Means for increasing lactation. Personal experience

Today, there are quite a few drugs, for example, tablets, teas and mixtures, which are designed to help a breastfeeding woman regulate the flow of “milk rivers” if necessary. But are they effective? Opinions differ on this matter, and this is due to the following reasons:

  1. The hormone is responsible for the presence, quantity and production of milk prolactin, which is produced as a result of frequent latching of the baby to the breast, irritation of the receptors of the filiform papillae and the nerve endings of the areola. If taking medications increases the amount of this hormone in the mother’s body, it is in very small quantities;
  2. the hormone is responsible for the relaxation of the milk ducts, and, accordingly, the nature of the flow of milk from them oxytocin. It is produced as a result of the mother’s emotional feelings during feeding, so its production decreases when there are sensations of pain (for example, due to the presence of cracks in the nipples), and increases under favorable circumstances - the baby’s hugs, painless sucking and even the baby’s crying.

But it is impossible to say that tablets, teas and lactogenic mixtures are useless, because in this case they would not be so popular and would not have rave reviews from breastfeeding women.


The desire to breastfeed a baby does not always coincide with the capabilities of the mother’s body. Unfortunately, lactic crisis or hypogalactia can appear either immediately after birth or after some time, during which the mother successfully fed the baby breast milk. And if more conservative methods, for example, frequently putting the baby to the breast and drinking plenty of fluids, do not help, it is necessary to resort to specialized pills designed to meet the needs of a woman during this period to increase lactation.

The most well-known drugs are the following:

  • Mlekoin is a homeopathic medicine that stimulates the production of breast milk. It is indicated for prolonging the feeding period, increasing milk supply and as a prophylactic against mastitis. Due to the low concentration of the active substance (due to safety measures for mother and child), the main principle of action is placebo effect– therapeutic suggestion;
  • Appilac is a biogenic stimulant, the main component of which is the dry matter of native royal jelly. It is recommended to take a course of 2 packages of the drug, and if necessary, extend it;
  • Lactogon is a dietary supplement that consists of carrot juice, nettle (see Nettle for breastfeeding), dill, oregano, ginger and royal jelly. Also contains vitamin C and iodine. It is recommended to take 1 tablet with meals 3-4 times a day.

Teas and blends

Lactogonic teas and fortified milk formulas for mothers are also considered to increase lactation. The most popular granulated teas are:

  • BIO-tea HiPP Natal – based on the herbs of anise, fennel, caraway and lemon verbena;
  • Vevi – based on herbal mixture;
  • Humana – based on herbal and fruit collection with a vitamin complex;
  • Grandmother's basket - anise, caraway, nettle, clover and lemon balm.

The effect of lactogonic teas is similar to a simple hot drink, but more beneficial and fortified. They also have a relaxing and calming effect.

Powdered milk and soy formulas, which are milkshakes, also help increase the amount of breast milk and also have a beneficial effect on its composition and fat content. Examples of such drugs are Olympic, Femilak, Enfa-mama, Milky Way, etc. they contain protein and fat components, vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, D, etc., as well as micro- and macroelements. The recommended dose for consumption is 1 glass of the prepared drink per day; it is noteworthy that it is recommended to drink it every day at the same time, preferably in the first half of the day.

Breastfeeding is a natural process that is sometimes disrupted. There are many reasons for this, one of them is hypogalactia (decreased volume or duration of lactation). But what if a nursing mother wants to continue breastfeeding? How to establish this process without harm to the child?

There are various methods to increase lactation. More on this below.

Reasons for decreased lactation

Primary hypogalactia is a deficiency of milk from the first days; it occurs rarely, in no more than 5% of women due to neuroendocrine disorders.

In other cases, lactation decreases for the following reasons:

  1. A woman does not have the dominant feature of lactation - the conviction that breast milk is the best nutrition (a psychological problem).
  2. Unbalanced diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  3. Stressful conditions.
  4. Long pauses between feedings.
  5. Early introduction of artificial nutrition.
  6. Feeding a newborn on a schedule, not on demand.

All these conditions are dangerous and threaten a sharp decrease in breast milk production.

Another danger is that can arise during the first six months after childbirth. In a nursing mother, the amount of breast milk periodically decreases and increases. This is explained by the fact that the child grows, his appetite increases sharply, and the mother’s body simply does not have time to adapt to such changes. It is during this period that hormonal imbalance occurs, which affects milk volume.

To maintain and improve lactation, it is necessary to calculate the lactation crisis and try to feed the baby more often. To improve lactation, use various herbs, folk remedies and biologically active drugs.

Symptoms of low breast milk

Hypogalactia is determined by the child’s behavior; the main symptoms are:

  • the baby slowly gains weight (less than 500 g per month);
  • decreased daily urine volume (urinating less than 6 times in 24 hours);
  • the newborn is restless, especially during feeding.

It is based on these signs that a decrease in milk volume in a nursing mother is calculated. If you suspect hypolactia, then conduct a study, to do this, weigh the child for 24 hours before and after feeding, write down the data.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, then it is necessary to act. To improve lactation, increase the number of feedings per day. If the problem is of psychological origin, then consultation with a specialist is necessary. Herbs and a balanced diet also help cope with the problem.

Products to increase lactation

The nutritional value of a lactating woman's diet should be about 2400 kcal, which is 800–1000 kcal more than usual. The daily diet of a nursing mother includes lean poultry, sea fish, and dairy products. You can't do without vegetables and fruits. As for butter, the daily portion should not exceed 20 g. It is important to strictly observe the ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

The daily volume of liquid is at least 2 liters, it is better if it is ordinary filtered water. If you drink too much liquid, the milk will contain less protein and vitamins. And therefore it is necessary to adhere to the norm.

If a woman consumes large amounts of sugar, confectionery and flour products during lactation, the amount of protein in milk will decrease. And newborns need proteins for normal development.

Make sure there is a problem before increasing your milk supply. To do this, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

To increase lactation, avoid the following foods and drinks:

  • chocolate;
  • tonic drinks (coffee, strong tea);
  • citrus;
  • mushrooms;
  • cocoa;
  • alcohol.

Due to onions, garlic and spices, milk acquires an unpleasant taste, and the baby may refuse several feedings.

To increase milk production, drink weak tea with honey. But watch the dosage, as honey is considered an allergen. Drink the drink 30 minutes before feeding.

Do not give up meat, chicken broths, hard cheeses, seeds and fermented milk products.

Specialized products that increase lactation:

  • Femilak is a dry mixture containing vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and taurine.
  • Enfa-mama is a dry mixture with a similar composition, but without taurine.
  • Dumil Mama + is a dry milk product with similar ingredients without taurine.
  • Olympic is a dry mixture with vitamins and soy protein.
  • Milky Way is a milk mixture with soy protein isolate and goat's rue extract.

All these products saturate the mother’s body with minerals, microelements, multivitamins, and correct the diet in terms of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Folk remedies to increase lactation

You can fight hypolactia with the help of folk remedies. During breastfeeding, use herbs to prepare medicinal decoctions.

To improve lactation, prepare the following drinks:

  • Pour 8 g of dandelion (root) into 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew. Consume 4 times a day before meals.
  • Nettle is an excellent milk extractor. Pour 25 g of dried herb leaves into 200 ml of boiling water, strain after 20 minutes and consume 30 ml three times a day.
  • Pour 40 g of cumin with boiling water (300 ml), strain and take 100 ml three times a day.
  • Pour 50 g of dill with boiled water (300 ml), let it brew, strain after 20 minutes and take 100 ml three times a day.
  • To increase milk production, drink 200 ml of birch sap 30 minutes before meals.
    These remedies help fight hypogalactia in the mother. It is necessary to obtain a doctor's permission to use traditional recipes. After all, many herbs are allergens.

Effective means to increase lactation:

  • Boil carrots in milk, divide it into 3 servings and consume three times a day. Repeat the procedure every day for 2 weeks.
  • Eat green onions daily.
  • Mix 50 g of cumin fruits with sour cream (120 g), place on low heat and boil for 3 minutes. Consume the entire serving at once.

These are not all folk recipes that help fight hypolactia. Be sure to consult your doctor about the possibility of using this or that product.

Drugs to increase lactation

Sometimes folk recipes do not help cope with hypolactia, or a nursing mother does not have time to prepare infusions and decoctions. Then medications to increase milk production come to the rescue.

When taking medications and medicinal drinks, follow your diet; this is the only way to increase your milk volume. Effective drugs:

  • Lactogone with royal jelly, dill, ginger, nettle, oregano, etc.
  • Apicaltin based on pollen and royal jelly helps fight hypolactic acid. To avoid unpleasant symptoms, take medications containing bee products under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Lactavit is an effective preparation with cumin, fennel, nettle and anise. Strong herbs have a beneficial effect on the mother’s body; with their help, lactation increases.
  • Apilak is a preparation based on royal jelly, which contains various vitamins and microelements.
  • Mlekoin is a homeopathic medicine that stimulates the production of prolactin, necessary to improve lactation. Homeopathic remedies are safe for children.

When lactation has improved, the question arises of maintaining this state.

Therefore, lactating women must adhere to the following rules:

  • Watch your diet.
  • Follow the regime, the minimum duration of sleep per day is 8 hours.
  • Walk for 3-4 hours.
  • Be sure to put your baby to your breast at night so as not to disrupt the production of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for increasing lactation.
  • Consume fermented milk products.
  • Take multivitamin complexes.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Relax while feeding.

If these rules are followed, lactation should recover and even improve. If the situation does not change as a result of using all these methods, consult your doctor.

Nursing mothers often worry about the lack of breast milk and strive to increase its quantity by all possible means. They often choose drugs that increase lactation, believing that this is the most effective and safest method. What products are recommended to improve breast milk production, and how to take them correctly?

Popular drugs

Modern pharmacology presents a wide selection of drugs aimed at increasing lactation. Among them are homeopathic remedies and teas. Breastfeeding experts highlight a list of drugs that are safer and more effective.


An absolutely safe product created on the basis of royal jelly. It is used for hypolactation, decreased immunity or neurological disorders, which are often observed after childbirth. The drug does not cause any adverse reactions unless there is an individual intolerance to bee products. Manufacturers of Apilak recommend taking it three times a day, 1 tablet for 15 days. Do not exceed the dosage and duration of use.


A drug to stimulate lactation. A distinctive feature is the natural composition of plant origin, which includes agnus cactus, meadow lumbago and stinging nettle. The active ingredients enhance milk production, normalize sleep and improve blood flow. The homeopathic medicine is available in granules, which must be taken 15 minutes before meals. The peculiarity of Mlekoin is the ability to take it throughout the entire period of breastfeeding.

Skeptics argue that the effectiveness of such a drug is due to the “placebo effect,” that is, the normalization of lactation occurs due to self-hypnosis, and not under the influence of the drug.


An effective biological supplement, the effect of which is aimed at stimulating lactation. The drug contains nettle, dill, royal jelly and carrot juice. Take the supplement according to the instructions - 1 tablet three times a day.


Powder for preparing a drink that stimulates breast milk production. The active ingredients of the drug: whey, minerals, vegetable oils and powdered cow's milk. The drink saturates the body with useful microelements and vitamins and increases lactation.


HIPP tea for nursing mothers includes a complex of herbs that have a beneficial effect on lactation: cumin, lemon balm, nettle, anise and fennel. This tool has its advantages. First of all, this is an additional supply of fluid to the body, which stimulates milk production. In addition, the plant components in the tea stimulate lactation. The manufacturers of the drug recommend drinking tea twice a day.


Despite the natural composition of drugs to increase lactation, there are several contraindications to their use:

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug (plants or bee products).
  • The presence of diseases of the endocrine system, in particular Addison's disease.

Side effects

Sometimes medications to stimulate breast milk production cause side effects. A common negative phenomenon is an allergic reaction, which is expressed in skin rashes, stool disturbances, deterioration in general well-being and other manifestations. All symptoms can be observed in both the nursing mother and the baby. Stop taking the dietary supplement at the first warning signs.

In some cases, drugs provoke sleep disorders - insomnia or constant drowsiness. In this case, reduce the dosage of the drug or stop taking it altogether.

Each woman makes the decision to take medications to stimulate lactation individually. In some cases, such drugs serve as good “psychological support”, which activates the synthesis of breast milk. Remember, the only effective way to increase lactation is to frequently and correctly attach the baby to the breast. If you do not follow this rule, no medications will help.

We can say that every woman dreams of becoming a mother. And for her child, every mother wants only the best: first - only quality food, later - good toys, then - an excellent education...

As soon as the baby is born, the mother tries to spend as much time as possible with him.

And nothing can compare with that feeling of happiness, unity with the little life of the dearest person, like the process of breastfeeding.

In addition, it is through breast milk that the baby will receive from the mother all the beneficial substances he needs. Exactly with breast milk The first formation of the baby's future immunity occurs. Therefore, new mothers are very worried if they cannot feed their baby on their own.

So what should those mothers do who do not have milk or have it, but not in sufficient quantity for the baby? Should I immediately run for the mixture? And transfer the baby to artificial feeding? Not necessary. In fact, there are many ways that can help improve lactation: these are special massages, and special herbal teas, and, of course, medications - tablets to increase lactation. This is exactly what we will talk about in our article.

How to tell if you really don't have enough milk

Anxiety that not enough milk is being produced is present in almost every mother. And the fear of this is a fact support many points:

  • Restless behavior of the baby;
  • Lack of sensation of milk coming in (breast swelling);
  • Increasing the intensity of sucking (the baby requires the breast more and more often).

Lack of breast milk (hypolactation) - what is it?

Scientifically, this is called hypolactation. Hypolactation is not a disease. This is simply a personal feature of the female body, in which the ability to produce breast milk is weakened or completely eliminated.

Hypolactation can be primary or secondary:

  • Primary hypolactation- it can occur during the first week (sometimes 10 days) after birth. It is detected in only less than 3% of women. How it is expressed: it is either a complete absence of milk (agalactia) or a lack of it. Among the reasons why primary hypolactation is possible are hormonal imbalances, endocrine problems, and neuropsychiatric disorders. In some cases, this disorder can be corrected by taking pills - hormonal medications.
  • Secondary hypolactation- it appears as a result of inflammation (the same mastitis, or flu, accompanied by high fever), during which breastfeeding was temporarily interrupted. In addition to illness, secondary hypolactation can be a reaction to an incorrect breastfeeding process: incorrect and single attachments, insufficient night feedings of the child, the use of pacifiers or nipples. This type of hypolactation can be corrected if you simply get rid of mistakes made when feeding your baby.

False hypolactation

There is another type of hypolactation - false hypolactation. In this case, the woman produces milk in the required quantity, however, she is firmly convinced that it is not enough. In this case, you can simply find out whether the baby has enough milk and continue breastfeeding the newborn as usual.

How to make sure that hypolactation is false:

  • Conduct a “wet diaper” test - if the baby pees about 10-12 times a day, then there is no need to worry - he has enough milk.
  • Bowel movements occur quite often: in the first months of life, the baby “walks around” often; by the second month of life, the frequency decreases, but it still happens on average 3-4 times a day.
  • The baby often demands the breast - breast milk is absorbed almost completely and quite quickly, so if the baby asks for the breast twice an hour, this is normal.
  • The frequency of sucking has increased - if the newborn begins to ask for the breast more often and suck longer - this is how “growth spurts” demonstrate themselves, in this case there is no need to worry.
  • The sucking regime has changed - the baby begins to ask for the breast more often, but quickly gets full - the baby is growing, so he needs less and less time to eat all the milk.
  • The child has become capricious - this is not necessarily a manifestation of a lack of milk. In fact, there can be many reasons for this: colic in the tummy, fatigue, and the desire to receive an additional portion of mother’s attention.
  • The baby happily supplements with formula after sucking - this does not mean that the mother has less milk, but rather that supplemental feeding with formula will reduce the frequency of natural lactation.
  • Milk does not “leak” from the breast - this only indicates that the woman’s body has adapted to breastfeeding and began to produce as much milk as the baby needs.

Review of drugs for lactation

So, if a doctor diagnoses that a woman is not producing enough milk and recommends pills to increase lactation, which drugs are most well known:

  • Apilak;
  • Lactogone;
  • Mlekoin.

In addition to lactation tablets, there are also specialized teas that can also help:

  • “Grandma’s Basket”;
  • HiPP;
  • Humana;
  • Lactavit.

What to choose should be decided by the doctor, based on the health status of the mother and baby.

Here we will look at a brief description of tablets to increase lactation.


Apilak- these are the most famous pills to increase lactation.

Apilak is a biogenic stimulant. Biogenic stimulants are substances of plant or animal origin that have an activating effect on various organs (organ systems) in the body.

Ingredients of the drug: royal jelly (in dry matter).

Excipients: lactose (monohydrate), talc, potato starch, calcium stearate.

Indications for use of the drug Apilak:

  • Lactation disturbance - to increase it;
  • Eating disorder (hypotrophy);
  • Anorexia (lack of appetite) in infants and children;
  • Hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • Loss of appetite in convalescents;
  • Seborrhea (disruption of the sebaceous glands of the face);
  • Neurotic disorders.


  • Individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug (contraindicated for people allergic to bee products);
  • Adrenal gland dysfunction.

The drug Apilak is available in the form of tablets, powder, and suppositories.


Another popular remedy for increasing lactation.

Ingredients: carrot juice, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), royal jelly, nettle, oregano, ginger, dill, potassium iodide.

Excipients: oats, potato starch, calcium stearate, sugar, polyvinylpyrrolidone.

Release form: tablets, tea. The composition of tea is slightly different, but the herbs included in its composition (oregano, fennel, lemon balm, nettle) also have a lactogenic effect.

Indications for use of the drug Lactogon:

  • If there is insufficient milk production in lactating women;
  • As an additional source of iodine and vitamin C.


  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Diabetes.

Tablets to increase lactation Lactogon are prescribed with caution to people who have problems with the thyroid gland.


This drug is homeopathic remedy, is available in the form of granules.

Composition of the drug:

  • The main active ingredient is meadow lumbago - it helps to increase vascular tone, which leads to improved milk flow during feeding;
  • Vitex sacred - stimulates the mammary glands to produce milk;
  • Stinging nettle - has a similar effect on stimulating breast milk production.

Additional substances included in the drug: sucrose.

Indications for use:

  • To increase lactation (with early and late hypogalactia);
  • With agalactia;
  • As a prophylactic against congestion in the mammary glands (prevention of mastitis and mastopathy during breastfeeding).

Contraindications: individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects:

  • Allergic reactions may occur;
  • Reduced lactation at the beginning of treatment.

While using the drug Mlekoin, it is not recommended to consume coffee and nicotine-containing substances - they will reduce the effectiveness of this drug.

So anyway: is it necessary to take pills to increase lactation or not?

Tablets to increase lactation Is it just a placebo or do they really help? This question worries not only mothers who have already given birth, but also expectant mothers who try to find the answer to it in advance.

Perhaps the whole point is that by taking some medications that help increase breast milk production, the baby’s mother will feel much more confident.

And in general, there are many misconceptions associated with taking lactogonic drugs:

  • Misconception number 1: pills to increase lactation must be taken by all nursing mothers, without exception. In fact, this is not so: most women managed to feed their children without any medications or homeopathic remedies. Some women used drugs only in crisis situations with lactation and managed to maintain breastfeeding.
  • Misconception number 2: lactation enhancement pills will increase breast milk synthesis. In fact, the level of breast milk synthesis depends only on the production of hormones - prolactin and oxytocin. And lactogonic agents have absolutely no effect on hormone levels.
  • Misconception number 3: drugs to increase lactation are absolutely safe - this is both yes and no. These products contain only natural ingredients, however, no one can guarantee that any of them will not cause an allergic reaction.
  • Misconception number 4: when taking pills, there is no risk of “burnout” of breast milk. But first, let’s clarify that in fact the concept of “burnt milk” has nothing to do with physiology. Even if the child does not have enough of it, or there is no pumping or latching of the baby to the breast, it will remain for 40 days. It is possible to restore lactation completely, even if there has been no natural feeding for some time.
  • Misconception number 5: Pills to increase lactation will help prolong the duration of breastfeeding. In fact, the best way to increase lactation is to put your baby to the breast frequently.

Well, as a small conclusion: a decrease or increase in lactation during breastfeeding is usually a physiological process, the stability of which will be given by the presence in the life of a young mother of positive emotions and impressions, good and nutritious nutrition and, of course, rest. Therefore, before you run to the pharmacy for pills, think about whether you really need them? In any case, no matter what decision you make about taking pills, a preliminary consultation with your doctor will be the best decision. Be healthy!

Often women have problems with breastfeeding, for example, when the baby stops latching or, even worse, there is not enough milk for the baby. But often these conclusions are wrong. What are the signs that a child really does not have enough nutrition, in what cases is a mother mistaken about the amount of her milk, what techniques and means exist to increase breast milk lactation?

An observant mother will not miss signs of lack of milk. They are quite visible. So, mommy may note that the baby rarely has to change disposable diapers. In the first days of a child’s life, while he is feeding on colostrum, there may be only 1-3 urinations. Afterwards more - up to 6-8 per day. And after the 10th day of life, their number grows to 10-12, no less. Since disposable diapers can absorb a lot, it is not so easy to find out the number of times your baby urinates. You need to resort to cunning. Either look at diapers very often, weigh them, or buy diapers that have a control strip on the front that changes color when the hygiene product gets wet. Did you see the stripe? Change your diaper and count it in your calculations.

The number of bowel movements a child has per day is not so indicative, but can also be taken into account. From about 5-7 days after birth, infants mostly have bowel movements 2-5 times a day. Their stool has a mushy or watery consistency.

All these rules must be followed and attempts must be made to restore normal lactation. To do this, you should eat right, get plenty of rest, feed your baby often, and drink plenty of fluids yourself.

What liquid is better to drink? Popular rumor usually talks about special teas for lactation and cow's milk. And doctors recommend plain water. Be sure to either boiled or bottled. Not from the tap! As for cow's milk, it should be consumed in moderation. A large amount of cow's milk in a mother's diet will almost certainly provoke cow protein intolerance in the child. It is better to consume fermented milk products, but in moderation. If you are concerned about a lack of calcium in your body, eat more fresh greens and vegetables, they are also very high in calcium. Or drink special mixtures for nursing mothers (similar to those for children).

Some women like to use herbal tea for nursing mothers to quench their thirst, containing aromatic herbs: anise, dill and fennel. Many people notice the positive effect of drinking this drink. However, modern doctors believe that this is not due to the lactogenic properties of tea, but simply to the fact that a woman begins to drink more and generally follow recommendations for increasing lactation.

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the fact that there are foods that increase lactation, and these traditionally include walnuts, carrot juice, just raw carrots and milk. As for milk, we have already written earlier. But carrots are good for the mother’s body, but you shouldn’t get too carried away with them in order to avoid an allergic reaction on the part of the child.

Drugs are actively advertised to increase milk production in nursing mothers. These are dietary supplements containing the previously mentioned anise, fennel and dill, as well as royal jelly. For example, "Apilak". Before you start taking any dietary supplement, carefully read the instructions. Any drug can provoke allergies in you and your child and cause sleep disturbances for your baby.

It has been proven that only drugs to increase lactation that have undergone a number of studies on effectiveness and safety can stimulate the mammary glands. But these don't exist yet. Unless “Oxytocin” is a hormone that is injected into women in maternity hospitals to quickly restore (contract) the uterus. It causes breast milk to be released. But these injections are recommended to be given for a maximum of 3 days, as they have many side effects, including causing the appearance of postpartum edema. And of course, they should not be used independently for lactation.

We hope we have been able to answer most of your questions regarding successful breastfeeding. Breastfeeding a baby is not difficult at all. Listen to the advice of lactation consultants and ignore those who say you can't do it.
