Striae (stretch marks) - how to get rid of them? How to remove stretch marks after childbirth, effective ways.

Stretch marks appear in many women during pregnancy and after childbirth. These ugly scars on the skin cause a lot of inconvenience and give rise to complexes in young mothers. Getting rid of them is very difficult; it is a long process that requires systematic procedures. How to get rid of stretch marks after pregnancy at home? Is this possible, or is it better to seek help from specialists?

The main causes of stretch marks

Striae appear on the skin as a result of the upper layers being torn due to the body’s weak production of collagen and elastin. The skin loses its ability to stretch and micro-tears form, which are filled with connective tissue of a different color. The main causes of stretch marks during pregnancy and after childbirth are identified:

  • Heredity is what determines the type of collagen that predominates in the skin
  • Lack of vitamins during pregnancy
  • Metabolism in the body
  • The complexion of the expectant mother
  • Condition of the skin and connective tissues
  • Lack of microelements that stimulate collagen production
  • The likelihood of stretch marks increases if a woman has gained more than 10 kg of weight during pregnancy.
  • Fruit size.

Fresh stretch marks are pink in color, but they lighten over time. The older they are, the more difficult it is to fight them. The most effective method is to prevent stretch marks or treat them at an early stage. It is impossible to remove old stretch marks on your own. Due to the characteristics of connective tissue, stretch marks do not tan in the sun, but remain white, so in the summer they become even more noticeable. After childbirth, stretch marks appear on the stomach and chest, less often on the hips.

Preventing the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen

Prevention should be started from the earliest stages of pregnancy. Only regular procedures can prevent this problem from occurring in the future. The main means of preventing stretch marks on the abdomen is a prenatal (and then postpartum) bandage. You should start wearing it from the twentieth week of pregnancy. The bandage is a very multifunctional thing; it will help maintain the correct position of the fetus, reduce the load on the spine, support the abdominal muscles and prevent the appearance of stretch marks. The bandage is worn only during the day; the stomach should rest at night. The bandage must be selected strictly according to the size (according to the volume of the abdomen), it should not put pressure or tighten. You need to put it on in a supine position, when the muscles are completely relaxed. After giving birth, you should wear compression garments or a belly band to help the skin tighten.

Another way to prevent the appearance of stretch marks is to use various cosmetics. As soon as the belly begins to round, you can begin to use ointments and creams that increase the elasticity of the skin fibers. You can use both home remedies and store-bought ones. The best help:

  • Herbal infusions, especially chamomile
  • Ointments and creams based on horse chestnut (Troxevasin)
  • Tea tree oil
  • Ointments and creams containing collagen, elastin, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, carotene.

Regular use of these products is an excellent prevention of the appearance of stretch marks. Even if there is a hereditary predisposition, such preventive measures will help reduce the number and size of stretch marks after childbirth.

Ways to get rid of stretch marks at home

Home care is necessary. It will help get rid of young stretch marks or be an excellent addition to salon treatments. Treatment of stretch marks at home should be systematic and long-term. How to remove stretch marks after pregnancy at home? We use:

  1. Wraps. You can easily do them yourself. Seaweed wraps help best against stretch marks. For them, you need to buy kelp at the pharmacy, soak it and apply it to areas of the skin with stretch marks. Then wrap with cling film for 40 minutes. Such cold wraps should be done 2-3 times a week. After them, you can apply an anti-stretch mark cream to the skin.
  2. Massage. It is best to massage with olive oil. Every time after a shower, you need to massage problem areas in a circular motion while applying oil.
  3. Cream for stretch marks. You can cook it yourself. To do this, you need to take 2 mummy tablets and dissolve them in a regular nourishing cream or lotion. You should not prepare this product in advance; it does not store well. The cream should be applied to the stretch mark area twice a day.
  4. Contrast shower and rubbing. To improve blood circulation, you need to take a contrast shower. You should start with smooth temperature changes, the duration of the shower at the beginning is 2-3 minutes. Then you can increase the time to 5-7 minutes. After such a shower, you need to rub your body with a hard towel.
  5. Scrub. A homemade scrub is very effective; it can be prepared using ground coffee and honey, salt, sugar and sour cream; ground oatmeal and honey are suitable for sensitive skin.

Moderate physical activity is also very beneficial. Swimming is the best way to get your figure back to normal after childbirth and get rid of stretch marks. You can start going to the pool a couple of months after giving birth. Swimming will help tone the skin and muscles, but will not put a lot of stress on a weakened body.

The fight against stretch marks is described in the video:

Salon treatments against stretch marks

Today, beauty salons and medical centers offer a wide range of services to combat stretch marks. How to remove stretch marks on the stomach after pregnancy in a salon? Will help:

  • Peelings
  • Mesotherapy
  • Surgical correction
  • Myostimulation.

Consider each of the methods:

  1. Peeling. It comes in several types: physical (usual peeling using small particles that mechanically remove dead skin cells), chemical (using special compounds that act on the inner layers of the skin) and laser, which best fights stretch marks.
  2. Mesotherapy. This method is based on the introduction under the skin of a special cocktail of vitamins that act on problems from the inside. Mesotherapy is successfully used in the fight against cellulite, wrinkles and stretch marks. In the latter case, an injection of elastin, collagen, amino acids and vitamins is injected under the skin. The full course consists of 10 procedures. Mesotherapy is best performed after several peeling sessions, when the skin is as clean as possible and prepared for further procedures. Photos of the results of mesotherapy and other procedures clearly demonstrate their effectiveness.
  3. Surgery is rarely required and is reserved for very old, large stretch marks. In this case, the stretch mark area is simply cut out and the incision is sutured. Recovery from this method is long and painful; it also requires additional procedures in the form of peelings or mesotherapy.
  4. Myostimulation involves the effect of current on problem areas of the skin. This way you can improve skin tone, give it elasticity, and improve blood circulation.

If stretch marks appeared after your first pregnancy, most likely they will appear after the next ones. Therefore, you should not carry out global and expensive procedures if you plan to give birth again in the near future. It is better to pay more attention to prevention.

Striae - how to get rid of them?

Striae, or stretch marks on the body are skin lesions. They come in three types: shallow thin white stripes, small pale pink scars, and large longitudinal burgundy-blue scars that lighten over time.

Why do stretch marks appear?

For the appearance of stretch marks, or striae, simply mechanical stretching of the skin is not enough. They themselves are the result of the healing of micro-tears in collagen and elastin fibers. These tears occur either as a result of poor skin elasticity or due to impaired tissue repair processes. In thin skin, internal tears may occur and are replaced by connective tissue. Essentially, it is scar tissue.

Striae appear in the form of atrophic scars on the chest, abdomen, thighs and buttocks. They occur during puberty, pregnancy and rapid weight gain. Sometimes stretch marks are not at all evidence of previous pregnancy. Striae can occur in both adolescents and athletes with a sudden change in body weight. Stretch marks can also arise from individual predisposition and from a hereditary tendency to be overweight, when the same scars are on the body of a mother, aunt or older sister. Striae can be a consequence of taking hormonal drugs for endocrine diseases.

The appearance of stretch marks is a problem, as it indicates changes affecting all layers of the skin. Also, stretch marks can cause distress precisely in cosmetological terms - since there is no melanin in the connective tissue, and when tanning, the stretch marks remain white and are more noticeable against the background of tanned skin.

Stretch marks themselves are not dangerous. However, it is necessary to understand the reasons for their appearance. If stretch marks do not form due to pregnancy, and their appearance is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, changes in body weight, or the appearance of hair on the chest, face, or back, you should definitely see a doctor.

Causes of stretch marks

The adrenal glands are to blame for everything; it is the increase in the activity of their hormones (glucocorticoids) that leads to the formation of stretch marks.

Excess hormones cause stretch marks due to inhibition of fibroblast activity, which leads to loss of collagen and connective tissue. This causes thinning of the skin, which along with erythrocytosis (increased number of red blood cells) causes stretch marks to appear purple (sometimes). Then the stretch marks become thinner and thinner every day, pale pink, lavender, and gradually become completely discolored.

Excess hormones can occur in adolescence (sharp weight gain). With tumors of the adrenal glands, hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex with excessive formation of glucocorticoids can also develop (this is the so-called primary hypercortisolism). Stretch marks may appear after childbirth, due to taking hormonal contraceptives, the onset of menopause, etc.

Preventing stretch marks during pregnancy

It is advisable to start it early, long before the planned pregnancy. You can take a vacuum massage course in the salon. A general hygienic massage using natural vegetable oils is also effective. They strengthen the skin and are able to create a large margin of safety in it.

Seaweed and mud wraps will also help saturate the skin with scarce components. They supply skin cells with essential amino acids, as well as vitamins and microelements.

And with the onset of pregnancy, self-massage is very effective. It's easy to do. After a cool shower, dry your skin with a soft terry towel. Then use your index finger and thumb to gently pinch your belly in a clockwise direction, centimeter by centimeter, until the skin turns red.

This massage helps stimulate blood circulation in problem areas and thereby protects against the occurrence of stretch marks. It is also important to wear special supportive underwear for pregnant women. It partially protects the skin from excessive stretching.

Stretch marks after pregnancy

Stretch marks after pregnancy are tears in the skin on the abdomen, thighs and chest due to sudden weight fluctuations and hormonal changes during this period, causing thinning and loss of elasticity of the skin. As a result, the resulting tears are replaced by connective tissue. At first, stretch marks after pregnancy are red because they contain blood vessels, and then they turn white. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks after pregnancy, you need to use special creams for pregnant women and wear a bandage.

And the sooner treatment for stretch marks after pregnancy is started, the better results can be expected. You can also try treating completely new stretch marks with special creams containing absorbable substances and substances that increase skin elasticity (collagen, vitamins, plant extracts, etc.). You just need to use them for a long time.

Reduce stretch marks after pregnancy and strengthen the skin with essential oils (lavender, geranium, tangerine, patchouli, mint, cloves), diluted in olive oil (in the ratio of 4 drops of essential oil to 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil). The oil is rubbed into the area of ​​stretch marks, performing a light massage until the result is achieved - improved relief and skin color.

The following recipe will help make stretch marks after pregnancy less noticeable - mix half a glass of aloe juice, half a glass of olive oil, add 10 drops of vitamin E and 5 drops of vitamin A, pour into a dark glass jar and store in the refrigerator. The mixture is applied to the skin 2 times a day, morning and evening, without rinsing off.

But professional help offered by beauty salons is more promising, including surgical abdominoplasty, when overstretched skin along with stretch marks after pregnancy are eliminated. Of course, the smaller the area and depth of damage, and the better the initial condition of the skin, the more effective the use of cosmetic procedures will be.

Removal (treatment) of stretch marks

Treatment of skin stretch marks is a rather difficult task, since these are very persistent changes.

Treatment of fresh and old skin stretch marks has its own differences.

Fresh skin stretch marks have a pink or purple color, since the connective tissue filling them contains blood vessels, the number of which decreases over time, which is why skin stretch marks acquire a persistent white color that does not tan due to the lack of pigment.

Only fresh stretch marks that appeared no more than a year ago can be corrected. They can be made less noticeable or even completely eliminated using many modern methods. But it is almost impossible to eliminate old stretch marks without surgical intervention. You can, however, make them less noticeable.

In general, treating stretch marks is a long process that requires a lot of patience. Usually this is a course in which several methods are combined and alternated depending on the “age” and depth of the stretch marks. These are massages with special creams and cosmetic cocktails, special wraps, various peelings, mesotherapy, hardware techniques and, finally, surgery.

Small and fresh stretch marks are effectively removed manual (algae) and roller-vacuum massage in beauty salons. Massage can be performed as early as 6 weeks after birth.

Also, in the first stages, good results can be obtained mud and seaweed wraps . The purpose of this and similar procedures is to increase skin tone so that torn areas of skin heal with the formation of less noticeable scars. The course of treatment consists of 6-12 procedures.

Also, special wraps have a good effect, where, after a fairly strong peeling, ampoules with collagen or elastin are applied, then a plasticizing mask and a cream that soothes the skin.

There are also creams specially created against skin stretch marks. They contain nutrients, silicone, natural elastin and collagen, as well as components that soften the scar tissue of skin stretch marks, and retinoids that smooth out skin irregularities. They can be used for prevention at home, as well as during massage.

For very fresh and small skin stretch marks: ultrasound therapy . Ultrasound produces micromassage of the skin and subcutaneous fat, which improves metabolic processes and gives a lifting effect.

Ozone therapy also helps reduce skin stretch marks - for this purpose, subcutaneous injections of an oxygen-ozone mixture are performed in the problem area. The number of sessions is from 8 to 20, frequency is 1 time per week.

If the problem is long-standing, in many cases it is not possible to completely remove skin stretch marks, but it is possible to reduce them, making them less noticeable. To combat old skin stretch marks, procedures such as chemical peeling and laser resurfacing.

In a chemical peel, acids (alpha hydroxy acids, phenolic acids, or trichloroacetic acids) are applied to the skin, causing the deep layers of the epidermis to burn. At the same time, collagen synthesis is stimulated. This is a serious and painful intervention that requires great skill and restorative treatment.

Laser resurfacing removes the surface layers of the skin with a laser beam, which creates a smoothing effect - the contrast between the skin in the stretch mark area and neighboring areas is significantly reduced. Exposure to a laser beam triggers regenerative processes in the skin, making it smoother. The procedure lasts about an hour and also requires further healing treatment, since immediately after laser resurfacing the skin appears swollen and red. You will have to abstain from tanning for about 3 months, so it is better to do the procedure in autumn or winter.

In addition, it is used to treat skin stretch marks. mesotherapy, a course of 7-10 procedures with an almost weekly interval. A therapeutic cocktail of vitamins, extracts and nutrients, introduced into the skin through multiple microinjections, stimulates metabolic processes in the connective tissues in the area of ​​stretch marks, leading to partial or complete resorption of skin stretch marks.

An interesting way to solve the problem of stretch marks after pregnancy is offered by gold reinforcement - a procedure that improves the structure of the skin in any area where there are stretch marks - chest, abdomen, thighs, buttocks.

Electromyostimulation of the body - this is the effect on the skin and muscles of a pulsed current. Its effect leads to contraction of muscle fibers, dilation of blood vessels, which activates blood circulation and improves the outflow of fluid from the intercellular space. This restores elasticity to the muscles and increases skin turgor, eliminating stretch marks after pregnancy.

Good luck, dear ladies! Always be beautiful!

The problem of stretch marks occurs in almost every woman, especially after childbirth. At first, stretch marks do not cause discomfort - the young mother is completely absorbed in the newborn, but several months pass and the new parent pays more and more attention to her appearance (especially if the beach season is just around the corner). This article will tell you how to remove stretch marks after childbirth on the stomach and other problem areas.

First of all, it should be noted that remedies for stretch marks are not as effective as preventive measures before childbirth (they are used during pregnancy: cosmetic creams, bandages; or even long before planning it: physical exercise). But they will also be productive if you start acting almost immediately after the baby is born.

When choosing a method for treating stretch marks after childbirth and during lactation, a woman needs to be extremely careful (many drugs are contraindicated during this period; before using them, you should consult a doctor).

In the unequal struggle for beauty, you can use several options for influencing problem areas:

  1. External influence.
  2. Massage.
  3. Salon procedures.
  4. Surgical intervention.

External exposure

A stretch is essentially a tear (wound), which is repaired over time by connective tissue. So far this has not happened (striae have a red-violet tint). During this period, external agents are quite effective. If the stretch marks turn white, you need to choose more effective procedures. Purchased or self-made medications must be used for at least 3 months to begin to notice results.

Cosmetics for getting rid of stretch marks

The most affordable remedies for stretch marks are cosmetics. They can be found in huge quantities in stores or on online platforms: creams, lotions, milks, gels. Prices vary significantly; for a jar of a miracle cure you can pay from several hundred to several thousand rubles. All of them are designed to improve skin elasticity, stimulate the production of elastin and collagen, and promote its regeneration.

By and large, their true purpose is prevention. But with timely use, sufficient reserves of your own body and regular use, you can achieve significant results: stretch marks will become shorter, narrower and less noticeable. However, no manufacturer gives a guarantee of their complete elimination.

Cosmetics with a special composition can make postpartum stretch marks less noticeable and remove them. The ingredients must include:

  • Vitamin A (). The substance promotes skin regeneration and healing. By stimulating the production of protein structures in the deep layers, the body's own collagen and elastin are restored, which makes the skin elastic and improves its overall appearance.
  • Vitamin C, E, . The triad of substances acts in a complex manner and together stimulate the production of your own collagen.
  • Vegetable oils (cocoa butter, almond oil and others). They also affect the mechanisms of collagen production. In addition, they restore the water-fat balance in all layers of the skin and promote wound healing.
  • Plant extracts (in particular onion extract). Plant extracts are rich in antioxidants and flavonoids, which act as anti-inflammatory and healing agents.

Folk recipes

Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth using traditional methods? They act similarly to cosmetics - they reduce stretch marks and make them less noticeable. The main thing is to choose the right ingredients; most recipes contain vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, castor oil) and extracts from plant parts, vitamins A and E, flavonoids and antioxidants.

It takes some time to prepare home remedies, but you will know exactly what the mixture is made of and will individually select the composition according to your preferences.


There are 2 possible use cases:

  1. Place the tablet in water and wait until it completely dissolves. Rub the resulting solution into problem areas.
  2. Prepare the cream: dissolve the tablet in a teaspoon of water and add to 50 ml of regular baby cream (or another, at your discretion). Store the composition in the refrigerator in a sealed container, apply to stretch marks and the area around them once every day.

Homemade scrub

You can remove stretch marks after childbirth at home using scrubs. They are prepared on the basis of sugar, salt, coffee with the addition of oils (olive, sunflower), sour cream and honey or soap solutions (shower gel). Additionally, you can include apple cider vinegar and aromatic oils in the recipe. If desired, you can prepare two-component (coffee grounds and sour cream; salt and honey) compositions or multi-component mixtures.

The composition is rubbed into the skin for about 10-15 minutes (until redness), then washed off with cool water, and after drying, apply baby cream (you can use store-bought cosmetic creams for stretch marks or cream with mumiyo from the previous recipe). The scrub exfoliates dead cells, stimulates blood circulation and tissue regeneration.

Grape juice

It is quite simple to use: you need to lubricate problem areas with juice. It is better to prepare the juice yourself; you can store it in the refrigerator for some time.

Hot compress made from vegetable oil

Heat vegetable oil (preferably castor) in a container to the maximum tolerable temperature, lubricate problem areas, and wrap in cling film. Wash off after 15-20 minutes. You can add fresh aloe juice to the oil.

You can supplement the recipe with preliminary preparation: mix 10 ml of olive oil at room temperature with 2 ml of vitamin E and 1 ml of vitamin A. Apply the composition to stretch marks, and after half an hour make a hot compress.

Paraffin wraps

Mix olive oil with a few drops of castor and essential oils (ylang-ylang, rose, palm), apply to the skin. Melt the paraffin (can be done in a microwave or in a water bath), moisten a piece of gauze in hot liquid, fold it in several layers and cover the problem area, secure on top with a plastic bag or cling film. It is advisable to insulate yourself with a woolen scarf or belt. After cooling, remove paraffin.

1. One month after giving birth
2. 7 months of home care according to the program below

Complex impact

The complex of home procedures consists of several stages:

  1. Prepare a mixture of bodyaga powder and hydrogen peroxide (to the consistency of sour cream). Rub the resulting pulp intensively onto the problem areas (the procedure is quite painful), and rinse without using soap with a stream of water.
  2. Lubricate the treated area with panthenol ointment for burns, it will slightly relieve redness and stimulate regeneration.
  3. Make a compress at night. Mix an ampoule of lidase and a teaspoon of water, moisten a piece of gauze and apply to the stretch marks. Wrap the top with cling film and wrap yourself in a warm scarf.
  4. Then apply panthenol-containing cream every day. After about 4 days the skin will peel off.
  5. Apply the scrub: mix coffee grounds with liquid soap (you can use honey) and rub (the skin is delicate, so do not overdo it).
  6. After rinsing, lubricate the skin with cream with the addition of mumiyo.
  7. Repeat points 5 and 6 throughout the month as often as possible (every other day). After healing, the scrub can be applied more intensively.

Bodyagu can be used no more than once a month. Removing stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth (as well as on the thighs and buttocks) is a long process that requires a lot of patience and endurance.


It is absolutely not necessary to go to a specialized office; stretch marks formed after childbirth can be reduced at home; you need to know a few nuances:

  1. The abdominal area should be massaged clockwise.
  2. The waist area must be affected by movements from bottom to top.
  3. The thigh area is massaged from bottom to top from the knee.
  4. The buttocks also need to be worked from the bottom up.

Such movements promote lymph and blood flow, which improves nutrition of problem areas and promotes tissue regeneration.

To achieve the best effect, you can perform a water massage: all you need is to direct the shower stream in the desired direction. Aromatic oils enhance the effect:

  • Rosemary.
  • Citrus fruits (lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit).
  • Nuts (almonds, hazels).
  • Wheat sprouts.

They are applied during a regular massage or after rubbing the skin with a towel at the end of water procedures.

If a woman prefers to trust professionals, then a salon can come to the rescue. The procedure is quite painful, but as a reward, the young mother will receive increased blood circulation and activation of regeneration processes not only in the upper, but also in the deeper inner layers of the skin. As a result, the appearance of cellulite will also decrease.

Salon treatments

Modern beauty salons offer a wide range of procedures designed to rid the fair sex of cosmetic defects, including stretch marks after childbirth.


Cosmetologists offer cold or hot wraps; the following can be used as active ingredients:

  • Chocolate.
  • Essential oils.
  • Extracts and extracts from medicinal plants, etc.

The composition is selected individually. To achieve the effect, you must complete a course, which consists of 7-10 sessions.


There are 2 variations of this procedure. The first is carried out by injection, the second by external application. The active component is serum, which has a complex composition (vitamins, biological stimulants, stem cells, medicinal substances, etc.). With this, the best effect is achieved, but the procedure is painful and not every woman will decide to take such a step. Therefore, most clients choose external application followed by exposure. In this case, it takes longer for the composition to be absorbed into the skin, and the result will have to wait a little.

Ozone-oxygen injections

The injections are quite painful, but an oxygen or ozone cocktail triggers regeneration mechanisms and promotes the production of collagen and elastin. The tissue gap is filled with new healthy cells and the stretch marks become less noticeable.

Stretch marks are also called by another term - striae. This is a cosmetic defect on the skin, which appears in the form of small stripes that resemble scars.

If they are present, women always ask the burning and pressing question: will stretch marks on the stomach, chest and other places go away?

The main factors causing stretch marks on the skin

Their appearance in many representatives of the fair sex depends on several factors.

  1. Metabolism.
  2. Condition of the body.
  3. Woman's build.
  4. The condition of the skin, as well as its connective tissues.
  5. Skin damage and loss of elasticity during pregnancy.
  6. Size of the fruit.

In most cases, the skin becomes covered with striae in the chest and abdomen. In the hip area, stretch marks occur much less frequently.


Preventing the appearance of stretch marks on the skin should be done more than once. Hard work and self-control are required to achieve the desired result. It needs to start long before a possible defect appears.

The best preventative– wearing a prenatal bandage starting from pregnancy.

Besides, it is able to provide effective support to the abdominal wall and help avoid stretch marks.

To achieve the desired result, the bandage should be wear correctly: wear during the day and take off at night, as it is made of synthetic materials that can have a negative effect on the fetus with prolonged contact with a woman’s skin.

It must be sized, which is determined by the volume of the abdomen. Under no circumstances should a prenatal bandage put pressure on or tighten the abdomen.

Not only to put it on, but also to take it off necessary only in a supine position. At the same time, the muscles of the thighs and abdomen are in a relaxed state. Then it is much easier to fix them in the required position.

Specific prevention includes the use of special cosmetics and. The use of these products in combination with massage and SPA procedures allows you to restore lost elasticity of the skin and prevent the occurrence of microtraumas.

How to get rid of it?

Placing all hopes solely on Mother Nature is simply pointless. If stretch marks remain after childbirth, you should not be particularly upset about this.

Indeed, today there are many different methods that can effectively help in the fight against this problem.

  1. Two weeks after giving birth, start wearing girdle panties all day long, taking them off only before bed.
  2. After twenty days and up to six weeks, since you won't need it any longer, wear it throughout the day after giving birth. Just don't forget to take it off at night.
  3. Exercise to strengthen your thigh and abdominal muscles. After all, they will greatly strengthen your skin.
  4. Use, which will help restore firmness and elasticity to the skin. It can be superficial and deep.

    You can easily cope with a superficial massage, which includes stroking, pinching, and rubbing on your own.

    But it is advisable to entrust a deep massage using kneading movements to a professional massage therapist.

    When performed correctly, blood circulation in damaged tissues is accelerated, allowing the skin to receive large amounts of oxygen, healing and nutrients.

  5. Sign up, as swimming also helps return the skin and muscles to their previous state.
  6. Wrapping procedures with seaweed and vegetable oils, which can be successfully carried out at home, are effective in treating stretch marks.
  7. Remedies for stretch marks after childbirth (creams, ointments). Use creams, masks, scrubs, balms that stimulate regeneration processes in skin tissues. They will prevent the appearance of new ones and help heal existing stretch marks.

If, after taking all these measures, stretch marks have not disappeared, the only way to get rid of them after childbirth is to use cosmetic procedures.

Cosmetics to the rescue!

There are several effective cosmetic methods for removing stretch marks after childbirth.

  1. Use of at least five or even ten sessions of skin micro-resurfacing. The number of sessions depends on the size and depth of stretch marks on the skin.
  2. Therapeutic methods: oxygen injection, fractional laser, biorhythms, lymphatic drainage.
  3. Ozone and mesotherapy good for particularly noticeable stretch marks. Ozone or medicinal substances are injected through a needle directly into the stretch marks, which can affect the deeper layers of the skin.

    Chemical peeling used in the treatment of rough and old stretch marks. Under the influence of a special chemical, the top layer of skin along with scar tissue is removed, stretch marks become smaller, and a new layer of skin is built up without defects.

    Photopigmentation– exposure of the skin to light radiation, thereby stimulating the production of collagen in it. All these procedures are carried out in at least ten sessions.

  4. Getting rid of stretch marks through surgery. But this is the most coordinate method among all the above methods.
  5. However, such treatment will require a lot of effort, time, money, and patience from you. For this reason take timely care to prevent the formation of stretch marks.

For every woman, the months of pregnancy and the birth of a baby are great joy and extraordinary happiness, although for many it is also a period of testing: swelling, extra pounds, age spots and stretch marks on the body after childbirth.

Striae are not the biggest fear, but for a young mother it can be a negative psychological impact.

Therefore, sometimes the question of how to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth is very pressing.

Stretch marks after childbirth. The reasons for their occurrence

Many are sure that stretch marks on a beautiful lady’s tummy occur solely due to its increase in size during pregnancy: the skin simply could not withstand the sudden stretching. In reality, things are not quite like that. That is why, before getting rid of stretch marks (stretch marks), you need to understand why they occur.

It turns out that these hated stretch marks appear not only during the wonderful period of waiting for a baby, but also due to certain hormonal disorders, as a result of very rapid weight gain, and then very rapid weight loss.

Striae can develop on the female body during puberty or sudden and excessive physical exertion. Ordinary heredity also plays a huge role in the appearance of stretch marks.

If there are hormonal imbalances or serious stretching occurs (pregnancy or obesity), the skin will quickly become thinner and lose its elasticity. This will gradually lead to internal tears. The areas of the tears will heal with connective tissue, turning pink or purple. Later, these places will lighten, the color will already be white, which still will not add beauty to the woman. Even after being on the beach, having received a portion of the sun's heat, the stretch marks will remain white and will be quite noticeable.

Stretch marks after childbirth: how to prevent them?

Before examining the problems of getting rid of stretch marks after childbirth, you need to think about how you can avoid them. Since we have identified the main reason for the appearance of these unesthetic stripes, it becomes clear that it is impossible to completely influence it. But not everything is as scary and hopeless as it might seem at first glance. It is still possible to reduce them a little or try to prevent their occurrence. You just need to take certain measures that will provide real help in strengthening weak skin and increasing its elasticity.

But you should start before the planned pregnancy, especially if relatives also have this problem. After giving birth, proper nutrition will help you cope with stretch marks. This is what should be quite balanced and rich in vitamins. Be sure to include cottage cheese, sour berries and fruits, fatty fish, nuts, citrus fruits and pomegranates in your diet.

An excellent help during preparation for pregnancy, in order to try to avoid stretch marks after childbirth, will be a set of physical exercises.

The muscle tone will increase, and the skin will become stronger from regular morning exercises, swimming, daily jogging, and strengthening the abs. You can even consult a fitness trainer who will develop a series of exercises individually. But during pregnancy, you can start doing gymnastics only after everything has been discussed with your doctor. Another good way to prevent stretch marks after childbirth is the following, very simple:

During pregnancy, the expectant mother can purchase various products for stretch marks, which are produced specifically for women in an interesting position. These are all kinds of oils, creams, lotions. Separately, you can find special remedies for stretch marks on the stomach and stretch marks on the chest. It should be used twice a day - morning and evening.

If there is no opportunity or desire to buy remedies for stretch marks, you can use the so-called “grandmother’s” recipe - olive oil, because it is known that it has truly miraculous properties and the skin will receive the necessary nutrients and vitamins. The oil will help the skin to stretch gradually, the epithelium will not be damaged.

Getting rid of stretch marks after childbirth using a mixture of oils and mumiyo Every woman needs to remember: The sooner she begins to fight stretch marks that arose after childbirth, the greater the opportunity to defeat them.

In the first days and weeks after birth, it is quite possible to continue to use the same creams, lotions and oils that you used during pregnancy. You can take a contrast shower and have a massage. Moderate physical activity and abdominal exercises will be useful (if there are no contraindications). By the way, massage can be done at home, it’s not difficult. A handmade mixture of wheat germ, orange, hazelnut and rosemary oils will show good results; all components are taken in equal proportions.

On the hips you need to make active massage movements from the knee to the stomach up and down; on the chest and stomach - circular movements. Thanks to this mixture, the skin will become more elastic and toned, and stretch marks will decrease.

Shilajit can be called a strong and powerful remedy for the treatment of stretch marks. A cream with the addition of mumiyo can be very effective, especially if it is combined with tingling during a massage. And preparing the cream at home is not difficult. You need to take 3-4 grams of mumiyo and dissolve it in a spoon of water. Then add this mixture to any stretch mark cream or even baby cream. It is enough to apply this homemade cream once a day, making pinching massage movements until the skin changes color to red.

Stretch marks after childbirth. Removing stretch marks with scrubs, lotions and ice

Traditional medicine always takes as its basis the many years of experience of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, who were well versed in herbs and roots. All medicines made according to her recipes contain only natural ingredients. This is their main advantage. Using folk methods you can get rid of stretch marks just as effectively as using professional methods. The only drawback is that it will take a lot of time and you need to use a set of recipes.

A scrub for stretch marks will be useful. With its help, you can, if 100%, significantly get rid of stretch marks after childbirth. It should be used in the area of ​​the abdomen and hips, but not the chest. It’s simple to prepare: take equal portions of sea salt, ground coffee, sour cream or the same olive oil and add 5 drops of lemon or orange oil. This aromatic mixture should be used in the shower, applied to steamed skin in a circular motion until it turns red, two to three times a week.

Another useful folk recipe would be this: After taking a bath or shower, rub into the steamed skin a mixture of 1 teaspoon of wheat germ oil and three drops of oils - one drop each of lavender, wheat germ and neroli oil. Thanks to this product, even long-standing white stretch marks can be significantly reduced.

Trying to remove stretch marks using a lotion that contains aloe will be quite effective. To prepare this remedy, you need to combine half a glass of aloe juice, olive oil, 6 drops of vitamin A and 10 drops of vitamin E. Mix everything thoroughly. This lotion can be applied to stretch marks almost immediately after childbirth - twice a day - morning and evening. Store it in the refrigerator and warm it up a little just before use.

An excellent remedy for stretch marks in the chest area is ice rubbing. To make this ice, you need to use salt water. The preparation is as follows: dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt in a glass of hot water. Pour this solution into molds and store in the refrigerator. To get your breasts in order, wipe them with frozen salt water twice a day. Ice salt will activate regeneration processes in the deep layers of the skin, which will cause blood to flow. It will only take a couple of months and the breasts will be in perfect order - toned and without scars.

While going through all these procedures, you need to remember one important point: The problem of stretch marks can be solved faster and more effectively only with an integrated approach. The skin needs to be protected both outside and inside. It is better to include a balanced diet and physical activity in your daily routine. Taking vitamins together with proper food intake will provide the body with the active substances that damaged skin needs to restore it.
