Sports activities in the middle group of dows in the summer. Summer sports festival in a dhow for the middle group

JV "Kindergarten "Lad" GBOU gymnasium named after. S.V. Baimenov, Pokhvistnevo


sports event in the middle group

on the topic: “Sport is an alternative to addictions”

Prepared by: physical education instructor:

Zhuravlev Sergey Nikolaevich




contribute to strengthening the musculoskeletal system, the formation of correct posture, and interest in a healthy lifestyle.

to form motor skills;
to form children’s ideas about the health benefits
physical exercises on the body;
teach team play.
develop speed, strength, agility, accuracy, memory.
develop interest in sports games;
develop the ability to throw rings on “elephants” from a distance;
instill in children the need for daily physical exercise;
develop a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, and interest in physical culture.
Educational areas:“Health”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Labor”.
Types of children's activities:communicative, gaming, cognitive, motor, labor.

Sport equipment:

  • relay baton - 2 pcs;
  • large ball - 2 pcs;
  • small ball - 14 pcs;
  • small hoops - 6 pcs;
  • skittles - 2 pcs;
  • baskets-4 pcs.

Progress of the event


Hello, dear friends! Today, teams of the most dexterous, quick-witted and intelligent guys will prove in a fair and open fight that they are worthy of the title “Champions!” Today our holiday is dedicated to the campaign “I choose sports as an alternative to addictions.” On this day, sports competitions and holidays are held all over the world so that children all over the planet grow up healthy, fit, strong, dexterous, brave and courageous! On our site, middle group teams “Luna” and “Sun” meet in competitions.

We wish both teams success in the upcoming competitions and move on to our first competition, but before the competition begins, it is necessary to do a warm-up. (The presenter does several warm-up exercises with the guys).

Relay No. 1.

Description: The first participant picks up the baton, runs, runs around the pin and, returning to the team, passes the baton to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Relay No. 2.

"Roll the Ball"

Description: the first participant rolls the ball to the limiter, circles it, takes the ball in his hands and runs to his team, passing the ball to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Relay No. 3


Description : three hoops lie on the floor at an equal distance from each team. The first participant runs to the limiter, ducking and jumping through the hoops, runs around the limiter and returns to his team, passes the baton to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Leading: While our teams rest, we will play with the fans.

Game with dancers "Hippodrome"

Leading: “Please get your palms ready. Palms are a horse, but it will run on your knees. Let's learn what a horse can do: gallop (ringing clapping of palms on knees); run on the sand (rubbing your palms on your knees); jump on pebbles (knock on your knees with your fists); take hurdles (hands are raised up and down, slapping the knees, down). So, we're at the racetrack. The races begin. Let's see whose horse comes first. On your marks! Attention! March!" The presenter gives various combinations of commands from those learned and changes the tempo.

Relay No. 4

"Gather the Harvest"

Description : each player runs to the basket containing the balls. They take the ball and run back with it. The team that brings all the balls to their team wins.

Relay No. 5


Description: the team becomes a train - hands on the belt of the player standing in front. The whole team, at the signal, runs to the limiter, runs around it and returns to its place.The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Summing up. Today there are no losers, there are winners, we have become healthy, fit, strong and agile.

Sweet prizes have been prepared for children.

Age: 4-5 years.

Location: playground.


— introduce children to new outdoor games, competitions, relay races, spells, riddles;

- consolidate the concepts of “tree” and “shrub” in speech;

— continue to teach children to play in a team, take into account the capabilities of a partner, not to quarrel, not to be offended by each other, to be able to negotiate;

- create a joyful mood and emotional upsurge in children.

Equipment: audio equipment, recordings of cheerful music, Summer Girl costume; 2 landmarks, ladle, hoop, woven wreath on the head; water in a vessel, 12 skittles, birch, spruce, linden, willow twigs; plates with porridge, spoons, scarves (3-4 pcs.); wooden (plastic) sticks (20 pcs).

Dictionary: broom, wreath, chant, riddle.

The sports ground is festively decorated with multi-colored ribbons, balls, and hoops. Children enter the playground to a calm melody. They are greeted by Girl Summer.

Girl Summer. Hello, dear guests!

I invite everyone to a noisy holiday,

For a noisy holiday, for a summer holiday.

On our holiday there is a law for everyone:

Sad guys are not allowed entry.

The children smile and take their seats.

Guys, I’ll tell you a riddle, and you guess it and tell me what it’s about.

Big sunflower in the sky

It blooms for many years

Blooms in winter and summer,

But there are still no seeds.

Children. This is the Sun.

Girl Summer. That's right, this riddle is about the sun.

What's summer without the sun? Let's remember the nickname about him.

Bucket sun,

Come out from behind the bald spot.

Sit on a tree stump

Walk all day.

Children repeat the Russian folk chant in chorus.

Guys, let's smile at the sun and take part in the attraction.

Attraction "Funny Sun"

Preschoolers form two teams (boys and girls). Each team receives a hoop and wooden (plastic) sticks. The number of sticks must correspond to the number of participants in each team. First, a hoop is placed, then ray sticks are attached to it. Thus, to the accompaniment of cheerful music, both groups of preschoolers lay out the sun on the ground.

The child reads a poem about the sun, and at this moment others join hands and walk around the sun.

The cloud is hiding behind the forest,

The sun is looking from the sky.

And so pure, kind, radiant.

If we could get him,

We would kiss him.

G. Boyko

Girl Summer. Guys, what do you like to do in the summer?

Children. Sunbathe.

Ride a bicycle, scooter, rollerblades.

Spend a lot of time outdoors.

Play outdoor games.

Go to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries.

Fishing in the river.

Go camping.

Swim in rivers and lakes.

Girl Summer. We won’t go swimming today, but we’ll play with some water.

Two teams of children are formed, each of which has three people.

Task 1. “Carry the water in a ladle”

So, the obstacle is the ladle!

And there is water in the ladle.

You can't run, you can't tremble.

You can laugh

But only very, very carefully.

At the start, the first team players have a ladle of water in their hands. Without splashing the water, you need to walk the distance to the landmark, go around it, come back and pass the ladle to the next participant.

Task 2. “Spank some water”

Opposite each team, at a distance of 5 m, there is a basin of water. There are 6 pins lined up in front of him. At the signal, the first players, performing a “snake” run, run to the basin, slap their hands on the surface of the water and return to their team. Then the following participants are included in the relay race. The team whose players complete the task first wins.

Girl Summer. Guys, which of you likes to go to the bathhouse?

The children answer.

In order for the bath to be beneficial, you need a broom. And such brooms are prepared in the summer. For this purpose, branches of birch, oak, bird cherry, willow, linden, and alder are used.

Girl Summer shows the children a bath broom and talks about its purpose.

Today we will definitely try to collect and tie brooms. But first, I suggest you take part in one more attraction.

Attraction “Name the tree and bush”

Using previously prepared branches of birch, bird cherry, currant, raspberry, willow, and linden, children determine which trees and shrubs they were cut from.

Girl Summer. But now I suggest you collect and tie a broom.

Game-task “Collect a broom”

Pre-prepared birch, willow, linden and spruce branches are placed in four piles (according to the number of players). At a signal from an adult, the children begin to collect each of their own brooms. The task is performed to music. At the end of it, the children stop performing the task. Adults help the children knit brooms. Finally, children should be reminded that they should not unnecessarily break branches on trees and bushes. Nature must be loved and protected.

Girl Summer. I really enjoy watching you guys! You are kind, cheerful, brave, and most importantly, friendly. I want to offer you an interesting task. To complete this I will need several pairs.

Competition game “Feed your friend”

One child from the pair is blindfolded and given a plate of porridge. At a signal, he tries to get the porridge spoon into his friend’s mouth and thus feed him. To make it more fun, you can blindfold both participants. The first couple to “eat” the porridge wins. (Instead of porridge, you can take a cake, a pie, an apple, a pear.) You can also invite the children to guess what they will feed their friend.

This delicious yellow fruit

It's sailing to us from Africa.

Monkeys at the zoo

Provides food all year round. (Banana.)

Green berries

And praised by everyone,

Grow with bones

They hang by the handful. (Grape.)

Sweet, rosy,

Fell from a branch

It got into the children's mouths. (Apple.)

Small, tasty

The wheel is edible.

I won't eat you alone.

I'll share it with all the guys. (Bagel.)

Guess easily and quickly:

Soft, fluffy and fragrant.

He's black, he's white,

And sometimes it’s unripe. (Bread.)

Girl Summer. Guys, look, I have a wreath of herbs and flowers on my head. I know girls really love making wreaths in the summer.

Attraction “Put a wreath on your head”

Two teams of children line up in a column, one behind the other, facing the Summer Girl. The girls are the last in the column. As the music begins, Summer Girl gives wreaths to the first team players. They must pass the wreaths to the person standing behind. Thus, the wreath “passes” from the first participant to the last, who puts it on his head. The team whose players complete the task first wins.

Girl Summer

Get up in the circle quickly

Play a game with me.

Russian folk game "Water"

The driver stands in a circle with his eyes closed. Players move around him saying:

Watery, Watery,

Why are you sitting under water?

Come on, come out

Sit with us.

The circle stops. The merman, without opening his eyes, approaches one of the players. His task is to determine who is in front of him. To do this, he can touch the player standing in front of him, but without opening his eyes. If Vodyanoy guessed right, then he changes roles with this player, and now the one whose name was called becomes the driver.

Girl Summer. And now I invite everyone to my table and I will be very glad if you accept my invitation:

I invite everyone now

To the festive table.

For pies and sweets,

Gingerbread and rolls.

For tea and jam

And sweet cookies.

Children take seats at pre-prepared tables. They bring tea and sweets. Preschoolers and the Summer Girl drink tea to cheerful music. This is where the holiday ends.

Program content:

1. Develop interest in sports games and improve children’s health.

2 . Cultivate collectivism, the ability to play in a team, and empathy.

Inventory: 2 large balls, 2 benches, 10 small balls, prizes for each player, emblems for each team.

Progress of the event

Host: Sports, guys, everyone needs it

We are close friends with sports

Sport is a helper,

Sport – health,

Sport is a game.

To all participants - PHYSICAL HURRAY!

Today we have a competition between two teams. Team "Kolobok" and "Rocket".

A fox should also come to visit us.

(Knock on the door) - Here comes the fox! The fox enters.

Tell me, did I make it to the competition? (Yes). I brought an envelope with sports games in it. I would like to watch you play and cheer for you.

Host: Well, of course it’s a fox, look.

Attention team to start!

Host: Team “Kolobok” is your motto?

- “We are koloboks!” We will always be ahead!”

Team Rocket is your motto?

- “The rocket is rushing high! There is one rule in it: one for all and all for one!”

We wish you all great success. May you not feel tired today and bring a lot of joy!

Relay races.

1. “Running with the ball”

(Each team member runs around the turning post and passes the ball to the next one)

2. "Harvest"

(Each player takes a small ball from the turntable and runs back, puts it in the hoop, etc.)

3. "Hurdle"

(Everyone runs, then crawls along the bench, then runs to the turntable and runs back)

4. “Running - cannonball flight”

(The ball is held between the knees. Jump until the turntable, then pick up the ball and run, and pass it to the next one)

5. “Passing the ball over your head”

(At the signal, the children pass the ball over their heads to each other. The last one runs forward, etc.)

6. “Rolling the ball between the legs”

(Teams stand with their feet apart, the first one rolls the ball back, the last one presses it and runs forward, etc.)

Host: Well, our competition is over. The jury sums up the results. We want to give everyone prizes and awards.

This summary of physical education leisure will help to intensify the motor activity of children, develop speed, dexterity, coordination of movements, orientation in space; instill a love of sports and physical education; develop endurance and attention in games and relay races; create a joyful emotional mood.



Physical education

“Sports summer has come to us! »

in the middle group


Increase interest in physical education and a healthy lifestyle.


Activate children's motor activity, develop speed, dexterity, coordination of movements, spatial orientation

Instill a love of sports and physical education;

Develop endurance and attention in games and relay races;

Create a joyful emotional mood.

Equipment: tape recorder, stopwatch, whistle, skittles, balls, balloons, hoops, 2 buckets, 2 basins.


Children go out and line up on the playground of the kindergarten.

Teacher: - Hello, participants! Hello fans!! We are very glad to see everyone at sports competitions! It was not in vain that I said hello to you now, since the word “hello” means wishing each of you health.

Guys, in order to be healthy, what should you do and what should you do? (Children's answers)

Teacher: - Guys, we wish each team not only victories, but also a cheerful mood during all competitions, and also that participation in relay races will be useful in strengthening your health. But any sports distance begins with a warm-up. We, too, will not lag behind traditions and will do a musical warm-up. Repeat after me and don’t forget to smile, because smiling also strengthens our health and helps us set ourselves in a winning mood.

Musical warm-up (movements to music)

Teacher: - Well done! Well, well, we've warmed up and it's time for us to move on to the most interesting thing - the relay races! Teams, get ready for the races, take your places!

To the music, the teams enter the site and line up in columns (team name and motto)

Teacher: To become an agile athlete

We will hold relay races.

Let's run fast, together

We really need to win!

Teacher: I invite participants to show their ingenuity by guessing riddles about sports.

Mikhail played football I wake up early in the morning

And he scored into the goal... (Goal). Together with the rosy sun

I make the bed

I quickly do... (Exercise).

If he falls, he will jump,

If you hit him, he won’t cry, There are two stripes on the snow,

He always gallops, Two foxes were surprised,

Multi-colored round (Ball) One came closer:

Someone was walking here (Skis)

They told me a riddle:

What kind of miracles are these? Every evening I go

Steering wheel, saddle and two pedals, Draw circles on the ice,

Two shiny wheels. Just not with pencils

The riddle has an answer, And shiny... (Skates)

This is my (Bike)

Dew glistens on the grass, As soon as I wake up in the morning,

My legs are moving along the road. I’ll sit down, stand up and bend over -

And two wheels run. All exercises in order!

The riddle has an answer. Helps you grow...

This is my.... (bicycle) (charging)

I want to become a strongman, just think about it, guys.

I come to the strongman: What athletes are masters at

Tell us about this - Do they jump since the morning?

How did you become a strongman? Both on the run and on the spot,

He smiled back: And with both legs together

Very simple. Many years of Sasha, Lena and Natalka

Every day, getting out of bed, they spin merrily... (Jump ropes)

I lift... (Dumbbells)

I spin it with my hand, Here are the athletes on skates
And on the neck and leg, They practice jumping.
And I twist it at the waist, And the ice sparkles.
And I don't want to drop it. (hoop) Those athletes are ... (skaters)

Let's gather a team at school
And we will find a large field.
Taking a corner -
We score with our heads.
And the fifth goal is in the goal!
We love very much... (football)

Teacher: - Well, now let's move on to the relay races.

1. Relay “Twisting Run”.

Sports equipment: skittles. Starting position of the team: one at a time in a column.

Relay rules: at the command of the leader, participants take turns running along a given distance, running a snake around the pins back and forth. The winning team is the one that completes the task first.

2. Relay race “Walk and don’t drop”

Two children, standing, facing each other, without using their hands, hold the ball between their chests and try to walk to the pin and return back.

3. Relay race "Running with three balls"

At the starting line, the first participant conveniently takes 3 balls. At the signal, he runs with them to the turning flag and places the balls near it. It comes back empty. The next participant runs empty to the lying balls, picks them up, returns with them back to the team and, not reaching 1 meter, places them on the ground.

4. Relay race “Carry the water”.

It is necessary to transfer water from a bucket to a basin using a glass, while jumping over hoops.

5. Relay race “Crossing”.Run to the pin; put the hoop through yourself and run back.

Presenter: Well done guys, you completed the tasks, and now you and I will have a little rest and play a game:"Not really".

Porridge delicious food

Is this useful to us? (Yes)

Green onions sometimes

Are children useful to us? (Yes)

Dirty water in a puddle

Is it useful to us sometimes? (No)

Cabbage soup is great food

Is this useful to us? (Yes)

Fly agaric soup always

Is this useful to us? (No)

Fruits are simply beautiful!

Is this useful to us? (Yes)

Sometimes dirty berries

Is it healthy to eat, kids? (No)

A ridge of vegetables grows.

Are vegetables healthy? (Yes)

Juice, compote sometimes

Are they useful to us, children? (Yes)

Eat a bag of big candies

Is this harmful, kids? (Yes)

Only healthy food

Always on our table! (Yes)

Teacher: And now our wonderful athletes will take a lap of honor.

A march sounds. Lap of honor.

Teacher: Today there are no losers at our competitions - everyone has won, because the competitions helped children make friends with sports. Friendship won. And friendship, as we know, begins with a smile. So let's give each other and our guests the kindest smile we can and sing a song.

Song "Smile"

Teacher: - This is where our competition ends. We thank the charming teams and their teachers who prepared with them for their active participation; viewers for their support. Thanks to everyone, everyone who came to us with a good mood and a kind attitude towards children.

Sportsentertainment « Merrystarts»

Vmiddle group

Program content :

1. To attract children to a healthy lifestyle through sports entertainment.

2 . Develop interest in sports games, improve children's health.

3. Develop speed, dexterity, and the ability to independently complete a task.

4. Foster collectivism, the ability to play in a team, and empathy.

Inventory :

2 balls, 2 hoops, 2 rattles, skittles, flags, dice, steering wheel, emblems for each team, prizes for each player.

Progress of the event:

Host: Guys, you need to do physical exercise and sports, as people become stronger and healthier.

To the sports ground

We invite everyone now

Celebration of sports and health

It starts with us.

Host: Sports, guys, everyone needs it

We are close friends with sports

Sport is a helper,

Sport – health,

Sport is a game.

To all participants - PHYSICAL HURRAY!


    To be strong and dexterous

We need to be friends with the sun.

Get up earlier than everyone else in the morning

And do exercises.

    We all love physical education

We love to run and jump.

We also love to wash our faces

We love to sing and play songs.

    To grow and harden

Not by days, but by hours.

Do physical exercise

We need to study.

    So as not to deal with diseases,

Don't go to doctors

To become strong and brave

Fast, dexterous and skillful,

We need to harden ourselves from childhood

And do exercises.

Everyone loves physical education

And be friends with sports.

Host: To be healthy means not to get sick, to play sports, to toughen up. And don’t sit still, move more often.

Host: Children, today we invite you to go on a journey. And we'll go on what I'm thinking about now:

Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz,

A beetle is running down the street.

Wears rubber shoes

And it runs on gasoline (car)

Right! Today we will go on a trip by car. Show me how the car honks.

Imitation game “We are drivers.”

Now we will leave the car and sit on the bench.

Presenter: Today, teams of the most dexterous, quick-witted and intelligent guys will prove in a fair and open fight that they are worthy of the title “Champions!”

Presenter: Today on our site in the “Fun Starts” competition teams of middle school students are meeting.

Teams "Stars" and "Friendship".

Host: Team “Stars” is your motto?

- “We are Stars! We will always be ahead!”

Host: Team “Friendship” is your motto?

- “We have one rule: one for all and all for one!”

Presenter: We wish you all excellent success. May you not feel tired today and bring a lot of joy!

Host: Let's wish both teams success in the upcoming competitions and move on to our first competition, but before we start the competition, we'll do a warm-up.

Relay race.

Children stand in a column one at a time, the first one with a flag in his hands runs to the pin, runs around it and runs back, passing the flag to the next participant.

1. "Harvest"

(Each player takes a cube and runs forward, puts it in the hoop).

2. “Running with the ball”

(Each member of the team runs around the pin and passes the ball to the next one).

3. “Passing the ball over your head”

(At the signal, the children pass the ball over their heads to each other. The latter runs forward.)

4. “Running - cannonball flight”

(The ball is held between the knees. Jump to the pin, then pick up the ball and run, and pass it to the next one)

5. “Rolling the ball between the legs”

(Teams stand with their feet apart, the first one rolls the ball back, the last one presses it and runs forward, etc.)

Relay race “Who is faster?”

With a rattle in your hands, run a “snake” between the pins and pass the baton to the next participant.

Host: And now you guys and I will play a game.

A GAME low mobility "Friendship"

Children stand in a circle, hold hands and walk.

"We're going in circles,

We'll find ourselves a friend

We'll find ourselves a friend

Let's find ourselves a friend"

Leading: 1,2,3 - find yourself a friend!

Children are looking for who is faster than the pair. The one left without a pair is eliminated from the game.

Host: And now, guys, we will talk to you about vitamins.

“Vitamins are pills that grow on a branch”

You can help maintain health and not get sick with the help of vitamins. Have any of you taken vitamins? Vitamins make our body strong and healthy, resistant to disease. But vitamins come not only in tablets, they also grow on branches. A lot of vitamins are found in berries, fruits, and vegetables. Name what fruits do you know? Vegetables? Berries?

Host: And now, as a farewell to you guys, our order:

To grow up healthy, energetic and smart,

To drive away fatigue and laziness

Eat vitamins every day!

Don't be lazy to exercise early in the morning!

The sun, air and water always help us!

To strengthen your muscles, do physical exercises!

Vitamins are life!

Everyone needs to be friends with them!

You have no diseases!

I'll give you this advice:

Consume vitamins

And increase your health!

I never lose heart and have a smile on my face

Because I accept vitamins A, B, C!

Host: Well, our competition is over.

Presenter: Summing up. Presentation of prizes and gifts.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 4 of a combined type in Boksitogorsk"

Sportsentertainment « Merrystarts»


Prepared and conducted: teacher Semyonova N.P.

