A remedy for the habit of biting nails for children. If a child bites his nails, what to do: personal experience

We all know that it is better to wean a child off bad habits at an early age so that they do not turn into addiction and have a negative impact on the child’s life. further development and baby's health. One of these misfortunes is the habit of biting nails. This serious problem for both adults and children. Biting your nails is harmful, unsightly, and unhygienic. Nevertheless, for some reason many kids chew them. This means that there are some internal mechanisms that encourage them to do this. Numerous cases from practice show: in order not to aggravate the situation, it is necessary to first understand its causes, and only then begin to take control measures.

Harmless habit or disease?

Let's find out the deep roots of this alarming symptom. Parents must understand the full depth of this phenomenon: from a “harmless” habit it can grow into a persistent disease. In no case should you “hush up” and brush aside the problem and hope that everything will go away with age - this is not so. And no amount of teasing or intimidation will help. little man overcome painful passion, which in the future threatens to turn into a serious obstacle, including for successful relationship in society.

Doctors and psychologists distinguish between “onychophagia,” that is, an uncontrollable need to bite nails, and “dermatophagia,” a morbid addiction to biting the cuticle, the skin around the nail.

Psychologists identify a number of reasons for the appearance of such behavior and divide them into two groups: emotional and physiological.

TO emotional reasons relate:

  1. The consequences of weaning a baby off the pacifier and breast: a kind of replacement of one with the other occurs.
  2. Problems in society when a child cannot adapt to society: in kindergarten, at school, sports section, mug. Children at home are especially susceptible to this. Separation from parents, even for a short period of time, is stressful for them.
  3. Emotionally tense situation in the family. Family conflicts, quarrels, divorce, separation from father or mother become a tragedy for the child.
  4. Imitating someone. The baby, without hesitation, repeats the actions of the people around him.
  5. Heredity. Increased excitability child may be due to hereditary characteristics nervous system. Both joy and misfortune will affect him equally.
  6. Boredom, lack of activity, a large number of free time - reasons for biting nails.
  7. Excessive pedantry and perfectionism. If a child is used to being the best in everything and something doesn’t work out properly, this situation upsets him. A complex is being formed. Most often, this is observed in families where parents place increased demands on their child.
  8. Internal aggression: dissatisfaction with oneself, parents, low self-esteem. Excessive passion for computer games and watching television programs affects unstable psyche children.
  9. Many descriptions internal state the child can be designated in general terms- stress. This is fear, anxiety, worries, tension and fatigue, developing into neurosis.

Physiological reasons:

Emotional stress in the family is one of the main reasons for the development of bad habits in young children. Instead of sucking a pacifier, the baby may start biting his nails. Showing up relationships in front of a child is too much of a test for the child’s nervous system. Strong negative emotions: anger, resentment, aggression - can be expressed in biting nails The process of learning in a team is stress, and in order to relieve it, the baby bites his nails Difficult long-term adaptation in kindergarten or school is one of the reasons why a child develops obsessive habits Showing too much to a child high requirements and dissatisfaction with them Children's fears can be the cause of onychophagia Fear of separation from parents makes the baby very worried Computer addiction and the habit of biting nails may well be interconnected. Excessive watching of TV and especially programs that are not appropriate for one’s age harms the nervous system and provokes the development of a bad habit

Important! Under no circumstances should you scold your baby or pull back, scream or get nervous. This will only worsen the current situation, as it will increase nervous tension crumbs.

What will happen if things are left to chance?

  • First of all, the hands will always look untidy, this will also damage the child’s self-esteem, he will feel like a slob. Over time, the nail plates become deformed and ugly shape may stay with the child for life.
  • Permanent wounds can cause painful inflammation and suppuration of the skin around the nail.
  • Microbes from dirty hands enter the stomach in large quantities through the mouth. Children who bite their nails have a very high risk of contracting intestinal infections and helminthiasis.
  • Dental problems with bite, gums, and tooth mobility may occur.

Onychophagia can cause healthy nail growth to stop and lead to deformity nail plate

How to wean

The problem requires a serious and in-depth solution when the baby bites nails not only on the hands, but also on the feet, as well as the skin around the nails or fingertips. It is important to know the extent of the disease before taking any measures.

While studying this issue important also has the age of the child. For example, if a one and a half or two year old baby bites his nails or skin on his feet from time to time, then psychologists suggest that parents calm down and ignore this fact, explaining that such behavior is one of the ways to stimulate the development of the brain hemispheres. Experts assure that after some time the baby will outgrow this habit. However, when a child’s behavior causes concern, you need to pay close attention to it.

As we have seen, there are many reasons for the appearance of the disease, and in order to eliminate the scourge, loving parents You must first observe the child and answer the questions:

  • how long ago did the habit of biting nails appear?
  • in what situations does the child do this, what is the irritant;
  • Is the baby worried about quarrels, is he afraid of someone?
  • how much time he spends in front of the TV, at the computer or tablet;
  • whether the baby bites his nails constantly or only under certain circumstances;
  • does this demonstratively or in a secluded corner.

Sometimes the reasons for such behavior lie on the surface, and sometimes even attentive parents find it difficult to establish them. Then, without false embarrassment, you should go to child psychologist to identify motives. In particularly serious cases, when the habit acquires catastrophic proportions - this signals mental abnormalities, the child must be shown to a neurologist.

Whatever the reasons, parents will need endurance, patience and the creation of a calm environment for the baby during the treatment period. Under no circumstances should you scold or focus attention on a painful problem. Bans and spanking will achieve the exact opposite result.

Practicing psychologists emphasize that children growing up in a favorable psychological atmosphere are least susceptible to bad habits. Correct reaction parents and concern, as well as the professionalism of specialists are the key to solving the problem.

For children of different ages and character will be optimal various ways treatment, but it is important to know that this deficiency can be corrected at any period of life.

It is important not to self-medicate, but to use a drug prescribed by your pediatrician. The product must be appropriate for the age of the child.

  • Visit a neurologist and check the condition of your son or daughter’s nervous system.
    1. Control yourself. Don't scold your baby. Screaming will only aggravate nervous tension.
    2. Spend more time with your children, ask them in detail about how their day went, and whether any event upset them.
    3. Hug your child more often, pat him on the head, kiss him. Attention and affection can work wonders.
    4. If the roots of the bad habit are hereditary - one of the family members bites his nails - control him, ask him to abstain in the presence of the baby.
    5. Organize the daily routine, relieve the child, leaving 1-2 hours for walks in the air. Excessive workload worsens the habit.
    6. Provide your child with a variety of activities. Sports or creative activities will not only fill free time child, but will also relieve accumulated tension.
    7. In some cases, a calm story about the consequences of biting nails in pictures can help: dirty hands under a microscope, pictures of worms that appear in the tummy if you bite your nails.
    8. When the baby has serious mental disorders, and the problem has acquired catastrophic proportions: the child bites his fingernails, toes, bites the skin around his fingers, and all the tried methods of struggle have turned out to be ineffective, psychologists advise seeking the help of a neurologist. The specialist will conduct an examination and prescribe appropriate medication.

    We take age into account

    For children aged 2–4 years, an effective method is a replacement one, when instead of fingers the child is offered to chew on a carrot, apple, cabbage, play or read a fairy tale. Play more, go for walks together. If the baby faces separation from his mother - he stays with a nanny, grandmother, or is sent to kindergarten, the most painless thing will be to gradually get used to the separation: start leaving first for 1-2 hours a day. You can buy an anti-stress toy with a pleasant-to-touch filling. By squeezing such a toy in his hands, the baby gives an outlet to the accumulated tension.

    There are special small dolls that are put on your fingers. Using a finger puppet theater You should act out a scene in which the “bitten” finger will ask you not to gnaw or offend it anymore. It’s worth asking the baby to walk around with the puppets on his fingers for a while longer; 2–3 hours will be enough. The main thing is to keep your hands busy with something. This method will help mother and baby become even closer and distract the child from boredom.

    If a two-year-old increased anxiety, it is possible, with the permission of a doctor, to take children's herbal tea, for example, with chamomile or linden, which helps relieve anxiety.

    Children aged 4–5 years are imitative, the child tries to imitate his loved one fairy tale hero, older brother, sister, mother. The main thing is to choose the right object to copy. You can come up with adventure stories where main character He will be brave, dexterous, he has many friends, while unobtrusively emphasizing that he does not bite his nails. On the contrary, give a negative character this bad habit, emphasizing that no one wants to be friends with him.

    You can have a confidential conversation with your preschooler, explain why you shouldn’t bite your nails, and talk about the consequences. Joint viewing of photographs of children suffering from similar addictions or special preventive videos can help.

    Special methods

    1. Lubricating fingers with bitter products. This method is most often used by mothers to combat a bad habit. It's quite effective. Aloe juice, mustard or wormwood juice are used as a remedy. Can be used for children over 3–4 years old. It is important to lubricate your fingers with bitter products if the cause of the problem is shallow (boredom, low physical activity, prolonged viewing of cartoons, overexertion). Usually you can get rid of the habit in a short period (from several days to 2-3 weeks).

      This is an unsafe method, as the child may get his “mustard” fingers into his eyes. Therefore, before using it, it is worth assessing the situation well and individual characteristics your baby.

    2. Using adhesive tape or adhesive tape. You can wrap your baby's fingers with tape or a thin bandage. It’s better to turn the process into a game. You should wear the tape on your fingers for 2–3 hours every day. This is enough for the child to gradually wean off addiction. It is important that it does not squeeze your finger too much.

      If the baby resists, then you should not use this method.

    3. Bitter nail polish. Buy medicinal varnish, it is often transparent, with a greenish (or pink) tint, and most importantly, with a very bitter taste and a long aftertaste. Reviews about the varnish are positive: when we play, we heal. It is good to use it while playing and to do a manicure together with your baby, using special nail files and tweezers for children. Let the baby also try to apply it on mom’s nails special composition. You should paint your nails with this varnish once every 2-3 days (since the composition wears off or gets chewed off quite quickly). The product is safe for health. The treatment period can take from 4–5 days to several weeks. It all depends on the scale of the problem.

      The medicinal varnish can be used for children aged 2–3 years and older.

    The main condition for success

    Most important point- relieving psychological stress in a child, since the main cause of onychophagia is stress. Its origins may be different, but the methods for eliminating it, fortunately, are universal.

    1. It is worth talking to your son or daughter more often, showing sincere interest in their problems, giving them free time and attention, and hugging them more often.
    2. We can come up with something together interesting activity. This could be anti-stress drawing (fine coloring books), music or sports (for example, roller skating together, hiking in the forest). Active Team work good for children of any age.

    3. It is also very important to monitor your psychological state, since from birth babies very keenly feel the anxieties and worries of their parents. They may take mom or dad's displeasure personally.
    4. It is especially important to reduce the child’s exposure to a TV, computer or tablet monitor. If you still allow your baby to watch TV, then it is better to give preference domestic cartoons. Under no circumstances should you be allowed to watch animated films that contain scenes of violence or violence. profanity(words like “moron”, “idiot” and the like), as this provokes stress and aggression.
    5. All psychologists are unanimous that you should let your baby near a computer or tablet as late as possible. Perfect option- not earlier than adolescence. But if you let me play computer games, then it is better to choose educational ones, and not those in which there is violence and constant tension in the plot (for example, racing, “shooting games”). IN as a last resort it is worth giving preference to strategies.

      When choosing a game, always pay attention to the age for which it is designed.

    6. Some mothers advise giving their daughters a manicure after 5 years of age. Children's manicure sets will help you form the habit of caring for your nails. Many girls like to look like their mother and have beautiful, well-groomed hands.

    Photo gallery: methods of weaning children from the habit of constantly biting their nails

    Before you start self-treatment- be sure to contact a neurologist and psychologist Replenish the lack of vitamins in the child’s body Walk with your baby every day Mental closeness with parents and support from them is simply necessary for every child to cope with stress Timely care of nails and children's manicure will help the child see himself as neat and beautiful. Use not bitter products, but a special bitter nail polish - it is safer. Get finger theater, let the baby's fingers become actors

    3 ways to relieve psychological stress


    Exists great amount options for activities with your baby. Here are some of them:

    1. Modeling from plasticine. Starting from the age of one and a half years, you can sculpt from plasticine together with your child. The main thing is that the baby does not eat it, however, if you are making it from special colored dough, you don’t have to worry.
    2. Drawing. At 2–3 years old, usually all kids love to draw. This can be done in an album, on whatman paper, or even on a wall specially designated for creativity. A brush, sponge or own hands(it is important to use special Finger paint, which are easily washed off and do not harm sensitive baby skin). You can come up with pictures yourself or paint coloring books. This will help your baby not get bored and give free rein to his imagination.
    3. Making crafts. Almost anything can be used as materials: walnut shells, plastic bottles, dried tree leaves, colored paper, cardboard.

      Even a 1.5–2 year old child can make a turtle from a nut shell and a few balls of plasticine.

    4. Music lessons. You don't have to buy a grand piano or cello. But together it’s fun to sing, play wooden spoons, beat a tambourine or drum. This will help the baby not only show his musical talent, but also give vent to accumulated emotions.

    Photo gallery: creativity with your child

    Drawing and coloring are a great way to distract your child. Plasticine modeling is good for developing motor skills and relieving stress. Almost all kids love to sing and play. musical instruments, especially if there are grateful listeners Do funny crafts or just cut out, stick on bright pieces of paper, fold simple origami

    Physical activity

    Man lives in motion, both adult and small. What you can do with your baby:

    1. Dance. Turn up the music. On a computer, phone, music center. And just dance with your baby from the heart.
    2. Go on a hike. Great way teach a 3-5 year old child various skills: lighting a fire, navigating the terrain. Here it is easier for the baby to get distracted and show his personal qualities.

      You can go on a hike even with a three-year-old child. At this age, he is already able to walk 2–3 km through the forest.

    3. Roller skating or figure skating. There are now roller skates on sale that are suitable for younger children. age group(from 2.5 years). Children over 5 years old can go to the skating rink in winter. Most importantly, don’t forget about protection: helmet, knee pads, gloves and elbow pads.
    4. Ride in winter on sleds, ice skates, and cheesecakes. Everyone loves this fun: both kids and adults.
    5. Play football, basketball, volleyball. This group games. All relatives and friends should be involved in them. But you can play together too.
    6. Go to the gym. Today it is easy to purchase a fitness club membership for yourself and your baby. Some mothers start visiting the gym with six-month-old babies. You can go to the pool with your child and learn to swim together with an instructor.
    7. Do yoga. Some children love to repeat interesting poses and asanas after their parents. Buy your baby a separate mat and practice together while listening to music.
    8. Have pillow fights. This is a favorite pastime of many since childhood. It is perfect for both boys and girls.

    Photo gallery: sports suitable for young children

    Pillow fights can be done at home or on fresh air Yoga is the key to psychological and physical health Active group games teach the child to interact with teammates. Sledding and cheesecake riding in winter should be done with the child.
    You can start roller skating at 2.5–3 years old. With a small child, you can go on a short hike for 1–2 days. Almost all kids love to dance. It helps them express their emotions


    1. Walking together before bed. Turn off the TV and go for a walk! This will help not only your child, but also you yourself, relieve tension, think calmly, and relax.
    2. Family dinners. Every day, gather the whole family around the same table. Talk about your achievements and plans.
    3. Heart to heart conversations. Talk to your child. Any age. Psychologists recommend starting to communicate with your baby even during the period intrauterine development. Be interested in all facets of his life. If your child has been in the garden all day, ask him what he liked today, which of the children he is friends with in the group, what they played during the walk, what he dreamed about during a quiet hour.
    4. Reading. Read to your baby from the very beginning early age. This will not only instill in him a love of interesting and good books, but will also bring you closer emotionally.

    If there are some conflicts in the family, misunderstandings between parents, then under no circumstances should children be dragged into them. They are not to blame for the problems of adults. During difficult times for the family, you should pay as much attention to the children as possible. Hug them more often and tell them you love them. All quarrels should be leveled out. You cannot speak in a raised voice.

    Bitten nails and unpleasant hangnails are a common situation, since the habit of pushing fingers into the mouth is common to both young children and teenagers.

    It seems that onychophagia - the scientific name for this problem - is not so scary. And yet you need to fight it, despite my mother’s numerous experiences of “I can’t”, “nothing works out”.

    To decide how to stop a child from biting his nails, you must first discover the “trigger” of the habit, and only then take certain measures.

    It was not for nothing that psychiatrists introduced medical practice special definition - onychophagia. This term implies a mental disorder (!), which is expressed in an uncontrollable desire to bite the nail plate.

    This disorder develops gradually, moving from a seemingly harmless habit.

    Surveys have shown that almost a third of younger children are susceptible to nail biting. school age, and among male children this habit is much more common.

    Then the frequency of cases only increases, since in adolescence Almost half of children bite their fingers. This may be due to the increasing psychological stress.

    That is, a bad habit cannot be left alone with a child, hoping that he will outgrow it. On the contrary, there is a risk that the problem will simply develop into mental disorder, which cannot be overcome without the help of doctors.

    Therefore, you need to find the provoking factor and, if possible, get rid of it.

    Sometimes it is extremely difficult to understand exactly where such unpleasant problem. Experts talk about possible physiological and psychological factors, which “turn on” onychophagy.

    Thus, the main provoking factor is increased anxiety and a tendency to stress.

    Psychologists believe that by biting his nails, a child activates a peculiar pain point, which drowns out the stress center.

    Doctors warn that the words “I can or I can’t wean” should never be posed to parents.

    Such a habit is not just an annoying nuisance, but a completely serious psychological disorder, which is fraught with certain consequences:

    • damaged nail plates and cuticles, which become an aesthetic problem;
    • slowdown normal height nails;
    • infection of the skin near the nails;
    • problems with teeth and gums due to the constant presence of fingers in the mouth;
    • helminth damage (worm larvae often accumulate under the nails);
    • permanent infectious diseases due to decreased immunity;
    • ridicule from peers;
    • reduced self-esteem.

    It is not easy to believe that a seemingly minor violation is fraught with the most serious negative effects in the distant future. As children grow older, they may face social and psychological plan, which can also affect adult life.

    Folk recipes

    Not always established traditional ways getting rid of this bad habit are considered humane. Many mothers refuse to use such methods, considering them too harsh (“I can’t mock the baby”). However, they should still be listed.

    1. Perhaps the most common and at the same time controversial method is to smear children's fingers with hot pepper, mustard and similar natural bitterness. It is believed that after tasting such an unpleasant spicy seasoning once or several times, a child will then stop biting his nail plates.
    2. The older generation often advises treating nails with green paint, since it is so unpleasant appearance is able to push the baby away so much that he stops biting his nails. If, nevertheless, the fingers end up in the mouth, one’s own green lips, seen later in the mirror, can turn the child away from the bad habit.

    Such methods are controversial, however, judging by the reviews, they can still work, especially if the ward is between two and four years. Such methods will definitely not work on older children.

    It is not always possible to discover the cause on your own, so parents can turn to a psychologist if, in addition, numerous attempts at weaning have not led to any positive results. Many psychotherapeutic tips are widely known, but they should still be repeated.

    If correspondence advice does not help in any way, you should contact a psychologist or neurologist. Perhaps the child has developed a neurotic state, one of the signs of which is often obsessive movements.

    IN difficult situations two specialized and most important specialists, with whom mandatory It’s worth talking to a neurologist and a gastroenterologist.

    The first will help you choose sedative medications. The second will check the condition of the intestines and, if necessary, prescribe medications - herbal remedies, sedatives or vitamin-mineral complexes.

    It is extremely important not to give your child any seemingly harmless medicine at your own request.

    Pharmacy chains offer a whole range of bitter varnishes that act like traditional mustard: “Nekusayka”, “Belweder”.

    They are transparent, so they are suitable not only for girls, but also for boys. Special bitter ointments are also sold in children's departments.

    The danger of such products lies in the possibility of chemical components getting into the eyes. In addition, parents still influence external manifestation bad habit without working with the real reason onychophagia.

    Nail biting and hangnails are a common problem in childhood and adolescence. Some parents do not take the situation very seriously, believing that the baby will soon outgrow it.

    Experts advise seeking help, especially if adults have no idea how to stop a child from biting his nails. Well, it’s also important to surround children with love and attention.

    Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

    Children biting their nails is not uncommon. Many parents stop fighting this bad habit of their child, realizing that it is not possible to influence the child through persuasion and threats. Komarovsky, a famous pediatrician, recommends not to deviate from the intended goal, even if it is not possible to convince the child of the harm of his actions the first time.

    Reasons for behavior

    It is impossible to solve a problem without understanding its causes. Before deciding what to do, Komarovsky advises delving into psychological essence Problems. More often, children begin to calm themselves down In a similar way V preschool age, which explains serious changes in their lives: leaving kindergarten, parting with friends, preparing for school, etc.

    Other reasons include:

    • Stress - intra-family conflicts, quarrels between parents, scandals, heated conversations, even a simple move or the appearance of a new child in the family - all this can lead to stressful conditions. If you cannot pinpoint a reason that could cause emotional harm to the child, you must try to remember at what point in life the child began to chew. This will help to find out his true experiences and fears and understand what to do next;
    • alternative to a pacifier - giving up a pacifier is painful for some children. Babies instinctively begin to put their fingers in their mouths, which leads to the formation of a stable reflex. IN in this case a child acquires a bad habit at the age of 2.5 – 3 years;
    • example - sometimes parents do not notice what they reproach their children for. Perhaps adults themselves bite off hangnails or nails stressful situation. The child, copying the behavior of his parents, also adopts unpleasant habits.

    This is not at all a harmless activity, as it might seem at first. Komarovsky advises thinking about the consequences, including:

    • infection - children often cause so much damage skin covering, which greatly increases the risk of infection entering an open wound. Without careful hygiene, the risk of infection increases even more;
    • fungal diseases - nail fungus occurs more often;
    • indigestion – dirty hands constantly in the mouth – serious reason for concern. Indigestion in children occurs much more often. The danger is especially severe infections that are transmitted through dirty hands;
    • deformation of the plate – as a result of constant injury, the shape of the nail plate changes. Nails take on an unattractive appearance, become rough and flake.

    A child aged 10 years or older can be explained possible dangers without embellishment. Girls especially quickly stop biting their nails when they realize that their manicure can be forever ruined by unsightly nails.

    Kids do not fully understand what their habit can lead to, so explanations alone will not do. The essence of the problem can be expressed in a language that is understandable and accessible to a child in the form of a fairy tale. The habit should be attributed to negative characters, in which case the child himself will not want to be like evil character and stop putting his hands in his mouth. Banning without explanation not only makes no sense, but can be harmful. Even if the baby abandons this fun, deep down he will treat it as a forbidden but desired fruit. Komarovsky also warns parents to use mustard and hot spices to discourage their child. Spicy seasoning can get into the eyes or nose, causing damage to the mucous membranes.

    Ekaterina Morozova

    Reading time: 7 minutes

    A A

    Parents have different attitudes towards their child’s habit of biting their nails: some ignore this fact (they say it will go away on its own), others slap their hands, others look for the reason for this child’s behavior, and at the same time, methods for combating this habit. Where does this habit come from, and how to fight it?

    Why children bite their nails - the opinion of child psychologists

    Constant and active biting of nails is called by the medical term “ onychophagia“- a very rare phenomenon for 3-6 years and sharply increases after 7-10. Contrary to the opinion of parents who consider this habit not worthy of attention, nail biting is a problem, and its roots are in psychology.

    What do experts say about the causes of onychophagia?

    • If your child starts biting his nails - look for the roots of this habit in the child’s family, school and other surroundings . Because the main reason is emotional stress. This could be the child’s excessive impressionability and vulnerability, etc. Every reason for worry will be accompanied by nail biting - that is, a process that relieves tension and calms. Pay attention - maybe your child feels insecure and it is at these moments that he returns to a bad habit? Or is he nervous around crowds? Or is he angry? The faster you find the reason, the faster you will overcome this habit.
    • The child copies others . Perhaps one of the adults in the family is also guilty of this habit - take a closer look and begin simultaneous “treatment”.
    • Thumb sucking habit turned into the habit of biting my nails.
    • And the fourth reason - failure to timely trim the nails . That is, non-compliance with hygiene rules.

    A child bites his nails - the consequences of this bad habit

    • Penetration of infection into the body through wounds on the skin around bitten nails.
    • Penetration of infection or helminth eggs from dirt under the nails into the child's mouth. And, as a result, there is a risk of catching intestinal infection or get helminthiasis.

    There is no need to talk about the aesthetic side of the issue. Bitten nails in themselves are a depressing picture, but give your peers only a reason for ridicule. Therefore, if you catch your child doing such an unseemly activity, immediately (before the habit takes root) We analyze the situation and begin “treatment”.

    How to properly use nail polish for children who bite their nails, and is there any benefit from it?

    Many mothers use a special one to eliminate this bad habit. bitter varnish. It is sold in regular pharmacy(for example, “no bite”) or in cosmetic stores. The taste of the varnish is quite bitter, and the composition does not contain components that could harm the health of the child (although it would not hurt to check the composition to avoid troubles).

    Varnish does not help everyone - there are situations when varnish simply cannot solve the problem. Remember - first you need to find the reason bad habit and only then, having eliminated this cause, eradicate the habit itself.

    Varnish is used regularly– with constant “renewal” after the next bite, on average – once every three days . Some parents, fearing unknown components of the varnish, use mustard, pepper, etc. instead.

    How to stop a child from biting his nails - instructions for parents

    The first thing a mother needs to do if she catches her child biting his nails is: find a solution. That is, start with your family: pay attention to what the child is dissatisfied with, what worries him, what fears haunt him.

    • It is strictly not recommended to scold a child for this habit. , raise your voice and demonstrate your dissatisfaction and anger. This will only aggravate the situation - the child will get nervous, and his hands will go to his mouth again. Not to mention that children are inclined to go against the grain out of harm, protesting against prohibitions. Therefore, you should explain to your child that this is a bad habit using other methods - without negativity, without prohibitions and reprimands. Look for the most suitable one effective method and use it from a loving and caring parent, and not Cerberus, who is irritated by this “disgusting habit.” Read:
    • Be patient . Understand that it is as difficult for a child to overcome this habit as it is for an adult to quit smoking. Remember: a categorical ban only causes rejection and protest! For your child to hear and understand you, find the right motivation. For example, if a child refuses porridge, then tell him: “It’s healthy!” - it's just pointless. But the phrase “If you eat porridge, you will become strong and muscular like dad” will work much faster.
    • Choose a moment when your child is ready to listen to you carefully and tell me why this habit is bad . Describe the evil microbes that enter the child’s body along with the dirt under the nails - show them in pictures. Teach your child that nail biting is a habit. weak people, and strong and brave people never bite their nails. Place the emphasis correctly, leading the child to the desired independent conclusion.
    • The child loves cartoon character? Tell him that, for example, Spider-Man would never have become a hero if he bit his nails. And the prince would never have chosen Cinderella if her nails were as scary and bitten as those of her evil sisters.
    • Write a fairy tale about a child who chewed his nails and got into different situations. unpleasant situations because of this habit. Of course, the fairy tale should end with getting rid of the habit, and the characters should be as close as possible to the child.
    • Give your baby the opportunity to express emotions, aggression and negativity accumulated during the day. Regular emotional release is a mandatory component general program to get rid of a bad habit. Sports and active games- the best option.
    • Every time your child puts his hands to his mouth, discreetly distract his attention . Put something in his hands, ask him to bring a napkin or help you with some task.
    • Teach your child about hygiene – regularly care for his nails, focus on the beauty and cleanliness of his nails. If you have a girl, give her a beautiful (safe) manicure. The child will not chew the manicure “like a fashion model in a magazine” - very effective method for girls from 5 years old.
    • If the child is too nervous and excited, consult a doctor – let him prescribe homeopathic, harmless drugs to calm the nervous system. Sometimes it makes sense to consult a psychologist.
    • Keep your child's hands occupied with something. . There are many options. Find something he likes - buy modeling clay, brushes/paints and real canvases, a construction set, etc.

    AND main advicebe attentive to your child. Show him how much you love him more often. Find time in the hustle and bustle of everyday life to read a fairy tale to your child, go out of town, ask about successes at school or kindergarten. Create an atmosphere in the house in which the child will feel comfortable and calm. Eliminate irritants that make the child nervous. And gradually the bad habit will disappear.

    Harmful nail biting habithas tormented more than one generation of children and parents. Children usually begin to get carried away with such “self-criticism” when primary school. And by the time they graduate from school, about half of teenagers have this bad habit. What prompts children and teenagers to put their own nails, fingers, pencils or pens in their mouths? And how to stop a child from biting his nails? We will try to answer these and other questions.

    Why does a child bite his nails?

    The reason for the appearance of many bad habits in children is self-doubt and childhood experiences. If the situation in the family is tense, the parents constantly swear and reproach the child, and other brothers or sisters offend him, the baby tries to calm himself down and finds a way out in biting own nails or skin. This helps relieve tension in the nervous system.

    A similar effect of mental stress can also be had by spending a long time in front of the TV or playing on the computer. Therefore, parents should ensure compliance with the rules for safe computer use - no more than an hour a day and no violent games or adult films.

    When child bites nails, he may not be aware of the reason for his behavior. Meanwhile, the anxiety that makes him need to bite his nails and calm down does not go away, but only intensifies due to the ridicule of others and shame for his uncontrollable act. More careful children stop communicating with such a nail-biting child, his self-esteem suffers and the opportunity for self-realization in society disappears.

    Moreover, due to constant mechanical impact on the nails, they begin to break, the shape of the nail plates deteriorates, and painful sensations in the cuticle and periungual surface of the skin, and the nails themselves stop growing normally. While in the mouth, nails can scratch the gums, causing dental problems, as well as infection from dirty hands into the baby’s body.

    The child bites his nails. What to do?

    To get rid of this psychological dependence child, you need to try to eliminate all the reasons that lead to it. The child’s life should become as calm as possible, free from stress and tense situations. Analyze the environment in which your child is. Perhaps he is forced to constantly listen to your screams and swearing, maybe he is worried about problems with his studies or a quarrel with a friend, or maybe the child spends too much time at the computer.

    If you notice that your son or daughter has a bad habit of biting their nails, and at the same time the child has become nervous, agitated, and aggressive, you should visit a neurologist. The doctor will be able to select special medications for the child that will eliminate feelings of anxiety, tension and fear, and also strengthen his nervous system.

    If you cannot find the reason that makes your child bite his nails, go to an appointment with a psychologist and talk, since it is quite possible that the reason for the child’s nervousness lies in your relationship with him. Very often, too much pressure from parents, their constant control and incessant reproaches cause the child to experience very strong stress. But the child does not dare to give vent to his emotions or is simply afraid.

    But if your child starts biting his nails, you don’t need to immediately blame yourself for it. Some children may bite their nails without any reason, in the absence of stress or any difficulties in life. Everything is individual.

    How to stop a child from biting his nails

    The most important thing that parents should remember is that they should never scold their child for his bad habit. Otherwise, his irritation will only intensify, and he will give vent to his emotions in your absence. It is better to carefully analyze or discuss with your child what worries him, what he is afraid of and why he is nervous.

    When you have found the reason for the bad habit, decide with your child how to solve his problem; maybe you need to go talk to the teacher at school, or temporarily give up playing on the computer, or the child simply needs more of your attention.

    It is also quite difficult to wean yourself from the mechanical habit of biting your nails. You need to constantly remind your child not to put his hands to his mouth. Put it on him desk sheet of paper with a pen. If biting his nails helps him concentrate and think better, let him try drawing something. The main thing is that the child does not start biting the pen instead of nails.

    Get creative with your child more often. Make crafts with your own hands. This will also calm him down and help relieve stress. It is useful to buy a soft ball, a transforming cube, or just something pleasant to the touch for your child, so that he can touch and finger it to his heart’s content.

    Be sure to praise your child for neat and well-groomed hands. The girl can help beautiful manicure which will call positive emotions and the desire to keep the marigolds safe and sound. You can buy a boy every month small gifts for your efforts and success in the fight against a bad habit.

    If a child understands how ugly and bad it is to bite his nails, he may agree to cover them with a special bitter varnish or cream, which will constantly remind him of the need to remove his hands from his mouth.

    If the reason for your child’s habit of biting his nails is more complex and profound, contact a specialist. Don't think that it will go away on its own. For many people it persists into mature age, causing ridicule from others, disrespect at work and problems in your personal life. Therefore, start fighting it as early as possible.
