, a sparkle in the eyes and a sincere smile, and perhaps it is sadness, sadness, melancholy, but it is also permeated with bright emotions.

There is an opportunity to announce notes on the frames: I love you, I miss you, forgive me, smile, hug.

It is now fashionable to take photographs in retro style or in black and white.

Looking at a kiss or passion in a picture, there is a desire to admit your feelings yourself and you shouldn’t be shy about it. Hugs are never too much, tender words, tender kisses. If you want to express your feelings, then send your loved one a beautiful photo about love, and he will immediately understand what you want to tell him.

Love each other, miss each other, talk about your feelings and be sure to take photographs as a keepsake. A beautiful photo about love is a classic that will never go out of style, and for lovers it is a new shot to add to their romantic story.

15. “Love Actually” (2003)

There's never enough romance! Why tell one love story, if you can squeeze a dozen tender, funny and unexpected romantic stories into two screen hours? This is exactly what British screenwriter Richard Curtis did in his directorial debut, who ate the dog with rom-coms and showed 13 years ago that this genre is far from being exhausted. Perhaps the main charm " Real love"is that the picture includes the most different stories, from happy to sad and from touching to farcical. And each one turned out wonderful in its own way. Many directors and screenwriters have since tried to imitate Curtis, but none have managed to create such a brilliant romance anthology.

14. “Love Story/ Love Story"(1970)

Even if you've never seen Arthur Hiller's classic Hollywood melodrama, you know the plot because it's been used in dozens of romantic productions over the past half-century. A guy loves a girl, a girl loves a guy, but a fatal illness interferes with their passionate relationship... At a time when the first “ Godfather Considered a stunning achievement, Love Story grossed over $130 million worldwide. Adjusted for inflation, it still remains one of the most commercially successful films in US history. But, of course, her contribution to the history of cinema is not this, but the fact that she still remains one of the main masterpieces of the tearjerker genre “he, she, love and cancer”.

13. “Before Sunrise” (1995)

To take off the wonderful romantic movie, you don’t have to spend money on tricks, effects and extras. American arthouse director Richard Linklater in his best film used only three characters - a man, a woman and Vienna, on the streets of which the characters spend the night, having met by chance on a train. The plot of the film was inspired real story from the life of the director, and the picture turned out to be surprisingly heartfelt, fresh and intelligent - great gift for a public that is disgusted by mainstream Hollywood romantic films. Subsequently, Linklater made two sequels that told about the subsequent lives of Jesse and Celine, but only “Before Sunrise” was included in the golden fund of world cinema.

12. Casablanca (1942)

At the beginning of World War II, many in the United States believed that the country should not interfere in the European conflict and that American soldiers should not die for foreign countries. Because Hollywood's influential people included many immigrants who remained connected to Europe, they tried to convince the public that Hitler was a threat to their humanity and created films like the classic Casablanca, whose main character was an American living in a French colony in Africa. First of all, director Michael Curtiz (an emigrant from Hungary) made a war film, but now “Casablanca” is remembered and adored as a heartfelt melodrama about people who love each other, but put duty above tender feelings.

11. “Angelique – Marquise of Angels / Angelique, marquise des anges” (1964)

A few years ago, the French filmed a new film adaptation of Angelique. But why waste time and money if Bernard Borderie's film is still considered a classic of European romantic adventure cinema? Let us recall that the action of “Angelique” develops in France of the 17th century and that the picture tells about a young beauty who is forcibly passed off as one of the richest people countries. At first, Angelique despises her ugly husband, but over time she realizes that the Comte de Peyrac is one of the noblest and kindest men France. This is how a passionate romance begins, which developed over the course of four more films about the adventures of Angelica and her husband.

10. "Dirty Dancing" (1987)

In the early 1990s, actress Jennifer Gray destroyed her career when she had rhinoplasty and reduced her “Jewish” nose. I wonder what she thought, if earlier it was her typical “ethnic” appearance that brought her her most famous role - the role of the daughter of a wealthy doctor who falls in love with a poor, but extremely charming dance teacher? Emil Ardolino's film was based on screenwriter Eleanor Bergstein's memoirs about her youth in 1960s America and the tensions between different peoples, and therefore an actress with a less outstanding “tiller” would not be suitable for the role of Baby. However, the main star of Dirty Dancing was still Patrick Swayze. He was already known to audiences, but Dancing (and, of course, his dances with Gray) made him a real screen celebrity.

9. Romeo and Juliet (1968)

While talking about melodramas that became film classics, we could not lose sight of the “double classic” - the best film adaptation of the legendary play by William Shakespeare in history. Hollywood, however, usually puts their West Side Story, a modern interpretation of Romeo and Juliet, first. But American patriotism is not a decree for us, and we prefer authentic European cinema with British stars, Italian director Franco Zeffirelli and authentic medieval buildings in the frame. A delightful example of a production that respects the past while conveying not only the letter, but the soul of a great tragedy.

8. How to Steal a Million (1966)

With all the love that the West has for this delightful adventure-romantic comedy, we have always loved William Wyler’s film more. Perhaps the point here is that for Soviet viewers, “How to Steal a Million” was the embodiment of attractive Western glamor, both stylish and ironic. In addition, the film revolved around wealth acquired through illegal means (trading counterfeits), and this perfectly rhymed with communist ideology. Now this ideology is no longer our state ideology, but “How to Steal a Million” remains an excellent romantic movie, ideal for both sexes. Which, unfortunately, cannot be said about many films of this genre...

7. "Ghost" (1990)

"Till death do us part" - strong words, but not enough for a true romantic. In Jerry Zucker's mystical drama main character even after his death, he continues to take care of his beloved girl and protect her from a murderer and traitor. When the film was created, it was predicted to be a failure, since it combined the features of many genres, did not lend itself to strict classification and stood out from the Hollywood mainstream. But love conquered skepticism, and “Ghost” was recognized almost immediately after its release. modern classics. Let us note that this is the second film in our hit parade, where the main role was played by Patrick Swayze - definitely one of the most romantic actors in the history of Hollywood.

6. Roman Holiday (1953)

When Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn began starring in William Wyler's comedy melodrama, Peck was considered the only star of the production. It was assumed that in the credits only his name would be written in large “star” font. However, towards the end of filming, Peck insisted that Hepburn, then an aspiring film actress, also receive her star credit. And this was not a show of gallantry, but sober assessment reality. "Holiday" is a story about a young princess who runs away from her country's embassy in Rome in order to feel like herself, at least for a while. an ordinary girl, - it turned out to be a film not by Peck, but by Hepburn. “Vacation” made the actress a star, and she, in turn, made “Vacation” one of the most tender and charming Hollywood romantic films. By the way, the screenwriter of the film was Dalton Trumbo, the famous American communist from art and the hero of the recently released biopic “Trumbo”.

5. “The Notebook” (2004)

Ask a modern American woman to name a famous romantic film without hesitation, and she will most likely remember the film by Nick Cassavetes. A heartwarming film based on the novel by Nicholas Sparks, which tells the story of lifelong love, has become a symbol of “women’s” cinema of recent decades. Some people adore “The Diary”, while others are ironic about it, but it does not leave anyone indifferent - the surest ghost of a truly powerful production. Leading actor Ryan Gosling once said in an interview that the film was made possible primarily thanks to the performance of his partner Rachel McAdams. With all due respect to him, Gosling sinned against the truth. The success of “The Diary” was primarily his merit, because female audiences did not go to the movies for McAdams.

4. " Office romance"(1977)

It’s hard to think of a less romantic premise than “a clumsy man flirts with an unattractive boss so she can give him a promotion.” But fellow playwrights Eldar Ryazanov and Emil Braginsky developed this plot so much that they created one of the best Soviet films. It turned out that it is not at all necessary to be Venus and Apollo in order to experience a romantic adventure, and that even Soviet bureaucratic mores cannot stand in the way of a big and pure love. At the same time, “Roman” is magnificent not only as a touching melodrama, but also as a hilarious comedy. Many of his jokes have long become sayings.

3. “Moscow doesn’t believe in tears” (1979)

Only a few films in the history of our cinema have received an Oscar. One of them is a film by Vladimir Menshov, awarded a Hollywood statuette in 1981. Frankly speaking, Akira Kurosawa's "Shadow of the Warrior" was more deserving of a win in the "best picture" category. foreign language" But don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Moreover, the “Moscow” award was by no means a purely political gesture. The most romantic film of Soviet cinema, telling about the personal life of a Moscow “limit girl,” deserved recognition not only in her homeland, where it became a box office hit. By the way, Menshov learned about his victory from the “Time” program - he was not allowed into America, and none of the Soviet officials bothered to inform the director about the Hollywood recognition.

2. Titanic (1997)

James Cameron filmed one of his biggest productions as a disaster movie with a love story. In reality, however, the doomed love of Jack and Rose was overwhelmed by grandiose special effects, and Titanic turned out to be a melodrama against the backdrop of the famous tragedy of the “unsinkable” ocean liner. However, Cameron never complained about it. After all, the film brought him two Oscars (producing and directing) and countless millions of dollars - a percentage of the exorbitant rental income of Titanic. We won’t complain either - following Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet is much more pleasant than thinking about how many lives were lost when a ship collided with an iceberg.

1. Gone with the Wind (1939)

If American political culture continues to develop in the same direction in which it is developing now, then Gone with the Wind will soon be recognized as a crime against black Americans. Just think - this is a film not about the brave blacks who fought for freedom during the Civil War, but about rich white southerners who made their fortunes from the exploitation of slaves! But so far none of the critics of "Swept Away" have made an equally outstanding romantic picture about the 19th century, we will continue to consider Victor Fleming’s painting as the main achievement in this genre. Politics is politics, and love is love, and they should not interfere with each other. Neither on-screen, nor behind-the-scenes, in a film history textbook. By the way, in terms of inflation, Gone with the Wind remains the most financially successful Hollywood film. If they had been released in 2016, they would have grossed $3.5 billion. Even Avatar failed to cross this threshold.
