Products and masks for dry, curly, unruly hair. Quality care for curly and wavy hair

Curly hair is beautiful, sexy and always stylish. But caring for them is not as easy as straight ones. For this reason, many beauties constantly complain about their natural curls and try to straighten them all the time so that it is easy to comb, wash, and care for them.

In fact, with curls there really is a lot more hassle. But only if you don't know how to handle them. The easiest way to “tame” curly locks is to regularly make masks for curly hair at home.

There are a number of masks created exclusively for curls and serving different purposes: nutrition, moisturizing, lamination and even straightening. Let's figure out what's what.

Curls get very tangled and often dry out, which leads to split ends and loss of natural, healthy shine. At the roots they often have a kind of greasy coating, while the ends break from a lack of vitamins and minerals.

Unlike store branded products, home remedies contain only natural ingredients, and this guarantees the safety of your hair and maximum benefits from the procedure (of course, if you do not make a mask from something you are allergic to).

Oil masks

In principle, almost all masks for curly hair contain oil. It makes the mass more pliable for application, and is also well absorbed into the hair and produces a beneficial effect. But there are remedies that are essentially just applying oil to your hair. For curls, they are one of the most effective and quickly effective. Let's talk about them now.

There are many oils and they are all equally used as masks.

  • Shea Butter;
  • Olive;
  • Burdock;
  • Almond;
  • Peach;
  • Linen;
  • Avocado oil;
  • Cocoa;
  • Coconut.

Here is an incomplete list of the most important oils that can restore strength and elasticity to your hair. If you don’t like to mess around with different ingredients, just make it a rule to apply oil at night every three days, and wash it off with shampoo in the morning if you have severely damaged hair.

If the problems are minor or you just want to nourish them, it will be enough to use such products an hour before washing your hair.

However, it is worth warning that low-quality oils, for example, burdock, can be difficult to wash off, and linseed oil is difficult to wash off clothes, and even makes the bath very slippery if you wash your hair there.

For maximum effectiveness, before applying, add vitamin E or A to the oil, and you can add others that you like and need.


A mixture of avocado and Shea butter will help nourish your curls with a mask for curly hair at home before winter frosts. Take 50 ml of oil and one avocado, mashed. Combine and apply directly to hair without touching roots. Put on a shower cap for half an hour, then rinse off.

A chocolate-based mask perfectly nourishes and makes curls manageable, giving them a natural, rich color. You will need:

  • Half a bar of chocolate;
  • 1 teaspoon cognac;
  • 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil.

Melt the chocolate, combine with butter. Wash your hair with shampoo after 15 minutes.

Another recipe with chocolate:

A nourishing zucchini mask is made as follows. Grind 200 grams of zucchini and squeeze the juice out of the mixture. Add half a glass of milk and a little butter (any kind). Then apply to hair and rinse after 20 minutes.


A mixture of any dairy products will save dry curls. Take yogurt, kefir, milk or even sour cream, add a couple of drops of any oil, if desired, and apply to your hair. Just the mixture should be at room temperature, not cold.

After 30 minutes you can wash it off. Repeat the procedure three times every 10 days to fully saturate your hair, then it will stop splitting, breaking and looking dry.


The laminating mask makes the curls shiny and manageable, the hairs lie one to one and do not get tangled, the unpleasant lumps that worry owners of curly hair disappear, and a beautiful, iridescent shine appears.

The simplest gelatin-based mask. Dissolve it in cold water, a tablespoon of gelatin per glass of water is enough, then heat it to 60 degrees and add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.

After adding vinegar, mix until smooth and apply to hair. Put on a shower cap and wrap it in a towel to keep the mask warm. After half an hour you can wash it off.


Homemade masks for curly hair can also straighten it. A few simple recipes will help you straighten your curls. Choose the one that is closest to you and use it for a certain time. It is not recommended to mix these products; they have a similar effect, but it is better if you stick to one chosen one.

  • Combine one packet of henna with cold water in such an amount that it turns out like thick sour cream. Distribute it on your hair and walk with it for an hour;
  • Mix equal amounts of cognac with chamomile infusion. Hold for 20 minutes;
  • Mix vinegar (preferably apple cider vinegar) with water in equal proportions, add a little burdock or some other oil and apply to hair for 20 minutes.

It is important to note that the hair will not straighten the first time. This is a long process of making the curls heavier. After about a week, you can notice the first effect.

In order for the mask to be well absorbed and give the desired result, you need to adhere to several basic rules when using them:

  • Make masks only from natural products that you are confident in. Chemicals and various additives can ruin everything and have an adverse effect. If you want to try a product with stronger (non-natural) ingredients and additives, just buy it in the store;
  • Mix all ingredients until smooth. It is advisable that the mass does not have any lumps, as they will get tangled in the hair and will be more difficult to wash;
  • Apply the mask only to dirty strands, so it will be better absorbed and saturate your hair with all the necessary substances;
  • You need to rinse off first with plain water and then with shampoo. Curly hair often gets tangled even when washing your hair, so you can thoroughly wash off the mask only with shampoo.

The frequency of applying masks should not exceed three times every 10 days. It's enough. Make masks every three days and then your curls will be shiny and silky, strong and elastic.

Girls with curly hair, beautiful curls flowing over their shoulders, look very stylish. No wonder there are many ways to curl your hair. Such shapes give the hair volume, lightness and liveliness. A hair mask for curly hair, which requires special care due to its structure, is very helpful in caring for curls.

Curls are difficult to comb, they become tangled, and cannot be styled beautifully. In addition, the hair is very hard and dry. Therefore, you need to take the time to take advantage of a curly hair mask to smooth and hydrate your hair.

Advantages and disadvantages of curly hair

Owners of curly hair face similar troubles:

  • curls are difficult to comb;
  • grow slowly;
  • frizzy (we recommend an effective anti-frizz hair mask);
  • curls, oily at the roots, dry near the ends;
  • split and break.

Curly hair needs care every day. Hair moisturizing masks will help improve the structure of your curls, making them manageable, elastic and shiny. Such hair should not be blow-dried or straightened with curling irons; it is also not recommended to wash it more often than once every two days.

Another problem with curls is their sensitivity to air humidity, so any hairstyle very soon turns into a fluffy ball.

In what cases are masks used for curly hair?

It's time to use masks if you have problems:

  • dandruff (an anti-dandruff mask will help combat this disease);
  • hair loss;
  • curls look dull, exhausted;
  • split ends;
  • hair growth has slowed down or stopped;
  • if necessary, straighten curls.
  1. In order for the product to be better absorbed into the hair, you need to apply it to unwashed hair and put a shower cap on your head.
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until smooth.
  3. Apply the mask no more than once every 10 days.
  4. To wash off the composition, use shampoo so that the components do not remain among the curls.

At home, masks for curly hair help strengthen curls, saturate them with vitamins, and make them manageable and shiny. But you need to decide what specific result you want to achieve by using a certain remedy. There are many recipes that differ in their direct effect: softening, nutrition, straightening, growth stimulation and others.

Recipes for Moisturizing Curly Hair

    Vitamin mask
    Mix two large spoons of castor oil and olive oil, a little liquid honey, raw yolk until smooth, then add the juice of half a lemon. To further fortify the composition, mix it with one capsule of vitamin E and ten capsules of vitamin A. Apply the mixture to your hair, then wrap it with film. Wash off after half an hour.

    Creamy luxury
    Mix a tablespoon of castor oil and olive oil with the yolk and heavy sour cream. After achieving homogeneity of the mixture, apply to hair. Remove the product with shampoo.

Recipes to Nourish Dry Frizzy Hair

If your curls look like straw and are also split at the ends, masks for dry curly hair will help. If you only have dry ends, then use masks for dry hair ends according to these recipes.

    A two-step mask will solve the problem of dry curly hair.
    Mix aloe gel and onion juice in equal proportions. Rub the mixture into the hair roots and leave for about half an hour, but do not rinse.

    Now you need to prepare the second mask. To do this, mix a tablespoon of warm honey with two large spoons of homemade sour cream or cream, pour a teaspoon of olive and castor oil into the mixture. Place the mask on top of the first one and distribute throughout the curls.

    The mask works for at least an hour, then you need to thoroughly wash your curls with warm water and shampoo.

    Mask with honey and oils- the most effective product for dry curly curls, which has nourishing and moisturizing properties, saturating the hair along the entire length with vitamins and microelements.

    Mix the required amount of liquid honey with any oil in a 4:1 ratio so that the mask is not very liquid. You can use one of the oils for the mask: olive, castor, sea buckthorn, which you have at home. But if you approach the issue of composing the product more responsibly, then expensive oils - coconut, argan or jojoba - will be most effective.

    Mix the mask and distribute over the entire length of the curls. Cover your head with film or a cap and let it act for an hour. Afterwards, wash off the composition with warm water and shampoo.

Such masks are the most popular and effective among a number of other products for caring for dry, curly hair. They have a nourishing, moisturizing effect on the hair structure, saturate it with vitamins and microelements.

Curly hair restoration technique

    Burdock root has an effective effect on hair if you use it as the basis of a mask for curly hair that has weakened, thinned and is falling out.

    Burdock mask can strengthen hair follicles, it helps especially well when hair begins to fall out:
    You will need 20 g of burdock roots (can be bought at a pharmacy), which must be finely chopped. Pour the resulting powder with water and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.

    There are two ways to use a burdock mask:
    - if the hair has slowed down or stopped growing altogether, or has turned grey, then it is recommended to rub a decoction of burdock root into the roots every other day;
    - for shine of curls and prevention of hair loss, use burdock decoction instead of rinse aid.

    To improve hair health and give it a beautiful shine, use a mayonnaise mask., which is incredibly easy to prepare at home.

    For 4 large spoons of mayonnaise you will need 4 tablespoons of olive oil and a chicken egg. All that remains is to mix the ingredients and apply to your hair. Leave on hair for 40 minutes, after which you need to remove the residue with warm water and shampoo.

Masks for straightening curly hair

    To straighten unruly curls, you can make a mask with gelatin.
    Open the gelatin sachet, pour the contents into a bowl and add a glass of water. After some time, the gelatin will swell, then carefully apply the mixture to your hair. The mask lasts for about half an hour, rinse with warm water.

    Apple cider vinegar or cognac helps straighten curls. Mix cognac and chamomile infusion in equal proportions. Apply the mixture strictly along the length of the hair, avoiding contact with the scalp.

    If you use apple cider vinegar for a mask, then you need to dilute it half and half with water, and also add a little olive oil. The head does not need to be covered with film. The mask is washed off after a quarter of an hour.

Curly hair causes a lot of discomfort to its owners. But if you take a little time and choose the appropriate mask, your curls will be transformed - they will become shiny and manageable.

Curly hair is a miracle of nature, more significant than sea waves or sand dunes. They cannot be explained by any physical laws, only genetic ones. Curls are a gift, and if you have this treasure, you need to show it care and love. We will learn products and masks for dry, curly, unruly hair from this publication.

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Photo gallery: Products and masks for dry, curly, unruly hair

Besides their curly virtues, they are very naughty. If your hair is very hard or too soft, then it is difficult to give the desired shape to this hair and you have to style it with gel or foam. Unruly hair cannot be called weak and unhealthy. Their waywardness concerns both the internal state and form. To defeat curly hair, you need to pamper it with gentle products and moisturizing masks to give it silkiness and soften it a little. Natural remedies will help with this, for example, white henna will make soft, dry hair stronger, and coarse hair will become soft. These products will help give curly locks a bouncy shape.

Products for curly hair Serious problems with unruly, curly hair are related not only to how to style it, but also to the health of such hair. If your hair has been permed, straightened, bleached or dyed at least once, then your hair is considered damaged. And if you do this regularly, then imagine the state they are in. The more often dry curly hair is dyed, the longer it takes to completely restore the sheath of the hair shaft.

The hair shaft is a trunk that is covered with scales; they fit tightly to each other. In winter, with high humidity, the hair swells and expands, due to the fact that the upper scaly shell is porous. The edges of the scales open, the gap between them increases, and various substances fall under these open scales, which damage the shell. Which is very dangerous for dry, curly, unruly hair, as the hair begins to break in several places or in a bend. To prevent this from happening, a protective film should be created on the surface of the hair. At the same time, protective products, if they are suitable for your hair type, keep the hair shell smooth. As a mandatory set of protective equipment, there should be: masks, balms and shampoos.

Shampoo for curly, unruly hair
To determine whether a particular shampoo is right for you, you need to study its components. Shampoo for dry hair requires moisturizing and softening, and should contain extracts of white lotus flower, cornflower, jojoba oil, and coconut oil extract. Thin, split hair needs protection and strengthening: sage, horseradish, papain. Avoid shampoos that add volume to your hair; they will only destroy curly hair. Since volumizing shampoos lift the scales, which leads to dehydration and compromises hair protection, or forms a film on the surface, as a result, each hair thickens, which in turn makes the hairstyle heavier. Either way, your damaged hair becomes very brittle.

Balm for curly dry hair
For hair, the main nourishing product is balm. It provides additional nutrition and, as it were, makes “patches” on the damaged hair shaft. It is not suitable for normal hair, it deprives the hair of volume and weighs down the hair. But weakened, unruly hair cannot do without balm.

Masks for curly hair
The masks form a protective film along the entire length of the hair shaft. But too high protection and intensity of treatment additionally damages fragile hair. Masks should be used once every 10 days.

During bad weather, you need to strongly protect curly, dry hair and use styling products. For example, a spray conditioner for curly, unruly hair is enriched with vitamins, fruit extracts, trace elements, and minerals. Modern sprays help create any curls and highlight natural ones. Cream for heavy curly hair and mousse for fine hair restore its elasticity and silkiness. Sprays for curly hair make hair light and airy.

Secrets of curly hair
Hair starting from 30 centimeters is considered long. Length is a problematic indicator, and such hair needs to be given great attention. When washing long hair, you need to push it back so that it does not break or get tangled. To wash, use a little shampoo and dilute this amount with water.

Masks for curly hair
Protects hair along its entire length. Cosmetologists advise applying nourishing masks to the entire length of the hair, and masks to improve elasticity should be applied at a distance of 10 centimeters from the roots. To make combing easier, you need to use a balm or conditioner after each wash.

Drying curly hair
For curly hair, natural drying is suitable. If you have time, it is better not to use a hair dryer; hot hair destroys the structure and dries out the hair. To remove the oily layer, wash your comb more often.

Dye for dry curly hair

Natural dyes from coffee, basma, henna, if not diluted incorrectly, which happens at home, can dry out your hair. Factory dyes make hair hard, and this deficiency takes a long time to cure. Better go with your natural color.

Styling curly hair
When your hair cannot be styled, it stands on its hind legs, showing its tough temper, and puffs up angrily, maybe this is for the best. Nowadays, “shaggy” originality is in fashion. If you want to style your hair, don't comb your hair while it's wet. Dry hair can easily be styled into complex hairstyles.

Cutting unruly curly hair
Trim the ends of your hair once every 3 months. This hair is very fragile and splits a lot.

Homemade masks for curly hair
To make your hair manageable and silky, shiny and healthy, pamper it with masks. You won't need to spend a lot of money or work. You just need to look in your refrigerator. There you will find everything that will help your hair.

Nourishing masks for curly dry hair

Zucchini mask
Squeeze the juice from the zucchini (150 or 200 grams). Add ½ cup of milk and 1 tablespoon of olive oil to the resulting juice. Mix until smooth and apply to hair. After 20 minutes we will wash it off.

Egg mask
Thoroughly mix 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of henna, 1 teaspoon of cognac, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and yolk. Apply the resulting mask for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Strengthening masks for brittle and dry curly hair
Banana mask

Mash a ripe banana with a fork. Add to it 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 3 tablespoons of sour cream. Apply the resulting mask to your hair and wrap your head in a plastic bag. After 20 minutes, wash your hair with a small amount of shampoo for curly, brittle hair.

Milk banana mask
Grind a ripe banana in a mixer, add 1 egg, 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 3 tablespoons of milk, and 3 tablespoons of natural bee honey, stir. Apply the resulting composition to your hair and leave for 25 or 30 minutes. Afterwards, wash your hair well with warm water.

Gelatin mask for curly, brittle hair
Dissolve 1 tablespoon of gelatin in 70 ml of water and leave for 40 minutes to swell. Then strain the gelatin through cheesecloth and add a drop of essential oils of sage, jasmine and 1 teaspoon of natural apple cider vinegar. Apply the resulting emulsion to your hair. Wash off with warm water after 15 minutes.

Moisturizing masks for dry curly hair

Moisturizing mask with vitamins
Take 1 capsule of vitamin E, 10 capsules of vitamin A, 2 tablespoons of honey, juice of ½ lemon, yolk, 2 tablespoons of castor oil and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Mix until smooth and apply this mask to your hair, wrap your head with plastic wrap. After half an hour, we will wash off the mask.

Moisturizing mask with sour cream
Beat 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of castor oil, egg with sour cream. Apply the mask for 30 minutes, rinse with a suitable shampoo that is suitable for your hair.

Avocado mask
Take ½ of a ripe avocado, grind it to a puree and mix it with 50 grams of almond oil and 50 grams of olive oil. Apply this composition along the entire length of the hair. We'll wash it off in half an hour.

Fruit mask

Pour 1 can of coconut milk into a food processor, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of bee honey, add chopped avocado and beat until smooth. Apply the mask for 15 or 20 minutes.

For shine on unruly curly hair

In order for your hair to have a healthy natural shine, you need to rinse it with the following composition after each wash: add 2 tablespoons of fruit vinegar to 1 liter of water, the vinegar must be natural.

Chocolate hair shine product
Mix 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil and 1 tablespoon of cocoa butter, add 1 teaspoon of cognac. Mix all ingredients and apply to hair. Let's insulate our heads. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask with shampoo and warm water. This mask strengthens curly hair and lifts your mood.

Now we know products and masks for dry, curly, unruly hair. Don't forget to pamper your unruly curly hair with masks that you like, and do them at least once a week. They will thank you for your care with their beautiful appearance.

About my hair: dry, porous, thin, unruly, curly, never dyed, twice cut into a bob.
Color: Light brown
How many years have I been growing: almost 4 years
What length do I want: currently 80 cm.
Length now: 64 cm.

I'll start with the background
As a child, I was very curly and my mother couldn’t comb my hair because I wouldn’t let her do it (it hurt me because it was always tangled).

Until I was 11 years old, I always went to school with braids, since it was the easiest way to tame my mane (and the hair from braids was straighter). I washed my hair with regular shampoo, I didn’t have any masks or balms, I combed my hair very hard, constantly pulling it.

And then one day during the summer holidays in Tiraspol (since it was terrible there), I begged my mother to cut my hair into a bob (I was about 11 years old at the time). This was a terrible mistake! I still regret it. It's a pity there are no photos. Back then I didn’t realize how beautiful my hair was. But I really liked this bob then, and I liked it so much that a couple of years later I repeated it in my city, but unsuccessfully. I still remember with a shudder my “stubs” of hair, my tears after this “haircut”. In the photo below they are already 4-5 centimeters wide. So imagine what happened before. Nightmare!

I started taking care of my hair only in 2012 at the end of my 2nd year at university. After my ends were trimmed, I went to the pharmacy and bought my first oil - jojoba oil. Then I found out that pharmaceutical oils are not of the best quality, and began to order them on the Internet.
My favorite companies: Workshop of Olesya Mustaeva and Spivak (but they are also not mega-natural).
I started restoring my hair with using oils. I've tried a ton of oils, there's no point in describing everything.
At the moment my favorites are from base oils are:
-coconut oil
-argan oil
-linseed oil
- Monoi de Tahiti oil
-broccoli oil
-Shea Butter
-cacao butter
-almond oil
-hemp oil
-jojoba oil
Favorite essential oils:
-beat (for growth)
- rosemary (for growth)
-cinnamon (for growth)

Homemade masks
When I started restoring my hair, I did oil masks 3-4 times a week, once a week I always left the mask on overnight. Now I do oil masks 2 times a week (and sometimes 1) before washing my hair and that’s enough for me.
It is advisable to leave oil masks on all night, but should only be applied to the length.
It is better not to keep such masks on the hair roots for more than 2 hours, as they can clog the pores, and as a result, hair loss will increase and hair will become greasy faster.
IMPORTANT: Essential oils should never be mixed with a metal spoon! Only wooden or, as a last resort, plastic.
The main thing is to do masks regularly and not to be lazy!

1. Coconut oil mask
We will need: coconut oil
I comb my hair, take a little oil (the melting point of the oil is 25˚), rub it in my palms and apply it to my hair with “squeezing” movements, as if pressing the oil into my hair (I apply it only to the length). I comb my hair with a comb so that the oil is better distributed throughout the hair (I do this for all oil masks). Next, I twist my hair into a bun, I put on a bag, a hat and go to bed (but more often I just braid my hair or make a bun, put a towel on the pillow and sleep like that). In the morning I wash everything off.
Lately that's all I've been doing.

2. Kefir mask
We will need:
- 1 glass of kefir (fattier is better)
- 7 drops lavender essential oil
- 7 drops sage essential oil
- sometimes I add cocoa
I heat the kefir in a water bath (you can heat it in the microwave), add essential oils to it and stir. I apply this mixture to the roots and the entire length of my hair, twist the bun, put on a bag, a hat and walk like this until I get tired of it (at least an hour, usually about 3 hours). Afterwards, I wash everything off with warm water and wash my hair as usual.
P.S. The mask is leaking.

3. Sour cream mask with cocoa
We will need:
- 1 glass of sour cream
- 7 drops lavender essential oil (or any other essential oil)
- cocoa powder
The principle is the same as with the kefir mask.
I heat the sour cream + cocoa in a water bath (you can heat it in the microwave), add essential oils to the mixture and stir. I apply the mask to the roots and length of my hair, twist the bun, put on a bag and a hat (I walk for about 3 hours). Afterwards, I wash everything off with warm water and wash my hair as usual.
P.S. The mask is leaking.

4. Egg mask with honey and aloe
As you know, how well the hair is formed in the follicle, the better the hair will be in the future. That is, you need to take good care of your scalp, drink vitamins, so that your hair is initially strong and healthy.
We will need:
- aloe pulp (or aloe gel)

- 2 tablespoons honey
- 2 yolks
- burdock oil (or any base oil)
- 7 drops ylang-ylang essential oil
- 6 drops rosemary essential oil

Mix aloe pulp or gel with honey, yolk, burdock oil, essential oil of ylang-ylang and rosemary + vitamins A and E. Apply the mixture to the hair roots, twist the bun, put on a bag and a cap.
I walk with it for an hour, then rinse it off with warm water and wash my hair as usual.

5. Supermix of oils
We will need:
- 2 tablespoons flaxseed oil
- cacao butter
- Shea Butter
- almond oil
- hemp oil
- jojoba oil
-walnut oil
-olive oil
-pumpkin oil
- essential oil of lavender, sage, rosemary (sometimes I also add patchouli and ylang-ylang)
Melt cocoa and shea butter in a water bath, when the mixture cools (barely warm), add oils: almond, hemp, jojoba, walnut, olive, pumpkin. Mix everything. Then add lavender, sage, patchouli and ylang-ylang oils (about 5 drops each). Mix again.
Apply to hair length for 2 hours (preferably 3, or overnight). The mask turns out to be very greasy, but the effect is amazing.

6. Sea buckthorn oil
For nutrition of hair roots I like to make a mask like this:
- sea buckthorn oil
- rosemary essential oil
- 1 teaspoon each vitamin A and E
I mix everything, apply the mask to the roots (you can also apply it to the length), put on the bag, cap and walk for an hour. Then I rinse with warm water and wash my hair as usual.
Be careful, sea buckthorn oil stains very well!

Girls, don’t expect miracles from oils after the first use! To see results, you need to use oils regularly (at least for two to three months). I used oils to restore my damaged hair from abuse for a very long time ( more than a year for sure). And for me personally, a small result appeared only after six months! But when I saw him, I was incredibly happy. The result was worth all my efforts.
Oils prevent splitting and brittleness. They provide, and do not treat, already damaged and split ends. Split hair only needs to be cut off and nothing else! And only then treat with oils and other means (more on this below)
IMPORTANT! If you have completely damaged hair on your head (improper lightening, dyeing, perm, hair burned with an iron, etc.), then NOTHING It won’t save your hair! There is only one way out - cut everything off and start growing.

7 steps for the beauty of your hair.
Now let's look at what the CORRECT care for our hair should be.
I think many people know, but I will still repeat that when caring for any type of hair, it is best to use multi-layered care, which should focus on nutrition(for example, oils), humidification(products containing: hyaluronic acid, d-panthenol, glycerin, aloe extract, betaine, marine collagen, etc., for example, spray from Librederm), restoration (products containing: proteins, keratin, collagen, elastin, etc., for example, lundenilona 3 in 1 night mask) and hair protection (products that contain: aminopropyl phenyl trimethicone, phenyl trimethicone, etc.) I will soon make a separate review about this.
So, first stage– hair cleansing. This includes shampoos.
Second stage– mask (balm, conditioner).
Third stage– ampoule care.
Fourth stage– sprays. They are needed for moisturizing, protecting hair from the sun, easy combing...
Fifth stage– milk (cream) for hair.
Sixth stage– oil (any leave-in), thermal protection for hair ends.
Seventh stage– a properly selected comb.
Below I will describe each stage in more detail.

My secrets for caring for curly hair:

1. Combing (7th step).
I wrote about how to comb your hair correctly in an article. I think I won’t repeat myself here again.

2. Proper hair washing.
I wash my hair upside down.
I believe that the correct way to wash your hair is this: first, I thoroughly wet my hair with warm water! water, then I pour shampoo into my palms, foam it and only then apply it to the roots! hair, gently massage the scalp (the foam flows down the hair, I don’t rub the hair itself!). Then I pour the shampoo into my palms again and repeat the procedure, that is I wash my hair twice(for the first time, dirt and styling products are washed off from the hair...). After this, I thoroughly rinse my hair from the shampoo with warm water, then gently squeeze the water out of my hair to apply the mask (balm, conditioner), wait the allotted time for the mask (balm, conditioner) to take effect and rinse my hair with cool water (with this action we close the hair scales , making our hair smooth and shiny).
But if I made greasy oil masks, or styled my hair with a lot of styling products, or if I wash my hair with deep cleansing shampoo (SHCH), then carefully distribute the foam along the length of the hair.
IMPORTANT! You cannot wash your hair with hot water, as the sebaceous glands on our head begin to work actively, and the hair will very quickly become greasy and may also lose its shine.
You only need to wash your hair when it gets dirty!

2.1. Shampoos. (1st stage)
My requirements for shampoos:
First, and most importantly, they must cleanse the hair well.
Second, should not aggravate existing problems.
Third, Suitable for my scalp type.
Fourth, There should be a shampoo for every season.
I try to use organic shampoos and alternate them before each wash (my favorites: solid shampoo "Amla" and "Chamomile" from Olesya Mustaeva's Workshop; Organic Tai "Frangipani" shampoo; gel-cream for washing hair from ChocoLatte “White Grape”, “Strawberry”, “Citrus”).

But, some masks contain Amodimethicone. After using these masks (for example, the Angel Orange mask), I wash my hair with professional shampoo.

Amodimethicone does not tend to create strong deposits and is not soluble in water, however, it is completely washed out with shampoos containing Lauryl Sulfate, Laureth Sulfate or Cocamidopropil Betaine.

For the summer I bought myself a couple of professional shampoos: shampoo from Angel Professional Solar Series and deep cleansing shampoo (GOSH), also from Angel Professional, which I will use once a month, since I use masks with silicones.
GOSH (or SHGO) - designed for deep cleansing of hair from various impurities accumulated in it. If your hair is over-saturated from masks and other care products (varnishes, foams...), hangs like icicles, and has become dull, then you simply need deep cleaning shampoo. Regular shampoos only wash out surface impurities, while the dirt inside the hair continues to accumulate.

2.2. Masks, balms, conditioners. (2nd stage)
Now I use professional masks for the length, and organic masks for the roots (I used to love exclusively organic care, it restored my hair very well, but now it has become too long (64 cm), organics provide little moisture and protection. Therefore, about 1 ,5 years ago I switched to professional).
IMPORTANT! There is no need to get into the mask with wet hands (since when taking a bath or shower, water gets into the mask), it is better to use wooden spoon or spatula, or try to dry your hands.
My favorite professional masks:
A) Hair mask Angel Professional Instant restoration with Argan oil;

b) Hair mask ANGEL Professional Nourishing hair cream;

V) Brelil NUMERO cream hair mask with oats

G) Masks from Kaaral (Hydra and with royal jelly - bought on tap)

My favorite organic masks
A) Cream mask Sunlight Minoxidil 1% burdock oil + tea tree with sea buckthorn (and other cream masks in this series) - stimulates hair growth due to the minoxidil content in it - apply to the roots;

b) Olesya Mustaeva Workshop hair balm-conditioner with broccoli oil - I apply it to the lengths.
I also really like Angel Professional MARINE DEPTH SPA CONDITIONER.
I apply masks (balms, conditioners) like this: after washing my hair twice, I gently squeeze (do not twist) my hair to remove excess moisture, which will prevent the mask (or conditioner) from absorbing well (you can wrap it in a towel, which will absorb this excess moisture), and then apply organic a mask for the roots, and a professional mask for the length. I wait the required time and rinse with cool water (I repeat, cool to cover the hair scales).
I wash my hair 2 times a week at night (but sometimes for important events, so that the curls lie better in the morning). The first time (Wednesday) I apply a mask to the length, and the second time (Sunday) conditioner. I apply an organic mask to my roots every time.
After every wash, I try to rinse my hair with herbs.
My favorite: sage, chamomile, nettle, linden, mint.

3. Ampoule care. (3rd stage)

Even if your hair is in excellent condition, it needs special care. Modern cosmetology offers ampoules for hair restoration. As a rule, multi-component care products contain a whole range of useful amino acids, vitamins, mineral components, and antioxidants. Such a “cocktail” of nutrients not only strengthens, but also penetrates deep into the hair structure.
Ampoule care - although rare, is an indispensable care for my hair. It makes your hair just come alive! I use ampoules once every two weeks.
I tried only 3 ampoules (from Selective, Dikson and Lakme). I loved the last ones the most.
How to use Lakme ampoule
I use the ampoule after shampoo, apply the product for 15 minutes to damp, towel-wrung hair. When you pour the product into your palms, you immediately feel the warming effect. You need to pour very carefully so as not to spill. The oil must be carefully distributed over the entire length of the hair (approximately 15 centimeters away from the roots), and the foam must be whipped with “smacking” movements (be sure to beat until foam, otherwise there will be no result! Tested!) The oil foams very well.
Afterwards I apply conditioner (or balm). Leave it on for 5-10 minutes and wash it off with cool water! water. I carry out the procedure once every two weeks and consider this sufficient for my hair.
As a result, my hair is soft, silky, elastic and very well hydrated.
Results from ampoules + comprehensive care

4. Drying your hair
After I washed my hair (point 2 ), I wrap my hair in a towel (like a turban) and walk like that for a minute or two (no more 5 ) to absorb excess moisture.
Then I carefully untwist the turban and gently blot my hair, I don't rub them.
Advice: If you blow dry your hair, dry it better cold air using a diffuser attachment and be sure to apply thermal protection (and if you straighten your hair, thermal protection will help you, without it there is a risk of severe damage to your hair)! This is my personal opinion.

5. Leave-in products (4th, 5th and 6th steps) and hair styling
When my hair dries a little (it’s not wet, but damp!), I either comb it with a Tangle Angel comb (if I wash my hair in the morning),
or I divide my hair into two tails (I do this at night), as if I were going to braid two braids, spray the ends and length of the hair with a spray (for example, Librederm - 4th stage) and apply leave-in products on them, first on the length (for example, cream - 5th stage), then on the ends (for example, leave-in from CHI - 6th stage). Then I tilt my head down and start squeezing my hair to create better curls. I sleep with this “hairstyle” on my head.
Since it’s hard to see, I explain: I tilt my head down, insert my hair into the elastic, as if I’m going to tie a ponytail, make one turn, and don’t push my hair all the way through the second turn of the elastic. The Hair Bow hairstyle is woven using this principle.
In the morning I just carefully untie it, lightly moisten my hair with water, “squeeze” my hair and get fresh and beautiful curls. This is the only way I style my hair.
If my hair starts to get frizzy during the day, I simply smooth it with water or spray it with a spray.
Apart from cream and leave-in, I don’t style my hair with anything (with these two products my hair already lays well), because I’m afraid that products like mousse and gel will dry out my hair or make it sticky, but I still want to try foam from Angel ).
Below I will give An example of my favorite leave-in products.

Leave-in products for length
A) Angel Professional Paris Nourishing Hair Cream with Algae (leave-in) is my favorite;

b) MoltoBene hair milk is also a wonderful product.
V) Cream from Londa - for summer to protect hair from the sun
Leave-in products for hair ends
A) CHI Silk Infusion hair repair product;

b) Argan oil for hair with gold particles Tahe Keratin gold. I only got it recently, but I’ve already fallen in love with it;
V) Dancoly Angel Professional restorative hair oil;
None of these products dry out my hair.

Hair sprays
A) Fluid hair conditioner Librederm Hyaluronic;
b) Moisturizing serum KAPOUS DUAL RENASCENCE 2 phase;
V) Angel Spray from the Sun Protection Series
They perfectly moisturize hair.

Hair after comprehensive care:

6. Hair clips.
I use wire elastic bands, they are very comfortable and don’t tug at my hair.

7. Hair growth products
Since my hair grows very slowly, I stimulate hair growth with masks.

Homemade remedies

1. Homemade burdock oil
I never liked burdock oil in the pharmacy, so I decided to make it myself, because it’s so easy!
To prepare it we will need:
- burdock roots
-mustard oil
-calamus roots
Pour mustard oil into a jar in which you will infuse your oil. Then pour burdock roots and calamus roots into it (how much to pour depends on your jar, I poured about 2 tablespoons per eye), shake the jar so that the roots are completely in the oil and put it all in a warm place for 10 days. After 10 days, filter the oil and you can smear the hair roots.

2. Nettle oil
To prepare it we will need:
- nettle leaves
-mustard oil (or olive)
It is done in the same way as burdock oil:
Pour mustard oil into a jar in which you will infuse your oil. Then pour nettle leaves into it, shake the jar so that the leaves are completely covered in oil and put it all in a warm place for 10 days. After 10 days, filter the oil and you can smear the hair roots.

3. Mustard mask
This well-known mask is very good for hair growth, as it perfectly bakes the scalp. But you need to use it carefully, it can burn your skin and dry out your hair.
To prepare this mask, we will need:
- 1 tablespoon mustard powder
- 1 tablespoon of sugar (if the mustard doesn’t bake, you can add 2 tablespoons)
- nettle decoction (by eye)
- 1 yolk
- 1-2 tablespoons of burdock (mustard) oil

Mix the nettle decoction, mustard powder and sugar until a homogeneous, not too liquid consistency is achieved, then add the oil and yolk and apply strictly to the roots. Be sure to generously lubricate the length of your hair with oils, otherwise the mustard will dry out all your hair! Next, we put on a bag and a hat and walk like this for 15-30 minutes (depending on how hot it is) or even less, look at how you feel (if it’s too hot, don’t tolerate it, otherwise you’ll burn your scalp and dandruff may appear!). Rinse off not with hot water, but with lukewarm water, otherwise there will be a fire on your head.
Carefully, When you wash off this mixture, try not to get it on your face, nose, or eyes! It is better to make a mask in courses (for example, 1 month, 1 time per week).

4. Scalp scrub with essential oils
We will need:
- finely ground sea salt
-6 drops of bey essential oil
-5 drops rosemary essential oil
I mix all the ingredients and gently scrub the scalp before washing my hair (be sure to apply oil to the lengths and ends so that the salt does not dry them out).
Why do I add clay?
If I scrub my scalp with just salt with the addition of essential oils, the salt falls off a lot (maybe someone is lucky and everything is fine), but when I add clay, everything applies perfectly. Clay is also very good for hair.
Salt scrub for scalp:
- accelerates hair growth (as blood circulation in the scalp improves);
- prevents hair loss;
- hair becomes less oily after it;
- removes dead cells;
- cleanses the scalp.

5. Pepper mask
We will need:
- tincture of capsicum
-hair balm (natural, without formula)
This mask is applied only to the roots; be sure to apply an oil mask to the length, since pepper spray can dry out the hair; I put a bag and a hat on top. The scalp should be well baked. I usually walk with it for about an hour, then carefully rinse it off with warm water, then wash my hair as usual. It, like the mustard mask, is best done in courses.

6. Mask with cinnamon essential oil (or bey)
We will need:
-cinnamon essential oil (or bey)
-base oil (burdock, mustard, sea buckthorn)
Add about 5-6 drops of cinnamon essential oil (or about 10 drops of bey essential oil) into the base oil, stir and apply to the scalp. Carefully! Cinnamon bakes very strongly! It’s better to start adding, for example, 3 drops of cinnamon essential oil, and then, if the baking is bad, increase the number of drops. I leave it on for about half an hour (sometimes an hour) and wash it off.

Purchased funds

1. Minoxidil

I have been using Minoxidil recently (since April 2016). I apply it to clean scalp (no more than 18-22 pumps) once a day and do not wash it off.
Result: many small hairs appeared.
But recently I gave it up because the roots become more oily with this product.

2. Mask Russian field with pepper
Everyone knows the mask.

I apply it to the roots, and apply an oil mask to the length, put on a bag for insulation, then a hat. The mask can be warmed up with a hairdryer. I walk with it for an hour, then rinse it off with water and wash my hair as usual.

8. Hair cutting, hot scissors
I go to the hairdresser once every six months (I advise you to get your hair cut as needed), but at home I regularly give myself a haircut once a month with flagella to remove all the hair. I think there is no need to explain that split hairs cannot be glued together, they just need to be cut off. If you don’t get a haircut, then the number of split ends will only increase, the hair will break off, and the length will remain stagnant.
Therefore, the most successful option is a haircut with flagella, because the cut hairs are removed both at the length and at the ends, and the hairs continue to grow, adding length.
I recently went for a procedure: cutting my hair with hot scissors. I liked it very much. First, they straightened my hair, then trimmed the length and ends of my hair with flagella. This is much better than cutting my own hair at home, because on straight hair the split is clearly visible, but on curly hair it is almost invisible. The hairs were incredibly soft and smooth. Now I will always go to it.
But there are a couple But:
1) they didn’t wash my hair or apply any masks before the procedure, which is what they should do (but I knew about it, I’m just warning you in advance);
2) before straightening, they did not apply any thermal protection to my hair and steam was coming from it. But this is a serious omission!

I think I will look for another master and before signing up, I will ask him what and how he will do.

9. Vitamins for hair
Every day (morning and evening) I take linseed oil. I also plan to buy other oils (cedarwood, pumpkin) and drink them every day.
I also took Vitamins Perfectil, I liked them, but my aunt scared me that her friend (also a hair maniac) put them in her stomach, and I decided to stop drinking them.
Since June I have been taking vitamins from Amway - NUTRILITE Double X with vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.

Sometimes I take a course of vitamin Pentovit. By the fall I plan to buy 21st Century Health Care Biotin vitamins for hair, skin and nails on IHerb or vitamins for hair, skin and nails Silettum.

10. Aroma combing.
I rarely do aromatherapy, but I absolutely love doing it with lavender essential oil.
I do it like this: I drop a few drops of essential oil onto a wooden (or bone) comb and comb my hair thoroughly, and most importantly carefully, for at least 5 minutes (it is advisable not to touch the roots). Aroma combing is done only on clean hair (not smeared with anything!). It is advisable to ventilate the room before and after the procedure.
IMPORTANT! Before using the oil, make sure that you are not allergic to it and that you like its smell.
Aroma combing should be done with natural essential oils (I like the essential oils from Olesya Mustaeva’s Workshop, sometimes I take them from Spivak, although even they are not particularly natural). But essential oils from the pharmacy are definitely not natural.
I plan to buy myself a lot of delicious oils and take this matter seriously.
I try to do the same head massage every day.

Some more nuances
- Proper nutrition- the key to healthy hair! And their nutrition begins from within. Try to eat more healthy foods.
- Alcohol (smoking) - the enemy of your hair. It deprives your hair (of course, and not only it) of nutrition and shine.
- Need to get enough sleep.
- Drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

The difference in length between curly and straight hair for me is 11 centimeters (plus or minus a couple of centimeters. It all depends on the styling). Now, the length of my hair is 64 centimeters(straight), and in curly - about 53 centimeters.
This is how our curls “steal” length

My mistakes in caring for curly hair:
1. Combing.
-Everyone knows that you can’t comb your curls, as it will cause fluff. But until the 2nd year of university, I combed them and put them in a ponytail. Horror.
- I used a bad comb, which simply tore my hair.
2. Improper washing.
-I washed the entire length of my hair, and did not rub the shampoo in my palms, but poured it directly onto my head.
“I rubbed my hair along the entire length and roughly massaged my scalp with my nails.
Result: my hair became dry and began to split severely.
3. Dry your hair with a towel.
Under no circumstances should you rub your hair with a towel! This causes them to become very tangled, damaged and begin to split.
4. Don't let your hair dry out.
Before my hair care, I didn’t even think about any sprays, masks or other things for moisturizing. But curly hair is dry hair.
5. Combing wet hair.
I used to comb my wet hair and comb it with combs that would tear out chunks of my hair. Remember, you can’t comb wet hair! But wet hair with moisturizing products applied to it is possible, which is what I sometimes do.
6. Hair dryer, iron, curling iron.
I always dry my hair naturally, I use a hairdryer very rarely (when I’m in a hurry and only use cold air), I had my hair straightened with a straightener in a salon once in my life, when it was cut with flagella. I have never used a curling iron.
7. Elastic bands, hair clips.
- You cannot use elastic bands with iron inserts, they tear your hair! You should also not use tight elastic bands.
8. Paint
I've never worn makeup because I think it's bad for my curls (until I have gray hair, I definitely won't wear makeup). But someday I will have to do this, and then I will use only good professional paints.

Well, a couple more tips:
1. Never do keratin straightening. It is very harmful to your hair! (My personal opinion)
2. Choose a hairdresser very carefully (preferably one who knows how to work specifically with your hair type). I think many people have read about cases where a hairdresser cut off 5 centimeters instead of a centimeter of hair (depending on your luck). To prevent this from happening to you, you need a proven master with a light hand. Either cut your hair yourself (I often cut my hair with flagella) or ask your relatives.
3. Don't sleep with your hair down, as it gets very tangled (it's better to put it in a pineapple or braid).
My advice is my personal experience and I'm just sharing it with you.
I wrote this review very long and carefully, and I hope that it is useful to you!

Every representative of the fairer sex dreams of having beautiful hair. Regardless of whether they are straight or curly, everyone needs quality care. Masks for curly hair are one of the most effective ways to not only strengthen it, but also add shine and make it healthier.

Why take care of curly hair?

Many girls dream of having curly hair. Some are pleased with nature, while others have to turn to the services of hairdressers. Regardless of how you got your curls, curly hair requires special care. They are more fragile and brittle, dull and unruly, and more difficult to style because they have a porous structure. In natural curls, air circulates less well, so most often they are overdried at the ends, and a greasy sheen appears at the roots.

Another factor that encourages the use homemade masks for curly hair, is the frequent use of special styling tools. Curling irons and flat irons help correct the natural structure and even out unruly curls. However, they make them brittle and brittle. Therefore, girls with curls need to use folk remedies or professional masks for curly hair.

Rules for proper care

Every girl knows that quality care means not only shampoos and conditioners, but also masks for curly hair; preparing them at home will not be particularly difficult. Do procedures to help strengthen and restore them no more than once a week. However, it is necessary to know not only the basic recipes, but also to use them correctly. If on "Estelle" mask for curly hair it is indicated how to apply it to curls, then with folk remedies you should remember some rules. Let's consider the main ones:

  • All ingredients must be mixed in clean containers. It would be better if it was made of porcelain or glass.
  • All natural ingredients must be fresh.
  • Traditionally, the folk recipe indicates the composition for one-time use. If the curls are thick and long, it is better to use a double portion, and if short, then a half portion.
  • All ingredients should be taken at room temperature.
  • The cosmetic product should be applied half an hour before the planned wash.
  • Even the best masks for curly hair are best applied exclusively to the roots. This way the product not only nourishes them better, but also does not weigh them down.
  • To achieve maximum effect, your head with a mask on your hair will have to be insulated. For example, use a shower cap and a terry towel.

You need to wash your hair especially carefully if the cosmetic product contains natural egg white. When exposed to hot water, it can curl, leaving “white flakes” on the head.

Main benefit

There are cosmetics that are suitable for all hair types, and there are those that are selected specifically for oily or dry curls. If you have a question about whether curly hair can have moisturizing masks, let’s look at some of the benefits:

  • increase the protective properties of scalp cells;
  • promote recovery;
  • prevent drying and split ends;
  • strengthen, nourish the roots and the entire hair shaft, prevent hair loss;
  • accelerate the regeneration of skin cells;
  • prevent dandruff.

Each nutritional composition includes various beneficial substances that have an antiseptic and restorative effect. After using these cosmetics, the curls become more manageable and healthy, and are easier to style.

Homemade masks for curly hair

If you are interested in a good mask for curly hair, reviews girls who have tried proven recipes in practice will help you make a choice. Let's take a closer look at some popular formulations. For example, the best masks for curly, dry hair:

  • based on avocado. To prepare, make a paste from a soft vegetable, and then mix with 2 tablespoons of almond and olive oils;
  • chocolate. It will require not only grated cocoa base, but also jojoba oil, as well as 10g of cognac. Apply the resulting mass to dry curls and leave for 20 minutes;
  • carrot mixture. The nutritional mixture will require freshly squeezed juice. One glass of carrot and a few spoons of lemon, peppermint decoction;

A gelatin mask for curly hair shows good results; reviews from girls who tried it on their strands indicate that this is a truly effective product. To prepare it, you can use regular food gelatin, which must be diluted in warm water, mixed with any hair conditioner and applied to dry strands for half an hour. Afterwards, rinse well with lukewarm water.

If you have your own best mask for curly hair, you can leave your feedback in the comments at the bottom of the article.
